The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 06, 1896, Image 1

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Mew and
And they'll be much worn during
the early Spring,
Dress Skirts
Have come to stay for a season at
least, and as usual, we're Just a
little ahead of the procession, and
show now what others will ask you
to look at a little later on. Consult
any authority on current fashion,
and they'll tell you that the Spring
and Summer of '98 will be the great
est Separate Skirt and Waist sea
son on record. Where one was sold
last year three will be sold this
No, no, It Isn't a bit too early for
buying. These skirts are just the
right weight for the cold weather
of early Spring; In fact, we had
them made up especially for pres
ent wear, believlns that many of
our lady patrons will welcome them
as timely and appropriate flrst-of-the-season
Their Cost "
Is Moderate
All of these Skirta are from Ave to
Ix yards wide. They are lined
throughout and finished In the best
posalbl manner. The higher grades
have the new and popular 'Rustle"
Linings so much In demand, and
will be found worthy the attention
of the very best trad
Fancy Mohair Skirts $1.41
' Figured Crepon Skirts 2.50
Wide Wale Diagonal Skirts S.7S
. New Mohair Skirts .00
Tufted Cheviot Skirts COO
. Tufted Cheviot Skirts, extra heavy. $.S0
Silk and Mohair Skirts (feather
weight) $8.50
Finest New Crepon Skirts $9.50
Novelties In figure and stripe effects.
These give but a hint at what to ex
pect, but there's lots more to select
i Of Course
We've got the Waists as well.
Envelopes Opened in the Office of the
Secretary of the Treasury.
Isador Straaa aad Juha A. MsCall Lsad
the Claeqaa Vartoa Bids Coasld-ered-Probably
Nothlag Short
of 1 1 1 Will Ba Noticed.
Washington. Feb. 6. It was exactly
U.SU o'clock this morning when tne
brass gate leading to Secretary ' Car
lisle's office was opened and those hav
ing credentials as bidders for the bonds
were allowed to pass the well guarded
doorway and entered the big public of
fice of the secretary, of the treasury to
watch the opening of the envelopes
containing bids. Mr. Van Senden, the
secretary's private secretary, stood
guard and saw that only those allowed
"by the grace of the secretary" should
get In, and he waa especially careful
not to let any but the bidders enter.
The newspaper correspondents, except
a single representative of the press as
sociations, were rigidly excluded.
A few minutes past 12 Secretary Car
lisle appeared, and as he entered the
room some one started applauding, and
as he made his way to his seat, the
hand-clapping grew to quite a respect
able reception and the secretary seemed
somewhat embarrassed thereat. The
bids having been opened by a commit
tee of three as follows: Comptroller
Kckels, United States Treasurer Mor
gan and Assistant Secretary Curtis.
Mr. Eckels, aa chairman of the commit
tee, appeared and announced that
owing to the large number of
bids received today and this
morning, it had been Impossible to
tabulate all up to noon, but he wished
to report that up to the time given the
committee they had opened and tabu
lated 3.7U? bids and the amount sub
scribed by these was 1380,232. WO.
Mr. Eckels was here unable to pro
ceed, for the crowd around Secretary
Carlisle Tmrst forth In loud hand-clapping
and shouts of applause. This was
led by Isador Straus and John A. Mc
Call who were seated next to the sec
retary! -t After this had died away Mr.
Eckels continued by saying "the per
centage ranged all the way from par
to lis and a fraction."
Renewed Applause.
This announcement brought '?rt,n
renewed applause, and Mr. Eckels
again had to wait for It to subside.
Then he added: "We still have a
large number of bids yet to be tabu
lated, and when this Is done It will
bring the number of offers up to about
4 000 and Increase the subscriptions
at least $75,000,000 more, thus making
the total over 1455,000,000." Again the
bidders gave vent to applause, and
Mr. Eckels returned to the ante room
to continue the work of the committee.
It was a quarter to two o'clock when
the committee finished tabulating the
bids, and It was found that 4.040 bids
had been received and these aggregat
ed the total subscriptions of 64.26,850.
Of these several were evidently bogus,
one being for $100,000,000 from a physi
cian In Michigan, and another of
000.000 from Texas. : Deducting the
fUt.000,000 considered bogus. It leavea
the total subscriptions at t50S.2C9.850.
An analysis of the bids gives the fol
lowing: Total amount of
lM bids at 110 aggregated...... !..
84 bids at llO.iWW aggregated.... WW.
(8 at 110.60 aggregated 1-iWHJ
Number of bidders, over 4,4
HiKheat bid "J
Lowest bid .'
Average of bids "
New York city bid, over I1M,000,
Country at Urge bid, over... 8825. W0.0UO
Europe bid. about IIUO.MO.OW
Interest at average rate IM about VA.
President John A. Stewart, of the
United State Trust company, of New
York, put In bids on behalf of a large
number of banks, banking houses, and
Individuals amounting In all to $78,000,
000 at a fixed price of 110.075, which will
net about S per cent, to the purchaser,
and also bids for $10,000,000 at a lower
price from bidders who placed restric
tions upon Mr. Stewart's action In rep
resenting them.
i Various Bids.
Messrs. R. K. Olsndlnning Co., of
Philadelphia, bid for $500,000 at 118 75; S.
H. Emmons, of New York, $1,000,000 at
105; Williamsburg Savings bank, $500,
000 at 111. Most of the national bank
bids were at. 110. Messrs. J. P. Morgan
A Co., the National City of New York,
the Deutsch bank and Harvey Flak
Son's bids Jointly (or $100,000,000 at
110.6877, thus establishing a price below
which It will be Impossible to award
any portion of the loan. This cuts out
the many big bidder at 110.075 who
were associated with Mr. Stewart. It
Is quite possible, however, that even
the Morgan syndicate will not get any
of the bonds, as Mr. Stewart Is quoted
as saying that h believe that no bid
below 111 will be accepted.
The four subscribers to the Morgan
syndicate bid In four equal parts and
offered to take all or any part of the
The bid of Joseph Pulltser, of New
York, for $1,000,000 at 114 had a mem
orandum attached to It stating that
this bid at the highest market price to
day, la In lieu of the offer to head the
list with a subscription of $1,000,000 to
a popular loan on the basis, which waa
not adopted, of an open subscription
at a nxed equal rate.
Overwhelmed by aids.
The treasury department waa sim
ply overwhelmed by the enormous num
ber of bids received. With fifteen ex
pert clerks at work scheduling the bids
at 6 o'clock tonight, they having
worked Incessantly since this morning,
I, 200 bids remained unscheduled. They
will be copied tomorrow.
The great feature of the bond bidding
was the offer of 1. P. Morgan's syndi
cate, whlob aa new composed Include
only his own banking house, the
Deutsche bank of Berlin, Germany, and
Harvey Flsk Son, of New York.
They- proposed to take the entire Issue
at 110.6877. Only one ether bid of any
thing Ilk equal amount waa received.
Mr. Plerpont Morgan after figuring on
the bids received said tonight that he
estimated that he would be awarded
on his bid about sixty per cent, of the
$100,000,000. Me reached this conclusion
simply from hearing the various bids
read, as he did not think that more
than $40,000,000 bid above that figure
had been mad. Scarcely more than
one-third of the actual bids received
are Included In the Imperfect lists now
published. Several thousand bids be
low the obvious limit of acceptance are
Bids for many millions of dollar
coming from New York, New Jersey,
Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Illinois.
Connecticut. Vermont, Maryland, Ne
braska, Missouri, North and South
Carolina, Indiana, Michigan, Louisi
ana, Washington (state). Iowa, Wis
consin, Minnesota. 'and in fact nearly
every state of the union thrown Into
the most Incongruous state of Juxtapo
sition and quite a number of offers from
Canada were received at prices rang
ing from 100 downwards. The number
of small bid was quite remarkable, the
$60 offer ran up Into the hundreds and
at fairly good prices and over 1,000
small banks and private Individual
whoa offer at the highest rate of
acceptability ranged from 500 up to
$8,000 or $9,000 are not Included In
the list published. The offers by the
classes of small bidden below the 110
and a fraction limit which seems shut
off the Issue, were still more numerous-.
Aa Eneonragtng Feature.
An encouraging feature In these of
fers was that so many of those of large
amounts ranging In many cases up to
one or more millions of dollars were
from fiduciary Institutions, which there
by Indicated that they had a better out
let for their money than that afforded
by the United States bonds at the price
at which they will - undoubtedly be
One of the curious Incidents of the
day was the fact that the bid of the
Union Trust company, of New York,
for $78,000,000 at 110.075 almost escaped
notice In the monotony of the reading
while the bid of the- Morgan syndicate
waa received with applause. -
lie I advised by the Prince of Wale to
Abide by the Findings of tb Yaoht
Club Commit tee. ( .. ,
London, Feb. 6. After having made
Inquiries In various quarters the Unit
ed Press re!resentatlve In London has
learned definitely that Lord Dunraven,
subsequent to his return from New
Turk, stayed at Sandringham for a
week, returning to London on the even
ing of Jan.' $1, when he received a cop"
of the findings of the New York Yacht
club committee In their Investigation
Into the charges mad by his lordship
against the Defender. The Prlace of
Wales, who soon after the Issuance of
the pamnhlet by Lord Dunraven con
taining his allegation against the De
fender, expressed disapproval of the
pamphlet, his royal highness consider
ing the charges to be without proof, has
counselled Lord Dunraven to abide by
the findings. - His lordship has had fre
quent consultations with Mr..01ennle,
Sir Charles Uall and George R. Ask
with, the lawyer who represented Lord
Dunraven at the Inquiry in New York.
He refuse to. consider the suggestion
of making an apology, and In discussing
the findings with hla friends, points to
the failure to produce the plans of the
Defender before the committee which
made the Investigation as a serious
omission aa Mr. Askwlth was prepared
to cross-examine the witnesses called
regarding the plans of the American
Though Lord Dunraven has not yet
definitely decided - to do so, he will
probably make a statement of his po
sition, which he will send to the New
York Yacht club,, together with his
resignation from . that organisation.
His partnera In the ownership of the
Valkyrie III, Messrs. Robinson and
McCalmont, are Indifferent In regard
to the matter, and are content to abide
by whatever Lord Dunraven may de
cide to do. Lord Dunraven is delivering
political speeches In Scotland today and
tomorrow, and Is also paying a visit
to O. L. Watson,- the designer of the
Valkyrie III, with whom he will con
sult In reference to the statement It Is
presumed he will make.
A Terrible Crime Cesssaltled la kabarb
of Chleage, ,
Chicago, Feb. 5 Richard Klattke. a
Lake View carpenter, killed hla mother-in-law,
hi wife, and three children last
night, and then committed suicide. The
bodies of the murdered person and the
suicide were discovered early this
morning in their little cottage at 207
Deraeau avenue,, two blocks from Cuy
ler station, a suburb on the Chlcag
aad Northwestern railroad. The dis
covery was mad by Alathsw Brown, a
saloonkeeper, who went to the cottage
to employ Klattke to do some work. He
rapped on tb door, but there was no
response. Knowing that the Klattkes
were early risers, he became suspicious,
and Called the neighbors. The door of
the house was then brokn In.
Tb killing was done with a revolver.
In each caae the bullet penetrated the
brain, and death evidently was Instan
taneous. Beside the body of Klattke
lay a revolver and empty cartridge
hell war scattered about the room.
On peculiar feature was the lack of
any indication of a struggle on the part
of any of the victim, and a heavy odor
which appeared to be that of chloro
form pervaded the house. From this
It was supposed that Klattke had
chloroformed the members of the fami
ly before be killed them. A detail of
officer waa sent to the scene In a patrol
wagon, and a careful examination was
mad of the surroundings, which left
no doubt tbat the murders were deliber
ately planned and executed by Klattke.
He had bean out of work sine Christ
mas. The police and physicians reached the
Conclusion that Klattke was mentally
unsound and his act was the result of
brooding over a recent similar erlm In
this city.
lie Lea' Bffsrta to Seoare tellable
News frost Cab Failed.
Washington, Feb. 6. Minister Dupuy
D Lome, when asked about the expul
sion of Correspondent William F. Man
nlx from Cuba, said:
"Mannlx cam to consult Oeneral
Baldasano, very wall Introduced as a
newspaper man, last fall, and aaked
assistance to go to Cuba to send relia
ble .new to a syndicate of newspapers
which had agreed to take his letter, but
would not advance him money. Under
guarantee that he would send unbiased
reports, I authorised the consul general
to pay his fare to Cuba. After Mannlx
got there In November and December
he wrote back announcing that he was
trusted by the rebel and offered his
services aa a spy to furrilsh tho consul
general with confidential reports of In
surgent plans. I Instructed the con
sul general to decline the offer most
emphatically, which be did,-as we had
no need for American spies in Cuba.
Mannlx Immediately began to send lies
to the paper here and as they were
published the authorities In Havana ex
pelled htm aa they had a perfect right
to do. In paying Mannlx's fare to Cuba
it was not contemplated to influence
his reports, as can be shown by his
subsequent letters offering rebel Infor
mation." Oold Withdrawals.
- Washington, Feb. S.-jThe treasury ds
partmcot today lisued a statement of the
withdrawals of gold from January 6 to
Feb. 5, 1KW. From this Is appears that
the otal amount withdrawn for export
aggregated t8.M4.133; not for export 87.34..
645; total, lHi.2M.li7s.
Murderer Respited. ,
Harrlsburg. Pa., Feb. . Governor
Hastings today respited Kobcrt Mosby, a
Washington county murderer, who was
sentenced to be banned on Feb. 80, until
April 22, In order that his case can be
presented to the board of pardons.
Joseph Cregle and John Oable Were
killed by a fall of coal In the Went End
mine at Mocanaqua.
The fire In Eagle Hill mine, near Potts
Vllle, has been extinguished and the MO
men will resume work in a short time.
A fast freight on the Central Railroad
of New Jersey crashed Into the caboose of
a coal train at Rock port yesterday morn,
tng, but the trainmen ail escaped Injury
by Jumping.
A whole mass of old reports and public
documents, bound and unbound, which
are stored In the senate loft at Harrlsburg
wore stolen last week. It la supposed they
have been sold to some Junk dealer. .
I - ' '
Resolution to Recognize the Cuban
Revolutionists Set Aside.
Mr. Vest Gives a Fanny Explanation of
Sesretary Morton's Carver la the
Department of agriculture Aa
tausaal Event la the lloss.
Washington, Feb. (.The concurrent
resolution which the senate foreign af
fairs relations committee reported last
week requesting the president of the
United States to use hla Influence with
the government of Spain to recognise
the Cuban revolutionist a belliger
ents, waa practically set aside today
by a substitute reported from th same
committee by Mr. Morgan (Dem., Ala.)
The substitute recognises a condition
of public war in Cuba and declares that
the United States shall maintain a
strict neutrality betweon the contend
ing power and shall accord to each all
the rights of belligerents In the porta
of the United States. The action of
the committee In adopting the substi
tute was unanimous with the exception
of the vote of Mr. Cameron (Rep., Pa.)
who still insisted that the congress it
self recognize the belligerency of the
Insurgents. The resolution 1 on the
vice president's table and may be
taken up tor aotlen tomorrow.
Th Joint resolution directing the
secretary of agriculture to earry into
effect the provisions of the agricul
tural appropriation for the currency
fiscal year for the purchaae and distri
bution of seeds and farmers bulletins,
waa taken up and discussed during the
morning hour. Mr. Vest (Dem., Mo.)
mad one of hla characteristic speeches
In support of the Joint resolution huld
tng up secretary of the agriculture to
ridicule in connection with the said
question and with th Secretary's con
demnation of the free silver movement.
"The devil" Mr. Vest said, "bad
owed the Democratic party a grudge
and had paid it in a secretary of agric
ulture who had put the party in an
tagonism to the great agricultural In
terest of the oountry which had been
heretofore particularly close to the
Democratic organisation." In conclu
sion he gave a humorous description
of Secretary Morton swinging his gold
en censor filled with Incense at the
executive and shouting "Holy, holy, art
thou, oh, Grover; king of kings and
lord of lord." Th Joint resolution
went over without action and the rest
of the day waa spent in the discussion
of the resolution to distribute the ap
propriation bills among the several
oommltteea having charge of the sub
ject matter. Th resolution did not
reach a vet and th senate at $.05 p. m.
adjourned till tomorrow.
Senator Quay's resolution to recom
mit to the finance committee th bouse
tariff bill aad th committees free
coinage substitute went ever until to
morrow, the vice-president ruling tbat
the Joint resolution aa t the distribu
tion ef seed bad precedence.
a lassosl treat.
An unusual and what waa said to be
an unprecedented event, occurred la
the aeuae today. A general appropria
tion (that for the District -of Colum
bia) was defeated in a body containing
lie majority upon the aid of th ma
jority of th committee from which
the bill was reported, by vol f 148
to U5. Th Mason for this defeat wa
two-fold; the Democratic minority vot
ed solidly against It, aided by these
Republloans who opposed the insertion
of any appropriation for secular and
private charitable institution in the
district. ,
This result was secured amidst th
most exciting scenes that have been
witnessed on th floor In this congress,
aad apparently out of all proportion t
th Importance aad magnitude of the
matter Involved, but underneath the
surface the feeling wa prevalent that
the lafluenoe of th vote would be far
reaching in the approaching political
sen test. After a time the Republicans
same together, upon a motion by Mr.
Qrosvenor. (Itep., O.), to reconsider the
vote and that wa don. Then th bill
wa recommitted to the committee ou
aiaiioprlatlon with Instructions to re
vise the schedule of appropriation for
before that asdMcvi was a-lonted, Mr.
Crisp, (Dem., Oa.), sarcastically con
gratulated th Rru'lct lur.J'.-iy
uix.ii it capacity and competency to
do tht public busluek. asserting that'
vhiNver might hav been th short
cfc.iiTgs and failures of th Democm:
upon th speaker wh;:i on ine ikor
ha-1 often reminds! them they had
never got Into auoh a state of Imt eciliiy
that they could not frame and pass an'
ordinary appropriation bill.
Among the bills Introduced In the
house today were th following:
Mr. Low (Rep., N. Y.). authorising
the secretary of th navy to construct
at navy yards to have built by contract
fifty first-class torpedo boats to cost
not more than $178,000 each, and six
torpedo gunboata and torpedo boat de
stroyers to cost not more than $500,000
each. For this purpose the bill approi
prlates 111,750,000.
Mr. Klefer (Rep.. Minn.), authoris
ing the secretary of war to recognize
the organisations of the Sons of Veter
an of th various states as a part of
the military reserve of the United
To Pravaat Prise Fight.
In order to prevent the aeries of
prii and bull fights advertised to be
gin on th 14tb Inst., near El Paso,
Texas, from being carried out In the
adjoining territory of New Mexico, a bill
waa passed, on motion of Mr. Catron
(Rep., N. M.) forbidding price fights In
any of the territories In the United
States or District of Columbia, under
penalty of from one to five year' Im
prisonment. The house consideration of the report
of the committee on waya and means
recommending non-concurrence In th
senate free coinage substitute for the
bond bill paused by the house last De
cember. Mr. Dlngley (Rep., Me.)
chairman of the committee. pok for
two hour and at the close of his re
marks the house took a recess until $
o'clock, at which time the debate on
th bill waa further continued.
Seeeeeloa Indorsed.
The debate on the free coinage sub
stitute sent over by the senate was
continued In the house In a night ses
sion, beginning at 8 p. m. Mr. Pearson
(Rep. N. C.) who avowed his faith that
the Republican party would solve the
financial question in a way to give the
largest possible coinage of sliver, con
sistent with the credit of the govern
ment In the course of his remarks, he
Indulged In a sneer at the expense of
South Carolina for the part which she
took In provoking the war of secession.
This allusion angered M. Talbert
(Dem., a C.) who declared In a great
state of excitement that South Carolina
was right in the position she then took.
- "I am ashamed of any man who
endorses secession or the motives which
lay behind It" Mr. Pearson said.
"I endorse It" Mr. Talbert exclaimed,
"I endorse every word of secession."
' "It has been said," Mr. Pearson went
on, "that If hell ever breaka loose In
this country, It will break loose In
South Carolina: and I believe It."
The spectator In the gallery took
aides in this angry altercation, ap
plauding now the one and now the
other combatant.
Mr. Talbert had the last word, de
claring that South Carolina never has
been, whipped and never will be
When the excitement subsided Mr.
Pearson went on with hla speech. The
house at 10.35 adjourned.
Joslah Rlehelderfer and Ilia Housekeeper,
Annie Tate. Ar Polaoned-Ceorg Bar
ton, Saapeeted of th Crime. Disappears,
Philadelphia, Feb. 6. A dastardly
robbery and murder was brought to
light this morning at 1506 Swain street.
The house at this address is Inhabited
by Joslah H. Rlehelderfer, aged 7$
years, an eccentric man. He had in his
employ Miss Annie Tate as housekeep
er and George Rarton. a young man,
who acted as hla body servant. Yester
day Barton poisoned the old man and
the housekeeper, and while they were
Buffering agonies from the dose, ran
sacked the house and fled. The house
keeper died this morning and Mr. Rleh
elderfer Is In a serious condition. On
Saturday Barton answered an adver
tisement of Mr. Rlchelderfer's for a
servant. Barton stated that he had
recently come here from the weat and
that he had a father and atepmother
In Boaton. and an uncle In Freehold,
N. J. Beyond this statement of Bar
ten's, nothing Is known of him, never
theless Mr. Rlehelderfer employed him.
Yesterday at dinner Barton placed
some poison, presumed to be arsenic. In
the food partaken of by Miss Tate and
Mr. Rlehelderfer. Both became seri
ously sick after eating, but did not sus
pect the cause. Barton attended the
couple and gave some remedies which
he said he had gotten.
The last seen of blm waa about
o'clock last night. After Buffering all
night. Mr. Rlehelderfer this morning
summoned help and some relatives of
his who lived in the neighborhood came
to the houae and procured physicians.
Shortly after the arrival of the physi
cian Miss Tat died, but Mr. Rlehel
derfer, while still seriously sick, will
probably recover.
The symptom of Miss Tat and Mr.
Rlehelderfer were those of arsenical
poisoning, but this will not be positive
ly known until the analysis being made
ef the woman's stomach by a chemist, is
completed. Barton secured only a gold
and sliver watch, a chain, some money
that Mr. Rlehelderfer had In the house,
a diamond pin and a pair of opera
Barton la a man of about 21 years of
age, ahort, thick-set and with a smooth
Miss Tat waa a native of Altoona,
Pa., and her only known relative Is a
alster named Mrs. Jennie Harrlsh, who
lives In Hollldaysburg, Pa.
Commissioner Lambert Orders the Arrest
ef J. A. Hill of the lalversal Mutual
Fire Company.
Harrlsburg, Pa., Feb. 6. State Insur
ance Commissioner Lambert tonight
mad a statement relative to the result
ef an inspection made ef the applica
tion to the insurance department for
the Incorporation of a mutual Insur
ance company under the name of the
Universal Mutual Fir Insurance com
pany, of Philadelphia. Irregularities
were charged In the affidavits of the
subscribers that a number of the lat
ter had withdrawn, but no notle was
given the department to that effect.
The result of the Inspection was an
order from Commissioner Lambert for
the arreat of J. A. Hult, secretary of
the sompany, and other officers, which
wa returnable Tuesday, Feb. 4. last.
Th hearing was before Magistrate Jer
mon, of Philadelphia. Hult failed to
put In hi appearance and Is still a
fugitive from Justice. It was shown the
officers were innocent, and they were
In the examination of th Milton
Mutual Fire Insurance company, at
Milton, Pa., the latter waa declared in
solvent, and placed in the hand of a
receiver, a re-Insurance policy for $1,000
was found among the property of the
defunct company. It was by the Illi
nois Central Mutual. The books showed
that this policy had been negotiated
by A. Ben Cochran, 417 Walnut street,
Philadelphia, who waa general agent
for the Milton for the United States.
A no license had been taken out, in
accordance with the law of the state.
Cochran was arrested and waived a
hearing for court before Magistrate Jer
men, Philadelphia.
1. M. Loudon, of Allooaa, Dies from th
Effect of Landsaam.
St. Louis, Feb. 6. The coroner' In
quest on th body ef D. M. Loudon, late
of Altoona, Pa., who wa found dead
Sunday In a Pin street boarding house
wa beguntoday. The presence of some
aarcotlc, probably laudanum waa found
and the Inquest waa adjourned until to
morrow when a brother of the deceased
will arrive from Altoona, Pa. The po
lice have done little to unravel the
mystery, being satisfied to call it a
natural death. Loudon waa a wealthy
resident of Altoona. In a suburb
called Bellwood lives a woman with
whom he waa well acquainted. She an
swers the description of the woman
who passed In St. Loul aa hla wife,
and the police of Altoona are at wcvk
attempting to learn ff she has been
away from home. She la married and
baa several children.
The family of Loudon say he was
either murdered by the woman for his
money or he took accidentally an over
dose of laudanum and the woman in
her fright fled but not until she had
secured possession of his money and
valuables. Allowing $100 a day for
expenses for himself and the woman
while in St. Louis, up to the time of
his death she must have token $1,900.
Hla watch waa taken but the chain re
mained. Keur Per Cent en the blse.
New York. Vb. 5.-Owlng to the news
from Washington concerning the success
of the new loan there was an advanco
in United States 4 per cent, of Jftii at the
Stock KxchanKe this afternoon n&n to
llti'i,. The fours of 1907 rose from lti to
ion-)., and the tlvesrom 111 to 112 bid.
Catcher McUuire ! Metlre. -
Niles. Mich., Feb. 5. James McQulre. the
catcher of the Washington Kaso Bull
club, has been converted at a religious
revival at Allegan. He says that In all
probability he will discontinue playing
ball In the future.
Data of LHvlsoa Encampment.
Harrlsburg. Pa.. Feb. 5. Governor
Hastincs and the military officer of the
Nationul Uuard held a conference at the
executive mansion today and decided to
hold a division encampment on July la
to 20, the location to be considered later.
Influensa Is prevailing throughout Spain,
and it is especially severe In Madrid.
King Alexander, of Hervla, has been
betrothed to Princess Helene, daughter of
the prince of Montenegro.
The steamer Fuerst Bismarck, from
New York, for an excursion cruise of the
Mediterranean, baa arrived at Funchal.
King Prempeh, his mother and others,
made prisoners when Ashantee was sur
rendered, have been removed by the
British government to Elmina, a fortllled
town oa tb African gold coast.
Tne LomingtuB, from Gibraltar,
Stranded on Long Island.
Th British Steamer Loaded with Oraagea
aad Onions Runs Ashore Near
PatahogDe-Passengers aad
Crew Ar Heseaed.
New York, Feb. 5. During the thick
weather and heavy sea laxt night, be
tween 7 and 8 o'clock, the British fruit
steamer Lamington ran ashore off Blue
Point, on the Long Island coast, three
miles east of the Lone Hill life saving
atatlon nearly opposite Patchogue, fif
teen miles east of Fire Island. She wa
from Greece, via Valencia, and loaded
with 928 cases of oranges, 200 casea of
onlona, 5 ponies, and 1,000 case of cur
rants. She had two passengers.
Captain Duff, her commander. Imme
diately signaled for help, with lights,
rockets, and whistle. The life saving
crew responded at once, under Captain
Rourke, but found the sea too high and
the tog too thick for them to accotn
pltah anything beyond throwing a line
over the stem. It waa estimated that
the wind from th northeast waa not
much less than twenty miles an hour.
Captain Rourke therefore on being sig
nalled by Captain Duff that there wa
no immediate danger to either ahlp or
crew, aa the vessel waa resting easily,
but that he would like to have the life
saving crew ready In case, of need,
stood by until daylight. The other life
saving crews did the same.
The vessel lay easily, about a quarter
of a mil from shore, until daylight. It
wa found then that, although the wind
had gone down very much, the sea waa
still so high that the best way of taking
the crew off would be by the breeches
buoy. The high sea mad the rigging
of th breeches buoy such a difficult
matter that about four hours were
consumed before It was ready for work.
It waa learned that the shin carried two
paaaengera and a crew of twenty-two
men. The work of taking them oft waa
ao alow that at 10.30 a. m. only four
had been removed. The others got oft
later. This work was don by the three
crew, from Blue Point, Lone Hill, and
Bellport, and waa watched by a num
ber of persons who had come over early
in the morning from Patchogue aad
Bellport. many of them crossing the
bay In skiffs. .
Tags Scat to the Soene.
The rescued men were taken to the
life saving station and fed and given
dry clothing. Telegrams were sent
both to the Chapman and the Merrltt
companies and tugs were at once dis
patched. The vessel continued to lie easily,
about in her former position, making
no water. She Ilea very near the place
where the Place, a schooner, foundered
laat Feb. 8. during a aevere snow-storm,
several ef her urw being frosen to
death in the rigging before the Long
Hall life savers, under Captain Baker,
were able to reach the wreck.
The vessel left Newport, England,
on November 8 laat and then cruised
about the Mediterranean ports. She
then took a load of fruit at Valencia
consigned to New Y-k parties. She
encountered a slight storm In the Bay
of Biscay. The laat soundings were
made at four o'clock yesterday after
noon, and It waa then reported that she
waa in thirty fathoms of water.
The Lamington 1 a schooner-rigged
steamer built at Port Glasgow, Scot
land, In 1881. She I $74.1 feet long. 37
feet beam, 33.8 feet deep, and register
1.308 ton net, 1,886 tons gross. Her
owners are the 8. 8. Lamington Co.
Simpson. 8 pence 4t Young ar the New
York agent.
Captain Rourke, of the Blue Point
life saving station report:
"Twenty men have been landed. Cap
tain Duff and three of his officers re
main on board the vessel. Captain
Duff thinks that the steamer will get
elf tonight."
Oa Man Fell liaadred Feet with It sad
Still Live.
Wllllamsport, Pa. Feb. 5.-A log train
on the Eddy Lick mountain road, which
cennecta with the Beech Creek at Pan
ther Run, became unmanageable in
Tuesday's snowstorm and ran away
down a precipitous grade. Engineer
Dixon and Fireman Smith Jumped
when they found the brake would not
work, but Foreman John Barnett,
afraid to Jump, remained on a truck
loaded with logs until the train left th
rails and plunged 100 feet down a ra
vine. Instead of finding hla crushed body,
a wa expected, the rescuer found
Barnett still alive under the wreck.
His head was hurt so badly, however,
that he wll die. The engine and cars
were smashed Into kindling weed.
Cabaa Iasargsats Los Twist Two Mea
la aa F.ogagemeat.
(From a Stall Correspondent of tbe United
Havana. Feb. $. An official report
received here say an encounter has
taken place at Manjuarl. a town near
Matanxas, between a detachment of
Spanish troops under Colonel Vicuna
and bands of rebels commanded by in
surgent Chief Cayito, Alvarez, Roqu.
Amieva and other. The engagement
lasted forty minutes.
The Insurgents lost thirty-two killed.
The Spanish loss waa two wounded.
(Signed) J. FRANK CLARK.
Beat Lereleb.a Pes Moiaea Peddler, Meets
Death Near .Usosiag.
Manning. Ia., Feb. 5. An unknown
highwayman assassinated Ben Lerelch,
of Les Moines, a peddler, near here,
Saturday. A boy witnessed the crime,
which occurred In the public highway.
The highwayman waa searching his
victim's body when scared away by an
approaching wagon.
Turkey Wants tbe Money for Armenians
Intrasted to Them.
London. Feb. 5. A dispatch from Con
stantinople to the Chronicle says: "The
Turkish officials continue to Impede the
relief for the Armenians.
"The officials want all the money In
trusted to them. Several ladles' com
mittees here are preparing clothing for
uixtrlbiition through the American mis
sionaries." -
Terrow Stricken Popolae Hash Into tbs
Street and Pray.
Havana. Feb. 5. An earthquake
ehork of an alarming nature waa ex
perienced today at Santa Crux del Sur.
Province of Puerto Principe.
Houses rocked and furniture was
thrown about, causing the people of
the city and vicinity to run In terror
Into the streets and fall on their knees
in prayer for mercy.
pring Goods;
We have now on sale
the most elegant stock of
Emlbroitales aid Laces
we have ever shown.
Our Une of
Wash Brcss Goods ,. '
is up to date and com
FrcECii Organdies. .
French and American
Rcjane BitiiUcs, '
Scotch and Irish Bimitics
Royal Crcmyl Stripes; . ;
Chantilly Lace Stripes, :
Jaconet Buchesse.- '
Scotch Ginghams,
White aid Colored
French Pipes, .
French Galateas, '
with all overs and trim
mlngs to match.
and full stock of Staple
White Goods.
510 and 512
Our goc
School Shoes
Are Trade -Benders
Our Winter Shoes must
go. You need the Shoes;
we need the room.
Great reductions in
prices before taking
Inventory in ...
403 Spruce St.
Near Dime Bank.
For eastern Pennsylvanis, rain; north,
easterly winds increasing In force.
New Terk, Feb. (. Herald'a weather
forecast: In tbe Middle states and New
England today cloudy weather will pr
vail, with sli3ht temperature cbanfe and
rain; possibly turning" to snow ta tb
northern districts, and fresh brisk
nortbeeeterly and easterly winds tarea
Ing to dangerous sales between tb suit
siream and the cnawts as the southern cy
clone meres to the northeastward" near
On Friday in both of these section
cloudy to partly cloudy weather will pre.
vail, preceded by rata or snow, with slight
temperature changes and anrou gale
on the coasts followed In the interior M
this section by clearing.
1 ".