The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 06, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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V t
' ; r Fall and Winter Goods
To Clear Tbem Out
See Specimens la Large Window,
Desks, Blackboard;), Tables,
Tin Kitchen Sets, W ash Sets,
Soldier Sets, Tool Boxes and
Other Large Toys. Also
Fancy Goods, Stationery Articles,
Miscellaneous Books,
' Window Shades and Wall Papers,
At Very Interesting Cut Prices.
322 Lackawanna Ave.
A Foe to Dyspepsia I
And Always Have
Good Bread.
Tho Weston Mill Co,
Mm. Martin T. Lavell Is seriously 111.
Kx-Recretury M. K. McDonald Is in Phil
adelphia on business.
Miss Mame OIlRiillon. of Adams avenue,
U entertuiiilng Minn .May Lynch, of Hlng
New Contribution to It Tlmt Art
The fund for St. Joseph's Foundling:
Home keeps growine; day by day. The
following additional contributions have
Juct been announced:
James Kelly, $2; Henry Bellman. t:
A Friend, $2: William Gllroy. $1; Mrs.
Mareraret Mitchell, 12; Mrs. Edward
Mitchell, $2: Mrs. P. Blewltt. $2; A
Friend, $1: Michael Culkln. 12; Thomas
Ororan, II; Anthony Norton, $2; HUKh
Collins, tl: Anthony Nealon. tl: Anth
ony Olllard, $1; Mrs. 8. McCormlck, $1;
Martin Corcoran, $1: Joseph Cleary, $1;
Patrick Herlay, 11; Bernard Frlcker. $1;
Michael Oussen, tl; Michael A. O'Mal
ley, $1; John RoR-an. tl; A Friend. $2:
Franola McCarthy, tl: St. Leo's Bat
talion, West Hcranton. $f0; James
Katchford. tl: Thomas Curran, tl; Pat
rick McAndrew, $1 : Martin Ollfrallon.
tl; John Moloney, tl: John Lynch, tl;
Mrs. Marparet Weir, tl: Mathew Bllboa,
tl; Anthony McAndrew, tl; Patrick
Flaherty, tl; Anthony Johnson, tl: A
Friend, t": total $99; previously ac
knowledged, $1,260; grand total, $1,35.
Is to Com Is In Common Picas Court as
1'elfined Issue.
Clerk of the Courts John H. Thomas,
pursuant to an order of court, certified
yesterday to Prothonotary Pryor the
lraeclpe In the Williams will contest
It Is a case of feigned Issue and will
be tried In the common pleas court
with ,Kvan M. Francis as plaintiff and
James E. Francis and Elizabeth lieale,
The decedent In this case was Kachel
Francis. She made a will on June 14.
1HS4, being then a single woman, in
which she left all her property to the
two defendants. The will was attucked
on the ground that she was then men
tally unsound and' also that the will
' was void for the reason that a subse
quent marriage with John Williams re
voked It.
Third Macrcd Coneort.
On Sunday evenlnjr the third of the
sacred concerts will be given at College
hall. Bauer's orchestra, the members
tit the cathedral choir and others will
participate In the programme that is
being prepared by Professor Schilling.
For Dyspepsia
t'se llorsford's Acid Phosphate.'
v Dr. J. Guy McCandless, Pittsburgh,
Ta.. says: "I have used It in various
fnrms of dyspepsia, with gratifying re
sult." Pillsbury's Flour mills have a capac
ity of 17,600 barrels a day.
! Buy the Weber
and get the beat. ; At Guernsey Bros.
By so-called "Reduc
tion" sales of "shop-
' , worn" goods, "job lots"
and "left overs."'
FOR - ( A ladies' hand made,
' ' rSil c,ean stylish shoe
VV worth $4.00.
FOR All Ladies' fine Don
X gola button and
V lace up-to-date shoe
- worth $3.00.
- But we cannot give you a
$6.00 shoe : for $3.00, nor can
aiiy other correct dealing
irierchant. "
Testimony HearJ . vstcrday Before
Alderman Miliar.
lie Admitted That He Cannot Hoed or
Write and Had No I'.xaet Knowl
edge of What Was In the Af
fidavit lie Swore To.
The hearing In the case of Henry
Bchlents. charged with perjury in
swearing out a warrant accusing Henry
Slmrell of Irregularities while acting on
the election board in the First district
of the Twentieth ward, was re-opened
before , Alderman Millar yesterday
morning. It continued from 10 o'clock
a. m. to ?..?.( p. id., with hii Intermission
of an hour and it half for dinner, and
was attended throughout by an audi
ence which tilled the otllce to overllow
Ing. As the case irosres'sed It became
very evident that the prosecution was
niuking nut a strong case and the as
sumed nochalunce of the defendant and
his Instigators, which was so apparent
at first, gave way to a noticeable feel
ing of nervousness and alurm. -Major
Kverett Warren conducted' the pToaeeu
tlon and George M. Watson, of the linn
of Wuison & Zimmerman, appeared for
the defense.
A host of reputable witnesses called
by the jirosecutlon testified that there
were m irregularities at the poll, and
of the few pluced on the stand by -the
defense ttchlenlz himself was 'the' uuly,
one who swore positively of having any
direct knowledge that crookedness tXfik
pluve. He also- weakened on -cross-ext-"
ainliiation uud by his own udmiasioiHi
explained away the greater part A(,the
alleged Irregularities.' One thing
brought out by Mr. Warren "which
caused a smile to play over the faces
of the spectators, and which brought
the defendant's attorney to hls.feeti-wlth
a string of futile objections, was, that
Schletite can neither read nor write and
c'liisequenLly did not know what was
on the affidavit he swore to. except as
he was told, und further that he Hid not
engage .Mr. Watson to dereiid him, and
hud no knowledge of who his attorney
was to be unt'l directed to Mr. Wat
son's office.
, i)Vhut tho Testimony Showed. . ,
The testimony otfered by the prose
cution tended to show tljat matters
were so un anged that every voter could
see the election board and the ballot
box and that his ballot was tallied und
placed In the box und that a fair count
whs mude before witnesses. It was
also brought out that Schleiita admit
ted lifter the election that a fair count
laid been made.
Keulkn .Martin. William William,
Kdward Hummer, Thomas Griffiths, Kd
ward .1. O'Oonnor. A. G. Hewitt. Lloyd
I). Hill. Charles Andrews. John Bran
vllle, William James, Herman Shaffer.
James Kernan, John T. Kichards. Grif
fith Richards, Joseph P. Harvey, Jo
seph Roberts and John Jenkins Bwore
that they had attended the election,
saw no Iregularities. heard no chal
lenges made by tfchlentst and that
everything was carried on peacefully
and In an orderly way.
Julian Cooper, - the successful dele
gate, was present at the poll from 3.4."i
o'clock till the election was over. One
vote was rejected to his knowledge,
but he did not remember whose It was.
Schlentx and himself, at the request of
Hon. Alex T. Connell. witnessed the
count of the votes. The votes were
counted In their presence and they
could see everything that was going
on. He did not see Mr. Slmrell going
out with the box but saw him coming
back. So far as he knew iio tickets
were tnken from the box and no rules
of the party were broken. On cross
examination, in answer to Mr. Wat
son's question, he stated that he heard
Mr. Schlentz make some remark about
taking the ballot box out of the room,
but he saw nothing wrong In that. He
denied any knowledge of Schlentz hnv
Ing said "I have nothing against you,
but will settle with Slmrell later."
Mr. Jones, who was Mr. Slmrell's col
league on the election board, was re
called by Mr. Watson and stated that
they had rejected the vote of Joseph
Kuane and his ballot was not placed
in the box.
Schlents Placed on the Stand.
The defense opened at 11 o'clock by
putting Schlonts on the stand. He re
Iterated his alleged perjury contained
in the affidavit and described the Irreg
ularities which he claims he saw.
He said that he saw Slmrell take
three tickets out of the box and when
he expostulated with hlni, Slmrell de
nied the accusation. He testified that
Slmrell went out of the room .with the
box and was gone three or four min
utes. After the -count he claims he
said to Cooper, "I got a square count
here. You and I are friends, but I. will
settle with Slmrell later."
Major Warren thea took Schlentz on
cross-examination. He asked him
among other questions if he was not a
candidate In the interests of Moir.
Westpfahl and Davles. Mr. Wutscn
objected, whereupon Major Warren ad
dressed the court, explaining thut he
wanted to show that Bchlentx had been
trapped Into making the false affidavit
by a wing of the party which aimed at
Its destruction.
"Don't you know thnt Slmrell and
Jones conducted the election' fairly?"
asked Major Warren.
"No, sir."
"Ho you swear that they didn't?"
"Yes, sir."
"Do you swear on your oath that Plm
rell and Joufcs were dishonest that
"1 think they were."
"In what respect?"
"In taking the ballots out of the box.
I was about four feet from Slmrell. and
saw him take three ballots out of the
box. The ballots stuck half way in the
slot, and Slmrell drew them out."
"Isn't It the time that Mr. Ruane
came there to vote, that Slmrell took
the ballot and had it half way in the
box when Mr. Jones stopped him. say
ing Ruane was not a Republican, and
hud no right to vole; and that Mr.
Slmrell then drew the ballot out?"
Mr. Sehlentz Didn't Know.
"I don't know whether it Is or not."
"Do you know of any man who came
there that day to vote and the board
would not let him vote?"
"Yes, sir. Kugene Menllet."
' "Why didn't they let him vote?"
'"Because they Huld he wus u Demo
crat." "Do you think It is wrong for them to
stop a man wbu In a Democrat?"
"Not if he Is a Democrat. Hut he said
that he split his tickets and voted on
either side." i
Major Warron after this succeeded
against the strenuous objections, of Mr.
Watson In making: Hchlentx admit that
he did not hire Mr. Watson and Hint
Charles Westpfahl accompli nted him to
Watson & Zfmineimpn's otllce. (in re
direct examination after th- recess Mr.
Schlentz admitted to Major Warren
that he did not know the nilos of the
Republican party whb'h in liis utililnvlt
he swore had been violated.
John Miller said he dlil not see Mr.
Slmrell shove his ballot nil Hie way
Into the box but had no cause to be
lieve that It did nut eventually go in. .
Charles Asperwhlauer tlioUKht the
election was tllnhouestly conducted.
Major Vvarren showed that Axper
schlnger was on enemy of Slmreirs.
Thomas Carey tFtltled to havlner
seen Mr. Slmrell cumin;? the box out
of the room. Mr. Wilson and Charles
Westpfahl. at tiU ''incture retired to
the alderman's jii-Jv office and nfter
a consultation rctu H and asked for
an adjournment unt'l 5 o'clock this af
ternoon, which was- -ranted them.
Srllabo Ontllnina ' iflj HcqiieJ Dis
tributed by Kune i"i'dent Howell.
City School Superintendent George
Howell has begun the dlatributlon of a
in the pi-lii.M
. In t;imp!il' .
" Xi:i-j.
m-k to lie done :
t Is Vomplb.cV
tM"iy-fl.t ,
:.' ! . m 'he eu- '
The ; . .. . ,
l-iii,tt-t 4. . . ,
nuu ks. mv . .
. latui y ve-l
v tiiiciniiiin i e
:. ." t: etV-
!e tec-chcis to
II k togrther." Ht
hopes thioi:;. t!se mentia to make
the Fchcols "jvitiUid" lit fact as weli as
in name.
Feb, 14 I tho Itii.o on Vhl.h It Will He
. Ilotit In Miihiu llall-sonit.' of tho
tiitrlcs. -t
The coming tournament of the Ex-selslor-Athletic
club at Music hull on
Friday evening, Feb. 14, promises to
eclipse anything of the kind conducted
heretofore by the club and even the
recommendation that It will be equal to
the tin st events would be sufficient to
pack the house from pit to dome.
It will be the nli;ht of the fight be
tween Peter M alter and Bob Fltzslm
mons, and the club will receive over a
8'ieclal wire the Incidents of the great
contest by rounds. This enterprise will
be an accommodation to lovers of the
manly art which will be properly ap
preciated. The entries received for the tourna
ment, with more to come, are as fol
lows: In the lU-pound class John I In
land, of the club, und George iUewaid.
of the Philadelphia Athletic club, will
compete; in the ftfe-pouud fluss Joe
Wllllschek. of the Caledonian Athletic
club of Philadelphia, an old fuvorlte
In this city, who has won many friends
bv his gentlemanly manners und scien
tific ability, will box with John Reur
don, of Washington. D. C.
(Kdward Deinj.sey. of the Kxcelsiors,
and John Sweeney, of the Nonpareil
Athletic club of Trenton, will enter the
lists in the 143-pound class. Harry
Marx,-of Philadelphia, und Peter Fox,
of Brooklyn. N. Y., will battle for hon
ors In the JFi8-pound contest. .
Kvery tournumeiit of thin popular
club lias been free from any slugging or.
brutal exhibitions of brute strength.
The bouts are for points in scientific
boxing. But no two competitors get
up for a mere exhibition to till out the
progrumme. Every bout is for a medal
and it must be won by merit. .
Kverv one who say "A Summer
Sliowei" ut the Lyceum lust night Will
pass this niesyuge ulong the line of their
friemis und acquaintances: 'Don't miss
It.' ft is runny without being course.
There Is a plot to It. The characters
mean' something and do something. Ar
thur Slilinan Is lo be congratulated on his
work as an uutiioi- and actor. He hus a
cood cuii(iuiy uml each und ull do all
Flint Is possible und necessary to round out
the grand success. Buffalo Kvenlng
Times. The last half of the week, beitln
InliiK this ufternuoii, at Davis" theater.
!l II '
"Land of the Midnight Sun." thut conies
to the Academy next Friday evening. Is
one of the stionge.-'t melodramatic pro
ductions of munv years. The story of the
pluv Is partly taken fiom Hull Cain's
great romance, "The Bondman," which
created unite a furore in literary circles
a few yeiirs uao. The play is so written
that it Is free from Incongruities and su
perfluities so nrie:i found In dramas of this
caliber, "l.-ind itf Hie Midnight Sun'
Is Indeed Mr. Barbour's best play, and
Mr. Pearson correctly calls it his lag
show. It is a production clever in con
ception, eliihora'e In scenic display snd
strong In dramatic situation. It. is -sentlullv
n suec'uculur drama possessed
of a great deal of realism and many
strong mechanical effect-.
'! !i H
A cvclone thnt carries way n whole
town and dooostts It In a very mixed-no
Flute, in a town several mllos uway. is
one nf fie Munehili"n-llke lnclilnt of
"Hush Citv." the new Ds.vW ft Keogh's
farcical production, which will be seon
here at an early dnli. The cyclone Is rep
resented bv wonderful scenic ami mechan
ical contrivances. It will lie seen at the
Academy of Music Saturday night.
One of the most largely attended and
delightful of the many recent teas was
that given yesterday by Mrs. N. K. Rice
ut her home. Olive street und Websi..r
avenue. The Interior of the spacious and
well-arranged rooms was given an added
beauty by the tustefal use of an unusual
quantity of rosea and green plants. The
cutering was by Huntington. Mrs. Rice
was assisted in receiving by Sirs. John
A. Meurs und Mrs. Clarence Rose, of
Carbondale. Mrs. 8. P. Fenner and Mrs.
Frank Connell and Mrs. Walter Henwood
and Mis. Lloyd Ross alternated in presid
ing over the lea and coffee service. MIhs
Zephie Costlett served frappe. The young
ladles who' assisted in the dining room
were Misses Vanie Reynolds, of Curbon
dale; Anna Buck. Louise Seybolt, Mube)
Cullender and May Albro. Those who
assisted In entertaining were Mrs. J. A.
Reynolds, of Ciirbondale; Mrs. .1. N. Rice.
Mrs. Stephen Rice, Mrs. K. H. Ripple and
Mrs. SV. 1). Green. There was a largo
number of out-of-town callers, among
them being Mrs. G. W. Reynolds, Miss
Reynolds, Mrs. V. V. Williams. Mrs.
Clarence Spencer. Mrs. Albert Pascne,
Mrs. A. W. Reynolds, Mrs. H. Bolton, Mrs.
L. It. Reynolds und Mrs. C. W. Gruiner. of
Carhondiile; Mrs. Case, Mrs. I'hliine.v,
Mrs. George Knight and Miss Nellie
Knight, of rittslon, and Mrs. Wilson, of
On Tuesday evening Mr. anil Mrs. Reels,
of Webster avenue, gave a handkerchief
party to a number of their friends st their
home. Those who attended It were; Mr.
und Mrs. Hevcns. Mr. and Mrs. Llmerson,
Mrs. I)uvl, Murgsret Davis, Kllfnbelli
Phillips, Rachuel Jones, Dorothy Melich,
Lillian Ijimuert, Owen Jones, Mary J.
Davis. Hatlle Kvsus. Kmnia Bonrkhouse,
Kate Bourshoiee. I.lzzl Bagerty, Llxste
Joyce, Lyda Boiirkhouser, Anna Hoff
man, Yeltie Luihf". I.otlle Guinlw. the
Messrs. Will PMIllpo, Orvll Xoakes.
Louis Roberts. George N'oakey, Krncst
Carr.Tom Kerr, Redy. Harrison, Claverye
MeKeen, Wrrr-n Ball 's, Theodore OciHv,
Stephen Phillips. Will Reels, Gertrude
Bouikhouser anJ N. Joyce.
Patrick l.ammond snd-Mlsa .Margaret
Jb llule. of Phelps street, were married
yesterday afternoon m St. Peter's cathe
dral by llev. ,1. A. O'ReUlv. Mr. Lammond
was attended bv 1'u'rlck Gillard. and Mtss
McHale bv her sister. Miss Bridi'et Me.
Hale. Both bride nnd bridesmaid wore
handsomely frowned. Aft-r the marriage
a reception was held ut the bride's homo.
Mrs. F. If. Comirll entcrtnlned a num
ber of her frlerds with a ten at her rcsl.
dence, on Bank sl'eel, Tuodnv after,
noon between " nnd il o'clock. She was
nssislel In entertaining by bee mother.
Mr. Cabin Sevhnlt. Ms. T ttlae, Mrs.
Wilcox, Ms. I.'iwfon, 'lie Misses Sy.
bolt und Alias Harriet Cooper, of Pitts,
Old Mnn p!c'cd I'n rt a Tmr.p Passes
Awn- nt the Poor I'Mvn.
Daniel McConrlc!:, !i-.d . r.7 ypnrs.
died at the Hillside Il.e-ie yesterday,
f in .lanilury 21 he was nlc'ted ntvby He
police for vagrancy and whe: p.n exam
ination chiiwed that he v.n.i hi o living
cor.dlttoii he wai h.?:it to the pucr farm
to end his days.
Before dentil lie told the Honi"
nulhnritics thnt h I.imI n mnirled
ilntishtor livliiK In Danville, but did t.'f t
give Ip-r husband's immc. If these
relatives cannot be foueil within a few
dnvs Hie body will be ihlppt'tl to Phila
delphia. . -
Patrick Shuushncssv nnd I'nmilv Are
s-ltf .tl'vc
Wllker-Bdrre Feb. r. -The story pub
llshul In a Phllrid-hihia paper thlP
mm nine slotlng thst tiv oeoole liml
beep kllhd 1a-. cniil pns, ct Waymnrt.
Wryne coiipty. Is recently exayficruted.
Tln facts nre ps follows:
The family of Patrick Slin.ut;hnessy,
consiwting- of his wlf" and one Ron,'
slept In a room udlnlnlnt; the kitchrn
during Tuesday nlrht. A vreat nmotmt
of coal pus lilhtt th kitchen nnd bed
room and at II o'clock tl" icxt dny a
neighbor calling pt the house discov
ered the family sti'' nslecn crd ti"icr
Ing from asphyxia '.l"i. Pclp vns sum
pionett nnd Hhsn-bt:csf,y wns pooh
brought to en'!--cinus-ies. .The vlf3
und ron are ptlll uncor.rclous, Dnd their
rccovcly is iloutTt:!.
Smokers, beware of Imitation of the
Pocono cigar. Qarney, Brown & Co.
tl 1 SlOritJS fiiSUjiu
Jury l im'.s Hint Nut (itiiity of the
Crime of . I'ortjery.
Treasurer of the I'efunct Olyphan
Uank Wus Very fortunate-Proprietor
Uhyta of Hotel Terrace Not
Guilty of Assault aud Putloi j.
At S.4S festerday afternoon a verdict
of "not guilty but pay the coats" was
rendered by the Jury In the ease of the
commonwealth against Treasurer M.
J. Stone, of the defunct Olyphanl Trust
company.- The finding of tho Jury was
generally commended and many felici
tations were accorded to the defendant.
District Attorney John It Jones
made out a very strong: case. The de
fense held to the line thut Mr. Stone
hud been guilty of nothing more than
an error of Judgment. The case was
resumed at 9 o'clock In the morning
when court convened und us charac
ter witnesses the following persona
were called: Attorneys M. W. Lowry,
II. M. Streeter and Frank T. Okt-ll; L.
M. Ilorton. J. L. Stelle. 11. G. Dunham,
C. M. Whlttemore, Frederick Shear
and City Solicitor Jumeu II. Torrey.
They testified to the honesty aud up
rightness of Mr. Stone and to the con
fidence reposed In him.
Mrs. Nettle A. Stone, the defendant's
wife, went on the stand and testified
that her husband hud absolute power
to sign her name In any transaction
that he chose. She had an Individual
deposit In the Olyphant Trust com
pany's bank and he had permission to
sign her name in the use of that amount
or to an unlimited amount. But he did
not tell her of the note of $3,000 to
which he signed her nume until after
the bauk want into an Insolvent con
dition. Kvidcnee Was Huled Out.
Hon. John P. Kelley, assignee of the
bank, was called by the defense and
it was offered to prove by him that the
notes drawn by Mr. Stone in the names
of other persons, worked no harm to
any person coticernoxl. Judge Arch
bald would not allow the evidence, sus
taining the objection of Mr. Jones to
Its admissibility. The defense then
rested and no testimony was offered in
Mr. Comegys made an eloquent ad
dress to the Jury for the defense and
was followed by District Attorney
Jones for the commonwealth, whose
argument was clear, logical and easy
to grasp. The charge of Judge Arch
bald was finished at S o'clock In the
afternoon and in one hour and forty
rive minutes the verdict was brought
In. There Is a case against Mr. Stone
charging him with embezzlement but
It will likely be nolle prossed In view of
the verdict of the Jury In the forgery
Superintendent Theodore Wolf, of
the Lackawanna Iron and Steel com
pany, was the next defendant. The
charge against him was assault and
battery upon Thomas Green, a boy
about sixteen years obi, living with his
parents on the South Side. District
Attorney Jones represented the com
monwealth and Attorney Joseph
O'Brien the defendant.
If ,Mr. Wolfe were defending himself
In a court of equity Instead of the crim
inal court where statute covers the ac
tion, he would undoubtedly receive a
reward rather than punishment. Ills
offense consisted of slapping an Inso
lent boy with the hack of his hand
when the circumstances Justified ad
ministering a good kicking. Judge
Archibald's charge to tho jury was as
follows: "Gentlemen, it, Is unnecessary
for me to charge you In this case.
Bring in your verdict In the morning."
Tried Bcforo Judgo Unnstcr.
The first case tried In No. 2 court
room before Judge Gunster was against
Joseph It Osgood, charged with false
pretenses. Charles II. Clause was prose
cutor. Attorney George D. Taylor rep
resented the commonwealth nnd Hon.
John P. Kelley the defendant. The
facts In the case are as follows: The
defendant got the prosecutor to sign
a note for ?3a0 as security and It was
alleged that he represented that he was
worth t.iOO. Before the note was due
the sheriff seized Osgood's property and
sold him out so that lie was not able to
meet the obligation for which the note
was given as security and Clause had
to pay the money. It was a New York
firm to which the note wus payable.
The parties live In Moscow. The Jury
had not brought in a verdict at adjourn
ment. In the assault and battery case whore
W. H. Whyte, proprietor of Hotel Ter
race, was defendant and Charles Perry
prosecutor, a verdict of not guilty was
found and the costs were divided in
equal proportion. Mr. Whyte was
charged with using more force tliun
waa necessary In dealing with impu
dence on the part of the prosecutor.
Verdicts of not guilty were taken in
the following cases: August Julo, as
sault and battery; Frank Kavlolu.
prosecutor; Robert Turnbull, assault
and battery; J. C. Kromer, prosecutor;
George F, Anthony, violating game
laws; S. J. Hinds, prosecutor.
Soineillons, as American CitUens, Handed
to Civil Authorities.
Havana, Feb. 5. The caseB of the
Sonielllous, father and son, 'charged
with conspiring against the govern
ment, have been turned over to the
criminal court .'upon representations
having been made that they ure Ameri
can citizens, und as a result of the reso
lution introduced in the I'uited States
senate by Senator Call of Florida.
The Insurgents have burned the vil
lage of Yaya. In the district of Gibtira,
and have destroyed by tire the building,
machinery and plantation of Kuropu. in
the province of Matansuis.
A squadron of Spanish euvulry, at
the funn of Cut men. In the Scilm de
Mocha district of Matunzas, bus had
an hour's engagement with the insur
gent bands commanded by Cirtrlllo
and Torres. The Insurgents lost llfteen
killed and hud many wounded. The
troops lost live killed and hud nine
- .
W idow of sir William U ndo and .Mother
of Oscar Wilde.
London, Feb. R. Lady Jane Frnnces
cu Speinza Wilde, widow of Sir Wil
liam Robert AVllls Wilde, M. D.. sur-Keon-uccullst
to her majesty in Ireland,
und mother of Oscur Wilde, Is dead.
Iady Wilde was one of the best
known women In London. Her sulon
was the meeting place u few years ago
for all the notable and eccentric people;
of the hour. As un authoress she once,
enjoyed some celebrity. "Poems by
Siieranzn," her bo-t known book, was
printed in Dublin In 1XU4. and has gone
through several editions. She wrote a
number of Irish stories, and In her
prose, as in her verse, displayed a
keen patriotism and Home fancy" Her
death was not unexeeted. She was
completely by the disgrace of Oscur
Wilde her favorite mm und at the
time it was said that she could not live
many months. Her other son, William
K. Wilde, was at one time u husband
of Mrs. Frank Leslie, and is now a
wriier on the London . "Telegraph."
Ihp .Murderer and His YVrfo t reats
Scene Inf t'owt.
Went" Chff.ter, Pa.. Feb. n. All tho
tcptininny In the murder trial nf Thou.
Klvln In now in the hands of the jury,
and two of Ahn four addresses nrtvs
been made ly the atttirne.vH. Two
plecs are yM to be made, nnd they,
with the Judre-s charee. will occim'v
the greater, imrt ot tomorrow. XU, I
I'..' -
h the afternoon.
1 t!-ls afternoon
': i if-, entered
, "" : y V-r Bten-
- Titfy pw
" , - ' C- ft-m!ant
. .' liiiri arn.
i V ac i ) up
and tii a.-..etlr.naV--ly.
Tho v .'i , . v hint and con
versed i'f-i When the
tf Fi-pr.ic. i 'Stir Interview
both vv r s! ; .:.
Two of tl.- f undresses to the Jury
wer.. iiiik!.' ir l-i r. "t "-.'.in n. District
Attorney J Kpake tirct. Kc oc
cupied an hi.ii:' p"d .calt with the In
sanity riea and iru- whisky excuse of
fered by the defense. S. D. Ramsey
spoke for the def eiii-e for two hours.
His talk was a severe arralffnment of
Mrs. Klvln. who, he paid, had caused
the unbalancing of the mind of the de
fendant when she left him to enjoy
the ernbraecs of a paramour at Norrls
The r.x-Chsmplon still Carries Ilia Head
In Knndages.
Springfield. III.. Feb. 5.-John L. Sul
livan, with his wife und Manager Glic
kuuf. left thlseveninjr for Fort Worth,
Texas, where the ex-champlon wHJ re
join IiIh company and on the 14 Ui will
go to Kl Paso to attend the Untie car
nival. Several hundred people gathered
at the depot to cutc-h u sight of the
once invincible Sullivun.
lie still hus his head In bandages and
his face Is hudty Bcurred up. Other
wise he seems to be in fair condition.
Moffutt Not GulltT.
MllHintown. I'a.. Feb. B.-A verdict of
not guilty wus rendered this moral nt in
the cuse of Warren J. Mntlett, for man.
slaughter, which was begun here oil Moll,
duy. The case invulved the killing and
abandonment of u child. Motrett's wire
and her parents, who were indicted with
him, will nut be tried. The verdict is
universally approved.
Kentucky Iteadlock.
Frankfort, Ky., Feb. 5. The vote for
T'nited States senator In Joint assembly
here today was us follows: Hunter, Mi:
Blackburn. IE.'; McCreury, 2; Carlisle, 2;
Bute, a. Necessary for u choice, lis.
read about BooM's ursaparllla. They
know that It Is an hone-t medicine, and
that It curse disease. That U why you
should only ne Hood's.
HOOD'S PILLS cure all liver Ills, re
II eve constipation and assist digestion.
And look at things in the
China Store. Can't talk
about many of the bar
gains in this small space,
but name three:
Coffee Cups, pretty pat
terns, that were 25c,
And a hundred other
beautiful patterns that
were 35c aud 50c
Cutest little Teapot,
Sugar and cream, three
pieces, sold for One-twent3T-five
New spring line of Irish
Point, Tambour and
Nottingham Lace Cur
tains Now in. Value
never so great before.
$l.oo and
ivill lilirl" r
NOTTi Hr.i
HELLO 3203
There Are
Some Things
That are everywhere recognized
as the very best ot their kind.
They are the standards. Others
may be good, but the genuine el
ways commands respect jnd
evokes admiration. You have
heard of
Haviland & Co.s French China.
Maddock & Ci's Royal Vitreous,
Homer Laughlin's While Granite, s
. These arc a few of the many
makes we carry in open stock, of
which you can select such pieces
as you wish.
Toilet Sets, Lamps, etc
Wedding Presents.
China Hall
Walk in and look uromnJ.
WE THINK that we have the choicest, new
est cleanest, beat selection yon can find any
whore. IN QUALITY we partirulary excel, and our
PRICKS, marked in plain figures, at hglti
niateaud, you will And by comparison, a little
lower than anything; competition offers.
Just look them over and ee.
P. f.VCfO & CO,
128 Wyoming Ave.
and your eyos will
Uk earn of you. It
& LI -J 1U
f)F YOUR EYES or nrrou
lir 1UUII 1. 1 Ik) new go to DR. SHIM
BUHG'S and hare your er-i ezsmined ir.o.
w btvo reduced prioea and are th lowott to
tho city. Nlciol pectaclo. from 1 to soli
from ti to tii.
303 Sprues Street, Scranton, Pa.
! Linoleums
Making, Laying and
Lining included in these
y e
5 frame, usual price $125.
Ulegant patterns, with borders.
70 c)
205 Wyoming Ave.
in the prices ot
Don't buy until you see
our prices.
Acknowledged the Leading
Of the World.
KRANICHC 4 BACHE and others.
Musical Instruments,
Husical Merchandise,
Sheet Music and
Music Books.
Purchuiern will always find a complotl
(lock and at prices an low as the qul.
Ity ol the Instrument will permit at
I A,
117 Wyoming Ave. Scranton
We Have
Oh Hand
Also the Newest.
Also the Cheapest.
Also the Largest.
Porcelain, Onyx, Etc
Silver Novelties In Infinite Variety.
Lutcst Importations.
Jewelry, Watches, Diamonds.
fl. E. ROGERS,
Jeweler and
215 Lackawanna Ave.
Winfer Will
Soon fl?r?
And to bo proparad to noet tfco ecl&V
wenthar you want a aeaaouatl Halt mi
b Overeoat-or both-
406 Lackawanna lie.
Tho largest stock to aeloot fro a. TrtatV
mirg Always of tho Best, Latest Hfltm
in tit-tting, and made up on tbo araaUae
by Cxpert Workmen.
' t&rKotainK allowed to lears tho estab
lishment nnlns mtisfaotory to too oos
toroer. and tho lowest prices coaslstsak
with Good Merchant Tailoring
Tbe Finest la the City.
The latest laruTed furnish
lots and appar 3 for keeytag
meat butter an. 8.
223Wyo ngAv.
Cures Colds, Lnya Out LaGrippe,
Cures Incipient Consumption.
.Manufactured by G. ELS1EN
I,t)!tF, lihnlra, N. Y., and tarsal
by tho trade generally.
WLuleule l.ents, Scrutoi, Fl