THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE TUESDAY JlORNTXt. FEBRUARY 4. 18. Neu)s 25-LB. SACKS Guaranteed to Be the Best Made. AT Luce Bros. Scranton and Taylor. WEST SIDE EVENTS. Fortieth Anniversary of tho .Marrtaie or Mr, and Mra. John At. Thorous of I.afaystts Street Celebrated. Sir. anil Mrs. John M. Thomas, of Lafuyettf Btivet, were kiii-)i1sh1 last .'VHtiliiK by a numbrr of their friend In hunur of tin1 fortieth anniversary of their tnui'i'lune. The (affair was ar ranged by the children of the honored 1'iniule mitl was a coniulete surprise to the recipients. fiuiing; Die evening I'rufenMiu John Unwell, the blind imi Nlrluii. entertained the asHenihlaire with iukuii music, itev. ). Jones, or. ini I'Mrst Welsh CoiiKieRutional church, huiik sevcrul sunns. It was a most en JoyulnV t-vent. At the close a bounte ous supper was iiurtukcn of by the tuests. Those present were: Kev. and Mis. l. Jones, .Mr. anil Mrs. Harry Mass, Mr. anil .Mrs. Cluirles Lull, Mr. iiiul Mrs. William T. Sprouts. Mr. ami Mrs. M. ii nan Thomas, Mr. anil Mrs. h. Iliesuclicr, Mr. ami Mrs. John Itoss, Mr. aiul Mrs. Wright limuillieiit, .Mr. mid M is. John James, Mr. ami Mis. 'leortte lMtrlch, Mr. unil Mrs. Walter Kuupp. Mr. anil Mrs. .lames Katon. Mr. uml Mrs. J. I'Mwarils, Mr. and Mrs. William A. I'hlllips. Mr. and Mrs. Willluin Sprouts, Mr. and Mis. Thomas Wulilin. Mr. ami Mrs. William t'ani plun. Mrs. Frank 'Met z. Mrs. Clmrles PUpwiih. Mis. William Smith, Mrs. Hubert 10 vans. Mrs. V. 1'owell. Mrs. William ltoiuit, Mrs. 11. Lawrence, Mrs. .1. , lCvann. Mrs. Mavld Keese, Mis. M. Kiigcn; Misses 1,. A. Kvamt. t'arrie lieese, Maine Katun, Anna Hniurtlient, Helen Mass, Lizzie Lluyd, Klvlru Keese, Anna Brudley, .Malum ft I'hillliis. Miss Siuuli 'Jones, of klnuMton; tieutxe Tliiiiniis, 15. Iluirhiviton. Arthur I lavls, onrKe Kd wards. W. A. lavls I.mils Jain-s, T. F. Holierts. and 11. Sprouts. Mr. inul Mrs. W. S. Williams, formerly of this side, now of IliiiKliuin fiin, were also present, liavliift ciune to Siiantiiri In older Ik attend the affair. Has Not Disbanded. The il Iff front city newspapers were Imposed upon last week in reference to the reported disbaiulment of the Hyde Park Literary and DebatinK so ciety. The action of the members who took the matter of dlsliandment tvus declared tin warranted and tinauthora tive at last night's meeting of the soci ety. The meeliiiB wns largely attended and was the most Interest Iiir in the his tory of the society. No attempt was made to carry out u literary pro Krauime. The nieetltu: was devoted to censuiinrr the mistaken members and In the election of otlicers. Nominations und election were made one Immediate ly utter the other. The result is as follows: Charles K. Daniels, president; Kmerson I. tiweti. vice-president; W. A. l'rice. secretary; John Ultimo, (re eleeted) treusurer; Rev. John Griffiths, critic; 1). C. I'owell, sergeant at arms; K. I). Owen. Wallace Moser, W. K. Thayer, executive committee; Arthur Davis. Albert Davis. Howard Davis, membership committee. The society will meet next Monday night with the newly elected officers in their positions. ' News Note and Pcrvnnls. Samuel J. Pettit is home from Yar mouth, N 8. Mr. Pel tit and Miss Annie Jones, of this side, will lie wedded on Feb. 12. The missionary service on Sunday even. In it in the Hampton Street Methodist ICpls. ciipul church was in every way a most Interesting ami piutllulile ' sei vb'e, anil the large congregation which 1111, -.1 Un church io lis utmost capacity, even to overflowing, returned home with a deeper i. . Bill FLOUR 40c' The full Dress Suits we sell at $25.00 and $35.00 being full silk lined, will fit as well, look as well and wear as many years as those you leave your meas ure for and pay double. If our suit does not fit exactly we make it fit--at our own -risk) if you don't like it you needn't take it. We carry about 50 Dress Coats and Vests especially for hiring out for an evening. H ;S;ari D.s!!:g Clothiers, of tb? Stibtirbs. Interest In the cause of missions than before they came. Much praise Is due the Junior league and their superintendent. Mrs. F. P. Doty, for their interest In the missionary work of the church. Nicholas Code, formerly, of the 1-aurel Hill Park hotel, Dunniore, has taken pos session of the old Ieitner hotel, North .Main avenue. Mr. t'olle Is a former resi dent or this side, and will be welcomed by his many friends. A meeting will he hold In the Belle, vue Mission house tonight to art mon the viaduct question. .Several prominent speakers will he present. After the via duct part of the meeting a Republican club will be organixed by the yoi'.na men of Bellevue Heights. D. Philip Williams leaves today for a two months' trip through California. The Philharmonic society met last ev ening and rehearsed at the First Welsh Congregational church. Oene Fellows, son of Captain anil Mrs. E. l. Fellows, took a change for the bet. ter on Saturday and has since steadily Im proved. Mrs. Henry Peck, of Price street, was slightly Improved yesterday, and her phy sicians entertain hopes of her recovery. An infant son of Andrew Conlon, of Chestnut street. Is very ill. Kvan Edwards, aged 45 years, of I.n seine street, slipped on the Ice at the cor ner of South Main avenue and Washburn street at 11 o'clock last night and broke Ids right leg. He was taken to his home in a carriage. West Side Business Director. PLUM BIN-O William D. Qrlfntht. 11J North Main avenue, does first-class Plumbing. Steam Heat and Gas Kitting. Satisfaction Is strictly guaranteed. BARBKR Hair cutting and shaving done In a first-class manner at John H. Reyn old's Barber Shop, at Palrchlld's Hotel. FLORIST Cut (lowers and funeral de signs a specialty. Floral figures, useful as gifts, at 104 South Mala avenue. Har. rlet J. Davis, florist. B1CYCLKS repaired, scissors ground, tools sharpened, sawa tiled, keys fitted, machines repaired by W. L. Steenbaek. dealer In nuns. Fishing Tackle, under West Side bank. . . .. PHOTIVIRAPHKR-Cablnet-Photos, 11.40 per dozen. They are Just lovely. Con vlnce vourself by calling at Starrier Photo Parlors. 101 and 103 South Main avenue. . . GROCERIES Revere Standard Java Cof fee Is unexcelled. The leading coffe or the day. For sale only at F W. Mason & Co. Fine Groceries. 110 South Main avenue. SKCONI) HAND FURNlTt'RE Cash for i,!.,., h.,v tn sell. Furniture. Stoves, Tools, etc. Call and see the stock of J. C. King. 1024 and 102. Jack son street. Special sale of Holiday Wines for fam ily use, K cents per quart, at James F. lit-sl.s, 30i Cedar avenu. DUNMOKr. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. J,ovelund and two children were the guests ol friends and relatives at Avoca oil Sunday. The Ladles' Aid society of the Presby terian church will meet at the home of Mrs. M. K. Close, on Kim street, Thurs day afternoon at S.:io. The council ami school board will hold their regulur monthly meetings tonight. Miss Mudge Kowlanit. or Rowlands, Is a guest at the home of lr. Ill own, on Rut. ler street. The Loval Lesion from this place will attend un ellleitiilluncnt given by tho Ill-cell Ridge Legion tonight. Miss Itcssle Slieiilteril. of Urove street, was the guest of Miss Maine Cranston, of Avoca, on Sunday. Special services of an evangelistic na- lure are ueiiig neiu in tne .ueiuouisi church this week, to which all are most cordially Invited. Mrs. Charles Kngle. of North l'lukely street, has been spending the past few days In Mudlsolivllle, where she was called by the serious illness of her sis ter. tin Monday evening, Kli. 17, the drama, "Cinderella. which was so successfully iiroduceil some time aao, will be repettU'd for Ihe benellt of Hie Home for the Friend less. The entertulanient will be given in Washington ball, . Dunmore. The cast, which will produce it Includes the follow ing well-knuwn young ladies: King, Miss Margaret Kelly: ijueen. Miss Mar garet tiould: Lord Kusygulng, an old man childish and hen-pecked, Miss Mar. tha Matlheks; Lady Ulsdaln, Ills wire, Miss Mubtl Christ: ChHilotte and Anna. bella. Lady Disdain's daughters, Jennie Oliver and Marie Itroiison; Cinderella. Lord Kasygning's daughter, Anna Oliver; Prince Amour, Agnes .Mangan; Fantasia, falrv godmother. May Oliver: Bully Tin. prince's herald, Nellie P'lynn. One of the features ofMhe entertainment will be the dainty costumes. The price of admis sion lias been placed w limn reacn or all. 2,i cents, and tickeis cuu tie nan or any one or the above cast. Word was received here yesterday morn ing or the death ot Mra. James Northup, formerly Mies Mollle Stanton, of this bor ough, who passed away at her home, in Whitney's Point. N. Y.. Sunday night about 12 o'clock, the cause of death being typhoid pneumonia, sne is survived ny a hiisbund and two children. The de ceased had a host of friends In this t'lm e. who will mourn her loss. The funeral will take place from her late home this afternoon at 3 o clock. Cutters of various styles. Cutters of various grades, Cutters of varioiiH prices. We ran suit everybody in the Cutter line. We have a fine stuck to select from and we will guarantee our prices can t be beaten. Win. Bin me Son. ft22 and 524 Spruce St. Read Banister's special ad on page 4 today. Hatters tsd Fidslsfs. SAMTERS SOUTH SIDE NEWS. Interest iac Mewling of the Twentloth Ward Republican ('.lab-Tea New Mem bers Admitted to the Orcanlxatioa. The rally of the Twentieth ward Re publican club, w hich was to be held at Phillips' hall last nijtht. has been tiost- poned until next Monday evening. It was the regular meetina nlcht or tne club last night and ten new members were enrolled. They are as follows: James O'Connor, James tl. Brady. John J. Bronm, Patrick Barrett. Will iam Meyers, Jacob Windier. .Albert Obenski. William Dando. John Heiden- bach and Charles Kellerman. At the previous meeting eighteen members were added to the roll and next meeting: twenty-five more are ex pected. When the regular business was transacted, addresses on the politi cal situation were made by Charles Simrell. Rdward Hammer, James Mc Coy, and the president and secretary. It was the unanimous sentiment mat each man will get out at the polls on election day to give Colonel Hippie and '; his associates on the ticket a splendid j vote In the Twentieth ward. i villi lie insiaucu .ii aiivBuay. On next Tuesday evening the officers of the newly-Instituted branch of the Ladies' Catholic Mutual Benefit asso ciation will be installed at Dr. Alan- ley's hall by Miss Mary flallagher. of the West Side, who Is district organiser. The officers are as follows: President. Mrs. M. Dunleavy; tirst vice president. Miss Kate flu van: second vice presi dent, Miss Sarah Kotigherty; third vice president. Miss Margaret Kocbe; re cording secretary. Miss Klla S. Jor- j dan: financial secretary, Aliss Kanny Mctiee; marshal. Miss Anna Duggan; guard. Mlss Mary Cleary; assistant secretary. Miss Klla Dougherty; treas urer. Miss Mamie Motlltt: trustees. Miss Miss Kate l.avelle. Miss Klla tlavan, Mrs. Mary Walsh, Mrs. Margaret Gal lagher, and Miss Mary O'Donuell. Shorter Paragraphs of News. Henry J. Wetter, of Cedar avenue, and Miss Maud 1 .1st. an esteemed young lady or this side, will be united In mari iaxe at Ht. Mary's Herman Catholic church on Tuesday, Feb. 11. A mock trial under the auspices of St. Aloyslus Young -Men's Total Abstinence society, of St. John's parish, will be held on Thursday cvenlnn, tYb. 1:1, ut their rooms. Chilli's band will conduct a ball ut Nut ter's hall, on Alder street, Thursday nlitht, Keb. U. The following are the recenlly elected otlicers of the band: 1'resldent, John Simmons: vice-president, Henry Kramer; treasurer, Charles Kaeper; trus tees, Christopher Stunner and Leopold Wahlcr; leader, Jacob Uuth ; assistant leader. Annual Miller. Installation of otlicers of Hoarlng Brook conclave. Improved Order of Heptasophs, will be conducted tonight at Slorr's hall. District Deputy C. tl. Itolalid will olllcl ite. A banquet Will be enjoyed after the meet ing. The regular monthly meetlnifof Klectrlc City castle, Royal Arcanum, will be held tonight at Kreiihan's hall. Oruior A. (1. Hewitt will have .something Important for the members to hear. John Hmlth, of Fittston avenue, left yesterday on a visit to his old home, in Cohoes, N. V. NORTH END. The Trilby dancing class will hold a so cial in St. .Mary's hall, on West .Market street, next Tuesday evening. The Providence I lilted eluilr will meet this evening In Archhuld's hall, on Wayne avenue. William Davis Is instructor of the choir. Louis Kessling, of North Main avenue, a well-known young man of this part of the city, und a .Miss Johnson, of Dul ton. were married last Thursday. The young people have the good wishes of a host of friends. They will go to house keeping on Jones street. John 11 arils, of flttston, is visiting friends on Wayne avenue. .Mrs. N. P. Osterhuut will give a euchre purty at her home, on link street, on Friday evening. In honor of her daugh ter. Miss .MellJ Osterhout. The North Scranton Soiul club is Jubi lant over the success of Its social held last evening In Company II armory. Thomas Jones, or Aivhbald, who has been visiting fi lends In this purt of the city, has returned home. The Crystal Literary und Dramatics club will rehearse ".More Sinned Against Than Sinning," In Company A armory. .Mrs. t'arwldlne Is seriously ill at her home, on Wayne avenue. Joseph OHteiiioul, of Oak street, visited friends ill Plttsion Sunday. Thomas Collins, of West Market street, is seriously ill with a severe attack of bronchitis. 1IASE BALL GOSSIP. Al Buckenburger, who has Just bought the Toronto, Out., franchise In the Kast ern league, has returned to Pittsburg und has made a most Important deal witn Connie .Mack. Buck gets ilve of Pitts burg's strong young men, Padden, sec. ond base; Moran, pitcher; Genlns, iulleld er; O'Brien, ouillelder, und Stuart, short stop. "Buck" will also take to Canada Wagner and Barrett, of Pittsburg, whom he hud signed ror Trenton In the Atlantic league. The Trepton franchise has been transrerred to Hartford, Conn., and will be handled by Kd. Barrows, of Wheeling, W. Va.. who last year won the pennant in the Iron and till league. A Baltimore dispatch says Manager Bil lie Barnle has compromised with Van der liorst and Hanlon, and the suit he entered against the Baltimore magnates for an interest in the club and a share or Ihe profits for two years has been dismissed. The compromise was Ihe fruit of a visit Barnle paid to the Baltimore manager a week ago. when he was paid some money, the amount being kept a secret, with which he intended to buy the Toronto club franchise. Al Buckenberger got In ahead of him and Barnle Is again outside of the base bull breastworks, but with a small wad In his inside pocket. President Freedman. of the New York club, believes l.oiiisvllle will be in' the National race to win. He says: "They have Just as good a chance for lirst place as for the tail end. Don't fool yourself on Mefioskey's boys this year." Buckenlierger Is said to have paid for Jack Chapman's Interest In the To', onto franchise. If Toronto gets a po-t Hon on the rail and well up In the bun 'h, Buckenberger will make money; If the club falls to make a good showing the new owner will lose his twenty-five hun dredand maybe something beside. The same comment applies to Scranton. but to all appearanres the Canucks and the Mil lionaires are going to earn money for their owners. Newspapers In Eastern league cities are anomalously referring to the Scranton players as "coal heavers" and "million aires." Any old kind of a name will be swallowed with grace If McDermott proves a winner. KILLED ON THE RAIL. Cyclist Struek b a Passenger Train While Hiding to His Work. Toledo, Ohio, Feb. 3. James Debth met his death this morning while riding his bicycle along the Michigan Central tracks. Debth was the engineer of the Col ton Cycle company. This morning he took advantage of the level roadbed to ride between the rails. It was a very foggy morning, and while he must have heard the approach of the pass enger train, he probably thought it was on another track. The pilot tossed him high In the air and when the train crew reached him he was quite dead. Debth was a mar ried man and leaves four lltttle chil dren. RESULT OF A LIBEL SUIT. Sadden Demise of the Daughter of a New England Preacher. Bridgeport, Conn Feb.' 3. Miss Grace Pullman, K years old, died yes terday from the effect of a malady from which she had been suffering for some time. Her death. It Is believed, was hast enedbyth ellbelsultbroughtbyMlle. Jane ened by the libel suit brought by Mile. Jane May, the actress, whom Pastor Pullman denounced from his pulpit, COST OF OUR PRISONERS Bill for Kcciinn Them at 'Ten" Keceived by Commissioners. CREDIT G IV P.N F0K 0KK DONE Daring tho Year Lackawanna' Had Seventy-Mae Prisoners in That In stitution and the Met Cost of kecpini Them Was & A statement was received yesterday by the county commissioners from the managers of the Kastern penitentiary showing that during the year there have been seventy-nine Lackawanna, county prisoners In that Institution. These prisoners served a total of KI.242 days and It cost $:i.S44.44 to maintain them: On this amount STIO.Ot is cred ited for labor tierformed by the pris oners, making? the total amount due by this county for keeping its criminal. U.U3A3. Peter Hombach. who was convicted of burning: the Kim Park church, served an entire year, but is not credited with a cent for wages earned. Paul Hydo. who killed Hotelkeener Sunday, on South Washington avenue, Augustine Noln. who murdered one of his country men at -Dunmore, and Carlo Crando. who also took a human life at the same nlace, are on the sume footing with Hombach, not having earned a cent. Cirando's Rentence expired on Dec. 27 last. William Mooney was In the "pen" for 304 days during the year, his term having expired on Nov. 1. He earned $47,711. Since his release Mooney wax arrested for burglurir.inir Krear's gro cery store on Adams avenue. John Cnf frey served a full year and earned $r4.L'0. and "Hill" Kent was credited with $14.titf wages during tho 213 duys he was In ririson. Soon after "Hill's" release he tried to pass counterfeit coin and Is now fervlng a term in the west ern penitentiary. Do Avnla I'nrned the Most. Stephen Do Ayala wns pardoned In December. lie served :i,VI days during the year and earned S'io.MI, the largest amount credited to any person for the year's work. Melxinc Houghton, colored, who liilled her husband on the West Side In June, 1S!2. is credited with $41.51 for her :!: days work. Charles I. tlritlln, the young mnn who burglarized u number of railroad sta tions in this city. Is credited with noth ing for labor perforne-if, neither is John Menie-uti, of Providence, convlct ned o ' arson. His term expired Inst August. Ira Pox, of the West Side, convicted of rape. Is another who tins no earnings, find so is Joseph Visnlskle, who murde-ed Felix Davldzuk in this city. Fox served the entire year, but Visniskle was in the "pen only uiirtiiR the last sixty-one days of the year. Pasquale I'erretto and Frank Hoschlno. murderers, and Charles Wardo and Alex Lofcoskl. convicted of felonious wounding, served only eleven days und ure also without any credit for work performed. Dinning Next to He Ayalu, Thomas Dunilng has $"i.30 to show for Ids year's work, the best showltiB made by any of the prisoners save lie Ayala. James Barrett, of Dunmore, released Nov. 2, earned $;l;l.:U) during the ten preceding nionttiB. lie was con victed of killing two Italians. John Sylvester Hostosky. the Archbald slayer, who went to the penitentiary in Apiil, earned nothing. Frank Morrow of Archbald. has $:i.24 opposite his nnme for his Utiii days work und Frank (Irippo. of Dunmore. convicted of manslaugh ter, earned $s.4ti during the same time, while John Nouck. another who shed human blood, has an even $10 to show for his year's labor. T1I1KD BASEMAN DKAL'BY. AUUcrtnott Wants tha Ulsoa for Scran ton's Initial Hug. Manager McDermott Is after Drauby. who last season played third base for Buffalo and was reaerved by that club until a few days ago, w hen he was re leased. Drauby hus been asked to send Scranton his terms. If they are satis factory he will be signed and will pluy lirst base, ir the Wllkes-Harre manage ment, who are after hi in. does not lirst secure him. First base Is Drauby's old position which accounted for some of his many errors at third. His chief value to Buf falo was his heuvy stick work. If Drauby is signed no further effort will be made to secure big "Bill" Massey,' of the Carboudales. an old time Scran ton lirst baseman, a terrlllc hitter and an all-around hummer of a player. It had been susoected that the shrewd Marty Styift in his refusal to allow Massey to negotiate with Scranton hud hoped to secure a fat bonus. He blocked the deal anyhow, and now he and Mas sey are none the better situated and possibly Scranton has suffered a little as Massey seems better than Drauby. Still ball players, like the weather, are subject to great cJiuiigeB and the Hison may be found to till the bill. Drauby played In the Cedar Itaplds club and was a team mate of "Mugsy" Mctiraw and "Hill" Hoffer. Arrangements for re-buildlng the fences at Ihe Base Ball park, enlarging: the grandstand and moving the dia mond westward were practically com pleted yesterday and the work will be pushed forward us rapidly as the weather permits. The proposed changes were recently given In detail In The Tribune. It in Intended that there shall be no delay In making the Improve ments, and that the grounds and build ings will bp ready for use several weeks before the season opens. TONTl CASES DISPOSED OF. Appeals (Jrowlng Out of Troubles with the order Are Dismissed. Philadelphia, Feb. S. The appeals growing out of the troubles of the Or der of Tontl. were finally dlsnosed of today with their dismissal by the su preme court, When the Order went Into liquidation policy holders who had run out their terms, Hut had not re ceived their funds, contended that they should be considered as preferred credi tors. Instead of taking their pro rata of the dividend fund. They Instituted legal proceedings, and the master to whom -the matter was referred, decided against the plain tiffs. The report w(as confirmed by common pleaf No. 1. and the decision of the supreme court sustains that de cision. GEMS ARE SMUGGLED. Diamonds Are plentiful, but Little Rev enue Is Received at Custom House. Washington. Feb. 3. The treasury department has instituted an Investiga tion as to the falling off of receipts from Imported cut diamonds. The ap praiser at New York reports Hint lit tle, If any, revenue Is now derived from that souroe. He says, however, that diamonds are now more plentiful and cheaper than they have been for many years, and he. In, this connection, expresses the opinion that the smuggling of the preci ous stones Is t arried on more success fully now than heretofore. CURED BY PLASTERS. A Strang Woman Snatches Judge White sides from tb Jaws of Death. Atlanta. Feb. 3. Judge Hugh White sides, of Chattanooga, Tenn.. shot him self In the leg; a few days ago, and it had to be amputated. The surgeon an nounced to the family that he could not Ilve a half Hour, but he is resting Under the ministrations of an unknown wo man whose medicines are a secret she will not .'divulge., Friends liere 'who were aware' of his critical condition have been notified that Just after the surgeon made his prediction a plainly dressed woman entered the house and said that If the Judge would consent she could save the inuu's life. She was asked If she were a Christian scientist und suid no. Consent being given she took from her packuge a large number of smull plasters and began to apply these to Judge Whitesides' body. . It Is said that from that moment he begu to Improve and the latest news from his bedside Is favorable. It Is now Ave days since the first anplication was made. At the end of the first day the mother of the sick man :resenled the mysterious healer with JUKI. At the end of the second twenty-four hours she did the same thing, and she has repeated it every day since. The Whitesides are wealthy, owning most of Lookout Mountain property. WILL GO WEST AND SETTLE. Harry P. and Dallas T. Ilyams Are Now Penniless. New- Tork, Feb. 3. Harry P. and Dallas T. Hynians, the twin brothers whose sensational trials In Toronto for the alleged murder of William C. Wells, a brother-in-law of Harry P. Hyanis. In order to get his life Insurance of $30,000 attracted much attention, are now In this city, having arrived here this morning in coninanv with Francis L,. Wellman. their counsel. It Is said that they will go west and settle. They are said to be penniless, as their trials have cost over $!00,uo0. FATAL EXPLANATION. Isaac Hoffman shoots a Customer While Showing a Revolver. Chicago, Feb. .1. Theodore Warner went Into Isaac Hoffman's pawn shop, on West Madison street, this forenoon, to buy a revolver for the purpose of committing suicide. While the pawn broker was showing him how the re volver worked it was accidentally dis charged, the ball entering Warner's body Just over the heart. He was taken to the hospital In a critical condition and Hoffman was ar rested. How to Cure All Skin Diseases " Simply apply "Swayne's Ointment." No Internal medicine required. Cures tetter, eczema, itch, all eruptions on the face, hands, nose, etc., leaving the skin cleur, white and healthy. Its great healing end curative powers are pos sessed by no other remedy. Ask your druggist (or Swayne's Ointment. - . Appeal to Sllverltes. Hulelgh, N. C, Feb. a. I'tilted States Senator Marlon Butler, who is state cbulrmun of the Populist purty In North Curiillnu, sent out an address tonight to the members of the Populist party in North Carolina and to ull others In thls state opposed lo u single gold standard to unite and vote so that the eleven electoral voles of North Carolina hi the forthcom ing elections shall be given to cundldat-s favoring the free coinage of silver. - llrltlkh Wurslilp at Havana. Kingston, Jamaica, Feb. pJ. The Brit ish warship Mohawk was dispatched hast ily this afternoon from this port to Ha vana. It is thought by many persons here thut there had been a revolt among tho Spanish volunteers III Ihe Cuban capital und the the Mohawk has been sent to protect t be lives and property, of Brltlsn subjects, Tho Holmes Case Appeal. Philadelphia, Feb. 3. The argument in the appeal of Merman W. Mudgett, alias 11. H. Holmes, the convicted murderer cf Ueiijumiu F. Pltezel. wus made today la Die Supreme court by Counsel for Holmes und wus answered for the state by Dis trict Attorney Oruhum. At the conclu sion of the argument the court took the case under advisement. Cash in Circulation. Washington, Keb. 3. The treasury cir culation stuteineiit Issued tuduy makes the amount of gold in the i'tilted Stales, outside the treasury, ut HWUHUtT,. The Miiinunt of ull kinds of money in circula tion is placed ut Jl.uS5.7W,iiH7. an Increase since Jan. 1. 1. or thl.51J,&:j. The per capita circulation is $'-''.'.47. EMINENT CITIZENS GIVE POSITIVE PROOF That Munyon's Improved Homoeopath ic Remedies Cure Rheumatism, Catarrh and the Most Ob stinate Diseases. DOCTOR YOURSELF Step Into the Nearest Drug Store, Ask for a Guide to Health, Buy as-Cent Remedy and Cure Vourself. II. S. Houghton, of 175 First street. Albany, N. Y., writes: "For over two yeurs I bud kidney trouble. In that time I have paid doctors and for vari ous proprietary medicines, more than $50. I was not cured and not even benefited. Some weeks ago I began tttdng Munyon's Kidney Cure. I have taken only three 2,'i-cent bottles, but I liave derived more benefit from three little doses' than front all the medicine that cost me so much money. 1 have not felt as well In two years us I do now." Munyon's Rheumatism Cure never fails to relieve In 1 to .1 hours, and cures In n few days, l'rice. Zip. Munyon's Dyspepsia Cure is guaran teed to cure all forms of Indigestion and stomach troubles. l'rice, uc. Munyon's Catarrh Remedies positive- Is- cure. Price, "jc. each. Munyou's Kidney Cure speedily cures pains in the back, loins and groins, and all forms or Ulilttey uiseuse. Price. 25e Munyon's Female Remedies are a boon to all women. Price. 2.rn Asthma Cure, with Asthma Herbs, $1.00. Munyon's Nerve Cure stops nervous ness and builds up the system. Price, 25e. Munyon's Headache Cure stops head ache In three minutes. Price, 2" cents. Munyon's Pile Ointment positively cures all forms or plies, price, ll.ic. Munyon's Wood Cure eradicates all Impurities of the P.lood. Trice, 2',r. Munyon's Vitalizer restores lost pow ers to weak men. Price $1.00. A separate cure for each disease. At all druggists. 2.,c. a bottle. Personal letters to Professor Munyon iriO.1 Arch street, Philadelphia. Pa., an swered with free medical advice for any disease. rvr. PLEASANT . COAL AT RETAIL, I OoeJ at the best quality (or domestlt IM, and of all si sea, delivered la aay (art of the city at lowest price. Orders left at my Office NO. 118 WYOMING AVENUK. Raear room, first floor, Third National imt. sr aant by mall or telephone to tae nasi wiu receive prompt attention. paelal contracts will be made tm t Ah aad delivery of Buckwheat OoaJ. WM. T. SMITH. ocoa tM LeocolaUk amicelkd (or Puriiv of Mtlerkl btliuouintu of Flavor Their Pink Wrapper Vinilli Chocoliie it a favorite (w Eating, lad .Drinking, Crocfrt vtnrhert. I'.IUHYOH The Fashion 308 LACKAWANNA AVE. 308 OUR GREAT ANNUAL SALE This is an opportunity to purchase Dry Goods at 50 per cent, less than regular prices. . 50 pieces of Wool Henriettas, ull colors, 40 in. wide, 50c value, Sals Price 25c 25 pieces of Novelty Dress Goods, 40 in. vide, 50c value, Sale Price 35c :o pieces of Novelty Dress Goods, this is special 75c value, Sale Price 49c Big reduction on all black and col ored Dress Goods. $1.50 Lace Curtains, extra wide and lug, . Sale PriCB $ .98 2.50 Lace Curtains this is special, , Sale PriCS 1.50 4.00 Lace Curtains, only a few pair left, Sale PriCB 2.50 6.00 Lace Curtains, extra value, Sale PrfCB 3.50 . 1LINERY ONE-HALF PRICE. IT'S A FLYER and the velocity of wind, sttam ana wings are auwsextPd by hi progiem. The bicycle la the most important Inno vation in tiiHann of travel alnce the intro duction of the locomotive, and we are m the Infancy of Its use, construction and mean of propulnlon. ilealtliy-miiuled people ure those who commend and practice tti use. To such we need hardly say. Your bicy cle should be the latest and best. Pull and examine ours before buying. J.D.W1LL1AMS& BRO. 312 AND 3'4 LACKAWANNA Ml Moosic Powder Go, Roods 1 and 2 Commoiultk ML SCRANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER MADB AT MOOSIC AKD RU8B DALB WORKS. Lafflln & Rand Powder Co.1 Orange Gun Powder lectrio Batteries, Pnaea for earn lad las blasts. Safety Ftaa aad Bepanno Comical Co.'s HighExplosiia WILLIAM S. MILLAR, Alderman 8th Ward, Scranton. ROOMS 4 AND S, Gas and Water Co. Building, CORNER WYOMING AYE. AND CENTER ST. OFFICE HOURS from 7.30 a m. to 9 p. m.J (1 hour intermission for dmntr and supper. ) Particular Attention Givento Collections Prompt Settlement Guaranteed. VQUnBUSINESS IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED Telephone No, 134, AK FOft THE B&KLET ON GIVES THE. BTIMHT&VvoMB ANDSArgeiyreiYSATE FOR SALE BY THE ATLANTIC REFINING CO SCRANTON STATION. ATHLETIC GOODS 435 SPRUCE ST. 0K ICE SKATES a. v, mm, $5 Misses' Newmarkets, for all ages, in choice colors, Sale Price $2.93 One lot of Ladies' Newmarkets, sold for "s to 'is, Sale Price 98c i Ladies' Kersey Jackets, four button eflect, nobby, Sale Price S7.48 ij Caterpillar Jackets, only a few left; don't miss it. - - Sale Price $8,98 AMUSEMENTS. THE FROTHINGHflM. WacncraKeis. Leasees and Managers. ONE WEEK COMMENCING Monday, . February 3. THE COMEDIAN, and his cumedy company, Including MISS ETTA REED, In the following repertoire: Tuesday evenluir "liy Ksuttii'ky Home" WeiluoMay luutiuou "'Ess I.ynne" Weloesday evening-. ."The Parisian Princess" inursuay eveninK urttiea Apart- Frldav oveniiiu A Yankee In t una Haturday niatiuau... batuiyluy evening. .. .' "The Plunger" Prices - 10, 20 and 30 Cents Matinee Prices, 10 and 20 Cents Sale ol seats now In progress. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Tuesday, February 4 ABSOLUTELY NON-SOPORIFIC. Gl WANTED Introducing FRANK BUSH and a Company ol Farce-Comedy Favorites. SIHOONS OF LAUQHTER Regular prices. Sals of seats oens Satur day morning. . , . . . , . . . I ACADEMY OF MUSIC. X V ONE NK1HT ONLY. FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 7. Mr. Edwin Barbour's Icelandic Spectacular Comedy-Drama, LAND OF THE MIDNIGHT SUN SEE THE (Ireat Sulphur Mines. THI-: tireat Prison Scene. IHE Midnight Sunset. DON'T MISS THE GREVT B!6 PRODUCTION. Rt-tfulHr prices. Sal of beats opens Wednet- rtity. DAVIS' THEATER MONDAY, TTESHAY, WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 3, 4, 5, 1896. LITTLE KATIE ROONEY In Cliarlos A. Taylor's Great Raciug Play. THE DERBY MASCOT nrp TUB Oreat Derby Bare. YY THK Beautiful Swaiup Scene. ULL THE Kt-aliHtic Itailows Si-eue. The ('elvbrate-l Leapina Horse "King Faro" in his wonderful leap over gates of railruad rroi'sing. far Lowl Speoial Scenery. All New llei'lianiral Ktfects. 'leu Ruck and Win if Dancers. Two Tlinroiitflil-reil Mace Horsed, "King Faro" and "(liuy t-rince." Admission, 10, 20 and 30 Cents THE NEW NO. 2, Contains all that baa msdu Hammond Work fatrons. and NEW. NOVEL and C8EFUL, Im. tsroTements. "Hammond Work tbs Criterion of Hammond Superiority." "Hammond Balsa the Criterion of Hammond Popularity." Ham mond No. X, "Tbs Perfeet Typewriter. Ea amine it aad be coo.isosd. Philadelphia branch of The Hammond Typewriter Co., lit B, Biith Street. F. A. & A. J. BRANDA, - 414 timet ft, Senates Itsprsttntatrrts. Hlli TYPEWRITER