TEE ECTAyTON TBIBUNE FRIDAY MOBNINtf. - JAfrUABY 17. 1896. Neu)s .fidbk'd While Star POTATOES in any quantity 25 CENTS " per busltsL HIGHLAND BRAND EVAPORATED CREAM It cents m III Luce Bros. Scranton and Taylor WEST SIDE EVENTS. News of the Passage of tha West Side Viaduct 'ordinance Itocetved ' with Much l ovor. , The netvs that the West Lackawanna avenue vladut't measure had passed common council at lant niRhts meeting; van received with- great pjeamire by "Went Sldois. The board ot tnude com mittee was perhaps the. chtaf irejojcere in the victory, for such It Is. t The com mittee nan worked llai'd and juccess is the sweeter for that reason.., it Is the Kreatest stroke ever delivered, by the board of trade. Hut the real pattle.be gtlns now. If the people can be Induced to vote for the measure at the cominff elec tion it will be only by hard work on the part of the movers in the matter. The West Side has wanted the viaduct for years and this Is the nearest it has yet reached to the proposed improve ment. Now for the light. funeral and Deaths. Daniel Lynch died yesterday at his home in Archbald at the age of 79 years. The deceased was born in this country of Irish-American parents. He was a carpenter by trade and was well known throughout Keyser valley In his busi ness relationship The funeral will oc cur Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the deceased's late home.- John Dodge, a highly respected resi dent of the West Side, died yesterday morning: at his home, IMS South Oar field avenue. He was aged 45 years and was a union soldier, having entered the late war when a very young man. The deceased was a member of Colonel Monies post, Orand Army of the Ke public. Among West Slders Mr. Dodge was popular and the news of his death was received with surprise and sadness. ?'he funeral announcement wtll.be made ater. Ilig Event Tonight. St. Tlrenden council, Young; Men's Institute will conduct its second annual social at Mears hall this evening. The -event will be a standard for future so cial events on this aide. The council expect about 400 guests and every thing Is in readiness for their entertain ment. . refreshments will be served in the store room recently vacated by Fos ter's hardware storeln the Mears build ing. The Literary circle met last night and held a short but Interesting enter tainment. A debate on "Resolved, lhat free silver is detrimental to tne work InKman" was decided a tie. The de baters were; Messrs. MoLane, Connell, Durkin and Hurst. T. AIcAndrew gave a select reading. - - Pled In California. r'-; Mrs. Thomas Roberts, formerly Miss Hettle Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reese B. Davis, of Hellevuc street, died Wednesday In Rockvllle California. Mrs. Roberts left for the West about five years ago. Telegrams telling of her illness were received . by relatives In this city last Monday and the news of death came here at 7 o'clock Tuesday Evening. 'The deceased Had many friends in Bellevue Heights, '. . Robert Morris Matter. - Robert Morris 'lodge of Ivorltes met last evening. Five candidate- were Initiated into the lodge at ifollows: Thomas Davis. Oliver Jones, T. :vans, At. Carson and George Lowry. Will It. Hughes and Tnllle Kvans were named for membership. The memoral service I The full Dress Suits we sell at $25.00 and $35.00 being full silk lined, will fit as well, look as well and wear as many years as those you leave your meas ure for and pay double. If our suit does not fit exactly we make it fit at our own risk; if you don't like it you needn't tako It. We carry about 50. Dress Coats and Vests especially for hiring out for an ovening. H S flle ft''' of tb? Sdbdrbs. In respect to the. memory of .'two de ceased members, W. George Powell and Elmer F. Williams, will be held on Sun day evening, January 2d, at the First Congregational church. A sacred con cert will be held and addresses by sev eral of the prominent member of the lodge will be delivered. The lodge will meet at 7.30 o'clock In the lodge rooms and walk In a body to-the church. The cess In the preliminary ardangements. eisteddfod committee report great suc cess in the preliminary arrangements. Ullbrld Again Nominated. 'I was nominated for select council again tonight." said Playwright M. J. Uilbrlde when accosted by a Tribune reporter last evening. "Last week I re ceived the regular Democratic nomina tion for select council In the Fifteenth ward, but I had a few enemies who wanted another candidate. 1 suppose. They held a caucus tonight In Foy'B hall on Hampton street, and I was again nominated. Only eleven votes were cast for John Wagner, and I re ceived 162. The caucus was presided over by Michael MannIX and Gus Fos ter was secretary." Year's Work of Hcllouo Kund Following Is the annual report of the Bellevue Mine Accidental fund for 189ii: Balance on hand Dec. 30, 1894. $.'i4'i.9:'; receipts from powder kegs, 1895. $1:16; receipts from picnic, fc!BS.96: thirty-six new members, $36; twelve badges, $6; excursion, $3; levies, 1428.83; total, $1,424.71; expenditures for 189:.: Three deaths. $75 each, $225; accidents, $377.64; secretary, $24; Janitor, Hit; total, $638.64; balance on hand, Dec 31. 1X9", $786.07. John O'Brien, Thomas B. Jones, auditing committee. ,' 'News Notes and Personals.' ' Speclul services are being conducted this week at the Tabernuclo church. David, a son of Koben Owen, of Roland avenue. Is seriously ill. Humlln Heee, of Frio street, has re turned from a visit to Hernia -ut Smi dtiskey. .Mrs. C. 11. Green, of Bellevue, Is vlslt-( lng at Providence. K. I. The Dinkev Social club has eWfted the following oflioers: President T. J. Gllroy; vice-preniilent, P. Kadgen; secretary, H. L. Alney; directors. J. J. Kadgen, T. K. Murphy. J. A. Duggan: janitor, James Cavanaugh. ' ' Beth Wrlgley, of South Main avenue, Was at Fui tory vllle yeaterdayMtendliiff a reunion of the family of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Wrlgley. The reunion took place at the resilience of Jnmea Wrlgley. The funeral of Jon J. Kearns will oc cur toiiny. at 9 o'clock. Services will be held In St; Patrick's church, where a high mass of requiem will be celebrated, in terment will be mado In Hyde Park Catn bHc cemetery. Theru will be a special meeting of the Fourth Ward Republican club at their rooms this evening ut 7.30 o'clock. Charles Hartley, of Kynon street, Is about again after an Illness. Patrolman Tom Jones Is doing Jury duty this week. A quartette from Slatlngton will enter the Hubert Morris eisteddfod competition. The Sir Knights of Pleasure, ilanrlntf class will reorganize on the Hrst Monday night in February. The cluss will be con tinued during the Reason. The Kllte dancing class will conduct a social on Friday evening, Jan, 24. The ladies of the Simpson Methodist Kpiscopal church will give an Initial sup per this evening from 8 to 8 o'clock. The following officers have been elected by the Hellevue Philharmonic 'choral so ciety: loan Jones, president; John H. Kel ley, vIce-preBldent; G. A. Williams, sec retary; David Phillips, treasurer; T. (. Kvans, conductor, and Lewellyn Jones, pianist. The society will compete on "TIih Tempest." on St. Patrick's Day at the lvorlto eisteddfod. A female party will be orgunlzed on the West Side to com pete at the eisteddfod. The West Side band will hold a concert Saturday night in Mears' hall. The object of the affair Is to secure uniforms for the band. Among the participants In the pro gramme will be the Columlilun Glee club, the Davis children and many soloists. Robert Roberts, son of Mine Foreman Lewis Roberts, of Tlellevue street, is con fined to his home by sickness. Thomas Matthias, of Rellevue street, fractured his right arm last Tuesday by falling. Mrs. Carrie Moyles, formerly of North Hyde Park avenue, has opened a grocery store on Prescott avenue. The wooden steps located on Archbald street, Hellevue Heights, are In a con dition that Is dangerous to the public. Much travel Is done by way of the steps and a speedy repairing of the steps would reassure the safety of the public. H. K. Kershner. or South Hyde Park avenue, has returned from a visit at Dleshersvllle, where his wife remains for a short time. West Side "Justness Directory. PLUMBING William D. Griffiths, 113 Njortli Main avenue, does first-class Plumbing, Steam Heat and Gas Fitting. Satisfaction Is strictly guaranteed. SKATB9 Club. Strap and Lever, all sixes; lowest price; nice present. Grand double heaters, $18 and up. Dock Ash rings and shelf, $18 and up. R. J. Hughes, 124 South Main avenue. BARBER Hair nutting and shaving dons In a first-class manner at John H. Reyn old's Barber Shop, at Falrchlld's Hotel, FLORIST Cut dowers and funeral de signs a specialty. Floral figures, useful as gifts, at 104 South Main avenue. . Har riet J. Divis, florist. BICYCLES repaired, scissors ground, tools sharpened, saws filed, keys 'fitted, machines repaired by W. L. Steenback, SAMTERS yMa a mi Kuwmtmmmrm dealer In Guns, Fishing Tackle, under west nine buns. PHOTOGRAPHER Cabinet Photos, $1.40 J ... I , . tnalu fnti. vlnce yourself by calling at Startler's Photo Parlors, 101 and 103 South Main Tenue. . GROCERIES Revere Standard Java Cof- tee is unexcelled, -i ne leauina; " the day. For sale only at K. W. Mason & Co. Fine Groceries, lis South Main avenue. . . SECOND HAND FCRNITCRE Cash for . . . l- . ,.11 CirnltilrA Stoves. Tools, etc. Call and see the stock of J. C. King, 1024 and 10M Jack son street. c i-t 1. T T 1 1 , . . TOInaa fll fflffl- C.fVUIttl BUM, Ul liuilun; a..uv . tly use, 35 cents' per quart, at James P. Bests, 908 ueaar avenue. SOUTH SIDE NEWS. Butcher Wacoa Strnek by a Street Cor on Plttston Avenue Yesterday Moraine-Death of Barney .Moffatt. On Plttston avenue, at the corner of Palm street, a collision occurred yesterday a little before noon, between a street cur and a butcher wagon owned by Thomas Murray, of Mlnouka, and driven by his younger brother. It was not very serious but the escape of the young man in charge of the wagon was extremely for tunate. He was thrown out, but beyond a few slight bruises, was not Injured. The horse was not touched by the car; It Is not a fractious animal and was easily curbed from making an attempt to run away. Tom Oallugher was motorman of the car, but he was not at the lever when the accident occurred. There was a new man, Just learning. In charge, but Mr. Gal lagher was on the front platform with him and both tried their utmost to prevent the collision; on account of the slippery condition of the rails It was Impossible to stop the car In time. The damage will not exceede $25. llarncy .Moffat, of lionet Streot. Dead. Rarney Moffatt. of Genet street, one of the oldest resident of the South Side, passed to his eternal reward at midnight Wednesday. He had been 111 two months und the end was not unexpected. The de ceased was a well known resilient of this port of the city. He worked for many years at the South Steel mill as a stone mason. Four children survive him. They are: Mrs. James F. Anderson, Mrs. Jo seph Nooiihii. Nellie anil Ruchel Moffatt. The funeral will be held from the late res idence, 433 Genet street, tomorrow ufter noon at 2.30 o'clock, interment will be made In Hyde Park Catholic cemetery. The deceased was 68 yeurs old. Went to Avocn Last Evening. The choir of St. John's church and the Forest band went to Avoca last evening and took part in the musical exercises fit the fair of St. Mary's congregation of that borough. They left on a special car at 7.30 from Plttston avenue and Fig street, and returned at midnight. The members of the choir are: Misses Wini fred Mclvln, Mumle and ResAle McTlgue, Sarah Vaughan,' Winifred nndll.lzzle Dur kin, Annie and Mamie Whclan, Mnmie Cullen, Kate iiellly, Mamie .turns, Mur garct Roche, Lizzie Coyne, .Vlunilu Mur ray, Hate Donahoe, Annie Mofllt, Annlo Durkin, Kate Reardoli, Hessle Burns, John T. Troy, John E. Coyne, Thomas Need am, James Riley, J limes Mungun and Owen Mclvln. No Board of Trade Meeting Tonight. Secretary M. J. O'Toole slated yesterday that there will be no meeting of the South Side board of trade this evening. Last Friday night was tho regular time for the January session, but on account of the death of Mr. O'Toole's father postpone metit was ordered. It Is not cartain whether there will be sny meeting before the second Friday of February. Shorter Paragraphs of News. The fire In the culm dump at the Meadow Brook breaker Is spreading so rapidly that a force of men Is at work day and nlghl endeavoring to quench It und prevent It from destroying the breaker, which Is not fifty feet away from the circle of the lire, Kxerclses appropriate to the endorse ment of the Cubans In their struggle to throw off the yoke of Spanish despotism will be held this afternoon by the pupils of Misses' L. K. Penman and Josle Lees In No. 3 preparatory school on River street. Fred Mink, of the Kleventh ward, who was defeuted for the nomination for con stable In the Democratic cuueus, will be an Independent candidate." The Carpenters und Joiners' union of the South Side will hold a masquerade ball at Worklngman's hull on Monday nlgnt, Jan. 20. The funeral of Mrs. John McLoughlin, of Cherry street, was held yesterday morning at 9 o'clock. High mass of re quiem was celebrated at St, John's church and Interment was made in Hyde Park cemetery. The funeral of the late Margaret Foley,' of Irving uvenue, will be held at 9 o'clock this morning. High mass of requiem will be celebrated at St. Peter's cathedral and Interment will be made in Hyde Park Catholic cemetery. The Star Social club will hold their second annual masquerade ball at tier mania hull Wednesday!! Jan. ?J, NORTH END. Mrs. John H. Teal left yesterday for a few weeks' sojourn with friends in Brook lyn, N. V. Mrs. White and daughter, Mauil, are se riously Indisposed at their home, on Ouk street. Mrs. John R. Jones, of Jermyn, Is a guest at the home of RIchuTd Lewis, of Wayne avenue. Robert Edwards, the well-known mar ket man, forgot o lock his fish box Wednesday evening and when he went to bis work yesterday morning discovered that 130 pounds of tish bad been stolen. Indoor base ball this evening at Com pany H armory. Clark's Store company vs. Fenner & Chappell's.- John Vaughan, of Plttston, Is a. visitor at the home of Eva nSlmras, of Green street, J, J. Evans, of Hyde Park, spent yes terday with friends on Putnam street. David, the oldest son of Kutcher Wat kins, of Wayne avenue, received a kick from a horse owned by his father yes terday, which cut his face badly, J. U. Gillespie, who has' been seriously 111, has almost recovered and has gone to Virginia for a short time for the good of his health. Miss Lizzie McDermott, of Plttston. Is visiting Mrs. T. P. Regun,f West Mar ket street. ' The Trilby dancing class will hold a grand social this evening in St. Mary's hall, on West Market street. The Keystone Literary and Dramatic club are rehearsing a drama called "Forced to the War." Edward Bulroy. of Syracuse, N. Y., is visiting at the home of Thomas Kelly, of Ferdinand street. T. P. Heily, of the Buffalo fire extin guishing firm, gave an exhibition of the workings of the apparatus on the Square. The Niagara Hose company elected the following officers last evening: President, S. R. Robinson; vice-president, W. H. Thomas; secretary, W. H. Johnson; treas urer, M. V. Morris: foreman, W. Kline; first assistant, William Coles; second as sistant, J. Jones; trustees, W. C. Rldrldge, and W. H. Johnson; driver, William Kid ridge. , - Please correct error In North End notes of today's Issue, which says the Clark Store company defeated the Company H nine In a game of Indoor base ball. The game was between Clark Store company and a picked nine, the former leaving the floor In tho seventh Inning with the score 8 to 6. The regular Company H. nine is open to any team in the Clerks' league, Combination preferred. Yours truly. Lieutenant John L. Huff, Captain and Manager. Jan. 15, 1896. . HE IS NOT THE FIEND. Mis. Trleo rails to Identify "Pop" Davlcs' as Her Assailant. John, alias "Pop" Davles, the Peck vllle man accused of entering the house of Mrs. Alice Trice, of Scott, robbing her and then throwing hot coals on her clothing, was discharged front custody yesterday by 'Squire Arnold. Mrs. Trice .was summoned, to the sec ond hearing, which took place yester day morning, but she could not Identify Davles as her assailant and he was re leased from the $1,000 ball n which amount he was held at the preliminary hearing Wednesday evening. ' ' Tribtin fllmanac.1596 no PAGES ag CENTS, POSTPAID MR. WIOMAYER'S REPORT Presented to the Select Council at Last Night's Meeting. THE ESTIMATE OP EXPENSES Shows What It Will Cost to Run the Cltjr Government During the Nest Fiscal Year If All of tha Keqnests Made Are Granted. City Controller Fred J. Widmayer's annual report of the city's debt, re sources, needs and revenues for the guidance of the estimates committee In making out the annual appropria tions was submitted to select council lust night. It was as follows: 1 To the Honorable, the Select and Common Councils of the city of Scranton, Pa.: Gentlemen:! estimate that the reven ues for the fiscal year, beginning April 1, Is, which can be used for general ci'.y purposes will be as follows: From a 10-mlll levy on J19.S01.ttX less per cent, commissions and exonerations $193,M3 From liquor licenses 70.510 From mayor's lines S.tmo From building Inspector's fees.... l,fsM From street commissioner's fees.. VI From board of health fees M From city solicitor's fees 4' From pole tax, etc 3,o) From city license for highways... O'tO Total $2K.3i:i Gentlemen, by a comparison with last year's estimate you will observe an in crease of revenue of $fi.000 on tax calmed by the raising of assessed valuation. Thre appears also a new Item of revenue, tho pole tux, j,ouo. The estimated revenue de rived from liquor licenses I have reduced $6',IHKi, a very conservative figure. Respectfully submitted, Fred J. Wldmayer, Controller. I'nexnendcd Balances. Accompanying the report was the following statement of balances stand ing to . the credit of the various de partments at the close of business Doc. 31, 18115: Mayor's department $l,r89 80 Treasurer's department 1,811 W Controller's department 1.--0 43 Solicitor's department 1.3H4 W Clerk's department 1,990 ?' Maintenance ot municipal build ing 3,241 13 Engineer's department 10.H04 84 Streets &,3!3 72 Wards 7'W R0 Assessors' department 4,279 91 Police department 14,021 ?i Fire department 11,385 33 Building Inspector's department.. 443 1" Board of health department 4,I7 01 Public library department 2.490 Ml Public parks department 1,2ii9 09 General city department 2,0t3 41 Total $S8.518 94 The total Indebtedness of the city he reported to be $860,377.69; the resources $224,398.02, and the net Indebtedness $635,979.67. ; Department Estimates. Mayor $3,900 00 Cliy treasurer 6,2."0 00 Solicitor 3,100 00 Controller 3.4IM no Clerk 5,500 00 Maintenance of municipal build lug 3,957 00 City engineer 1o.r50 no Street commissioner 97.820 00 City Assessors 0.870 00 Police 64.KHO 00 Fire 05,841 8 Building Inspector 1.575 no Hoard of health 9.080 on Public library 15.K74 00 Park commissioners 15.5H0 00 Board of revision and appeals.... 1,050 00 Total '....$315,587 68 GKNtjRAL CITY Water rent $5,220 00 Electric lighting 411,500 00 Incidentals and judgments 40,500 no Insurance 1,000 00 State tux loan 0.... 3,042 00 Total $S5,702 00 Deficiencies. Wolls street bridge $212 61 Gus and Water company, Frank lin avenue house ; 7 10 John J. Pahey, Eighteenth ward bulunce , S3 64 Viewers' costs, Webster uvenue grading ' 05 50 Viewers' costs, Seventeenth ' sewer district 2,179 CO Paving In front of Linden Street syniigogue 388 90 Paving Kressler court. In front of Second Presbyterlun church 303 04 Scranton Republican..,,. 1 34 05 Police department .' 07 10 Fire department 394 77 Street commissioner's department 182 02 Judgments and Incidentals 56 24 Rent of Parks (Luckawanna Iron and Coal company) 458 37 Rent of parks (Beckett estate).,.. 187 50 Total $4,562 87 Grand total $405,912 55 Special levy for sinking fund... $K0.840 00 The report was thorough, exhaustive and neatly compiled, and reflects much credit upon Mr. Wldmayer and his able assistants, IJdward Klsele and Charles House. DUNMOKE. S. T. Palmer, of Hayley, was calling on friends In this borough yesterday. The funeral of Anthony Horan, who died at his home, on Oak street, Tuesday night, will take place this afternoon nt 3 o'clock and Interment will be mude in St. Mary's cemetery. William Carroll and Miss Alice Rich ards, both young people of this borougn, were united In marriage by Rev. Father Donlan, at St. Mary's church ut 2.30 yes terday afternoon. The Young People's Society of Chris tian Endeavor of the Dudley Street Bap tist church will hold a soclul at the home of .Miss Annie Hoffman, on Taylor ave nue, tonight and till are cordially Invited. The regular monthly meeting 6t the council was held In the borough building la:t night, with Messrs. McAllister, Pey ton, Wulsh and Ward present. President Huggerty was In tho chair. Reports from the different committees were heard und approved. A resolution was passed locat ing lire hydrants nt the corner of Prescott avenue und William street, and Grove street and (Julncy avenue. An order was drawn on the treasurer In favor of the contractor of the sewer district. An opin ion was bunded down by 'the borough at torney showing thut the council hud no jurisdiction to fix condensation for the collection of sewer ussesments by the treusurer, which report wus received and placed on file. The report of the street commission showed work dune to the amount of $215.87. - Bids on the bonds were opened and read and referred to the com mittee on bonds. A number of bills were received and orders drawn for the various amounts. A bill of W. J. Nealons to P. J. Langan for repairs on a ursvey which was upset and wrecked by a pile of dirt In the street, claimed ' to have been caused by the negligence of the street commissioner, was referred to a commit tee, after which the council adjourned. (J. P. Blglln announces himself as a candidate for street commissioner, LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE. render this heading short letters of In terest will be published when accompa nied, for publication, by the writer's name. The Tribune will not be held re sponsible for opinions here expressed. ' AN EXONERATION. . ' Editor of The Tribune. Sir: After Tuesday's convention I wits Informed by a person, whose name I do not know, that I could credit my defeat In the committee room to Messrs. McGuln ness. Stone and Hotel-keeper Gallagher, of the South -Side. Upon Informing the above gentlemen of the accusations made against them, they flatly denied them, and asked to be confronted then with the ac cuser. I met the gentleman who gave me the information yesterday and when I requested him to meet the gentlemen face to face he told me that he could not say for sure that it was the gentlemen named above who caused my defeat, as he only got It second-handed; I therefore would beg permission through your columns to Idace Messrs. McGulnness, Stone and Gal agher in the proper light before the peo ple of the South Side and hope this will fully repair all damages done them hy the circulation of the rumor. Mr. Stone Is the candidate for council In the Eleventh ward and I do not wish to do him any Injury by mallclbns and false romors. Neither do I desire that my friends shall construe this as a scheme of mine to further Mr. Stone's Interest In this campaign, as I will work shoulder to shoulder with the true LinnDcriia iu ircinv iivaei vi nun Mini nominated by. the Democratic caucus of the Eleventh ward, each and every one of them, which I can truthfully say Is pain fully the reverse with the "Democrat" whom I wus -thrown down to make rc-jin for. Trusting' this Is sudlcient evidence to satisfy the gentlemen wronged, 1 re main. Yours, Martin Flaherty, Scranton, Jan. 16. TRUE CAUSE LEARNED. Ilardlcy Estate Will It Called Ipoa to Settle Big Hill of Damages. The cost of the extensive and expen sive repairs to the broken sewer main in front of the Wyoming house may have to be paid by the John llandley estate. Street Commissioner Kinsley's In vestigation yesterday led him to the conclusion that the damage resulted from a break In an old water pipe con nected with the Wyoming house, which has not been used for a number of years, as the water Bervlce is now taken through a large pipe on the Wy oming avenue side of the hotel. This pipe was found to be broken and the water which escaped from It. Mr. Kins ley declares, caused the settling which haa been playing such sad havoc with the sewer and the gas and water mains in that locality. In select council last night Mr. Chit tenden stated that when the cost of the repairs and . the damages are ascer tained that the Handley estate will be called upon to pay the bill. SAID HE IS A THIEF. Debate That Occurred Between Two Dickson Politicians. George W. Welland, of Dickson City borough, alleges thut on Jan. 11, 1896, John A. liarron, of the same place, called him a robber and said he fleeced the taxpayers of Dickson time and again. Two days later he gave vent to similar expressions concerning Well and's honesty. For these alleged false, scandalous and .defamatory words an action of trespass was brought yesterday against Barron by Welland. Damages are claimed In tho sum of $".0.0. Attorney Charles K Olvcr represents the plain tiff. FIRE ON ADAMS AVENUE. Did Small Amount of Damage in House Occupied by P. O. Moody. An alarm of lire sounded late yester day afternoon from box 25, corner of Adams nvenue and Olive street, was for a slight blaze in the kitchen of 622 Adams avenue, occupied by P. O. Moody. The Annies consumed an ironing board, a pair of trousers and scorched the walnscoating, but were extin guished before the arrival of the com panies, NOT WORTH THE PKOWDEK. Thieves In Jermyn Crsck a Safe Out Are III Repaid for Their Trouble. Thieves, suppnsedo he a local gang, cracked the safe in the office of the Jermyn Lumber company at" Jermyn sometime Tuesday night or yesterday morning.. It contained nothing but postage stamps, so the thieves were but poorly repaid for their trouble. The money drawer of the safe was found yesterday In un Ontario and Western freight car. Annual Meeting Monday Night. The annual meeting of the board of trade will be held Monday night, 't hat It will prove an Interesting session and will be largely attended is Indicated by the fact that the secretary's Teport will be read showing what has been accom plished during the twelve months Just passed and making reference to future prospects. charter for a Brewing Company. The Lackawanna Brewing company with a capital of $200,000 was chartered at Harrlsburg Wednesday. The offi cers are: Michael Hand, president; Charles K. Underwood, vice-president; Kdward J. Rutledge, secretary and treasurer; directors, Michael Hatad, Herman Hartels, Kdward J. Rutledge, James J. Croghan, Charles K, Under wood and Horaca White. Will Meet Saturday Night. N A call has been Issued for a meeting of Scranton club members at 8 o'clock tomorrow night in the board of trade rooms, when the constitution and by laws will be presented and a number of applications for membership consid ered. WHEN ORDEIUNG COCOA AND CHOCOLATES be sure and ask for HUTLBR'S, They have no superior. WELSBACH LIGHT Speclallj Adapted for ReadiBf tod Seilii I U III it ten Coaiumei tbree (8) feet of gtu per hoar and gives an efflolenoy of sixty (00) candles. Saving at least 83 per ont oraf the ordinary Tip Burners. CaU and See It. T CONNELL CO,, 434 UCKIWIflrll UVENUE. rianufactiirerV Agents. DU FONT'S MMIHG, BUSTIIG MO SPOBTIRG POWDER Manafactarad1 at the Wspwallopea Mills, La serae eonnty. Pa., and as Wil mington, Delaware. HENRY BE LIN, Jr. Ganaral Agent for the Wyoaaiag DUtrlet. tl8 WYOMING AVC, Saranton, Pft Third Botfeoal Bank Balldiag. ma. man. pm-tni . OHN SMITH BOX, Plraoath. Pa L W. MULLIGAN. WUkM-Bej-raTPo. atsnaj tor id aepaana uaonoai i KapkatTeo. THE SCRANTON VITRIFIED BRICK.-0 TILE IUUFHC7URIM6 CO., MAaaas ot SHALE PAVING BRICK AND BUILDING BRICK meat 9Q Waohlagtoa Aveane. Warfcoi Hay Aas. Pa, K. 4 W. V. U. a. M. H. DALE, General Sales Agent, Scranton Pa The. Fashion 308 LACKAWANNA AVE. 308 GREAT CLEARING SALE : FREVIOUS TO STOCK TAKING. The preparations lor this really greet sale nave been - going on for some time, and the results will be seen in the tremendous values offered. DRESS GOODS. 50 pieces all-wool Henriettas, all colors, 40 in. ' wide, 50c value, only 290 40 pieces of Changeable Dress Goods, 40 in. . wide, 60c value, only 390 20 pieces of Black Brocaded Novelties, choice styles, 75c value, only 49 C 10 pieces of Black Serge and Henrietta, 48 in. wide, $1 value, only ! 69c $1.39 Mohair Luster, the very latest; this is special 980 COATS AND CAPES. $ 6.00 Beaver Jackets, 4-buttou effect, only $ 3.98 ia.00 Boucle Jackets, extra large sleeves, only 5.98 14.00 French Couey Capes, 30 in. long, only 8.98 22.50 Electric Seal Capes, 30 in. long, only.... 13.50 40.00 Electric Seal Capes,martin trimmed.only 25. 00 50.00 Wool Seal Capes, 30 in. long, marten trimmed: only 2T.00 The entire stock sold at greatly reduced prices previous to our annual stock taking. H1LLINERY AT ONE-HALF PRICE. IT'S A FLYER and the vclorlly of wind, steam and winK ure suKKexted by his progress. The blcyrle Is the most important Inno vation In moans of travel since the Intro duction of the locomotive, anil we are in tho infancy of Its use. conatrtiutlon and means of propulsion. Healthy-mlntlrcl people are those who commend and practice Its use. To ttuch we need hardly sy, Your bicy cle should bn the. latest and best. Cull and examine ours before buying. J. D. WILLIAMS & BRO. 3I2MD 3(4 LICKAWBNNI IVE. Winter Will Soon Here And to be prepared to meet tne eold weather 700 want a eaeoBattle Salt or Orereost or both AND THE BEST PUCE TO VISIT FOR SOMETHING G009 IN MERCHANT TAILORIFIQ u 406 Lackawanna Are. THERE YOU WILL FIND The largest stock to select from, Tr!s nlnge Always ot the Best, Latest rs in Catting, sad nude) ap on tne pr.aleee by Expert Workmen. tVNothing allowed to leave the estab lishment unlets satisfactory to the eas terner, end the lowest prices consistent with Good Merchant Tailoring. ULSTEBS AND OVERCOATS ' " also - MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS AT Greatly Reduced Prices. Ill LACKAWANNA AVENUE Corner Franklla Avenue. - WILLIAM S. MILLAR, Alderman 8th Ward, Scranton. ROOMS 4 AND S, Gaa and Water Co. Building, CORNER WYOMING ATE. AND CENIER ST. orriCB HOURS from 7.SO a m. tot p. m.) (1 hoar iutermlHion (or eVnnar and sapper. ) Particular Attention Given to Collections Prompt Settlement Quaranteed. yOURBUSIKESS IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED Telephone No. 134. as and mil ICE SKATES SHERIFF SSALO OF irt JURISCH 435 SPRUCE ST. AMUSEMENTS. THE FROTfllNGflflM. Wagner Reis, Lessees end Managers. SATURDAY, JANUARY 18TH. Laat Benson'. New York Sensation. A Powerful Drama, by Haddeu Chamber and B. CI. Mtepbeuson. The Fatal Card Direction ot Julius Cahn. A Magnlllcent Production. A Superb CaiU Strong, Powerful, Cogent, Regular Prices. Sale ot seats opens Tnurt uy, January lot li, t 0 o. m. . . THURSDAY, JANUARY 2a E. M. AND JOSEPH HOLLAND, IN A SOCIAL HIGHWAYMAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Three Mights Commencing THURSDAY. JANUARY 18. Mntlnee Saturday. 30 ARTISTS. 30 Strong Caet. Powerful Chorua. Hand REPERTOIRE: Thursday, La Maaootte, Friday Frf Dlavolo. Saturday, Ollvlttee. Sat" - urday Matinee, Plratea of Pen zance. Pricee 10, 20, 30 and 90o. Saturday Matinee. Adults gc. Children IJC DAVIS' THEATER THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, JAN. 16, 17, 18, 1896. Speclsl Engagement of the Sweet Colleen. Supported by a specially Selected Cast pre scnting the Beautiful and Picturesque Irish Comedy Drama, "Killarney" Direct from the Star Theater, New York City, All the Original icenlc and Mechanical Effects, new and catchy songs. Pretty Dances. Admission, 10, 20 and 30 Cents rvr. PLEASANT COAL 1 AT RETAIL. Coal of the bast quality for d omental tse, and of all sires. dellTered la aaa rt of tho city at lowest price. Orders left at my Ofltoe NO. 118 WYOMING AVENUE, Rear room, first floor. Third National Beak, or sent by mall or telephone ta tae niae, win receive prompt attention. pedal contracts t.-lll lie made for tasj eta) aatd delivery of Buckwheat Coal. WM. T. SMITH. THE NEW NO, S, Contains all that has mide Hammond Work favons, ant NEW, NOVEL and lSBPUL lnv provements. "Hammond Work the Crltef loaj of Hammond Superiority." "Hammond Balsa) the Criterion of Hsmmond Popularity." Ham Bond Mo. 3, "The Perfect Typewriter. Ks amine It and be comisced. Philadelphia braneh of The Hammond Typewriter Co., lit S, Bixth Htreeb F. A. & A. J. BRANDA, 414 tyruMtSwutoA topittqtfalfci MACKA VIRGINIA JOHNSON d iMMimmmii