TIIE SCHAXTOX TRIBUXE WEDNESDAY MORNING-, TEBTtUARY 5, 18G. FIVE HUNDRED MEN'S FINE SUITS Ahich we sold for SIS, $20 and we are now closing out for r 6 ORB SALE n. SJO.OO They consist of Single and Double Breasted and cheviots. We have too large a stock want money. THREE Ages 14 to 19 years, fine suits, CASH ONLY. TWO HUNDRED CHILDREN'S SUITS Go at $2.00 each, CASH. Formerly sold for $3, $4, $4.50 and $5. This is deep cut and far below the cost of the suits and they should move quickly. That is why we have put these prices on. We need the room for spring goods. We also want the money. Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers JSS Copyright, 1W6, by Bacheller, 8rN'OrSI3. ' Ml. Jemima Martha Suraaue anil her lover, Ell Taylor, of Htmpkiimvllle, I.a., quarrel an Useparate not long after the lutter ha lent her a Korgeoua valentine of the old-fashioned kind. Kit goea away to the neighboring town of Hope, where he settle, down as a bachelor anil become, po.tmuater of the town. Jemima Uvea on with her brother. As her iiIpcom and nephew, grow up and receive their tint valentine she become. Jealuuy. anil no one Valentine', day mull, herxelf the old valentine In a new envelop, much to the " family' aurpriHe and curiosity. She Is reinstated in their optnon as being still the object of some one's attention. Hhe mall, herself the valentine each year for ten years, when it occurs to her to hnve It mailed from another town. She thinks of Hope, where her old lover lives, and is Inspired by the coquettish idea of having It pass through his hands. She oenils it there by a servant and await. Its return. ' PART II. Mis. Jemima had not long; to wait, and yet It .eemed an age. before the distribution was over, and she felt rather than saw her brother moving In her direction. ''Bigger an' pnrtler one 'n ever to Aunt 'Mimle this time looks to me like," he .aid, a. at last he laid the great envelope upon her trembling knee. "Don't reckon If. anything extry In partic'lar," .he answered, not at all knowing what she said. a. .he con tinued her work, leaving the valentine where he had dropped It; not touching It, indeed, until .he presently wound up her yarn In answer to the suppet bell. Then she took It, with her work basket. Into her own room, and. drop ping It upon her upper bureau drawer, turned the key. The moment when she broke the new envelope each year late at night, alone In her locked chamber had always been a aad one to Mis. Jemima, and tonight It was even a sadder ordeal than ever. She had never before known IN THE WORLD ' OX BCAUTV IS SUPREME rfotoatyt H tie most effertire strrararl. fring aax ttietoei t im Maturing nap id in worm. pu be purest. oo test, ana oioei im iinr; . for toilet, Dent, am nursery. It strikes at toe i of bad ool-kjw. falling hair, and sisiple baby Merqjsbee, Tls-i Tn Cloooks, lnrLAMao,Oy ntutim.ot Sixaoia. rasa. mmjm .mi rs.stiJTK. a. jr.;- Mftfr OLLDfif JEMIMA'S K WAlXNTINC Johnson .nil Bschellsn how .he cared for tills old love-token. A. she fat tonight looking at the outside of the envelope, turning It over and over In nor thin hands, groat hot tear, fell uinn It anil run down upon her lingers, but she did not heed them. It was, indeed, a meueer little embodi ment of the romance of a life, but such Sho Raised It Lovingly, nnd Laid It Against Her Check. a. It was. she would not part with it. She would neve send It out from her again never, never, never. It was even dearer now than ever before, nfti-r this recent passage through her lover", hands. At this thought she rained It lovingly and laid It against her cheek. Could he have handled it and passed It on without a thought of her? Impossible. And since he had thought of her. wnat must have been the nature of his thoughts? Was he Jealous Jealous because somebody was sending hi. old sweetheart a valen tine? This year', envelope, .elected with great pains and trouole from a sample catalogue and ordered from a distant city, was a line affair profusely deco rated with love symbols. For a long time Miss Jemima .at en joying the luxury of nearness to her lover that the unopened envelope had brought her before she felt Inclined to confront the far-away romance typi fied by the yellowed sheet within. And yet .he wanted to see even thi. again to realize It. recovery. And .o, with thoughts both eager and fearful, she finally inserted a hairpin carefully In the envelutw, ripping It open delicately on two sides, so that It might come out without Injury to its frail perforated edges. Then carefully holding it. .Idea apart, .he .hook it. And now ' ' .' Something pappened. One? of Rod's best traits 1. that He doesn't tell all He knows and .ees. , How Mis. Jemima felt or acted, whether sho screamed or fainted, no one will ever know, when, instead of HUNDRED. former prices $8, $10 and $12, a the fumiliur pictured thing, there fell Into her lu i) a beautiful brand new valentine. It was certainly a long time before she recovered herself enough to take the Btrange thing Into her hutiiln. and when she did no. It was with fingers that trembled so violently that a bit of puper that came with the valentine Muttered uiid fell beyond her reach. There It lay fur fully several minutes before she hud strength to move from her seat to recover it. There was writing on the fluttering lilt of paper, but what It was and why Miss Jemima wept over it and read it aguin and again are other trifling things that perhaps (rod does well not to tell. The details of other people' romances are nut always Interesting to outsiders. However, in this particular case, it may be interesting to know thut the woman who took charge of the old lover's room In Hope and who had an Investigating way with her, produced seven or eight turn scraps of paper col lected at this period from his .crop basket, on each one of which was writ ten in slightly varying terms, bits of rough sketch of a note In which oc curred broken sentences like the fol lowing: " sending you this new val entine just as hearty as I sent the old one eighteen years " "You sha'nt never want for a fresh one again every year long as I live, un less you take " "If yon want the old one back again and me along with it." One of the lowest things that even a very depraved and unprincipled person ever did is to collect torn .craps from anybody', waste bnsket nnd to read them. To print them or otherwise mnke them public la a thine really too con temptible to contemplate in ordinary circumstances, lint this case, if Intel ligently considered, seems somewhat exceptional, nnd perhaos It Is well to do so. for. be it borne In mind, all these scraps, without exception, and a few others too sacred to produce even here, ar" the things thut Kit TB.vlor.postmas- No mutter how violent or excruciating the pain. th Kheumatic, Hedrldiien, In firm, Crippled, -Nervous, Xeurnlsic, or prostrated with diseases may .uffer, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF Will Afford Instant Ease. For headache (whether sick or nervous), toothache, neurr.lgla, rheumatism, lum bago, pains and weakness In the back, .pine or kidneys, peine around the liver, pleurisy, swelling of the joints and pains of all kinds, the application of Radway's Keady Relief will afford Immediate cut. and Its continued use for a few day. effect a permanent cure. Instantly stop, the moat excruciating pains, allays inflammation and cure, con gestions, whether of the Lungs, Stomach, Bowel, or other glands or mucou. mem branes. Radway's Rpndy Kelief CURES AND PREVENTS" Cold., Coughs, Sore Throat, Influent sa, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Rheu matism, Neuralgia, Headache, Toothache, Asthma, Dif ficult Breathing;. CURES THE WORST PAINS In from one to twenty minute.. Not one hour after reading this advertisement need any one SUFFER WITH PAIN. INTERN A L.L.T-A half to a teatpoonful In half a tumbler of water will In a few minutes cure Cramps, Spasm.. Sour Stomach, Nausea, Vomiting, Heartburn, Sick Headache. Diarrhoea. Colic, Flatu, lency and all Internal pain.. . . RADWAY'S READY RELIEF. Vice, No. per Bottle). 8old by all unifgii 1 Sack Suits, Cutaways and Frocks in fine worsteds, cassimeres and must reduce it now. This sale is FOR CASH ONLY. We ter, did not nend to hi. old sweetheart, Jemima Martha Sprague. Mis. Jemima ulwuys burned her scraps, and so, even were It well to con descend to seeking similar negative testimony from her concerning her laboriously-written reply.it would have been quite Impossible. Certnln It Is, however, thnt she posted a note on the following day, and thut a good many interesting things happened in quick succession after this. And then? There wus a little wedding, quite middle-aged. In the church on Easter Sunday, It was the old lover's Idea to "I Ain't I'lftcn for You, Jimmy, Honey." have It there, as he said their happiness was a resurrection from the dead, and belonged to the Raster season, nnd there was no one to object. Miss Jemima showed her new valen tine to the family before the weduing came off, but in spite of all their coax ing and begging, she observed a rigid reticence in regard to all those that had come between that and the old one. and so, seeing the last one .actually in evidence. anl rejoicing in her happi ness, they would only smile and whis per that they supposed he and she hod been quar'lln it out on them valen tines, year by year, and on'y now got to the place where they could make up. The old man, Ell. in spite of his in domitable pride, had come out of his long silence with all due modesty, blaming himself for many things. "1 ain't fttten for you, Jemlmy. honey, no mo'n I was eighteen years ago," he said, his arm timidly locking her chair, the night before he wedding, "but cf youkeer ennuch a.'iout me to warm over the little valentines I sent you nigh twenty years ago, and to make out to live on It. I reckon I can k.vp you sup plied with Jlst cz good ex thet, fresh Ivery day an' hour." "But befo' I take you into church I want to call yo' nttentlon to the fuc' thet I'm a criminal li'bel to the state's prison- for openln'.yo' mail un' if you say so, why. I'll haf to go." "Well. Eli." Miss Jemima answered, quite seriously, "ef you're Il'ble t state', prison for what you done, I don't know but I'm worthy to go to a hotter place for the deceit I've prac ticed." "Well." said Ell. ' "I reefer - ef the truth was told, the place .iere we Jest nachelly both b'long is the Insane asylum for the idlats we've acted." "When I reflect that I might 'a' been eg happy ea I am now eighteen year, ago, an' think about all the time we've lost." Well" "How comes It thet Kaster come, po late this year, anyhow?" The end. DR. LOBB'S BOOK FREE To all sufferers of PJtRORSOF VOUTU, LOOT VIGOR and DISEASES OF MEN AND WOMEN, SOS pages: eloth bound; securely seeled aad nailed free. Treatment by mill strictly confidential, and a positive qnicfc care gua anteed, 11 o natter hew long .tending. I will txMlUrely earo yon. Write ereedl. 1)7 Iff?) I29 SJ - PhllaUls)., Pa. UAe LttsVJ ) rear.' eMtinaeaa praoUoe. BOYS' SUITS go now for one price of $5.00 each. WELSBACH LIGHT Specialty Adapted or Reading and Sewing. Consumes three (8) feet of gu per hoar and gives an efficiency of sixty (00) candles. Baring at least 83) per oat am the ordinary Tip Burners, Call and See It. T I C01ELL CO., 434 LACKAWANNA A.ENUt rtanufacturers' Agents. REV IV C RESTORES VjttUTY Malta a , Us Day. ; weii Mai IStbDar. of Me. v Tnl OR SAT soth pmdOM the above results In 30 days. It act, orf mllF aud qiUrklr. Curs whan ail others tail Toaag an osi will retain their lost manhood, sad eld ana will reeorer their youthful vigor ky oalai Rgtl TO, M caleeir wid sorely restore. N arrou ease. l.aa. Tltalltr, Impotenc. BlgfcUy Emissions, Loel Power, Fatllnj Memory, WmlM Menses, and ell eOnae. of eell-abnse or emeus aad ladiicretlan, wklok eauSts one tor etndy. boainese or marriage. It aotealr earn ep ttertlng at the sea of disease, but Is ear sat aaarre tealo and blood baUder, bring ing boat, bbo pink glow to Mte eheek. sod re jwrlne Sho dre ef y crate. 1 wards off Jneanlt end Oaaanaanptloa. Insist oa beeta KEVIVO, no ther. Is osa be eartied la east vaohet. by as sit I.O er peekaare, or els for MO, with a pool Uto m St t geornntoo Se tare e rottlAd ibo smeeney. 01 fouler free. Adojfosns OVAL MEDICINE CO.. S3 Hirer tt. CNMMO. IU - sieu in migj y 9 fciitt 8 ' nupV Iran Ml 17 Day. SIO.OO EiETT 220 Lackawanna Avenue (AUTION TO our patrons: Washburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their many paa rons that they will this year hold to their usual cuatoaa of milling STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new erost Is fully cured. New wheat Is now upon the market, ana owing to the excessively dry weather many millers ara of the opinion that ft w already cured, and In proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will take no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling baa p1 piaccu wtsnDurai.rDy io. s nour iar aoove brands. 1EGARGEL Wholesale Agents. BROES AND STEEL Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Turnbuckles, Wasters, Riv ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Sup plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock. SOFT STEEL HORSE SHOES and a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels, Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc. TTE1BE11EM SCRANTON, PA. If -..r flfrA OK ' T tUeolt la wewka. rrAu uoicisb Fer sal by JOHN ft PHELPS, wprtiee Street, Screnten Pa FOR MEL 01 aw nr RESTORE LOST YI60K A yrkm 1m A whM (,a,fat Win sss OrtilMiy. Lm el Seieet Fot(la skew S m, lncaMSor. atfaaey, Vatlcaolt and Man MikWM, aa, csase. Me f Srnaa Filk). Dralna charkad mm fall rini eaicklr tlorad. It elactaa. sack enaalia iw.ll UuMf. M.ilia aayWf. atalae. ittjm bassa la, turn, wltk - Wbe Klet"sia lal frarsMn un at rrlaW Ike euaxt. Addwa to., uantaee, owe. PharmaoieW Nr. Wyomlna Avenw M