The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 17, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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1856 NORTON'S 1896
Compliments of the Season.
. Pocket and Desk Diaries
for 1896; large variety.
Almanacs and Calendars, i8(6,
for office and bouse use.
Sabbath School Lesson Notes
for 1896. Several kinds
at unusually low prices.
' Blank Account Books.
If you want new set
or any part of a set,
we can please you
in variety and price.
II .... !
A Foe to Dyspepsia
And Always Have
Good Bread.
Tho Weston Mill Co.
Robert H. Ji'gxii. of Montrose, U In
the rily.
.In 111 1 Kcriiun, of Boston, Is the giwit
of hi brother, John Kernan, of Wyoming
u venue.
William Hhcnn has none to the DWkln
Hon Law whmil, at t'uilialr. to complete
the law 'OtirH he begun In tills i lly.
Frank Wlrrhui-k ami dauchter, -llsn
(inue, of I'mtlanii, ale Hpi-niling a few
day with William Heckimin, of Rlchter
(til vet.
Mlain Klorenee Meyers, of I'hllailelphli,
nnU MIhh Ketla Meyers, of Wllkes-Banv,
are the itnests of .Mr. hihI Mrs. Julius
Hover, of Hallateail I'laee.
I.t nion l.ove, of York. Mi., was here yes
terday Heeuriiifr quarters for the York
KnlKhts Templar durliiK the State Com
mundeiy conclave III May.
Miss l.enr. Slssenberxer, of I'eiin uve
nue. Kave u birthday party Wednesday
nlitht. her twentieth u iini versa ry. There
Were- present: Misses Dorothy HuKtr.
tiertrude t'onner. Mamie Jietxel, Anna
Wlnterstein. Mary HiiKhes, tiomer Davis,
1'aiil Hiown. Iiuniel Trainor, Lester Kutts,
tieorKe Taylor.
K. I'. Hutllnif, of 1417 Sanderson avenue,
entertained the members of his Hunday
School clasi of the Green itlclxe Baptist
ehiuvh laiit evenlnK- Those present were:
Misses ti race Warner, Rose Warner, Kdith
DaviH, MhikIh Lewis. Mamie Sebring,
Ktlie Stewart, Katlo (Jrumpp and .Mrs.
Samuel Hillings.
'The popularity of the Kev. fharleo T.
MorKnn, the pastor of the Spring Garden
Baptist ehuri'h. at Nineteenth and Mas
ter mreets, is Hueh that lie has hail two
rails elsewhere within tho past three
weeks. The flrst In to the Penn Avenue
Baptist church, of Scranton. one of the
best and most tlourishiiiK charges in the
tate. The second comes from the First
Baptist society, of Haverhill, .Mass. The
BprinK OiiMen society purchased their
iirpstnt building from the Northwestern
Bresbyterlan congreKation live years bro.
When the late Waldo Massaros had
charge, and a bin church following has
been InoiiKht toxether there by Rev. Air.
Morgan. Philadelphia Times.
Entertained at the Kcsidoncs of JaJgo
r jr. Willard.
In honor of hln associates of the bench
of the Superior court, niw In session for
the flrst time In this city. Judge E. N.
AVlllurtl entertained them and a few
friends at dinner last evening at his
residence, Madison avenue and Olive
Gathered around the festal board
were the following representative men:
Judge E. N. Wlllurd, Judge Charles E.
Klce, Judge John J. Wlckham, Judge
Howard J. Keeder, Judge James A.
Heaver, Judge Oeorge B. Orlady and
Judge P. P. Smith, of the Superior
court: Judge R. W. Archbald, Judge
Fred W. Ounster and Judge H. M. Ed
wards, of this county, and William Con
nell, ex-Justice Alfred Hand, Judge H.
A. Knapp. ex-Judge W. H. Jessup,
General Manuger V. P. Hallstead. of
the Delaware, Lackawanna and 'West
ern Railroad conipony. Colonel H. M.
Boles, E. H. Sturges and Major Everett
Plllsbury's Flour mills have a capac
ity of 17,500 barrels a day.
Buy the Weber
and Ret the best. At Guernsey Bros.
There's nothing prettier than a
pretty foot in one of these fashionable
XXth Century Seal-Calf Shoes. In
style very similar to a man's shoe
only more graceful and trim. . .
$3.00 A PA IK.
n mi 111 r inniiipn
)UH!tt fl hUEIILDKi
4;0 Sprjca Slrst
Passed on Third Reading it Common
Council Meeting.
That Is All That Is Neecsssy to Make It
Operative -Amounts of the Op
tions on the Property That
Will Be Required. -
It remains only for the ordinance
submitting to the vote of the people the
question of appropriating $150,000 for
the erection of a viaduct on West
Lackawanna avenue to receive the sig
nature of Mayor Connell to become law
and as he has signified his Intention of
approving it. It can virtually be con
sidered operative. .
Only one vote was recorded against It
on final passage In common council
last nltfht. Mr. Loftus of the Third
ward had conscientious scruple
against increasing the city's debt and
voted accordingly. Some little un
cnsinesB wan created among .the West
Side hoard of trade boomers, who filled
the space In the rear of the chamber,
when" Captain Molr picked out what he
thought might be u fatal Haw in the
wording of the ordinance. It was that
the question of bonding the city shall
be submitted to a vote of the people at
the next general election.
The cuptuln contended that the
spring election Is not a "general elec
tion technically speaking, but u munici
pal election. It was his opinion that
the law deiines "general ekctions" as
thoHe at which state and county officers
ure chosen. He did not want to cause
uny embarrassment, he said, but he felt
it his duty to call the body's attention
to the matter so that It might be reme
died If council deemed It necessary to
go Into any hulr-spllttlng business. and
the ordlnunce wus passed as orlgltlully
drafted. . .
Options In Round Number
Options', on the. properties ff "the
Scianton Stove works, Luther- Keller
and Porter Bros, were received yester
day by Mayor Connell. Altogether
they ask about $1:17.000. The Stove
works" figure Is about $77,000,; Luther
Keller's ubout $:T.00(l and Porter Bros,
about $25,000. .Mr. Keller's offer Is not
for an absolute sale, certain reserva
tions being made principal umong
which Is that he shall retain that por
tion of the land not actually ouuupleU
by the viaduct pillars.
Tin- resolution directing the street
commissioner to cover the cement slde
wulks throughout the city with planks
was amended by Mr. Nealls, when it
came up for concurrence, so thut it now
provides that the cost of planking shall
be borne by the property holders in
front of whose properties the plunking
Is necessary.
The. action of select council In with
holding the cost of the pavement of
Uoarlug Brook bridge from the final es
timate of the Phoenix Bridge company
wits concurred In, as was also the ac
tion tending towards the settlement of
the claim of John Evans of Tweirth
street. The resolution directing the
city controller to withhold payment of
the claim of U. (!. Koous contractor
of the Thirteenth district sewer, until
such time us he shall settle with his
employes was approved.
Passed on Third Heading.
The followlngordlnances passed third
reading: Transferlng $2,040.64 from the
Judgment and incidentals fund to set
tle the claim of Muldoon & Bowe for
extra work on the Roaring Brook
bridge abutments: providing for gates
at the Ihulgetown crossing; providing
for an electric light on the corner of
Sunset and Capous avenues; provid
ing an extra paid man for the Phoenix
Engine company; providing for an
electric light on the corner of Hickory
street and Klrst court: providing for
paved gutters on New street: provid
ing for a permanent man for Niagara
Hose company: providing for an elec
tric: light on the corner of Crown ave
nue and Fig street and on the corner
of Stone avenue anil Alder street.
Wha Was Done In the I'ppcr Branch
I of Councils.
Colonel Sanderson In select council
last night introduced and succeeded In
having passed a resolution appropriat
ing $;t.t)00 to meet the expense of the
sewer repnirs In front of the Wyoming
house und of repairing the Olyphant
road near Capouse where the rains
have made It well nigh Impassable.
Common council's Idea that before
electing delegates or otherwise approv
ing of the Heading convention called to
revise the laws governing cities of the
third class, that the opinion of all the
third class cities of the state should bo
sought ns to tho necessity of such a
convention, was heartily approved of
by the select branch and the matter was
referred to the Judiciary committee for
Investigation. The ordinance repealing
the Providence and Ablngton turnpike
compact was called up for final passage
but at the suggestion of Mr. Chitten
den it was referred to the special com
mittee which now has that matter in
Ordinances licensing auctioneers and
proprietors of night lunch wagons
passed llrst and second readings. A
resolution placing carriages at the dis
posal of the estimates committee when
they wish to make personal investiga
tion of matters which require their
presence In outlying wards was passed.
Reports on Ordinances.
The Judiciary committee favored the
ordinance providing for the reconvey
ance of the lot of Mary Davies secured
by the city on a tax sale, and the or
dinance was referred to come up in Its
regular order. An ordinance transfer
Ing the balance of the appropriation for
grading Fllmore avenue to the street
appropriation of the Fifth ward was
favorably reported from the streets and
bridges, committee. The contract for
the construction of a sewer In the court
between Wyoming and Washington
avenues and extending from New York
to Marion streets was at the recom
mendation of the sewers and drains
committee awarded to Hart & Gibbons.
.An ordinance providing for a trans
fer of fcKtii from the Judgments and In
cidentals' fund to the sewers and drains
appropriation: an ordinance for flag
stone sidewalks on Adams avenue, be
tween Vine and Pine streets, and or
dinances for electric lights on Prescott,
Webster and Irving avenues, on Bridge
street at the Delaware. I-uckawanna
and Western arch, on Raymond court
near Mulberry street and at the inter
section of Perry avenue and Laurel
street passed third reading.
Council adjourned as the ordinance'
increasing the pay of permanent fire
men from $fi0 to $65 per month was
called up fur final passage.
Coming Mere to See What Advantage
Scranton Has to Offer.
The recent request of five Massachu
setts cotton mills for Information con
cerning this city's manufacturing ad
vantages wil be considered by the man
ufacturers' committee of the board of
trade tomorrow night at 7.30 o'clock.
It will be remembered that an official
of one of the concerns wrote In the inter
est of all live and that the mills had
been ordered by the state to remove
their plants from a certain river which
It is !M-oKsed to use In Increasing the
water supply of the-lty of Boston. This
letter was addressed to Secretary Ath
erton. of the board of trade, whose re
ply contained a quantity of Information
bearing upon Seranton's many advan
tages and its cheap culm fuel. Since
then he has received from the writer of
the flrst letter another communication
stating that he would visit Scranton as
soon as could be completed the clerical
work In relation to the damages to be
asked by his company from the state.
At tomorrow night's meeting the com
mittee. It Is expected, will anticipate
the visit of the Massaschusetts mill
man by negotiating for sites and pre
paring In other ways to offer Induce
ments at the proper time. The prospect
of locating here simultaneously rive
cotton mills is the first opportunity of
the kind and shows the great attention
bestowed by manufacturers on Scranton
and at the same time Indicates the
truth of the assertion that this city Is
destined on Its merits to really rival
the much-advertised Niagara power.
Miss Malnwaring Will Be the Urlda of
Frcdorbik J. l.owrle.
Married, divorced and re-marrletl. la
the record of the past twenty-one
months with Frederick J. Lowrie, aged
24, and Jessie Malnwaring, aged 19.
both of Carbondale. They were united
In wedlock yesterday by Alderman
Fred Fuller. This was their second
pilgrimage to the shrine of hymen, the
first one having; been made on April 5,
Soon after the office of Clerk of the
Courts John H. Thomas opened yester
day morning there appeared a young
couple for a marriage license. They
were the ones aforementioned. Mr.
Thomas knew that the girl is not 21
years old and refused the license with
out the consent of a parent or Rtiar
dlan. They went away and returned In
the afternoon with the desired con
sent. The girl's mother gave permission,
and when the expectant bride was be
ing o.uesttoncd In the usual form that
all purtles must undergo who apply for
a license, she Imparted the Information
that she hud been divorced and from
the man who was present with her in
tending to leud her again to the altur.
I list Mairiugo in April, 1SUV
Reference to the court records shows
that Lowrie und Miss Malnwaring came
to the clerk's office on April a. .WW. Kot
a license, but there is nothing to show
whether or not they ever got mar
ried. In the hearing at the divorce pro
ceedings later the certificate of mar
riage was offered in evidence and It
represents that they were married on
April 6. 1H94, the same duy the license
was Issued, and that the ceremony was
performed by Alderman E. M. Lowrie,
of Carboiidulet, an uncle of the groin.
The couple lived together until Oct.
29, the same year they were wedded,
when the young wife wus forced to
abandon her home and go back to live
with her mother. Lowrie was cruel
and Jealous, she alleged, when the di
vorce proceedings were pending.
Cruelty and Non-Support.
: The specific allegation on which she
applied for a from him wus
cruelty and non-support. On April 30,
IsM, Judge Archbuld handed down u
decree separating her from Lowrie.
They met recently und u reconcilia
tion was effected.
The Mackay Company Makes a Big Ult
at the Academy.
The Mackay Opera compuny began a
three night's engagement ut the Acad
emy of Music last evening and Ue
llghtd a large audience.
The company is much superior to
the average operatic organization, and
.contains a number of really excellent
urtlsts. La Mascotte wus the opera
produced Inst night und the very cap
able manner In which It was presented
evidenced the strength of the Mackay
company. The organization consists of
twenty-eight and la headed by Miss
Louise Moore, a young and clever
! prima donna, whose voice and ucting
1 were equul to the demands of such a
i difficult role as "Hettina." Mr. Julius
Clurettl sung the tenor part of "Fred
erick" most acceptably and won fre
quent encores. Frank Nelson and Miss
Essie Burton were also good In their
parts. Will Daniels, the leading come
dian of the Mackay company. Is Ir
resistibly funny. His methods are
original and he brought out all the
strength of the part of "Lorenzo" last
The costuming was first class and the
chorus was good looking and etllcient,
There was no ragged work; but on the
contrary the performance went with a
dash from beginning to end. The com
pany will no'doubt be greeted by large
audiences during Its engagement at
the Academy. This evening "Fra I1
avolo" will be sung.
Another day has failed to bring- any
addition to the fund started by The Tri
bune for the benefit of the Home for the
Friendless. Jt Is possible that today's
returns may be more encouraging. The
Home deserves from the generous peo
ple of this community much In the way
of help, apart even from the new build
ing fund. It will be gome time before
that structure will be In readiness. The
interval needs looking after. There are
Immediate expenses that call for a
liberal popular response. In the mean
time, this is The Tribune fund to date:
The Scranton Tribune $100 00
St. Luke's church, "Tithes".. 6 00
Mrs. Henry A. Knapp CO 00
O. F. Schwenker GO
$155 50
Presented with a Bouquet Lamp a
an Etching.
On Wednesday night at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Barzlar. of Delaware
street, about thirty members of Mrs.
W. F. Hallstead lodge, G. 1. A. to the H.
of L E.. and their husbands gathered
and presented Mrs. Burzlar with a ban
quet lump and an etching. Mrs. Barz
lar is president of the lodge. The pre
sentation was made by Mrs. John
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Seeley, Mr. and Mrs. William
Cobb, Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Swartz, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Eshelman. Mr. and
Mrs. Jake Shlffer, Mr. and Mrs. Mer
rltt Gardner. Mr. and Mrs. l B. Stone,
and the Mrs. Hand, Bryant. Poole.
Perlgo, Bllckens, Loomis. GarrlKun,
Lanning, Swartz, Brown Staples. T. H.
Miller, Taylor. Shaver, Carey Coleman,
Whetllng. Davis, Airs. G. E. Swuits,
C. O. Miller, Butler and Gearhart.
Will Be lield This Afternoon in 1. W. C.
A. Rooms.
The twenty-fourth annual meeting
of the Home for the Friendless will be
held this afternoon at 2 o'clock at the
rooms of the Young Women's Chris
tian association. This meeting, which
every one Is privileged to attend, will
be of especial intecest to the life and
annual members, who are entitled to
The report of the treasurer and sec
retary will be read. The hall should be
well tilled. Clergymen arc particularly
Invited to be present.
Uow Long It Will Continue Is ot Very
Certain at Present.
The North Steel mill of the Lacka
wanna and Iron and Steel company has
resumed operations again on double
turn after almost two months of Idle
ness. The South mill Is expected to
resunje about February 1.
The steel trade at present Is very
sluggish and does not appear to be
ready to get any brisker before spring,
but the two mills will operate better the
coming two months than they have the
past two.
Scrnnton. Traction Company Is the
Superior Court Asked to Reverse the
Lower Conit rSnding-Apnf lice's Child
Wss killed by. a Street Car
oa nest Lackawanna Avenue.
In superior court yesterday the first
argument was in the case of Albert
Henne against the Scranton Traction
company. The company is the appel
lant and was represented by ex-Judge
Jessup and Attorney Horace K. Hand.
Attorney Joseph O'Brien argued for the
On June 25, 1891. Albert Henne s mite
girl was killed by a Btreet car on West
Lackawanna avenue near Seventh
street, and In a suit for damages after
ward brought, the plaintiff recovered
$775. The court below refused to grant
a non-suit on motion of the defendant's
attorneys. They allege that Mrs. Henne
was guilty of contributory nearligence
nd therefore could not expect dam
ages. Mr. O'Brien in his argument dwelt
upon Mrs. Hi nne's negligence. He said
it would be a harsh rule to expect her
during the hot weather in a thickly
settled district to close up the windows
and doors as a preventive Iti case a
child felt inclined to wander out. Judge
Jessup in reply stated that it had been
proved at the trial that Mrs. Henne hud
a servant to look after the children and
her sister was in the house with her, and
from all the circumstances her negli
gence was conclusively shown.
Case of Somers Against llower-
A case that has been gravitating up
and down for a long time In the local
courts was next argued. It was the
action of Peter Somers against John
Howey. Attorney W. H. llulstander
appeared for the appellunt and Attor
ney J. E. Burr for the appellee. Howey
had been drawing a pension from the
government and he became Involved
und owed some money to Somers, who
obtained Judgment and levied upon
Howey's property. The defense was set
up that pension money purchased It
and such is exempt from sheriff's seiz
ure. The lower court held that there
wus no merit In that contention. The
superior court will now settle the ques
tion. In the matter of the case of Oscar
MlsselwitZi of Philadelphia., an alleged
lunatic, argument was made by Attor
ney Joseph L, Hull, for the appellants:
the appellee's attorney, Mr. Terry, of
Phlladulphlu, was not present to make
an argument but he sent In his paper
book. Oscar Misselwitz, the alleged
lunatic, was a resident of Philadelphia
for over thirty years, living with his
wife until some time during the summer
of 18H5, when by reason of certain do
mestic difficulties she left home and not
withstanding repeated requests refused
to live with Hint.
On the Sth of November last the wife
secured the appointment of a commis
sion to inquire into the sanity of MlB
selwltz and later she presented another
petition to the common pleas court of
Philadelphia reciting that on November
4 certuln real estute was sold by the
sheriff to satisfy a Judgment against
her husband, and that there was a bal
ance In the hands of the sheriff over and
above the Judgment. The court ap
pointed a receiver and from this order
und decree the appeal has been taken
by Matthias Seddinger and C. Wesley
Uuffell, who are the attorneys in fact
for Misselwitz.
Appeal of John S. lloffnr.
The next argument was on the appeal
of John S. Hoffur. an execution creditor,
from the definitive decree of the court
of common pleas of Wyoming county,
In the matter of the distribution of the
funds arising fom the sheriff's sale of
the personal property of T. W. Pearson,
and In making distribution of the said
funds. The appellunt was represented
by Attorneys E. J. Mullen and Hush
J. Thompson. The attorney for the ap
pellee was J. W. Piatt.
For some time prior to February 1.
18D4, Pearson was engaged In lumbering
an peeling bark In Forkston. town
ship, Wyoming county, and he had con
tracts with Edward and Alvin Milhelm,
Pearson had contracts with other em
ployes, but about Februnry 1, 1894. judg
ments were obtained against him and
his personal property was sold out,
bringing $1,606.05. Prior to sale claims
for wages were presented to the sheriff
and payment of the same demanded
from the proceeds of the sale on the
ground that wages were preferred claims
under the provisions of the several acts
of assembly. Among these claims was
one to the amount of $425 to the Mil
helm brothers.
The proceeds of the sale were referred
to an auditor who rejected the claims,
because they were presented by men
who did not come In under the statute
as laborers. The question now raised Is
whether a contractor who does not
work himself but employs others, can
present his claim under the act pre
ferring wage claims.
Judge Rice handed down an order ap
pointing Monday, Feb. 17, ns the date
for the opening of the Superior court
at WllHamsport.
Case of Morris and Essex Mutual Coal
Company Takina 1 p the Wt-ole Week.
A verdict of $772.09 In favor of tho
plaintiff was found by the Jury yester
day in common ideas court In the suit
of Simon H. Yearkle against Oontrac
to Mathtas Htipp for brickyard cars.
Grand Display of
We have placed upon . our counters
our own importation of embroideries and
can please our customers by showing
them a complete assortment of popular
priced goods.
415 Lackawanna Avenue
In the case of Isaac W. Cobb against E.
H. 11. Cobb the Jury found a verdict In
favor of the defendant. '
In No. 9 court room the trespass suit
of the Morris and Essex Mutual Coal
company against the Delaware, Lacka
wanna and Western Railroad company
proceeded slowly. It will not go to the
Jury before tomorrow. The most of the
testimony of the defendant Is in and
the artrulng of law points will take up
the time today.
The suit of Mrs. 8. Lowensteln
against Emma Lowensteln, executrix
of the estate of Louis Lowensteln, was
put on trial before Judge Archbald af
ter the Cobb case went to the Jury. At
torneys I. H. Burns and Frank T. Okell
represent the plaintiff and Attorney E.
C. Ncwcomb the defendant. The suit
Is to recover Judgment on two notes
amounting to $1,100.
In No. 3 court room the. suit of Thos.
Conroy against Delia Wagner was put
on triul late In the afternoon. The case
Is a scire facias and Is the result of the
non-payment of the balance due on a
If You Don't You Can't Vote at the
February Election.
After tomorrow those who take out
citizens paoers will not be eligible to
vote at the February election. The
election will fall on Feb. 18 and tomor
row will be Jan. 18, which will Just
bring the naturalized citizen within the
thirty days required by law. Sixteen
votes were added by the naturalization
court yesterday.
RHEUMATISM Is caused by lactic acH
In the blood. Hood's Samapurllla neu
tralizes this acid and completely and per
manently cures rheumatism. Be sure to
get only Hood's.
HOOD'S PILLS cure nausea, sick head
ache. Indigestion, biliousness. Sold by all
Have your grocer send you some of
LATES with your next order. Once
tried, always used.
The Home for the Friendless deserves
your help. Save on cigar bills, for a
day or two, and send the amount thus
economized to The Tribune Home for
the Friendless Fund.
January ist fouud us with
1,000 made frames. Other
goods crowded pictures
back so they did not get a
fair shake. Some have a
scratch; find it if you can.
No Wonder
they go now. Here's an
example; just figure.
20x24 Glass, worth 40
Whit and Gold Frame 75
Pastel Picture 35
Back Boards - .06
Today they vgo complete
have nothing to do with
this sale.
Real Signed Etchings
40 or so, in polished oak
frames, sizes 18x32. "Art
store price, two or three
dollars; here for you to
day, 75c-
We Have
Taken Inventory
We have too many After-Dinner
Coffees. We propose to reduce
the stock. The quickest way is
to make prices so low you can't
resist the temptation to bay all the
30c, 40c and 50c ones this week for
Remember our
of which you can buy such pieces
as you need.
Lamps, Toilet Sets,
Cot Glass, Etc.
China Hall
Walk lu and look around.
205 Wyoming Ave.
e or
You will find a visit to our
store will prove both pleasaut
and profitable.
128 Wyoming Ave,
Tke Finest ! the City.
The latest improved furnish'
lags and apparatus for keeping
meat, batter aid eggs.
223 Wyoming Am.
Coal Exchange Clothiers
Will retire from business. This is positively your last chance to buy your
Clothing cheap, We will give you a special sale on Pants from Monday on of
All-Wool Pants at $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3. $3..r0, $4 and $4.50 that are worth
double the money we ask for them. Be sure and get here early, for these are
the biggest bargains we know of.
We will also continue our $4.93 and $6.95 sale on Suits, Overcoats and
Ulsters that are worth anyw here from $m to S.' Remember this is positively
your last chance to buy these goods at such low prices only two weeks more,
at the
Coal Exchange Clothiers
i (Martin dt Dalany's Old Stand.)
in the prices of
Don't buy until you see
our prices.
Acknowledged tat Leading
Of th. WorlA
kKANICHIj BACHE and others.
Musical Instruments,
Husical Merchandise,
Sheet Music and
Music Books.
Purchaser! will always find a complete
stock and at prices as low as the quU
ity ol the Instrument will permit at
I A.
nusic STORE,
117 Wyoming Ave. - - Scranton
We Have
On Hand
Also the Newest.
Also the Cheapest.
Also the Largest.
Porcelain, Onyx, Etc
Silver Novelties in Infinite Variety.
Latest Importations,
Jewelry, Watches, Diamonds.
fl. E. ROGERS,
Jeweler and
215 Lackawanna Ava.
Cures Colds, Lays Out LaGrippe,
Cures Incipient Consumption.
Manufactured by G. ELMEN
DOKF. Elmira, N. Y., and for sal
by the trade generally.
Wholesale Agents, Scranton, Pt
OF YOUR EYES bgou,-l,,,n;r,i,T
BURG'S sod hdvo your eyas examined free.
Wo have rducpd prices anil re the lowest, ia
tie sity. Nickel spectacles from f 1 to ti; gold
from 14 to W.
309 Spruce StroeJ, Scranton, Pa.
Clotfe Heltera&Fumisfiera