The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 08, 1896, Image 1

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    'v ; ... V ,
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New an
And they'll be much worn during
the early Spring
Dress Skirts
Have come to stay for a season at
least, and as usual, we're just a
little ahead of the procession, and
Dhow now what others will ask you
to look at a little later on. Consult
any authority on current fashion,
and they'll toll you that the Spring
and Summer of '06 will be the great
est separate Skirt and Waist sea
Bon on record. Where one was sold
last year three will he sold tMs
No, no. It Isn't a bit too early for
buying. These skirts are Just the
right weight for the cold weather
of early Spring; In fact, we had
them made up especially for pres
( ent wear, believing that many of
our lady patrons will welcome them
as timely and appropriate flrst-of-the-season
Their Cost
Is Moderate
All of these Skirts are from Ave to
six yards wide. They are lined
throughout and finished In the best
possible manner. The higher grades
have the new and popular 'Itustle"
Linings so much In demand, and
will be found worthy the attention
of the very best trade.
Fancy Mohair Skirts $1.49
Figured Crepon Skirts 2.60
Wide Wale Dlagonul Skirts. ...... 3.75
New Mohair Skirts....! 5.00
Tufted Cheviot Skirts fi.oo
Tufted Cheviot Skirts, extra heavy. S6.S0
Silk and Mohair Skirts (feather
weight) J8.C0
Finest Xew Crepon Skirts..... $9.50
Novelties In figure and stripe effects.
These give but a hint at what to ex
pect, but there's tots more to select
Of Course
We've cot the Waists as well
O'.L 0 B E
House Becomes Agitated Over Re'
marks of i Fiery Southerner.
Business of the Session at a Standstill
on Account of a Speech-Mr. Fry
Chosen President Pro Tem
pore of the Senate.
Washington, Feb. 7. The ' charge
upon the floor or the house today that
words Ulterea oy a memuer were ireii
sonable and seditious and in violation
of his oath, precipitated the most ex
citing and turbulent scene witnessed
l Viu hall ulnrk ih aaHv rinv'a. nf the
Fifty-first congress. Mr. Talbert,- the
Impulsive representative from Houtn
Carolina, arising to a question or per
urtncl nclviiuo. rnfftriwd tn the miriln
terpretatlon, If not misrepresentation
111 tne press, or wnat ne sum m ruuen
duy night In response to the criticism
by the gentleman from North Carolina
(Mr. Pearson) upon the action of South
Carolina at tne outureuK or me war.
He reiterated what he then said, to the
effect that he btileved secession to be
right and under the same conditions'
would do as he hail Hone. He wu
culled to order by Mr. Barrett, (Rep
k m h.i aalroil tlllll his WOrdS ll
uk..i '.in,, ,, viu j,rt..v.r1 a resolution
denouncing the words as seditious and
treasonable and in violation of the
oath taken by Mr. Talbert at me ue
..r hi .winirt'eH Much ex
cltement prevailed until the matter
was finally disposed or, tne aisoruer
at times being so greac as to preciuuc
the transaction or oumiirai'.
m...... i,r.iii.ti..iani AA not smirov
1 , c - - - ----- . .
Mr. Huriett's course, not deeming the
matter of sufficient iniporiance to war
runt his ui-tion, but others warmly
supported nun, una one memoir or
dered that Mr. Talbert ought to be ex
....n...i i 'Tnii.Ai.r wan nennltted af
ter a time to explain. He said he hud
.... 1.1. . ik.l Ihn ..nlwlltlonil nf 1861 COUld
ever recur and he was glad of it. lie
hud no Idea or engaging in a vioiunuu
of the thlrteentn amendment, mi
u. ....., .roc Mr Tulhert the oriDor
tunlty and asked him to specifically
declaim any secession sentiment anu
a.,l.,i,la I., thd hnliae. In event of com-
pllance, Mr. Barrett to withdraw the
resolution. Hut Air. uaiDeri. ueciimru
to say anything further.
m. T,nin man Pa moved to re-
fer tlie whole subject to the committee
4,,.u..iau an ihiM was aereed to
yeas 200; nays 71 with this disposition
of the matter, tne exciting ejiw.u
Just before the house took a recess
nt the cluse of the afternoon session
Mr. Pearson (Hep.. X. C.) who had not
been present when Mr. Talbert made
his stutement entered a disclaimer of
the sentiment Imputed to mm. air
m..ii.AMt ani'inir Via funk! not have de
i.iu iiiama at the course of North
Carolina In the war, for that would be
treason by his own state to nis own
t.i 1 11.. ..lo.,,,.) that Vnilherll Re-
UIUUU. 1 ' " "
. ..l.ll..a nurmlt Mnllthel-n KtUUbll
UUUIIV lir, Hv ......
vans to deal in their own way with
their neighboring states pminhHig tlie
best and most satisfactory, results from
that policy. Mr. Talbert accepted the
disclaimer, ami tne inciaeni win uiuu
ably not again be heard ff.
n, l. ......... ., .1 u r,t I Vim MMtafnn WAS de-
voted to the further consideration of
the bond silver coinage bill. There
was an hour and a half of debate be
fore today's legislative session began.
the house meeting at ocmcn.
Messrs. Newlands (Silver. Colo.)
Hartman (Hep.. Mont. ).Wllliams (Dem.,
n ( t.... Vl,.,l..,.,.lr ifim tvAUHflHl atld
Howers (Kep., Cal.), spoke in favor of
free coinage: ana Messrs. -lucner
(Dem.. Va.). Wulker (Itep.. Mass.) and
i..aMu...i ifkim. Taiiii.) acalnst It.
At fi.15 o'clock the house took a recess
until 8 ool.Kk. with the understanding
that further continuation of the day's
session be held at 10.30 tomorrow morn
ing, the silver debate to be the only
Mr. I'rye president PioTem.
Today's seslon of the senate present
ed some Interesting features. The of
ficiating clergyman (not Mr. Milbuin,
the blind chaplain, but a substitute,
t umrh T.wihnumn. of Washlnctonl
in the opening prayer expressed thanks
for "the confidence of the people In the
financial strength of the nation." A
president pro tempore of the senate
was chosen witnout dissent in me per
son of Senator Frye, of Maine, and the
Duhols resolution to distribute the ap
propriation bills among several com
mittees vas practically defeated by be
in referred to the committee on rules,
with the instructions to report it back
on the first Monday In December next.
Tl. n .t.,i.ititU tr tew lhf flf,'f trill ftf
president pro tern, was furnished by the
absence or tne vice president, wno sent
a note to the secretary of the senate
stating his Inability to preside over
the senate today.
The presld- tit has signed the bill pro
hibiting nrize fighting In the lerltories
and District of Columbia.
Nominations .Made at the Republican
Concns Yesterdar.
Washington, Feb. '.The Republican
senatorial caucus this afternoon, after
a deba? of an hour and half, settled
the question of the reorganization of
the elective officers of the senate by
the nomination of a full ticket. A. J.
Shaw, of Washington, was nominated
to be secretary of the senate; Major
H. L. Grant, of North Carolina, to be
sergeant-at-arms; Alonzo Stewart, of
Iowa, to be acting assistant doorkeep
er, and Rev. Mr. Milburn. the blind
chaplain, to succeed himself. Alonzo
Stewart, the present chief of the pages,
was nominated by acclamation for the
position of acting doorkeeper, the place
so long tilled by the late venerable
Isaac Hassett. Mr. Stewart has grown
up in the senate from boyhood and Is
thoroughly conversant wun tne de
tails of the office, which he has often
filled temporarily. No action was tak
en on the question as to when these of
ficers shall be elected in the senate,
that matter having been left to the
chairman of the caucus, who will call
It up at an opportune time.
The secretary of the senate nominat
ed today Is a young man and said to
be in every way fitted for the duties
of the office. He Is a man of pleasing
address, . well educated and cultured,
and a good elocutionist. He was for a
time postmaster at Spokane. Wash.
Major Grant 1st an old Union soldier,
who went to North Carolina shortly
after the war. He Is a native of Con
necticut. '
Asks for aa Order to Keep Them Away
V from Ills Store.
Omaha. Feb. 7. C. B. Raymond, a
jeweler, secured a restraining order In
Judge Powell's court today against
Marie Wilson, Ruby Wilson and Mrs.
Wilson to prevent their entering his
store or even loitering upon the side
walk near It. The hearing Is set for
next Saturday.
The plaintiff charges that for the
past three week the three women have
frequented his place of business, "not 1
for the purpose of buying goods there
exposed for sale, but for the purpose
of annoying his employes and threat
ening them. Insulting them and circu
lating false und scandalous stories
about said employes and plaintiff's
business ' and hindering, preventing
and persuading customers from pur
chasing goods. It is- also alleged that
the women have frequently come to
the doors and windows of the store
and have mocked, shouted at and an
noyed the plaintiff and his assistants
and have made themselves offensive
by word and Ueed.
The Business Sltaatioa Is Altered for the
Better by the Confidence of the People
in American Securities.
New York. Feb. 7. R. CJ. Dun ft
Co. 's review will ray tomorrow: Fail
ures for the week Have been 323 in the
United States against 281 last year, and
93 In Canada against 68 last year. The
wonderful success of the popular loan
alters the face of events. January
operations become ancient history as
the nation mounts above all doubts
and fears to a solid certainty that the
people can arid will uphold their gov
ernment. The inlluence of this event
upon all mnnufuctuilng, all trade can
not be lightly estimated. It put the
treasury upon a safe basis for the time,
whether congress does anything or not.
It notifies foreign nations that the
United Stutos have power as well us
purpose. It unlocks millions of gold
which has been gathered In prepara
tion, brings directly several millions
of gold from Kurope and stimulates the
anxiety of forengn investors to ob
tain American securities With such a
revolution in business suddenly effect
ed, the customary records of the past
week and month are of less value tluin
usual. ISut there have been signs of
Improvement in the Iron manufacture.
Although the averages of prices Is
nearly I per cent, lower this week,
and orders for wire nails are stimu
lated by a decision to advance the
price again March 1. There is also a
more active demand for ulutes and
sheets. Speculation has ruised copper
to 10'4 cents with sales of six million
pounds, and tin to 13 cents and lead
to 3.10 cents with large exports of
Mexican. The bout and shoe manu
facture does nut gain as yet, leather
being about 1 per cent, lower for the
week. Sales of wool have been four
and a half million pounds against 5,
192,0(10 last year, and with reported re
duction In clay worsteds and mixtures.
The orders for other woolen goods are
st 1 1 unusually delayed.
The cotton mills continue generally
active, though talk of decreasing the
production still continues, print croths
do not rise above '1 cents and some
goods tend lower. Speculation in wheat
has again lifted prices The specula
tive markets has been largely influ
enced bv rumors of injury to the com
ing crop and by foreign advances.
Corn has been comparatively quiet.
Cotton is practically unchanged, re-
celis continuing to accord with a
yield of about seven million bales for
is:ir). The stock market hns been grow
ing stronger al the week until the sale
of bonds though yielding a little on re
alising. Kaliroad earnings In January
have been 10.6 per cent, larger than
last yoar. but .:? per cenr. less then In
lxWi and the tonnage eastbound from
Chicago was In January nearly 1 per
cent, lurger than in IS'.iX
Two Thousand Kepublicans Visit the
Royal Palace and Hoot at Their Hearts'
Content I'nmnlested.
Madrid. Feb. 7.-Thls city was the
scene toduy of a tit-mount ration that
would have required but very little to
have turned it into a serious riot. As
told in these dispatches on Tuesday
last, a number of men hooted General
Campos as he was driving to his resi
dence from the railway station on his
return from Cuba. A number of the
hotters were arrested and one of them
broke away from the gendarmes who
had hiiii In custody and sought to
make his escape. The gendarmes fired
twice at him and killed him. The
shooting caused great excitement and
the government was bitterly con
demned by the Kepublicans. This af
ternoon the funeral of the victim took
place and was attended by an enormous
crowd. Fully 12.000 men, most of
whom were Republicans, marched to
the cemetery. Khouting for the entire
distance, "Down with the police,"
"Down with Campos" and "Long live
the republic."
The government anticipated trouble
and there was u strong display of
gendarmes, who. however, appeared to
be afraid to Interfere with the proces
sion In any way lest they provoke a
riot. Consequently the crowd shouted
itself hoarse until th" cemetery was
reached, when the great assemblage
stood with bared heads until the fu
neral rites had bee completed. The
greater part of the crowd then dis
persed, but 2.000 of Its number again
formed In line und marched unmolest
ed back to the royal palace, in front
of which th-y gathered unmolested
and shouted "Death to the (Jueen
Reeent" and "lyina live the republic."
F.ven the guards, who are always ,on
duty about the- palace, seemed be
Intimidated by the sullen temper of
the mob and made not the slightest at
tempt to drive tliem away. After
partly venting their anger against the
vnuthful kinir and his mother, the
crowd marched '-o the residence of
General Campos, where a similar
demonstration was made.
Sons of a Wisconsin Farmer Confess and
Arc Placed In. fail.
WuuDaca. Wis.. Feb. 7. An attempt
was made last Friday night to derail
the limited passenger train on the Wis
consin Central railroad at xselson a
siding, between Sheridan and Amherst,
in Portage county, a few miles north of
the place where the train was held up
and wrecked last fall.
William and John Mecunn, nrotners.
aged 17 and 19 years, farmer boys, liv
ing with their parents two miles from
Sheridan, placed a switch rail In such
nosltion as to have certainly tnrown
the passenger engine off the track and
down a blah embankment into the
Waupaca river, but fortunately a spec
ial freight train passed over the road
Just ahead of the limited train with
force etidutrh to throw off the obstruc
tion. The boys were taken to Stevens.
Point last night ana loageu in jan.
They have confessed.
The Morgan Syndicate's Portion-Yester
day's Gold Reserve.
Washington. Feb. 7. This afternoon
Assistant Secretary Curtis announced
that he was able to slate that from a
complete analysis of the bids for bonds
that they showed that bids aggregating
IM.710.450 above HO.CS77 had been re
ceived and the- 780 persons making
these bids would be awarded the bonds.
The Morgan syndicate bid of 110.U77
for $100,000,000 bonds or any part there
of would be accented for the balance
or 133.21 1.3"i0. All bids below the figure
110.6877 are therefore rejected.
The void reserve al the close of busi
ness today stood at $44,483,180. The
withdrawal for the day at New York
cstountcd'to $m,m.. :. ......
The Shocking Tate or Miss I'carl
Woman Slain at Tort Thomas, Near New
port, Ky.. Is Identified us the
Daughter of an Indiana Farmer.
Three Suspect I'nder Arrest.
Cincinnati, O., Feb. 7. Deep and al
most impenetrable mystery surrounds
the tragic death of Misa Pearl Bryan,
an attractive young woman, of Green
Castle, Ind.. despite the fact that Scott
Jackson, who has been uccused of her
murder, has confessed his participation
in the crime, and has Implicated Alon
so M. Walling. Both are medical stu
dents at the Ohio Dental college, in
this city, and they had. -it Is asserted,
arranged with Miss Bryai for a crim
inal operation. Whether this was per
formed or not is not yet known.
The body was found on the morning
of February 1 near Fort Thomas, Ky
in a ravine, the head having been sev
ered from tlio body. The head could
not be found and pieces of the under
clothing' where Initials are thought to
treason to his own state and to his own
of the shoes worn by the corpse was the
firm mark of Louis & Hatch, Green
Castle, lud. Cincinnati detectives went
to Green Castle, and after a long search
through the day book of the firm found
that a pair of shoes of the pattern and
number indicated had been purchased
by Mlsa Pearl Bryan, daughter of A. S.
Bryan, a farmer living near town, and
the clothes worn by the corpse were
then taken out to the farm and Identi
fied by the girl's mother.
The identification reminded Gus Far
ley, Western Union Telegraph opera
tor at Green Castle, of a letter he had
seen from Scott Jackson, of Green Cas
tle, at the time a student at the Ohio
Dental college, this city, to Will Wood,
son of Mev. S. K. Wood, asking Wood
to secure certain remedies for Miss
He Jumped to the conclusion that the
girl had been killed for a purpose, and
gave the authorities all the details In
bis possession. This led to the arrest
of Jackson In this city at 8 o'clock
Wednesday night: of Wood, at South
Bend, I nd., and, a,t 3 o'clock this morn
ing, of Alonzo C. Walling, of Illinois,
another student at the Dental college,
and a chum of Jackson.
Jackson and Walling have confessed
that they arranged with Miss Bryun,
on her arrival in this city, Jan. 20, for
a criminal operation. This was per
formed at the Indiana houst, they said,
at which she stopped and registered as
"Mabel Stanley, city." but each throws
upon the other the rseponslblMty for
the act which caused the girl's death.
and says he does not know how it oc
curred, but they assisted each other In
removing evidences of the crime.
Jackson says Walling killed the girl
where the body was found, cut off the
head to destroy her identity, brought it
back to the Ohio and threw it into the
Valling says Jackson kill M tfto girl,
carried the head back to his room, cut
It up and carried It to the river, piece
by piece.
Tho Uirls I'cath Strnacte.
One hand of the corpse contains a
deep knife cut, showing that the girl
was alive when the knife was put to
her throat and had grasped it in the
struggle to save her life.
This led the authorities to think she
was enticed across the river, under pre
text or being taken to a lying-in hos
pital and then dragged into the ravine
and murdered. There were evidences
of a fierce struggle, In the soft spot
where the remains were found.
Wood is being brought from South
Bend and he may throw new light on
tlie case. If It shall be found the crime
was committed where the body woJ
found the prisoners will be turned over
to the Kentucky authorities.
Scott Jai-kion is about it years old.
He .was given a preliminary hearing in
tlie mayor's office In the presence ol
the chief of police. His account of his
whereabouts last Friday was not satis
factory. He denied guilt, hut admit
ted that he knew Pearl Bryan. He
could tell nothing about where she was
or where she hud been during the past
few weeks.
The weakest point of Jackson's story
is that about his conduct on Inst Satur
day. He boarded at 222 West Ninth
street. fn Saturday he took a valise
and left It in Lengter's saloon, opposite
his boarding placehrdlu etaoln aoinn
rlcd with him all over tne city that
day. The accounting for this valise
and why he carried It all day and night
puzzled him more than anything else.
In fact, he prevaricated, and afterwards
acknowledged that he had lied. He
was committed without nun.
A Doctor Implicated.
Scott. Jackson and Walling were
brought up from the cell room of the
central station this morning and taken
to the police court. When the judge
had asked the prosecutor if he was
ready to try the case the latter asked
for a continuance. The case was con
tinued to February U!.
This mornltiff WallliiK hinted that a
doctor of tliia c ity was mixed up in the
. . , , , . , 1 . i,l-l .1 . . T MnnM
WUllinK PUlu; 1 lie uinhii uiuiyi
has nothing to do with this case, only
that Jackson had a conversation with
him about poisons and the way they
worked. That doctor's name is Litt
ler, and lie boards over at the house on
Ninth street."
Shortly after this he told Mayor Cald
well that Jackson gave the lrl four
grains of cocoalne In sixteen drops of
water ajid then drove her to Fort
Thomas, where he cut off her head.
Kvldence Is accumulating to show that
the girl was alive when she reached
Lock's farm where the body was
Dr. Crane, who made the Kist mor
tem examination, made a second and
more careful analysis of the blood and
stomach and found no signs of any
kind of poison. This Is in direct con
tradiction of Waiting's confession
Will Wood, the alleged betrayer of
Miss Bryan, has been sent to jail in
default of $5,000 bail. The charge is
conspiring to induce a criminal opera
Locomotive and Tender Topple Over
Wilkes-Barre, Feb. 7. Passenger
train No. 11 on the Pennsylvania rail
road, due In this city at 8 o'clock p. m..
ran into a landslide near Retreat to
night and the locomotive and tender
were hurled down the embankment.
The injured are: George Roth, en
gineer, of Wilkes-Barre. leg scalded
and bruined about the body.
Jacob Hchutt, fireman, of Wilkes
Barre, badly bruised and shaken up
The train, which was in charge of
Conductor Zai-h Moyer, of this city,
left Hunbury this evening at & o'clock.
On acount of the severe rain of Thurs
day Kngineer Roth while making his
time kept his engine under control and
a careful lookout on the- track. At a
point Just below Retreat, twelve miles
from here, Kngineer Roth saw a slide
ahead of him and at once shut off
steam and applied the air brakes. The
train was under too much headway,
however, to bo stopped and tho loco
motive, tender and one truck went
over the bank and the baggage car was
derailed. The passenger coaches,
which were well filled with passengers,
fortunately d not leave the rails and
beyond a severe shaking up and fright
ful scare they were all right
As soon as possible aid was given
Engineer Roth and Fireman Schutt
and they were carried Into the baggage
car. Word of the accident wus sent to
headquarters nt Sunbury and a train
was at once ordered and sent from
Nunticokc to transfer the passengers
and bring them to this city. A wreck
ing train was also sent to the scene
and it la expected that the road will be
open for traffic at an early hour to
morrow morning.
Indiana's Multi Millionaire Politician
Suoeambs to the Grip-Was Candidate
for Vice-President.
Indianapolis, Feb. . At 1I.S5 this
afternoon Hon. William H. English
died in ills rooms at English's hotel af
ter an illness of six weeks. He was
unconscious for an hour before his
death. Around his death bed were his
son. Will K. English; his daughter, Mrs.
Rose Wnlling, of Chicago; Mr. und
Mrs. Hall. Miss Hodges, Mr. English's
stenographer and Dr. Franklin W.
Hays, who attended him.
Mr. English had been ill for six
weeks. He was at first attacked by
grip. This was followed by inflamma
tion of the air pussages and the mem
branes of the throat. Of this he almost
recovered, but two weeks ago he was
seized with inflammatory rheumatism,
which. . with organic disease of the
heart of several years' standing, com
pletely exhausted him. His condition
had been very bad for the twenty-four
hours preceding death, and it was
said, early ns Thursday, that his de
mise was but a few hours distant.
William Hayden English was born
In Lexington, 1 nt., on Aug. 27, 1822.
He was a lawyer by profession and
has held many political offices In his
own state. He held a clerkship In the
United States senate In litf0. He was
elected to congress as a Democrat In
18S2 and served until 1861. when he re
signed and engaged in banking. In
1880 Mr. English was nominated for
vice-president by the Democrats and
was on the ticket with the late Gen
eral Hancock.
He leaves an estate variously esti
mated at from $5,000,000 to $8,000,000.
Dan Smart Has Some Difficulty In
"Pulling Off" His l ight.
El Paso, Feb. 7. The situation here
today continues imchnnged from last
night, the telegrams received yester
day from Mexico have apparently
given the sports a renewal of confi
dence In Dan Stuart's ability to pull
off the fight on time, but as the tele
grams were only hopeful and not posi
tive, the opposition claims that the
assurances of Governor Ahniuda and
President DlaB are such to them that
they are positive that the fight will
not occur In Mexico. The extreme ac
tivity yeplerday getting rady to, pull
oft tlij tiKht toduy showed that Wen'
Mexico was the only phice that the
managers of the' flsht fuuy relied on
to have the great battle.
There Is one thing that seems quite
certain to all, and thnt is that the pas
sage of the anti-prize tight bill through
congress has stopped the sale of tickets
and will stop those intending to come
here to attend the carnival from mak
ing the trln unless Dan Stuart can an
nounce within a day or two tlie place
where the light will be held and back
up the announcement with a conces
sion duly signed by parties In author
ity, grantfuK the privilege of conduct
ing the (lghts:
Tho Letter of Lovers Tells a Curious
Wllkes-Ilarre, Feb. 7. The sweetest
letters Imaginable figured in the trial
of Morris Slmonson, of West Pittston.
charged by Miss Harritt Robinson with
betrayal under promise of marriage.
The jury returned a verdict of guilty.
Slmonson In his own behalf testified
thut It was he who had been led astray
and trapped by the girl. He said that
she bought him $5 worth of presents
for every 5 cents' worth ho bought her.
He admitted he had bought rings,
gloves and Jewelry for her.
A letter, with tho introduction, "To
My Darling Girl," was read, and the
young man wis puzzled for an answer.
Another part of the letter was: "My
life is nothing without you There is a
day coining when we will not be lone
some." The witness said he was only
trying to "Jolly" the girl. Slmonson
said he wrote the lines: "From your
loving friend, and here are some
kisses." iiict to till up the letter. He
added that she sent him fifteen kisses in
the letter and he only sent back eleven.
The kisses were indicated by a number
of cross-marks,
The Senatorial lieadlock Still Continues.
Kcsult of tlie Vote.
Frankfort. Ky., Feb. 7. The sena
torial situation presents no sensational
features and there Is less indication of
trouble. The crowds of prospective
"deputies" around the doors are or
derly and smaller.
Governor Bradley positively denies
the story to the effect that it had bepn
decided to cal lout out the state troops
to suppress any possible conflict In leg
islative circles: The governor did riot
denythat the proposition was discussed
in the Republican caucus last night,
but he said he hud not yet even looked
up the law on the subject and was not
fully convinced that, he hns authority
to call out troops under such circum
stances. Senator Goebel, president pro tern, of
the senate, presided over the asesmbly
In the presence of 1.14 members, (18
being necessary to a choice. The vote
resulted: Hunter, 6; Blackburn, ft!
Carlisle. 2; Bate, 1; McCreary. 3.
Admirers of the Songstress to Give Her a
Substantial Testimonial.
New York. Feb. 7. Before tho end nf
the opera season probably next week
admirers of Mme. Nordlca will hand
her a testimonial of her ability. It is
to be a diamond tiara of matchless
beauty, and will be given to her when
she responds to an encore.
Accompanying the gift will be a
parchment, upon which will be a list
of the subscribers. It includes the
names of many of the best-known men
and women In society.
Wisconsin, Michigan and .Minnesota
Mannfacturera In the leal.
Marinette, Wis.. Feb. 7. It Is reported
here that a combine of all the manu
facturers of white pine lumber Is being
formed. The trust Is to include all
manufacturers. In Michigan, Wiscon
sin and Minnesota.
Tlie annual output Is 1.0O0.00O.0O0 feet,
and It Is proposed to Increase this pro
duction next year by eloping all the
Mistake or a Deputy Sheriff Saves a
Brutal Murderer's Life.
After Verdict of Murder In the First
Degree It Is Discovered That One
Juror Had No Legal Right
to Nit on the Case.
West Chester, Pn., Feb. 7. The trial
of the Elvln murder case had a very
sensational ending this morning. The
Jury found Elvln guilty of murder in
the first degree, but a sensation was
created when It was discovered that
there was a case of mistaken identity
in the Jury box. The deputy sheriff
had served the summons to Jury duty
on the wrong man, and the consequence
will be a new trial. Elviu however does
not know tills. He was brought up to
the court house from the Jail at about
11 o'clock this morning. The Jury had
found a verdict, and it was to be heard.
The news had flown over the town
like wild fire and the court room was
literally packed with people. Elvln
was ld into the court room between
Sheriff Ingrain and Deputy McFarlan.
He had, evidently, anticipated the worst
nnd was shrinking from it. The ver
dict was asked for and the foreman
announced that it -mas murder in the
first degree. When he heard the ver
dict Elvln's eyes closed and he fell
over against the deputy coroner. Ho
was apparently insensible and was lit
erally carried from the court room.
A l.swver's Discovery.
Then came tha strangest feature of
the entire trial. S. D. Ramsey, coun
sel for the defense, stopped William H.
Pennypackei- as he came from the Jury
box. They hail a few minutes conver
sation, and then Mr. Ramsay made a
sensational announcement. In draw
ing a Jury some weeks ago the name of
William H. Pennypaclter, of Easton,
was drawn from the wheel. William
H. Pcnnypiicker, of Schuylkill, was
served by the deputy sheriff to appear
as a Juryman, and he did so. He re
sponded to tho cull and was placed on
the murder jury, and the mistake was
not discovered utitil this morning.
Counsel for the defence at once ap
plied for a new trial and it will prob
ably be granted.
Spanish Dated Over Their Uecent Vie
torics Press Censorship Continues
(From a SUIT CorrenpohUent of the United
Havana, Feb. 7. Spanish circles are
greatly elated over the report that
General l.uiiue won the battle of Paso
Heal Monday. The oilicials claim a
decisive blow was dealt the rebels.
Owing to the telegraph and railroad
lines not operating tlui only' details
obtainable were government reports.
Trie Cubans claim the report is prepus
tnrou. 1 Thuy nuy. It l t,)ossiblc to
kill U and wound 2uil insurgents with
out more than '-' dead and 30 wounded
011 the Spanish tide.
Marin has not succeeded '.n forcing
Gorner to fight. The railroads run
trains only a few miles out of Havana
city. The Western railroad had sever
al stations burned recently.
The Insurgents secured an Immense
quantity of arms, ammunition, saddles,
provisions and all kinds of equipments
on the train captured between San
Felipe and Poso Cedendn.
The press censorship continues strict.
No cubles from the Cnlted States are
allowed to be printed In regurd to the
status of the belligerency resolution.
The government had ordered W. F.
Munnlx, an American correspondent to
leave Cuba. The cause Is said to be an
article In a Washington paper. Mannlx
filed a protest . with Consul Williams
against his summary expulsion.
Gomez and Macro are both In Hav
ana province, Acting in concert. Their
Joint personal command numbers about
H.iMW. An American planter who talked
with Gomez a few days ago snbl (lome-i
assured him he could have lOn.OM) ad
ditional men if he had arms. The prob
able total of Insurgents armed forces
number close to 4U.O0O at present.
Maceo completed his campaign In
Plnar province and left strong bands
there. Other bands dominate the In
terior of Santa Clarn, Matunzas. Coma
giley ami Santiago provinces. En
counters with troops occur daily but
mostly tf minor importance. The Cu
bans continue to flee, fearlnK harsh
ineusures on the arrival of Wevler.
(Signed) J. Frank Clark.
Sad Teto of Pedestrians on the Pennsyl
vania Tracks.
Oreensbtirg, Pa.. Fob. 7. This morn
ing Edward O. Smith, of Jonnnette,
manager of a department In the glass
works ut :rapcvllli and Etta Holland,
nged 14 ycais, who ulso worked at
Grapevine were walking on the trucks
of the Pennsylvania railroad, en route
to work. Moth were struck by the
western express ami instantly killed.
Smith vn:i :;n years of age and un
married. They stt ppi-d out of the way
of a freight train and in front of tho
loreland and House. Ilowover, Alnst Pay
Costs of the Suit.
Pittsburg, Pa., Feb. 7. Judge Stows
occupied more than half an hour this
morning in delivering his charge to
the Jury in the cases of the common
wealth vs. VV. C. Moreland and W. H.
House, ex-clty attorneys, charged with
conspiring to loan city moneys on In
terest to the Tradesmen's National
Three hours and a half Inter the Jury
returned a verdict of not guilty. The
defense is to pay the costs of the suit.
Samuel Harris Brains Jerry Lock with
an Axe Handle.
Brldgeton, N. .1 , Feb. 7. A quarrel
over a woman betweeen two colored
oyster men at Port Norris lust night
will result In murder. The lie was
passed and Samuel Harris felled Jerry
Locke with an axe handle, making a
terrible wound in his temple and caus
ing coneussison of the brain.
Locke has been unconscious ever
since and will die. Harris fled and has
not been captured.
Church Lighting I'nnd liaised In Iiela
van by Ainntenr Minstrels.
Delavan. Wis., Feb. 7. The society
women of Delavan tonight presented
to a rrnvded house t'l? test amuiei r
minstrel entertainment ever given
The young men of the town occupied
the orchestra chairs and each one wore
a bald-head wig. The handsome sum
realised lrom the entertainment will
be devoted to the electric lighting of
the Congregational church.
' New
Spring Goods
We have now on sale
the most elegant stock ol
and Laces
we have ever shown.
Our line of
is up to date and com
prises anc Bmstfcs, "
Scctcl aM ' Irish Dimities
Eoyal Cremy! Stripes.
Ctatllly lace 'Stripes,
Ik mi Colored
Fraeili Galatea, :
with ail overs and trim
mings to match.
iam Lawns, .
BoWcd Swisses
and full stock of Staple
White Goods.
510 and 512
ft flO F3 r"
School Shoes
Are Ink BeiMers
Our Win ter Shoes must
go. You need the Shoes;
we need the room.
Great reductions Jn
prices before taking
inventory in ... .
aM Silverware.
408 Spruce St.
Near Dime Bank.
For Eastern Pennsylvania, fair
Weather: light westerly winds.
New York. Feb. S. Herald's weather
forecast: In the middle states today
fair: colder weather will prevail with
fresh westerly and . northwesterly
On Sunday, fair to partly cloudy,
slightly colder weather will prevail
with fresh northwesterly to northeast
erly winds, probably followed by anew
or rain on the coasts.