THE Annual i r Statement OF THE mam OF L Showing Receipt!, Disbursements, Condition of the Finances and Ac counts of State and County Tax Collectors for the Fiscal Year End ing December 31, 1895. RECEIPT3. Amount received by County Treusiirer C. H. SchuJt as per statement of said Treasurer, uinl chargeable to general County una Bridge funds 211.9S- 14 DISBURSEMENTS. Amount of disbursements from general County and Bridge, tunds as shown by Hie follow- In statement of the County Commissioners llM.Wh Receipts In excess of ex pendltures iij,i4 ASSESSMENTS. Paid Assessors for making State and County assessments, Clerks extending and milking duplicate. School Copies, unit Transcripts of . Mortgages and Judgments s,Si ADVERTISING. Paid for publishing annual statement of County Cotnrnls (doners and other advertising 81,i.6j BRIDGES. I'ald Groton Bridge Co. for building three Iron bridges us follows: One In Hunsom Township, one in Ulcntiurn Bor . rough, and one in Ben- ton Township 1.280 00 Paid Harrison Gardner for building stone arch bridge In Scott Town- Hhlp 450 DO Palil A. B. Dunning, . Jr., for making plans and Hpecltlcation.s for bridges 150 00 Paid for viewing bridge Bites. Inspecting bridges, advertising U',l,"i!!, &U-S" ,,.303 13 BURIAL OP DECEASED INDIGENT SOLDIERS. Tab! burial expenses of de ceased Indigent soldiers as pel Act of Assembly, approved 12th May, 1X85 $1.338 00 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE. Paid Giles Roberts, County Commissioner. fl,09u SO Puld S. W. Roberts, County Commissioner. 1,0!5 50 Paid John Demuth, County Commissioner. 1,095 DO Puld Charles F.Wagner, Commissioners' Clerk 1,500 00 Paid John F. Williams, Assistant Clerk 85 00 Paid E. E. . Robathan.. 705 00 Paid H. A. Knapp, County solicitor oou uu $0,136 50 COUNTY AUDITORS. Paid S. S. Sprues, County Auditor 930 00 Paid B. F. Seller, County Auditor 830 00 Paid John R Kink, County Auditor 930 00 $2,808 00 COVNTY OFFICERS. Paid John P. Kelly, Dis trict Attorney $2,238 48 Paid John R. Jones, Dis trict Attorney 4,193 99 Paid John J. Fahey, Sheriff 7,182 90 Paid F. H. demons, sheriff 2,032 38 Puld John II. Thomas, Clerk of Courts 4.419 53 Paid C. E. Pryor, Pro thonotary 589 55 Paid John J. Shea, County Detective 16 23 Paid' Thomas Ieyshon, County Detective 1,021 78 Paid James J. Healey, Recorder 455 30 Paid Charles Huester, Recorder 2i 10 $23,001 s; COVNTY St'RVEYS. Paid Harry Burke for monuments for divi sion line between Lackawanna and Sus quehunnu Counties.... $10 50 Puld (Hies Roberts ex penses to Montrose and "return uttemllng Court on disputed beundnry line case..., 11 35 Paid W. Atkinson for setting monuments along boundary lines betwee n Lackawanna and . Susquehunuu " Counties 13 50 I is:: v COURT EXPENSES. Paid Court Crier, Tip staves, Messengers.... $3 413 50 Paid H. H. Coston, Sten ographer 7,559 80 Paid Lackawanna Legal News, publishing names of jurors, trial lists, Ac 642 74 Paid Lackawanna Jur ist, publishing legal notices ' 28 00 Paid M. K. McGlnley, Stenographer 149 53 Paid Johtn Taylor, Sten- - ' , ographer 59 CO Paid Typewriter. Paper, Note Books. ate 196 50 Paid Grand Jurors 1,!78 "I Paid Petit Jurors 9,m 9S Paid Traverse Jurors.... 9,038 02 Paid Constables mak ing returns to Court.. 1,380 67 Paid Referees appointed by Court 1,330 00 Paid Jury Commission ers una uieru sus Hi $37 634 29 COMMONWEALTH COSTS. Paid Aldermen. Justices, Con stables and Witnesses in Crim inal cases $19,952 07 COURT HOUSE GROUNDS. Paid mowing and sprinkling lawns, shoveling snow ami other work on Court House ' Grounds $1,030 07 DIVISION OF TOWNSHIPS AND BOR- . ROUGHS. Paid Viewers appointed by Court and other expenses 23l 54 EASTERN PENITENTIARY. Paid Board and Clothing of Con victs contlned in Eastern Petii- . tcntiary at Philadelphia $2,9C6 18 ELECTION CONTESTS. Paid Witnesses In Election ' Contests $3 G1 ELECTION EXPENSES. Paid Election Officers and Rent of Polling Places 7,608 01 Paid Ground Rent for temporary Election Booths 33g 00 ' Paid Printing Ballots, Cards of Instruction, Election Blanks, c... 2,916 25 ;Pald . repairing, moving anil setting up tempo rary Election Booths.. .-' S73 68 Paid delivering; Ballots, Booths, Ac. to Polling Places 433 68 Paid - Clerks appointed by Court to compute i Election returns 150 00 Paid publishing Elec-, tlon Proclamation 475 OA Paid Supplies to Elec tion Boards 12 75 I $12 879 37 THE TRIBUNE IS THE ACKAVfANNA COUNTY INQUESTS. . . Paid J. A. Kelley. Coro ner i . $1,373 23 Paid Jurors at Inquests Ivi Paid Chemist for profes sional. sen-Ices 115 (rt i INSURANCE. Paid Insurance on Court Mouse and County Prison, and on Furniture 590 00 PREMIUMS. Paid Permlums on Foxes, Wild Cats. Wolves and Minks. In cluding fees of Aldermen and o. Justices of the Peace J - PRINTING AND STATIONERY. raid for Blank Books and Sta tionery for the several County Officers '"8 27 PUBLIC BUILD1NO EXPENSES. Paid Jnnltor, Fireman and Watchman $1,593 Puld Gas. Water. Elec tric Light, Heat ond Fuel 2. '32 57 Paid repairs Court Court House Water Closers, Sewers, &c... ir2 50 Paid Telephone Rent... "10 8a Paid E. P. Gross, ut temllng Tower and Court House Clocks... l.2 oO Paid Washing. Cleuning and Scrubbing 313 ( Paid New Furniture and repairing Furniture, Carpels, &c 726 93 Paid Supplies, Brooms, Soap, Brushes, &c... 12j 81 Paid hauling ashes. &c. 2U 70 FRISON EXPENSES. Paid feeding prisoners.. $10,181 U0 Deduct amount collected by Sheriff 113 50 Net amount paid sheriff $10.iW7 50 Puld salaries of wardens and keepers 6,129 f- Paid fuel. gas. water and electric light 1.0SS 00 Paid prisoners' clothing, shoes, bedding, etc 1,320 42 Paid conveying prison ers to und from County Prison 133 00 Paid Supplies, brooms, soap, brushes, etc. ... YM 01 Puld telephone rent .... 27 00 Paid Iron cots.furnititre, oilcloth, etc '013 00 Paid repairs on county prison 29 17 Paid physician and nn dli'ul supplies 3i'2 35 Paid disinfectants 141 53 $21,594 90 REGISTRATION OF VOTERS. Paid Asscsors making May nnd December. 1CJ5, registration and Clerks making copies for Election Bourds $S,323 ul ROAD DAMAGES. Paid damages for land taken for public roads us uwurded by Viewers und approved by Court $2,030 00 ROAD VIEWS. Puld Viewers und Surveyors ap pointed by Court... $S20 63 STATE AUDIT. Paid A. .1. Colburii. auditing accounts of County Olllcers with the State $150 00 STATE HOSPITAL. FOR THE INSANE. Paid keeping Insane convicts from Lackawanna county $303 00 SUNDRY EXPENSES. Paid F. W. KirchhoiY and others, clerks for services, etc. $1,203 37 . MISCELLANEOUS. Puld postage, stumps und envelopes $'1 SO Puld taxes overcharged and refunded 15 15 Puld Assessors for making returns of births nnd deaths 94 89 Paid keep of Insane con victs at Hillside Farm. 139 10 Paid grading und street paving 772 01 Paid State Industrial Reformatory 109 50 Paid incidental ex penses 50 00 Puld Agricultural Soci ety , 100 00 $1,331 48 DETECTIVE SERVICES. Paid detectives for the apprehension of mur derers and other crimi nals $1,101 67 Total amount of .dis bursements by the Statement of the Account DISTRICTS. COLLECTORS. Arclibald Borough Hlskely Borough Ronton Township ( arbbondale Township. . P. A. Philbin . David C. rh.llips . H. U. Hmlth , Patrick t'ssey . li. J. Tanfleld Lovington lowininp. Clifton Township Carbomlulecity First Ward Second Ward Third Ward Fourth Ward Fifth Ward Mxth Ward Dickson '.Ity Borough Dunwore Borough,... Elnihui st Borough.. , . Fell Township (ilenburn Borough.... Ureenfleld Township.. . .. .lames O'Ueyle ...E. A. Wonnscott ,., Hamuel Moon ... Holier t Campbell ... Hubert Campliell ... William Holienback.,, ... Robert Campbell , ... William Muses , ...T E. linhuid ... Samuel Treibul ... Patrick Jicie:ver ... (.'. A. Miemiau ... J. J. Kickler ....I. B. Gardner ... E. A. Lane , Oouldsboi-o Boiougu... Jenny n Borough Jefferson Township.... l.u Flume Borough Lehigh Township Lackawanna Township. tludison Township Alsyilold BoroUKh Newton Township . (). K. McLaughlin , Ueorge Situon ,J.U. Bailer , . James Butler , . Eugene & nack , , Patrick Brady . J. D. Hopkins . F. L. Smith , . Oeorge J. Kehr , . B. N. Kennedy In art It Abingcon I wp. . . (lid Forge Township Olyubant Borough, . Ransom TownsliiD.. U M. aicCIoaky , Rosi-iim Brook TownshiD Jacob W riser ricott Towusbip , Horton Oavdner. Mpring Brook Township.. H. li. Arms Mouth Ab nton Twp J. D. Ayleswortli Tavlur Borough John I). Joties.... Win ton Borough lames J. Lawler, West AlmiRton Twp I. J. Finch. Tliroop Borouvh lames & Ixjftiu , Dalton Borough C, J. Thomas Waverly Borough Charles W. Hall , scranton t ity f irst vi nra. Edward Fidlor Oeorge V. Hulfman. .. Johu J, Costello David G. Thomus Beajamin (iritUtli .... Adam L. Bonn W. W, Onudlacto....... W. A. R.uo F. L. Vard .Onorgu Farher Theo. Hesslngur Oscar, Stranca L. H. "Wint John Brchtold K. C Powi ll., Second Ward Third Ward Fourth Ward Flf.h Wind Sixth Ward Seventh Ward Kighth Ward Ninth Ward , Tonth Ward lilcventh Ward Twelfth Ward Thirteenth Ward Fourteenth Ward Fifteenth Ward Mxteenth Ward .'-iiim v. l inn . Kolieft Uhsv . Actum L. Bonn . Oscar L. Stviiucb . Thomas Hefferon . F. W. Burse I Heventeenth Ward. 1 ;t ghteent h ward . . . , Niiietienth Ward.., Twontiuth Ward.... Tweutjr tirnt Ward, Carliondale Third Ward Fit th Ward Hlxth Ward Diminore Borough.. North Abington..., Month Abington berauton Third Ward Sixth Ward Ninth Ward., Oeorge, F. Chainberline. Oeorge F. Chaniberlius. Oeorge F. Chainberline, Charles P. Bavage 'C. J'. Thomas J. V-. Aylesworth i Giles Decker William Egan Fred L. W ard CJ. South Abington. D. Aylesworth -4 Settled with the Treasnrer since December 31, 1893. CONDITION OF THE VHNANCK3 OP LACKAWANNA GOV SIX. . ASSKT3.1 Cash In County Treasuryt Jan. 1st. 1800, County fund. ...i Cash in County Treasry 'iJan. 1st. 1800, Bridge fund .i 9.778 17 , 8,450 64 Cash In County Treasry Jan. 1st. 18H0, Sinking fund 10.0(10 00 Court House Building I... 2Xi,0U0 00 Furniture and fixtures In Court House .. 30.001) no Court House Grounds A. 175,0(10 00 ONLY REPUBLICON County Commissioners) on their warraiit.Xos. 1 to 4..11S series "1'" $li59,'.70 43 The following disbursements were tnude by C. H. Schudi, County Treasurer, from the General County fund, to wit.: Interest on - County Bonds $3,4i0 00 County Teachers' Institute- HN Tax on County Bonds.. 4.'l Sinking fund . 10,000 Ml County Treasurer's com mission 7.975 00 $21,031 00 Total amount disbursed from County and Bridge funds for the year 1895 $194,007 42 C. H. Schadt, County Treasurer, irt Account with Lackawanna Co. DR. I Sinking 1 Fund Town ship Fund Balance from IX W. Pow-j ell, ex enmity treasurer, Jan. 7. 195 Taxes, Dupl cat of 1S3... .. Taxes, Duplicate of 1894 Taxes. I uplicatoof Isiti... .. Seated anu Unseated Laud tax Interest on Unseated Land tux Liquor Licenses, Hotel....... .. ., Restaurants.. Exonerated taxes paid.... .. Jury fees, flue aud costs from II. A. Knapp couu-i tv solicitor Jury fee, nurs ami c.mts from J. H. Thomas,; clerk of courts. Jury fe-s. tines and costB fro-n John P. Kully, ex - UUtrict attorney Jury fees. Hues and costs from CI) as. Robinson, ex-slieritf Jury fees, fines und coats Irom F. II. demons, sueriff Jury fees. Hues and coHts .from C. li. Pryor, pro-, tliouotary Jury fee, fines and costi Ir.un Martin Horo, al derman Jury fifes, flu and costs from D. W. Hi own, at torney '.. Prisoners board collected.'.. 1'rot honorary liens coll't'd .. Lotoi f ve licenw, 1. H ' McUeovor. '.. Detective license, T. J. Heyu Ids Detective license, C. J. bilverburgh Scranton Suviucs Bank, i . Advertising Rodcmp- .. tionof Iwnusrut'u led t, Costs and interest 1 soils redeemed from Coiumis : sinners .. Blank books sold D. & II.; I . 2V: . S 1.W3 50 . . C. Sejro'y internal affairs. I ' compiling, etc., tax V statistU-s for year 1Ni5. S I Refunded by Coroner J. ' A. Kelly, and others I ovorpaid by conitnis- I Blowers J Redemption fund 5 per cent, rouulty on re- tnrueu taxes Bcruulou riuviu Bank and Trust Co. loan by county coniuiissioii ors Transferred from cnnnty fund , . (10,000 On fHMIO Uttf l.ittl K8 Town nhip Fund Sinking ' Fund Interest coupons paid I Trunsf or to tax on loans. .i County 1 jistituto County and bridges, war-1 I rants paid Noi 1 to 4518 ! ' inclusive. Series P (I County warrant Ho. reries O Scranton Savings Bank 1 aud Trust Co. repay-! mentof loan by couu-1 ty comnitfsioners j ; Township fund, warrants I to 12 inclusive ; Redemption fund ' State personal tax to I btate treasurer ) r" Tax on loans ' Transfer to t-inkmir Fund Treasurer s coniinission.. balance S1U.0U0 . S SS4 81. :c: t::j :m.. 70 (Mil iyiO.OOOUlS l.:i.l 858 oi Collectors of State unci County I COUNTY TAX. a. . s ac 8.9 Of 5 I ...8 n,l74H4 J 5.317 8 1.SC 12 iU 5fl 550 7-1 170 41 2.7S2 7S 1,010 3S 1.4MI 51 ' 7(il 20 ' .?.' 40 1.210 00 !!,! 63 8,414 01 VHl .64 3 12 081 10 54 aosi 22 4M lu ' Lino us 40 64 ' l.KVS 4(1 h0.i 72 1 2)7 HI 11 7n 6.NI1 40 i J,"43 7.... ' 1.:mi at : 1,4:0 40 500 07 , i.M) m 3,221 115 ' 1,114 tie.. -143 87 24 4 liuM 14 21 l.AII.I 03 art 70 1,210 52 awt 0:1 40 34 ; 13 1,1,75 M 51 t ' 670 71 ,.. ! ' I i r,.r,20 si Jmi 75!'.'.!!."!!".'. !!!!!!! 4 & ii 2-i b.uii m 1 SS7 114 s.(i; ss ; 1S.2I7 40 : 8.7I7 0- ; 2.521 Hi 3.1 15 71 : At ... 7.4:i!l 6S 3.S24 I t ...I . 3,:.f 17 34 . 5.S.-M HI .1 lu,2ii0 41 70 1 H ' . 8.2:il 40 . 6.420 (17 ; . 3,355 33 . H;i.7i 00 sito 41 sa 40 io 4t til 2,3s i o Tor the Year 189. 912 22 l.llli 1 5S 1,188 00 7.015 88 1.578 Ki 1.130 87, 1 2,2,'i 08 8 48 8,401 70. 3 23,580 27 ....! I, 3 21.031 (53 l or the Year 189:1 8 88d 62 1 1. 8 028 623 County Prison Furniture In County IYison Prison llroundV.-:.., tue from Collectors IKMlmated) 130.000 00 G.IKKI HO S5.O-J0 OH 3,omi oo LIABILITIES. V 3JOt,234 71 4V6 per cent. Refunding Bonds of ithe Issue of Dec. 1st, 1804 Assets In excess of liabilities.... $ AmipHefl VAlnntlnn for the year , 18S3 IS. 191 00 i MIMIC DAILY 00 50.234 71 V r . STATE TAX. ACCOUNT. Valuation of money' si- Interest,' bonds, mort gages, etc., assessed lit Lackawanna County for the year 1S95. sub ject to u four null lax tor State purposes and reported to Board of Revenue Commission ers, i;.v..95:, at 4 mills $23,415 Deduct County Treas urers commission .... zzi 3.181 60 Paid to State Treasurer by County Treasurer l II. Sctfedt.-. $21,181 S Rebate due County .$17,380 23 ttedotnp i tiou 1 I Fund I Statu i Bridge Fund ! laud Cnnnty Fund Total 113 1!T f 6,571 10 31.373 ! $ GS.R-'U I.a:i7 W 1 SU7 3.761 7 tM.7ti60 aft. $23,415 81...: ! U,7tl.V 185. lttt 24 : 4V0 9.1 1,013 05 I la 27! 13 JfT Ct.Tc5 41, , S1.78:. 44 4,417 2 4,447 tU S 70 "70 290 15. gjo IS 357 00 S57 60 70 00 76 00 i 27 47; 27 47 I S52 45' S52 43 I 14 47' H 47 3 CO 3 no ! SI H 21 14 4H V., 4H 75 3 75 M 73 5 00 25 ( 25 00 2$ CO Si 00 "3 CO i 37 60 37 HO 6 93 6 83 I ue; it on r 110 00 110 00 oo en GO 80 15 70 2.17 50 I 13 70 2!7 50. 10,000 Oil 10,000 ! 10.40O 4-SO 00 50 tifcM.89.' sJlO,301 00 J 211,020 45 1257,(80 UO CR. iRelemp-i j tim i I Fund I State Fuud Bridge Fund j Cou nty Fund Total $ 0,400 (0$ 5.41IOU 4S0 Oil - 40 IS) : 120 00 'AM CO i i ...8 1,005 15 10X,070 27 100,08143 i 50 10,000 CO S CO 10.COO 00 384 81 CS 50 S3.isi m 45(1 (III 10.00U (X) 7.07r, IK) 20,460 77 50.. ..$ 23,181 450 YM Cx' 8,450 1 lll.ltOO 00 7.US3 SI t,77S 17 2J-' 350 8iiy,89J Hlil0 30l t-0$ 21 1.620 458 237,580 OU Tux for the Year 18!)5. STATE TAX. Ma a o 'J0 w bi 32 .9 i " s B "5 a 5 a -2 a n u o a I a o 75 lb ir.2T0 4:$ 111:1 57 1 wo 8 41103 0740 1.051 7(1 l.tl0 i 410 76 20 54 30 21 413 51 sin lil 114 20 6 71 IW 411 4iW 74 40 S3 7 10 ' :if, II 75 150 l:t 4.HI i;2 HVi, 4 li 7s SO 40 05 12.1 4" 13 Oil Ci 12 44 i- 1.0.17 04 1,745 11 7'i2 75 i 14 007 01 1.310 18 o'i-2 ,'0 1,3 III till Hi 1,317 btt IH57 07 821 M 140 !W 7 114. 153 04 H7 01 374 25 5 00 28 & ili W3 H2 3 4H 233 m 11 IM 222 17 :iii5l 5'r.l .s til ID ; 3 0U 51)0 2 01Wf2, tl. 7t 27 711 j 1 ii 20 40 ti.M'IH, 2,274 Cli 1,510 ,r 75 8.' 1,44(153 S58 1H M K!...... Cir SO 117 1.77U0II l,:il4 22 58 45 U 0i 65 5a fHi 17125 11(105 ' 6 15 1(15 40 SS2 ikl o:4 02 its 70 1 S3 4 07 17 (il -t (HI 7 7S 30 7 :W 048 40. HI 12ll ilO 0 31 IIH Of - IMS 70 4!M IM is 5i 2 I'S &6 6S i(2 H5 "4 Vi 61 IKI S.V uli 116 41 H I2-2 01 0 3S 47 8 111 6 OM 7 7s i s 1:14 07 8 75i 128 22 713 25 ICtUW 170 !I0 8 K 187 54 IW1 16 7S-.I tO 2118 i 1 (' 2.112 1.087 31 S!i is 2:i 41 , 11 72 422 HR 72 ;;. va 17 14 i s i 2s H, t:i2 15 7:8 54 10 32 07 18 0") ,( W C18 30 00 III 1 3 60 00 41 (tmj 07 ' 1:18 Ollii 1:12 22 H53 53 8 1 (W 1'jJ 48 0 42 122 0,. I, 051 77 fi-t8 SS 10:150 8 33 m 23 j M, 70 25 13 8 2 " 10 1.21(152 157 m 167 60 1.4 70 l.ic'3 14 12127 8 00 11121 1,748 10 1.1175 S7 2 4 82 1 21 ! 5S 2 ill l 82 13 1,224 01 45U0:i 20 41 las 25 1.0 AIM 84 1:I II 131 11 417 23 102 4i 118 72 5 04 112 78 3. RI5 57 1.S25 07 20 41 13 42 ' 254 09 2,83:1 41 1.IT.M 3li HUH 72 ' l 4 4 67s 28 1.I-.47 02 443 17 4 &ti 122 2128 3.8-io 15 1.241 10 IS! I 10 31 81 5114 85 il,705 i 2,:'0-i 8S VIM UU , 411 TA: I'll 44 023 75- 801211 8. ".II 4 15. 78 70 1, "111 10 l.lll'.l 72 71 00 3 51 68 0s 13.427 64 4.780 05 1,878 91 03 01 ,1.784 211 4. I3 44 4,.i4 24 2,443 4A,....! 122 17'l 28 1.1(43 75 8 1 . f !.... i SKI: 814:1.. 2.512 48 S41 783 51 : 80 Is 744 33 . 828 5 177 W 2.4 (W ! 118 22 45 5,204 (T, 2,174 91 1,2 5 811 1 80 20 1.145 00 . 2.I V5IM l,:ita iJ II71MH I 33 0J, 6.4H 2..VI 1 850 23 220 01 iltiV aHM 2..ViU65 3 SH4 01' 1,8 1112 01 "O 1.72 13 . ...... 0.478 84 3,728 1,7 41,870 i 243 Hi, 4,820 83 ll 55 !? 105 82 27 100 05...".... I.60U 02 II 20 ul HI ol I Ml 111 4.448 31 8w4 DO 128 71 8 44 122 27....... a bi2 411 iit 81 l:ii 31 ; tt 77. 128 64 J3.'.15J o:;j. '1,301 32 . ..81,111 36 822,737 80S3U 18 651S0 358 8- 133 W 7 tW 716 .-14 378 24 10 Wl 9 87i 84 J 341 015 3(1 fill IH 2 VHi 6,521151 1.W4 04 1,2. IB 64 77 1,177 91 4U0 87 234 71 1 1160 722 64 434 lit 180 80 1 V 34i I r I 1,072 20 287 721 32 27 1 I 81 7r.i mil 234 i-i ra m j s ik. 7.77U 74 S2j 2.4UO 00 ! 13 Oj 140 1":. 1X1 08. hw. J,2:l 55 . 22S 02 177 40. Si) 00'. 60 U5. 2,3.7 OO' 4.658 023 1,667 00 f 233 38 3 4,431 2.1, 230 9:3 180 40 t 9 02 8 17138 . Kstlmated extienses for the vear 1S1 217 280 Ou Amount of county tax duplicate, 1805 171,7(79 74 Amount of State tax duplicate, 1895 , , 24,202 82 All of which Is respectfully submitted. JdH.VIiUMlITH, 8. W, KOBRRT8. uili:h robkkts. County Commissioners. Attest: CHARLES F. WAO.NKIl. Clerk. Scranton, Pa., February 1st, 1800. di ujmi coni- Co ul noli y OUR FIRST INSTALLMENT OF Cotton Wash Fabrics Now open for inspection, the line comprises Dimities in variotis grades, Dii(bess Jaconets, , Percales and Cambrics. Rejan? Dimity, Zephyr D, etc., Printed Marsalla, - . Tiill? Chatelaine, Chanfilly Lac? Sata?,' Plametis, Lappets, French Organdies, etc. Mere -words cannot describe-the wonderful beautj' of our line this season. The senses of seeing and feeling alone can do them justice. CONNOLLY A WORD. WANTS OP ALT, KIND3 COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOR IN AD VA NCR. WHEN A HOOK ACCOUNT 18 M ADR. NO OH ARGR WILL BK LESS THAN nr. CENTS. THT8 RULE AP. PLIES TO BMAM. WANT ADS., EX CEPT LOCAL, SITUATIONS, WHICH AUE INSERTED FREE. Hc!a Wanttd Male. WANTED VN AOI-NT IN EVERV 8EC tlon tooanvnva; 84.00 to $5 0U a ilajr madft; sella at siclit; also n man tn aoll Htnjile lluoda to dealers; best aide Una 175.00 amontb: 1 ary or larira rotnniiuion made; ejcperleun. uuneueaaary. Clifton tioap and Mauufactar Inft Co., Cincinnati, O. 00 w ANTED -WELL-KNOWN MAN IN ovrrv tnvrn to willelt stock auhwrio- tions; a monouoly ; U money for asunta; no capiUl required. KDWAKD C. KI8H CO., Bordim Elook. t'hloago. 111. Helo Wanted Females. ViDilfRlTTO IOOENRAL lidutovrork; amall family and Hood wni-es; niunt have rufersiicea. UhA OEORUE BENOltl-- UU) liontb Main ave. CO WANTED EXPERIENCED OIRL FOR Keneral hous jwork. Apply at iSi Wy oming itve. T A N TE D-I.ADY AOEN T IN HcH ANT V ton to nU ftnd intrndnca Bnydrr'a uaka Icing;: rxpai'lonced can vatser preferred ; work peruiannnt aud Tory profitable. Write for particulars at once mi'l gut benefit of holiday trade. T. II. 8N VDER & CO , Cincinnati, O. w ANTED NURSE GIRL. INQUIRE AT laso Ulckson ave. WANTED IMMEDIATELY -TWO ENER Itetio saleswomen to repreeent ns. Guaranteed U a day without interfering with other duties. Healthful occupation, write for particulars, inclosing stamp, Manto Cbera Ical 'nipsny. No. IS John street. New York. Agent Wanted. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE TO sell our new "Ideal Orator and Mannal of Elocution," embracing the Delsurte system of expression and physical culture. Illus trated; 4U photo from lire. Bells at sight; liberal terms. Address SPECIALTY, Sub station NaJS, Philadelphia. Pa. QENT8 WAN TED-TO "BELL CIOAKH; 176 per month aalary and expenses paid. Aildres with two-cent stamp, FIGARO CI GAR CO., Culcao-o. AGENTS TO SELL OUR PRACTICAL gold, silver, nl-kel sod copper electro plstera: price from S-'l upward; salary aud ex- Sensea paid; outfit freo. Address, with stamp, I1CHIGASJ MF CO., Chlcajo. AGENTS TOSELLCIOARS TO DEALERS; (A weekly and expenses; experience un necessary. tONSOLIDATUD MFG. CO., 4a Van liuieo st C'hioao. SALESMAN TcT CARRY TlDE LINE; IS per cent, corn mission; sample book mailed (res. Address L, 11. CO.. etation L, Ney York. '"VlNfilVlENrSAPPofsfED TO sell new liglitninn sellinic table cloth, mos quito and house flv liquid at 10 cuts and 25 centH it bo tie. Samnle fres. BOLGIAXO M'F'G Co., Baltimore, Md. A' QENTHHINbE'H'pATENTNIVElC snl Hair Curlors and Wsvers fnsod with out heat), nnd "Pyr Poinled'-Hsir Pins. Lib eral commission. Freo ssniple and (nil par ticulars. Address P. V. Box tbO. New York. For Sale. I HAVE SEVERAL DWELLINGS FOR sale at Oreen llldpo and citv. Call and I will siow you. H. M. NASH, 43i Spruce st. F"OR 8ALE-1.10 ACRES SHINGLE LAnBT ptso 1'iti acre tine frni: honso ro"m enough for eight families. J. 11. INGAL, Honesdale. fV)R BALE-NEW. MODERN ELEVEN room honse nnr (lienn Riilge st.. Hil'i Monsy avo.. Green lildgu; bargain. OWNER. T.-'OR BALE CflEAT HOR8E ANI)"hAR 1 ness, also wagon; or will exchange. Und Marlon at. FOR BALE 2 POOL TABLES, 2 BILLIARD tables and one combination table; bIbo bargains I'.i new and stroud-beiid cloths nnd bulls just now. J. B. VAX KLECK, West minster I'ool Room. Fo." Rent. L'OR RENT-SIX KOOH HOUBE ON WEST P Lackawanna rvmiui Address THOMAS E. EVANS, aear 11. ".2 Luzeruo, Hyde Park. ?OR REN T-TEN-ROOM llOUBEjAU, I1 modern couronteaces. Inquire at Washburn st. nOR RENT- ON E S1X ROOM HOUSE, LEE P i-ourt Inquire &'i Adams ave. RENT ESTABLISHED BO.ARIG 1 house, partially furnished, central loca tion; t?rnn roswiiiable. V. 8., Tiibune odlre. 6lT'RENT-TEN-RdoMH6U8l4lTll modern Improvements, centrally located, Madison are. Inquire 311 Qnincy ave. FOB RENT-KICEl.i' FURNISHED HALL suitable for lwdge rooms. JOHN JEH MYN, 11 Wyominit ovenue. ?OH RENT TH B PRKMISESRECENTLY X occupied by The Scranton Trlb ne.knoivn ns the Itlusser Building, corner of Spruce St. and 1 en 11 ave. Possession given immediately. The consist of the building in the resr of the building; on the corner of spruce street and Penn avenue, together with the basement, and also the entire lourth floor of the corner building". Can be rented for Lodge purposes as well as publio meetings. Sizes of hall, Xlxlim with a s-cond hall on same door, SS!&. For partlcnlars inquire on the premises, f Rudolph Hloeser, or at the office of The Kcranton Tribune. Money to Loan. .) RAA S2.U0O ON STRAIGHT MOHT- gsaje D. B. REPLOGLE, Atty., 4"8 80 r nee st. Spwelal Notices. tirriHE SOLDIER IN OUR CIVIL WAR." x Yon want this rello. Contains all of Frank Leslie's famous old War Plctures,show lug the foroes tn actusl battle, sketched on the spot Two volumes, 2.0U1 pictures. Hold on cssy monthly payments. Delivered by ex press complete, all oharget prepaid. Address P. O. MOODY, tl Adams Ave., Hsranton, Pa. BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS. MAGA atnea, etc., bound or rebound at Tut Tnracaa offioe. (Wuick work, steaeeaable rice ONE CENT Jr. & WALLACE, TRY US. 602-C04 LACKl AVE. COR. AD1RS. Situation Wanted. wUlU.Vllua WANlKD-UY AN EXFEKI encsd men as salesman, bookkeeper or shipping oisi-k; best references; wholesale trade preferred. Address G, A. L, Tribune ottice. SJlTUATION WANTED TAKING CARK Ci of hnrses or driving; good at most auy kind of work. CHARL&.Y KNOWLES. 1U8 Spruce st. SITUATION" WANTED-IbV A YOUNG man; will do anv kind of work; store work preferred. Address Store, Peukville, Pa.. P. O box 813. VOWN" MAN WIBHKA POSITION A8 1 bookkeeper or clerking: is willing to do anything; can give ood references II neces sary. Address R. M D., Tribune ofllce. SITUATION WANTED-BY YOUNG MAN IM years of age as assistant steward, Ore man or any kind of work. Address J. J. Y., Tribune office. SITUATION WANTED-AS COACHMAN or general useful man around home.. Ad dress JAMES AUSTIN, 838 Center st. SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG widow to go ont washing or scrubbing by ine aay. n. a. j., sia bynon si., ciiy. c?rru rATioNWA t edby" pr acticaE O picture frsms joiner and mat maker; thoroughly conversant with details of the art trado; reliable. Address PICrUHE, Tribune offlce. seeclal Meeting; of Stockholder. BY DIRECTION OK THE BOARD OF Directors of the Scranton Glass Com pany there will be a special meeting of the stockholders of said cimpany held at the of fice of the company, U4 Lackawanna avenno, in the cityof Scranton, Pa., February IJth, I81H1, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of authorising the Board of Directors of said Company, and its proper ofBcers, to sell and convy the lota of real estate of the company, situate in the city of Scranton, Pa., not en cumbsred by mortgagee bv the company, and also a certain lot of laud situate la the eity of TrenCoo. N. J., and transact such other busi ness as may properly come before said meet ing. G. B. WARREN, Secretary. Scranton. Pa.. Jan. 11, 1WK. Medical. A SURG CURE FOR RHEUMATISM ! a OtsO Aiif nf mvnrw 1.000: w (ti l geilirxa w s ua v vv- " - - ' two dea will tak thfl wort vas of lntlt-m- . .... '.-. -a l 1 SHI ilfs ... Vui1a. Mnnnfm-tured wM by MRS. DR. HAMILTON, 34s Northampton U.. UtHa.ltatsg'ia Dn knd for sale at 116 New York St.. Oreen Ridf e. a?.n A BLlTtkl ga A LA ntRst ChichetUf'i English Ponjvroyal PJ! Chichester ChemlcaTCo., Thllada., Pa. iR.Diil'S Celebrated Female FewncTS never fail. '(Uall hsn f.llpiL PmniUn 4 erntl. UU. a. I . lUAt iki atmj. w.i AIIMADJJE- TABLES (Lehigh and Susquehanna Division.) Anthracite coal used exclusively, insur ing cleanliness and comfort. T1MB TABLES IN EFFECT NOV. 17, 18Jj. Trains leave Scranton for Plttston, Wlllces-Barre, etc al H.'it), 9.15. 11.80 a. ni.. l.JIU. 2.00, .5. 6.0), 7.10 p. m. Sundays, 9.00 a. m., 1.00, ".IS, 7.10 p. m. For Atlantic City. 1.20 a.m. For New York. Newark and Elizabeth, 8 20 (express) a. in., 1.20 (express with Bnl fet parlor car), 3.05 (txpresdt p. in. Sun day, 2.15 p. ni. Train leaving 1.20 P. ni. arrives at Philadelphia. Reading Terminal, 0.21 p. m. und New York .45 p. m. For Muuch Chunk. Allcntown. Bethle hem, Easton nnd Philadelphia, 8.20 a. ni., 1.20. 3.05, 5.00 (except Philadelphia) p. ni. Sunday, 2.15 p. in. For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc., at 8.20 a. m., 1.20 p. m For Reading, Lebanon and Harrlsburg, via Allen town, 8.20 a. m., 1.20, 5.00 . in. Sunday, 2.10 P. m. For Pottsville. 8.20 a. m.. 1.20 p. m. Ketnrnlng, leave New York, foot of Lib erty street. North River, at 9.10 (express) a. m., 1.10. 1.30, 4.30 (express with Buffet parlor car) p. ni. Sunday. 4.20 a. m. Leave Philadelphia. Reading Terminal. 9.00 a. m., 2.00 aud 4.30 p. ni. Sunday 0.27 a. in. Through tickets to all points at lowest rates may be had on application In ad vance to the tic ket agenda tthestaUon. Gen. Pass. Agent. J. II. OLHAUSKN, Gen. Bupt. DELAWARE! AND nl.nSON RAIL ROAD. Commencing Monday, 1 'JO all l.nlli. will mWjfmG arrive 'at new Lacku mm aw . wanna avenue station fW r as follows: ff"' Trains will leave Scran- tnn station for Carbondale and Interme diate no nts at 2.20. B.45, 7.00. 8.K und 10.10 i. ni . 12.00. 2 K i.55. S.15, g.l, 7.H5. 9.10 and ''For Fai-vlew, Waymart and Honesdale at 7.00, 8.25 and 10.10 a. tn 12.00, 2.2V und 5.15 PV'or Albany, Saratoga, the Adirondack! and Montreal at a. 45 a. m. and 2.20 p. m. Kor wilkes-Barre and Intermediate noints at T.45, 8.45, 9.38 and 10.46 a. m., 12.05, iO 238 4.00. 5.10. 6.05, 9.15 and 11.88 p. ni. Trains will arrive at Scranton station from Carliondale and Intermediate points it 7 4078.40, H.U4 and 10.40 a. m.. 12.00, 1.17. 2M 140. 4.54. &-55. 1 911 and 11.33 p. m. From Honesdule, Waymart and Far view at 9.34 a. m., 12.00. 1.17, 1.40, 5.53 and 7 45 p. m. From Montreal, Saratoga, Albany, etc., at 4.M and 11.33 p. m. From Wllkea-Barre and Intermediate rolnts at 115, 8 04, 10.06 and 11.55 a. m 1.1 14. 8.39. t.10, lot. 7.20. (. and p. m. I Wallace fXrKg&iS UPHOLSTER FURNITURE : Clean Carpets, , : Renovate Feathers, V 4 : Make Over Mattresses, Make, and Repair Spring Sell Iron Beds, Make Fine Mattresses. A WW i4 Nov. 17. 1893. I v- Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia and New York via D. ft II. R. K. at 7. a. m., 12.05, 1.20, 2.38 and 11.38 p. m., via D., L. & W. K. H., 8.00, 8.U8, 11.20 a. m., aud l.M p. ni. Leave Scranton for Plttston and Wllkos. Barre, via D.. L. A W. R. K., (.00, 8.08, 11.2 a. m., 8.40. O.Oj. 8.52 p. m. lave Scranton for White Haven, Ha. cleton, Pottovllle and all points on the Beaver Meadow and Pottsville branches, via E. W. V. R. K., (i.39 a. m., via D. A H. R. R. at 7.45 a. m., 12.06. 1.20, 2.38, 4.00 p. ni., via D.. L. It W. R. R. 8.00, 8 0S, 11.20 a. in., l.iO, 3.40 p. m. i Leave Hcranlon for Rethlehem, Eastoij, Reading, Harrlsburg and all Intermedial points, via D. A 11. R. R. 7.45 a. m., 12.1C, I. 20, 2.38. 4.00, 11.38 p. ni., via D L a W, H. R., 8.00, 8.US, 11.20 a. in., 1.80 p. m I Leave Scranton for Tunkhannock, To wanda, Klmlra, Ithaca, Geneva and all Intermediate points via D & H. R. K. 8.43 a. ni., J2.05 und 11.35 p. m., via D., L, Hi V. R. R., 8.08, 9.55 a. in., 1.20 p. m. Leave Scranton for Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Detroit, Chicago and all points west Via D H. R. li., 8.45 a. in., -12.05, 9.15, 11.38 p. m.. via D., L. A Vr. K. K. and Plttston Junction. 8.08, 9.55 a. m., 1.3u, 8.50 p. m., via G. eV W. V. R. R 3.41 p. ni. For Klmlra and the west via Salamanca, via D. 4k H. R. R., 8.4.1 a. m. 12.05, .05 p. ni., via D.. L. A W. R. H.. 8.08, 9.55 a m.. 1.30. and 6.07 p. ni. Pulman parlor and sleeping or Iv V, chair cars on all trains between L. A B, Junction or Wllkes-Barre and New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo, and Suspension Bridge. ROLLIN H. WILBUR, Gen. Pupt. CHAS. S. LER, Gen. Pass. Agt.,Phila.. Pa. A. W. NONNEMACHER, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt., South Bethlehem. Pa. Del., Lack, and Western. Effect Monday, June 24, 1895. Trains leave Scranton as follows! Kx press for New York and ull points East, I. 40, 2.50, 5.15, 8.00 and 9.55 a. in.; 12.35 und 3.34 p. m. Express for Easton, Trenton, Phlladel. phla and the South, 6.15, 8.00 and 9.55 a. m.. 12.55 and 3.34 p. m. Washington and way stations, 3.53 p. m. Tobyhauna accommodation, 6.10 p. ni. I-Jxpress for Binghamton, Oswego, Kl mlra, Corning, Bath, Dansvlile, Mount Morris and Buffalo, 12.10, 2.35 a. m., and 1.21 p. m., making close connections at Buffalo to all points In the West, North west and Southwest. Bath accommodation, 9 a. m. Binghamton ami way stations, 12.37 P. ns. Nicholson accommodation, 5 p. m, Binghamton and Klmlra Express, 0.0 p. m. Express for Cortland, Syracuse, Oswego, Cilia and Kichneld Klgs, 2.35 a. In. and 1.24 p. m. Ithaca 2.35 and Bath 9 a. m. and 1.21 p m. For Northumberland. Plttston. Wilkes. Barre, Plymouth, Bloomsbiirg and Dan. vllle, making close connections at North, nmbei land for Willlamsport, Harrlsburg, Baltimore. Washington and the South. Northumberland und Intermediate sta tlons, 6.00, 9.55 a. m. and 1.30 and 6.07 p. m. Nuntlcoke and Intermediate stations, 8.08 and 11.20 a. m. Plymouth and Inter mediate stations, 3.40 and 8.52 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches on all express trains. For detailed Information, pocket time tables, etc.. apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket office, .12 LacKawanna avenue, 9t depot ticket ofllce. Erie and Wyoming Valley. Trains leave Scranton for Now Torlt and Intermediate points on the Erie rail, road at 7.00 u. in. and 3.29 p. m. Also for Honesdale, Hawley and local point al 7.(10, 9.40 a. m. and 3.29 p. m. All the above are through trains to anil from Honesdale. Trains leave for Wllkes-Barre at 6.39 . m. and 3.19 p. m. RCHANTON DIVIRIO. a Effect fleptesaber tlal, IS Ni"tM Bans1) kteatsi fftt 190301 Statlong 12? a kTralni Sally, ZxA cepnunaay.) r m Arrive Learei 7 !iN. Y. Franklin 6U 7 7 001 Weehawksn 811 lr lArrlTe Leave) 1 lJi-Haocock JuncioET 71 1 m Hancock IS res Btarllght 19 Preston Park 19 40 como ia g& Poyotelle 19 14 Belmont 19 tt Pleasant Mt. fllCD Uulnudale a a 4 ip a ll 4W ycrser city ft V 8llH SBl ixvilgl cu-Donasie T04 16 40,(1180 White Bridge r HT18 3 6 48:.... Jllayneia 8 4l;ll 98 Jerinyn 6 8-siniS Archibald 6 82mi5 Wlntflu Will 11 Psckvllls 6 1U 07 Olyphaut 6 80111 0.1 Dickson 6 18,11 08 Throop 6 M 11 on Provideoee 6 ta ficBT park Piaee T 1818 4a 7 141 8 7 sol s it 7 13 3 727 8N t W 4 0 7 84 40 tut 411 789 414 Mr ! 61010581 gcraaton m'a m Leave Arrival fn trains run dally except gnaoay. I algnines that tralu stop on Mgnal for If agera. ecu re rates via Ontario a Western kei eirchasiag tickets ana save money, nay Uurt Kinross to the Weet. J. o. Andersoa, Oen. pass, AgH T. niterott, Dir. Paas, Aft, eeraatoo. Pa. 3 5 J win 3 I I .7- ' - 1 Ill ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers