TIIE FCANTON TIUBtJ-N 13--WEDNESDAY MORNING, .JANUARY 20. 1S90. ' Z$t (Sttanton Zxxhrtt WOr mi Wklr. !to 8uaday taiUea. Publlibai U enntnB. Pm . by The Tribune Pub- IWilny OnaapftfiT. Ksw Yer OOot: TrlbuM JtuUdtac. Ffaak & Oray, lluutu. I. N. MPPkC, Sie-v Taeae. LIVV . RICHARD. Int W. W. DAVIS. Iwihh Nuwi. W. W. VOUNOR. Am. Maaa-a. tHtmaa at rai ranmoi at scrjuitos. fa. as nOOND-OLAM maii. MATTia. Trlntai Ink." the nenrntzed journal for edw ilaere, ratee Tan Hcna-troti TaiauaaaalhebMt aaertMa medium la Northeastern f.ttniylva ala. "fitalai Ink" kaowa. m Wbsklt Taiaintc Itantd Every Saturday, Contains Twelve Handaonie Pans, with an Abun dance of News, fiction, and Wall-Kditod Mine I laiiy. For Those Who Cannot Take TDK Daily Taiai'MB, the Weakly la Heconimaudud ai tha Bnl Bargain Uoln(. Only 1 a Year, in Advance. Tu Taiarai la fbr Bala Bally at tha ., U and W button at Hobokan. SCRANTON, JANUARY 29, 189G. REPUBLICAN CITY TICKET. ForMayor-E. II. NIPPLE. For Treasurer DANIKI. WILLIAMS. rorControllcr-K. J. WIDMAYER. For ASKMOrs-CIIARI.LS FOWLER. rnnisr i icki s. WILLIAM 1UWSOS. Flection Hoy. Feb. 18. Mr. Scranton was not the only one who was "amuBed" at Fellows' take down In the matter of the twin afll drtvitR. A Death Dance. Although we have established the falsity of every specific chaiRe yet ut tered concerning serious corruption nt the recent Republican city primaries, and expect to have little difficulty In disproving any others which may arise, it should not be overlooked that the publication of these wholly false or else grossly exaggerated allegations In the Scranton Republican is merely part of a carefully drawn plan, conceived months ago by Joseph A. Scranton. John II. Fellows. Matthew Dale and their respective followers, to make a bold raid upon the local party organiza tion and, falling In that raid, to concen trate their energies In an attempt to ruin It. Nobody who knows Scranton, Fellows or Dale can be In doubt as to the spurlousness of their pre tended devotion to pure politics; their purpose Is wholly one of Jealousy and revenge, and In it they have grown so desperate that they will stoop to any falsehood or bend to any political crime to further, It or to bring evil upon those whom they oppose. Six months ago Fellows said upon the street that if Ripple were nominated he "would light him to the bitter end." Last fall Scranton called exSherllt Stevens Into his office and told him that "the Connells must be killed off politically, cost what It might." Dale kept further In the background; he was, It Is believed, the cashier of the Inde pendent movement. The meetings In Purr's, Molr's and Fuller's halls were part and parcel of this preconceived purpose to capture the party leadership by storm or else to ruin the party and build up a new dynasty over its newly dug grave. Hence the slanderous pre dictions, weeks In advance of the pri maries, that "If money were used, measures would be taken," etc., the effort being ilrst to poison the public mnd against the men whom the con spirators hud marked for slaughter before sending them to their death. Whut would have been thought, In this community, If Colonel Hippie had gone about, for months' prior to the primaries. Insinuating that Molr was planning to corrupt the caucuses and threatening a bolt? What would have been thought of The Tribune as a party newspuper If It had said. In effect, eight weeks before the primaries, that If, Its pet ticket was not rhosen by the party, It would set up an independent one or else go over to the Democrat? We appeal to Republicans to lay aside all prejudice in this mutter and look at the facts fairly, us they exist. We re peat our charge that the Scranton-Fel-lows conspiracy plunned the. present fight over half a year ago; that they made all arrangements for HI passing the word along the line that the pre text for the bolt, should a bolt become necessary, would be the cry of "fraud;" and that every allegation of irregular ity now uttered by this conspiracy, through Its newspaper organ or in pri vate talk, Is a calculated Item in the culmination of the plot first to raid the party, and next in the event of that falling, to work for its destruction. To be sure, the conspirators have been and are yet glib of tongue and agile in falsification. First Scranton tickled the vanity of the asinine Fel lows and turned him from a bombastic foe into a cringing and obedient lick spittle ally; next he practiced his arts of blandishment on honest Tom. Davies, whom he finally hypnotized In to making up with the man who boast ingly defeated him for county treas urer In 1804; and from these he passed on to the good-natured and amiable Captain Molr, whom, we believe, was used as an unconscious tool In this cam paign of political hlghwaymanism. And thus, step by step, the plot was worked out, the wires were laid and the details adjusted for the final cli max. It was Scranton's thought that he would , win the primaries, because ha fancied he had covered his plans. When he lost that hope, he fell back on his precautionary reserves, and has since given us a demonstration of his capabilities as a wrecker. He is danc ing his last jig, and knowing that it is his last one, he is dancing It desper ately. But his very desperation gives his case away, and reveals him to the party as a (pe who would willingly stab It .to the death In order to climb over Its quivering form to a new lease of power for public mischief. We regret that Captain Molr did not ee fit to accept our courteous invita tion to call around and get the name ' of the man who was our authority for saying that Fellows boasted td Molr of scalping honest Tom Davies in 1SS4. The Information would hnve Interested him, and perhaps refreshed his memory. The Responsibility of Directors At a recent meeting of the State Rur asportation of New York state a paper was read by Henry W. Jessup entitled "Are Directors of Corporations Held to a Sufficient Accountability?" The ar ticle has attracted a great deal of at tention by reason of the succinct man ner in which modern corporation meth ods were exposed and still more by reason of wiat the author advanced as a jessible means t-f reforming the present discreditable methods. The author called attention to the fact which Is becoming every day better known that the officers and not the directors are the real managers of the corporation and that they often so man ipulate the trust reposed in them as to become privately wealthy while the stockholders of the corporation are left without a share in the profits of the concern and almost equally without a means of redress. Mr. Jessup called attention, in this connection, to the fact that while re dress to the stockholders Is obtainable theoretically through a court of equity. In reality this mode of procedure Is comparatively unavailable because a stockholder must first notify the court that he has exhausted all means within his power within the corporation be fore he can be permitted to Institute a litigation which usuully belongs within the province of the corporation. A complaining stockholder must also offer affirmative proof of misconduct on the part of those intrusted with the man agement of a corporation when at tempting to establish fraud in fact. As a possible remedy for some of the muny evils the author suggests an UNMASKING A LIAR. It is an accepted principle in law that the man who will delib erately lie about one thing will lie about another. Such a man's testimony is worthless on any point into which self-interest enters. Uelow, in parallel columns, we present two statements, clia metically opposed to each ether. The column to the left is from an editorial in yesterday morning's Republican, written by 1 Ion. Joseph A. Scranton, member of congress from this district. The "column to the right is a letter by Kev. A. 1 Chaffee, pastor of Asbury Methodist Episcopal church of Green Ridge, which ap peared in last night's Truth. We ask our readers carefully to compare the two: From th Scranton Republican. Asbury church, Green Ridge, Is in eruption. Its pastor tells us his flock Is liable to be divided in twain over this Rlpple-Moir contest and that he Is in dunger of getting his walking papers before the end of the year's engage ment. For a Prohibitionist, Rev. Chaf fee seems to have been perniciously ac tive in trying to manage Republican primaries. It seems that . Captain Molr's friends selected Messrs. Colvln and Dunn to run as delegates In the Second or central Green Ridge ward. It subsequently transpired that both of these gentlemen were members of the official board of Asbury church, Mr. Dunn being also a trustee. Their se lection was made without reference to thelrrellgiousconnectlon and no thought of utilizing the congregation for their election had occurred to them.' Mr. Connell,' however, took alarm at the personal popularity of Messrs. Colvln and Dunn, the indications pointing to a successful issue of their canvass. A warning was sounded, the trustees wore summoned together and a session was had over the candidacy of Colvln and Dunn, both of whom were present. A promised gift of one thousand dollars to apply on the church debt, expected from Mr. Connell, was held up before the gaze of the brethren and strenuous effort was made to take Colvln and Dunn out of the field, Asbury church hud notice to do all It could to send Ripple delegates in return for Connell's cool thousand. Now Asbury Is fear fully In debt, some elghteu thousand, and In short it was worked with the re sult that Ripple secured the delegates. The voters of Scranton, during the past few days, have been regaled with a daily column of accusations from Mr. Scranton's pen aimed at men of whose political prominence in this commu nity he is envious ami jealous. If Mr. Scranton would deliber ately lie about a respected minister of the gospel, whose only of fence was the temerity of requesting that an injustice be cor-t rected, would lie not also lie about those against whom he has repeatedly declared desperate and unscrupulous war? adoption of the laws prevailing in France, which differentiates the pow ers of the directorates of corporations, fixing definitely certain well known functions and certain unchanging re sponsibilities upon different branches of the management. In this way any person becoming a stockholder In a cor poration knows exactly whom he U trusting and who are responsible to him for mismanagement. . It is be lieved by the author of the paper that this system could be Introduced in our laws without serious trouble and that its effect could not be other than bene ficial. While the premises of the author as to the present inequitable state of af fairs cannot be questioned and while the remedy prepared would perhaps in a measure remedy the evils complained of, he overlooks the fact that It is large ly upon the stockholder himself that the blame for his misfortune must fall. It Is the stockholders who elect the di rectors and it is the directors who se lect the officers. If they elect for di rectors men whom they" know can at best but take a Blight interest In the affairs of the corporation, It Is they who must take the responsibility for their losses. People go into corporations with the slightest Inquiry, not as to whether the directors are reputable men, but into the more Important ques tion as to who holds the larger part of the stock and what it will be to their in terest to do with the corporation. . Men whose only Interest In a corpora tion can be in "wrecking" it; that is, In sacrificing everything for personal gain, are blindly voted Into the management by carelessly signed proxies, the value and Importance of which are almost univer sally overlooked; yet the importance of -which Is really the keynote to an hon est management of a corporation's af fairs. With corporation Officers as with men in all business ror.iwnii, some art? honest end some are dishonest. It is upon the stockholder that the r.ein s.Ulity of the choice must rest; and lie should be willing to shoulder It intel ligently. The average Jury valuation of a hu man life would pay for one-tenth of the proposed viaduct, and a viaduct on West Lackawanna avenue would save more than ten lives. Another Falsehood Exposed. Concerning the charge In Monday's Republican against Committeeman Wolf, of the Fourth district of the Nineteenth ward, tne following affi davit will possess Interest: flefore me, W. 8. Millar, an alderman In and for said county, appeared Joseph Wolf who, being duly sworn, deposed as follows: ThHt 1 was a vigilance commit teeman In the Fourth dlstrti-t of the Nine teenth ward at the recent Republican city primurles; that before a bullot wa takn tha bullot box was sealed by the two can didates for delegate in the preenc f Charles W. Westpfahl, the Independent Republican candidate for city controller; thai when the bullotlng had been end!, the two candidates for delegate, John Steinmetz for Molr and Kred Stealer for ltipple. were called In to examine the and open the box, which they did, pro nouncing It satlFfactory: that they botU watched the count, und that prior tJ thai, the Molr delegate had two witnesses ra tioned at the window toee that every bal lot was correctly placed In the box; Unit during the balloting u quart of whiskey was kept on tap by tho Molr supporters In a co.il shanty on the alley and voters for Molr, ufter being handed a drink, were told to vote two tickets If necessary: that the Molr delegate himself, John Steinmetz. offered two tickets, one of which w.a1 handed back to him; that Stelumeta'si brother-in-law, who followed him at tho noils, also tried t vote two ballots, one of which was likewise handed back; that after the count nine unnumbered ballots were found In tho box and rejected; thut everv numbered ballot represented a bona llde name on the vlsllunce's list of voters); und thai Steinmetz, at the close of the To the F.ditorof the Truth. I avail myself of the courtesy of your columns to state the following: It hardly seemB that a gentleman occu pylng so honorable a position as does Mr. J. A. Scranton would make state ments having no foundation in fact. and hesitate when apprised of It to make proper amends. In his editorial of the 27th he alleges that Mr. Connell used "undue and mer cenary Influences" with our congre gation for political results. That state ment Is absolutely false. Mr. Con nell's promise of help was given me in May or June of 1S95, since which time and prior to the 27th no conversation has passed between us relative to the matter. Mr. Connell has never Intimated' to myself, or any of the trustees of As bury church, that his offering In any way hung upon the election or non electlon of Ripple delegates from the Thirteenth ward. Further, the trustees of Asbury church neither threatened bribed nor coerced the Molr delegates or treated them other than with the uimoHt courtesy. These facts were stated to Mr. Scran - tonbymyself onthe morning of January "7th. He assured me he would be will ing to right any Impression made by his editorial which was untrue. In stead of doing It he further mlsrepre sents us. I never told him that our so ciety was In a state of eruption and that I was in danger of getting walking- papers before my term expired, be cause of this. I did not Intimate that such a state of things existed. We never had better or more largely at tended services than now. This state ment by him was not marin without premeditation and unmanly motives It is conscienceless. Yours very truly, A. F. CHAFFEE. Pastor of Asbury M. K. Church. Jan. 28, 18. vote, culled Zeigler, the Ripple delegate, to him, took his hand and said that the poll ing hud been fair and square In every par ticular and that neither would have nny euuse for complaint. Joseph Wolf. Sworn and subscribed to before me thin twenty-eighth day of January. 1MK5. W. S. Millar, Alderman. State of Pennsylvania, County of Lack awanna, s.s. I, William Hoffman, a member of the vigilant committee, acting with Mr. Wolf, corroborate the above statement and de clare it to be true in every particular. Wilhelm Hoffmann. Sworn and subscribed to before me this twenty-eighth day of January, 1836. W. S. Millar, Alderman. It is Interesting to note that In the Providence wards a request by the Rip ple delegates for the admission of wit nesses to the booths was denied by the opposing faction; why, we can only guess. The Truth would In the long run be happier if it were not so eager to detect In addresses like that of Rev. Dr. Mc Leod reflections not meant by the speakers. We agree with It that re ligious rancor Is fruitless. Therefore, let's drop it. The Scranton Times grows Indignant because The Tribune said that "honest vigilance committeemen would be fully protected." Does the Times think that honest men should be persecuted? The Republican who is willing to vili fy his own party because it will not do as he wants it to do is a good thing to push along. He Isn't needed and he will not be missed. LETTER FROM MR. EDWARDS. Editor of The Tribune. Sir: The Scranton Republican of Mon day, In i)s charges of fraud or attempt at fraud In the recent primary elections, furnishes at least one conspicuous example of malicious lying. I refer to its allegations concerning the First district of the Fif teenth ward. Here It asserts: "There was a delberate plot to cheat Mr. Davlei out of the delegates In his home precinct, and that there were forty-flva more ballots found in trie box than the nuinlr of vct? r.a:ued la the lt.t kept by tho vlgt- lulltl!." At the opening of the poll in this dl- tiU't. Thoiiia.i D. Davies requ-st id To h.ive a representative In the lioo:h whiie the vote was being cast. Mr. David M. Jones ami myself, the duly-elected vigllaut of this dl:rict. with the express purpose of avoiding ur.y possibility of u.'h u charge a.i tile one now niude. granted this re. quest. A representative from each side was cboxen, Mr. Frank Jon- tx-ln c lectcd by the SloIr-Dnvle.-i-Westpfahl, lU'iegates. and Mr. John T. LrwW by the Klpple- illlanis-Wldmuver delegate. When the ttrwt vote was tak-n, Mr. Frank Jones placed hlmrcl.' by my tide, and from that time .in.il the votj was completed, had an opportunity to v. ev cry vote that was ;io'1.m and when the count was completed, made tho follow ing statement: "Weli, nobody can say this was not a fair count." Every precaution within our power was tanen to insure a fair election: each bul lot was numbered and deposited, as it was received from the nanda oi tlib vottr. While counting the vote, in four or live Ir.ttances two or threu ballots wtr.; fo'del Inside the ballot which was numbered and tliene were divided between the two sets or delegate. The fraudulent vote were thrown out. there iu. being more tnan eleven in all. Mr. Frank Jones now has. th lliur; If he una any regard tor '.ruth or honor, l.e will j.cute come out und uoriouorate trls stiiu ment. . John AI. Kdwurds. Sii-anton, Pa., Jan. iii. Nor noon TAsri:. From the Scranton Times. It is not good tuate to drag religions Into a political controversy. Those who know Air. Will um I'unnell best will not for a moment believe he would threaten the withdrawal of uny .pledge he may have made towunl lining u church debt, if all of the olfli-iul members ami the whole con gregation should vote auuln.t unv politi cal candidates he might favor. .Mr. t'on- nell la penerous to a fault in his philan thropy, and while we do not agree with him politically we believe in manly war fare. Let the fight proceed, and corrup tion at the polls be unearthed, hut in do ing so there Is no excuse to drag in the church. .MIGHT CfT BOTH WAYS. From the Harrlsburg Patriot. The Republican .party in Lackawanna county is to be somewhat depleted. Con gressman Scranton intends to put In Jail a number of Republican election officers. This effort to cut down the Republican majority In February is not calculated to secure the approval of many party lead ers. Besides the precedent once estab lished of sending Republican "leaders" to jull there's no guessing what may become of a number of Pennsylvania's conspicu ous statesmen. NOT lllhl.llOlM). From the Philadelphia Inquirer. It is sometimes erroneously claimed that the sympathies of Scranton ore with New York rather than with Philadelphia. The claim Is not substantiated by an edi torial in the Scranton Tribune, which pa per declares that New Yorkers are ri diculously Inaccurate in their verdicts in the fields of literature and art and that the froth and scum of the country, rejected at home, float on the top wave of notori ety in New York. THE REASON WHY. a love my fellow-boarder's wim Though she in years surpusses me. And though her gentle, blameless lifo Is free from guile as life can be; And though I swore some years ago To a dear girl, through peace or strife, No other love I'd ever know Yet still I love my neighbor's wife. Her little girl Is 9 years old. So you ran see she's on In years; Yet to my statement I will hold, Though It may start my fond wife's tears. The mother loves that little girl As I adore my children three, Nor do I foully plan to hurl These lambkins Into Infamy, My neighbor's girl In school doth learn The secrets of piano-play, ' And at schoolf when the rest adjourn. She practices an hour a day; But her good ma does not permit Her, on her Joyous childish life, To "thump" at home one little bit Wherefore I love my neighbor's wife. Chicago Record. HILL & CONNELL, 131 AND 133 N. WASHINGTON AVE. Builders AND Makers OF AND OFFICE SOPPLIES .1 131 AND 33 N. WASHiKGTON &VE. Bargains We are now taking account of stock. It will take the whole month of January to go through our live iloors and weed out the odds and ends that are left after a year's business. We intend to close them out quick as possible to make room lor new spring stock. There will be some real bar Rains. If you are in need ot anything in our line it will pay you to visit our store. LIMITED. Fine China, Crockery, Cut Glass, Lamps and House Furnishing Goods. 22 'LACKAWANNA AVENUE. GOLDSKilTH'S 3 BAZA AH A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY Coiuoieucing Wednesday morolair, January 29, we will have a free demonstration of the wonderful "Witch kloth" at our store for a few days. Dou't fail to sse it. The following are a few points about WITCIIKLOTH.,, "Witchkloth" is a specially prepared "kloth." It will remove and nrnvnnt jewelry, nickel, plated ware, bicycles, 'Witchkloth" is esiwclally adapted surface. "Witchkloth" does not scratch restoring the metal to its originally polished condition, leaving it much less ALWAYS READY, QUICK, NO TROUBLE, CLEAN, EFFICIENT. TnvallinKlA airafi nna "V K Aa.nt. A nH iT..A l- hi a . . .. ... ... v w x,v uuubciiuiu c-u Kuuru w iw wunoui iu of an ordinary towel: it will drv and uolinh at the umA time. And tha nniiK - v as that given by the use of pastes, soaps, 1 1 uoes not scratch; it works wonders ; it is "bewitched. ' "Witchkloth" will clean or polish just as well when black with use as when new. No matter how soiled the "kloth" may become, the dirt will not rub off to soil the hands. It is absolutely clean. "Witchkloth" can be used until entirely worn ouL A molat ntccn will in n.i a drv r.i. m u.ii.t nfii the "kloth" is worn threadbare. "Witchkloth" takes the place of one-quarter the cost "WITCHKLOTH" IS THE The second week of our GREAT SHOE SALE first week's sales, far ahead of expectations. It only proves thing and is anxious to take advantage of it. livery pair ot shoes in this immense, fiue stock will be sold for less than cost. We have a line of Gents' Fine Shoes, hand welt, kangaroo uooers. straight it shoes: they are now marked $2.98. Every I4 Shoe in the house is now $2.48. Children's Shoes 68c and 88c that were i and 11.25. Don't miss this opportunity to buy shoes for less than niiiiAfpniA a n r wl b mm w m km mwk iu 1 hiirn aiiiiiMi OVERWORK Is sometimes due to defective materials or tools. Many a man spends tta necessary time la office work when he might save care and doctors' bills if he cot proper office necessaries. For these "proper necessaries" we are right up to date. If you cannot call on us, we shall be pleased to call on you. We do ll1 REYNOLDS BROS, 2,7 UCKl WSNNA IVE. After February 15 will remove to Hotel Jermyn, Wyoming Avenue. OYSTERS Vf ara Headquarters for Off tan and ara handling the Celebrated Duck Rivers. Lynn Havens, Keyports, Mill Ponds; also -Shrewsbury, Rockaways. Maurice River Coves, Western Shores and Blue Points. t-VWa make a FpeciaUr ot dcllreriaf Blue Point on halt ahaU in carrier. PIERCE'S MARKET, PE1IN AYE THAT WONDERFUL Tmm b km mmr m mm Wt BEN FIAMQ 01 aad eoe thaae nd-band TUmm we have Mm la rahsajt H m. mmm mmT ' m. "V aW GUERNSEY BROTHERS; Wye. Am glass, etc., always bright, cloan and free for cleaulng and polishing all tableware. a new surface, but thoroughly cleanses 1 vu wtmuiu j tw mow mil last tt s tuug powders, etc. With it work is a pleasure. all nolishes. Dowdera. n&atea. llmilda ONLY FABRIC THAT CAN BOTH CLEAN AND POLISH. BANISTER'S Shoe Sale is now on. We were 1 mm m mm. mm, mm mim m mm, mm 1 fli:nii frtiiiij miiii Mold Still! And get your 'picture took with one of them er pocket Kodaks from FLOREY'S. They will take the picture of a candidate for a city office, ears and all. So your ears will get in all right, too. THE NEW UNDERWEAR FOR MEN. Comfortable and ' Convenient. Sold Only LOUIS CONRAD, HITTER AND FURNISHER, 305 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. 326 Washington Aa., SCRANTON, PA. ffllYH Bill TELEPHONE 551 from corrosion, tarnish, stains, dirt, etc It cannot injure the most delicate and nmnm tha riirt mnA ini.h th,.. liable to tarnish and rust. jury your lauie silverware with it in place nKtatnai k o .. .m . , And nlm tt Mi am rata uklna t lu tVion sumrised at the result of our the public appreciates a good cost of making them. IF BU " ma mm mm. mm m mmm, mtm mm f .j viniiiiiu iiumiiiih Only A Few Left But we will sell that few at cost They are t . and we want to close them out before inventory. If you need a Heater don't miss this chance. FOOTE 5 SHEAR CO. 119 WASHINGTON AVENUE REMOVAL On April 1 Will Remove to Coal Exchange Building, Wyoming Avenue. ALL. .... POTTERY, CHINA, GLASS, CLOCKS, TABLES AND LAMPS WILL BE SOLD AT COST. 307 LACKAWANNA AVE. ON THE LINE OF THE 1 CANADIAN PACIFIC R'Y ara located th flnmt flahlna aad hoatlaa (ronads in tba wortd. DesoiiptlT booka om application. Tickata to all pointa la Malaa, Canada and ttarltima ProriOcaa, MlBnaapoll fit Paul. Canadian and United SUtaa I'crtfc. waata, Vancoarer, Beattlo, Taconia, Portlani.. Or., San Franciaoo. First-Class Sleeping and Dininz Gars attached to all throuirb trains. Tourist ears fully fitted with bedding, curtains and sp tally adapted to wanta of f anaillaa nay be a4 with second-fllsss tickets. Rate always lasa than Tta other Unae, For fall InfarnuMla time Utiles, etc., on application to 1111 HEATING STOVES 5 CONNELL C V. SKINNER, Q. K. A. S53 BROADWAY, NEW TORI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers