v ' . TV AT- - TJTR : 6CBANT0K TBIBUNTC FBIDAT ftfORNIXt. FEBRTJART 7. 189. Neu)s 25-LB. SACKS Guaranteed to Be the Best Mads. AT Luce Bros. Scraiton and Taylor. WEST SIDE EVENTS. Interesting Meeting of the Hcpubllcan Clnb-An Abundance of Speech Making and Enthusiasm, The West Side Republican rlub held an intcrf-sMng meeting lust nliiht In their rooms, on the corner of Ju knon street ami Main avenue. Although the weather u dump, yet enthtislum wus present in Kfeat quantities. 8tHM-hes were mude pertaining to the rampuiKH. the gist of till belli; fur Republiraiiitni undiluted and M I I'll ( It i t . The club has before talten autlon endors ing the Kepiibliran tli'ket, and last nlBht'SJ nn-etliiK wan In harmony with the former feeling, president V. 8. Mears, presided. Every . Republican club on the West 8Me 1m for the ticket ami everything point to Republican victory. Mlas U Winnie' Class. Class No. 12 of the Scranton Street Bap tlt .Sunday school held an entertainment last evening in tne enuron basement, iiiu Aluilu Wllllunis, teacher of the clans, had meuared an Interesting programme. which was well carried out. Miss Grace Good rich recited, und a piano duet was given by the Misses Clara Held and tloodrlch. Kdna Alney rei'ited, followed by a vocal polo by Mil's Vlah Jones. Then came a piano nolo by Kdiia Kvans, und a recita tion by Doru Jenkins, followed by a solo by Ruth lieililoe. ' A recitation was given by Jennie Hughes, succeeded by a guitar Selection by Muster Hurley Zlntle. Ktta Amlrews replied and Thoinus Phillips nung. Muttle Hughes gave u recitution followed by a pluno Uue t by ..Mlssen Tonillnaon and Kvans. A second !.. recitation by Miss (Goodrich. and ya. plnno duet by Misses Trunsue and tef fte Fellows closed the entertainment. After this a 'facial Was held for the bene fit of the Sunday. school. The affulr was aiiucesHful In every way. .Mis Sterling Surprised. "A- surprise party was given -Miss Vltla Sterling lust evening ut her home, on Chestnut street.. Gullies and other social diversions were Indulged In during the evening and refreshments were served. Those present were: Misses Lucy Faust. Anna Huss. Daisy Case, Katie and Laura Kdwurds, (Trace und eUrtiudrt Alney, Klla tihaw, Margaret Madlgun, Bertha Meta- ptti , ,wiltnr niiii.iii, , .ui ..v.u, . . , ....... Neely, Stella Hliuw, gadle Kerber, Kdna Alnev, l,enu Olna.ler, Anna Hett. Viiia Sterling- and Kdlth Beavers; Fred pears, .t'harle Glnader, Chart Htewart, John Slavln, Richard Loneraon, RicliarJ Kad gan. Albert Qleason. Willie Leltner, Willie JHehl, Robert Curson, Walter Davis. Ar thur Davis. Krnpst .Mnnsfleld, KUlie Morse. I.eter Morse, Willie Wallace. Man Kelly. Calvin Coons, Olen Johnson, Willie und Harrv Sterling. Robert Renshuw, Frank Major, or Wllkes-Barre. Another l eap Vaar Sooinl , The ball room floor of Mears" hall was comfortably crowded last evening, the ' occasion being a leap year social. A pleas- ant time was enjoyed. The young ladles In charge were: Margaret Davis, Jean- ette Harris, May Thomas, Mary Gray, Annie Uaffney. Maggie Horn, Alice Gal lagher. Nellie Horn. Richard Phillips was prompter, and Mrs. Mallott, pianist. t. . .'.'""" ,-, News Notes and Personals. The funeral of the late Mrs. Catherine Reap will occur toduy at o'clock. Inter ment will be made In Hyde Park Catholic cemetery, George Kern, of Scranton street, has organised a dancing class that meets ev ery Friday, evenig at Fuller's hull. Mrsn. Joseph A.. Phillips, of Kwetland ' atreet, was In Wllkes-Barre yesterday. The West Side Republican league meets ' tonight. Important business pertaining to the campaign will come tip. Every member should attend. Mrs. Hutson. of Montrose, who came here to attend her eon, Will, who has been 111 with typhoid fever, 'has herself Iff! AMONG THE REDUCTIONS That our entire stock has been subjected to, we find at this time a con stant drain on our Trou ser Stock, among which are staple and durable all-wool TROUSERS at ' that are; actually worth (; double. " You don't have to J3C a judge to appreciate them' at our prices, as we retail . , them at what others pay for them. ': :r! . "' '. , . .if H ' m. iVaattva. MafMn- WMe IsmmwsI wihi of f h? been stricken with the disease and was taken home. Mrs. Aria Davis, of Tort Oram, nas re turned home after a visit to West Bide friends. Frank Ames, of Ha Ism, la the guest 01 Frank Slote". of Lincoln avenue. The Penrmylvatil tllee dun will meet Sunday evening ill the Welsh Baptist church. A number or WMt Hide young men at tended the lean year social at Excelsior ball last evening-. Born, Wednesday, a uaugnier, to i torney and Mrs. Will 11. Lwis. of North Main avenue.. a, Tuaa.lu w nlcrVit'a maatlnir Of the Oltl- xe'n of Bellevtie Heights It was resolved as the sense of tne cliliens or mat piacs tiint thAv favnr i h vlmliict. Ko far there has been no rhanlfest antagonism to the viaduct.- Robert Morris lodge met last evening. Robert S. Williams was Initiated Into the order. Ticket for admission to the com ing etateddfod were dlstrbuted anions the members. ... Uwls A. Howell, the trustworthy bank clerk, ha realgne-ri hi position at the Merchant's and Mechanic's bank and has begun duties in a. more lucrative position at the Lackawanna Trust and Safe De posit company. ...... . Miss Flora May Leeds, of Pettebone street, entertained) a number of her class mates from No. 18 achool Wednesday ev ening at her- home. Mlsa Agnes Murray, teacher of the little folks, attended the ''Vho'mas Escott, of south Main avenue, 'The Wllkes-Barre male-voice party will enter the Robert Morris lodge eisteddfod. Mrs. Robert Davis, of Washburn street, is recovering from a severe cold. West side Business Director. PMJMBiNO William ' D. Griffiths. Ill North Main Avenue, , does nrat-class Plumbing, Steam Heat and Gas Fitting. Satisfaction la strictly guaranteed. BARBER Hair cutting and ahavlngdon In a tlrsticlass manner at John H. Reyn old's 'Barber Shop, at Falrchtld's Hotel. FLORIST Cut flowers and funeral de signs' specialty. Floral figures, useful as gifts, at 104 South Main avenue. Har. rlet J. Davis, florist. ' . BICYCLES repaired, scissors a""' tool sharpened, aawi filed, keys fitted, machines repaired by W. Lv Bteenback. dealer In Guns, Fishing Tackle, undor West Side bank. . . . PHOTOGRAPH ICR Cabinet Photos. JIM per doien. - They are lust lovely. Con vlnoe yourself by railing at St.1;" Photo Parlors, 101 and 10 South Main avenue. . . . . GROCERIES Revere Standard Java Cof fee Is unexcelled. The leading colTe o the day. For sale only at F. W. Mason aV Co. Fine Groceries, 1U South Main avenue. . . SECOND HAND FURNITURE Cash for anything you have to sell. n"lltu.r: Stoves. Toola, etc. Call and see the stock of J. C. King, 10S4 and 1024 Jack son street. DUNiMOKE. - Only one session was held In the bor ough Hchoola yeate-rday ou account of the extreme Inclemency of thj weather.. Friend Slnimoim. of Madlsonville. was calling on friend In town yesterday. The younxeat c-hlld of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Hchweltzer Is quite 111 at their home, on Bloom atreet. Floyd Yoiiiik. of Kaston, wus calling on numerous friend In this place yes terday. , , John Simpson and Eugene Selgel ara spending a few days In New York city. A number or the. frltnds of Walter Nel meyer .tendered him a party at his home, in North Park, on Wednesday night. a, rlous games made the hour pass pleas untly aud . good time was had by ail present. . . , Miss Ida Bone entertained a number of friends at the home of her grandparent, ir uinl M 'hrlstouher Moffatt. on West Drinker street, lat evening, and a most enjoyable evenlg was spent in va rious amusement. - The leap year social given by the young Iq.ii-. nf thl ulace In Odd Fellows' hall cess, despite th inclemency of the last evening prove to ue a grama weather. A large crowd wo present and enjoyed the dancing until the early hours of the morning. ' ''CONDITION OF THE SOUTH. It Will Bo Shown by Dr I'rlssell Nest .., . . Tuesday Night. The entire benevolent and philan thropic community will be Interested to know that lr. Frisaell, successor to the late General Armstrong, will l.rlno- hln Hamilton Afrlran Quartette to this city next week. They wilt be seen at the cona rresoyienan cuurcn on Tuesday evening. The members of the quartette will sing their pathetic plantation melo dies and a number of Indians and Africans will speak. .Dr. Frissell will ..I I nra lfl the Institute. Illustrated with atereopticon vlewa.. Me will present a correct picture of the social, religious, economic and agricul tural condition oi tne nouui, .,m. .nets, hutter dishes. berry dishes, bread plates. Japanese goods and a great many otner usciui articles will be aold to the highest bid der at the great auction saie now in progress at Davldow Bros, . Eight-day clocks were slaughtered yesterday at jjovviuuw orn. grcai, auc tion saie. Special sale of Holiday Wines fer fam ily use, SB cents per quart, at James T. Bests. 306 Cedar avenue. PaMtw C.'i .' "' Inuwf. anxl IWii.nar v SAMTERS Stibtirbs SOUTH SIDE NEWS. Eleetrle Car Left the Kails sad Raa Over Against ths Sidewalk-Marriage at MlsooUa Yesterday.' The Smith Side street car which left the central city at 10 o'clock last night uinped the track on t-euar avenue, wiiei ha Sion avenue line diverse, and ran ever against the curbstone on the easterly side of the street. It halted In front of .leeler Shoumacher's hardware store. When the car waa coming aiong me tniittkriunii iiiii not throw off the power at the point where the Stone avenue line begins and the car went through the latch and sped over the Belgian block pavement until tne sinewaia sioppeu u. n um nui delay the other cars because It went clear away from the track. The wreck car came along soon and replaced It without any difficulty. Married at Miaooka Yesterday. At ii nvimk yesterday morning the marriage of Miss Bridget Disken, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Disken, of Main street, Mlnooka, to John Joyce, also of that place, waa solemnized at St. Joseph's church by Rev. U. A. McCarthy. The bridesmaid waa Mis KUen Coyno and Patrick Joyce, brother of the groom waa groomsman. The unue was aiureu In a blue traveling suit with pearl trim ming and the bridesmaid wore a costume or blue silk with lace trimmings. At noon a wedding dinner waa aerved at the home of the bride's parents; only the Immedi ate friends of the bridal party were pres ent. At S.W in tne aiterneon air. aim Mrs. Joyce left on their wedding trip for New York. Shorter Paragraphs of News. l lucwiaj " o...mii.i. mill km their annual mas querade ball at Natter's hall. - ln r riuay eveniim, rtu, i, mn ua,, . the William Connell Hose company will be held at Excelsior hall. Wyoming ave nue. ...... .... . ... .u. Thls evening will oe tne aai ir i regular monthly meeting of the South Bide board of trade. BOY FELL INTO A CREEK. Would Have Drowned but for the Herolo Actios of Will Marsn. er... Uarrla a little bOV living with his parents at Feltivllle, near Taylor, fell Into the Hampton creek yesterday and was carried one hundred yards by we swiiuy nuwim iw "", nrm II . ..aV. on .mnlnv at the Holden colliery, was crossing a little bridge over tne creea at tne time anu " in1. haul hnhhinr ud In the stream. Jumping In, Mr. Marsh grasped the little fellow ana carrieu mm w n"? i. i. in. .. v...,. u.na thAn hulf dead. A UMin. hit " " , ..k.l..lon wuu unminruiMl una bV liPT- lllBll.lBli wtm - Hlstent work young nin "" consciousness Biter a mm u""' The stream is ordinarily a harmless one. but the tnaw ana ram ui me past few days had made the water turbulent and dangerous. Young Har iiu.. nr ih. rr.k He waa Dlav- . . . . , , .llnkaJ IntA ing on tne oana, wjivii n "iirc the water. Several woman saw the hov fall and they ran along tne Dana screaming for help. Marsn was passing on tne uit street bridge, under which the water la deep- .Kan .Ik.. llUrtM N. tlimiKld in. and the buy was rescued. Several ac- It was Into this that Andrew Gusthoff son, the Swede, fell lost Sunday night. The lad Harris la resting quietly and W ill recuvcr. LEAP YEAR DANCING PARTY, Glvsa Last Evealng la the Eeelsler Bsll, Wyomiag Av.au.. A verv larsralv attended and corre spondlngly pleasant leap year dancing social waa given last night in the Ex celsior Club hall by the young ladles of the A Picked Few set. Hisses Manie Lehr and Hannah Jenkins comprisea the committee In charge .of the affair. The music was by the" Lawrence or cheatra. Among those rrom out or town were th Misses Moore, of Qlenburn: Miss TuohiU and Harry Hltchner. of west fitt.ton: Mr. MuCann and Mr. Heckey, of Wilkes-Barre: Mlaa Van Busktik, Miss Lewis and Mrs. Lewis, of Taylor, and Ralph Williams, -of Nicholson. MISS BREAKSTONE DEAD. Succumbed to sa Attaek of Paenaaoala st ller Home In VTilkes'Bsrre. Kfimm aHala Rreabetone. a teacher of elocution well-known in mis city, aieu mt hr hntne In Wllkes-Barre at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon rrom pneu She was 24 years or age and a young woman of great talent. t POLITICAL CI11T.CHAT. Prafaaiar Martin Jovce Is the ReDUbll can candidate for select council In the Twenty-first ward. He la opposed by John J MeAnarew, Democrat. The memhera of the Ninth ward Repub lican rlub are urged to attend a meeting to be held this Friday evening at the rooms of the Central Republican club. It Is hoped all members will try and arrange to be present. Everett warren, president. Thar, will be a meeting of the Fourth vuril Renuhllcan club held at their room on nionaay evening, r, iv, i.v o'clock at which, time all members are requested to oe present. n urucr ui freaiaent nugn jajnen. . . , i n . A Tnuhllnan vntera of the Second district of the SlKteenth ward i... .I.ht at AMarman rtillap's office. Attorney M. I. Corbett was elected chairman anu niuuun i,uw,n kh, aaVy J W. St. John, In elomient words. UAi all present to earnestly work for thb b'cltet nominated In Music Hall and ktlavcfin the Bixteenin waru wiiere n iri- " . . , ...Ih at. I ..lr , Mrltl, ( ' j any osiongs iiiiin ... old-time majority. C. W. Bushnell was se lected hy motion to act as Judge of elec tion and Mr. St. John was Instructed In the event Or ,tir. nnmrun icuoat m . i . .VI, 111 .I.ihnl la imiHii,'. sert. mi iiw ' - - ered to select a good man. On motion a committee of one from each district was appointed to get volunteers to get out the vote: said committee to report at an ad journed meeting. The eoinralttee con. elsta of: Flrat dl-trlct, F. N. Halstad; Second district w. r... meeting will be held next Tuesday Feb,. 11, at I p. m. . U. OF P. ATHLETIC TEAM. Will Give aa Exalbltloa In ths Frothing ha at oat Feh. aa mi.. .inM thsOcranton Rlcvcle . . . . . UuS a pnntrirt with ciud iasi iini . .. J. Myles Gibbons, representative of the athletic team oi tne i,iyn. Pennsylvania, for an exhibition by the . i- .i. . fMikin.liim theater Feb ruary 2V. The proceeds of ths exhibi tion, after aeaucusg tn awuenc inn . share, will be devoted to the fund for building the proposed addition to the Bicycle olub house. ; There are eighteen members of the athletic team. Their exhibition will r .t.ins- duha. flvlnr tinea. horliontal bar, wire walking, wresti ng. parallel oars, oar ki mnu jum.i..... fencing, yaultlng. fancy bicycle riding, pyramid aad Roman ladders, v - Why Islif. Why la Davldow Bros.' great auction sal so well patronigedt Why, becauie you can secure the greatest bargains ever offered In thla city.. sag Cfteeela!s ' JL mjmff' JWeia .saeaceat , ' Tsatt Kmk Wisaear Vaaab Ckacabtt a t BEARING. IS AT . AN -END Prima Facte Case Made Out by ' the- I'rosecutioa; SCHLEXTZ IS HELD F0K COURT Arg amenta Which Could !Tot Be Refuted Coavlnces the . Aldermaa That Sealants Should Bo Mads toFaeoaJury. a Iiv- K3i:inciiia fjcrijuijr iicbi ni " flnnnli.J..I I 1 .t .... n ( 1 1 1 .. m I.., TW a.kt..l. vn V...11V iuuiu v.w&v Jiiuciiiiuil tfiuini , . evening and the defendant was held In $300 ball to answer at court. John westpiani Decame nia uonamnan. ine caae was re-opencl by Major Warren calling Hon. Alex Connell to the stand to impeacn tne irutwortnineaa oi me tllnaM it,ailaa IfinanohlaMr the only man besldea Schlentx who testi fied to having seen any irregularities. air. Connell told how at a recent elec tion Asperachlager came to him and wanted money. Mr. Connell agreed to recommend him as' a watcher, but when he drew the admission from As perachlager that he had secured S3 from the Democrats, he refused to en gage him and sent him to Mr. Simrell. Mr. Watson objected to the admis sion of this testimony, but the alder man overruled the objection. During ....una lrt a . i .1 a .a lliut the B (i - 1 1 1 17 aiuinciii. ,. . mission of this evidence Mr. atson charged Mr. warren wun naving -11111- tateu Asperscniager in rmmnn i ... ... v. -ihni. tilrat Vnn are a first-class llnr," said the major In cool and measureu tonea. 1 maut "ft" and worked hard In the tntereats of the 1-1 . 1 . . 1. , .fi.I viii Vnntv It." Mr. wnuie nvftti. j " " -- Watson swallowed the lie without a murmur. Major Warren's Argument. t 1,1. n..nm,nl XTalnr Warren laid r..MiM,in. uinuii iiruin that rjart of the affidavit In which Sthlents swears that Mr. Simrell "willfully and knowingly violated the rules of the Republican party, showing final mere me rules of the Republican party govern- t I ...la., an.l that tllA 'nilHtOITIS adopted for conducting them differ In almost every election aisiiict. ne fc.. flnkliint fwaa. fftllltv Of Willful Ilia, u. 11.1,1..- ' " .,r nnt h.vlnr at least taken the trouble to find out whether or not there were sttcn lines, oeiore uiauuins two honest cltlxens as criminals, and . u -. k U.A,.A tn antethlnB- that -Was not true and which he knew nothing about, as he voluntarily aamniea. The fact that twenty witnesses testl . . 1 1 ii.i.i, tt'rr.n that the elec tion was conducted openly and orderly. rebuts any intention to uenuuu. the fact that there was no necessity for any crooked work to elect Colonel Ripple's delegates In Ills Btrongnold, the First district of the Twentieth ward, rebuts any motive for fraud. . 1.' .,....uu.i t3hientz'a Rtate- lien iiw - - . , , . inent in his afrldavit that the ballot box waa out of the rooms "tor a 101m "i"" ; of time" and drew the deadly parallel 1... Ui hiuntn'a admlsaion at the 1UUIIHB ' ... - hearing that Mr. Simrell was not gone with the box over tnree or mm nim uaes." Mr. Schlentx knows and any knmvi iinld Mator Warren. that he waa swearing to what he knew waa untrue wnen ne swore mui m thought any Irregularities might have ...1.11a thai hnv wan taken out WU'Uiivu " - of the room, for it stands to reason that It would take the quickest man msii was ever let live to change those bal 1,.... -1 naA am thev were In n. nailed linn, jri I..I11- " -.w - - - , , w box, during the three minutes which elapaed rrom tne time ir. oimreii kh the room for the cellar and came back ,.Qln In concluding, Major Warren took oc casion to show tne true motive wim n prompted Schlentx' Instigators In tng briefly the points which he had par ticularly aweit upon HBKeu mui. mc; uo fendant be Itield. for court. What Mr. Watson Said. Mr. Watsonln opening for the de fense explained how the affidavit was drawn, how the suit was Instituted and how he was connected with the case. Then he'went on to say In refutation of a point mude by Major Warren that it was not, to hi mind, as singular that only two aaw the irregularities as that anybody at all saw them, for they must nave a one tnese tilings steauniiy. C....l.l..n. , , 9 tk. 1 . . ., ... n 11 11 11 u t f lima " KlLTVanllia V, lil7 luili B p M i. w. 1 Mr. Watson Bald that three minutes would be a long apace of time for some things but a sort space of time for otner. rte nnnneir wouiu want oniy about one minute to stuff a ballot box l V. .. . , n .tn ,,n h. n t ,1 , A n 1 , and he wasn't very well posted on the stuffing of ballot boxes at that. While Schlentx admitted that he was not conversant with the rule he was told by Charley. Westufhal that the rules had- been violated, and Charley was an authority in Schlentx's eye. Henry Schlentx swore to what he be lieved was true, was Mr. Watson's closing statement. He asked that hi client be discharged. Alderman Millar, after a moment's meditation, said, "The court feel that thla man ahnlllil tiu h.M In liall " Schlentx and his bondsman, John Westpfahl, thereupon stood up and were oounaen severalty ana inuiviu ually In the sum of $300. Fine opera glasses worth from $3 to IS, selling at Uavldow Bros.' great auc- tlon sale at 11. as. Jl.BQ and 11.75. MERCHANT TAILORING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Shades and styles of Suitings, Spring aad Summer, from fzo up. Trouseriags troni 55 up. Vestiogs and Overcoats, foreign and domestic fabrics, made to order to suit the most fastid . ... t i i i ious in price, ut anu vtuiauiuu ship. '. D. BECK, 337 Adams Ava. . PILSENER LAGER BEER Mi's is LAGER BEER BREWERY. PROCLAMATION. Mayor's Office, City of Scranton. Pa. In comaliaac with Law and the Ordl nac of the City of Burantan. I. W 1. l onnell, liayor of said City, do hereby I Rive notice that an election will be held at in. places of heldlng the alunlclaal Elec tions In .aid Cltv. nil TuasSav. the Ei.ht. eenth Day of February, being the Third lueauy ot r enruary. lisa, r M pur pose of obtaining the assent of the elec tors of said City to aa Inoreaa of and. In tha iiMtiit ef UM.W.a, for the pur-, pose of procuring land for and construe ing a Vlasuet parallel with West Laeka- wbdiib avsaue ironi s.venta street to Ninth street, aa provided In Ordinance ef said City. File of Select Council. No. 47, WSJ. entitled: "An Ordinance Prevising for Increasing the City Debt for the Pur- rio.e of Prostirlng Land for and Construot ng a Viaduct Parallel with West Lacka wanna Avenue from Seventh 8traet to Ninth Street and Submitting the Question of Such laerease to a Vote ef the Klector Thereof," approved January 17th, UM. As required by la, the following infer, nation is ilvon to .lectori: First The amount of the last wsear.4 valuation ef taxable property la said City is !U.Sfl.7M.e. Second The amount ef the existing Debt of said City Is W3S.17f.C7. Third The amount of the proposed In crease ef debt Is 11M,M.0. Fourth The propose increase of debt la .MM per cent, ef the City's valuation 1896. exclusive of occupations. Flftn-The purpose for which the Indebt edness Is te be lnourred are hereinbefore stated. Annexed hereto Is the City Controller's ohiotal statement of Indebtedness and Re sources ef the City, also copy of City Or alaanee. Witness by hand and the 8eal of the City ef Scranton this 17tb Day of Janu ary, A. D. 1N. (Seal of City W. L. Connell, Mayor. FILE OF SELECT COUNCIL, NO. 47. 1(93. AN ORDINANCE Providing for Increasing the City Debt for the Purpose of Procuring Land for, and Constructing a Viaduct Parallel with West Lackawanna Avenue from Seventh Street to Ninth Street, and Submitting the Question of Such Increase to a Vote of the Electors Thereof. Section 1. Be it' ordained by the Select and Common Councils of the City of Scranton, and It la hereby ordained by the authority of the same. That for the pur pose of constructing a viaduct upon the southerly aide of and contiguous to West Lackawanna Avenue, from Seventh Street to Ninth Street, in the Fourteenth Ward, and for the payment of compensation for property to be taken, Injured or destroyed thereby, an Increase of the City Debt, by Issue of City Bunds in the amount of One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars, is hereby authorised, 'Subject, nevertheless to the consent of the electors of the Cl.j of Saranton as herein provided. Section t. The question or assenting t the above proposed increase of the OIlt Debt shall be submitted t a vote of tt electors of the City of Scranton at tre next ensuing general election occurring not less than thirty days after the pas sage of this ordinance. Section S. After the passage of this or dinance, and at leaet thirty days before said election, the Mayor shall publish a notice of the election hereby authorised In three dally newspapers ef the City, and tha atatement required te be published In aucb neUce shall be furnished by the City Controller. W. L. Connell, Mayor. Approved January 17, ISM. OFFICE OF C1TI CONTROLLER. Scranton, Pa., January 2, ISM. Statement of the Indebted" antt lie sources of the City ef Scranton. at the close of business, December list, 1M6: BONDED DEBT. Consolidated Loan Second Series, due December 1st, 1IM,B per cent $100 00 ut City Improvement Loan,18M, 4 per cent.- uim juiy 1st, ikso, ana annually to year mi, rate (l.Wt.M Due July 1st, ml, and annually to year IVH, rate WW 00 Due July 1st, 1SP7, and 'annually to year 191s. rate 13.504.00 Funding Loan, IMS, 4 per cent, Due July 1st, 1K Due July 1st, mi ' 1 IM 04 20 000 Ct SOOOOt IS 089 M 15 4011 ut i . aan aa Due Juiy 1st, lies .. U a uay .at, w vrw Municipal Building Loan, ' U90. 4 per cent Due February 1st, i960, Nos. 14 to 35 Inclusive 20 000 00 Duo February 1st, 1K, Nos. 34 to 40 Inclusive 23OWI40 Due February lat, 1110, Nos. tl to SO inclusive 80 40 00 Municipal Improvement Loan, 1191, 4'i per cent. Due December 1st, 1(01 !2 000 Oft Due feecember tat, 1904 24 4W 0 Due December 1st. 111 all 4o 4 Due December let, 1414 23(4004 Redemption Loan Series, tofi, it per oent. Due, June 1st, INS, Nos. 1 to 31 inclusive , (40 0 Due June 1st, 1904, Nos. 35 to 44 Inclusive 34 000 0 Due-June let, 1913, Nos. 41 to 104 inclusive 310004 Due June 1st, 1(11, Nos. 17 to 144 Inclusive 3140040 Bridges Loan.Serles, ISM, 4"-t per cent Due June 1st, 1S04, Nos. 1 to SO In clusive 10 000 00 Due June 1st. 1S0S, Nos. SI to 140 inclusive W 400 09 Due June 1st, 1(14, Nos. 141 te 1(0 Incluslvo 5040000 Due June 1st, 11(, Nee. 1S1 to 250 Inclusive 0 (00 0 Total ...1740 540 00 SUNDRY CLAIMS. Unpaid Warrants, . De cember 31, 196 Ill 3&S 75 Contracts and ether ac counts subject to adjust ment : M SU (4 SO 177 (9 Total indebtedness of City $140 17T 4S RESOURCES OF THE CITY. Cash In General City Fund $07 107 SO Cash in Interest and Sinking Fund 92 290 72 Delinquent Taxes and ..I... ... Siall.ntaa K 000 AA 2:4 391 02 IU,D1W,11V.. w. - Cltv $636 S7 47 T .jjih. .A t V. - ahnva atfitail aaaeta the City of Scranton purchased bond of the Issue of IMS, 4V. per cent., to th am- 1 1 AHA il .nil Ana tfaM.US Bond fltf the Issue of 117. 4 per cent . No. 44. for the benefit of Ita mnaing r uno an nmum waa effected by wnwn n.wr. waa ii ni..- -A -.m tha taaun to. th.t fif 1894. leaving a balance of $104,000 00 in the 1493 Issue and giving the 1894 Issue a oredlt of $17.tm.o. , ' 1 t DISIVIOCIII U " - ui" - ' " , ceding aeeessed valuation of the Taxable property ef thevity or. aeranion, rtnniri-T.-i. v..iK ih. mint far vaar 14M OcuuBStlon ...$1 021 640 Real Estate and Personal 11 597 764 .... us eat xm The proposed increase of Debt amounts 10 sid.,ww.w lor in. puipvau w, ....... a Viaduct as per ordinance attached and is equal to .00401 per cent, of the City val uation HSo exclusive OI ncyiiauiiii, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, County OI Lacaawanna, . . . v. - .ivinanlh Aar nf .Tanimrv A T ia.ro, pciawiiaiij .iivwc. wv.v.e ... subscriber, a Notary Public, duly commle sloned and residing in the City sf Scran ton, F. J. Wldmayer, who being duly sworn, doth depos and say that he is the Controller of th. City of Scranton and to the best of his knowleds and belief the foregoing statement oi ine nue,iicea ui un City of Scranton Is Just, correct and true and that other foregoing statement is also correc , FKED. J. WIDMAYER, nitw fnntrallar Sworn and aubscribed to before me on the uaie bdovo meniiuaeu. Witness my hand and seal of office. ian E-trmrvp r vit.i.t.ows Notary Public. nT. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL. Caal at Jm beat auallty aa. aad of all slsse, delivered as (art of ts elty at lowest price. uroers wrt at my urace NO. 118 WYOMING AVENUE. Rear raoas, first floor. Third NaUgMl Bsaak. ar seat by mall or Ulaobea 4s tiai saaae wis wrjauTw Bramm aisoaiuei will Ta cnsuSa aa ata DO 4Miv.ry of Utica wheat CealT WM. T. OMITM. The 308 LACKAWANNA AVE. 308 OUEl GREAT ANNUAL SALE This is an opportunity ui, ?u per ceni. .ess inan 50 pieces of Wool Henriettas, ill colors, 40 la. wide, 50c value, Sale Price 25c 15 pieces of Novelty Dress Goods, 40 in. wide, 50c value, Sale Price 35c 20 pieces of Novelty Dress Goods, this is special 75c value, Sale Price 49c i Big reduction on all black and col ored Dress Goods. $1.50 Lace Curtaius, extra wide 2.50 L,ace Lurtams this is special, Sale Price I.SO 4.00 Lace Curtains, only a few pair left, Sale Price 2.E9 6.00 Lace Curtains, extra value, Sale Price 3.50 1LINEIIY ONE IT'S A FLYER and the velocity of wind, steam and wings are suggested by his progress. The bicycle Is the most Important Inno vation In means of travel since the Intro duction of the locomotive, and we are in the Infancy of Its use, construction and means of propulsion. Healthy-minded people are those who commend and practice Its use. To such we need hardly say, Your blcy ele should be the latest and best. Call and examine ours before buying. J.D.11LI1SOR0. 312 AND 3!4 LICKlWamit IVi. r.loosic Pouuor Go, Rmsi 1 ud t Co.:! uiti. Kit SCRANTON, PA. UIINING i:i ELASTIC POWDER MASS AT atOOBIC AMD BDafaV DAUI WOKKB. LalBln Raad Pewaer Oa, Orango Gun Powder aQeetrlo Batteries, losaa (or innssd lac blasts. Safety Pea aa tiyaUoCkenlstl Co.'s HljiEijlcstei WILLIAM S. MILLAR, Altai) 8th Ward, Scranton. ROOMS 4 AND S, Qm rid Water Co. Building, -COSHER I10M1KQ VIM AHD CENTEX ST. OfflOE BOURB (real f.SO a m. o 0 p. ax CI boar latarsalasioa for dinn.r aad sup.r. Partle.laf Attention GiYeat Collections Prosapt Settlaaeat Quaraateed. YQURIUSIMESSlSRESrECTFULLV SOLICITED Tslsphan No. 134. GIVE5THH BCgiT LUGHT V??B FOR SALE BY THE IEF1I CO SCRANTON STATION. REMOVAL SALE. 1 am offering my stock of Bicycles and General Sporting Goods at very low prices preparatory to my removal to the Hotel Jermyn Building. NOW IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY. A. W. JURISCH 435 Spruce Street me. Fashiomi to purchase Dry Goods regular prices. $S Misses' Newmarkets, for all ages, in choice colors. Sale Price $2.8S One lot of Ladies' Newmarkets, ' sold for $s to Jis, Sale Price 98c fit Ladies' Kersey Jackets, four button effect, nobby, Sale Price $7.48 fH Caterpillar Jackets, only a few left; don't miss it Sale Price $8.98 and long, Sale PflCB $ .98 - HALF PRICE. AMUSEMENTS. THE FROTfllNGHflM. Wagner a Reis, Lessees aad .Managers, ONE WEEK COMMENCING. Monday, February 3. THE COMEDIAN, and his cemedy cemaaay, Incladlng MISS ETTA REED, In the following repertoire: Friday evenluir "A Yankee In Cuba" Bsturdsy uiatiaee "The Pearl of Savoy" Saturday eveoiag ....."TUePluuBer" Prices - 10, 20 and 30 Cents Matinee Prices, 10 and 20 Cents Sale af seats now In progress. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. ONE N10HT ONLY. FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 7. Air. Edwin Barboiir's Icelandic Spectacular Cemedy-Draoia, LAND OF THE MIDNIGHT SUK i THE Oreat Sulphur Mines. THE Oreat Prison Scene. THE Midnight Sunset. DON'T MISS THE GREAT BIG PRODUCTION. Regular prices. Bale of seat open Wednes day. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Tuesday, February 11. A Hearty Laugh with These Admirable Irish Comedians, CONROY A, FOX aad their excellent company of players, . stagers and dsncers, in their sew and greatest sucoese, O'FLAHERTY'S : VACATION The blriest coinedv hit in years. A langh from start to nnish. PoaltlTely everytaiag new. Sale of seats opens Saturday. Regular prises. DAVIS' THEATER THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY FEBRUARY 6, 7, 8, 1890. FUNNIER THAN EVER , And So Quiet About It. Tee, YOU KNOW HIM . ARTHUR C. SIOMAN, This Season in a New Comedy, fl SUMMER SHOWER Bright, Sparkling, Clean, Funny. Introducing a Clever Company. Elegant Se clal Suenerv, luoluding the Old Urlst Hill la Operation. Admission, 10, 20 and 30 Cents Third Annual Benefit to the Poor Tuesday afternoon, February 11. The entire proceed go to the Associated t'hsrltiei. THE NEW NO, 2, Cos tains all that has mad Hammond Work fsjneaa, aad NEW, NOVEL and VSftaOalio rovementa "Bamsionil Work the Criterion at BaaaaieBd Superiority." "Haaawal taleg th Criterion of iUirnr 4 Pepolarity.H Baa oatKe. & "The f.i.j t Typewriter, asahM H aad be coutiroed. Patladelfksa Waaeh ef The Bamuoud Typewriter Oo 111 , Sixth Stfeet. F. A. & A. J. BRANDA, i' 414 lira It, f (rtalM iertttatfra, cm CO S A l IAF,ir.O!JDTYPEVniTER