The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 01, 1896, Page 12, Image 12

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fResders will p'.osse note that advertise
ments, orders for job work, ami Items for
publloatton left at the establishment of
Shannon & Co., newsdealer. North Main
street, will receive prompt attention; of
11 co open from a. m. to 10 p. m.
.lira. Ilrr Harrison, of Canaan Street
Entertains n l.orao Number of I'ricnds.
A pleasant aortal event was the re
ception given by Mr. Harry Harrlaon
at her beautiful home on Canaan street
Thurmluy afternoon In honor of her
visitor. Miss Kyle, of Plttston. The
guests were received by Mrs. Harrison,
Ulas Flora Harrison and Miss Kyle.
Those present were: Sirs. J. U. Van
Ueriten. J. Slote. J. E. Burr. P. E. Burr,
H. Van Beriten, L. A. Bussett, F. E.
iH-nnUf. . Scurry. J. Isgar. O. Mills,
Hubert HalnliiK. H. Kline. A. W. Key
rjulds. V. U. Urown Clarence KoVt, t
O. Mellon, H. 1). Stuart. J. I-. Fx,
Hunimh Leonard, A. V. Benacoter.
Frank Hubbard. John Simpson, Churl's
WlittlriB. J. A. Dennis, A. W. BurdU'k.
Charles, A. 11. Keynolds, F. Hub
bard, V. It. Moon. O. T. Aleaker. Jen
kins. liei-rliiK, Watrous. Medland,
Knu and Liitchbourn, of th's city;
and J. C Lung, f Scrantou; Misses
Has ley. Hnyder, Ireland, Bowers. Cupc
lund. Crane. Bolton, Uraoe and Belle
Vanaan. Benedict. Abbott, Lottie and
Bessie Ellis. McComb, liuker. Hunter,
Molir. Hutelilns. Herring, Alice and
Jennie Butler, Irene and Itena Daley,
Williams, lilies, Huynor. Mills and Bar
Ilia Nctnoins Are I.nlJ ut Kcst In St.
Hime'H t crautcry.
The funeral of John Fan-ell. who was
so suddenly killed on No. 1 gravity,
took )luee Friday mot-nine; from his
residence on South Church street. The
cortege weeded to St. Hose's church
ut nine o'clock when a requiem mass
was celebrated by the Hev. Father
T. l' Coffey.
In his eloquent sermon he paid a
hlah tribute to the sterling character
of the deceusi-d and his words were
full of coic.iiilntlon to those that
mourned for their dear friend. The
funeral which was on extremely law
one was In Itself a proof of the popu
larity i-r the deceased. The pallbear
ers were I. M. Campbell, T. M. Neulon.
Anthony ItoiUimister. John Brown
'Martin Brennan. Patrick IJoylan, John
Coleman mid John Connerton. Inter
ment was mnde at St. Rose's ceme
Arrangement for the Stato Gathering
of Irish Societies.
The committee on urrniiRements for
the Ancient Order of Hibernians stute
convention which will be held In Car
bondale next May held their prelimin
ary meeting of arrangements lust evening-
at the hall of Division Xo. :i In the
Cpera house building-. The following
ortleers were chosen: Chairman and
general director. Dr. T. C. Fitzsltn
iiions; vice chairman and assistant.
William Plel; treasurer. M. IS. Madl
rmii: rocordlng and corresponding sec
retary, P. l- !.u'ln: ussistuot sr-ere-lnry,
1'. J. Alelioimltl.
The committee stood adjourned to
meet again at the same hall next
Thursday evening at 'half past seven.
Tin: fair rf.oim:ni-.i.
The Columbia -Moart l.ttterpilso Is Con
tinued at lltirko's Hull.
The fair on Its reopening was well
patronized last night and the manage
ment cull congratulate themselves
Uipon their unbroken success. The pro
.gramme, from a musical standpoint,
was a most rousing one and was mnde
Upfront the following numbers: March,
"Third Artillery." Itathburn: duet,
"Song of Love." Lauerent; schottish,
"LI! 'and Lou," Hull; bolero for two
cornets. Hull: serenade, "Lovers' Sen
tinel," Halhliun: march, "I'nited States
JJIntli Cavalry," (lungl. The dnor prig
.is $10 and the successful numbers on
other prizes wll be made known to
morrow r.lnlit.
Mrs. r.Pllrlch mid her daughter re
, turned to their home at Belmont yes
terday, after a stuy with friends at
Charles (illlen. of this city won are
door prize, n silver tea set, nt the fancy
fair held ut Atehluild Thursday night.
The Welsh friends Intend holding
nn eplei-tainmeiit on St. David's day,
Worn Out Women
' Should read this letter. It shows tha
wonderful building-up powers of Hood's
Sarsaparillh, the
great blood purifier.
"I wish I could
Hand in some pub
lic place and cry to
all tiling humanity,
1 Hear this, ye peo
ple, what wonder
ful, things -Hood's
Sarsapari 11a has
done for me and my
family.' 1 cannot
mMM?y express what I suf-
Jered. Only one of my sex knows what a
woman can suffer in ray condition. I wis
prostrate with nervousness snd weakness.
The least poise would drive me frantic.
. I decided to take Hood's Sarsaparilla. I
am overjoyed to say that I am now well,
hearty, rosy and plump.
' Hood's Sarsaparilla
, Is the best medicine (or those sufferinf as
, Ihavesuffered." Mas.C.C. Kirkpatricx,
Pine Grove, Penn. fH'sixfor6.
' Hood's Pills "'ytonoj-.ewytotaka,
Wall Paper
f Wall Paper
Wall Paper
t Wc arc In the midst of our exten
sive alterations and" have reduced
everything in the store to make room.
419 Lackawanna Ave
probably Monday night, us the saln's
day occcurs on Sunday, March 1. The
entertainment will take the form of a
competitive meeting.
Dr. IX L. Bailey, the president of. the
Carbondale board of health, while on a
visit to New York visited the mlik de
partment of the board of health of
that city. ,
Ixmls Spencer, of Yipsllantl, Mich.,
brother of our popular townsman, C.
E. Spencer, la visiting relatives in Car
bondale and the vicinity.
The Rev. D. W. Thomas, of Pltts
ton, Is expected to officiate at the
Welsh riaptlst church Sunday next.
Sylvester Woodmansee.of Lake Como,
Wayne county, was a visitor among
borough friends and relatives yester
day. A. J. Foster, of Iturnwood, was look
ing after his business Interests In Klch
niondale and Forest City yesterday.
' Milton Likely, of Herrlck Center,
tailed on old acquaintances in Forest
City Thursday.
The American True Ivoiiteu'wlll hold
an entertainment on St. David's day,
March 1. .
St. Agnes' Catholic church will net
over $:UKH) as the result of the late fulr.
The burgess bus nottlied cltisens that
no more coal ashes must be thrown on
the borough streets, under penalty of
law. It is understood that one prop
erty owner has advised his tenants to
disobey the burgess in the matter. If
thin Is go, he may tlnd out that the law
is a "bigger man" than he Is, after all.
The hurffess Is right.
"The .Mountain Waif." a drama In
four acts, will be produced at Davis'
opera house on St. Patrick's day. Lo
cal talent will take purt In Its presenta
tion. The cust is: Kill Mason, of the
overland route. Dan Kvnns; Jack Wil
bur, a plucky New Yorker, Walter Kv
ana; Ralph Delmar, a black sheep,
Thomas Dolphin; Parson Ilbbs. the
happy-go-lucky, Dan KyansT Asterbllt,
a New York dude that's all. Ocorge
Moran: Sheriff Krautz. proprietor ".Mi
ni r'a Koosl," Frank Doud; Pat Hen-iit-HD'.
from Hallymuhone, John Hevels;
Hamilton Ilame, from Nowhere. Hern--ui-d
Fallon: Monte Miller, a crook, J. F.
Call; Meg, the mountain waif, Klsle
Kile: Dully Wilbur. Jack's sister, Mag
gie Morgan; -Mrs. Tlhbs. the parson's
much better half, Mary Doud.
William Jones was quite severely In
jured in the mines today. He had his
U tf in two pluces below the
The Honesdule Manm rchor enter
tained a large number of their friends
with a concert and farce nt their
rooms on Thursday evening. The spa
cious hnll was crowded when the first
number on the programme, a song by
the Honesdule Mannerehor was ren
dered. This was followed by a duet.
Freeman and Katz, mandolin and guit
ar; solo, Paul Peschal; song. White
Mills Mannerehor; illustrated song and
l-ecitatlun by Isador Tuch; song. White
Mills Mannerehor; contortions ami ac
robatic feats by H. Weber: solo, Leo
pold Fuerth; pantomlne. "In the bar
ber's chair"; solo. Miss Louise Kber
hmdt. The entertainment was concluded
with a farce entitled, "Mis tier ltechte
Koninit," (until the right one comes)
which was ably curried out by Miss
Bulimia Bates. Mrs. Wagner, Paul
IVschal and Isador Tuch. The entire
programme with tine exception was In
Cerinun. The farce was so well acted
that even one who did not under
stand Herman, could follow the play.
A dance followed. On February 6th
the Mannerehor will give their annual
masqiliTude. The admission will be
W cents.
A bud wreck of coal cars occurred
near (lien Kyre yesterday and the af
ternoon passenger was unable to pass.
The passetigers.mall and baggage were
Mr. William Weft'erling and daughter
Louise, are hot ho seriously ill with
pneumonia. The daughter Is in a criti
cal condition.
J. T. Brady and William Ferber are
on a trip tn llollisterville.
tjporge James, of Curbondnle, visited
his parents here yesterday morning.
Hev. J. J. Ciillln, of Cuibondale.
made a short call on friends here yes
terday. HALLSTEAD.
Alonjio Llndsley is seriously 111.
The newly elected dencons and pulpit
committee of the Baptist church will
meet this (Saturday) evening.
Hev. John Davis will address a meet
ing; at Windsor on Sunday.
Air. and Mrs. Al Waterman are vis
iting friends in Foster.
Miss Angle Johnson, of Syracuse, is
visiting her brother, Mr. F. II. John
son, In this place.
John Murphy, the. blacksmith evan
gelist, of Vestal, will address the gospel
meeting at the Railroad Young Men's
Christian association on Sunday after
noon. Twenty-two new members were re
ceived at the Railroad Young Men's
Christian association this month, mak
ing a total of 227.
Mr. Rlsley, of New Mil ford, was In
town on busiiiFs son Friday.
Haymond Mack, who has been visit
ing friends out of town, has returned
Charles Lord was in P.lnghamton on
If tho llnby Is Cutting Teeth.
Mrs. Wlnslow'M Soothing Svrup has
been used for over Fifty Years by Mil
lions of Mothers for their Children
while Teething, with Perfect Success.
It Soothes the Child, Softens the Gums,
Allays all Pain; Cures Wind Colic and
is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold
by Druggists in every part of the world.
Bb aure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's
Soothing Syrup," and take no other
kind. Twenty-five rents a bottle.
Mrs. J. O. Bell and Mrs. William Bell
are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Kll
hour, at Philadelphia.
Miss Sudle Lennon, of Grassy, leaves
this morning for a visit with relatives
at Hnnesdale.
Miss Lucy Oliver, of Plttston, is the
guest of Miss Carire Bests, of North
Main street.
Mrs, David Brown and daughter
Maud are visiting at Plttston.
OrasBy Island Delaware and Hudson
breaker made twenty-four days in Jan
uary. Another meeting of the citizens to
consider the water question will be
held this evening.
Quite a number from here attended
a meeting of Kingsbury lodge. Free
and Accepted Masons, at Olyphant
last evening.
A meeting of the board of health will
be held this evening.
MIbh Anna Fletcher, of 'this place,
ami Leonard Curtis, of Blakcly, were
united In marliige at the home of the
bride on Railroad street last Wednes
day evening at 6 o'clock by the Rev.
Mr. Ball, of Olyphabt, Only a few
near relatives witnessed the marriage
ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis will
go to housekeeping at once, In Blakely.
Mrs. Pierce Connors, of Peckville,
caled on Mrs. Johnson Schueur Thurs
day. Mrs. John Richards, of Providence,
spent the past week with her daugh
ter. Mrs. John Brush. -.
Miss Mary Augar. of Brooklyn, is
visiting her parents in this pluce.
Misses Lizzie and Carrie Best, of
Peckville, accompanied by their friend.
Miss Oliver, of Plttston, spent Thurs
day with friends In town.
Hiss Lizzie Cairns Is the guest of
Miss Lizzie Davles, of Prlceburg.
The funeral of Michael Clifford took
place yesterday afternoon and was
largely attended, many people from out
of town being present. The St. Aloy
slua society. Associated Keg fund and
Libety drum corps, attended in a body.
The remains, encased in a handsome1
casket, lay beautiful tn death, sttr
rounded by sorrowing friends, while
within the next room lay a loving sister
unconscious of the Bad surroundings,
battling with the grim disease. The
pall-bearers were Patrick Dougher, Jas.
O'Boyle, Patrick Coleman, James Nol
an. Patrick McAndrew and Patrick
Keup. Interment was made In St.
Maryl cemetPry.
Dr. Kdsvard McGeehan, of Hazleton,
was a caller in town last evening.. ...i ,
.Miss Lizzie Bugleall spent Thursday
with MIsb Anna Deeble, at Wyoming
Alexander Craig, of the North End,
was seriously Injured by a fall of rock
while engaeed In his duties as miner
in No. t:l shaft of the Pennsylvania
Coal company.
Mrs. H. M. Steerer has returned home
after a brief visit with friends In Peck
ville. The following people from this town
have applied for license: John McCar
rach, Michael Ollroy, Michael Calvey,
Luke O'Brien, Thomas Newton, A. B.
McQueen, Thomas Murphy, Henry
Jackson, Thomas Herbert, William
Fair, Patrick Cm-ley, Patrick Golden,
James Munley, Con McLaughlin, Thos
McAndrew, James Doren, Michael Bro
gan, A. B. Curley, M. J. Reap and John
Miss Besule Webber, a prominent
young lady of our town, and for sev
eral yuars a teacher in the public
schools of Marty township, will leave
next week to become a trained nurse in
Dr. Price's private hospital In Phila
delphia. John Green, of Mooslc, was a calelr
in town on Thursduy evening.
The borough teachers will meet In In
stitute session ut the high school this
morning. Many valuable papers have
been prepared by the teachers.
Mrs. George ShliTer, of Plains, has
returned home after n few days' visit
with her sister, Mrs. Rose Newlin, of
Main street.
A horse belonging to Harry Brlmble,
of Plttston, ran away on Thursday.
The wagon was badly broken but the
horse wus uninjured.
Constable M. Beam made a business
trip to Forest City on Thursday.
Miss Carrie Broadhead Is visiting her
brother In Montrose.
F. J. Scoonover gave an oyster sup
per at his home on Tuesday evening,
for the benelit of the Methodist Epis
copal church. A large company at
tended and a neat sum was realized.
Miss Ethel Tlnklepaugh Is Improving
from her recent Illness.
William Faraday hns been doing
jury duty this week.
William Race has moved Into Mrs.
Evans' house.
Rev. and Mrs. E. L. Santee have
been visiting friends in Shlckshlnny
this week. '
C. 11. Marry. Joseph Mnrcy, and
Mrs. A. J. Cooper attended the funeral
of their sister's little girl on Wednes
day at Mauch Chunk.
Miss Rosa Suttler. of Mount 55ion,
wus calling on friends in town yester
day. Mrs. Ed. Uozelle was entertaining
friends yesterday.
Mrs. Ira and Emma Dewltt, John
Phillips and Mr. Good were visiting
friends In Avoca Thursday.
John Ferguson, of Dallas, spent yes
terday with his niece, H. W. Gross.
Mrs. K. M. Rozelle is convalescent.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Burgess, of
Forkstown, were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Abram Rlnker, Jr., Thursday and
Willie Phillips, of Orange, is visiting
his sister. Mrs. Ira Dewitt.
Miss Eliza Qulgley, of Towandu, and
Miss Jennie Donahue, of Plttston,
were the guests of Miss Clara Smith.
Mrs. Estelle Safford Is visiting her
mother, Mrs. Ames In Promton.-
Charles Hoyt spent Thursday night
at Carbondale.
M. P. Walsh will spend the coming
week in Schenectady, N. Y.
A large number of our young people
attended a leap year social In Enter
prise hall. Jermyn, last night.
E. F. Edmunds was In Scran ton on
business yesterday.
The revival rervlces being held in the
First Baptist church under the direc
tion of Rev. G. A. Lowell, of Clayton,
N. J., will be continued through the
coming week. All are. welcome.
A citizens' caucus was held at the
May field house last night.
N. M. Finn, of Foster, Pa., was a
Mayfleld visitor Thursday afternoon.
Charles S. Hoyt will spend Sunday In
Plttston. .. ,
.David Morgan Is seriously III at his
home, on Wayne avenue,
Andrew Coleman is seriously 111 at his
home, on Throop street.
Mr. and Mrs. William Simms, of Oreen
street, are rejoicing over- the arrival of
a young daughter.
John Lynott left yesterday to resume
his studies at St. Charles' seminary, Ellt
cot. Md.
Rev. William- Edgar, of the Providence
Methodist Episcopal church, visited
friends In Carbondale Thursday.
Miss Rhoda Broadhurst, of 'Nay Aug
avenue. Is seriously III with diphtheria.
The contest for a watch, which wus to
take place Wednesday evening for the
benefit of the Niagara Drum corps, has
been declared off, one of the contestants,
Thomas Watklns, being unsatlsfled. He
will return all the money which he collect
ed for the purpose.
The Company H and Young Men's Chris
tian Association teams will play Indoor
bane ball at Company H armory Satur
day evening.
Mamie Kvuns, of Wilkes-Bnrre, Is visit
ing friends In this section of the city.
Harry Miller Is slightly Indisposed at his
home, on Church avenue.
Charles ltoone, butcher at the Clarke's
Store company, Jut received a letter In
forming him of the death of his brother,
William Boone, which secured In Aus
tralia. . .William Richard, who has Just recov
ered from a severe attack of pneumonia,
Is- able to be on the streets aKaln.
The Rev. Charles Prosser, general mis
sionary secretary of the Pennsylvania
conference, has Just returned from - a
auecessful missionary trip.
The drama, ".More Sinned Against Then
Sinning," will be produced by the Crystal
Literary and Dramatic club In Company
H armory on Thursday evening. Feb. S.
Miss Minnie Moras la visiting friends la
The social held last evening in St.
Mary's hull by the Trilby dancing class
was well attended.
Thomas Dempsey. of Pittsburg, Is vis
iting North End friends for a few days.
A series of revival meetings will be ho
Kim Monduy evening by the Rev. Charies
Prosser, of the Primitive Methodist
church, on East Market street. Tomor.
row morning at 10.30 his subject will be
"Tarry. Then Hurry;" In the evening at
7 o'clock the subject will be "TJrzah, t ie
Leper Lady." The revival will be con
tinued every night next week, excepting
Saturday, commencing at 7.30 p. m. All
are Invited to attend.
The- pulpit of the Welsh Baptist church
will be fllled tomorrow, both morning and
evenlg, by the pastor. Rev. W. F. Davits.
The service In the evening will be con
dueled In English.
The ordinance of Bible baptism will be
administered tomorrow In the North Main
Avenue Baptist church. Text of the morn
ing sermon, "The men laid hold upon his
hum! and upou the hand of his wife."
t'nmunlon after the sermon. The theme
for the evenlg sermon, "The Calculation
of Chances." Revival services are in
I The Roworth league of the Provldenee
Methodist Kplseopal church held their
mnnlhlt. kliulniuri mauttllir I'lltirailn V ailfl
an entertainment anerwuru, in wnu-n
Rev. R. Eckman, Henry Kemmerling and
Miss Margretta Williams reuil papers on
Wesleyan preachers. The quartette -f
tho church rendered several selections. It
consisted of Williams. Dawson, Constlno
and Mitchell. '
Mrs. Williams and son, Albert, of Car
bondale, were culling on friends tn this
pluce Thursday on their , way to New
York city, where they will make their fu
ture home.
Mrs. Fred Cook and two children, of
New York city, are the guests of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Johii Palmer, of Cherry
Miss Phoebe Knglert. of Butler strce;,
was the guest of friends and relatives at
Whnmers yesterday.
A. V. Uower will occupy the pulpit of tlia
Presbyterian church tomorrow.
Mrs. Grunt Kimble, of lluwley. Is visit
ing friends and relatives in this place.
Horn, Jan. 31, to Air. and Mrs. Frank T.
Swurtz, of Shoemaker street, a son.
Eugene Mitchell, of Hollisterville, was
culling on friends In town yesterday.
A very Interesting programme will be
rendered at the meeting of the
Legion In Boyle's hall tonight.
A. B. Oliver, who hus been away on a
business trip, is spending some time with
his family on blakely street.
The funeral of Mrs. Haut will take place
this afternoon ut 2 o'clock, the services
being held in the German Presbyterluu
church, Petersburg.
The alarm of tire sounded from box 21
yesterday morning at 8.30 wus for a slight
blaze in a bam owned by Mrs. Owen
Flynn, of Chestnut street. In some unac
countable way a pile of leaves became ig
nited and but for prompt action might
all your life. It Is annoying, und not
always safe. It. will not coit much to
tiave vour Rupture Cured.
I do it by a nesr method. Ko sur
gery, no detention from business. on
will only noed to uuke lrom four to
eight weekly visits to my erne ( all
or write fnr twtlmnnials.
Rupture Specialist,
SO S. Wash listen M.. lkes-Barre.Ps.
Ruptured for Forty Vcars.
Sir. J. K. Bwayse, employed In the
Central railroad shops, lives VI Iloss
street. Ashley. Pa., says: "Forty
years ago I Iwraiue ruptured. I am
Dow close to HA yesrs of age. I suffered
pain, iuennvenience. and, 1 might add,
torture nt times. I never knew com
fort, as I now have it. for years. A
few months ago I liccatne iiiterrsted
in the many advertionents of 'Rap
ture Cured,' by Dr. O'Malley.and being
a sufferer, I underwent treatment.
To inv surprise, I am bappr to say
that l am now well. I w. rk every day
now and enjoy life. I make this state
ment for the benelit of my fellow suffers-a,
whom I kow are aniinns to be
cured of a trouble that makes lite mis
erable, and which only tho-e who suf
fer understand.
Celebrated Female
dein pwer f:Ul.
aftaoafure where til otin
t, . ,i j PaaaiMMilara 4 nfa.
0, A. J J LA DBVK MTi BlfssMNi, aisaf,
Tribtont Almanac 189S
Ever Witnessed
The Empire Dry Goods company must
remove their stock from 516 Lackawanna
avenue and therefore- they offer their en
tire stock; must be sold regurdless of
cost. The stock Is tremendously largo,
packed full of goods from the basement
to the second floor, and we must reduce
stock until April 1.
We w-lil quo'.e you only a few numbeis
and styles of goods, and you van imagine
for yourself the prices and quality of
Kooils, Five bales of Hill's Muslin,, 6
cents, 10 yards to each person only; 5
bales of .Atlantic P Muslin, everybody
knows the manufacturer's price, our price
is 41 cen;s a yards, HP yards to each buyer;
1 bale of Hope Blenched Muslin, manu
facturer's -price cents,- our price price
H cents. 10 yards to eui-h buyer; 1 case of
hair-wool plaid goods.' manufacturer's
price 111 cents, our price 7 cents, 10 yards
to each buyer; 4 cases of good towllng, 25
? arils to a roll. 3 cents a yard, manufact
urer's price !P4 cents.
Htock of 8hlriB We guarantee to have
today 2,00 dozen of Top Shirt on our hands,
not a single one In the lot that has nut
the best labor and 3ti Inches long, neck
band and double stlc-hed, clearing sale
have resulted disastrously, as there ire
a great many frame buildings tn this lo
cality. Patrick Egan, aged 28 years, died at his
home, on Taylor avenue, yesterday morn
ing after only a few days' Illness. He was
formerly employed as bartender for L.i
Smith, but for the past two months has
been conducting a hotel of his own oa
Blakely street.
Train No. 1 on the Erie and Wyoming,
which reaches here at 3 o'clock, was de
layed an hour und a half yesterday by
a wreck on the Erie at Rowlands'
A new front and other noticeable Im
provements are being made about the
Laurel Hill Park hotel.
Mrs. Parfrey is quite ill at her home, on
Brook street.
9 .aafjai a taasask
: Uail
I Eagle Brand
For M yean the leading tranil. It Is UN 1
5 Best and
nil tr.s most economical.
JOHN T. PORTER, President.
W. W. WATSON, Vice President.
A. B. WILLIAMS, Cashier.
Samuel Bines, James M. Everbsrt.. Irving
A. Kitten, Pierce B. Finley. Jos-pb J, Jermyn.
M.H. Kcmerer, Charlos P. Mutt hew. John T.
Porter. W. V. Watson, Charles, Schluger, L.
W. i.orns.
This bak Invites the patronage of business
raeu and firms sensralty.
SerH 8 cents for sj-Tinle packs'.
Faultless Chemical Company. Balti
more, Md.
all attendliur a(Tmrntt.
.tih of youn and inutuls-
ai-e.1 men and women, ibe
ar.-fultllectiof Yol.'THKir.
Remits of treatment. KKKuns, producing weak
Mat, Nervous Debility. Nlitmly Kmiwtor.s.i'onmmpcioo
Insanity, Exaauflkinflr dfftiai and Ion of power of the Gen
enttlvs organsanfllting ens for study, satiue sod mar
risfeiscjurrklyoiiredbylir. ItodrlrHeaSnaaUa fterte
dralaa. They not only euro by starling; at theaeat of dls
cue. but are a great M:ll VK TONll! and ULOOB)
KClLOEIt, brlna-lnf back the pink slow ta sale
elieeks snd restoring the PIKE OK Till Til to ta
patient, ily nail, Sl.lo per box or S for with writ
I I'M mis: ante ! enre er refttnd tt mnnev. Book
ti .'.. .. - f -eiso.KowYo-'--Wot
sal by JOHN H. PHELPS. Drug
Cist, Wyomlnc avs. and flpnire sireef.
AH teas away with by tha use ef HART
MAN'S PATENT PAINT, which consists
f Ingrwdlents well-known to all. It eaa ba
applied to tla, talvanlsed tin, sheet Iron
roofs, also to brick dwelince, which will
prevent absolutely any crumbling, crack
log or breaking of the brick. It will oat
last tlanlng or any kind by many yaara,
and It's eost does not exceed one-fifth that
f the eost of tinning. Is sold by tbs Joh
r pou
una. contracts taken by
in This County.
price 39 cents each; 4ii dozen of a Pine Per
cale shins, :w Inches long, 2 collurs und
cuffs, for 69 cents a piece; the lawst
variety In While Muslin Shirts. In unv
grade, we have them ut 4, 59 and 7,
cent for the New York Mills Muslin.
J his Is a gre:it chance for anv house
hold; we havp imported aliout S'c-ases of
Klne Table l.inen t'overs. they were slight
ly wet on the steamship; they were In
sured, and we have got our claim settled
We shall give a great opportunity to buy
ers on them; will sell 2 yards all Linen
Table Cloth In the finest quality only at 99
cents; 2'i yards, same quality, ut $1 g- X
yards ulso a very line cover, at SI X 'it
pays you to buy a dozen of them, as' we
are positive you ure buying them for one
holf. Orent bargain In White Quilts. Cotton
raised 3 rents on a pound, but we will well
a 4-pound White Quilt for 79 cents.
Hosiery, hosiery, hosiery There Is not
one Jobbing house in theounty that sells
as many hosiery as we do, and we have
a line line for ladies; misses' and men's
hose in both wool and cotton at such a
figure that you can't buy the raw
for the money we offer them. Come and
delight yourself with bargains.
V. mftjk.i Ci3inteJ Cam Wm9
t urn. JVK E IOR
A complete assortment in all the latest effects. Shadings
in all widths, suitable for stores or residences.
Estimates Furnished.
In every grade Wiltons, Axminsters, English and i
Domestic Brussels. Velvets and Taoestries at moder. '
nta .i t.. t: j
cenes and Oilcloth, two
AnD Lackawanna Ave.
nrwO. ' Opp. Main Entrance WjfOKiing Hcssi
For Heavy Structural Work,
V 1 a
22 Commonwealth Bide.. Scrantou, Pa, Telepbons 422.
Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers
Oaaeral Office: SCRANTON, PA. I
. if im m if.flf rmad .
Ma Mild ruaocb Daasjaaa alia SBBK
l SaBraras fi atiywrs f la
old u til ntall Hmw tw
im totJH, l mmd issar.
ami tf uij ns k Mi satiate!
ra will raron ta noa7
raaodaastbsrsair. Opus
TO or voanao Bm.
. wtdtk I
1 to I sad 3
lass. m4yMrlf
Cora Ske ClSSiLS."
We are now prepared to
our line'of brand new '96
loom and fairly bristling
- - ...... . - - .... )
ME FURNISHERS, g- 0$ ftflTHa;
I Need a Carpet? I
We are now prepared to submit to your inspection ,
our line of brand new 'q6 patterns, fresh from the ih
This line embraces all the standard productions,
including some rare designs in Moqttettes and Vel
vets, of which we are justly proud.
We Want Your Opinion
of them, and as a means of attracting your imme
diate attention to this department we offer the fol
lowing: inducement for one week:
45c INGRAINS at 28d
For the benefit of some of our old
customers who came too late to pro
cure one of those Rockers men
tioned in a previous ad. we have
decided to extend another oppor
tunity. Oak frame, upholstered seat
Terms f ALL CASH or
as PART CASH and
, V i
i r t : i. r.'-.:
and four yards wide.
CALL UP 3682.
submit to your inspection
patterns, fresh from the
with new and beautiful
met: . .
VI. W. V.UUUN1JS, m mwm
I 1