f THE fiCBANTON TRIBTOTB TUESDAY MOimiTCr. JANTJAKY St. 1896. 2 THE LEADER 124-126 Wyoming kit January Sale eclipses all previous ales.. Never before bas a dollar bad the purchasing power it will have during this sale. CO dosen ladles' corset covers. In five different styles and all sises, CLEARANC ESALK PRICE, 7c. IS dosen ladies' cornet covers, .trimmed with embroideries.. CLEARANCE BALE PRICE SO dosen ladles' gowns, trimmed with nice ruffle, cut full, CLEARANCE SALE PRICE, S9c. 19 dozen ladies' skirts, lace trimmed, cut full. CLEARANCE SALE PRICE 49c. MERINO UNDERWEAR. 100 dosen ladies' spring and summer ribbed vest. CLEARANCE SALE PRICE 10. C MEN'S FURNISHINGS. 40 dosen men's silk shot web suspen ders, worth 2!r, CLEARANCE SALE PRICE 120. CO dosen men's tine quality tecks, four-in-hand and band bows, all new designs, regular 50c quality, CLEARANCE SALE PRICE 25c. J5 dosen men's seamless mixed halt hose, worth 10c, CLEARANCE SALE PRICE 6c. GLOVES. SO dozen Ilne4-buttnn real kid gloves, In tan and brown, every pair war ranted, worth $1.20, CLEARANCE SALE PRICE, 69c. 8.'i dosen ladles' black cashmere, fleece-lined gloves, also ladles' and misses' cashmere mittens, worth 25c, CLEARANCE SALE PRICE Uc. DRESS GOODS AND SILKS. 85 pieces of fine all-wooMO-lnch dress goods, real value it?. CLEARANCE 3.LE PRICE 23c. One lot of all wool plaids, real value J5e. CLEARANCE SALE PRICE 19c. SPECIAL 10 pieces of fine Jot trimming, goods, that were 75c per yard, CLEARANCE SALE PRICE 29c. 1-4 unbleached shooting, CLEARANCE SALE PRICE 10c. 4-4 best unbleached muslin. Clear ance Sale price 5 CENTS PER YARD. Just received, SO pieces more of white shaker flannel,. CLEARANCE SALE PRICE 3c,. 100 dosen 36-lnch towels, CLEARANCE SALE PRICE 5c. 6 pieces of unbleached table damask, worth 25 c, CLEARANCE SALE PRICE, ISc, 10 pieces of real oil red table damask, worth 50c, CLEARANCE SALE PRICE 26c. 600 remnants, best quality striped outing flannel, CLEARANCE SALE PRICE 6c. l SKELETONS IN AMINE. The Bones of Three Men Said to Have Been I'eand Near Wtlkcs-Barre. Wllkesarre. Jun. 20. A rumor was Started today to the effect that three skeletons had been discovered In the old workings of the Diamond mines formerly operated by the Lehigh and Wllkes-Barre Coal company, though Idle for the past ten years. Superintendent Morgun was seen this afternoon and said that he had heard of the rumor, but was unable to con firm It He will tomorrow send a party of miners Into the old workings and an earnest search will be made, and if the skeletons are found they will be brought to the surface. The rumor started from a statement made by Peter Wassll, who 1h now in prison for shooting Krupsgave at Georgetown last week, in which he claims that he had killed a man some mouths before and hurled his dead body down the deep shaft of the Dia mond mine. If the skeletons should be found they nre probably those of foreigners who were murdered for their savings and their bodies hidden in the dark recesses of the mine. The sensa ' tlonal story of the finding of the skele tons has caused no little excitement In the neighborhood of the mine. For long time past men have been missing after having accumulated sums of money and it Is now thought that an organized band of thugs are at the bottom of theBe mysterious disappear ances and conceal their bloody work in the Inner workings of abandoned mines. District Attorney Fell has been no tided and with the aid of the county detective the matter Is to be thor oughly sifted. SEARCHING FOR TREASURE. Mlsstoa of the Dulath Tug Stewart Dis closed by un Engineer. Duluth, Minn., Jan. 20. When the B, B. Inman tug Stewart started up the north shore a few days ago it was given out that she had gone to carry supplies to the residents of the small villages on the lake. Many of the lake men thought this odd, as the dangers of the trip are many, and no man who knows the lake will make a Journey of that kind at this time of the year unless for the, most urgent reasons. Today the truth of the matter came out through the engineer of the tug, who refused to- accompany her at the last minute, fearing for his life. The Stewart did not carry supplies at all, but she was loaded to the gunwales with diving apparatus and divers, and her, destination was a point near Isle Royal, on the north shore, where a few years ago a cargo of copper, valued at 150,000, was wrecked and several lives lost. Since then many attempts to re cover the treasure have been made, without success.and several men have been drowned while engaged in the work. The divers sent out by Mr. Inman are the best at the head of the lakes, and if they are not crushed by the ice, which disaster lake men predict will happen, they will probably recover the treasure. KILLED BY A TREE. Terrible Aooldeatto a Party Ketsrnlsf From Chorea. ' Greensburg,; Pa., Jan. 10. Yesterday David Sheets, his two children and a neighbor named Baker were returning home from church In a sled. While descending Laurel Hill, a tree fell across the sled, killing Sheets In stantly and fatally Injuring Baker. Both children had their legs and arms broken. THE WORLD OF BUSINESS Well Street Review. New York. Jan. 20. The railway and miscellaneous share speculation was quiet again today, the sales of stocks footing up only 121,171 shares, wnile tne transac tions In bonds amounted to a little more than 81.000,000. Tobacco, which was the most active in the stock list, figured for 18.900 shares, end 8t Paul, which was sec ond, for 18.200 shares. The market was unsettled and Irrerular throughout ine session. At the opening a number of stocks including Metropolitan Traction. Sugar, the Urangers, General Electric and Lake Shore were quite heavy and losta i", per cent. Later on Tobacco Jumped 3 per cent, to ill on covering of short con tracts and buying for election purposes, ml hi. atranarthenoil 1h whole market. and Tobacco was In brisk demand In the loan crowd and In some cases 1-16 per cent, per diem was paid for the use ef the stock. The transfer books for the annual election will close on Wednesday. In the afternoon the tendency of prices was downward, the market mavlng beon adverssely Influenced by the engagement of 11.550.000 gold for shipment to Europe on Wednesday and the belief that the shlpmentson the day named may reach $2,500,000. Western Union was particular ly weak In the afternoon trading and sold down to 82i. There was no special press ure to sell, however, and the disposition Is general to go slow until the new govern ment bond loan is out of the way. Wash ington Is also being closely watched for financial and political legislation. Tht changes show gains of per cent, in the railway list and al per cent, in the Industrials, Western Union losti per cent. Furnished by WILLIAM LINN. ALLEN CO., correspondents for A. P. CAMP BELL, stock broker, 412 Spruce street. Op'n- High- Low Clos ing. est. est. Ins. 81 78 79, 101H 100H 101 14 U 14 14 14'i 14'i 6T.' 65 65ft 7 98T W 734 72's 73H 34 33& 34 G7H IWH tf'.i W 63'i 44t 125-14 124V 12'4 16 15 15S 23l 24 140 140 140 43',, 42 43H 2I 24 Vt 98's mi 244 2:t'i 24 H 5 5 24 244 24Va 97 97V, 974 10 10 10 24 23 24 25 25 21 8 8 ' 8i 87 ' 8- 25 25 25 7 7 7 16 15 15 8,1 (2 82 11 10 11 9 62 61 62 Am. Tobscco Co.... 78Vi Am. Sugar Re'g Co,.10l Atch. To. &8. Fe.... 13V Ches. ft Ohio Hi Chicago Gas 65 Chic, ft N. W 97 Chic, B. ft V 73 C. C. C. ft St. L 33V Chic, Mil. ft St. P.. 67 Chic, R. I. ft Pac. 64'i Del. & Hudson 124H Dlst. C. F 15 General Electric 23' Lake Shore 140?. Louis, ft iNush 43 M. K. A Texas, Pr.. 21 .Manhattan Ele., OS'S. .Mo. Pac Nat. Cordage Nat. Lead N. J. Central , N. Y., 8. ft W N. Y 8. ft W., Pr. Pac. Mall 13. i 24H 974 10 24 , 25 , 84 , s'4 , 25 . 7 15 , 83 Phil. & Read Southern R. R.... Tenn., Coal ft Iron. Texas Pacific Wabash, Pr Western Union W. L S. Leather 9T. U. S. Leather, Pr.... 61 CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE PRICES. Op'n- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. Ing. ,. 0 61 60 61 ,. 61 62 61 62 WHEAT. May July OATS. May ....... 20 20?. 29 30 20 20 29 80 19 20 28 30 20 20 80 July CORN. May Jnly LARD. May 6.93 6.07 6.95 6.02 10.45 10.87 10.45 10.80 PORK. May Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quo- tatlon-Ali guotstions Bs.ed oa Par of 1 00. Name. Bid. Asked. Dime Dep. ft DIs. Bank 130 Scran ton Lace Curtain Co National Boring ft Drilling Co. First National Bank 60 650 Scrsnton Jar ft Stopper Co Scranion Glass Co 25 65 105 100 80 97 15 10 100 100 Spring F,rook Water Co Klmhurrt Boulevard Co Scrsnton Axle Works Third National Bank Bcranton Packing Co Scranton Savings Bank Scrsnton Traction Co Bonta Plate Olass Co Scranton Car Replacer Co BONDS. Scranton Glass Co Scranton Pass. Railway, first mortgage due 1919 3---0 200 110 Bornnton Traction Co People's Street Railway, first mortgage due 1911 Scranton ft Plttston Trac. Co.. people's Street Railway, Sec ond mortgage due 1920 Lacka. Valley Trac. Co., first mortgage due 1826 Dickson Manufacturing Co.... Lacka. Township School 6.... City of Scranton Street Imp t Scranton Axle Works Borough of WlntonS no 90 110 New York Prodiiee Market. v Vorlt. Jan. 20. Flour 4Juiet, steady, ,.nhnc.,l. Rve flour Quiet, steady; sales at 32.40s2.35. Buckwheat Hour 31.30. RiiKboMi-38c elevator; 39c f. o. b. t'mnnieal-Unchangcd, steady. Kye- Nomlnal. Barley Unchanged, nominal, u'hoHt Hnot market dull, firmer; No. 2red store and elevator, 71a72c; afloat, 73a raun ungraded red. 6a76c: No. 1 north- ..n n.xTi- oDtlona were fairly active and firm, closing at lc. advance; No. 2 red January. 69c.l February, 70c; March, Tiue Mav. tUT4c: June. 8c.; July, Corn Spots dull, firmer, No. 2 at 35a3iic. tluvator; 3a37c. afloat; steamer mixed, i,-.uT,5 oiitlonn were dull and firm at ac. advance on decreased stocks, firm, er. west: better cables and local coverings January and February, 85c; May, 35c; July. 30c. Oats Spots quiet, flrmer; op tions dull, flrmer: January, 27c; Febru ary-. 24ikc: Mav. 24c: soot prices. No. 2 st 24iAa24(,c: No. 2 white, 25a26c; No, fhtcniro. 25iic: No. 3 at 23c; No. 3 ihlte. 24Ac.: mixed western, 24a25i white do., 25s28c; white state, 25a28c. Feed bran 0aU2c. ; middlings, B5a70c. Rye feed. 65a70c. Hay Easy, quiet, shipping 72'ia75c: good to choice. 92c.al. Meef oulet Arm, family. 310al2; extra mess, 7.50a8. Beef hams Quiet; $15.50. Tierced beef Dull; city extra India mess, 915.50a 17. Cut meats Stronger; pickled fcellies 6c.' bid ; pickled shoulders, 4a5c. pickled hams. 8a8c. Lard Quiet, firmer; west ern steam. 16: city. $5.50; January. 30.05, nominal; refined, flrmer; continent, .S4; South America. 36.60: compound, 4aic. Pork Firmer: mess, t!0.75all. Butter- Lower, liberal supply; state dairy, 10a20c; do creamery,. 15a20c; western creamery, 16a21c; do. June, 14alc.; do. factory, 9a 16c; Elglns, 21c; Imitation creamery, la 17c; rolls, 9al4c. Cheese Fair demand; firm; state large, 7laioc; do. rancy, tua 1014c: do. small, 7al0c; part skims, 3a 7c; full skims, 2a3c. Eggs Firmer; state and Pennsylvania, 18alc; southern, 10u western fresh. 17al8c; limed, 15c. western fresh, 17al8c. ; limed, 15c. Ruffalo Live Stock. Buffalo, N. Y., Jan. 20.-Cattle Steady for handy steers, lower for cows; choice to extra heavy steers, 34.85a4.S0; medium to good handy, 33.85a4.15; light butchers', 33.40a3.75; good to prime fat heifers, $3.50a 3.85; prime fat cows, f2.50a3.25; stockers, I2.40a2.80; feeders, 33a3.50; bulls steady; sausage to god butchers', 32.25a3; heavy and export. 33.10a3.50; veals stronger; good to prime, 36.25a7. Hogs Active and higher; Yorkers, good to choice, $4.25a4.39; light Yorkers, some mediums and heavy, t4.20a4.25; pigs, 34.2oa4.3G; roughs, 33.40a3.65; stags, f2.50a3.2S. Sheep and lambs Active and higher; prime lambs, 35a6.20; fair to good, S4.60al.90; culls and common, $3a4.40; mixed eheep, good, f3.35a3.60; common to fair, $2.50a3; heavy ewe sheep, f3.25a3.60; handy wethers, f3.S0a3.76. Chtoaao Live Hioek. Union Stocks Yards, 111., Jan. JO.-Cattle Receipts, 16,000 bead; market Arm and 10 cents higher; common io extra steers, $3.20a4; cows and bulls, fl.60a3.60; calves, S2.50at.iS; Texans, f2.60a4.26. Hogs Re ceipts, 29,000 head; mrket firm and 6 cents higher; heavy packing and shipping lots, 83.95a4.12H; common to choice mixed, 8S.!0a 4.15: choice assorted, 84.05a4.12t: Hunt, tS.KUa4.lS; pigs, I3.15a4.05. Sheep Receipts, 14.UOO head: market steady: inferior to Choice, t2.25a3.60; lambs, 3.50a4.t0. Toledo Grata Msrket. , Toledo, Jan. 20. Close. Wheat Receipts, 1700 bushels; shipments. 10,3000 bushels; Arm; No. 2 red cash, 6so.; May, 70 c; July. 65c; No. 3 red cash, 66 c. Corn Receipts, 65,800 bushels; shipments, 21.600 bushels; quiet; Mo. Jmlxed May, 30c; No. 3 mixed cash. 27c. Oats-Receipts, none; shipments, none; nothing doing. Clover seed Receipts. 100 bags; shipments, 1.015 bans: firmer; January, 34.45; March, 34.50; prime alsike, 34.60. Philadelphia Tallow Market. Philadelphia. Jan. 20.-Tallow moves slowly at former rates. We quote: City,' prime. In hogsheads, 3c; country, prime, in barrels, 3c; do. dark, In 'barrels, 3a 3c; cakes, 4c; grease, 3c. Oil Market. Oil City, Pa., Jan. 20. Oil opened, high est, lowest and closed, 11.40 bid. Standard Oil company's price, 31.42. SCHLATTER'S NEW RIVAL. Wilbur Uammond. the Bslvldere Farmer Bov Trsnee Doctor. Belvldere. III.. Jan. SO.-WUbur Ham mond, the Individual who is causing so much excitement at Sycamore. Rock ford and other towns within easy reach of this city, Is a well known young man living on a farm near here. So far as known he never evinced any particular Inclination for books or study, much less for medical lore, and yet some of his reported cures can only be explained In either one or two ways. He must have some peculiar aptitude for prescribing for the sick, or under a mask of so-called spiritualism, or of faith cure, he Is able to exercise some beneficial hypnotic influence upon the sick. Certain it la that he works for good, so far as his patient Is concerned, and Instances of people who maintain either a cure or beneficial treatment at his hands are rapidly accumulating. He makes no charge for such sen-Ice as he is able to give, and Is gracious enough to devote all the time he can to the good work. It is his custom to de liver short discourses upon spiritual ism, in which he proclaims profound belief, and to speak tenderly and as- sut-lngly to his patient, after which he lapses Into an alleged trance state. His) manner then becomes entirely changed, and he rattles off a volume of German gutturals and prescribes for the patient He emphatically denies that he Is an Imitator of Schlatter, and claims to have been In the business long1 before the Denver worker was heard of. People here are divided In their opin ions of young Hammond. A few whom he has treated have firm belief In his powers, and a number of others are willing to believe that he exercises hypnotic or supernatural Influence over his patients, and Is thus enabled to doctor them. But the unbelievers have no faith In htm, and are waiting to see him develop Into the old-time spirit ualistic! cabinet worker, or perhaps into a professor ready to manufacture mediums at $100 or more per medium. Hamomnd Is rather modest and un- asHumlng, and seems wholly disinclined to take any notice of his critics, or to attract too great attention to himself or his methods. He sometimes talks of abandoning the work he has been doing for the past six months. He Is 23 years old, of rather slight build, dark mustache and full dark eyes, with a peculiar dreamy expression In them. There Is considerable Interest here In the healing work he has undertaken among the sick at the Sycamore and Belvldere, where he Is not so well known and where he Is les likely to know anything in advance abaut his patient's ailment. CLAIMS BULGARIA'S THRONE. "Count do Toulouse Lautres" Gets Back ing Is St. l.o u Is for a Bsllway. St. Louis, Jan. 20. The name of "It. E. de Savlner,' railroad contractor (Count de Toulouse Lautree), San Francisco," appeared on the register of the Planters' hotel this morning. A dispatch from San Francisco in the af ternoon papers announced that the Count de Toulouse Lautree had been in the gate city recently, and upon his departure It was hinted that he was the world-famed adventurer, "Savin," sold to have been a pretender to the Bulgarian throne and to have been con victed of fraud In Russia and sentenced to a term of three years in one of the colonies The "count" admitted today that he was the "Savin" referred to In the dispatch. Moreover, a syndicate of St. Louis capitalists was organised thla afternoon to construct a portion of the great railroad projected across Siberia from the Russian border to the Pacific coast, Savlner's pet scheme, COMMITTEE" ORGANIZED. Anti-Quay Forces Control the Philadel phia organization. Philadelphia, Jan. 20. The recently elected Republican city committee or ganized today by the election of Sher iff Samuel M. Clement, an anti-Quay member as chairman. Of the 37 mem bers of the committee 23 sre allied with the anti-Quay forces, ten are Quay men. The other four seats being contested the matter has been referred to a com mittee for settlement. MORGAN KEEPS HIS WORD, Doubles the Endowment Fund Raised by Rev. Dr. Hatnsford. New York, Jan. 20. Five years ago J. Plerpont Morgan, who Is the senior warden of St. George's church, prom ised the rector. Rev. Dr, W. 8. Rains ford to double any sum which he might raise toward the endowment of the church before Jan. 26, 189C. Since that time. In keeping his pledge, he has drawn checks In favor of the en dowment fund to the amount of 3 r.0,000. Administrator's Notice. P' STATE OF SDW1N HALING. LATE OF j the citv of Scranton, deceased. Letter of administration upon the above named es .... h.n. hM mrmtitmfi to the nnderslaned, sll persona having claims or demands against the said entat will presort them for payment, sod those Indebted thereto will please maks immediate payment to E. M. HODGSON, Administrator. Moscow, Pa. WARREN a KKAPP. Attys. for I state. Sealed Proposals. SEALED PROPOSAL WILL BE BkCEIV d at the office -of th Sei-retarr of the Scranton Board of CoStrol until 7. SO o'clock Monday evening. January 27, lMid. for the heating snd ventilation and tbe ssnltsry sys tem of the proposed twelve-room public school building, to b known as No. 10, and to be lo cated on la oornar of Prospect svenn and Beeoh stral in th lth ward of the city of tcrantnaOsT accordance with plana and speci fication Is th hands of E. H Davis, archi tect. Commonwealth Building, Scranton, Pa. Meetseatcal ventilation In te be used, tit sum of SIM) in eats or eertiBed check is to be en closed with each bid. which sam shall be for faited to tt Shol district In case of refassl or omiastoa on th part of the bidder to whom the contract shall be awarded to execute con tract within ten day after tbe awarding of the same. Th Board I' rv the right to reject any or oil bid. By order of the Scrantoa Board of ContreL EUGENE D. FALLOWS, ScrUrr 01 CENT A WORD. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOR IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE. NO CHAROE WILL BE LESS THAN 25 CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS.. EX CEPT liOCAL SITUATIONS, WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE. Help Wanted Mai. vTrAlrEDTr5x it tea and coffee on commission in sad around ecranton. Will furnish each with a horse and wagon and par twenty per cent Big inducements given with tea. coffee and Iwking powder. Small bond required. For particulars address B. B., Tribune Pablkui IngCo., Scrautoa. Pa WANTED - TRAVELING SALOMES with establlxhed route to take side line for establish -d house; 3 to 115 a day. Q. H. FISHER, 435 Spruce St.. Fcrantnu, Pa. WANTED- N AO! NT IN EVERY 8BO tion tocanvaos: 94.00 to 95 00 a day mode: sails at sisht; slsos man to sell Staple Goods to dealers; best ride line 17.100 a month: sal. ary or Urn commission made; experiencs annecessa-y. Clifton Soap and Hamifactar lug Co., Cincinnati, O. WANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN every town to solicit stock subscrip tions: s monormi csoital reauired. a mononolr: bis monev (or agents; no nuw aku J. r ion si w. Borann oiocs, i uieseo. m, Hclo Wanted Females. YVATSTEDAi? 530 Adams are. WANTED-A J4 EXPERIENCED GIRL TO do general homework; good wages to good girl. Apply 20U N. Main ave. WANTED I. ADY AOENT IN SCRAN ton to ssll sod introduce Snyder's usks Icing: fxprienced canvasser preferred; work pernisnsnt snd very profitable. Write for particular! at oncn and get benefit of holiday trade. T. H. 8NYDER & CO, Cincinnati, O. WANTED IMMEDIATELY TWO ENER seto saleswomen to represent us, Guaranteed $0 a day without intrferiuC with other duties. Healthful occupation. Write for particulars, inclosing stamp. Mango Cham Irsl t'ompany. No. 73 John street, New York. gents Wanted. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE TO sell onr new "Ideal Orator and Manual of Elocution," ernbrseing the Delaarte system of expression and physical culture. Illus trated; 40 photos from life. Sells at slrfht; liberal term. Address HPECIALTV, Sub station No. 3. Philadelphia, Pa. GENTSW AN TED-TO SELL HIUARH; 7 per month salary and expenses paid. Address, with two-cent stamp, HUARO CI OAK CO., CniosBO. AGKNTS-TO 8 ELL OCR PRACTICAL gold, silTsr, nickel snd copper electro platsrs: price from i upward; salary ana ex penses paid: outfit free. Address, with stamp, MICHIGAN Hl'O CO., Chicago, AGENTS TO SELL CIGARS TO DEALERS; $3 weekly and expenses; experience un necessary. CONSOLIDATED MFG. CO., 43 Van Buren St.. Chicago. C ALE8MAN TO CARRY SIDE LINE; V kj per real, commission; sample noo, nailed fro. Address L, N. CO., Btatloa L, New York. AT ON CE AGENTS APPOINTED TO sail new lUbtniug willing table clotb.mos qutto and house fly liquid st 10 cents and 'J5 cents a bo-tle. Sanipln tree. BOLGIANO M'F'G Co., Baltimore, Md. a GENTS BINDE'S PATENT tTNIVKR V sol Hair Curlers and Waver (used with out heat), and "Pyr Potnted"Halr Pins. Lib eral commissions. Free sample and full par tirulars. Address P. O. Box 460. New York. , Boarders Wanted. WANTED BOARDERS Washington are. AT 307 NORTH for Rent. 1rOR RENT STEVENSON FRUIT FARM, 1 Clark's Green, for a trm of vear. Ap ply to GEORGE a .DAVIDSON, Attorney, six Hprnee street. HOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS, ALL r improvements, with or without board. 52T Adams ave. IVOR RENT-FARM EIGHT MILES FROM X' Borantoa. W. GORMAN, lil renu are POR RENT-FUR 1SHED ROOM. WITH V or without board, sultabls lor two por- sons. 132 Adam ave. 170R RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WE8T I Lackawanna avenue. Address THOM E, EVANS, near 11K8 Luserne, Hyde Park. TOR nENTNirjfV. FURNISHED HALL r suitable for lodge rooms. JOHN JEK- MYN, 110 Wyoming ovenue. rOK RENT THE PREMISES RECENTLY V ocrnoled br The Scrsnton Trib ncknown a tbe Ulcsser Btmaiur, corner or sprues hi. and I'enn ave. Possession alven Immediately. The preml-es consist of tbe building in th rear of the building on th corner of spruce street and Fenn avenue, together with tbs basement, and also the entire lourtn noor or the cornor building. Can be rented for Lodge purpose as well aa pnblie meetings. Sizes of hall, SWxIOO with a s-cond ball on sam floor, !S!xo6. Fur particular Inquire on the nremlse. i f Rndolrh Rloeser. or at the omce or J lis peranum l rionne. For &ala l1 top and combination lock, solid oak, lengtn 48 incnes, wiam i im-nas; as gooa new; cheap. At 611 Birch st. TOR BALE ('MAP FOR WANT Or USE. I thre horses; also wagon and harness. UM Marion St., ureen mage. IVOR SALE 6 ROOM HOUSE: MODERN X iinproveme' ts; 'ah Madison avenue. Dun more. WAL.TKK BK1MUM, mon wealth Building, or M. H. Attorney, Com HOI UATK. Lost. TVTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT CER. ll lilicat No. iiW, datod April 17, ItWi. for 2u aharea of the canltal stock of the Bcranton Lac Curtain Manufacturing Company, has been Kl or miuaia. ah persons are cau tioned against buying or negotiating tbe same, as its transfer has been stopped snd a new certiflcs'e annred for. Special Notices. irlSOIEiriN 1 You want this relic. Contains sll of Frank Leslie s famous old war ftctureasbow inir the forces in actual battle, sketched on th pot Two volumes, 'A0U0 pictures. Bold on iuny monthly unrment. Delivered br x press complete, all charge prepaid. Addres P. O. MOODY. 022 Adam Ave., Bcranton, Pa. BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAO A sines, etc., bound or rebound -at Tac Tkiruni office. (tfuick work. Reasonable prices. Stockholders' Meeting. rpHK ANNUAL MEETING OP THE X stockholders of the Moosia Powder Com pany will be held at their office in the city of tferanton. Pa., on Wednesdav, Januarr 22, 1MIH, for the purpose of -lect in directors for tha ensuing year and trsnsctin u h other bninns as may cjrne Iwfora them. No trans- frr of stock will be made lor ten days next preceding tno aay or ine election. JOHN D. HHERER. Secretary. riiHR ANNUAL MEETING OF THE 1 stockholder of the Lackawanna Trust and Safe Deposit Company, for the elet-tion of director for the enfning year will be held at their banking rooms, on Monday, f euruarj era. i, irom o vw u, n. HENRY BEL1N. JR.. Secretary. Charter Application. nHitlTRR NO. ICE -NOTICE IS HEREBY given that an application will be made to the Governor or rennsyirama on eaturaay, the lOtb day of February. 1M0, at 10 o'clock a. m., by Freeman Leach. A. I. Aekerly. John U. Pionw, . r. AsaviB. ,ihw. miitam S. Frace. M. II. Coon. J. W. Miller, K. O. Csr p;nW. Grorge E. Stevenaon, R. P. Parker and Welding M. Swallow, under the Act of Assembly of tbe Commonwealth of Penn sylvania entitled "An Act to provide for the incorporation and regulation of certain corporations," approved April 'JB. 1874, snd th supplements thereto, for the chart r of an Intended corporation' to be called '-The Ab- inton Mutual Fire Insurance Association, the character and object of wnh la to Insure atainst Are on all kind of buildings, merchan dise snd other property upon the. mutual tirlnnlnki. and Cm- thnae nUTDOSS to baTSL DOS seas and enjoy all the rights and privileges et tbe said Act of Assembly sod the supplement thereto. B. r. AKKKLY. Solicitor. TribliD? Almanac 1896 lie PAOCS S CtWTS, POSTPAID c L ADIES The line is the most complete we have prices are the lowest we have ever been able to quote. New shapes and styles and many novel designs in workmanship. CONNOLLY & Situations Wanted. Wi ANTED-BY AN ELDERLY LADY. aituatton aa bousakeeper. or wouui tag care of an invalid or children. Address E. U D., Tribune office. CITUATI5N WaMIHIV-by a young O man; will do any kind of work; store work preferred. Address Stor, Poakvul, fa., r. oox tua, YOUNG MAN WISHES A POSITION AS bookkeenerar olerklna-: ia willina to do anything; can si ve ecod references if neces sary. Address R. M. D., Tribune office. YOUNU LADY OF EXPERIENCE WOULD like position as stenographer aad type writer, also assistant in bookkeeping or any kind of office work; ean furnish reference. Address B. C, Lock Box 154, eity. 4J IT DAT ION WANTED WASHING) AND O ironies' or snv kind of work. Address SI Oak ford court. ClTUATItNVANTED-A8 COLLKOTOH nr a nlaoeof truat: used to the citv and out of citv: first-class references. MORGAN, SUB W. Market it. OtTUATION WANTED-ALADY WISHES O to take in washing, or will go out by th day. Addres alt Lee Court. SITUATION WANTED AS BUTCHFR BY bv one who thoroughly understands the tinnlnHajt: ean command a iiood trade: flrat- class refnremwa. Candy Store. 1TK0 Brick qv. Special Meeting ot Stockholders. BY DIRECTION OF THE BOARD Or Director 'of the Scrauton Ulase Com n.Tif hir will tie m anecial meeMnar of tbs stockholders of said company held at the of fice of the company, IH i.acaawiin avenne, in the citv of Scranton, Pa., Febrnary 12th, lWo. at 10 o'clock a. in., fur tbe purpose of authorizing the Board of Directors of said Company, and its proper officers, to sell and convey the lots of real estate of the com pany, situate in the city f Scranton, Pa, not encumbered by mortgages by the com- f any, ana also a certain lot oi iane situate in ha ,-lt tr of Trantou. N. J., snd transact such other business aa may properly come bsfor said meeting. W. i). Anr,bi, oecreuiry, Bcranton. Pa.. Jan. II. 1808. Public Sale. BY REASON OF THE DISSOLUTION or the partnsrship doing business under tha firm nam of th Providence stor com pany, all tbe property of said partnership will bo sold at public auction, at their place of business. Providence Road, corner North Main ave., providence. Bale to commence Wednesday. January 22. IKS), at 10 o'clock a' m.. and imttniie until all the assets of whatso' ver nature have been disposed of. Bv order oi tne memnera. 7 PROVIDENCE STORE CO. J. H. Btssll, Manager. A SURE CURB FOR RHEUMATISM Mn ena m,a nf ..... 1 Dftl two doses will take the worst rase of inflam matory out or oea. .w per piu vuvvi.. Manufactured and sold by . MRS. DR. HAMILTON, 94s Northampton street, TVIIKCK-Dajrrs-, r., and tor sale at ne New Vork St., Oreen Rldg. fii-UAMTAlU DA PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Dentists. DR. WILLIAM A. TAFT, PORCELAIN, Bridge and trown wora. umue, a Washington avenue. C. C. IaAUBACH. SURGEON DENTIST. No. 116 Wyoming avenue. R. M. 8TRATTON. OFFICE COAL, Ex change. Physicians and Surgeons. Diseases ot women, corner Wyoming .ml Bnmp. .ti..t flnrantnti. tit flee hours, Thursdays and Saturdays, t a. m. to 6 p. m. Dr7 Q. EDGAR DEAN HAS REMOVED to els epruco mrevi. Burumvu, . (Just opposite Court House Square.) DR. KAY, JO PENN AVE.: 1 to P. M.j call ZCoaI. ljib. 01 women, en ,l kuu and all dls. of chtl. . DR. W. E. ALLEN. (12 North Washington avenue DR. C. L. FP.EY, PRACTICE LIMITED, diseases or tne mye, r.ar, nuso Throat; office, 122 Wyoming sve. Real- Oence, vine streei. v.r, T it n A TIT a 1!K WA9HINOTON . . mil., kmlva S A S a YY1 131 to and 1 to I p. m. Residence 309 Madi son avenue v oinrcinu TTTvartava AND Fridays, at oua i.inaen bubul. vmw hours 1 to 4 P. m. Lawyers. WARREN KNAPP, ATTORNEYS and Counsellors at Law, Republican building. Washington avenue, ocran Inn. JESSUPS HAND. ATTORNEYS ANT) cjounseiiora 4uw, vuuiuiuh eai.ii building. Washington avenue. HORACE E. HAND, , W. H. JESSIJP. JR. j as .7 sVi-i mt s yhttt rnY a ,it,ot? neys and Counnellor at Law; offices I snd i ji onrj duuuimi. i , . ROSRWELL H. PATTERSON. WILLIAM A. WILCOX. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND, Attorneys and Counsellors. Comrnon- . - a nHAfliaa IB fss aa S SJ sv-s weaitn puiiains. iw,, , FRANK T. OKELL. ATTORNET-AT. US, rtoom a, -wi ton, ri. JAMES W. OAKFORD. ATTORNEY at-Law, rooms 3, ti and 65. Comrnon wealth boiioing. . . . . . n r ... rrmin AWnn vwv.AT Law. Office,' 21T Spruce at.. Bcranton. Pa. iTa. WATERS. ATTORNEY-AT-JLAW. "Tr.. nnrntianvn tTTnnvitv.iT Dims Bank Building. Scranton, Money to loan In large sums at 6 per cent. C R PITCHER. ATTORNBY-AT- law, Commonwealth building, Bcranton, i-a. H. C. SMYTHR. ATTORNEY AT LAW, tuv im r rt a w a n 1 1 m m " - C. COMEQYB, 321 SPRUCE STREET. rr t . w.t Afsnawir.r liivn negotiated on real estate security. 401 ppnicc gireei. B. F. KILL AM, ATTORNET-AT-LAW, i Wvomlnv aire.. Scranton, Pa. V". a w i u iull TAH ATTnSVlIV.AT law, SB Lommonwwitn pm omMwi. j. 1LC RANCK. IN WYOMING AVE. OUR ANNUAL SPECIAL SALE OF LiUSIJi! NOW GOINQ ON IN OUR CLOAK WALLACE, TRY US. (02404 UCKL 1VL, COR. IDJUK. Wire Sreens. JOS. KUETTEL. REAR 6U LACKA. wanna avenue, scranton, ra, manuiae tursr of Wire Screens. Architects. EDWARD H. DAVIS. ARCHITECT. Rooms 24, 25 and , Commonweann building. Scranton. B. L. WALTER. ARCHITROT. OFFICE! rear of606 JrVajsnlngton yenue. LEWIS HANCOCK. JR., ARCHITECT, 4J6 Spruce st, cor. wash, ave., Bcranton. BROWN MORRIS, ARCHITECTS, Price building. UN Washington avenue, 8cranton. Schools. SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, Bcranton, Pa., prepares boys and girls for college or business; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at re quest. Opens September.' REV. THOMAS M. CANN, . WALTER H. BUELL. MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN ana ucnooi, 4lil Adams avenue, opens Sept. . Klndegarten $10 per term. Loans. -v THH REPUBLIC 8AVINGS AND Loan Association will loan you money on easier terms and pay you better on Investment than any other association. Call on S. N. Callender. Dime Bank building. Seeds. O. R. CLARK V CO., SEEDSMEN AND Nurseryman; atore 148 Washington ave nue; green house, 1380 North Mala ave nue; atora telephone 781. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 126 and 127 FRANK- lin avenu. Kates reasonable. P. ZEIOLER, Proprietor. BCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D., L. A W. passenger depot, conducted on tne European plan. VICTOR KOCH. Prop. WESTMINSTER HOTEL, Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Place. New York. Rates, $3.50 per day and upwards. (Ameri can pianj. ti. TI. Jin saurj, Proprietor. Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA MUSIC FOR balls, picnics, parties, receimuim, wed dings and concert work furnished. For terms address R. J. Bauer, conductor. 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulberts music store. MEGARGEE BROTHERS, PRINTERS', supplies, envelopes, pnuar va, " Warehouse, 130 Washington ave.. Scran ton, ra. FRANK P. BROWN CO.. WHOLE- sale dealers in woooware, wni.ii. OH Cloth. 720 West Lackawanna ave. THOMAS AUBREY. EXPERT Ac countant ana auanor. nooma i mm Williams Building, opposite postofflce. Agent for the Res Fire Egtlngulsher. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES ientral Railroad ol New Jersey . .l i v. BnJ flnaniiohflnnn Division.) iuciiikh i i - - Anthrnrim roal used exclusively, insur ing cleanliness and comfort. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT NOV. 17. 18fo. Trains leave Scranton for Plttston, n'iii,...n.rn ( at M.20. 41.V 11.30 a. m.. 1.20, 2.00, 8.05. 5.00, 7.10 p. m. Sundays, 8.00 , m J.ou, z.io, i.w p. ni. For Atlantic City, 8.20 a. m. ..... . v.. Vnrlr V.aark anil Hllzabeth. t 20 (express) a. m.. 1.20 (express with Buf fet parlor car), 3.115 (express) p. m. Sim dav, 2.15 p. m. Train leaving 1.20 p. m. arrives at Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, S.21 p. m. and New York 6.45 p. m. For Mauch Chunk, Allentown. Bethle hem, Easton and Philadelphia, 8.20 a. m., 1.20, 3.0D, u.w excepi. i-iuAuci,i,, y Sunday, 2.16 p. m. For lxing Branch, Ocean Grove, etc., at 8.20 a. m.. 1.20 p. m. ,.u... For Keaoing, iDanon anu xi. via Allentown, 8.20 a. m., 1.20, &.00 p. m. Sunday. 2.1S p. m. For r-otisviiie, b.sv a. m., v u.inMiinv I.... Vaw vnrk. foot of Lib erty street. North River, at 9.10 (express) a. m., I.W. texprt-pn .mi parlor cor) p. m. Sunday, 4.30 a.m. Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal. .00 a. m., 2.00 and 4.30 p. m. Sunday 6.27 a. m. , . Through tickets to all points at rawe rates may be had on application In ad vance to the ticket Bfen,"BAh,ep,vy1 Gen. Pass. Agent, J. H. OLHAUSEN. Gen. Supt. DELAWARE AND hIjUSON rail road. Commencing Monday, new 1 .nrka- Wm .' wanna avenue etatlon Wm r as follows: ifV Trains will leave Scran- . .. - nn.h.nitii and Interme- J"?.1;?" '.ro KVi 7.00. 8.25 and 10.10 attm . i - u,nd Fof'Farvlew. Waymart and Honesdale at 7.00. 8.25 and 10.10 a. m., u.w, .w "u PFor Albany. Saratoga the Adlrondscks ssifi xtnntrnl at 5.46 ni. ana a.m p. ni. For w'fKs-Haw and Intermediate nonts at 7 45? 8.457 t.M and 10.45 a. m.. 12.05, K!PVJmr. a 1R and 11.38 D. m. vji.isis from CarDonnHio mm imci "r"",jrw:,"H aV?4ft V Ml and 10.40 m.. tM. 1.17. 2 24. 1 3. !.(. O.tW I'Wi ar.a saas a.w s .... From Honesdale. Waymart anJ t ar- view at .3 a., in., xi.w, ..,, . ''From'ifontreal. Saratoga, Albany, etc.. "S: and Intermediate nolnts at 2.16. 8.04, 10.06 and 11.55 a. m., 1.18 Lit, 13. fcio. .. W and u.w p. m. WaWae PARLOR. ever shown, and the 2o9oTurtHoenue- DPHOLSTER FURNITURE, Clean Carpets, ,;; ; RenoYate Feathers, . . Mike Over Mattresses, Make and Repair Spring Sell Iron Beds, Make Fine Mattresses. ' Nov. 17. 1893. Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia and New York via D. ft H. K. R. at 7.4 a. m., 12.05, 1.20, 2.38 and 11.38 p. m., via D.. L. & W. 11. It., 6.00, 8.08. 11.20 a, m., and 1.34 p. m. Leave Scranton for Plttston and Wllkes Barre, Via IX. L. & W. R. R., 6.00. 8.08, U.2 a. m., 3.40, 6.07, 8.52 p. m. ... Leave Scranton for White Haven, Ha. aleton, I'ottnvlliR and all points on the Beaver Meadow ami Pottsville branches, via K. & W. V. R. It., .! a. m via D. H. R. It. at 7.45 a. m 12.05, l.tO, 3.88. 4.00 p. m., via D.. L. & W. R. R. 6.00, 8.08, 11.20 a. m., 1.30, 8.40 p. m. Leave Scranton for Bethlehem, Easton, Reading, Harrlsburg and all intermediate points, via D. & H. R. R. 7.45 a. m., 12.03. I. 20, 2.38, 4.00, 11.38 . tn via D., L. & W. R. R., 6.00, 8.08. 11.20 a. m., 1.30 p. m Leave Hcranton for Tunkhannock, To wanda, Klmira, Ithaca, Geneva and all Intermediate points via D 4k H. R. R., 8.4j a. m., 12.06 and 11.35 p. m.. via D., Lu 4k W. R. R., 8.08, .6S a. m., 1.30 p. m. Leave Scranton for Rochester, Buffalo.' Niagara Falls, Detroit, Chicago and all points west via D & H. R. R., 8.45 a. m., 12.05, 15, 11.38 p. m., via D., L. & W. R. R. and Plttston Junction, 8. OH, 65 a. m.. 1.3V. 8.60 p. m., via K. & W. V. K. R., 3.41 p. m.. For Elmlra and the west via Salamanca, via D. & H. R. It., 8.45 a. m. 12.05, 6.06 p. m., via D.. L. & W. R. R., 8.08, 8.55 a m., 1.30, and 6.07 p. m. Pulman parlor and sleeping or L. V. chair cars on all trains between L. 4k B, Junction or Wilkes-Barre and New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo, ana uuspensiuu Bridge. n ROLLIN H. WILBUR, Gen. Supt. CHAS. S. LEE. Gen. Pass, Agt.,Phlla..Pa. A. W. NONNEMACHER. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt South Bethlehem, rs. Del., Lack, and Western. Effect Monday, June 24, 1895. Train Ipavn Scranton as follows: Eg. press for New York and all points East. 1.40, 2.50, 5.15, 8.00 and 9.65 a. m.; 12.55 and 8.34 p. m. . . . ExDress for Easton. Trenton, i-nuaaei. phlu and the South, 5.15, 8.00 and 9.55 a. m.. 12.55 and 3.31 p. m. Washington and way stations, a as p. in. Tobyhanna accemmodation, 6.10 p. in. Express for Blnghamton, Oswego, El mlra, Corning, Bath, Dansvllle, Mount Morris and Buffalo, 12.10, 2.35 a. m., ana 1.21 p. m., making close connections at Buffalo to all points In the west, jNorin- west and Southwest. Bath accommodation, 9 a. m. Blnghamton and way stations, 12.37 p. m. Nlrholxon accommodation, 6 p. m. Blnghamton and Klmira Express, 6.03 p. ra. Express for Cortland, Syracuse, Oswego, Utlca and Richtlcid Springs, 2.35 a. in. and 1.24 p. m. . .. . . Ithaca 2.35 and lintn v a. m. ana p m. For Northumberland. Plttston, Wllkes- Barre, Plymouth, liloomsburn and lan- Vllle making Close coiiiioi-iiuiib w. timberhind for Wllllamsport, Hnrrlsbure, Baltimore, Washington and the Houth. Northumberland and Intermediate sta tions, 6.U0, 9.55 a. m. and 1.30 and 6.07 p. m. NantlcoKe nna inicrni-uiin ni.u, 8 08 and 11.20 a. m. Plymouth ana inter mediate stations, 3.40 and 8.52 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches on all express trains. Kor ucmiicu imuriiHAuuii, jjw .c, tables, etc., apply to M. L. Smith, city tii ici-t otlli-e. 3JH Lackawanna avenue, or depot tlrket ofllce. Erie and Wyoming Valley. m. , . ... u .. .... ATAuf Vorlc and Intermediate points on the l-.rle rail road at 7.00 a. m. and 3.29 p. m. Also for uuimlnli,. IIjiuIpv and local points ul 7.00, 9.40 a. m. anil 3.29 p. m. , All tne aDove are iniuuuu iiw,..- -from Honesdale. Tmlns li-a e for Wilkes-Barre at 6.39 S. m. and t.19 p. in. aeniKTOS DlVIStAN, III EHect Scpte tmr gaad. IMS Maria Beuaa. aaiii 808201 1 1901,9041 Stations i (Trains Dsiiy, u- g a, tic ceptsunaay.i u p mi Arrive immi 79K1N. Y. FranuiS Si. .... et .... I ve) I TlOiWem vena niroei 7W 10 1 nm weehawkea r a'Amvo Mavi r mi n&Hsaeook Junotlooi .. .... .... m .... aanoocK Starlight sill 3 SI Preston Park cerae i Porn telle Belmont -Pleasant Mt. Unlondale Toraet :try Carbondaie White Bridge . MayOeld ' Jorinys Archibald Wlntnn reckvllle oirrhant Dickson Tbroop Prnvidenos Tark Place 14 401 S4ll in; 19 14 1 nun. H H ... .... 11'4M la y i s iw 1181 Tin1 sati f6 4Sfll!!0 7 "7 IS 3S T18 tS 4i 1 14' 9 48 r h ii IIS'iM 727 8 tA in 4 04 1 84 4 07 t, 4ia 7 39 4 I t 741 U 17 7 4S 4 SM nr ni 6 4 n 4tii ssl 6 31111 1 8'.riiin 68H II 11 ti ll (17 6II0I1 (B ( 1811 01 6 ISElt 01 SIX (IOC 6 10 10 Mil hcj anion T at U v Uave Arrive All trains run dally except Sunday. t slgnlflos that trains stop on tit sal for pea. Secure rates via Ontario a Western Ifefisrf snrchaslsg tickets and save money. Day aa4 Ulgi aipressr uu vtr.i. J. C. Anderson, Oea. PsatAga, T.rUWroft,Dlv, rsas, AVCKasarawuAl, -. f 1 -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers