THE ONLY REPUBLICAN DAILY IN LACKAWANNA COUNTY. , ,,-- EIGHT PA ES--56 COLUMNS. SSCRAXTON, PA., WEDNESDAY MOBN1NG, JANUARY 29, 1896. TWO CENTS A COPY. lis is NOT A Clearing Sale of Silks ' Bat Ratkr an OFFERING The facts are simply these. We got hold of a little parcel if the best Bilks on the market at a price fur below their real vulue. The lots In each number are small and not withstanding the fart that we could not today buy mure desirable goods at regtilur prices for the coin ing spring trade, we've decided be cause of the smallness of the lots, to let Silks go on the same terms as they've Just come to us. 6 Number In handsome Black Duchess Rllks, , the most popular weave In fashion's realm. LOT 17 pieces 22-inch, worth $1.00. 81'KCIAL, TRICE, 7:c LOT 25 pieces, 22 Inches wide, worth 11.25. SPECIAL. PRICE, 95c. LOT 34 pieces, 22 Inches wide, worth SPECIAL PRICE, $1.19. LOT 43 pieces, 22 inches wide, worth $1.(15. SPECIAL PRICE, $1.29. LOT S 3 pieces, 24 inches wide, worth $1.85. SPECIAL PRICE, $1.45. LOT 62 pieces, 24 inches wide, worth $2.23. SPECIAL PRICE, $1.69. In New Taffeta Silks X.OT 115 pieces latest style Rrocade Taffeta Silks. The designs are unus ually handsome. Worth fully $1.00. SPECIAL PRICE 85c. i y LOT 210 pieces P.lack Silks with new colored swivel effects. Two styles. Fully worth $1.25. SPECIAL PRICE, 95c. LOT 33 pieces Black Taffeta Silks, 27 inches wide and a heavy make. Reg ular value 95c. SPECIAL PRICE, 73c. Tou can have what you want of our well-known 50c. quality In Pure Silk Stripes. But they won't stay long with us at that figure. QfcOBE At 25c MOSBOE DOCTRINE SPEECH Mr. Thurston, of Nebraska,' Lets the Eagle Scream. FAITH IX AMERICAS LOYALTY Tho Single lleat of a Drum Will Arouse the Country to Anns-Mr. Turpi Scores tho Sultan and Atohammedanlsnt. Washington, Jan. 28. Three speech es were made In the senate toduy, on the house bund bill with the free coln uge substitute reported from the com mittee on tiuunce. Two of them were In favor of the substitute and one agulnst It. The former were mailt by Senators Clark (Rep., Wyo.) and v or hees Dem.. Ind.) the latter by na tor Oruy (lem., DeL). Notice an amendment was given by Mr. Teller (Rep.. Colo.) requiring the payment of national bank notes In coin, when pre sented for redemption at the bank of Issue. An ineffectual effort waB made to have unanimous consent given to have the bill voted on next Thursday. The objection came from Mr. Hill (Dein.. X. V). Mr. Turple. (Dem.. Ind.) In present ing a memorial on the subject of the Armenian horrors. Induced In a tierce Invective against the .Sultan and Mo liuinmedanlam.and Mr. Thurston (Rep., Neb.) made an equally strong represen tation in favor of the Monroe doctrine. The ehallenfte thrown down by llreat Britain, he unld taken up by the government of the United States, or else the Monroe doctrine would be a thing of the past. The world wus waiting to know whether the Monroe doctrine was living or dead whether It was to be maintained and enforced or to he an ubandoned and suppressed doctrine. If the people of the lTnited States became so senile and degraded as to look t Wall street for political guidance it would be time to turn the portrait face of Washington to the wull and to cast the sword of Orant into the sea. Nothing but selllshness or cowardice would ever induce the I'nited States to abuudon that great position of leadership In the affairs of the new world, which it was her manifest des tiny to enjoy. As Great Britain had mistaken the temper of the country in the past, so 8he appeared to mistake It now. There was however no divi sion of sentiment In the United States on this subject. "Let but a single drum beat be heard on our coast" he exduimed, "announcing the upproach of a foreign foe, and there will spring to urnis. in north and south, the grand est army the world has ever known, unlimited by loyalty to their country's Mag und marching on to the mingled and liisplrlnK struins of 'our two na tlonul airs 'Olxle' and 'Yankee Hoodie.' I would vote for the pending resolution althoiusu lv ui Ik lit presage the coming of a mighty conflict whose consequen ces should leave me without a son, as the last great conflict left me without a sire." The speech was applauded at various Iolnts. House Proceedings. The diplomatic and consular appro priation bill went through the house today without discussion and practi cally without amendment. Mr. Hitt, chairman of tho committee on foreign affairs, explained the charges made in the text of the law for the current yeur, and Mr. McCreary (Dem., Ky.) stated that iti his opinion they were all essential to the welfare of the service. The bill had the unanimous support of .the committee. ' Bills were pasted granting to the jDralnerd and Northern Minnesota rail roud right or way through the Leech Lake and Chippewa Indian reserva tions; 'authorizing the secretary of state to reconvene the international marine conference; and authorizing: of ficers and soldiers of the army who are members of the Sons of Veterans to wear the badgre of that society on occac slons of public ceremony t'pon hearing the formal announce ment of the death of the late Frederick Rlemann, representative-elect of t)e Eighteenth district, made by his suc cessor, Mr. Hadley (Rep., 111.) the house passed the usual resolution of regret, and at 2.33 o'clock adjourned until to morrow. TO INCREASE OLR ARMY. General Miles Recommends Strengthen ing the Artillery and Coast Defences. Washington, Jan. 28. Major General Nelson A. Miles, commanding the army, accocmpanled by Captain F. Mlchner, of his staff, this morning appeared be fore the senate committee on coast de fenses. He stated he had examined Senator Squire's bill and approved its provisions. It was absolutely neces sary, he said, that appropriations be made for the protection of sea coast cities of the United States. The only places where provision had been made for any considerable defense were at New York, San Francisco and Boston, and the defenses at those places were entirely Inadequate and insufficient. He recommended the Immediate In crease of the artillery by two regiments, or at least 2.000 men. The entire cost of coast defense fortifications for ade quate protection of the country, he es timated, at about $80,000,000. SWEETHEART'S SHOT FATAL. Remorseful Rose Petit Unavailing)? Nurses John Williams. Decatur, Neb., Jan. 28. John Wil liams, who was hot by his sweetheart. Rose Pettie, died today. The facts at tending the shooting are not clear and there is considerable Indignation. Miss Pettie says the shooting was accident al, and nursed Williams from the mo ment she shot him till his death. Iter actions Indicate that remorse has rilled her soul, 'and her "friends have found It necessary to restrain her, fearing she may kfll herself. Wil liams was an exemplary young man, but Miss Pettie, it Is said, was Insanely jealous of him. His friends will de mand an inquest. SWIFT JUSTICE. A Negro Desperado Is Taken from a Tra In and Riddled with Ballets. Illueflelds. W. Va., Jail. 28. Alex ander Jones, a negro desperado, of Elk horn, boarded a west bound passenger train last night at Keystone, evidently for the purpose of having trouble. , He . . I X: -- ...rr r. : was very boisterous. He abused the conductor and refused to pay his fare. Jones then pulled two revolvers and commenced firing at random through the car, which was crowded with people, emptying both weapons. After the shooting it was discovered that W. H. Strother, postmaster at Elkhorn, was shot through the abdo men, causing death almost instantly. Conductor McCullough was shot in the side, but not seriously wounded, and Peter Rice, a colored miner, was shot through the right breast and will prob ably die. Jones was arrested and placed on the 2 o'clock train for Hunt ington. While passing Ilemohill the train was flagged by a mob of fifty men who took Jones from the train and hanged him to a tree and shot his body full of lead. THEY DEMAND SUFFRAGE. The National Association at Washington Seeks Equal Rights Woman's Bible Is Rejected. Washington. Jan. 28. At its session this afternoon the National Women's Suffrage association adopted resolutions demanding suffffrage for all American citizens of the United States, women and men, upon reasonable conditions attainable by all, as a right and not as a privilege; rejoicing in the admission of Utah to the Union as a third woman suffrage state; declaring organization the watchword of the hour and their primary object; petitioning congress and he state legislatures to secure to the women of this nutlon the full rights of citizenship; congratulating the women of Kentucky upon having recently secured the election of four women and four men upon the munici pal bourd of education in lexlngton; appealing to congress to take measures for stopping the Armenian massacres and also expressing sympathy with the men and women In Cuba In their strug gle for Independence. In addition to the above the following, which stands as the eighth plunk In their platform, was adopted by a vote of ft.1 to 40: "That this association Is non-sectarian, bel composed of persons of all shudes ot religious opinion, and that it lias no olliciul connection with the sot-ailed 'Woman's Bible' or any theologi cal publication." NEWS FROM CAMPANIA. Tho Dig Cnnnrdcr Seen by Life-Savers Off Long llronch. Washington, Jan. 28. Keeper War dell, of the Long Branch, N. J., life sav ing stutlon, made his otliclul report to day to Superintendent Kimliull. which seems to establish the fact that the Campunla grounded as well us the St. Paul. He mentions the fact that the St. Paul grounded and then referring to another steamer, says: "The morning of the 2f,th Surfman Sexton while on his north watch from 12 to 4 a. m. discovered a large steamer ashore. He burnt his coston slgnul and at once returned to the station to give the alarm. We started with our beach apparatus for the wreck at 2 a. m. While we were on our way we heard a steamer blowing north of the station and close to the beach. Surfman Chasey Kundgulst ran to the beach and burnt his corton lights and sig nalled to us that she was ashore. I had the apparatus hauled abreast of the steamer. I was having the gun placed In position to fire a line over her. I waited a few minutes to let her get still. when I saw her begin to go astern. She backed off all right. Afetr waiting awhile to see that she was all right we proceeded on our way to the steamer in front of the Brighton hotel." This other steamer was undoubt edly the Campania of the Cunard line, about whoso grounding contradictory statements have been made. KILLS WIFE AND HIMSELF. Religious Mania Results In a Terrible Tragedy in Georgia. Tallapoosa, Ga., Jan. 28. Near fster rett's station, west of here on the Geor gia Paclllc branch of the Southern rail way, John Goodwin, aged BO, a wealthy farmer, while temporarily insane, shot and killed his wife and then killed himself, using a double-barreled shot gun. Since Christmas Uoodwin has been paying considerable nttentlon to religious matters, and his family and friends have feared he was going to extremes. Last night while most of his children were out in the woods he told his wife to pack his things as he was going to leave. She pleaded with him not to go, when he picked up his shotgun and emptied one barrel Into her breast, killing her almost Instantly, and he then emptied the other barrel of the gun into his own abdomen. Neither spoke after being shot. An 8-year-oid daughter and a 6-year-old son witnessed the hor rible deed. HOTEL GUESTS IX DANGER. Dangerous Mnze In Sf. Johnsbury-.Mony Sensational Kseapci. St. Johnsbury, Vt., Jan. 28. The Ave nue house, on Railroad street, the larg est hotel In the town, was burned to the ground late this afternoon, and the flames extended to the new Howe Opera house, which, when well on tire, seriously threatened several other buildings. The fire started In the lamp room of the hotel, and spread with remarkable rapidity, making the es capes of some of the guests very sensa tional. T. C. Spencer, of New York, was seriously burned about the head and hands. C. D. Bayley and R. S. Ly ford, commercial travelers, were able to escape from a third floor window with the aid of a rope. The hotel was four stories high, of wood, and valued at 812,000. Help was called for from Lyndomille, and ren dered valuable assistance. The fire was under control at midnight. DIAMOND IN A TURKEY. A Cook rinds a $200 Spark in a Bird Ho Was Preparing for tt e Table. ' Bridgeport. Conn., Jan. 2S. Henry D. Lang, one of the cooks at Brennan's restaurant, while dressing a big turkey this afternoon, found a diamond stud In the gizzard. He was at work when his attention was attracted by some thing glistening. It proved to be a diamond of wonderful brilliancy In a solid gold setting. He reported the And to Proprietor Hrennan. When examined by a Jeweler It was found the diamond was worth $200. The cook and Mr. Brennan will divide the proceeds of the find. The turkey was aue of a, large number that rime from REIGN OF TERROR IN CUBA . Peaceable Residents forced to Leave the Island. ' MANY WOMEN AKB IMPRISONED Twenty-Three Innocent Men Are Sent to Africa-Insurgents Capture Many Towns Without Firing a Gun. General tVeylcr's Reputation. (From a Staff Correspondent of the United Press.) Havana. Jan. 23. via Tampa. Pia., Jan. 28. There is no talk now of com promise between Spain and the Cuban Insurgents. It is to be a light to the bitter end. Martinet Campos, the pa clilcator, has failed, and has been re called mainly because of his lack of severity in the treatment of Cubans who have taken up arms, or have aided the rebellion In other ways. Campos was honest, upright, earnest, active and possessed of great military genius, but he was humane. He remembered that Cubans are sons of Spain, and that they are not fighting Without some cause. He had urged that genuine reforms be granted them, and endeavored to put in practice the mild reforms which were passed by the cortes one year ago, but he was blocked In every attempt, and In moments of exasperation he told men in high places here in Cuba that they were greater enemies of Spain than the rebels in the Held. Campos Is on the high seas bound for Snain, where he will doubtless tell some plain truths and multe some lHilltlclans regret his recall. (leneial Weyler, who is in many re spects the opposite of Campos, Is on his way to assume su:reme command, lie has u reputation for severity and hursh ness which he may not deserve. He an nounces thut he conies to meet, wnr with war and has nothing to do with reforms. Such utterances, collided with the stories in circulation here as to the alleged harsh and inhumune doings in the war of lxtis-78, have resulted In u sudden exodus of peaceable Cuban residents of this and other cities. The practices which are ascribed to tleneral Weyler belong to the wars of barbaric times. Cubans of the better classes say that only two courses are open to them, either to tlee from thu Island of Cuba or to Join the rebel army. As every steamer to Key West und Tampa since the retirement of Campos hus been crowded, the indication are that more will go to the United States from this city than to the Held. Just what will happen when tleneral Weyler and -the 25,ooo additional troops arrive from Spain cannot be foretold. Progress of the Rebels. Pending his arrival Generals Marin and Pando are endeavoring to make as much of their opportunities as pos sible. Outnex and Maceo are'widely separated not because the Spanish troops have driven them apart, but because It was planned that Maceo should extend the rebellion into Plnar Del Rio, the westermost province and Gomez should wait for his return in the province of Havana. Maceo has gone as far west as towns of Import ance exist, has sent detachments along the north coast, while he went along the south coast and visited the great tobacco region of Vuelta Almjo. In no province of Cuba have the rebel armies been received as they were in Plnar Del Rio. Town after town wel comed them with open arms, while flags fluttered from house tops In token of surrender, and in only a few In stances did Spanish volunteers orSpan ish regulars oppose them. Opposition resulted In a fight In which the Span lard sometimes hed the fort or barri cades in which they were entrenched, but Cubans burned tho rest of the town. In many instances the volunteers sur rendered their arms and ammunition and no one was harmed on either side. The local bands of Insurgents united with Maceo's column of 2,000 men and a safe estimate of the rebels under arms now In a province which was quiet three weeks ago, is four thousand. The railroads and telegraphs have been stopped. But little other damage had been reported. Tobacco In the field has not been Injured and warehouse tobacco has not been burned. The rebels have friends whom the tobacco Industry supports In the United States. Horses have been taken and the care of the growing crop has been Inter rupted however, and the lack of trans portation will doubtless seriously af fect the size of this year's yield. Peo ple from inland towns have lied to the coasts and sought refuge In the cities. Innocent Men llanishcd. Santiago De Cuba, Jan. 20. via. Tam pa, Fla.. Jan. 2S. The Cuban leader. Matlas Vega, with a strong party of Insurgents, appeared at the entrance of the town of Mayarl on Jan. 17 and began to tire on Fort Chucho. defended by six regular soldiers and eight volun teers. The soldiers and volunteers had to surrender because the rebels set fire to the fort. The other volunteers of the place. Instead of getting ready to defend the town, came out and joined Vega with their arms and ammunition. They were about forty In number. In Holguln, the Imprisonment of prominent persons continues to in crease. More than lf0 men and women have been arrested In the last few days. An immense number of persons are applying to the governor here for pass ports since they have heard that Gen eral's Weyler and Bolavleja. are com ing, and greater still Is the number of men who dally join the rebels. Last night the most touching scenes were witnessed at the door of the jail here on the occasion of the taking from the Institution twenty-three Innocent men, residents of the town of Crlsto, who were to be embarked for Centa (Africa). Mothers, wives and children crowded the streets crying and sobbing pitifully, the unfortunate men were hurried on board the steamer B. Igle slas and taken away. Reasons for Prolonging War. There are many reasons why the Spanish army has not crushed nut the rebellion before this time. In the first place the size und ability of the enemy has been underestimated. He has had the country people with him. With their aid and possesing a superior knowledge of the typography he easily escaped being cornered and compelled to stand up and fight.- Again in all the western operations the rebels have been mounted and Spain has had only Infantry to' send In pursuit of them. There are today only 600 mounted guer r'I''". V c"V",'""T,.'i In r'rv!' It Is said that 1,500 more are being sent from Spain. The rebels have fully 10.000 mounted men. Further the Span ish soldiers have no heart in this tight. They find that the Cubans speak the same language and are practically brothers who rebel through oppression which they themselves have felt. The Spanish officers are not Inclined to overwork themselves. They receive double pay while fn Cuba and for that reason are said to be in no hurry to bring; the war to an end. There are some able, effective officers In the field, who do good work under great disad vantages; but there ore many who dilly-dally around the cafes In the cities while the rebels raid towns and ham lets within an hour's ride. The winter season Is rapidly passing and the rains will soon be here. Then the same old complaint of bad roads will be made and little can be done to suppress the trouble. At present there are three or four Hying columns of say 5.000 men altogether in pursuit of the insurgents but as many as 12,000 regu lars and 80,000 volunteers Is doing gar rison duty In cities and towns and building forts, blockhouses and barri cades for self protection in case of an attack. Cutting orf Spain's Supplies. By stopping the grinding of the sugar crop, liomez hopes to deplete Spain's resources by cutting off her revenue from Cuba. The cost of Spain's army is enormous and the question of how long men and money cun be poured Into Cuba. Is one that should set Kuropcun financiers thinking. Spain endeavors to blind the world us to the actual con dition of affairs by a press censorship, which has been made more Btrlct us the (situation here has. become more grave. The last change in censor prac tically closes the cables to the truth, but there are men here representing the pi-ess of America und lCngland who will place the true state of afl'uirs be fore the reading public in spite of all Impediments. .Signed) J. Frank Clark. ARMKXIANJIIPLKITY. Representative of tho Race In This Country Said to Bo Responsible for the Troubles in Asia Minor. Boston, Jan. 28. At the dinner of the Amherst Alumni association lust night Kdwurd A. t rnsvenor, professor of Ku ropean history at Amherst, said, touch ing t he Armenlun question: "Who Is responsible for this horrible condition of uffairs? First of nil the Armenlun revolutionary committee. Safe In tlieusylum of Athens or London, or Boston, or Worcester, without the manliness or the courage to go to the front themselves, they devised their scheme. What the scheme was 1 will narrate In no words of my own. 1 will quote authority, a graduate of Amherst college: "To stir up their ignorant tools to a revolt in which enough will be killed to induce the European powers to step in and assume tho rule of the country. Jt was a secret organization, man aged with a skill In dwelt which is known only in the east." Ha srop Bogigiun, who Is now well known as an Armenian, said this after noon: "I don't think that nny real Armeni ans can be charged with this duping of the people that Profesor (Irosvennr talks about. Turkey alone knows who those scheming men are. Turkey knew that there wus no irevolution In the country and that the revolutionists never even corresponded with the In habitants' of Armenia. Their every movement was shindy an agency for KtiKBia. and Turkey; for Russia, in order that she might be able to disturb Tur key ; for Turkey. In order that she could have" an excuse for exterminating the Armenians. "Some of these agents were Armeni ans. It Is true, but some were Russians who had assumed names. The title 'Armenian revolutionary committee" is simply a oloak worn by an organization of anarchists and socialists. Professor Grosvenor is a dlssrace to the college which he represents, to the community which he renresents, and to the pro fession which he represents." THE ST. PAUL'S GOLD. Yellow .Metal Is Removed from the Rig Vessel. New York, Jan. 28. The $1,. UK). 000 gold was removed from the steamship St. Paul shortly before noon today. A huge canvass sail was dropped over the starboard side of the vessel's bow and made fast to the gunwale of the lighter, F. R. Sharp. The work of unloading the gold was then begun. The object of stretching the sail was to prevent any loss of the precious metal in case of an accident while lowering It to the lighter. All of the cargo in the aft hatches was taken out today, but It will probably be two or three days, at the present rale, before the forward part of the vessel is empty. PHOTOGRAPHERS COMBINE. An Organization of Knights of Camera Is Affected. Harrisburg, Pa., Jan. . 28. The State Photographers' association was organ ized here today by the election of these officers': President, M. R. Hemperly, of Philadelphia; first vice-president. Taylor Orlflin, Wllkes-Barre; second vice-president, J. B. Shtiever, Kmpor lum; secretary, K. K. Seavey, New Castle: treasurer, W. J. Goldman, Reading. The organization was perfected by the adoption of a constitution and by laws. The next convention will be held in this city January 26, 27 and 28, 1897. PONTY PRIDD DISASTER. Forty Seven Victims Taken Out Dead and KiKht Aro Missing. Cardiff, Wales, Jan. 28. The latest and corrected reports of the number of persons in the Ponty Prldd (mine at the time of the explosion of fire damp in the pits yesterday show that there were 8 all told. Of these 47 have been taken out dead: 33 were rescued alive and 8 are still missing-. Vote for Wottcrson. Frankfort, Ky., Jnn. 28. In the fornvd ballot for United Suites senator today Henry Watterson was given a compli mentary vote of 8. The vote was: Hun ter. Blackburn, 56; Watterson, ; John Young, 1; Brown, 1; Wilson, I. " - Killed by a Trolley Car. Pottsvllle. Pa., Jan. 28. Car No. C cf the Schuylkill Traction company ran over and Instantly killed a man numed John Rusk at the Lehigh Valley Railroad erod ing, Ashland, this evening. It Is gener nlly boll"V"d he: was Intoxicated. WILL TURKEYBE DIVIDED? Partition of the Ottoman Empire in the Spring Is Predicted. POWERS KILL EACH GET A SLICE It Is Reported That Russia Uaa a Floet in Readiness to Carry Ont the Plans of Peter the Great and Se cure Constantinople. London. Jan. 28. The dally News prints a dispatch from Vienna, which asesrts that news has been received here from Constantinople and Sebasto pol which agrees thut Russia has a fleet lying at Sebastopol and Odessa, and that the Caucasian armies of Russia are being concentrated upon the Ar menian frontiers in readiness to move next spring, to realize the pluns of Peter the Great for the partition of Turkey between the powers, Russia taking Ar menia und Constantinople, France tak ing Syria and Palestine and Kngland taking Kgypt and the eastern shores of the Persian Gulf, the remainder of the Turkish empire to be divided between the other powers. The Dally news also hns a dispatch from Sebastopol which records that secret preparations are going forward there or shipping and of armaments for a volunteer fleet. It Is the general be lief there, this dispatch affirms, that these preparations foreshadow some action in the spring. Constantinople. Jan. 28. The govern ment has taken JC 120.000 ($600,000) from the Officials' Pension Fund with which to meet urgent state requirements. Mauser titles are to be given to the troops us soon as possible. It Is be lieved that this step Is due to the fear that an insurrectionary movement In Macedonia Is impending. Tho Resolution of Congress. Washington. Jan. 28. In accordance with the usual routine the stute de partment this afternoon received the concurent resolution of the senate and house relating to the Armenian nm-Ha. cution and requesting the president to iniorm me signatory powers to the Berlin treaty of lKTS of thr. congress that the treaty should be en- Hirceu. i.nuer ordinary circumstances such resolutions are slmtilv til the department's tiles, but In the pres ent insiance tne resolution was de livered to Secretary Olney, who had no nine 10 iook at it berore the depart ment closed for the day. He will there fore not have an opportunity to show It to the president until tomorrow, when a decision may he reached as to whether it is advisable to comply with its terms. Unlike a Joint resolution or bill, con current resolutions are merely sugges tive and it Is not POmuulsorv nn II, - executive to pay any attention to them. It is presumed that Mavroyenl Bey, the Turkish minister, has already Informed his government of the action of con gress, and the outcome of that Infor mation mny be uwalted before any steps are taken. FOLLOWED BY S11ABKS. Perilous Position of the Crew of a Ger man Bilgantine Who Had Abandoned Their Vessel for on Upen Hoot. New Orleans, Jan. 28. The British steamer Ravenswood, Captain John Newton, from Las Palmas, In ballast, has brought to this place Captain CI. H. Gortmaker, the mate and six sea men, comprising the crew of the Ger man brlgnntine Maria, of Pappenborg, which burned at sea. Captain Newton roports that on January 14. at S o'clock In the morning, when In latitude 22.50 N. longitude 41.50 W, he saw a bright light and a number of rockets being fired. He altered his course and steered for the light. At 6 o'clock he fell in with a small boat and took from It the cap tain and crew of the Maria. Captain Gortmaker says the brig sailed from Buenos Ayres on November 16, with a cargo of bones and guano for Falmouth, Kngland, On January It fire was discovered In the cargo sup posed to have been caused by a spon taneous combustion, as her hatches were blown off by the accumulation of gas in the hold. The stench from the burning cargo was so horrible that it was Impossible for a man to remain at the wheel and at 3.30 p. m., January 11. he was forced to abandon the ves sel, being then 1,300 miles from land. The boat In which the crew sought safety was followed by sharks, some of them coming alongside and under the boat, the crew striking them with oars to drive them off. s They drifted three days in close prox imity to the wreck of the Maria, during which they suffered much from ex posure. They lost all their personal effects and would perhaps have per ished but for the timely arrival of the Ravenswood. ANTHRACITE TONNAGE. A Sub-Committee Appointed to Arrange an Allotment. New York) Jan. 28. The sub commit tee appointed by the president of the anthracite coal carrying and mining companies to take up the subject of division of tonnage and to devise an allotment of percentage that will be ac ceptable to each purty In Interest, be gan work today. The committee com prises J. Rogers Maxwell, president of the Jersey Central, chairman; E. B. Thomas, president of the Krle, and K. R. Holden, vice president of the Lacka wanna. The meeting was held In President Maxwell's office and the committee did little more at its first session than to examine and compare tonnage statis tics of the general anthracite coal com panies for a series of years. Gun Material Shipped. Bethlehem, Pa.. Jan. 28. Thirty tons of ordnunce and gun materials were shipped by the Bethlehem Iron compuny tonight to the United Btutes Army proving grounds at Sumly Hook. X. J. Wotehmnn Burned to Death. Lnncaster, Pu., Jan. 28. The body of Wllllxm Miller, watchman at the Cham pion Blower and Forge company's workM, which were burned Saturday night, was found In the ruins Inte this afternoon. The place Is suppoxetl to have been set on llrn. Meeting of hoard of Pardons. Harrisburg. Pa., Jan. 28. A regular meeting of the board of pardons will be held tomorrow. There are seventeen caaes on the list for arrumenU ' INLFTS New ' Spring Goods We have now on sale the most elegant stock of EmlrMerks ans we have ever shown. Our line of is up to date and com prises ' 2nd Irish Crcmyl'S s, with all overs and trim mings to match. s and full stock of Staple White Qoods. 510 and 512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE Increase every day In the year; more good shoes make more good friends. 114 AND U WYOMING AVE. WEICMEL m JEWELER A Happy New Great reductions in prices before taking inventory in ... . lYcrwarc 408 Spruce St. Near Dime Bank. WEATHER REPORT. For eastern Pennsylvania, fair weather, light westerly to southerly winds. New York, Jan. a. Herald's weather forecast: In the Middle States, clear, slightly warmer, wllh fresh light north westerly and westerly winds becoming southerly. On Thursday, fair with slight temperature changes and southerly winds followed by cloudiness and light rain In the lake regions and possibly aaatwaea M the coast at night. J 7, X
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers