THE ONLY REPUBLICAN DAILY IN LACKAWANNA COUNTY EIGHT PAGES 30 COLUMNS. SCRANTON, " PA., FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY 17, 1896. TWO CENTS A COPY. IF MO TTud pone throimli our Dross Uoods mock lust week untl made the murk down In price for this great mid winter sale, you would certainly have been more moderate in the figure cut ting that we have been. Everything Ih marked -for the sluiiKh ter; everything bus taken on a new price uud on Tuesday mumlug, Jan. 14, wo open the Kieutcst. M5dW5nter Dress Goods In our history. Thire isn't an Item ( in tha following- list tlmt Is not season uhle, and ull are ill touch with fash ion's most rigid reiliiieiiients. 69 pices double fold I'lald In thirteen slyles. Hluck und Whiten an well as hrlKht coloring. Kegulur value, U'licentn. SALK PHlCE 'ic. E2 piece Chamelon fancies, 34 inched wide. Ten two toned elTeets In dots, figures, etc. All durk color. Vulue 18c. 8A1.K PKICK lite. 1 case 34-Inch fancies, full assortment of Dark Shades. Hood medium Weight in un extra good ISc. cloth. SALK PKICK K'-jC S3 pieces 34-lneh Illuminated Suitings In ns handsome a range of small Jurquard effects us you can possible Imagine. Full value for He. BALK PRICE 15c. (0 pieces M-lnch all Wool Suitings. Cor rect winter welKht In as attractive a range of Fin Checks and Stripes and ' plain colors as yuiir funcy could sug gest. Were sold ut Hoc. SALK I'RICK 22c. I!i pieces domestic Crepons, hard twist effects In a dozen different desirable shade combinations. Worth nil of 45c, SALK PP.ICK 25c. 40 pieces alt Wool Cashmeres, 40 Inches wide; shade list as follows: Cardinal, Garnet, gold, nut and seal browns, light and durk navy, Sapphire, Ham and dark myrtle, light and dark slate, and black. This has been u leading value at 37'ac. SALK TRICE 2uc. SO pieces 38-Inch all Wool French Serge; superb list of solid colors and a weight that Just suits the season. Lowest former price 37iic SALE PRICE 31c. SO pieces 50-Inch all Wool French Serge, very tine twill In the following excel lent shades: Scarlet, Cardinal, Oar ( net. Wool, Gold, Seal and Mid Brown, Slate, Olive and Myrtle. Cheap at GOo. SALE I'RICK 3d:. t5 pieces 40-Inch Jacquard weave suit ings. This lot consists of the balances of ten different lines carried during the reason now closing. The shade list could not be Improved on, and their ac tual values range from 75c. to 8Tc. SALE PRICE 37'ic. 2. pieces GO-lnch Flannel Suitings In Scarlet, . Cardinal, Gold. Medium and Seal Brown, Tan, Navy, Myrtle und Black; also mixtures In Grey, Brown and fancies. Never sold under 45c. SALE PRICE 35c. SO pieces 50-inch Ladles' Cloth, extra weights Sn Navy, Black, 8 Browns, Myrtle, Garnet, Cardinal. Slate and popular mixtures. Full value for 75c. SALE PRICE 6c. 10 pieces 45-Inch Storm Serge Navy only. Full 50c. quality. 8ALE PRICE 42c. 15 pieces 50-Inch French Storm Serge in Navy or Black. Usually Sue. SALE PRICE Me. 10 pieces 52-Inch Bourette Suitings, Scotch Tweed effects, hard finish, heavyweight. Been 75c. SALE PRICE ,50c. pieces 50-Inch fancy mixeiLBoticle Suit ings; heavy winter weight. Were 11.23. SALE PRICE 75c. i Balance Of Novelty Suitings in Silk and Wool Weaves; regular 75c. and 5e. Cloths In choice effects. SALE PRICE 4. WAREHOUSE Were Spared NO Sale Facts LOBE mm Mtrai! mm Mr. Scwall Condemns President Cleve land's Venezuelan Policy. I'ErTEK'S SPEECH CONCLUDE') Mr. Callora Offers Resolution Asking for Information Regarding Natural iitd Armenian Citizens of the 1'nl ted States Detained by Turk jr. "Washington. Jan. 18. At the begin ning of the proceedings of the house today Mr. UroW (Republican, Pennsyl vania) Kent to the clerk's desk to he read as the baala of a statement upon a question of privilege, an extract front hlet published by the New York chamber of commerce, to the ef fect that congress had refused to pay $40ii.U0U for the seizure of Cunadlun seulers und found to be due by the Purls tribunal of arbitration, thereby preventing the government from set tling a debt which it was in honor bound to pay. On u point miule by Mr. Crisp (Democrat, (leorglul Speaker Reed ruled that it presented no ques tion of privilege; but Mr. Grow suc ceeded in denouncing the publication us fulse. Bills were passed, on motion of Mr. Perkins (Republican. Iowa) to print a.oou copies of u compilation of the cUHtoui laws. on motion of Mr. Murphy (Kepubli can.Ailzonu) authorising the leasing of school ami educutlonul lands In the ter ritory of Arlzonu. The house then concluded the general debute on the pension appropriation bill speeches being made by Messrs. Clark ( Ki iiublican. lowai (Jrlffln (Re publican. Wisconsin) Hatch (Republi can, Imliunai rtruinin (Republican, Pennsylvania) Uovenef (Republican, West ' Virginia) Llnney (Republican, North Carolina) Burtlett ( Democrat. Nov Yolk) uud Blue ( Republlcun, Kansas). Mr. Moody (Republlcun, Massachu setts) announced the death of his pre decessor. General William Cogswell, May 22. 1X!T. The house adopted the ukuuI resolution of regret, und then as u further mark of respect, ut 3.10 ud Jotiiiifd until tomorrow. Limits of .Monroe Doctrine.' A resolution offered by Mr. Sewell. (Rep., N. J.), und which now lies on the table, condemns the course of the president in the Venezuelan boundary dispute and dellnes the limits of the Monroe doctrine. It declares that the Monroe doctrine was originally meant to prevent Kuropean powers from ac quiring the then revolting Spunlsh col onies when their acquisition would, by reuson of propinquity, be dangerous to the sufely of this government: and that we hnve never given nny pledge thut binds us to act merely for the protection from Invuslon of these coun tries unless our Integrity Is menaced. It then utates that the president has pressed (he doctrine beyond what was originally contemplated and that the result would be to commit this govern ment to u protectorate over Mexico und the Central and South American states; that thin course of the presi dent was unwise and dangerous, vio lating our time honored policy of avoid ing entangling alliances with foreign powers; and that such action, In view of the business and financial condi tions of this country, war. pre'muture. It further declares that neither con gress nor the country is committed by this action of the president in the Venezuelan controversy and that after the report of the commission has been made will be the proper time for taking such action as may be demanded by our sense of duty in the matter. A resolution offered by Mr. Cullom, (Rep., III.), was agreed to calling on the secretary of state for information re garding the alleged detention by the Turkish government of naturalized Armenian citizens of the United States. Mr. Hale, (Rep.. Me.), spoke on his bill to facilitate the construction and maintenance of a telegraph cable to the Hawaiian islands by guaranteeing the Interest on the money actually expend ed. He urged that such a cable would. In effect, give notice to the world that the Interests of the two governments and peoples had become so connected that all attempts at Interference would cense. Mr. Peffcr. (Pop., Kan.), concluded his speech, begun yesterday, in favor of free silver coinage and against the Is sue of bonds. (01 XTERFEITERS BAGGED. Chief llnzen, of tho Secret Service Captures a Band of Ten Italian .Money Makers-Tlie Prisoners Show Fight. New York, Jan. 16. After a month's careful and secret investigation, Will lam P. Huzen. chief of the 1'nlted States secret service bureau and several secret service detectives, last night captured a band or ten counterfeiters. Among the prisoners Is Nlcolo Toranto. the alleged chief of the Mafia in the 1'nlted States and Frank Digeroglia, who was born in the king s palace in Italy, and has been In this country only about seven months The other arrests are enuallv as Im portant and Chief Hazen has evidence of their having handled or passed spurious five-dollar certificates bearing the Grant vignette. When surprised. all the men showed fight and drew big revolvers, stilettos and razors upon the secret service agents. They were dis armed, however, and arrested. At No. 11 Roosevelt street, the head quarters of the gang, where Toranto and his men were caught, were found a large number of counterfeit bills and correspondence with agents of the gang in Baltimore ana rnuaueipnin. The prisoners were brought before TTnlted States Commissioner Shields to. dav and held for examination. The detectives said today that thev learned that the gang nau the coun terfeit made in Italy and shipped to this country in boxes containing gro. cerles. For a long time the bills passed the custom house as maccaronl. This was discovered and the bills were sent in among other kinds of groceries. The bogus bills are cleverly executed coun terfeits. POLICE IN POLITICS. Inportant Testimony Brought Out at the Philadelphia Lexow. - Philadelphia, Jan. 16. The sessions of the senatorial investigating committee which is inquiring Into the municipal affairs of this city, were resumed this afternoon. Probably the most Import ant development was the evidence of several witnesses as to the very active participation of policemen In the Re publican primary election last Tuesday night The testimony to this effect re lated to this Eleventh ward, where Jimmy Hagen and Nat Hagen. who are known as pugilists, worked with the police In "trying to run things." Isaac IS. Jeffers. an ex-policeman, testified to the "political power" of Magistrate Hi kens In the Thirty-third ward. The connection of police officers with "speak easies," the Immoral conduct of Blmllar officials at a patrol station In the Twenty-fifth noltie district, the al leged retention, by Special Officer Mar- tin, of money given him to redeem stolen articles, and the efforts of a city em ploye to have Charles H. Albert, a lodging house keeper, arrested because he (the employe) disputed the rights of occupants of Albert's house to vote, were also brought out. . ECKELS ONJtRREXa. Uiotle Statements Made bj the Financial Expert Before the Chicago Real Estate Board. Chicago. Jan. 16. The thirteenth an nual bamjuet of the Chicago Real Estate board was held at the Auditorium hotel this evening. About 600 members and guests were present, a great many of the latter coming; from a distance to see and hear Comptroller of the Cur rency Kckels speak. Mr. Eckels spoke to the toast "Our Currency." He explained the importance of the curerncy question In general and al luded to the manner In which some of the evils crept Into the system. He then said that nowhere In any nation. Whether of great or little power, is there to be found a currency in any financial system so Inadequate for the purpose to be accomplished as that of the 1'nlted States. It presents in its cir culation feature the singular spectacle of nine different kinds of currency, all except two being directly or indirectly dependent upon the credit of the 1'nlted States. I i One statute requires the secretary of the treasury to redeem the treasury notes In coin on presentation and an other compels him to pay them out that they -may return ugalti and uguln for redemption. I'pon every hand It Is an embarrass ment to the proper conduct of the busi ness affairs of the country. It adds to their embarrassments by the forced in flation of the volume of the circ ulating medium ut one time and the forced contradiction through the operation of the sub treasury system at another. Designing to have the banks created under It uud subject to governmental supervision to supply the currency needs of the country, it still Insists on competing with them In their note Is suing function and presents through tax and other barriers which It erects their uttuining the very end for which they were brought Into being. By the operation of the Hland-Alll- suii uct it brought about the coining of muiiv millions of silver dollars ut a value fur more thun the commercial vulue ofvthe silver metal in them, and of fur less vulue than the metal In the gold dollar with which it provides they shull be of equal legal tender vulue, und alongside of which they are expect ed to circulate. And- as If to add to the crowning; act of a series of complications al ready perplexing to an unheard of de gree (he Sherman act has given to us still other sliver dollars and notes to burden tin already overburdened gold reserve, without in the smullest meus- u re adding to Us safeguards. Remedy for All F.vil. After alluding to the Injury being done by the advocacy of impracticable financial schemes, Controller Eckels said: The legal tender issues of the government ought and must be re deemed and retired, if the American people are to be rid of the recurring danger and loss arising from tneir do ing a purt of our currency issues. They doubled the cost of the 'civil war. and prematurely drove us from a specie basis to one, for many years, of Irredeemable paper. . Hud It not been for the circumstances surrounding the government at thut time not a dozen votes could have been obtained in either the senate or the house for a legal tender principle. It is asserted that when the revenues of the government exceed the necessary expeudlttirs, bond issues will cease and no further trouble follow. The diffi culty, however, goes beyond the ques tlon of revenue and touches the vital point Intrenching uion the confidence of thos dealing with us in our ability to always pay these obligations In gold. Complete confidence- cannot be re stored by simply increasing the govern ment Income; but even If it could, there would be no guarantee against future Impairment of it through the same cause. There Is but one road to abso lute safety, and that lies through their payment and cancellation. APPEAL TO THE BANKS. The Various Institutions Asked to Sell the New Bonds. Washington. Jan. 16. Mr. James H, Eckels, comptroller of the currency to day Issued a circular to 3,300 national banks' of the United States, which was In part as follows: some days since, at the request or the secretary of the treasury I caused to be forwarded to you circulars Invit ing proposals for the four per cent bonds soon to be Issued by the govern ment. It Is the deBire of the govern ment that these bonds be distributed as widely as possible, and as they are of a character which affords to nation al banks especially desiring to obtain circulation thereon a long time Invest ment, your attention Is called to them both as to this particular feature and that of the general character of the in vestment. "It Is suggested that the national banks can materially aid the govern ment in popularizing this loan by call Ing the attention of their patrons to the desirability of It as an Investment and in stimulating subscriptions there to." BARELY ESCAPED THE MOB, A Tennessee Doctor Confesses to a Crime to Escape Lynching. Chattanooga, Tenn., Jan. 16. To pre serve the law and avoid the likelihood of mob violence. Dr. Eugene Logan, who a few days ago outraged a little 12-year-old girl In his office at McMInn ville. was taken from jail at midnight and given a speedy trial. The prisoner admitted his guilt and threw himself on the mercy of the court. He was sen fenced to serve twenty years in state prison. His victim, Florence Gardner. Is the daughter of prominent parents and was in the dentist's chair when the doctor took advantage of her. Logan has a wife and two children and was highly respected previous to this deed. Engineer Fatally Scalded- Camden. N. J., Jan. 1C While engine fill of the Pennsylvania railroad and druwin the Jersey ntv rreignt was smnuins a Hmlilmi avenue, above Bridge avenue, to night the crown sheet of the boiler blew out. Engineer John D. Clark, or Manama was enveloped in steam anu loiauy sraiu ed. TELEGRAPHIC TICKS. Bill Doolln, the Oklahoma outlaw, lias been cuntiired ut Kureka Stir nns. Ark A special session of tne Wisconsin leg' Mature has been called to make a legislu ttve reapportionment. William Wittland. receiving teller of the Grangers' bunk, in San Francisco, t'al. has disappeared with 112,0011 of the Instl tution s tunas. Wesley ( Rlppey, the eccentric old man who shot Millionaire jonn w. aiacsay San Francisco, Cal., several years ago. died yesterday. Captain Helstand, of the regular army, tia. ,miril . 1 iiMnuirh and emraired him. self to ex-Governor McKlniey as private secretary ror a penna or iour monini. CHICAGO GETS THE PRIZE National Democratic Convention Kill Be Held la That City. TKBXTY-XINE BALLOTS TAKES New York Is Downed by the Free Silver Forces-St. 1-ouls the Halloing Point for White Metal Enthusiasts. Washington.' Jan. 16. The Demo- ratlc national convention will be held t Chicago on July 7. Such was the decision reached on the twenty-ninth ballot by the national committee this evening, after a spirited contest In which Chicago won by a bare majority with St. Louis only two votes behind. It was practically a fight between the free stiver forces on the one hand and the sound money men on the other. This statement cannot be taken as literally correct for several sliver men finally voted for Chicago, while several other votes were cast for St. Louis by sound money men. As a matter of fact, the vote which Chicago received was, as Mr. Smalley, of Vermont, expresesd It, "a natural one Inasmuch as it was cast by the states lying within . the group known as the middle west and the east. St. Louis' vide might be called equally natural since it came mainly from the south and the west. The free silver men who were bitterly hostile to New York made St. Louis the rallying point and hruughout the entire twenty-nine bul- lots they were loyal to the city of their holce. The splendid showing made by St. Louis surprised the best posted politicians at the Arlington hotel, as it was believed 4ast night and this murn- ng thut she could not exceed 15 or 18 votes; that she would then drop out of the race and that the tight would nar- ow down to Chicago and Cincinnati. fhut she did stay In the race und in the concluding ballots steadily lu- reused her strength shows how ad mirably her forces were disciplined. Plucky New Yorkors, New York's poor showing did riot surprise any one who was familiar with be situation. It was not mat .-New York's cumpuigu was not cleverly man aged, for her delegation neglected no argument thut could secure her the sup port of the committee. Jt wus obvious yesterday afternoon that she could not win, but her representatives pluckily ontlnued the right In the face of cer- tuin defeat. It was thought that Cin cinnati might he the second choice of a sufficient number of members to secure he prize, but this hope was not real ized. At no time during the day was Cincinnati a serious competitor and at no time did she secure more than 12 votes. Chicago began with 6 votes and it was not until the fourteenth ballot that she Increased them to 10. She re malned practically at that figure until the twentieth ballot, when her strength was Increased to 13.. Again she stood practically still until the twenty-sev enth ballot when her vote of 16 in the preceding ballot ' wus Increased to 20. At that time St. Louts which had begun with ID. had 21 votes. New York had fallen to 3 and Cincinnati to 6. It was then manifested that not only had the fight narrowed down to Chicago and St l.ouls. but that Chicugo s steadily in creasing gains indicated her ultimute victory. This came on the twenty- ninth ballot when her vote of 21 in the twenty-eighth ballot was Increased by five, thus giving her a bare majority. and leaving St. Louis a dangerous sec ond with 24, while Cincinnati was re duced to one. New York's four votes on this ballot went to Chicago, as did also one of Cincinnati s. First Ballots Taken. ' After the different cities had been put In nomination this afternoon, five ballots were taken with closed doors. It was then apparent, as the changes were Immaterial, that the contest would be lone drawn out, and a recess until 8.30 o'clock was agreed upon. The intervening time was utilized by the different cities In an endeavor to effect combinations favorable to themselves. A number of informal conferences were speedily called, but they were In most casts barren of results. Senators Brice and Gorman, for example, had a con sultation in Cincinnati s headquarters, Gorman favored New York and Brlce, of course, was using his influence for Cincinnati. Each tried to win the oth er to the city of his choice without avail, and this conference, like many others, came to naught. It was found that the St. Louis contingent were as solid as a rock, and that no break could be made In their ranks. Some of the Cincinnati men showed a disposition to go to Chicago when it was demonstrat ed that Cincinnati could not win and slm'lar sentiments were expressed by some of the eastern men who were sup porting New York. On the other hand New York could jiot secure an addition al promise nor could Cincinnati. It was then realized that the forces of the two cities last named would gradually disintegrate and that St. Louis and Chicago would become the beneficiaries. A hasty calculation showed that St, Louis and Chicago would divide about evenly on the vote, a circumstance which lent additional Interest to the contest. Personal Considerations. That Chicago finally secured a major Ity was due in part to personal con sldorntlons. Certain members of the committee were indifferent as to the lo cation of the convention. What they wanted in particular was a city where they could be made most comfortable. The question they asked themselves was whether these conditions could be found more generally in St. Louis or in Chicago. They decided that Chi cago possessed superior advantages in the matter of hotels and this undoubt edly influenced a sufficient number to give the Lake City the majority. It is also asserted thut the strong support which the silver men gave to St. Louis created a prejudice against that place among certain of the sound money men who voted for Chicago, not because they cared especially for the Illinois metropolis, but because they were de termined not to Join forces with their free sliver opponents. It was not until near 11 o'clock that the final and decisive ballot was taken. Some of the New York men at once packed their grips and returned home on the midnight train. A majority of the convention visitors will leave to morrow and nil. of the number will doubtleSB take thefr departure Saturday. GREEN GOODS OUTFIT. New York Police Discover Quantity of Jay Bait Large New York, Jan. 16. The most com plete green goods outfit ever discov ered was captured last night by pur chase at public auction. The outfit, which comprises 200,000 clrculars.50,000 addressed envelopes, 84. 000 names of possible victims, TO State and 70 Bradstreet directories, together with 15 books furnishing the key to the system of operations, was formerly the property of the McNally gang, which, until about a yeaf ago, operated' in Jersey City. the outfit Oictired In a raid by the Jer- sey City police a year or more ago. but the forty members of the gang escaped with three exceptions, and five tons of the outfit were shipped to Bridgeport, Conn. This was chiefly In circulars. The rest of the stuff was stored in a Broadway warehouse in several large rases. As storage was not paid promptly, .it was sold at auction and bought by a -man named Hoodenbeek, who did not know what the boxes con tained. Some of the gang heard of the sale of the goods and opened negotia tions for their purchase, which led to the seizure of the lot. TRANSVAAL DISTURBERS. Secretary Chamberlain Anxious That tho Filibustered Have a Fair Trinl-Protee-tlon for Amereian Citizen. London. Jan. 16. On Jan. 14 Joseph Chamberlain, secretary of state for the colonies, sent a cablegram to Sir Her cules Robinson, governor of the Cape Colony, asking for certain specific in formation in regartl to the members of the reform committee and other per sons recently arrested at Johannesburg by the Boer authorities and taken to Pretoria for confinement pending their tilul. In this messuge Mr. Chumber lain expressed fears that wholesale ar rests would disorganize the industries which are carried on in the Rund terri tory, and asked Governor Robinson to ascertain and report what the persons arrested were accused of, when they would be tried for the offenses of which they were charged, whether bail would be allowed in their cases pending trial, what were the penalties prescribed by the laws of the Transvaal government for acts of which the prisoners were accused, etc. To this dispatch Governor Robinson replied by wire toduy that the arrested men were accused of treason and also of seeking to subvert the government of the Transvaal, and that they would bii tried by the high court of the South African republic, but that the' dute of their trial had not yet been fixed. Gov ernor Robinson said that the govern ment of the Transvaal republic seemed to be acting within their legul rights, und udded thut upon leaving Prctoriu to .return to Cupe Town he urged President Kruger to observe modera tion toward the accused men in order that he und his government might not alienate the sympathy which they now enjoy. Protection for Americans. Washington, Jan. 10. Nothing fur ther bearing on the arrest of John Hays iummond and other Americans In the South African republic has been re ceived by Secretary OIney, except a cable dispatch from Mr. Munyon, Unit ed States consular agent at Johannes burg, saying thut Mr. Olney's instruc- tiens relative to securing protection American citizens had been received und would be attended to. British consular officers In the Trans- vail are presumably caring for the In terests of citizens of this country, in accordance with the request of Secre tary Olney und the instructions of Co lonial Secretary Chamberlain, with diligence equal to that pursued in the cases of British subjects. ARMENIAN RELIEF FIND. tieorce kennan, the Traveler, Expresses the Opinion That the Red Cross Work Will Not Be Carried Un. Pittsburg, I'a., Jan. 16. Mr. George Kennan, the celebrated traveler, In talk ing about Armenia today, said: "It is absolutely Improbable that the Red Cross will seek to enter Armenia to relieve the enormous distress there, for two reasons: "The Sultan has forbidden it, and, quite Justly, our government will offer Clara Barton and her band no assist ance. "Supposing the Red Cross should carry their good Samaritan work into the districts where these massacres are reported, the results would be that their reports would give full detail of the at rocities committed by the Turks on the defenseless Armenians. "It Is these reports that the Sultan fears, and It is to evade broadcasting them that he denies admission to the Red Cross. "The country," he says, "Is now in the midst of a rigorous winter; It is very mountainous, and the roads, at best, are hardly more than bridle paths. This would make It impracticable at this season for the members of the so ciety to carry on their work In Armenia The sultan would never permit the nec essary military escort to guard the sup plies from the attacks of the Kurds which infest the mountain highways, and the sufferings of the Red Cross people from these causes can only be imagined, LAUGHED AT HIS OFFER. Cold Treatment for a Young Man Who Desired to Win a W'if. Youngstown, Ohio, Jan. 16. Frank Bradley, a farmer, came here from Mecca, Ohio, and calling at a number of stores proposed to several young women, each of whom rejected him, Bradley after advertising for a wife, started for home, and today three let ters were received in a feminine hand and sent to him. Bradley said he had secured a license once and when he went to marry the girl she threw the license in tho grate und laughed at him. RIDER'S REASON UNSEATED. Henry F.nnls, the Iowa Bicyclist, conscious Since Friday Night. ti Ottumwa. Iowa, Jan. 16. Henry En nis, aged 19, who has become famous as a bicycle trick rider, fell on the floor of his father s store here Friday night in a swoon and has been unconscious ever since. The physicians say his brain Is the seat of the trouble and that it was caused In some manner by the feats he performed on his wheel. The Gold Keserve. Washington, Jan. It!. The treasury lost $114,000 In gold today, leaving the treasury gold reserve at i4,74.,oiio. STATE NUGGETS. llurElurs cracked the safe in Einstein Bros.' store, at Harrlsburg, and stole Northumberland county bankers report that 18!j was the best business year since iso. The Allegheny county Jury acquitted Terrence Shields, charged, with the mur der of Policeman Doyle. Burglars rifled the New Jersey Central railroad station at Weissport, but did not secure much money. By a premature explosion of powder In a Tyrone quarry, r ranic frelsel and An ton Louler were critically Injured. The Schuylkill county auditors yester ifhy tiled an answer to tho writ of quo warranto Issued by the attorney gen eral. Palo Alto citizens will vote at the com ing election upon the Increase of the debt $15,000 to furnish electric street lights anl new sewers. ' I)r. Pearson, state veterinarian, has sent out circulars to the prothonotarles over the state asking for a list of all veterin ary surgeons registered. 'About 300 'men anil boys at Stockton were made-idle yesterday by the closing of the Llnderman & Skeer colliery, which will be Idle for an indefinite period. THE SITUATION IN CUBA Reports from the Scene of Action Somewhat Conflicting. REBELS HAVE THE- ADVANTAGE The Spanish Troops Defeated by the In surgents at Cobre-Kebels Have Cut Off Means. of Communica tion with the Interior. Santiago de Cuba, Jan. 16. via Key West, Fla Jan. 16. The people of the town of Cobre have been greatly alarmed and many families came to this city for fear that Cobre should be entered by a large party of rebels under Higinls Vazquez, who for some days have been around the said town. On Jan. 4 Vazquez sent a message to the commander of the garrison of Cobre, composed of BOO Infantrymen and 00 guerrillas, telling him to come out as far as San Lorge, where he would wait for him. The Spanish chief accepted the Invitation, and with the guerrillas und 250 men went to San Lorge. But the rebels, who numbered about 800, received them with such a terrible shower of bullets that, although the Spanish rolumn fought bravely for nearly an hour, they were defeated and were almost disbanded, and had to re treat In haste. The Spanish had thirty-four killed, among them being a captain. Eighty- six soldiers were wounded in the en gagement. The Insurgents had seven killed and sixteen wounded. The guer rillas of Colonel Tejeda and a section of Colonel Sandoval's column had an encounter on Jun. 4 In Sabana do Ml nnda with a rebel party of 200 men un der Panclio Sanchez. Both lenders are brave men and fought well, but the enthusiasm of the Cubans In their cause for Independence doubled their courage. They fought with machetes and kept their ground, killing six sol diers and wounding thirty-four. Span ish Chief Tejeda received a slight wound on one leg. The people here are always In a state of excitement, as rebels appear every night in the sub urbs of the city and some small groups have entered Into some of the streets near the entrance of the city. J.ust night they visited a store In San An tonio street and carried away with them five guns, cartridges and some provisions. Of course, when the alarm was given and a company of troops went down to the place, the rebels had disappeared. Madrid, Jan. 16. A dispatch from Havuna says that the rebels have cut off all means of communication with the interior except by the short ratlroud fioni Havana to Marianas. The tele graph wires are all cut and the railway tracks torn up and the only means of official communication with the out lying provinces is by steamship. The principal Insurgent leaders are said to be going westward accompany Ing convoys of arms and ammunition. Ie Lome's Cheering News. Washington, Jan. 16. Seuor Dupuy De Lome.the Spanish minister, late this afternoon received the following rte- upatch dated January 16, from tho duke of Tetuan, minister of foreign affairs at Madrid: "General Hurez Val dez met and defeated Gomez, killing; and wounding some of his men who were left on the field. Col. Molina de. feated a band In the jurisdiction of Colon. The column of Jorro also de' feated the enemy in the Clariera plan tation. Col. Marti also met and de feated another band in Santi SpJrltus, There have been other small encounters also to the advantage of the Spanish army, but without great result because of the policy of scattering adopted by the insurgents. 1 telegraph to you the news with perfect accuracy." The Spanish minister declares that the alarming news published today is without foundation. Gomez Is trying1 without result, to return to the eastern part of the Island and has had several engagements in Celba. Uulbican, Guan- ajny and Bejucnl, trying to break the) Spanish line and pass to the province of Matanzas. There is no more reason for alarm now, he says, than two weeks ago, when the Insurgents approached Havana and the Chicago Associated Press recorded the capture of the city. General Prate Claims Victory. Havana, Jan. 16, via Tampa, Fla. Jan. 16. Today General Prats sent the following official telegram to Captain General Martinez Campos from Marl ano: "After a persistent pursuit of the) enemy, today at half past two o'clock we sighted thein between Palomino and the coast. The enemy was marchings in the direction of the hills at Guana jay. I attacked them with my column keeping up steady volleys until four oclock when they retired in great haste to the hills. The rebel command consisted of about 2,000 men, command ed by Maceo. The cavalry continued the pursuit. I shall continue It tomor row irrespective of their number.taklnfr advantage of their moral and material defeat, to finish the work. The enemy lett eight dead on the field, and wounded rebel chief. Mirro. It Is be lieved that many of the enemy were wdunded. Their persistent attempts to reach the coast leads us to believe that they wished to cover the embarking of some or tneir number or the disembark ing of supplies. "The men In my column are In excel lent spirits and full of enthusiasm.' SWAIN'S DARK PLOT. Tried to Wreck an Illinois Central Tra So as to kill Klval. Dixon, III.. Jan. 16. In order to get even with a successful rival for the smiles of a young lady, it is allege that William Lally tried to wreck a Illinois -Central train at Kldlna lust night. In consequence he and James Holgson, whom he persuaded to assist him. have been held for trial in J'iOO bonds ouch. Joseph Petit, whose life It Is asserted Lally sought to take, expected to move lust night to Nashville, Tenn., und th alleged train-wrecking plan was for the purpose of being revenged upon him. STRIKE AT PITTSBURG. Twenty-Five Percent. Reduction Causes Trouble at Westinghonse Works. Pittsburg. Pa., Jan. 16. This morn Ing 1180 men and 20 women employes of the Westinghouse Klectric company, in Kast Pittsburg, were notified of 2.", per cent, reduction In their wnges, At noon they decniea mat tne reuuc tlon in their wages was unjust, slni for some time they have been able to make only half time, and quit work in a body. It Is rumored that wage reduction In other departments will be ordered tomorrow and that 1.000 men affected will also refuse to continue to work. Not a Single Word for Susan. Boston. Jan. 16. President Kllot, of Har. vard university, when asked today if he had any reply to make to Hunan U. An thony's denunciation of him. replied that as far as be was concerned there was not a Miigie word to be said. AMUAL LINEN SALE Owing to the gfe&t success of our annua Linen Sale we will continue it a few day9 longer. We have added a few special items of interest tq our patrons. 72 inch Cream Damask,' 49c. 72 inch Cream Damask. 63c. 66 inch Cream Damask1 50c. 72 inch Silver Bleach Damask, $1.00. Cream and bleached German linen damask (the genuine article), German) linen towels and toweling, fc dumasM napkins, 79c; German damask nap. kins, $1.45; odd lots of napkins at special prices, full line of towels and the best hem stltctaed huck towel ever shown at $3 per dozen. We have secured an- other lot of our celebrated 98 cent. Counterpanes- Best in the market 510 and 512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE I896 Increase fivertf dav III the year; more good shoes make more good inenusv 114 AND Hi WYOMING ATA 5VISHE3 EVERYBODY , Happy New Year. Great reductions id prices before taking inventory in ... . SI 408 Spruce St. Near Dime Bank. BLOCKED BY BEET EM. Traction Company's Manager Interferes with Work of Pease Commission. Philadelphia, Jan. 18. The commis sion composed of representatives from the citizens' committee, the Union Traction company and the employes of the latter corporation, to arbitrate upon the grievances of the men of the company, met this afternoon, but. In a session of two hours and a half, prac tically nothing was done. Uenerul Manager lleetem. of the Traction company, was present, and ns he is not a member of the commission, the representatives of the employes ob jected to his presence, and over two hours were consumed In discussion be fore Mr. Heetem withdrew. The griev ances of the men were formally pre sented; nnd then the commission ad journed until tomorrow. WEATHER REPORT. For eastern Pennsylvania, inereasltif cloudiness, probably followed by snow at night; winds becoming northeast. V