I? CARBONDALL THE WORLD OF BUSINESS ESTABLISHED 1873 TELEPHONE 8184 Reader will pl.ase note that advertise ments, order for Job work, and Items for Sublicatlon left at the establishment of hannon Co.. ncwidealer. North Main a'ret. will receive prompt attention; of-B-e open from t a. in. to 10 p. m. SELECT COUNCIL MEET. . A l arge Number of Billa Ktad and Ordered Paid-A Bond Ordinance. The' select council met Monday night t ihelr regular meeting in the council chamber and the following memters were present: Mesfers C. E. Spencer (chairman). Hlsted. Dllts, McNtrtty. M or sun Thomas and Gllhool. A num lier of bills and resolutions passed by ' the common council were concurred in. Bills were read and ordered puld as follows: Delaware and Hiiflcon, coul W2 1 jailer (board of healthl -0 73 leader Oward of health).. 5 nulph Blair, olllni.' hydrants 5 90 Ualph Hlalr, testing Krie company 1 I") J. I'lgeon, city assexsor 20 00. J. Van beck, city assessor IS "i J. Molllt, city assessor -1 Siivrier & Hrennau - f0 John booth S ' Elevtrli- Light company: Pnsturflce 8 2" Columbia Hose company 8 M .Mitchells I 3 i Arch lights 31 22 City building IS 41 AMirinuii S. 8. Jones (board of health) 16 ) M. r Barrett 6U (K Junltor Scolu 3" o Chief McAhdrew WC1) John Hell, police officer 5s SI James Bell, police ottii-cr M 33 Kied Hud ly, police officer is S3 City engineer's department: 1,. Irwin 1 37 A. Mlmhefl " Mills Bros, i7 40 The select council refused to pay the Mil of Board of Health Inspector Uoard tmin for services, the amount demanded umountins to .t9.40. Tho chief of police reported that the elec tric street lights burned Hhort 411 ' hours in the month of January. The following resolutions were adopted: That the city provide bulle- tin boura on the entrance to munlclpul building. That mileage books lie pur chased. That Treasurer return SIO.SH to 1'ound Keeper Wilts. Mrs. Thomas Fox's tux ordered to be returned. Mr. Hlsted proposed that the Transit company be given permission to re move broken girder on Kiglith avenue bridge, provided it be done at their ex pense. M linker's resolution authorizing Inind ordinance-for bridges, and pro viding for bids to be made. The bund ordinance passed the second reading. HETI-lt OEVANEV DEAD. The Street Cur Accident Proved latal. I uncral Arrangements. As a result of the street car accident. IVter Devaney, the mail currier, passed uway Monday evening at his home on Brooklyn street. t Mr. lieVuney was 33 year of age mid was raised In this city, his parents be'tig Mr. and Mis. Felix Uevaney. if Brooklyn street. He leaves a wife and one son, 7 years of ape. He was a re spected citizen and beloved by all who came In contact with him. He was employed as maH'cari icr since the free mill system was inaugurated In Hie city and attended to the duties of his otflee faithfully. Ills urbanity and pleasing way will lie very much missed. The members of Hie Young Men's In stitute, of which h" was a member, will nttepd in a body. .The funeral will take place from his late residence on Thursday morning at ! o'clock. A re quiem mnsj will be celebrated lnSt. Itose'a church at 10 o'clock, alter which Interment will be made in St. Hose's cemetoiy. i r..iir.K lam ii in.. 1 lie Teachers of Carbondnlc, I'cll and (irccnficld Town. hips Hill Meet. The teachers of the First district, comprising the townrhlns of Carbon dale. Pell and (lieenllel.l. will hold their first Institute nt the Simpson board Kclionl next Saturday, to commence at J. 30 o'clock. The programme is as fol lows: 0Mnlng remarks. Miss Ida White; I'estalozzi, Professor Uoland; primary grammar. Miss lOlla Sheehau; recita tion (selected). Miss Margaret Hlggins; school -examinations. Professor J. I-;. Brennnli: moral' obligation of the teacher. Miss Mary V. Barrett; recita tion, Miss Alice laymen; general iIIhcus sion. It Is expected that Huperlntendent .1. C. Taylor will he present at the in ctitutc and deliver nn address to the tinihei'M uii some educational subject. A DESTRUCTIVE EIRE. Contractor Hobinson's Lumber Yard on ' lire Yesterday. A fire which might have caused a great destruction occurred Tuesday .morning at 8 o'clock In Contractor Hob inson's shop, and us It was, the dam use Is computed at $"60. Mr. Robin son hnppened to notice some sparks Dyspepsia, Indigestion And distress In the stomach caused ma Intense agony. I lost flesh, strength and energy. I wn to weak that I could not walk without my cane. My family and f riendi prevailed on me to try 1 Hood's Sarsaparilla and now I am a well and strong man of M years. I owe my life to Hood's." W.T. BMCTon, Port Mitchell, Virginia. Hood's Pills aSara1" Carpets Wall Paper Wall Paper : Wall Paper ' We are In the midst of our exten sive . alterations! and bave reduced everything in the store to make room. BARGAINS BARGAINS BARGAINS J. SCOTT INGLIS ... . - 419 Laekawanna Ave. . Heart Failure. Often first 'manifested by ex treme general debility, with sudden reactions for the better; a general dying out of the fires of life, that brighten up at inter vals, giving hope of returning health, but eventually subside, go out on the spot, and another " dropped dead on the street " is reported. A general collapse of the great vital centres, due to a lack of sufficient nourishment is the cause. In such cases take Bovinine and live to join the great' army who today sing its praise. Dr. P. B. Carpenter, of 430 Friend ship St., Providence, says, "I have never seen a case of gen eral debility which Bovinine failed to cure, when taken as I directed." It cures in every in stance where mal-nutrition is experienced. It is not a medi cine, but a powerful condensed food that. makes blood, flesh and bone, and by invigorating the life-generating organs dispels disease. drop from around the stove pine. He concluded that there was fire between the veiling and the second story floor. He called ids men and they endeavored to fight the tire. Mr. Hobinson rushed unstlrs to tluil the room tilled with smoke, but he succeeded in turning In a stretnm of water. It did no good. The Mitchell Hose company was summoned and after some time they succeeded in extinguishing the Humes. HOSPITAL 'STAFF .MFF.IIXG. His I'hvsicinn. licet officers unJ Itccotmrcnd Appointments. 10vei number of Uie hospital staff met M lay night at the Hotel Ameri can, unci comprised the following: Irs. A. Cillis. II. Wheeler. S. S. Shields und ". E. Jenkins, of this city: W. J. Shields and Mauley, of Jertnyn. and IJwyer nud flrundcr, of Forest City. The following olllcers were elected for the year- President. lr. A. tlillis; vice-president. Hr. II. Wheeler: sec retary. Dr. (Iranilcr. They resolved to recommend lir. R 1.. Hailey to the di rectors or the hospital for uu appoint ment on the staff. F.DWAKI) CLARK RF.TL'RNS. The Prodigal Cnine - Home Last Night . After One Ycnr'n Absence. The seventeen-yeur- old son of Mr. and Mrs. 1'attick Clark, of Mill street, came home last evening about seven "'cluck, after about a year's absence. Kdwnrit and unother lad. named Frank Hrennan. left home without letting their parents know why they left. lit'cimun stayed away only ubout a month, and when he was questioned as to the whereabouts of the son of X.v. and Mrs. Clark", professed Ignor ance. Many rumors ure afloat und the parents were grieved. Last Thursday the parents received a letter from their son. und they sent for him forthwith. PERSONAL AM) OTHFR 1TF.MS. The St. Rose Ladles' Temperance so ciety held their amiuul meeting In Ku ther .Mat lieu- hall lust evening, when much good work vas reported as ac complished. ' Jesse Mover, late head smith at the Franklin mines, Simpson, has been pro moted lo the position of superintendent of machinery. Peter F. Carroll, who has served ns extra mall carrier for some time, has succeeded the late Peter Devnney. Anson liayley, who was in the hos pital at Kcranton, came home Monday. He feels strong and will resume work very soon. Dr. II. C. Wheeler left for Syracuse yesterday afternoon on a professional visit: he was accompanied by his wire. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vail . and Mr. and Mrs. Kirt Holce are in Scranton attending the twenty-fifth anniversary or Mr. und Mrs. I. li. Hailey. AVOCA. A number of prominent people of the tpwn are preparing for a leap year social. The afitilr promises to be one of the most sociable, events of the sea son. The funeralof Leo I'rogan took place yesterday afternoon at 8 o'clock. In terment was made In St. Mary's ceme tery. Francis Kane, of the AVest Side, is suffering from a severe attack of la grippe. The Home Mission of the Primitive Methodist church will hold a Martha Washington tea on February 22. Miss Mary Campbell, of the West Side, is spending a few days with friends In Wllkes-Barre. Willie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter McOuinn, of the W est Side, is 111 of la grippe. Miss riessle Shepherd, of IMinmore, returned home after a pleasnnt visit with her friend. Miss Mamie Cranston, of the North Knd. Miss Oertrude Sutterly, of the North Knd, Is suffering from u severe attack of pneumonia. Mrs. John Clifford, of the West Side, Is suffering from la grippe. The St. Alnyslua society Is rehears ing a new drama which will be pro duced in a few months. Dr. Mason, of WilUes-Uarre, as sumed charge of St. Mary's choir on Monday evening. All the members were present and about twenty new members have been accepted. Dr. Ma son cornea highly recommended and It Is expected that the choir will prove one of the best In the diocese. Rev. James Brehony, of Manayunk, Is spending a few days with Hev. M. F. Crane, of this place. Mr. Shaw, of Hackettstown, is doing business In town. Avoca Curling club Is now recognised as one of the foremost in the state. Last week they added two brilliant vic tories to their list of triumphs. HONE8DALE. Mrs. W. M. Gardner gave a card party last evening In honor of her sis ter. Miss Helen K. Deen, of Danville, who Is visiting her. Hnnesdallans are enjoying the finest sleighing of the season. Mr. Pollak, of New York, has been In Honcsdale a few days on business. Mr. Pollak Is a member of the Arm for whom Wooden & Blakney are making shirts and ladies' shirt waists. February 13 Is the date on which the men of the Episcopal church will give a supper in the Sunday school room of the church. Ladies are cordially In vited to attend and bring their gentle men friends. . ... The Amity club has arranged a pool tournament for Its members. The tour nament was opened Monday and re ports of the standing of the members wltl be made In this upper from time to time. . Red Men's ball the attraction for February 17. - , . , . Wall Street Review. New York. Feb. 4. Wall street opera tors today took a more cheerful view of the situation than for -some time. The news from reliable sources that the gov ernment loan il be largely over-nab-arrtbed and that, too, at price consider, ably above those named by the Morgan syndicate imparted greater confidence In financial circles and led to free buying of securities. In addition to this there was the highly encoiiraxlng report of the St. Paul road for the fourth week of Jan uary, showing an increase In eurnings of J16S.U00 as coinisired wtlh 18.". The Kock Islnnd statement with Its guin of nearly .'Aw for the moqth of January wis auto better than expected. As exchange l-onttnued to rule at about the low rales current yesterday and the Indica tions are that considerable gold would be Imported to pay for foreign subscrip tions to the government loan, the bulls had pretv much everything their own way. That the market has great Inher ent strength was plainly attested by the woy in which it took the break of nearly four points In Missouri Pacific. This stock fell from 2t', to on rumors that a receiver was about to be applied and that Russell Sage and Oeorge Gould were at loggerheads. These stories Vere promptly denied in most emphatic terms bv the operators named and tho stor-k rallied to SI3,. While it was on the down grade he general list held remarkably firm, only fractional declines having been recorded outside of General Klertrlc, which ran off I'd per cent. ,At the after noon session speculation developed still 'greater strength and sharp advances were recorded right through the lint. There whs a brisk demand from the shorts and a livelier inquiry for "the long ac counts. The Improvement was equul to iaS'ii per cent, t'nlted Statei Leather, preferred, rose 3V, Sugar, 2'i: St. Paul. Rook Island and Consolidated Gas, 2: Northwest, Burlington and Wuincy and Delaware nnd Hudson, 1H: I-ouHsvlHf and Nashville and Jet-soy Cent ml, 1-: Southern Railway, preferred, 1', and Tennessee Coal and Iron lj per cent. The sales were 233.218 shares. Furnished by WILLIAM LINN. ALLRN CO., correspondents for A. P. CAMP BELL, slock broker, 412 Snrtice street. Op'n- Hipli- Low- Clos ing, est. est. Inc. Am. Tobucoo Co "S(i "; "SH 7t4 Am. StiKur Ke'g fo..KHi, l(is4 liti:' Wk Ateh.. To. & S. Fe... 1V b"-. l-"' Wi Canada Southern... 4! 4'i'.9, Ches. & Ohio hi , Itt'i It! I'i'-i Chicago Gas Wi IW W-i CMc. & N. W WW W W 101 Chic. 11. & Q Ti'i ' MH c. c. & st. l su 37 :im; 37 t'lilc. Mil. SI. L.. 7l'i T-I'h "l :i8 Chic. K. 1. it Pac... tm, 7Ii Del. & II nd VM 12 1275, 12S Dlst. C. F l.V Pi 1M l"i ( len. Klectrie 2S 2" 2S&, 2 Louis. Nash 47 4.Vi 4i M. K. Texsi. Pr.. 2(i ; 2'i W'i Manhattan Kle l(n! Iu7 lOti lu7 Mo. I'tic 2:r; 2l'i 2U S:l'i Nat. Cordage ?.. "-"s, :, r6, fr,i Nat. Lead 2ie j 2rS 2r.tj 2.1'i N. J. Central 1W7 loS'-i 107 WW N. V., L. R. VV.... li!'i It!'. a 1G4 lrt'a N. Y., S. & W ll'i II' ll'i N. V.. S. & W Pr.. 29-i !, 2''( Su Nor. Pac 4'a 4:- 4'n 4'j On-liirio & West 1Sj, l.Vs If, riinahn 37'a SS'-i SS'i Pnc. Mull 2 2'i 2H 2'i Phlla. Head t:!". It", 13H 14"j, Southern H. It 10 10'i 10 10 Soul hern H. It., Pr.. 2H So' I 2 WV, Tenn. C. & I : Sl 3 3IVi Texas Paeillc IC-i S - P11I011 Pucllic 7', 7'-; 1 :u Wabash 7'i T 7 7:! Walwh, Pr 1' 171-, lti' 17N Western 1'tilon W' W M'i W. L 11 12'i ll' 12 1'. 8. Leather lu lm.i 10 nn; 1'. S. Leuther, Pr... 3 'iTi ti:l in", V. S. Kubber 2'S 2H 25'i 237, CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE PRICKS. Op'n- High- Low- Clos- WHKAT. Ing. est. est. Ing. May 67-i, 7rii tdi'i t'.GS; July U71., titi i;1, OATS.. May 2i 21H 21 1, !l'i July .... 21-H 21i 2I1, 2I-1, May SiV'j 'an-n no'; 301; July . airfc "'t 3i:' May ..." K.K7 S.S7 h.m K.82 July H.110 r,.;r, d.h.' PORK. May 10.C.0 10.12 10.37 10.10 Seranton UonrJ of Trade Exchange Quo tatinns-AII Onotutlons based on i'ar of 100. Name. Bid. Asked. Dime Dep. & T)ls. Bank 15: Scranton Lace Curtain Co 80 National Kotitig Drilling Co. ... fcO First National Hank 609 Scranton Jar Stopper Co 25 Scran' 0:1 Glass Co g, Spring l.rook Water Co 10.-, Klinhurvt Houlevat'rt Co pio Scranton Axle Works til) Traders' National Hunk li'i.', 115 Scranton Savings Bank 200 " Scranton Traction Co '15 Bonta Plato Glass Co nj Scranton Car Heplacer Co joo Traders' National Bank 315 Sc'auton Packing Co BONDS. Scranton Glass Co joo Scranton Pass. Railway, first mortgage due 1918 HO Scranton Traction Co ... 95 People's Street Railway, first mortgage due 1918 110 ... Scranton Plttston Trac. Co so People's Street Railway, Sec ond mortgage due 1920 11 ... Lacka. Valley True. Co., flrat mortgage due 1825 90 Dickson Manufacturing Co 100 Lacka. Township School h 102 City of Scranton Street Imp S ... lirj Scranton Axle Works 100 Borouiih of Wlnton C 100 Rush Brook Coal Co 100 New York Produce Market. New York, Feb. 4. Flour Firmer, more active. Winter wheat Low grades. $2..'ii)a 3. Wheat Dull, firm at IHc decline with "..options; No. 2 red store and elevator, Kil-V.; alloat, K2'4c; f. o. b., 81MS2V.; ungraded red, "OaSJc. ; No. 1 northern, 7tic. ; options elosed weak at I'nal-V'. decline; No. 2 reil February, 1.V4C.; March, 74c; May, 72i e.; June and July, 72'c. Corn Dull, easier: No. 2 at 3i'ic. elevator; 37'c. afloat; options dull, closed weak at Ua'tC decline on local realizing; February, ::?(-.; May. Sti'2c.; July. Xir. Oats Dull, steady; options dull, easier; February, 2.V.; March, 2r'.Jc; May, 2"i'2c.; spot prices, No. 2 at 2r".; No. 2 white, 2SVc; No. 2 Chicugo, 2t: No. 2 at 24c; No. a white, 2fic; mixed western, 2."ia2tic.; white state and western, 2ia28c. Beef Quiet, firm, unchanged. Beef hams Dull; ll.'i.GO. Tlerced beer Quiet, easy; city extra In dia mess, laalt). Cut meats Quiet. II nn; pickled bellies, twelve pounds, S'.jc. ; do. shoillilers, ua.'i'c. ; do, hams, 8Sa9i Laid lAiwer, quiet; western steam, ITi.90; city, t.'.:i6; .May. $0.10 nominal; relined, quiet; continent. $t;.2ii; South America, ft.4; com pound, 414ur'i,c. Butter Choice, steady, good demand, unchanged. Cheese Fair ly active, unchanged. Kggs Firmer, bet ter demand; state dnd Pennsylvania, lac; southern. l3iaWyc.: Ice house, case, Sl.afta .I.TiO; western fresh, Halac.; limed, 12a 12'jC.j do. case, 2a2J5. Buffalo Live Stock. Buffalo. N. V., Feb. 4. Cottle Steady, but quiet; export steers, $4.30a4.40; light Tlllfl J9 LISTLESS SLEEPLESS SC SALLOW SKINNED Irequenttj chew and tmek Immenw uantiUes ol tobacco antl wonder all tho tima why tfeea took M bad, leal to titan, fry under aa absolute guar anlea of benefit and final cure, or money rrtunded,the taking of a tingle box oi o NO-TO-BAC regulates tobacco mine, builds 110 aervout tntem. naket pure, rich bleed. Many report a gain el ten poundt In ten days. Go buy a box. Try it ander your owe DRUGGIST'S GUARANTEE. ! Slstlsauthorlxed to sell No-To-Bac na- -er absolute guarantee to cure every . form of tobacco using. Oar wrlttea guar- : kuteo, free gamplo Of No-To-Bac aad . booklet called "Don't Tobaoro Spll sod Smoke four Life Away." aialled for the aikloff. Address THE STB BUNG BEJf : EDYOO., Cbicaco, Montreal Cam.. N Y Ot : caocai.-jtu asus 1 tsrrtbrSW Tf 15 THE LARGEST PIECE OF &00QTobacco Solo Rot ID CENTS handlers', $:l.43a3.C0; old to fair cow,"' $J.:Ta2.75. Hogs Opened active and high er for light grades and Yorkers; mixed packers, $1. 4.184. Ko; mediums and heavy, , i4.50a4..r..t: oiifs. I4.ll0a4.l! rouirhs. tJ.7.'a4: stags, t'.'.?5n3.50. Sheep und Iambi Steady; prime lambs. U.Suuj; good to choice.' t4.filia4.Tri; light lo fair. $44.40: culls and common, $:a.1.7."; mixed she,p, good to choice, fj S.aX:'"i; culls to fair, J2u;'.li"i; export sheep, I3.15a3.40. Philadelphia Tallow Mnrkot. I'lilludelphia, Feb. 4. -Tallow Is quiet and unchanged. We quote: t'ity, prime. In hogsheads, S-Tje.; country, prime. In bar rels, 3c.; country, dark, in barrels, .HUa 3'C.; cukes, 4c; grease, 3'4c. NICHOLSON. John Bourdman Is moving his fam ily to Jermyn. The young ladles will give a leap year social Tuesday evening Febru ary II. Miss V'lda Johnson entertained a num ber of her friends Haturduy evening last. Those present were: Grace Crock, Stella Steinback. tirace War ner, lamina Titus. Genevieve Huron, Ralph Williams, Frank Baker, Harry Wllklns, Louts Muck, of Clarks Green; John Oourtrlght and Ward Furker. Professor Haydn Rvans. of Scranton, called on his pupil, Miss Genevieve Bu con, Tuesday. , J. A. Nlveti, proprietor of the Nlven house, Is quite ill. Our singers are very much Interested in the opera l'lnufore which Is to be given in the near future for the benefit of the Women's Christian Temperance Union, , If the llabjr Is Cutting Teeth. Mrs. Wlnslow'ii Soothing Syrup has been used for over Fifty Years by Mil lions of Mothers for their Children while Teething, with Perfect Success. It Soothes the Child, Softens the Gums, Allays all Pain; Cures Wind Colic and Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. ARE YOU RUPTURED? HOME TESTIMONIALS SPEAK. Repreientatlve Men Tell Their Owa Story. What They Say. There's no question about the complete ness and permanency of the cure of rup ture which Ir. A. P. O'Molley Is per. forming. Evidences are numerous. Mr. J. K. Brings, : Moyallen St., Wllkes Barre, night watchman at Palne's pack ing house, suffered for many years, but was completely cured by Dr. O'Mullcy. Tho knife is nut used in performing these cures, and there is no detention from busi ness. An Old Soldier Cured. Charles Vanderbtirg, driver of the city cart, lives at 1MB Madison St., Wilkes. Barre. After suffering from a rupture re. reived In the war of the rebellion thirty years ago. has been completely cured by Dr. O'.Malley. It only required thirteen weekly visits l. minutes each week) dur ing which he was not detained from work. The above cases worked every day while under treatment. Hundreds of like tes. tlmonlals can be seen nt office of DR. A. P. O'M ALLEY, 80 & Washington St, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. THE FINEST HALF-TONE CUTS That you can get anywhere, At one-half tho old price. J. L. HANG!. PHOTO-ENGRAVER, 3IILsCWm AVE. BUY CRIPPLE CREEK GOLD STOCKS AND PROPERTIES Sure and Safe Investments. For Large and Small Investor. Write us fur lull information. Statistics, msns, etc., fiirniahed free. The Mechem Investment Co., Chicago, III. L. D. KNtELANL), MANAOtB. French Injection Compound Cares poeltlvely, qelrkly. (not surely checks.) ttuaronteea or oonej refunded. Avoid dangerous reineiMM. Prlceaeeeate per bottle, all Bottle (will rare emrut ) sent prepaid, tecum Iran ebMmtlon, wlta only KteeUocallr aiade wrtnge, lata? Odrfort,(X). ' KOF TKMSG IRD S0LDERS8 - ma away With W thai naa mt nAfttv atAN'a PATENT paint, wale eoosista as lamdleats well-known to ail. It oaa be apltea to tin, galvanised tin, sheet troa raofa, also to brick dwelian, watch will prevent absolutely any erumbUatr. craok Iom e breaking of the brick. It will out last ttaalaa; of any kind tar aaaaor rears, aad It s ooat dees not exeeed one-sjrtk tkai a tho east of tinning. Is sold by tkaS .rrs4-. Contracts taken by VMTUM lQUxanuMii. PAVUH E Ill's LAGER BEER BREWERY- Ifasnfactnrer of the Celebrated PILSENER LAGER BEER Q CAPACITYi jtoojooo Barrels per Annum DU FONT'S ilHIH6, BUSTING IRD SPORTING POWDER MannfartBred at the Wapwalkrrea Mills, L erne county. Pa., and at Wil mington, Xielatare, HENRY BELIN, Jr. Oeneral Agent for the Wyoming Distriet. ItS WYOMING AVE. Seranton, Pa Third NattaalBank Boildiag. Aoaaviai t TH08. POBKHttotoa. Pa. ,toHN B. SMITH BON, Ptneath, P B. W. MULLIGAN, Wuke-Banrpa, kgenei tor im tupaano 1 niini Baars Bleb Esploatves, Rand 5 canta for emole package. Faultless Chemical Company, Balti more, Md. A I'aaltlVal W PllteBl 0a9FftBttac4 Cur fat an Imcnti both of young and miU mill din. god men and women. The awfulcflectsof VOUTHFtll. Rpmlts of treatment. KltHOH-H. produelnir weak IieM, Merrout Itebility, Nlphtly KmUdons, Coosumpttoa, nitoiuty . Kxtamiiat'iiir drain and lots of power of tbe Ueo tfaUTaOrnniuDfltilno; oneioritudy, DUfdnew and mar rbMretaqufcklycuredbyDr. ltdrliriiipaMUI.9ierT CiralM. Thoy not only core by starting at Uieieat of dl uieaeaioraitw w4 DLOOD 0m DUX " m ItrtW AkSICeK luniu ill Itl f LOFH. brWirte back tbt) Dink clow ( vlifcki and watorlng tbe HHKOK Vol Til to tb tiMit. Bvm&lLSl.UO urbutorl f.ir Saalth P. artisMfttre 4 i-r or refliNd the pinner. Book - ni-r, - r-e:i99.Neir Verk. IW sale by JOHN H. Tmsum. Dnap gist Wrnmlne ave. snd ftpntcn trot. Tribiin? Almanac 1896 lie PAOBS . .. as CENTS, POSTPAID . e9 s...& f 5 vptw 2. x Si wvwie -war DRAPERIES, LACE, CHENILLE AND TAPESTRY CURTAINS A complete assortment iii all the latest effects. Shadings in all widths, suitable for stores or residences.- : ' Estimates Furnished. In every grade Wiltons, Axminsters, English and Domestic Brussels, Velvets and Tapestries at moder ate prices; also Inlaid and Printed Linoleums, Corti cenes and Oilcloth, two and four yards wide. S.G.KERR,SON&CO. 3 AO Lackawanna Ave. "vO Opp. Main Entrance Wyoming Hcusi BRANCH STORE, SIXTH AVENUE. CARBONOALE. THE THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON GIVES SPECIAL ATTENTION TO BUSINESS AND PERSONAL ACCOUNTS AND PAYS 3 PER CENT. INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS. m.n vmm mm UUU II J.XX A JJ X XJLIJL1 AUMWU For Heavy Structural Work. ANY SIZE, AND OP TO FORTY FEET L0HG RICHARDS LUMBER CO 22 Commonwealth Bide. Scranton, Pa. TitejihOM 42Z THE DICKSON MANUFACTURINGS SCRANTON AND WILKE8BARRE, PA., Manufacturer of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. Oeneral Offica: SCRANTON, PA. are nee ti ww ..' 1 mj eawe tm ae u Jiea aj.eo. We aaae Ikl eaiealeee, tberafore w. pear nee u. JR, me mam hmt, and If anwaae fa aet unrtia) mm wui mo., w wnmmy mw HlHBWtr)ai. up width O, P.K,kB a 1 10 s as saai ... Sn4iim itml 1UU.I leeea PR Kb! FEDERAL H- BOSTON. nsvai tHsVVMk QHNwm IT 1 X 111 3111 1 Ml 1 llfJilkRf rwa Oner PrTTM MmnM (arm ffli ' Our Two Weeks' Premium Sale I Means extra business Premiums will be given with all sales made at either of our stores from Mon day, February 3, until Saturday, Febru ary 15. Positively not before or after respective dates. THE FOLLOWING 13 With $10.00 Purchases, With 15.00 Purchases, With 20.00 Purchases, With 25.00 Purchases, With 35.00 Purchases, With 50.00 Purchases, With 75.00 Purchases, With 100.00 Purchases, ALL THE CREDIT YOU WANT 225 AND 227 AND I ' 4 CALL UP 3682. go. OILS,. VINEGAR AND CIDER. OPFIOE AND WAREHOUSE Ml TO igi MERIDIAN STRE3? M. W. COLLINS, M'arw for February. THE LIST OF PREMIUMS : Silverware Framed Pictures Fancy Table Plush Rocker A 56-piece Tea Set A Parlor Clock Brass Lamp and Silk Shade A 100-piece Dinner Set IN ADDITION TO ABOVE AT 1 218 WYOMING AYE.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers