""x- i - ' " . I 1 . . V: ; THE SCBANTOtf ' TBIBirNTS-TUESrtAY MORNINW, VKriUTAtl' "4, js. 4 ' a Pore BAKING PfiWDEI. Bread and cake raised with it keep their freshness and flavor. The reason is, the leavening power comes from pure cream of tartar and soda, nothing else whatever. apt book free. ScndtUnpaadaildreu. Norman & Moore FIRE INSURANCE, 120 Wyoming Ave. BIG BARGAINS IN SHOES RUSSET SHOES IT COST AT THK COMMONWEALTH SHOE STORE Washington Avenue. TOUR LINEN LOOKS RIGHT FEELS RIUMT . WEARS RIQHT WHEN LAUNDRIED fHE LACKAWANNA January Remnant Sale OF ODD PAIRS Lace, Tapestry and Chenille Curtains, also Short' Ends ol Carpet, Wall Paper, Oilcloth and Window Shades AT ABOUT HALF THIS KKUULAR PRICKS. WILLIAMS & M'ANULTY I17 WYOMING AVENUE. CITY .NOTES. The IVIawnre untl llmlson mine, were placed on half time yesterduy. On next Salnitluy nlsht the Sheridan fair will reopen. hon u number of ur t li'lese will be ilUpoHeil of by ehanre. A nmolter and euchre party will foe heM In the i:ik dub rooms thin evening fur KlkH only oominniclnx ut x.J o'clock. JuOkc fiiinmcr ha approved the report of the November Rranil lury relative to 3 the . recommi-ndutioii . for - elweri m-w cuiinty brlilnf-9. Hoiton Oanlnpr, tax colleetitr of Scott townvhi) fur the year lxHfi. nettled hid tax (liii'Xcute with the county commu nions yenteiduy. The members of the. Lackawanna Bar association will meet at II o'clock toilay to take action on the ileath of Attorney A. H. Wlnton. Ex-Wanlen Michael Orlmes was bright, er last night than at any time since he became seriously 111, and the prospect of hi recovery Is assuring. The Women's Christian Temperance union will hold their regular weekly meeting this afternoon at 3 o'clock In their rooms, Sitl Spruce street. The Women's Christian Temperanre union of (Ireen Ridge will meet in the hall, .1(110 Dickson avenue, Tuesday, 2.30 p. m. A good attendance Is desired. Mrs. !. W. Cole, of New York, wishes to thank the Tlreemn and the man friends for thulr untiring attention to her broth. , er, Melcholr Horn, during his Illness. Thomas Hart was yesterday appointed Judge of election for the Second district of the Twenty-first ward to till the unex pired term of .Michael Koach, resigned. All of the Delaware and Hudson Canal company's mines In this region were placed on half time yesterday. They had been working to their full rapacity for , some time. The funeral of Attorney A. It. Winton will be held Thursday afternoon at S o'clock from his late residence. 4'M Wyom. Ing avenue. Interment In Forest Hill cemetery. In the estate of Mary A. Campbell, dc. ceased, the report of Attorney Charles K. liver, auditor, was referred back to him in hear claims that are to be made against the estate. The receipts of the Scranlon poatoftVa for January exceeded any previous month. The sale of stamps amounted to HO.W.l'O. while lust year the January receipts from the same source were IS.H&i.LT. The following officers have been elected ,by the Mederkranz for the year: Frank t Iieiithner, president; K. Moses, vlce-presl- dent: Frank llummler. treasurer; Frans Uecker financial secretary; F. P. Kopff, musical director. There were thirty-three deaths reported to Secretary Hrlggs, of the board of pealth last week, four of which were from contagious diseases. Six new rases of contagious diseases developed, one of scarlet fever and rive of diphtheria. Deputy Bherlff J. D. Ferber yesterdny sold out the stock nnd fixtures of Michael flhnrak, a hotel-keeper of West Ijjrk.i wanna avenue, near the 1 took unci Ladder house. The sale brought tT-'S.Rr., the pur chaser being Attorney Frank T. Okell for the execution creditors. , Court yesterday, upon motion of ex Judg H. A. Knapp, county solicitor, fixed the compensation of the county commis sioners for the year 18!s at tt.M a. duy. This Is only a matter of form, which must be done at the beginning of each year. On Feb. 21 Major W. S. Millar, brigade Inspector, will begin the task of Inspect ing the regiments of the brigade The inspections will be under the direction of Colonel Edward Morrell, Inspector gen eral, ami will be continued during the months of February, March end April. ' . In the estate of Mary J. Koeder, late of . Scranlon, letters of administration were granted to William K. ltaeder yesterday y Register of Wills Hopkins. In the estate of (leorge Correll, late of Carbon, dale, letters of administration were grant ed to Lewis Correll. The Delaware, Lackawanna and West. ern company will pay its employes at the - Halstead nnd Dlamend collieries todiv. Yesterday the Delaware and Hudson Canal company paid the men In Its em ploy at the Leggetl's Creek and .Marvin volllerlrS. '.The flag on the Delaware, Lackawanna Va Western railroad station in this city . n. at half mast yesterday on account ot ) deatb In New York city of George Bli one of the directors of the com panJ Mr. tills was (W years of axe and death was caused by ft stroke of apoplexy. The recessed was one of the oldest di rectors of the road. Tfie funeral of Mrs. James Kearney, whose death was announced In Wedncs- day's papers, will take place from her residence. 423 Phelps street. Pine Brook, Wednesday at a, m. A solemn high mass of requiem will be celebrated at St. '. Peter's cathedral. Interment will be made In Hyde. Park C'athollo cemetery.. John: Meehan, of Dickson City, was re. , leased from the. Kastern - penitentiary yesterday after a.' servitude of two year and seven months for a heinous crime, committed' on a, little boy. He was sen. and Sure." ? Cleveland flaking Powder Co Kew York. fenced bv Hon. P. I. Smith on July 1, HSU, to two years and nine months, and got two months off for good behavior during Imprisonment. Last Friday night Thomas Holt ham celebrated his forty-third birthday at the Hotel Anthracite, on Wyoming avenue. During the progress of the evening's festivities Mr. Holtham was presented with two 20-dollar gold pieces by his futher nnd mother, and his friends pre. sen led him with a gold-headed cane. nil. ver tipped walking stick and a hand, some oil painting. Marriage licenses were granted yester day la John McGrath. of Lake Conio, and Vila Laiigau, ot Carhondale; James bempsey unit Mary Halllnan, Dun more; lunula l.lguss ami Mary Fredlnack. Prlceburg; Alfred F. flrata and Ida Mary Arm, Scianton; William Henderson and Mary Convey, Throop: Teolll Bldowskl, ireen Itldge, and Anna Szdkowska, Prleeluirg: Owen Collins and Elizabeth Kowley. Scranton. BIGGEST VERDICT YET. Jury Returned $9,750 in Favor of David i. Jones Against the, Delaware and Hudson Co. A verdict of $9,750 In favor of David 1. Jones was rendered yesterduy morn ing against the Delaware ami Hudson Canal nnd Railroad company. The Jury retired to deliberate at 6 o'clock Saturday evening and remained out all night. They agreed Sunday morning, seuled the verdict and handed It to court yesterday. ' ' It is the biggest verdict recorded In Luckuwanna county In n cune fur per sonal dutnuges. To Major Kverett Warren, attorney for the plaintiff, be longs the credit of getting the two larg est verdicts in this county. In the case til' Wllliuin Hughes ugaltiHt the same defendant a verdict of $!t,4!t9..ri0 was ren dered u year ago. Prior to that time no verdict hud reached nearly that sunt in a case where damages were sued for mi account of loss of life or limb, Hughes mid Jones were riding to gether 111 a carriage on September 3, urn), and In driving over the Curbon street crossing, they were struck by a freight train. The former tiled a week luter t'v,m Ills Injuries. Jones wus per manently disabled. His left foot was cut off ut the heel, his right arm was rendered powerless and his head was terribly bruised. The suit was brought for $.10,000. The Hughes case Is now before the supreme court. The Lacka wanna county court refused a new trial, ruling that the verdict should stand. PASTORS' UNION ELECTION. Nov. W. J. I ord of tirccn Kldfie llaptist Chureh, fcleeted fresldentt. Officers Were elected at a semi-annual meeting of the Scranton Pastors' union yesterday morning In the Young Men's Christian association building. Kev. Dr. V. H. Pearce presided. Hev. W. J. Ford, of the Green Ridge llaptist church, was elected president, and Hev. Mr. O'Nell, of Du mimic, sec retary and treasurer. In accordance with the recommendation , of Revs. Stuhl, Kdfiuv ttnd O'Neill, who hud been apnointed a nominating commit tee by the chairman. Kevs. Chaffee, W. II. Watklns and Muce were se lected for the theme committee. Dr. Pparce had served three terms ns president but will sever his con nection with the union In the spring when he s;oei to Wilkes-Rarre to as sume the pastorate of the Franklin street Methodist church. It has been customary to elect presidents In se quence according to the several de nominations represented by the mem-, bets. Because of Dr. Pearce's pro posed departure from the city it became the turn of the Baptists. A paper on "Kevlvals," prepared by Rev. . T. Price, of Park Place, wns rend by Rev. William .Edgar. The paper was followed by an authentic and favorable discussion. An extract of the essay was as follows: "There have been times when there was great birthdays in the church, when thousands have been born In the church. There have been 'great days of festivities when prodigals have returned. We need. In revivals, to give clear Ideas, not to underestimate the heinousness of sin; we should so preach that the doctrines of sin can not be reconciled to Cod. We should ask If our hearers have not been con sidering sin as an estimate; we should so present Christ in a relation to sin as to make hltn a refuge from sin. We should Impress these two points upon the people first, the extreme sin fulness of sin; and second, the redemp tive power of Jesus Christ. In any revival meeting there must be a re vived method In the preaching. Men must he made to feel that the doctrines of the Gospel are humbling and lower ing." THE SNOW STORM. Ulnddened Soma Hearts but Censed the Traction Company a Little Trouble. Yesterday -afternoon' i snowstorm caused the Traction company to make, a hurried and extensive preparation for a sleighride and brought delight to the hearts of the liverymen, the small boy and the love-lorn young man who knows how to drive with the reins in one hand. The sleet of earlier In the day began freezing before noon and furnished a substantial surface for the snow which began falling at 2 o'clock and con tinued for two hours. Prom 2.30 to 3 o'clock the fall was of such great vol ume that objects across - the street could be distinguished only with dlf flculty and when at 4 o'clock the storm spent Itself nearly three Inches of snow had fallen. i The Traction company early began to utilize all Its extra men and labor ers. Two were sent out on each car nnd managed to keep the lines open by holding brooms against the rails, thus preventing what might have been a blockade. As it was. the cars ran slowly on all the lines and the normal speed and schedule was not resumed until the storm abated. Today will be warmer, cloudy and threatening. t,Uh possibly an 'occa sional shower, according to the gov ernment forecast received by The Tri bune at midnight. THE FETE NEXT WEEK. i . Boxes and Lofts Sold to Well. known Serantonians. The boxes and many loges have been sold for the Fete Champetre which will be danced next week In the Froth Ing ham theater. The box and loge pur chasers are Judge E. N. Willurd, Col onel II. M. Boies, C. D. Simpson, II. P. Simpson. W. T, Smith, 10. L. Fuller, T. H. Watklns. K. G. Brooks. J. Ben Ditnmtck and Arthur Frothlngham. There will be two dress rehearsals this week of the dancers, who will par ticipate in the fete. The members of the decoration, refreshment, confec tionery and flower committees will meet this afternoon at the home of Mrs. C. B. Scott. 324 Monroe avenue. Keason tickets for the Fete are being sold for K, which are good for eight seats. . These seats can be used one each night or as many of them as the holder desires can be used at. any per formance. ' . The finest line of wines, cigars, malt and other liquors In the city at Loh mann's, Spruce street.' B. Robinson's, Milwaukee and Felgenspan's beers on draught Q) WEST SIDE IS ALL RIGHT ; i , , ; .; . . The Republican Ticket Will Receive uo Extra Majority. ' KICKERS AKB X0ISY BIT FEW Interviews with Prominont Ujrde Park Republicans Show That the Talked- of-uolt Is Confined Within Nnr. row Limits and Is Decreasing- The lot of the political calamity howl er Is getting to be a very unhappy one on the West Side; his recent effort in this direction has certainly been any thing but successful. ' Soon after the Rlpple-Wllllams-Wldmayer ticket was nominated by the regular Republican convention a few easily Influenced and misguided West Slders slid into the traj) set for them by John H. Fellows and some of the misguided friends of Thomas D. Davles. and gave vent to a discordant song about corruption and bribery at the primaries. The singers at first enjoyed their new vocation. They were for a time pretty generally listened to, and their number was swelled by an ele ment who howled simply because they had found a coterie who would tolerate their noise. .Meanwhile Fellows and his partner bolters looked on, applaud ed, and otherwise encouraged the ca lamity singers to greater effort. But a change came. The singers were exceedingly pleased while the novelty lusted, but during the last week or so they have found themselves growing hoarse, and they have stopped long enough to observe that their ranks had diminished and that the public is rap Idly showing symptoms of great weari ness. To cap the climax, the eminent dissatisfied leaders seem despondent and no longer are free with the hand clapping. In fact, today, the political situation among West Side Republi cans discloses less noise on the part of the dissa'lslled, than at any tlme since the city convention, nnd Indicates added strength among the great boflv of loyal Republicans who are sanguine that the entire Republican ticket will receive In Hvde I'urk a support which no uinount of howling or Intrigue can overcome. That is the situation on the West Side as found by a Tribune repor'er who hud been Instructed to solicit the truth and report it as found. Interviews were obtained with political leaders nnd business and professional men and the result does not warrant any apprehen sion by Republicans as to the result. The fight, of course. Is such as to call every Republican to arms in defense of the purty; but Its outcome Is not In doubt. Tho Renlt Not In Donht. "Colonel Ripple will be elected mnvor by 2,r.0O maJnrMv," said Thomas Phil Hps, yesterday, "and the balance of the ticket will average the same maturity. Republicans and Democrats alike are too ready to become alarmed over situ ations which arise and seem liable to affect the chmices of their respective tickets. The Republican pulse Is nor mal. We nre opt to lose sight of the fact tliut Republican chances In this camnulgn are no lie'ter nnd no worse than in former years. There are the same number of bolters, the same num ber of howlers, the same number of supporters. We have won before; whv won't we win again? Mnybe 1 should say our chance Is better than In previ ous years because any success, politi cal or otherwise, grows If it Is deserv ing of growth. I believe our candidates, are as fond as could have been select ed; I think our party organisation was never better, and for these additional reasons I think the outlook Is very bright. "Of course. I.speak particularly of the West Side," concluded Mr. Phillips. I)vcrv Aspect l ooks Itrlght. "The i word 'revolt,' " said T. M. Jones, fls hardly a correct word to de scribe i feature (I should say a past featurt I of the Republican situation1 on the Wtpt Side. Revolt Is too serious a word o id I am hanny to say we have had none of It. The Impression of a West Side revolt probably gained some credence In other sections of the rlty because of the treacherous work of n lot of unimportant men who have been Influenced to cry 'bolt.' 'fraud' and corruption.' Their noise, while never taken seriously", was somewhat annoy ing at first, hut the din nnd racket has proved the howlers' death knell. The element they hoped to bring to their support has tired of the howlers' shal low but noisy argument and this fact Is beglnnlnr to be appreciated by the men who encouraged the tumult and I think they are not now confident of working any great Injury to the ticket. For every so-called Republican vote gained by -the bolters, two disgusted Democrats will vote the regular Re publican ticket, and that's a Republi can gain of two votes. "No, there Is no danger threatened the ticket In this section of the city. You must bear In mind that this com paign will be decided according to the decision of sensible and thinking Dem ocrats and Republicans. There will be desertions from the ranks of each purty, but the nil"t and deliberate support of Democrats and Republicans for their respective tickets will show the result. Our city government was never better than under Republican control. That's my opinion, and I think this opinion is shared by others. If what ore termed 'stalwart' Republicans don't desert their ticket there need be no fears of desertion by the rank and file. "If you had not asked me concern ing the truth of the rumor of a whole sale revolt on the West Side, I would not have referred to It In this Inter view," said Mr. Jones. "The thing has never been seriously considered. It's all noise." Interview with linn. John T. Williams. Hon. John T. Williams thinks there Is possibly some dissatisfaction In the Fifteenth and Fourth wards but during his Interview with a Tribune reporter cited the significant fact that In the Fifteenth lives Thomas Davles, one of the rump convention candidates, while in the Fourth ward Is situated the Hrlggs shaft, one of the biggest of the Lackawanna Iron and Steel company's shafts, some of whose miners are Indi rectly under the control of William Pcnn Morgan. When it Is remembered that Mr. Morgan succeeded his brother-in-law, Reese G. Krooks, as general superintendent of the coal interests of the company the political complexion at the Brlggs shaft will be understood without further explanation. Mr. Wil liams said: "While the cutting of the regulur ticket in the Fifteenth ward may not be extensive. It will doubtless be ap parent. I don't think Davles Is person ally responsible for it but his friends are. A number of the voters in the ward will cut the ticket more because of their belief that they are doing what Davles desires than because of their enmity to Colonel Ripple or the other candidates. This muy sound .Illogical but It is my candid opinion. Hut for all the bolting Republicans there will be muny Democrats who will Btipport Ripple because-they are personally ac quainted with him and friendly toward 111 in. Many of them will also vote for the other candidates. What Is true of the Fifteenth ward la, I believe, true of the Fourth, but I don't want to be mis understood as implying that the situa tion will not change. It changed for the better during last week. .. Probably many of those who are raising the hue and cry against the ticket will realize that their effort will not hear fruit, and will' get hack Into line with Republi cans who believe that the party welfare Is of more importance than factional ism." - " The General Sentiment. These Interviews are typical of many had yesterday with prominent West Slders. The fact that this is a presi dential year, with an important fall campaign dependent to a large degree upon the result of the election which occurs two weeks from today, b having I Its lnflnenc with thoughtful 1?ennh11- enns formerly friendly to Captain Moir. There Is also a decided aversion to the West Side lo having it said that John H. Fellows, who boasted of defeat ing Tom Davles for county treasurer a year ago last fall, can also walp Daniel Williams or any other Hyde Parker who may aspire to office without first obtaining Mr. Fellows' consent, 'the impression Is daily gaining ground among Mr. Fellows' neighbors that he Is assuming too much when he under takes to stand between his countrymen and success at the polls. In addition to all this, the Welsh-Americans of Hyde Park as a class are consistent and loyal Republicans, who believe that if they have any dispute to settle with the party management, the proper place to settle it Is within the party. They do not feel like being stampeded into the Democratic column, merely to plcnse J. A. Scranton and John H. Fel lows, for both of whom they have done a urent deal more than they ever got In return. 'Doc,, imwwsIhomty. Administrator of I II Howard Refuses to Oecv tho Mitndnto of Court. Lll Howard, otherwise Ksthcr M. Walter, who died in the latter part of ISM at the Prospect house, on the boulevard. In Throop borotiKh. A short while ufter the funeral "Doc" M. D. Smith took out letters of administra tion, she having made no will. Mrs. Aseneth Davis, a half sister of the deceased, filed a petition In court asking that the letters etrunted to Smith be set aside. Several hearings were, held and much testimony was taken. Smith claimed the rlsht to net as administrator, 'making the claim that Bhe wus his common law wife. The matter came before Judge Arch bald, who ruled on Aug. 12, IKd.'i. that Smith wus not entitled to administer the trust. His letters were revoked and new letters were granted to Mrs. Davis. Not long ago Mtb. Davis, by her attorney, R. C. Newcomb, filed a petition In court asking to have Smith file an account of the estate while he was in charge of It, from October. ISM. until August, 1.HH... Smith neglected to obey this order of the court and nlso refuses to do It. Court yesterday up pointed Attorney C. Bullentlne to per form the function, and the- doctor will hear luter from the court for his con tempt. HARUERS' AS HOSTS. Journeymen Shavers Lntcrtain with a Dance at Music Hall. The Journeymen Barbers' union. Xo. 17. gave its second annual bull ut Mu sic hall last night. It was the largest and one of the must select crowds that has attended uny dunce held in the hall this season. The Luwrence or chestra furnished the music fof the twenty-nix well arranged numbers that composed the programme of uanccs. The grand march was directed by Prompter A. J. Lungan am wus parti cipated in by upwards of 100 couples. J. F. Vnlltlninilt wus muster of cere monies und Val Sjnihrer assistant. The arrangements were in chnrge of a com mittee cuinpiiHed of J. '. Volknandt, chuirmun: Vul Spohrcr. Henry Leitner, Henry vvtlliains and Louis Myers. Those who received the guests und took taie that thev hud a pari in the dunce were Flunk Bell, James Lungan. Rob ert Hluckinun. Louis Myers. A. Iloller hii, J. Reldenbuch, Churles Slot. Bert Shank. W. J. Lewis, Paul Rclnliitrt, Henry Leltnermul Chillies 1'elnhitrt. Twenty-live bows barbers were pres ent as euests of their employes and muny prominent citizens attended u spectators. MANY USEITlTrTICLES. Will lie Chanced off in Connection wl t the I'eto Chnmoetrc. A large number of useful articles have been donated by Scranton business men and will be chanced off in connection with the Fete Ciiamnetre. The pro ceeds will be added to the Home for the Friendless building fund. The draw ings will be In- charge of W. W. Berry and the articles ore now on exhibition in Welchel A Millar's store on Wyom ing avenue. The articles and the nu toes' of the donors are appended: Mahogany arm chair, Hill & Connell; banquet lamp. Mercereau & Connell; china chocolate set. Welchel & Millar; silver candelabra. W. W. Berry; Turk ish tabouret (stool), 8. O. Kerr & Co.; dress suit case. Dunn, the hatter; la dies' nhaeton whip, O. W. Fritz; baby lug, Williams & McAnulty; fur rug. Jacob Bolx; silk umbrella. Frank P. Christian: table cloth and twelve nap kins. Goldsmith Bros.; lace handker chief, P. II. Finloy; cut glass salad bowl, Dorttinger & Sons, Honesdnie; carving set, Scranton Supply and Ma chinery company: three dolls, C. S. Woolworth: oriental rue. Rlebecker & Watklns: high grade bicycle, Bitten bender Co. WORLDS (iTAMPioXSHIP. Jerome keogh Challenges Clearwater, the Present champion, for $210 a Side. Within the next forty days the great est game of pool that has probubly ever taken place In this country will be played In Pittsburg between William Clearwater, the present champion of the world, and Jerome Keogh, of this city, who is generally acknowledged to be the proper person to wear thnt title and who lost It only by n most aggra vating ueeldent In the recent tourna ment In Syracuse. Yesterduy morning Keogh sent a for mal challenge to the champion, nt the same time posting SDK) with the Brttns-wIck-Balke-Collender company, who present the championship emblem and have direction of the game. According to their stipulations the man holding the medal and title must defend them against all comers for one year. Keogh is confident of bringing the champion ship to this city, and as an evidence of his confidence has made the challenge for 1250 a side. That he should have won the cham pionship at the Syracuse tournament is admitted by all who saw the gomes, and is further evidenced by the follow ing clipping from nn extended account of the game, headed "Lost By a Mis que," which appeared in the New York Billiard Mirror: "As an evidence that Clearwater was convinced there was no hone for him when Keogh went to the table for the last time, the future champion of the world calmly proceeded to unscrew his cue and made ready to congratulate Keogh as soon an the latter had holed the three balls necessary to give him the victory. Clearwater's feelings may well be Imagined when he saw the plucky Scranton boy make the fatal mlscue which cost him his last chance to secure the championship of the world." Keogh holds nhout every distinction In championship pool except the cham pionship Itself. He made the world's record for a con'lnuoits run at the Syracuse tournament, pocketing fifty seven balls without n miss or a scratch and this with a contestant for the world's championship opposed to him. Another record which he holds Is for clearing the table in six shots. To do this he pockets tn bulls on the first shot, a feat which he alone performs and which he can do almost every time Owing to late at rlvnl of the snow this season we are prepared to dose? out our sleighs at very low prices. If you want a sleigh and want a bargain now is your opportunity. Wm. niume & Son, Ti22 and 624 Spruce st. Sleighs of the very latest styles, and finest makes are now to be had at cut prices. Don't lose a bargain if you need a sleigh. Wm. Blume ft Son, - 622 and 524 Spruce st. Dr. Dnnnell's Croup Powder, the Favorite medicine for croup, sore' throat and cough. Sold by dealers, 25 cents a box. DISCREPANCY IS LARGE Both in the City finances ond the Views of City Officials. TASK TO MAKE ENDS MEET Estimates Committee Begins Its Labors and After Going Over the Whole Ordinance Points Ont Where tho Ax Is Likely to Fall. When the estimates committee last night began the tusk of framing the an nual appropriation ordinance a problem something like this confronted It: Estimates of department ex- . Penses HOj,912 65 Improvements provided for by special legislation (estimuteil). 100,(100 00 Total demand t $50Ti,912 J5 Estimated revenues from all sources 272,3ld 0) As It Is not a question of meeting the demand by Increasing the supply, but of accommodating the demand to the supply, the committee's only duty was to cut; and cut they did. After careful ly going over the ordinance nnd rooting out every luxury nnd every item they thought was not absolutely necessary and striking off every requested In crease and standing aside every Item about the necessity ot which there wns any question they were readv to collapse when It was seen that only $8".000 of the discrepancy of $233.5!.55 had been lopped off, and thut there still remained a $!48,r.9ll.r5 bug-u-bno to be slain with their double-ed-ed axe. That the committee "tarted out to cut from the start wr.s evidenced by the fact that the second Item only was reiu-lied before Mr. Chittenden called n lit. It. It was the salary of the mayor's clerk, $1,000 per annum, and was stood aside us one of the things that might stand n slushing If It was found abso lutely necessary. The city treasurer asked for $1100 ad ditional for clerk hire. IIM extra for Incidentals and Jl.VI extra for print Ing stationery and new books, but the com mittee didn't see Its way clear to uc qulesce to these demands and decided to cut them out until such time, at least, as the city treasurer shall come before the committee and convince It that he can't get ulong without them. Two Kotiicstn Xot Oltestioncd. The demands of f departments of city controller and city solicitor were the same as last year and were not questioned. The city clerk asked $:M0 more for clerk hire, but he has to prove thnt he eeds It before he will get It. Mr. Williams suggested a plan whereby the city engineers' department could be cheapened. The levelman, rodmen and chiilnmen, seven men in all, nre paid by the year, although Mr. Will iams claims they do not work the year around, and he favors therefore that they be paid by the day for the time In which they are actually emplovod. The suggestion met with favor, and will probably be considered. The scheme of changing the office of draughtsman at $840 per year to that of second assist ant city engineer nt xl.nso per annum, was opposed by Mr. Williams and will possibly meet with b hard fate. "Ollice clerk $1,000," was the next item read by Assistant Cltylerk Mor ris, who was rending the various Items to the committee. "What! $1,000 for an office clerk?" asked one of the committee. "That's Costi'llo," said another of the committee. "Oh! Well, that's different. He's worth every cent of it." There was no cut In the salary of tho popular and efficient' clerk of tho engineer's depart ment. When Street Commissioner Kinsley's mild request for $97,820 came up for consideration, the committeemen drew long breuths. braced themselves and started In. Four minutes luter, by re ferring to tho, ordinance the street com missioner would fld that he and the committee differed about the needs of that department to the extent of $47,000 or so. By cutting off $25 here and $2fi. 000 there, the committee succeeded in paring down the $97,820 to $.'i0,22."i, but It was generally admitted that about $14,000 of this amount will have to be replaced. A $3,000 cut on the cleaning of asphalt pavements was made and the figure was made $11,000, the same as last year. Another $1,000 was cut off the $0,000 asked for repairs to asphult pavements for which contracts have expired. The Item of $28,370 for ma cadamizing West Market street died the death and there were no funeral ora tions. Assessors' Salaries Will Stand. Some of the committee Wanted to cut down the salary of the city assessors from $1,000 a year to $4 a day for each day actually employed and the time not to exceed 110 days as Is being consid ered In common council, but In view of the fact thet the law prohibits the lowering or raising of an official's salary after hiB election and that nn ordin ance for this purpose could not be passed before election, the committee decided to let the $l.00o stand. The Item of $3,200 for nssistunt city asses sors was questioned and stood aside for further consideration. Mr. Williams claimed that the assistant assessors were necessary, although Illegally em ployed. They do the work of the as sessors, he says, and these latter are the ones thut should be cut. The Slioo for clerk hire for the assessors wus stricken out entirely and finally. When the question of granting fifteen additional patrolmen came up for con sideration there wus a lengthy debate which finally ended In the resolve to let the matter rest until the committee could determine whether or not the city can afford to grant the demand. There wus a feeling prevalent that the new patrolmen are sadly needed and at all events some qf them will be provided for. I The salary of the police surgeon was increased from $100 to $200 a year, first, because the committee felt that he was entitled to It and secondly, because he did not ask for u raise. All of the In creases asked for by Chief Ferber were held under advlncnient, and a sub-committee consisting of Messrs. Latter, Moir and Robinson was appointed to consult with the chief on the paid fire department proposition. Cremator Lmnlovcs Jct a Itnlse. The advance of $.1 a month asked for by the crematory employes whose wages nre only $40 and $4" a month was cheerfully granted. The committee AN EASYWAY TO GET A OUR plan of rental, with rent to apply an purchase money, is very popular, mid makes it possible fur Hlmost any fumily to uet u first -class instrument. Full particulars on application. Powell's Music Store, aae-eje WVOMINQ AVE. said "nay" In an unmistakable tone of voice to the request for $140 to pay for the keeping of Food Inspector Thomas' horse, us the ordinance creating the office provides thut. the Inspector shall pny for It himself.' The committee couldn't see Its way clear to grant the request for J3.3..0 for new sidewalks about the Albright li brary and the establishment of deliv ery stations. However. Clerk Morris was Instructed to Invite Librarian Curr to come before the committee and ex plain the mutter. The nark commissioners' estimate was cut down $2.82.' by the knocking out of an item for u fence around a por tion of Nay Aug park. and. $ii00 by striking off one of the three policemen asked for. The committee's work last night was of course not final by any means, ex cept In the instances particularly men tioned above.1 It -will lake possibly ten meetings to get the appropriations In shape and then the:' nre liable to re vision when the ordinance reaches councils. As there seems to be but little hope that the committee will pro vide for much. If any, ot the special legislation championed by the vari ous councllmen there Is the greatest probability that councils will material ly revise the committee's work. The next meeting will take place Monday night. " MAKRir.n. FlTSZIMMONS-Bl'RKE-In Dunmore, Pa., Jan. 30. tSJXS. in St. Mary's chureh, John F. Fltzslinmons and Miss Bridget htirke. SIEBECKER-WATKINS-At their store. 4iKi Luckawanna avenue, you will be able to purchase Carpets, - Draperies und Shades at loweit possible prices, Everybody should take advantage of Banister's shoe rale. Read ud on page, 4 toduy. . ' Read ad on page 4. Eanlster'B shoe sale. Mothers See flannel nightgowns for yourself and children at Baby Bazaar, 512 Spruce street. , Have you seen our Two-seated Sleighs? The styles are all new nnd they are simply magnificent. The workmanship and material' surpasses ull former years when considering price, and on the matter .of prices we are sure we cun strike you. HI utile's Carriage Repository. U22 and 524 Spruce st. in:; TO HAVE YOUR Watches, Clocks. Spectacles AND Jewelry REPAIRED AT W. W. BERRY'S, THE JEWELER, LACKAWANNA AVENUE. 18c Silk effect plaid Dress Goods, 25c all wool Cashmeres, ' at 15c 35c Cheviot Outings, all Colors, 50c all wool fine Freneh Serge, 49c Brocade Mohair Novelties,37 t 35c 45c all wool Henrietta, all colors, $1.00 silk and wool Crepon Novelties t 6uc $1.50 Irridescent effect Crepon Novelties, $.... $1.00 49-inch Imported Henrietta, $1.25 46-inch Imported Henrietta! st otic Eli Where Did Yoa Bay This Dinner Set? Has no doubt been asked in a good manj' families where RUPPRECHT'S CRYSTAL PALACE has been the seller. Prices and patterns of DINNER, TEA AND TOILET SETS. Beats all previous records. RUPPRECHT'S CRYSTAL PALACE 231 Pena Ate. Cpn Baptist Cburcb. BEST SETS 01 TEETH. M htoladlne the peJaltsi eatraeMag f teeth by an entirety new presses, S. C SNYDER, D. D. S., ill IK I Have you read ' about the increase of furs in, the London market? . Furs were never so high as they will be for the next two or three seasons. If you intend to buy furs buy at once. We are selling our manufactured stock for 10 per ceut. less than skins alone cost. Ws use the best materials, have the prettiest styles, the" most skillful operators and long experience. That's the combination that has won such reputation tor our furs. CLOTH COATS, CAPES, T AND we will sell at your own prices. J. BOLZ 138 Wyoming Avenue. High Grade Shaw, Emerson, Malcolm Lova. Clongb & Warren, Carpenter, Waterloo. And Lower Gradas at Very Low Prices. J. LAWRENCE STELLE, 203 SPRUCE STREET. Spring Styles. CHRISTIAN n!nn. SOLE AOI.NT. 412 Spruce, 205 Lack. Ave. Scranton School of Elocution and Oratory Ml, AND MRS. L 1 RICHARDS, Director, FIVE bUS OF S1U0T M in Cntii 01 lilCKll ROOMS 27 AND 28, BURR BUILDING, Washington Ac Her. n ton. Pa. tni onuum Pli, 5TOO in et fiwil Ui. If om .'.enter eae rieneiet tf Leading ArUM Wirarotmi: Opposite Clue) euiHenemenC, 90S Washington Av. Scrmton,PaJ Bl If ATS AT WAS UN WEAR vJL Dunn's