THE KCRANTOtf TRIBTOE-FRIDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY ' T, ' 1 896. The Leader 124-126 Wyoming Ave. In consequence of extensive altera tions now colnir on. we are compelled to postpone stock taking until some future date, w e mart .Monaay wnii the greatest of all previous sales, lion't miss It. Uelow we quote some of the specials. One lot of black floured Brilliant Ine Skirts, lined throughout, vel vet facing, LKADEirs rmcrc. One lot of children's fiKtired Per cale Aprons und Dresses, trimmed with lueA nriil pmliroitliI'V. piS"H 2 to 10. I.EADICUK PRICK. 43c. 10 doicn ladles1 J. P.. Corsets in white and drab, boned throuKhout with whalebone, slues 18 to liO, worth $1.00, . I.KADERS PRICE, G9c. Jtfl frrnsq Pastil.. Knan. LKADERS PRICE. 2c a cake. E gross of Copco Soap, sold every- whpni nt T,e n f!lki LEADER'S PRICE. 8 cakes for 25c One lot of Ladles' Cambric cor set Covers, high neck, trimmed with embrolderv. LEADER'S PRICE. 12C One lot of Ladles' Cambric Cor set Covers, square or V neck, trimmed with embrolderv. LEADER'S PRICE. 21c. One lot of ladies' line Muslin DrAvir (Olltttpr of tucks. LEADER'S PRICE. 23c. One lot of ladies' line Muslin Drawers, trimmed with embroid ery and tucks. LEADER'S PRICE. 29c. One lot of ladles' Muslin Skirts with hemstitched cambric ruffle, or trimmed with embroidery. LEADER'S PRICE. 49c. One lot of ladles' Muslin Gowns, . empire or mother hubbard Btyle, trimmed with Insertion and em broidery, LEADER'S PRICE. 69c. 25 pieces of all-wool Plaids, worth 30c a yard, LEADER'S PRICE. 16c. 1 case of double fold wool Dress floods. In spring effects, worth 2f.c, LEADER'S PRICE. 16e. Balance of the Dress (looda that were 12Vc during clearance sale, LEADER S PRICE, 9c. 2,000 yards of Wash Silks In checks, stripes and plaids, LEADER'S PRICE. 25c. 15 pieces of corded Dimities, new prints, worth Sc. LEADER'S PRICE, Sc. 25 pieces of French Organdies, worth 35c, LEADER'S PRICE. 15e. 25 pieces of printed Cambrics, In Bhurt length!1, were 9c, LEADER'S PRICE, 6c. 25 pieces of printed Batiste, extra quality, would be cheap at 10c, LEADER'S PRICE, 6c. 25 dozen Gingham Aprons, extra large, worth 2m; LEADER'S PRICE. 13c. 25 Ticking Pillows, each containing 3M, lbs. best feathers, regular in Ice $1.9$, LEADER'S PRICE. $1.19. 200 bleached Towels, good quality, worth 8c, LEADER'S PRICE, 5c. 25 pieces best quulity 4-4 brown Muslin, LEADER'S PRICE, 5c a yard. 25 pieces checked and striped Out ing Flannel, regular 9c quality. LEADER'S PRICK. Gc. 25 pieces of yard wide Hill Bleached Muslin, LEADER'S PRICE. 614c. All millinery goods at half price. All Blankets und Comforts at 00c on the dollar. LEBECK&CORIN CLARA BARTON IX TURKEY. Red Cross Part) Will Be Officially Com missioned to Armenia. London, Feb. C. Miss Clara Barton, president of the Red Cross society, and the other members of her party started today for Constantinople. Miss Barton will renin in in Paris a few days and will also make a brief halt In Ueneva. Khe will then go to Vienna, where she will tuke a brief rest and consult with ITnlted States Minister Tripp. At Vi enna she will take the Orient express to Constantinople. The London office of the t'nlted Press wired United States Minister Terrell at Constantinople, asking if he would ap point Miss Barton and her comrudes In the capacity of Individual members of the Red Cross society as bearers of relief to the Armenians, to which In quiry Mr. Terrell replied that he would, but that he would appoint no Armenian who had been naturalized as an Ameri can citizen, nor would he appoint any newspaper reporters. L'pon the strength of this answer Miss Barton decided to start for Constantinople at once. During her stay In London many of the friends of Armenia called upon Miss Barton, who Improved the opportunity thus afforded to acquire all the Infor mation possible concerning the situa tion In Armenia. She declined the hon or of a public reception, which was offered to her. On Suturday she took luncheon with Lady Henryt Somerset, and lust evening dined with Canon VVIIherforce at the Canonry of West minster Abbey. Among the guests were Canon McColl, Lady Henry Som erset and Mrs. Pearsall Smith. t BROKE OFF THE .HATCH. Sued for Interfering In Ills Servant's Love Affairs. ' Philadelphia, Feb. 6. An Interesting rase Involving the question of damages for blighted affections, was put on trial yesterday before Judge Gordon In com mon pleas court No. 3. During three years of a domestic service In the em ploy of Constant deBle. a tailor, at No. 606 Spruce street. Miss Fernando Fuelllerat won the heart of Victor Maene. a young artist, who had a room In De Bie's house, and they became engaged to be married. It was arranged thnt the wedding should take place In May last, but In March the young woman had a quarrel with her employer, and, she savs. he went to her artist lover and told him that his intended was "a bad girl, a liar; a loose girl and a hypocrite," and warned him that he would be sorry If he married her. It was also charged by Miss Fuelllerat that De Ble also wrote a letter to her father. In which he re peated his charges against her. The result of this was the breaking of the engagement, whereupon Miss Fuelllerat went to the office of Attor ney Edgar M. Black, to whom she re cited her grievances, and suit for libel was brought. FIGHTS A MOUNTAIN LION. Boy Put Five liullets In the Beast's Body and Saves Ills Own Life; Laramie. Wyo., Feb. 6. Chub Nelson, a boy of 16. living at Rockdale, had a lively fight with a mountain lion yes terday, In which the nerve of the boy saved his life. While hunting on Cooper mountain Nelson met the Hon and shot at It. The lion Jumped Into the air and started to escape. The boy rlred a second shot, hitting the lion in the shoulder. Thin shot changed the course of the beast. It turned and came toward the hunter with angry bounds. Nelson started to run, but re alizing that there was no chance of es cape by flight turned and tired several ; shots at the rapidly approaching ani mal. The last one took effect In a vital pot and the Hon fell dead almost at the boy's feet - The Hon proved to be one of the lar gest ever killed In this region. There were Ave bullet holea In the body, every hot fired by Nelson having hit the , mark. . ; I VERM HAS A, SEALER Bradley Newell Cures by Laying on Hands. HIS WE HIS FIRST PATIENT A Village Blacksmith Who Is Endowed with the Mysterious Power to Ileal Disease-Will Take No Pay for Treatment. Jacksonville. Vt.. Feb. 6. About half a mile from the center of this village which means half a mile from the hotel stands the village blacksmith shop, the proprietor of which is Uradley Newell. Newell works at his forKe all the day long, stopping only when someone drives up to be healed. It does not make any particular differ ence what tho visitor mnv happen to want to .he healed of. As long as he wants to be healed he will lind Brad ley Newell willing to accommodate him. Newell makes no pretensions to miracles. He says that miracles are not for such as ho. In his rough, black smith apron, he looks what he says. It was not until last August that Newell Buspected that he possessed the power to heal bodily ailments. He had been reading a great deal about Schlat ter, the Denver wonder worker, and one day, he says, he thought he heard a voice say to him that he should go out and heal people of their Ills. For a few days the simple blacksmith pegged away at his forge, and then his wife was taken with a severe headache, an ailment to which she had been BUbject for many years. Newell' First Patient. Newell thought that lie would try his power upon her. When the head ache left Mrs. Newell within a minute after he had laid his hands upon her he made up his mind that he could heal. , , Since that hour he has been deeply Impressed with the feeling that he has been given the power for some purpose unknown to him. possibly from God. but he resolved to do what he could to relieve suffering humanity, and he has since treated nearly 2.000 cases, all with more or less success, a fact fully confirmed Dy scores oi peupic " Ingham and adjoining towns. "I can't attempt to explain tho power at all." he said the other day. "I have no particular sensation when taking hold of the hand of a patient, nor do I know why I take hold of the hand; simply. 1 suppose, becuuse something tells me to do It that way and 1 do it. I um not a disbeliever, nor am I a be liever in spirltuullsm, for I know little or nothing about It. Some say It Is mesmerism, others that It Is electricity; perhaps so. but I can't explain it, for I know nothing about either. I am not an educated man, and have-ead very little, and only books that treat on my particular business thut of a black smith. Not Anxious for Notoriety. "I love my trade, anil Intend to stick to It. and If I can do anybody Rood, If they will come to ine I will do it. I have charged nothing so fur for treat ing my nelghbors.but though some have Insisted on paying a little, I want to stay right here In my nutlve town, which I love, and I should be unwilling to go about healing unless I was com manded to do so." Newell has treated muny pcoplf In this section for all sorts of troubles from earache to rheumutlsm. One case In the village of Jacksonville that is especially worthy of mention In that of little Fordyce llagar, the Bon of Freeman Hagar. He had been left practically helpless from an attack of scarlet fever. The little fellow could not move his legs or his hips. Newell was called In by the boy's father. The healer took hold of his hands, and in five minutes the- boy moved his feet. Newell treated the lud four times, and the Inst time he got up and went to playing as well, apparently as ever. His complaint has never returned. KILLED BY A STILLETTO. James Daught rty Murdered by an Italian Workman. C.reensburg, Pa Feb. 6. James Duugherty was stabbed and killed by Augelo Riegurl, an Italian, near Dona hue station, this evening. Both were employed by the Pennsylvania railroad as section hands. The Italian had a grudge against Daugherty, and about fi o'clock they became involved in a dispute as to their abilities to lift heavy ties. Klegnri struck at Daugherty with a pick, of which he w.s quickly de prived by Foreman Seaman. Kiegori then drew a long and keen stiletto from his breast and plunged It twice into Duugherty, who died In a few moments. The Italian fled and has not yet been arrested. Daugherty was married, but was separated from his wife, who Is now living In Pittsburg. He was 40 years old and resided with a sister on Huckleberry hill. STUART NOT ALARMED. Say th Law Against Prlie Fighting Will Not Affect III Carnival. El Paso. Tex.. Feb. 6. When word reached El Paso today that the house of representatives had passed a bill making prize fighting a felony In the territories, Daniel Stuart said the bill would have no effect on the coming carnival If It became a law. The Ministers' union and other par ties opposing the fights are confident that the legislation of today. If It be comes a law, ruins the last chance thnt Stuart had of keeping his word with the sports. They claim to have posi tive assurances that Governor Ahuma da. of Chihuahua. Mex.. will not under any circumstances allow the fights in his state, and that the "douutrui strip talked of Is ridiculous. MILLIONS IN MATCHES. The Diamond Company Invading F.urope with It Patented Machinery. Chicago. Feb. 6. At the annual meet ing of the Diamond Match company here today President Barber reported that France, Belgium and Italy were to be "farmed out" in royalties with the use of the patented machinery of the company. Extensive operations had been begun In England, and a large factory there will be running in June. By Improved machinery the cost ot manufacture had been so reduced that competition had been so reduced that competition had been made physically Impossible. The profit for the year was 1,4.'.7.040. The total surplus and profits were 1. 644.763. The old directors and officers were elected, and the regular quartrly dlvidnd of 2',i per cnt. de clared. a HANDS ON POCKETBOOKS." Warning Shouted Lustily from the Pulpit at a Revival Meeting. Masslllon. O., Feb. 6. Pickpockets have found a unique field of endeavor In the United Brethren church, where great crowds resort nightly to henr Evangelist Little expound the gospel. Two watches and a pocketbook were stolen Sunday, and Monday night the evangelist shouted from the pulpit: "Keep your hands on your pocket books!" which the fulthful lost no time In doing. Hereafter there will be plen ty of policemen and detective around to protect unwary Christians. ; MEXICAN CONCESSION. Dan Btnart Mid to Have Offered the Stat . of Chihaahua S20.000 In Gold. Mexico City. Feb. . El Globo nays the prise fight manager have offered the atate of Chihuahua $20,000 In gold for permission to have the contests take place on Mexican soil. The itermlsslon, adds El Globo, will positively not be granted. WALL STREET REVIEW. New York. Feb. . The financial mar k,t better today, the liravy subscriptions fur the new Kovornineiu loan timing had a atreiifcthrninir e-Hei-t on securities of ull kinds. Acrorilint; to bankers, Die good. effect of this will be reflected in a fur ther Improvement, not only at the Stock Kxrhaiixe, but in the commercial world us well. The features of the speculation were the Industrials, the, Granger. .Metropoli tan Traction and Southern Railway, Sti gar was again in Kharo demand and roue to 111-V Speculation close I Mini In tone, Net chanties show gains of 'j per cent Sales wire 316.500 shares. Furnished by WILLIAM LINN. ALLEN ft t.u., correspondents for A. I. LAMr U15LL, stock broker, 412 Spruce street. tip'n- High- Low- Cio lug. eM. est. Inc. Am. Tobacco Co ,9 7H 7fri 7i'-i Anit Cotton !.... ". IK'S, lli', Am. SiiRiir Re'g (.?o..li4 lln's ll"'i Atch.. To. ft 8. Fe... I'I'a lii'j Pirn K'' Canada Southern.... 4!'., 4!'- 4SM, i neaa. & unio 17 li li li Chicago tius fcVj 6",'i W'i M t'lilc. X. W 10'J', 1W W 111?'', Chic. B. & V i"s 7'J'4 7S" 7 C. C. C. St. I. 3i'i 37s. 37 37 Chic, .Mil. el St. P.. 7.V, 7.1T, 7l'i 75i Chic, It. I. A Pro.. 7J-i 7:iU 72 Tl Del. A Hue! 121 1 - 129 V., L. & V Hil'i liil'i Ml Dlst. r. I- K-m li W. IB: ura. tiiectric ; z! zn'i z:t I.OUH. Nusn 4n, iw 7tt -M. K. & Texas. Pr... 2711 28 27 27' aiannnttan Kle 1117. idii l7 n7 Slo. Pnc HTi 2l'k 23V4 23 jvat. coiauite 27 27'4 27 X. J. Central 10S4 l(u 109' 1084 N. Y. & X. K 4SVa 4SI, 48'a . ., 14. K. VV ; K-i Hit IT, X. Y., 8. e V.. Pr.. 31 31 31 31 Xor; Pac 4H 4H 44 4H Ontario ft West If.'a 1.".4 15i, loli umina ;ts J; Pac Mall 29a, S'-t 29'i 2!t'j Phila. A Read 143i 15 13 14 Southern R. R HP. HP! 10'i Wt Southern R. R.. Pr.. 32 32 813. 32' Tenn. C. ft 1 324 Sl'-i 32 32T4 lexan j-aciuc S'3 s( ! Cnlon Pacific 7i 7 7l 71 Wabash, Pr 17!, K 17 K Western Union S.1 gr.t 85 SC-i W. I. 12 12 H 1JS, 1. S. Leather lu" IIP lo lii'i IT. S. Leather. Pr.... 67 874 !' 8'i'j u. b. rtiiooer j.,',, .'.ju, :;', CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE PRICES. Op'n- High- Low- Clos. WHEAT. May Jtiy OATS. May July CORN. May July LARD. Junuary .... PORK. May , Ing. est. est. lng. 74 m 21 li 21Hi 30j 31 tiiti Uli 2l'i 21 . siij ...G.S2 . 10.G0 Jtt 2i?i 21 30 31", 2114 SO' 4 6.32 C.7S 10.W W.m 6.77 10. Scrantoa Board of Trade Exchange Quo tatlons-lll Quotations ut& on Par of 1 00. Nam. Bid. Asked. uime uep. e uis. uanK , 133 Bcranton L.aee Curtain Co 50 National Boring & Drilling Co. ... W r irsi .'National nans (go acrantan Jar & Stopper Co 25 Scrant.on tllaas Co 65 Dprir.g nrooK water LO 108 hJltnhurst Houlevard Co 100 Scranton Axle Works go Traders' National Hunk H24 us ocramuu ouviiih ouiik 2W Scranton Traction Co 'jj Bonta Plat tllass Co 10 (Scranton Car Replacer Co joo Traders' National Bank 115 Scvanlon Packing Co , ... BUNDS. Scranton Glass Co log Bcrunton rasa, nnuway, nrst mortgage due 1913 no Scranton Traction Co (5 i'eopie a mrcei nmiway, nrst mortgage due 1918 UO Scranton & Plttston Trao. Co M 1'eopie a nireei rtunway, oec- ond mortgage due 1920 110 Lacka. Valley Trae. Co., first mortgage due 1825 90 Dickson Manufacturing Co 100 Lacka. Township School 6 103 City of Scranton Street Imp i ... 102 Scranton Axle Works 100 Boroutth of Wlnton 8 100 Rush Brook Coal Co 100 New York Produce .Market. New Yolk, Feb. 6. Flour Quiet, firm, unchanged. Wheut Dull, firmer; No. 2 red store and elevator. 8laMo.; afloat, SSaXH'ic; f. o. b., 2Vjii83'i: ungraded red, 7uaS3c.; No. 1 northern, 7tia77c; options closed firm; February, 747gc-i March, TTPkc; May, 73itc.; June ami July, 73lc. Corn Firmer; No. 2, Wa3tic. elevator; 37c. afloat; steamer mixed, 3.V',; options dull, firm; Februury. 37c; May. 3Kc; July. 37?,c. Oats Dull, firm; No. 2, 23140.; No. 2 white. 2B',c. ; No. 2 hicago. 2'i'4c; No. 3. 24V.; No. 3 white, 2.'ic; mixed west ern, 231u2iic.; white do. anil white state, 2tj,ta28c.; options firmer, dull: February, 2r.ic; March, 2SK-.: May, 2.'.c.; No. 2 white February, 2C'ic Provisions Dull, steady, unchanged. Lard Quiet, firm. Butter Fancy llrmer; atate dairy, Halik'. ; western creamery. 13alc. : do. factory, Sal3c; Elgins, 19c; Imitation creamery, lUial.'ie. ; rolls, 9:il2c. Cheese Quiet, un changed. Eggs Steady, unchanged. Itnffalo Live Stock. niiffalo, Feb. 6. Cattle None on sale; market steady for good grades. Hogs Higher for mediums and heavy grades; Yorkers, S4.40a4.4.r; pigs. I4.3na4.40: medi ums. S4.4a4.'it: heavy. 14.40; roughs. $3.&a 4: stags, &Ja3.60. Sheep and Iambs- Steady; good lambs, W.JUir.; common to fnlr, t4.2Tia4.7j; culls and common. $2.S:u 3.73: mixed sheep good to choice. S2.90a3.30; common to fair. $2.25a2.83; culls, $la2; export sheep, :l.2.ia3.40. Toledo Grain Market. Toledo, O., Feb. . Wheat Receipts, 3.0(10 bushels: shipments, 6,000 bushls; firm: No. 2 red cash. 73c: May. 7ti'.c: Julv. 72'.-.c; No. 3 red cash, 73c. Corn Re ceipts. 13,000 bushels; shipments, 4.0U0 hush els; quiet; No. 2 mixed cash, 28c; May 31c.; No. 3 yellow cash, 2Sc.j No. i white, 27' c: No. 3 mlxeil, 27Vjc Onts Receipts, I.imjO bushels; shipments, 1,000 bushels: nominal. Rye Dull: No. 2 cash. 40c. Cloverseeil Receipts, 307 bags; ship. ments,-1.004 bags; quiet; prime cash and March. 14.42V. - Philadelphia Tallow Market. Philadelphia, Feb. 6. Tallow is dull 'and unchanged. We quote: City, prime, in hogsheads, Sc. : country, prime, in bar rels, 3c; do. dark, in barrels, 3a34c; cakes, 4c; grease, 3'4C RAILROAD NOTES. The followlg la the monthly report of the New, York, Ontario and Western: The authority of the board of man agers of the Joint Traffic association, it Is stated, has already been personally felt by several trfflclc officials who have unsuccessfully applied for permission to make a special rate. General Superintendent Mathews, of the Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburg, has resigned. It is given as a reason for his resignation that the directors wish to cut down the expenses of the general superintendent's office and that here after the duties of that office wll be assumed by the vice president. Fourth week January. $".9 Dec. J419 Month riiii.mi Inc. l.:r, From July 1 1,23b.S.i0 Inc. 10.KW Chairman CalUwel has notified West ern lines of his Intention to make a st-rles of tests to discover If the rules regurdlng the non-transferrable fea ture of mileage books Is belg observed. John K. Cowen. the new president of the Baltimore and Ohio, has made him self popular at the outset with news paper men by announcing that he had set a time each day nt which he would receive reporters and give them such information ns they may ask as far as consistent with theinterests of the com pany. The rumors which have been given publicity to the effect that George II. Roberts was about to retire from the presidency of the Pennsylvania rail road were emphatically and authori tatively denied at the office of the com pany yesterday. The officer and di rectors of the cotnoany are unanimous in the hope and belief that Mr. Roberts will long continue at the head of the corporation. In which they take so much pride, and it I safe to Bay that there is no business enterprise which has a more homogeneous organisation, and where the spirit of loyalty and fidelity Is marked In a higher degree. Mr. Huberts was never in better health than he Is, today and the ea with .which his mar experience and ability, en nbles him to handle th Important questions which arise daily In transact ing the business of this great corpora tlon besneak for hlth many additional years or active service. 01 CENT A WORD. . WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOR IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADK. NO CHARGE WILL KB I.EB3 THAN 2.-, CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO 8 MALT, WANT ADS.. EX CEPT LOCAL SITUATIONS. WHICH Alill INSERTED FREE. Help Wanted-Mala. WANTED a. AMI-XT IX EVERY SEO tlon toranrnw: 1 1 0U to 33 00 a da v made: ell at sight; also man to sell fctapl Uoods to dealers; best atd Dun tT.'.(0 a month: aal ary or lurg commission made; exparieno niiuet-essai jr. 1 iiituu boap ana Manniactar ing . ., Cincinnati, u. WANTKU-AX EXPERT STEAM FITTER to solicit work und make astlmates; good opportunity to tha right party. Address ni"" rii 1 riuun orac. WANTED . WELL-KNOWN HAN IN ' avrrv town to solicit stock aubacriD- tions; monopoly: big money for aganta: no capital required. EDWARD C. FISH CO., Borden Illoric. I'bloairo. Ill Halo Wanted Ftmalea. 1 ANTED OIRL TO DO GENERAL hr.usework; small lamllv and good wages; must have references. MRS. UEORQK Dcnuitc inu Month Main ava. II' ANTED I.ADY AOUNT IN HCRAN. ton to sail and Introduce Snyder's cak Icing; experienced canvasser preferred: work permanent and very profitable. Write for Particular at once aurt get benefit of holiday rade. T. H. HNYDfR ft CO, Cincinnati, O. WANTED IMMEDIATELY-.! WO ENER actio saleswomen to represent us. Guaranteed fttaday without Interferingwitn other duties. Healthful occupation, writ iy imrt'i-u'iira, inclosing stamp, mango 1neoi1 leal Cnmnanr. No. 7i Jnhn stiMt ' Vnrlt. Aganta Wanted. A UKNTS WANTED TO BELL CIUARH X. 75 per month aalary and expenses paid, Address, with two-cent stamp, FIUARO CI- usn .'., vnioago. 7E ARE PUTTINl VICTORY TELE V t phone tablets on every telephone in tha worm, ana want reiiaoi men to nanus it: pays 113.000 a year: Inclose stamp. VICTORY .uAnir Aciuitinu tu, tieveiana, uoia 7ANTED-TWO OOOD MEN TO SELL V tea and coffee on commission in and around Her an ton: will fnrniah each with a horsa and wagm and pay 20 par cent, com mission: a small oonn required, r or particu lars suitress v. u, iriuua omce. A GENT8-TO HELL OUR PRACTICAL l. gold, stiver, nickel and copper electro platers; price irotn upward; (alary ana ex peases paid; ontfltfree. Address, with stamp. mitniuan r ur to., cnicago. AGENTS TO SELL CIGARS TO DEALER8; S25 weekly and expenses: exnerlance un necessary. 40NMOLIDATED MFU. CO., 48 van Biiren at., Lnioago. SALESMAN TO CARRY BIDE LINE; 25 kj Der cant, commission: samnia immk mailed free. Addres 1 N. CO., btatloa L, ntw ion, AT ON CE AGENTS APPOINTED TO sell new lightning sellimr table clotb. mos quito and house fly liqnid at 10 rents and 23 cents a bottle. Sample free, BOLGIANO MFU Co., Baltimore. Md. AGENTS HINDE'B PATENT UNIVER sal Hair Curlers and Wavara fused with. out htat), and "Pyr Polnted"Hair Pin. Lib eral commissions, Free (ample and fall par ticulars. Address P. O. Box 450. New York. For Sal. L'OR HALE-NEW. MODERN ELEVEN- V room house near Ureen Ridva at.. 1615 Mousey a vs., Green Hldga; bargain. OWNER. VOn SALE-ONE OP THE FINEST -P country places near Scranton: lsrse modern house and nne grounds. MRS. MARY Ai i.tswuit i H, uiama ureen, ra. IPOR8A LE-S POOL TARLES. 3 BILLIARD tables and on combination table: also bargains in new aurt er-ond-baiid cloth and balls just now. J. U. VAN KLECK, Wl minster Pool Room. For Rant. ITtOR RENT TEN-ROOM HOUSE; ALL 1 modern convenience. Inauira at 1-SA nasuuurn st. 1X)R RENT-TWO LARGE, DESIRABLE x rooms, turn sned or unlurnlshail: first. class board. 400 Wyoming ave. fOR RENT-ONE SIX-ROOM HOUSE, LEE court, inquire 01 ADiini are. TT'ORRENT-NICEuX FURNISHED HALL m. Bujiauiv ior Hiugsf mum j un.l ju 1 n, iiv n yoming ovenu. FOR RENT THE PREMISES RECENTLY occupied bv Tha Scranton Trlh.m ltnn-n aa in mosor unuaing, corner or sprue St. and renn ave. Possession aiven iraniadiatalv. The preinl-es consist of the building in the rear of the building on tha corner of unmn, atreet and Penn avenne, together with th oasamoni, ana aiso ine entire lonrtu noor ot the corner bnilding. Can be rented for Lodge purpose as well as public moating. Size of nan, s.ixnsj wun a s.-coua uau on same noor. xuo. ror tiartlculara inaulre i the premises, nf Rudolnh Bloeser. or iltl,. omceai j ne ncramon irioune. Wanted To RcnL 11 ANTED A FLAT OR SUITE OK f v rooms, furnished or unfiirnisbed. con- vafilent. In liftiftifi at mm w. u . .1 .1 . - -' f " i - - .v, us, nuuim if. A ., IllllllUB VIIIUO. VlfANTED SINGLE HOUSE OR COT- tags, with yard and garden, within or near city limits; stte terms, etc Address FRENCH. Tribune offloe. Lost. I OST-BUB )H KEYS. FEBRUARY K J J Rewsrd bv returning to P. H HRll'lTT tx n.ii. iri uismona ave, Money to Loan. 2f) rtn W0 0N STRAIGHT MORT- gC D. B. REPLOGLE, Atty., 4"g Spruce st Boarder Wanted. 11? ANTED A YOUNG GEWTT.F.JI AN TV boarder: ffood board ami imnt r- nisnen room, uuv line at auditor's Notice. IN RE: ESTATE OF ANNIE D. RBESE, deceased. No. 474. Series A. Ornhan' Court of Lackawanna County. Notice ia here by given that the undersigned, an auditor ap pointed by the Orphans- Court ot Lackawanna County to distribute th fund in tha hands of tne administrators 01 ine estate or Annie D. Keese. deceased to the psrties entitled there to, will attend to the duties of his appoint ment at bis office la the Mnnicipal Bnilding, Kcranton. Pa., on Saturday, February Ska, IWtt, at 2 o'clo-k n. in at which time and place all parties Interested must appear and present their claim or be forever debarred from coming in on said fnud. ; PAVU'J. UAVIS. Auditor. aoecial Meeting of Stockholder. TP Y DIRECTION 0-' THE BOARD OF f nivanfne nt ttiaa flyvtsainrnet il 1.- fiie-ivto ua uvieiiituu V wall VIU .a. eltofsa will Yva. aa M.,.i.. 1 nM4iH. m a.iTL P"".' " ea qj-vi s illX7?9ii WL I Iltl Htockholdera of said c -nip any held at tlie of- f el... - -a T . In thecltrof Hcrantuii. Pa., February l'2th, lPti. at 10 o'clock n. m for 1 tie mr.oe of authorising th Board ot Directors of aaid Coin paii and iU proper officer, to aell and oiit y the Jolt of real estate of the company. la l.av ,Je ,.f tat.... wt lAe. U. -. ssi u ui"'Ul UU. era- rumbered by raortKama hr the company, and also a certain lot of land aituate in the city of a cut. via. Ale ., aui tiaiinan Q( n OUltr Dutt newi aa may properly come before aaid meet 1 1 U XT A DDPV (3 a IVIVIfriii .iriiiu UQiura IMIItl DlBfll O. If. WARREN, Secretary. Pa.. Jan. 11. IStsL ' icranton. pa. ftojieilajiitieca THE 80I.D1ER IN OUR CIVIL WAR." You want this ralic. f-Ant&ln all Frank Leslie's famous old War Picture,how ing th forces In actual battle, sketched on tha apot. Two volumes, pictures. Mold on eaay monthly payment. Delivered by i- prea eompleta. su cbarg prepaid. Address P. O. MOOUV, fcsl Adam AT., Heranton, Pa. BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS. MAOA- una, etc. bound or rebound at Tai Tatavaa offlo. ulck work. Baable ptioaa. OUR FIRST INSTALLMENT OF Cotton Wash Fabrics Now open for inspection. The line comprises , , Dimities in uarioiis grades, Diicbess Jaconets, Percales and Cambrics, Rejan? Dimity, ' Zephyr D, etc., Printed Marsalia, - Tail? Cbatelain?, Cbantilly Lac? Gatiz?, ' Mere words cannot describe the wonderful beauty of senses of seeing and feeling alone can do them justice. ' CONNOLLY & WALLACE, Situation Wanted. SITUATION WANTED BY AN KiPERI aod man aa salesmsn, bookkeeper or ahipplnc elerk; best references: wholeeal trade preferred, Addraa. A. L., Tribun onii-e. CI1UATION WANTKU BY A BOY IS p years of tg willing to learn any kind of trad. Address 615 Stone t. SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNO man It year of age, wllllne to learn a trad or mas himself useful about (hop or wholessle (tore; must bar work of some kind. Address B15 Bton at. SITUATION WANTED TAKING CARS ef horse er drlrlBfi eoed at most any kind of work. CHARLEY KMOWLK8. 1 ripruo st. w ANTEO-WA8HINO TO BS TAKEN bom. Address us Kresaler court. CITUATION WANTED BY AN EX PERI tJ eaced young nan aa stenographer; also pssssssn a inorougn inowieag ot oooKKeep ing. Address P. H., Room 111: Burr Building. SITUATION WANTED A8 CLERK BY an hoaest, sober and industrious young man woo can a-iva tn nast or recommenaa- tlons. W. H. 8., Bos 36, Whit' Valley, P. CITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNO O. man: will do any kind of work: (tor won prererrea, Aaarea btor, reoarius. ra., f. u. dos Jia. YOUNU MAN WISHES A POSITION AS bookkeeper or alarkinir: ia wllllne to da anyiuing; oan air eooa reierence it i sry. Address R. M. D., Trlban office. SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNO If AN 1 year of a as assistant steward, nre- man or any aina oi won. Aaarea J. j. I.. i rionne omce. CITUATION WANTED A8 COACHMAN kj or eenerai naerui man arouna nonea. as dress JAMES AUSTIN, aa Ceater st. CITUATION WANTED BY PRACTICAL O nicture frsme lolner and mat maker: thoroughly conversant with details of th art traae: rauaui. Aaarea nuruuiiL xrioans omce. Medical. LA DIE t CMcnMtar'i Cngllth Pwnyreyil Mil iu.suii Bnaiii, are the ''' "rSfSia f A. m SUt. ti.i3 S., lUnia, ssrttcaUn, lulirf br liin." isnsa bT Raturn MaJk, Caiehoiwr Cbtaoli A SURE CURB FOR RHEUMATISM Tvarrnuivu w car. www vat u& e.vri twww, two doe will take the wont case of Inaam- matorroutof bed. (ZW per plat nottl. Manufactured and sold hy MRS. DR. HAMILTON. 34s Nrthmpta street. wiiKesBarr. ra. and for ala at 116 New York St., tires Rldg. SVKANIUni, PA. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Dentists. DR. WILLIAM A. TAFT. PORCELAIN, Brldg and Crown work. Office, Xii wasnington avenue. C. C. LAUBACH. SURGEON DENTIST. No. 115 Wyoming avenue. R. M. BTRATTON, OFFICE COAL EX- cnang. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. A. TRAPOLD. SPECIALIST IN Diseases or women, corner Wyoming avenue and Spruce street, Scranton. Of fice hours, rnursaay ana saturaay, a. m. to p. m. DR. O. EDGAR DEAN HAS REMOVED to Bis Bpruc street, ncranton, r-a. (Just opposite Court House Bquaro.) DR. KAY, 206 PENN AVE.; 1 to J P. M.: call vni. uib. 01 women, oosireincs tog and all dls. ot chtl. DR. W. E. ALLEN, tit North Washington avenue. DR. C. L. FP.EY. PRACTICE LIMITED diseases or tne n.v. iuar. xsoae ana Throat; office. 122 Wyoming ave. Real- dencjZyino treet. p DR. I- M GATES. 125 WASHINGTON avenue, omce nours, to a. m., 1.30 to I and 7 to I p. m. Residence jo aiaai on avenue. nn 3 n HATESON. TUESDAYS AND Fridays, at too unotn atrt. umci hour 1 to p. m. DR. 8. W. I.AMEREAUX, A SPECIAT- ist on cnronic uiwuhcs 01 ine neun, inn,, liver kidney and aenlto uri nary diseases, will occupy the office of Dr. KOOS, i Auaiiia aviriiu. umu, hours I to 5 p. m. Lawyers. WARREN KNAPP. ATTORNEYS and Counsellors at uw. nepuoucan buitdlnv, Washington avenue, Scran ton. Pa. : . JESSUPS A HAND. ATTORNEYS AND counsellors i mw, connnoswHiin building, Washington avenue. " W. H. JEBSUP. HORACE E. HAND. W. H. JESBUP, JR. PATTERSON WILCOX. ATTOR- ney ann l-ounfenwrs 11 xtiw; oniccs and S Library building. Scra.nton, Pa. ROSE WELL H. PATTERSON. WILLIAM A. WILCOX. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND, Attorneys ana vounwiiors. common wealth building. Room 1, M and SI. FRANK T. OKELL. ATTORNEY-AT-, rtoom b, vuai juxcnange, acran ton, P. : JAMES W. OAK FORD, ATTORNEY- at-Law. rooms so, ei ana so, common wealth building. SAMUEL W. EDGAR, ATTORNEY-AT- Law. umce. 111 npruce st., pcranton. fa. L. A. WATERS. ATTORNKY-AT-LAW, 423 IcKawnna av.. pcranton. rm. URIE TOWN8END, ATTORNEY-AT- J .aw, Dime uann nuiiaing, scranton, Money to loan In urge sum at S per cent. ; C. R. PITCH KK. ATTORNEY-AT- law, commonweaun ounaing, scranton. Pa. ; - H. C. SMYTH B, ATTORNEY AT LAW, W Lscmwsnns avrnur. C. COMEGYS. J SPRUCE STREET. D. B. REPLOGLE, ATTORNEY LOANS negotiaiea on rcai estate aeounty. eoi Spruce treet. B. F. KILLAM, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, iw Wyoming bvb., pcrmnwn, ra. JAB. J. II. HAMILTON, ATTORNBY-AT. law, a commonweenn Bifl-g. acraoion. I. L C RANCK. iM WYOM1NO AVE. Pilimetis, Lappets, mm mm TRY US. mm um ive, ecu uizx Wire Srccns. JOS. KUETTEL. REAR HI LACKA wanna avenue, Scrantoa, Pa., manufac turer of Wire Screen. Architects. EDWARD H. DAVIS, ARCHITECT, Room M, a and K. Commonwealth puiiaina. Heranton E. L. WALTER, ARCHITECT. OFF1CJS rearofa Washington avenu. LEWIS HANCOCK " jR. A RCH ITEcV, . 435 Spruce t, corWaah. ave, Boranton. BS2WIJ MORRIS, "ARCHITECTS, Price building, m Waahlngtoa avanue, Scranton. Schools. CHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, Bcranton, P,, prepare boy and girl for college or business: thoroughly tralna young children. Catalogue at re qust. Open September . REV. THOMAS M. CANN. WALTER H. J1UELL. "i8? WORCESTER'S KINDEROARTBN and Sohool, 411 Adam avenue, open J B.:J!KJ"j?IghnJg0jor term. Loans. THE REPUBLIC SAVINGS AND Loan Association will loan you money pn easier term and pay you batter on Investment than any othar association, pall on S. N. Cauitndcr, Dime Bank building. Sceaa. G. R. CLARK CO.. SEEDSMEN AND Nurseryman; store 1M Washington ave nu; green house. IM North Main ave nu; store telephone TBI Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE. IK and in FRANK 11a aveau. Rate reasonable. P. ZEIGLER, Preprltor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D.. L. W. passenger depot Conducted on th European plan. VICTOR KOCH. Prop. WESTMINSTER HOTEL. Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Place. New York. Rat, tt.M per day and upward. (Ameri can plan). E. N. ANABLE. I Proprletorv Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA MUSIC FOR ball, picnic, parties, receptions, wed dings and concert work furnished. For terms address R. J. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue. ovr Hulbert miialn ,lnr. MEGARGEB BROTHERS, PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper was, ......w. Warehouse, 130 Washington ave.. Scran- ton, FRANK P. BROWN et CO.. WHOLE- sale dealers in n 00a ware, uuium. " OJIlJninojWMtJjackawBnna av. THOMAS AUBREY, EXPERT Ac countant and auditor. Room If and 20, Williams Building, opposite postofflce. Agent for the Rea Fire Extinguisher. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES Central Railroad of New jersey (Lehign ana ousquenanna ui vision.; & tmm I esnlu.lvelv. Insur ing cleanliness nnd comfort. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT NOV. 17. 1895. Trains leave Scranton for Plttston, Wtlkes-Barre, etc at (.20. LID, 11 JO a. m.. 1 20, 2.00. iM. 6.00. 7.10 p. m. Sundays, .00 a. m., 1.00, 2.15, 7.10 p. m. For Atlantic cuy, b.jv m. m. k- , VapIc Newark anil Elizabeth. S.20 (expre) a. m., l.aO (expres wlih But- let parior .... -- nay. p. ,, - f arrive at Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, 6.21 p. m. and New York .45 p. m. For Maucn .nuiiR, aikiiiwwh. hem, Kaston and Philadelphia. 1.20 a. m.. t 20 S 06, 6.00 (except Philadelphia; p. m. Sunday. 2.16 p. m. For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc., at 8.20 a. m.. 1.20 p. m. ,.,. For Keaoing, ieDinon an" nmnuuiH, via Allcntown, 8.20 a. m 1.20, 6.00 p. m. Bunday. 2,15 P. m. For rousvine. u. 111., -.v v V3.....nin I.... Turk, root or Lib erty street, 'North River, at 9.10 (express) - 1 in 1 w J 30 snress with BulTet parlor car) p.' m. Sunday. 4 JO a. m. Lave r-niiaanpiii.. 9.00 a. m., 2.00 and 4.30 p. m. Sunday 6.27 Trough ticket to all points at lowest rates may be had on application in ad vance to tne ucaet -a. ...... Gen. Pass. Agent. ' J. H. OLHAUSEN. Gen. Supt. DELAWARE AND nliUSOX RAIL ROAD. Commencing Monday, July M, ail trains wilt arrive at new Lacka wanna avenu station as follows: Trains win leave ecran ton station for Carbendale and interme d??t uolnta at 2 .20. 645. 7.00, 1.25 and 10.10 a! m.. 12 W. J 20. t.A W and "ForPFarvl.w, Wayniarl nd Honesdale at 7.00 k.25 and 1v.1v w, .uu v. w '"'For Albany, Saratoga, 'the Adirondack and Montreal at - "" f p- m. Var Wtlkes-Barre and Intermediate faint at 7.45. M. nd 1 m., 12.0i, w I ! 4'uo. 6.10. 0.06. 9.16 and 11.29 p. m. . drains will arrive at Scranton atatlon from Carbondale and Intermediate point it 7 40. 9.40. 9.M and 10.40 a. m.. 12.00, 1.17, ti 1 '0 4 54. 6.56. 7.46. 9.11 and li t p. m. From Honesdale, Waymart and Far view at .4 a. m.. 12.00, 1.17, 140. 6.55 and P- m. , .: ... . From MOmrrai, nsniais, niBsnjr, eic, at 4 64 and p. m. nm Wllkea-Barr and Intermediate nelnu at lit, 104, . and ll.H m. m 1.11 114, tm, 1.10, .(. 7.29, . and 1L1I p. m. B55 mm Wallace French Organdies, etc. The our line this season, 2oo Washington Avenue, Opp. Court House. ' UPHOLSTER FURNITURE , , Clean Carpets, Renovate Feathen, Make Oier Mattresses, Make and Repair Spiioft Sell Iron Beds, Make Fine Mattresses, Nov. 17, I89S. Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia and New York via D. a H. R. R. at 7.4$ m., it .06. 1 20, 2 S and UM p. m.. via D.. L. W. R. R., .oo, 1.09, 11.20 a. m., and l.ii P. m. Leave Scranton for Plttston and Wllkos. Barro. via D, L. A W. R. R 9.09. 1.09. 11.29 a. m., 3.40, (.07, 1.62 p. m. lave Scranton for White Haven, Ha. lleton. Pottovllla and all online on tha Beaver Meadow and Pottivllle branches, via E. W. V. R. R (.99 a. m.. via D. H. R. R. at 7.45 a. m., U 06. 1.29, 2.M. 4.00 p. m., via D.. L. W. R. R. 9.0. 109. 11.20 a. m., I. to. t.40 p. m. Leave Scranton for Bethlehem, Kaston, Reading, Harrisburg and all Intermedial point, via D. V H. R. R. 1.45 a. m.. 12 06. I. 20, K.M, 4.00, 11.38 p. m., via D L. A W. K. R . (.99, 1.09, 11.20 a. m., 1.30 p. m Leave Scranton for Tunkhannock, To wanda, Eluilra. Ithaca, Geneva and all iniei mediate point via D H. K. R., (.45 a. m., 12.06 and 11.36 p. m.. via D., L. A W. R. R., 9.(9. 9.56 a. m.' 1.90 p. m. Leave Scranton for Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Detroit, Chicago and alt point west via D A H. R. H., (.45 a. m , 12.05. 9.U. 11.13 p. m via D., L. A W. R. R. and Plttston Junction, S.09. 9.55 a. tn., l.W, 9.60 p. m., via E. A W. V. R. R , 9.41 p. m. For Elmlra and the west via Salamanca, via D. A H. R. R 9.45 a. m. 12.06. (.05 p. m.. via D.. L. A W. R. R 9.09, 9.66 a m 1.30, and 9.07 p.m. . . Pulman parlor and deeping or . L. - V. chair car on all train betwssn L. A B. Junction or Wllkai-Barr and New York. Philadelphia, Buffalo, and Suspension Bridge. ROLLIN H. WILBUR, Gen. Supt. CIIA8. S. LEE. Gen. Pass, Agt.,Phtla., Pa. A. W. NONNEMACHER. Ast. Gtn. Pas. Agt., South Bethlehem, Pa, Del., Lack, and Westcriu Effect Monday, June 24, S9.". Tralna leave Scranton as follow: "Ex press for New York and all puinu East, 1.40, 2.60, 5.15, 9.00 and 9.5S a. m.; 1S5 and 3.34 p. m. Express for Easton, Trenton, Philadel phia and th South, 6.1S, 9.00 and 9.55 a. m., 12.65 and 3 .34 p. m. Wanhlngton and way station, 3.5$ p. m. Tobyhanna accommodation, 6.10 p. m. Express for Blnghamton, Oswego, El. mlra, Corning, Bath, Dunsville, Mount Morris and Buffalo, 12.10, 2.35 a. m.. and 1.21 p. m making lose connections at Ruffalo to all point In the West, North west and Southwest. Bath accommodation, 9 a. m. Blnghamton and way station, 12.37 p. m. Nicholson accommodation, 6 p. m. Blnghamton and Elmlra Express, (.01 p. m. Express for Cortland. Syracuse. OaWego, Utlra and Rlchtteld Strings, 2.35 a. m. and 1.24 p. m. Ithara 2.3C and Bath 9 a. m. and 1.21 p m. For Northumberland, Plttston. 'Wilkes. Barre, Plymouth, Bloomsburg and Dan. vllle. making close connections at North, umberland for Wllllsmsport, Harrisbure, Baltimore, Washington and the South. Northumberland and Intermediate sta tions. 6.00. s.55 a. m. and and (.07 p. m. Nanticoke and Intermediate stations, (.08 snd 11.20 a. m. Plymouth and inter mediate stations. 3.40 and 8.62 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches on all express trains. For detailed information, pocket time tables, etc., apply to M. L. Smith, city iirket office. 32. Lackawanna avenue, or depot ticket office. Erie and Wyoming Valley. Trains leave Scranton for New York and intermediate points on the Erie rail, road at 7.00 a. ra. and 1.29 p. m. Alao for Honesdale, Hawlcy and local points at 7.90, 9.40 a. m. and 3.29 p. m. - ' All the above are through trains to and from Honesdale. , Trains leave for Wllkes-Barre at 6.39 a, m. and 3.VJ p. m. a SCRANTON DIYIBIOIV, 11 Effect SeteakerM, fSvSe Marts) (laawa. 1803 f 01 Station I S-T B. 8 fit '(Train Daily, S ig 1 cepfc huoosy.; JSJ r a Arrive Xeavei r.T. Franklin St. 1 ia U'eet Sited .tread 7 on weehtwken - "1 -- - . -1 r Ml. MlArrlre Leave! llSiUanooek Junetluat 1 ofj Baacock 19 Sl Starlight 19411 . Preston Fart 19 40 Como II 95 PotsuU 19 14 Belmont 1941 Plesiant M9. tllAtl Vnlondnla 11 4fl rorset Cttr Bsil St Carbondale 4(I19U Wite Brldg 4 ....I Uayneld aii II 991 Jertnya M'U l Archibald MflllJl Wlnton 9t 11 111 PrckTiUs aMill OTj Olrphant , U ll 0-J Dlcksoa 1 1911 01 Throop Hill vi ProTidenea litltcri lark paea Ml in soranton at U aLoave Arrtvel All train ru dally except Sunday, t slgainea that trains slop al(Dal (eeura rates via Ontario a Western Circnaptng ticket aid ear ao4V. Day! lagt Kipreas M the west - 1 C. A naersua, Oea. Pasa A rutcrem uiv. ra, act, amua, 1 Ml 910 ..w .... 9UI ..ej .... 9 411 ( "" ltd s OVJ sjfj I lid T04 ( 941 ..2 TTfl9S Tit 19 4 ..M T 14 949 J Si si "3 f til 9 IM .... 79T IM 79 (04 .52 tu 410 .n. T 4 14 .Zi T 41,14 IT ,lZ T 44 490 r Ml