THE ONLY REPUBLICAN DAILY IN LACKAWANNA COUNTY. EIGHT PAGES 56 COLUMNS. SCKANTON, 1AM TUESDAY JANUARY 28, 189C. TWO CENTS A COPY. fl O o lis IS NOT A. Clearing Sale of Silks But Rather an EXTRA SPECIAL The facts are simply those. We got hold of ii little parcel of the best Silks on the market at a price far below their real value. The lots In eaeh number are small and not withstanding; the fart that we could not today luiy more desirable Roods at regular prices for the com ing sprint; trade, we've decided be cause of the Kindliness of the lots, to let these Silks go on the mum terms as they've Just come to us. 6 Nutar In handsome Black miotics Silks, the most popular weave In fashion's realm. LOT 17 pieces 22-Inch, worth $1.00. SPECIAL PRICE, Vc LOT 25 pieces, 22 Inches wide, worth i.2r.. SPECIAL PRICE, 95c. LOT 34 pieces, 22 Inches wide, worth 11.50. SPKCIAL PRICE, $1.19. LOT 43 pieces, 22 Inches wide, worth tl.65. SPECIAL PRICE, $1.29. LOT 53 pieces, 24 Inches wide, worth 51.85. SPECIAL PRICE, $1.45. LOT 61 pieces, 24 Inches wide, worth $2.25. SPECIAL PRICE, $1.69. In New Taffeta Silks LOT 115 pieces latest style Rrocade TafTcta Silks. The designs nrc linus iially handsome. Worth fully $1.00. SPECIAL PRICE 85c. I LOT 2-10 pieces Black Silks with new colored swivel effects. Two styles. Fully worth $1.25. SPECIAL PRICE, 95c. LOT 3-3 pieces Black Taffeta Silks, 27 Inches wide and a heavy make. Reg ular value 95c, SPECIAL PRICE, 75c. Tou can have what you want of our well-known DOe. quality In Pure Silk Stripes: But they won't stay long with us at that figure. l4be 1TTT 1 ihffMrn'AIITAin 0 Bargains ' At 25C NEW SENATORS JROM UTAH The Mormon Land Statesmen Are Formally Admitted. A I'KAYEK FOK THR AKMEXIAXS The Resolution Protesting Against Out rages In Asia .Minor Is Discussed in the llousc-A Proposition to Sever " Turkish lilploimitic delations. - Washington. Jan. 27. Two senators from the now state of Utah took their places In the senate today, making the number of members of that body S9. There Is still a vacancy In the case of Delaware. Both are classified a3 Re publicans and favoring free coinage. Lots ve,-o drawn to decide which was to lill the lonit term, closing March 3. 1S1IS, and which was to fill the short term, c losing March 3. 1S97. Mr. Can non was fortunate enough to win the long term, his colleague, Mr. Brown having to Ink? ihe Bhort one. Dining the mnriiin? hotir the Joint resolution reported from the committee on agriculture, directing the secretary of agriculture J comply with the law requiring the purchase and distribution of seeds, was debated. Mr. Hans brough. (Republican. North. Dakota) argued In favor of It ami Mr.' George, (Democrat, Mississippi) usulrist It. No action wan taken ami at 2 p. in. the houiie bond bill wllh the free coinage substitute, was luid before? the senute as unfinished business. Two speeches were made on the hill, one ugainst free coinage by Mr. Nelson, ( Republican, Minnesota) and one in favor of bi metallism and free coinage by Mr. Bacon (Democrat, Georgia). The bill went over without action. Mr, Lodge, ( llcimhlican, Massachusetts) gave no tice of an umendment for the Issue of one hundred millions of U per cent, bonds of coast defense. In the opening pruyer the senate chaplain made an Impassioned Invoca tion in behalf of the people of Ar menia, praying that the powers and people of Christendom may be aroused nnd united to force the Sultan to "sheathe his bloody swor.l uml to stay the 1'ieristicd rage and cruelty of hi fanatical soldiery and subjects." A WorJ for Suffering Christians. The house today discussed for four hours and pased. by a vote of 14II to 2fi. the scnaty concurrent resolution, de claring It to be an imperative duty. In the interest of humanity, to express the earnest hope that the Kuropenn con cert brought about by the Rerlin treaty may be speedily given its Just effect in such decisive meusures ns shall stay the hnnd of fanaticism nnd lawless vio lence, and as shal' secure to the unof fending Christians or the Turkish em pire, all the lights belonging to them as men and Christians and as tieneflciarles of the explicit provisions of that treaty; requesting the president to communi cate these resolutions to the five signa tory powers thereof: and declaring that congress will suport the president In the most vigorous action he may take for the protection ant) security of American citizens In Turkey and to obtain redress for Injuries committed upon the person or property of such citizens. Mr. Qulg (Rep., N. V.), at whose re quest the resolution was taken up, opened the debate and advocated Its adoption, as did also Messrs. Mcl'reary (Deni., Ky.). Hltt (Rep., HI.), Morse (Rep., Mass.), Smith ( Itop., Mich.), Mahany (Rep., N, Y.), Hrumm (Rep., Pa.), Sperry (Rep., Conn.), and Howe (Rep., N. Y.) Various amendments were offered to It on the Rround that It did not go far enough: ono by Mr. Hep burn llep., la.) calling for the dismissal of the Turkish minister at Washington and the severance of diplomatic rela tions with Turkey, but they were all rejected. Messrs Turner (Hem., Ga.), firosvenor (Rep., Ohio), Walsh (Dem., N. Y.). Adams (Rep.. Pa.), Johnson, (Rep., Cul.). and Bniley ( IHm., Texas), argued against the resolution. The diplomatic and consular appro priation for the coining fiscal year was reported. A bill was passed to permit the sale in small u reels of certain in lids In Min nesota. LONESOME MAN'S SUICIDE. Inserted Husband at Frankfort, InJ., kill Himself. Frankfort, Ind., Jan. 27. This after noon Samuel Vanton, an attorney, was found dend In his ofllce. A bullet-hole In the temple and a revolver lying on the lloor told that the wound had been self-lnt!lctcd. The lawyer's decision to die was the result of an unhappy mar riage. On July 3. 1.HH5, Vanton, who had been a widower for many years, married Mrs. Frankie A. Meeker, a wealthy soc iety woman of Quincy, III., and two months Inter his wife deserted him, returning to her old home. Later she tiled a suit against nor husband, clnlniing that he had misappropriated $1,5(i0 of her funds. The suit was final ly dismissed, but the loss of his bride weighed very heavily on Vunton's mind, nnd he frequently talked to his friends of death. Yesterday be wan last soon 'alive. In the dead man's hand wan a brief note, telling where his funeral garb and clean linen could bo found. Mr. Van ton was about 53 years of agre.and came here in 1S75 from Jllddletnwn. N. Y. lie had a son living In Micldletown. and it was his desire that the son should have his property. JUDGE DALLAS REVERSED. Inportant Peelsloit In the Gettysburg Land rase. Washington, Jan. 27. In the supreme court today Mr. Justice Feckham. the new mPtnber of the court, announced his maiden opinion In the cases growing nut of the efforts by congress to take possession -of eertp.lti tracts of land adjacent to and part of the Gettysburg battle field park, claimed by the electric rail road company, whoso lino was laid on the territory in question. - The pro ceedings to condemn were begun under authority of an act of congress appro priating money to pay for the grour.d, but Judge Dallas, of the circuit court, decided that the law was unconstitu tional. Judge Butler, of the district court, dissented from Judge Dallas' opinion. Justice Pecghnm announced that the c'vf y-.7-c! rv''" Judge Butler'svlew of the law that It was constitutional and therefore Judge Dallas' judgment would be reversed and u new trial granted. THE CASE OF WALLER. r.x-Consul's Wife Petition to Congress to Tal.c Aim ion. Washington, Jan. 27. Mrs. John'L. Waller, wife of the ex-consul to Tanin tave, Madagascar, now in a French prison, through Senator Baker today petitioned congress to take action In the case of her husband. She says her husband was not intentionally guilty of any act hostile to the French gov ernment; and that he Is absolutely In nocent of any wrong doing for which he should be deprive! of his liberty; that the acts by which France has held Waller for ten months as a prisoner la a crime against Justice." Mrs. Waller says that she believes that If her husband had been a subject of Great Britain he would have long hlnee been released. BALL MAtiNAT KS MET. (iriovnnccs of the l ustcrn l eague Are Considered by tlw Members of (ho Na tional llomd of Professional Players. New York. Jim. 27. The National Board of Professional Baseball Plny ei'B held u special meeting today at the Fifth Avenue hotel. The members of the board are as follows: N. K. Young, Washington, D. C; C. II. Byrne, Brooklyn, N. Y.; John T. Brush. Cin cinnati, Ohio, und A. 11. Soilen, of Bos ton. The business before the meeting was not of a' very heavy nature. There was u strong representation from the Eastern league present nnd the dele gallon appeared before the board on two important subjects. With regard to the representation of the Eastern league on the hoard. President Nick Young stated that under the articles of agreement the league was entitled to representation next year when they entered class A. The representation of the league will be entitled to a full vote on matters ?forc the board. The second subject brought forward by the delegation from the mirror league took up n good deal of. the time of the board. The discussion related to the hardships Imposed on the minor leagues by the practice of the National league clubs of drafting players from minor league clubs. The former were In the habit of drafting such players and holding them for an Indellnite length of time. The drafting club would In many instances come to the conclusion ufter so holding the players that they had no use for them and would return them to the club from which they had been drafted. This left the minor league clubs without the use of such players sometimes for a whole season and often caused a pecuniary loss. The board recommended an amendment to section C of article 6 of the constitution to deal with such cases as follows: "A club making a selection of a player as authorized In the preceding paragraphs of this article, shull huve the right with in thirty days' notice to the secretary of the board of sueii selection to withdraw from such selection, and on notice to the secretary he shall return to the club the amount leositccl with him. A club fall ing to exercise this right within the time specified shall not be allowed subsequently to withdraw lis claim, and Immediately on signing the player to a llnul contract, the recrctary of the board shall remit to the original reserving club the amount de posited with him on account of such se lection. The selecting club shall within sixty days of its original selection tender the player selected a formal contract us provided In paragraph "A" of this article, nnd In case of its failure to do so the se re in ry of the board shall remit the amopnt deposited with him to the club from which the player was selected." The recommendation of the board will be acted upon at the National league meeting on February 21. The aptillcntlon of John M, Ward to have his name taken off the New York club's reserve list was laid over until the next meeting of the board on Feb ruary 24, when President Young said the matter would be finally disposed of. Neither Mr. Ward nor President Freed -man were present today, SOUGHT TO CONCEAL A CRIME. Nebraska Man Indicted for Darning Hamilton' Court Mouse. Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 27. William M. Itels was arrested last night and today was turned over to the sheriff of Hamil ton county. He was yesterday Indicted by the grand Jury at Aurora, charged with burning the Hamilton County courthouse the day after election. In dictments were also found against ex Trcusurer Peter Farney and his son, both charged with comollcity iu the crime, and news from, Aurora this even ing Is to the effect that both men were arrested during the day. It. took the grand jury three weeks to plnoe the responsibility. The allega tion Is that the men burned the court house to cover a shortage of Farney, of which he was convicted last week, nnd also to destroy election ballots which would show his defeat for re election. STRIKE AT E ASTON. No Prospect of Settlement at the Inner soil Drill Works. Eastern, Pa.,. Jan. 27. There is ap parently no prospect of a settlement of the strike at the Ingersoll Drill works, of fifty non union men who were se cured In Philadelphia last night by the company, only fifteen arrived at Eeaston, the remained having been persuaded by representatives of the strikers, who were on the train, to get off at various stations between Phila delphia and this city. The new men were escorted from the station to the company's plan by a number of deputy sheriffs amid jeers of men. women and children. No violence resulted, however. The non union men wil be housed and fed at the works. Woodbury Held to Rail. Bradford, Pa., Jan. 27. In Alderman Barlow's ronrt toilay In the case of the cO'-monwesith against 8. 8. Woodbury for refusing to admit negroes into his ice rink, a public place of amusement, Ihe defense waived further bearing, after the commonwealth had stated Its case, and Justice Harlow entered Woodbury to bail In the sum of two. Padded the Pay Holes. Pittsburg, Pa., Jan. 27. James Ault, a clerk employed in the maintenance of way department of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad In this eity, was arrested today and Is in jail charged with padding the pay rolls of his department. The loss la --iTPtei at t".: At l: r.ltr i! ir'" KEWS FROM THE CUBAN WAR A Severe Enoaflcincnt Near Cascorre Is Reported SPANIARDS I'OKCED TO RETIRE Collectors of Customs on tho Lookout for rilihusterers Reinforcements from Spain Arrivo at Havana. General Campos Sails Away. From Staff Correspondent of the I'nlted Press. Santiago Be Cuba, Jan. 19. via .Tampa, Fla., Jan. 27. A gentleman who arrived hero lately from Puerto Principe brings the following details of a severe encounter near Cascorre on the 7th Inst. The Cuban government, with its president, the Marquis of Santa Lucia at its head, was encamped In the pasture ground nt Mexico, protected by 20", rebels. Near the camp was the Cu ban general Mnyal Bodrlguez with 500 cavalry and .'100 Infantry. The Spanish column of Col. Mlva, 11100 In number who were operating In that zone had an encounter with Itodrlguez's forces. The engagement lusted two hours, end ing with a brilliant charge of cavalry led personally by Rodriguez, the Spun lards bavins to retire In greut hnste, pursued by the Cubans almost as far as Cascorto. The Spanish troops left on the field 27 killed and 75 wounded. Many of the latter seriously hurt, nnd some prison ers were taken by the Cubans. Tho rebels had eight killed and ,H wounded. On the 16th Inst. Spanish Commander Condlnes with 500 men, had nn encount er with a rebel party of guerrillas in the vicinity of Dunlin and Four, Jtnrn coa. and afterwards In La Pedrera nnd Itoblc. The Spaniards had three killed and fourteen wounded und the rebels four wounded. looking for I'ilibiiatcrers Washington, Jan. 27. Acting Secre tary Wike has Instructed Collectors of Customs to look out for the steamer J. W. Hawkins, alleged to have left New York lust Fricluy on a filibustering ex pedition to Cuba. Senor De Lome, the Spanish Minister says Callxto (Sarcla Is uboard the Hawkins with nrms and ammunition and men, and that the steamer will take on more men nnd stores at Palm Beach. Florida; that she will imss the I'nlted States waters near Key West; that, the arms confis cated ut Cedar Keys, Florida, are in readiness to be put aboard the Haw kins, and that the famous steamer Commodore nt Wilmington, N. C, forms purt of the conspiracy. Orders have been sent to the revenue cutters Morrill, McLane and Colfax to proceed to sea and If possible intercept the Hawkins providing' the allegations of the Spanish minister are found to be correct. Little doubt Is now entertained that It is tp Intercept if possible this expedi tion that the cruisers Raleigh and Montgomery have been ordered to sea. Reinforcements Arrive. Havana, Jan. 21, via Tampa, Fla., Jan. 27. Yesterday morning at 10 o'clock the Spanish trans-Atlantic steamer Santiago urrived ' from San tander. She brought a large number of officers and 1,659 rank and file to rein force the Spanish garrison in this city. At 6 o'clock yesterday afternoon the steamer Alave entered this port from Sagua and Caibarien. She brought 116 officers and VC:i men. Yesterday ufternoon the steamship Alfonso XII left for Corunna and Han tander. She embarked a distinguished body of men. Captain Sewral, Martinez Campos, Oeneral Jose Ardernis his Mujor nreno lybk RPfoyb S:Vsww Major Moreno, Cuptaln Martinez Cam pos, a son of the general, and Lieuten ant Jose Campos, a younger son with 102 soldiers and 80 marines returning to Spain. After they had embarked the steamship Maria Herrara steamed past the Alfonso Nil. The Herrara dipped her colors and discharged a quantity of rockets. Havana, Jan. 27. The government operations against the rebels are being pushed rapidly, but as yet do not ap pear to be productive of any decisive results. The rebel commander-in-chief, Maximo Comez, who has repeatedly been reported to be attempting to make his way back to the eastern part of the Island. Is still somewhere a short dis tance east of the railway line running from Havana to Bntabano. Antonio Maeen, the second In com mand of the rebel forces, entered Man tua, a town In the western part of the province of Phiar Del Rio on January 2.1. It is believed here that Marco's men will be compelled to abandon Ouane and Kscortina owing to activity of CSeneral Lurpie. WANT A SHARE OF FORTUNE. Divorce and Double Marriage Lead to (.iitcer Complications. Mascoutah, 111., Jan. 27. Depositions secured today bring out an interesting story of a former prominent citizen of this section. Dr. J. P. Harris, a promi nent physician here a dozen years ago, lived unhappily with his wife. By mu tual consent a divorce was secured. The divorced wife married another man and the doctor married another woman. Seven years ago the doctor died. After a short time the widow left, and noth ing more was heard of the parties un til today. It appears that the doctor's widow went to Texas, where she mar ried a wealthy ranchman. The latter died recently, leaving large property. The other heirs nre endeavoring to break the will, and oddly enough, the flist wife of Dr. Harris Is, the chief witness against the second one, who is now the wealthy Texns w idow. MEADV1LLE SENSATION. Henry Vandcrgriff in Jail for Arson Dis covered to lie a Woman. Meadville, Pa., Jan. 27. The discov ery was made tonight that Henry Van dergrifT, a jnll prisoner held here to answer a charge of arson, is a woman. The prisoner confessed that she Is Mrs. Harriet VandergrlflY aged 40. of llar rlsburg. where she says she has a 15-year-old son. Her husband Is dead. She worked as hired man for David Peters near here, but quarrelled with him and left on account of Peters' Jeal ousy of the "hired man's" attention to his wife. On January 18, - Peters barn was burned arid next morning VandergTlft waa found In a neighboring barn sick, -t:-t Jwfr a -itV nn-1 fcM t c-irt for arson. Tonight Mrs. VandergrlfT Is In the female department and suys she Is Rlad her deception has been discov ered . COULDN'T RUN ON ONE LEG. Mother Steals Her Child from a Crippled Guardian ond I sen pes. ICokomo, Ind., Jan. 27. A. hnbeas corpus case stopped suddenly today by the disappearance of the child In con troversy, John Hammond and Lucy Ferrell, divorced, were contending for possession of their little daughter. Myr tle, who recently received big damages for injuries in a railway wreck. Judge Klrkpatrlck guve the custody of Myr tle to Charles Kdwards. While the judge was giving Edwards instructions the mother and child slipped out of the courtroom and board ed an outgoing train. Kdwards, who has but one leg, could not overtake the fugitives. THE DOERS ARE VERY KIND. Americans In Transvaul llcing Well Treated -Tho United States Without a Representative in the South African Colonics. London, Jan. 27. In reply to further inquiry concerning the safety of the Americans In the Transvaal, made by Mr. lilchard Olney, Secretary of State for the United States, the Secretary of State for the Colonies, Mr. Joseph Chamberlain, sent a special dispatch to the (lovernor of Cane Colony, Sir Hercules Robinson, on Friday last,, asking him for further particulars con cerning the Americans at Pretoria. Sir Hercules Robinson has replied saying that all the Americans nre well treated, and only Mr. John Hays Ham mond, consulting engineer of the Con solidated and Chartered companies, who hnlls from California, Is still in custody. Washington, Jan. 27. Secretary Ol ney hns received by cable an appeal from the Americans in Johannesburg pi .tying that R diplomatic representa- Transvnal to look after their Interests. Nulhlng Is suld in the cablegram in the way oi uincl suggestion tnat our kT criuiient intervene to secure from the Transvaal Government fair treatment politically for resident Americans. At present the United States Is with out a diplomatic representative In ull Africa, save In Liberia, and all of our diplomatic business with that continent is done through the medium of the Cnlted States representative at the home governments of the African col onies In Kurope. It Is only within the past two years that we have had even a consular ottleer at Johannesburg, and he Is nothing more than an agent, ac countable to Mr. Knight, the' I'nlted States consul nt Cape Colony. The president might of his own In stance send a commissioner to the Transvaal for a special -occasion, but if it Is desired (o 'Bjiinluln a permanent diplomatic representation there, which recent events would seem to Indicate Is neoessury, this can be done only by authority of congress, which must make the appropriation for the minis ter's sulary, and the expenses of the legation. It is probable that a recom mendation to this effect will be made shortly. The appointment of a minister to the Transvaal would not. It Is said, signify that the I'nlted Stotes government was disposed In any manner to commit Itself to the doctrine that It la warrant en In interfering in the Internal affairs of the Boer government, ns desired by the American and other foreign resi dents of the country, and tho functions In that direction of the minister would be limited to seeing our citizens were secure In their lives and property, and were not discriminated against. EARTHQUAKE IN LUZERNE. Residents of Parsons, Plains and Mill Creek Hear Noises. Wilkes-Rnrre. Jan. 27. The residents of farsons, Plains. Mill Creek, Mooslc and nearby towns within a radius of twenty miles of this city were startled by a low rumbling noise that shook the enrth about 6."0 o'clock tonight. At first it was thought that another ex plosion had taken place nt the exten sive works of the Mooslc Powder com pany! I'pon Inquiry at that place, however It was learned that no such explosion had occurred. Telephone and telegraph messages have been sent to all the surrounding towna but no explanation of the occur rence could be given at any of those places. It Is the general belief that It wa an earthquake. A great deal of alarm' was felt for some time after the shock but up to this writing (11 p. m.) it has not been repeated. . SUFFRAGE OFFICERS. Standard Rearers Selected nt tho Wash incton .Meeting. Washington, Jan. 27. The Woman SulTrnelsts re-elected the following officers for the ensuing year: Honorary president, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, New Y'orw city; president, Susan It. Anthony, Rochester. N. Y.; vice-president at large, Rev. Anna H. Shaw. Philadelphia: corresponding secretary. Rachel Foster Avery, Phila delphia: recording secretary, Alice Stone Blnkewell, Boston; treasurer, Harriet Taylor, 1'pton, Ohio. Brick Maker Assigns. Lancaster, Pa.. Jan. 27. James Prang ley, a leuiling brick manufacturer of this citv, made on assignment today for the benefit of his creditors. Bis liabilities nre $70.(s. with assets believed to be In excess of that amount, but not immediately avail able. . ' Nantlcokc Hotel Hurncd. Wilkcs-llarre. Pa.. Jan. 27. The Broad way hotel at Xantlcoke was partially de stroyed by fire early this morning anil many of Ihe Inmates had a narrow escape from being burned to death. The loss on the building and furniture is estimated at $7,500. Chess Tournament. St. Petersburg, Jan. 27.r-The Internation al chess tournament ended today. Laskee won Hrst prize, Stelnitz the second. Pltla bury the third, nnd Tsehlgorin fourth. The final score: Lasker won lHj, lost 8',; Stelnlts won tl'i, lost 8'i; I'lllisbnry won 8, lost lo; Tsuhigorin won 7, lost II. Treasury Gold Nescrve. Washington, Jan. 27. The treasury gofd reserve toilay at the close of business stood at Su0,533,M3. - There was deposited at New York tl.ouo.ouu In gold aud tUM'W In -tI-I vifti-'-'uvn. AMERICAN AIDJS DESIRED A New I'lun to Solve the Armeniun Question Stitiflcstetl. ENGLISH AXT OI K SYMPATHY It Is Also Proposed That tho I'nlted Slates Fleet I'oreo the Passage of the Hellespont and Check the Bar barism at Anatolia. London, Jan. 27. The passage of the speech delivered In Birmingham Sat urday evening by Right Hon. Joseph Chamberlain, secretary of state for colonies. Inviting the United States to co-operate with England in. Armenia strengthens the report that Lord Salis bury has asked President Cleveland to join in a note to the powers protesting against the treachery of the Porte and asking that united action be taken to the end of obtaining genuine reforms In Armenia and has also asked thut the Cited States join In a demonstration of the English and American fleets In Turkish waters. The Chronicle will tomorrow pub lish a leader advocating that the pow ers, who, owing to their respective In terests and mutual suspicions seem powerless to act. Invite tho I'nlted States to send a fleet to force the pas sage of the Hellespont and compel the Sultan to stop the barbarism prevailed in Anatolia.. The paper says It does not suppose that fighting would be nec essary, but If It were It. urges that the British fleet could co-operate with the American war ships. . Relief Not Allowed. Boston, Jan. 27. The American Board received this morning from Contsantinople by way of Phllllpopolls the following telegram: "Turkey re fuses to leave Itanium go to Krzeroum to engage In relief work for Armenians, saying that missionaries are proven disturbers. This Is punishment with out trial. I'nlted States Minister Ter rell denounces the charges as calumny." The Rev. Judson Smith. r. D sec retary of (he Board states that the Burnum referred to Is the Rev, H. S. Barnum, of Constantinople, and adds: "He is editor of a missionary paper that circulates In all parts of the Tur kish empire. He was located as a mis sionary in Van. Eastern Turkey, and therefore is well Qualified to serve as relief agent." Dr. Snitth states that the charge against the missionaries of being dis turbers is nn insult. CAN VIEWY01K BRAINS. The Wonderful Discovery Made by Pro fessor Kocntgen-Sclentlf le Men Dlacuss Ilia Ability to Photograph the Interior of Solid Sirftstanccs. New York, Jan. 27. Sc ientists every where nre discussing the recent won derful discovery of prof. Roentgen, professor of physics in the University of Wurzburg. Havarln, which, it Is be lieved. Is destined to revolutionize pho tography. He ran take pictures, it is said, of the interior of solid substances; can photograph the skull of a man or of hln whole skeleton: showing- how one would look without the flesh, can pic ture defects and Inequalities In the heart of metals, and can do many other Incredible things. Professor of the Owens college, Man chester, In discussing In the British Medical Journal the remarkable pho tographic effects discovered by Profes sor Roentgen, states that the photo graps obtained are of the nature of shadows, and their great sharpness Is of Itself a testimony that the new radia tion must be propogated In straight lines. The radiation passes In straight lines easily through paper, cardboard or wood,, and produces photographic effects nf ter having passed through two complete packs of cards. The photo graphs may be taken in ordinary day light if the plate Is kept in its dark slide, which will completely cut off all ordinary light rays and yet transmit the new radiation. One of the Photographs which Pro fessor Roentgen has sent to Professor Schuster shows a complete Image of a compass needle, with the divisions Into degrees of the circle over which the needle Is placed. The compass needle, before being photographed was placed inside a metal box. As flesh, skin and curtilage nre more transparent than bone, the photograph of a hand gives a complete outline of the bones of Ihe hand and fingers, the outlines of the flesh being only very faintly marked. FAMILY TRAGEDY. Murder, Suicide and lnssnit Follow in t.mick Succession. Itlueflelds, W. Vn., Jan. 27. In a fam ily altercation at Kyle, W. Va.. Thos. Burns this morning fatnlly shot his stepmother and then committed sui cide by 'sending a bullet through his breast. Burns' wife, overcome by grief end horror, also attempting suicide by taking poison. She was revived but is a raving mantne. All the parties are white and of good standing In the. community. Ncli Ship for Venezuela. Berlin. Jan. 27. A semi-ofliclal denial was published today, of the report that (erinuny was about to. send war ships to Venezuela to compel Hie payment to tter man capitalists of the fund guaranteed by Venezuela for the construction of the Venezuela railway.' Crecdon Defeats Smith. London. Jan. 27. The fight between Dan Creedon and Jem Smith for a purse of 4( pounds, took plane tonight at the National Sporting club. Creedon easily defeated his opponent In fhc second round. The fighting lasted less than seven minutes. Mr. Hansom's Return. New Orleans, Jan. 27. Hon. Matt Han som, I'nlted State minister to Mexico, nr rived here this morning on his way back lo the City of Mexico. Be will rest a ilny or two before he resumes his journey. His health Is much improved. World's Fair Medals. Washington, Jan. 27. The World's fair medals, 23,S.j7 in number, were received at the treasury department today. The med als will tie held here until the commission meets and adopt measures for their proper distribution. Forty-three Men Killed. . London, Jan. 27. Kxplosions occurred In two coal pits at Pont-Y-Plidd, Wales, to day, and forty-three men were killed. One hundred and sjlxty men were la the pits Tt"r( the e-crl,'nn otiitciI. I'S New Spnog Goods We have now on sale the most elegant stock of EmlreSierSes mi Laces we have ever shown. Our line of Is up to date and com prises Freici aid American lties " Cremyl Stri; i MS, id with all overs and trim mings to match. and full stock of Staple White Goods. 510 and 512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE 1896 Increase every day In the year; more good shoes make more good friends. s, 1M AND 116 WYOMING AVE. WEIQIEi TIE JEWE! .WISHES EVERYBODY A Happy New Great reductions in prices before taking inventory in ... . and Silverware. 408 Spruce St. Near Dime Bank. WEATHER REPORT. For Eastern Pennsylvania, nearly clear weather: westerly winds. New York, Jan. lilt. Herald's weathsf forecast: In tjie Middle States and New England today clear weather and slightly higher temperature will prevail, with light and fresh northwesterly to southwesterly winds, (in Wednesday, In both of these sections fair and warmer weather and light to fresh westerly an- southerly nds shifting In tola section to auUl FIN isterlv. ( A.