THE ONLY REPUBLICAN DAiUY IN LACKAWANNA COUNTY. I -dL .'a. a. EIGHT rAGES5tf COLUMNS. JSCBANTON, PA., THURSDAY MOBN1NG, JANUA11Y 10, 1896. TWO CENTS A COPY. FYOU Had gone through our Dress Goods mock last week and made the mark lown in prices for this great mid winter sale, you would certainly have been more moderate In the figure cut ting that we have been. Everything Is marked for the slaugh ter: everything hus tuken on a :iew price and on Tuesday morning, Jan. 14, we open the greatest. MidWlnter Dress Goods Sale In our history. There Isn't an Item in the following list that is not season able, and all are In ttich with fash ion's most rigid requl Vnients. Je Fad 6$ pice double fold Plaid In thirteen styles. Black and Whites as well as bright colorings. Kegular value, , l.'icents. 82 pieces Chamelon fancies, 34 Inches wide. Ten two toned effects in dots, .figures, etc. All dark colors. .Value 18c. SALE PRICK 12c. l ease 14-Inch fancies, full assortment of .Dark . Shades. Good medium weight in an extra good 18c. cloth. BALK PRICE 12Vo C3 pieces 34-Inch illuminated Suitings in as handsome a range of smalt Jacquard effects as you can possible imagine. . Full value for 22c. ' SALE PRICE 15c. tO pieces .16-Inch all Wool Suitings. Cor rect winter weight In as attractive a range of Pin Checks and Stripes and plain colors as your funcy could sug gest. Were sold at 35c. SALE PRICE 22c. 13 pieces domestic Crepons, hard twist effects In a dozen different desirable shade combinations. Worth all of 45c. SALE PRICE 25c. 40 pieces all Wool Cashmeres, 40 inches wide; shade list as follows: Curdinul, Garnet, gold, nut and seal browns. ' light and durk navy. Sapphire, light and durk myrtle, light and dark slate, und black. This has been a leading vulue at ililjiu. SALE PRICE 25c. SO pieces .18-inch all Wool French Serge; superb list of solid colors -and a weight that Just suits the season. Lowest former price 3T'c. SALE PRICE 31c. 10 pieces 50-Inch all Wool French Serge, very tine twill in the following excel lent shades: Scurlet, Cardinal. Oar i net. Wool, Gold, Seal and Mid Brown, Slate, Olive and Myrtle. Cheap at 5Uc. , SALE PRICE 39c. IS pieces 40-inch Jacquard weave suit ings. This lot consists of the balances of ten different lines carried during the ' aeason now closing. The shade list could not be improved on, and their ao - tuul values range from iw. to 85c. SALE PRICE 37!4C. 25 pieces 50-Inch Flannel Suitings In - Scarlet, Cardinal, Gold, Medium and Seal Brown, Tan, Navy, Myrtle and lilack: also mixtures in Grev. Hrown and fancies. Never sold under 45c. - ! SALE PRICE 33c. M pieces 50-Inch Ladies Cloth, extra weight In Navy, Black. 3 Browns, Myrtle, Garnet, Cardinal, Slate and popular mixtures. Full value for 75c. SALE PRICE 59c. 10 pieces 45-Inch Storm Serge Navy only. ' Full Me. quality. SALE PRICE 42c. IS pieces 50-Inch French Storm Serge In Navy or Black. Usually (Sc. SALE PRICE 55c. 10 pieces 52-lnoh Bourette Suitings, Scotch Tweed effects, hard finish, " heavy weight. Been 75c. SALE PRICE 50c. piece 60-Inch fancy mixed Boucle Suit ing; heavy winter weight. Were 11.25. , SALE PRICE 75c. . Of Novelty Suitings In Bilk and Wool r Weaves; regular 75c. and 85c. Cloths In choice effects. SALE PRICE 4. UAREHOUSE ? We've Spared Mill Ba aice THE SILVER DEBATE IS ON Two Long Speeches Against the Further Issue of Bonds. EX-SPEAKER GROW HEARD II llnters Vigorous Protest Against tba Encroachment of the President I'pon the Prerogative of the llouse-The Pension Bill Discussed. Washington. Jan. 15. The aenate listened- today to two long speeches against the further Issue of I'nlted States bonds and In favor of the use of silver money; the tlrst was made by Mr. 'Mills (Democrat. Texas) and the second by Mr. Peffer (Populist.Kan sas). Mr. Mills" speech wa bitterly de nunciatory of the national banking: system, and was an arraignment of the financial policy of the president and of the secretary of the treasury; while Mr. Peffer denied that there was any authority In existing statutes for the issue of United States bonds. Although the Kansas senutor spoke for two hours und a quarter he did not conclude all that he desired to say, preferring to go on with the remainder of his speech tomorrow. On the same general subject a Joint resolution was Introduced by Mr. Pugh (Democrat. Alabama) being a repro duction of what Is known as the Stan ley Mathews resolution, declaring all government bonds payable, principal and Interest, at the pleasure of the gov ernment, In standard silver dollars. Mr. Pugh said that he would ask a vote on the resolution tomorrow without de bate but subsequently.on account of the absence of several senators, he said he would not ask a vote until Monday. The senate at 4.25 adjourned until tomorrow, with the understanding that adjournment tomorrow would be till Monday. Mr. Grow' Protest As was the case on Tuesday, the most striking event of today's proceedings in the house occurred just previous to adjournment. The venerable ex-Speaker Gulushu A. Grow, representative at large from Pennsylvania, moved thereto by a colloquy between Messrs. Picklcr. (Rep.. S. Dak.), and W. A. Stone. (Rep.. Pa.), as to the probable action of the president upon a general revision of the pension laws, protested earnestly against the encroachment by the htad of the executive department of the government, or by any of his clerks, upon the prerogatives of the house. Apropos to this colloquy, the vener able ex-Sneaker Grow (Rep., Pa.), ad dressed the house briefly uoon the ne cessity of resenting the encroachment upon its prerogatives by the executive. He said: I'nder the long established parliament ary law It has always been regarded as un invasion of the prerogatives of parlia ment for any one to defer its discussions to the opinion of the king on any question pending before it. A member Is Mr. Cleveland "the king"? Mr. Grow In reference to matters of this kind he occupied the same relation to the houses of congress that the sover eign In Great Britain does to parliament. The president exercises the veto power; anil. If we do not have on any given meas ure the two-thirds vote necessary to over come that, he is, so far, the king. In the last congress we had before us, on one occasion, a bill headed "the bill of the secretary of the treasury." What has that odlrer to do with presenting a bill In this house? We have had here at tempts by the secretaries of the different departments to Influence legislation: they have sent in here letters to be read with reference to pending measures, and lu one case a letter was read here from the president of the United States having ref erence to a measure then pending in the house and Just about to be voted upon. I trust such practices will be discontinued. This house owes It to Itself to make the president understand that he has nothing to do with the action of this legislative body till a bill formally passed is pre sented to him for his approval (applause); only in that contingency, has he the right to express his approval or disapproval. Nor has any one of the heads of de partments, except the secretary of the treasury the right to communicate his views uninvited to this house. That offi cer may report to this house on Important questions affecting the revenues; but when he sends here a bill headed "the bill of the secretary of the treasury," ' the house owes It to Itself to return that bill to him and to say that he cannot Invade In that wuy the prerogatives of this body, any more than can the president of the I'nlted States by his having a letter read here Just on the eve of a vote upon an Im portant measure. I am well aware that the majority In thin house today Would take no orders from the present executive; it is not in that view that I am raising this question. 1 simply submit that the legislative de partment of the government owes It to Itself to resent any attempt on the part or the executive or his clerks to Influence the vote of this house on pending legisla tion. (Applause.) The greaterp art of the session was devoted to the discussion of the pen sion appropriation bill, various Republi can members criticising the administra tion of the pension bureau. Mr. Walsh (Rem, N. Y.) united with his colleague, Mr. Cummlngs, in assuring the house that the Democrats of New York ap proved a liberal pension policy. He In voked the chivalry of the members from the South, which, he suid, has never been appealed to In vain, to vote for the bill and the amendment pro posed by the committee and thereby aid in making comfortable the widows of those who had met them In the Held In open and honorable conflict. Mr. W. A. Stone, (Kep., i'a.) in charge of the bill, gave notice that he would tomorrow ask thef house to consider the bill under the five minute rule, with a view to reaching a vote before adjourn ment. Mr. MeClellan Seated. In the morning hour the house adopted a resolution reported by Mr. Johnson (Rep., Ind.) from elections committee No. 2, confirming the right of George B. McClellan to the seat he holds In the house as the representative from the Twelfth New York district tne contest therefor having been abandoned by Robert H. Chesbrough, the Republican candidate. Senate bills were passed amending the land grant forfeiture act so as to permit purchases of lands Included within the forfeited grants, to purchase segre gated tracts up to a maximum limit of 320 acres, and to grant an American register to the steamer Miami, rebuilt from the British steamer in en to. tValilng for Mr. Jones. . A special meeting of the senate conv mittee on finance was held this after noon. It was of short duration, and was due to the desire of the Republicans to have an early report on the tariff bill All the Democratic members were pres ent but Mr. Vest and they announced their intention of voting adversely on the motion to report the bill In any shape. Mr. Wolcott expressed himself as favorable to the report of the bill as It came from the house but no one was able to say how Mr. Jones, of Nevada, stood. At first Mr. Jones was favorable to the bill as it came from thehouse, but he has been quoted as saying he would Insult on bis 16 per cent, ad dltlon to the house bill In the sugar schedule, and tba Republicans did not car to assume the responsibility of MreJrr him m th-Mr-column- nntll he appeared for himself. It Is thought that Mr. Jones will permit the bill to be re ported without amendment and make his fight In the senate for his amend ment putting the sugar schedule on the same level with the other schedules In creased by the houso bill. DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. Various Cliques of the tnterrlflcd Are Confident That Success Will Reward Their Efforts. Washington. Jan. 15. The corridors of the Arlington hotel are filled to night with crowds of politicians who are eagerly discussing the prospects of the various cities which are contending for convention honors. The New York people retain the same air of confidence they have worn all day and seem fully satisfied that they cannot be beaten. They are claiming 23 votes, one more than they expected this afternoon and believe that when the break comes and the weaker claimants drop out of the tight they will receive enough addition al votes to give them a majority. Their ranks were reinforced tonight by the arrival of the members of the citizens' committee which Is a non-partisan body, headed by Isador Strauss, who reached the Arlington at 9 o'clock. A delegation from Tammany hall ar rived simultaneously and are quar tered at the Shoreham. The St. Louis contingent spent a busy duy and some other representatives hnve met personally every member of the committee In the city. They do not regard New York as a serious competi tor: believing that the support of that city will speedily disintegrate after a few ballots. They believe that their only real competitor is Chicago and make no secret of their apprehensions in this particular. At a late hour to night there is some consternation In the ranks of the St. Loulsans over the re port that Senators Gorman and Brlce, and Chairman Ilarrity are working against them. At the hour at which this despatch Is written (11 o'clock) some of the Mlssourians are discour aged at the outlook and disposed to be lieve that the fight Is lost. ' It Is obvious that notwithstanding Chicago's apparent Inactivity the city- is well regarded by the members of the national committee and there are not wanting those who have no direct in terest in Chicago who believe that the lake city will tomorrow bear off the convention honors. It Is believed that before morning the leading members of the committee will agree upon one of the cities to which their Inlluence will be thrown, and It is regarded as reasonably cer tain that their conclusions will be adopted by a majority of the members. The Cincinnati delegation are playing a waiting game and hope to become the second choice of a sufficient number of the committee to win. They believe that if St. Louis drops out of the race, the major part of its strength will go to Cincinnati. STILL IN DOUBT. Both Quay and Martin Forces Claim the Victory in Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Jan. 15. The control of the city committee Is still in doubt and will probably remain so until rrlday night, and the result may not be known until even next Monday night. Un Fri day night the executive committees of the ward committees meet to elect the city committeemen. Under the follow ing rule of the party the whole situation Is complicated. The rule is as follows: All nominees of the p -ty for ward officers shall be ex-otnelo members of their ward executive committees for the election at which they are nominees for two weeks thereafter and be entitled to vote therein. If either side is able to Influence these nominees their vote may turn the scale in favor of either faction. Even after the meeting of the ward committees on Friday night the control of the city committee may be still In doubt until the meeting of that committee itself on Monday evening, when the result will be announced. The administration forces, led by Da vid Martin and Mayor Warwick, claim 23 out of th. 37 wards, and the Quay men claim ;o, but there seems to be nine wards that can be classed as doubtful. Still, so far as can be figured out at present, It would seem that the administration will control the city committee by a small majority. Even if this is so, senator Quay has achieved a victory in Philadelphia, as his as saults on the lines of his opponents have badly shattered them and he Is now firmly intrenched In the party machin ery of Philadelphia. COUNTY AUDITORS' CASE. Say the Law Affecting Schuylkill and Luzerne Counties t nconstltutlonal. Pottsvlle, Pa., Jan. 15. The Schuyl kill county auditors have .filed an an swer with Judge Savldge, of North umberland county, specially presiding, to the writ of quo warranto Issued at the Instance of Attorney General Mc- Cormick to show cause why they should not vacate their office. It is claimed that the county controller act has abol ished the office of auditor. The answer sets forth that the office was created by the constitution and the same has not been repealed by an amendment to the fundamental law, and the act of the 27th of June, 185, cre ating the office of controller Is uncon stitutional. It is special in its terms so far as creating the office of county con troller Is concerned as It provides only for county controllers in counties that show by the last decenlal census the population of 150,000 or over that only two counties In the state, viz.: Schuyl kill and Luzerne, are affected by said act; that the passage of said act Is In violation of clause 17. section 7 article 3 of the constitution Inasmuch as it cre ates an office for only these two counties and prescribes and limits the duties of the county auditors and likewise pre scribes and limits the duties of county commissioners in the said two counties. Brewing Company Chartered. Harrlsburg, Pa., Jan. ICThe Reading Eagle Savings Fund of Reading, capital, ll.Uuw.OOu, ami the Lackawanna Brewing company of Scranton, capital, rJUO.00), were chartered today. CONDENSED STATE TOPICS. Merchant J. O. Jacobs Is mysteriously missina- from Davldsburg. York county, and the sheriff has seized his store for debts. At a meeting of the stockholders, held at Drlfton, Alfred Walters was elected president of the Delaware Susquehanna ana scnuyimii rauroau. York councils refused to confirm the mayor's nomination of A. II. Pflleger, for chief of the Are department, as the tire' men preferred another candidate. The Northern Central railway has ob tained a supersedeas to prevent the erec tlon of an electric railway bridge over its tracks at Rlverton, Cumberland coun ty. The state board of undertakers at Pitts burg completed the work of examining ap plicants for license yesterday afternoon, and adjourned to meet In Philadelphia the nrst wees in February. . Philadelphia book agents or publisher are alleged tohave swindled Miss Nettle I Thompson, of Allentown, out of 1200. Delaware county's board of poor dl rectors made Charles H. N. Martel, one of It members, treasurer and purchasing scent, and stirred up a political row, OIN TRACTION TROUBLES Efforts of Citizens Committece to Make Peace. STREET CAR MEN INDIGNANT They Claim That tba Traetlon Company Simply. Wish to Gain Tlmo-The Pen co Commission Will Meet Today-Trouble Apprehended. PhlladelDhla. Jan. 15. The conference between a cltixens' committee headed by Archbishop Ryan, and President Welsh and the directors of the Union Traction company,-which was requested by the former body for tne purpose oi en deavoring to settle-the difficulties be tween the traction company and Its conductors and motormen.. was held today. ' The conference was held be hind closed doors and lasted about two hours. At Its conclusion it was an nounced that It had been agreed to ap point a commission which "shall hear a committee of employes as to any grievances which are alleged to exist and to consider such alleged grievances witn a view or determining wnicn, u any, of them do exist, and which are susceptible of possible adjustment and to consider the method of adjusting the same." The commission will consist of Arch bishop Ryan, of the Roman Catholic church, Bishop Whltaker, of the Prot estant Episcopal church. Bishop Foss, of the Methodist Episcopal church. .George Griffiths, secretary of the Chris tian League, John E. Ha I id and John Sparhawk, Jr., representing the Clti xens' committee; John Lowber Welsh, Thomas Dolan. J. J. Sullivan, P. A. B. Widener. William H. Slielinerdlne and Caleb Fox, representing the Union Traction company, and six employes of the union Traction company to be se lected by the men. Employe Indignant. After the conference with the Trac tion company officials the citizens' com mittee met the committee of six that has been representing the employes and reported the result of the meeting. At first the committee of six Indignantly refused to accede to the proposition and accused the traction company of seek ing further delay and for a time seemed as If a strike would be ordered at once. After listening to the arguments and pleadings of th citizens' committee the men's committee finally agreed to ac cept the commission and three o'clock tomorrow afternoon was fixed as the hour for the commission to meet. NO SHU'S FOR TURKEY. Secretary Olney Declines to Discus Rumors Regarding th Fleet. Washington. Jan. 15. The United Press cable dispatch from Constanti nople, stating that the Turkish minis ter here had been Informed by the Unit ed States governmnet that no addition al warships had been ordered to Turk ish waters, was probably based on a communication made to Mavryoeni Bey when the Turkish minister visited the state department. Mr. Olney this af ternoon declined to say anything on the subject. The announcement of the Porte is practically of little interest. excepting In so far as It officially con firms the understanding In naval circles that no actual orders had been Issued to Rear Admiral Bunce to send any of the vessels now under, his command at Hampton Roads. But notwlthstand this, it Is understood to be true that the project of sending a portion at least, of Admiral Bunce' fleet to the Levant has been considered by the president and his advisors. That no formal action has been the result, of this consideration does not necessarily mean that the project has been abandoned, for the fleet Is still held In home waters, although nearly a month has passed since the date set for its departure for a practice cruise In the West Indies. ' CARLISLE'S NEW CIRCULAR. Additional Instrnetlona Regarding Sub scription Have Been Issued. Washington, Jan. 15. Secretary par lisle tonight Issued the following addi tional circular regarding the subscrip tion to 4 per cent, bonds; Washington. D. C, Jan. 13, 189. Treasury Circular (No. 3. U) dated Jan. 0, 181W, Inviting proposals for the purchase of one hundred million dollars (JlOO.OOO.tWO) of United States 4 per cent, bonds. Is here by so modified that, after the payment of the first installment of 20 per cent, with accrued Interest, as required In suld cir cular, .the remainder of the amounts bid may be paid in Installments of 10 per cent, each, and accrued interest at the end of each iifteen day thereafter; but all ac cepted bidders may pay the whole amount of their bids at the time of the first Installment, and all accepted bidders who have paid all Installments previously maturing may pay the whole amount of their bids at any time not later than the maturity of the last tiistullment. Accepted bidders who pay the whole amount at the time of the first installment or at any date thereafter, as above pro vided, will be entitled to receive, at the date of the payment, the whole amount of bonds awarded to them, and accepted bid ders who pay by Installments will be en titled to receive at the dates of such pay ments the amount of bonds paid for. (Signed) J. O. Carlisle. Secretary of the Treasury. OFF TO OTHER FIELDS. Men Who Passed "Queer" at Williams, port Have Vanished. Wllliamsport, Pa., Jan. 15. It was learned tonight that the two. presum ably Italian "shovers" of counterfeit five and ten dollar bills, who victim ised over a doxen people here, left lust night over the Reading railroad for New York city. One purchased his ticket here and the other waited until he reached Leadshurg, before securing his, leaving the train just long enough to do so. This man is described as a foreigner, thought to be an Italian. He was about five feet six Inches In height, weighing about 150 pounds, with a full, smooth and pock marked face. He wore a small cap and a short overcoat. FORAKER FAVORS SILVER. Ohio's Senator Doe Not Bel love That the White Metal Should be Debased. Columbus, O., Jan. 15. In the joint session of the senate and house at noon today the minutes of the two branches were read, showing that ex-Uovernor Foraker had received a mrjorlty of the votes in each branch and he was de dared elected United States senator to succeed Calvin 8. Brlce. His term be' gins March 4. 1897. A committee was appointed to escort Mr. Foraker to the hall of the house. In his speech to the general assembly Mr. Foraker thanked the large Re publican majority for the distinguished honor and the Democratic majority for their honest opposition to his elec tlon. He declared that he was In favor of protection to American Industries and of reciprocity. On the ' coinage question he said: "I am In favor of bimetallism. I think It was a mistake to demonetise silver and I hope that some safe way will be found to restore It to its proper place by the side of gold as a money metal." He also declared that It was almost criminal negligence for the United States not to build the Nicaragua canal at once. WORK OF DESTRUCTION. Cuban Insurgents Continue to Harrasa the Government Troops, But Avoid a Serious Battle. Havana, Jan. 15. via Key West. Jan. 15 Gome. Is fifteen miles south of here. Campos' wall of troops has failed to keep him west. The situation Is more grave than at any time since the be ginning of the war. Thousands of troops have been thrown into Havana province, yet the destruction of towns, residences and estates continue. Many towns offering resistance are burned; those surrendering are spared. Rail road traffic In the entire Island Is para lyzed. The engineers of the Havana roads have refused to run trains, and the companies upheld their action. I am Informed that the authorities of the roadii have stopped the trains until the safety of property Is assured. The town of Bejucal. fifteen miles south, was captured Monday. Thirtv-flve houses, twenty cars and the railroad station were burned. The volunteers surrendered, but the regulars in the block house held out. Other Important towns burned in the past week are: Gabriel. 2,500 Inhabitants; Gulra. 4.500; Artemsla, Aguacate and Benavides. The Insurgents since the Invasion of the western provinces have succeeded In avoiding a serious battle. There are skirmishes daily. The only Important engagement was on Jan. 10, near Qui vlcan, when the Gomes party was at tacked by Adecoa. Thirty-six wound ed Spaniards were brought here. The Insurgent loss Is unknown. Cane Industry Paralysed. Probably a third of the cane cron has been burned. Grinding has almost ceased. Gomes has Issued orders to stop burning cane, and if the estates attempt grinding he will destroy the buildings and machinery: Owing to the friendliness of the tobacco growers and workers the crop of tobacco han been spared. The insurgents now burn towns instead of crops. The Cubans claim that all the towns In Plnar prov ince nave surrendered. Gomes and Maceo have gained many recruits re cently. The eastern columns under Jose Maceo. Rabl and Cebreco, are com ing west. Cespedes, Carlllo and Aleurre have already reached Matansas prov ince, it is expected a union or rebel forces will take place near Havana. The government troops pursue the In surgents from town to town. The for mer are infantry, and the latter mount ed. It is Impossible to overtake the In surgents and force battle. The censorship is most rigid. The Havana papers have stopped publish ing extrus; cablegrams are scrutinised, and much matter eliminated. Campos remains here and has no Intention of resigning. PATRIOTIC REDS. Twd Indians from Oklahoma Desire to ' Remove British Scalps. Washington, Jan. 15. The secretary of the interior today received a letter from two Indians in Oklahoma terri tory, offering their service to the gov ernment should war be declared with Great Britain over thai Venezuelan boundary question. The letter Is unique in expression and chlrography. it reads: "Qu-As-A-Po-C-Ka and Ted, Kicka poo Brave and No-To-Sa-Qua. a fa mous Sac and Fox scalper, desire the Good Father to know that if the Bri tish Lion Insists on a piece of Vene zuela they stand ready to march through to the frozen cones of the Esqulmo and scalp the British as they go. "We suggest a present of a pair of blankets that the Impending blizzard may not chill the ardor of our patri otic blood." MR. ALLISON'S BOOM. Is Introduced as the Next President of the I'nlted States. Des Moines, Iowa, Jan. 15. Joint cau cus of Republicans of the house and sen ate was the only Interesting event in the legislature today. It was to nomi nate a candidate for United States Sena tor and William B. Allison was nomi nated by acclamation to succeed him self. There was great enthusiasm and the house was packed. Senator Allison was in the city, and was escorted to the hall by a committee. He was given an ovation and introduced to the cau cus as the next president of the United States. PLYMOUTH MINE DISASTER. Two Men Killed by a Pall of Roek at a D. II. Shaft. Wllkes-Barre, Jan. 15. An extensive fall of coal took place in the Delaware and Hudson Coal company a mine in Plymouth today." Two miners were caught In the fall and were crushed to death. They are Charles Schrader, aged 45 years, who leaves a wife and four chli dren, and Andrew Swenovitz, 26 years old, who also leaves a wife and six children. John Kytnsky, aged 40 years and William Wlcht, aged 30 years, both laborers, were seriously injured but will recover. . Destitution at St. Johns. St. Johns, N. F Jan. 15. Reports of se vere destitution come from all parts of the coast. The Telegram, the government organ, confesses that a thousand families are starving in this city and urges that prompt measures be taken to save the hundreds who are perishing. Wllliamsport Republicans. Wllliamsport, Pa., Jan. 15. The Repub licans of this city, tonight named the following ticket: Mayor, S. N. Williams; controller. Harry It. Hill: treasurer. C. T. McClarln; assessors, Jacob P. Gable, John u. inompson and t: tz. uraff. Our Birds Get tbe Medal. Harrlsburg, Pa., Jan. 13. The Pennsyl Ian la exhibit of birds and animals is ex pected here daily from Atlanta. Pennsyl vania Commissioner Keenan states that it has been awarded a gold medal by the exposition committee on awards. Skating Accident. York, Pa., Jan. 15. Harry C. Ketler. aged 14, was drowned In the Codorus creek today in attempting to rescue his smaller brother, who had broken through the Ice, The little boy was saved by oth ers. TELEGRAPHIC TICKS. Mrs. Marion Spear, of Chicago. III., has recovered a child In New York that was stolen from her nine years ago. John Neil, an employe at a packing house in Chicago, 111., was fatally scald ed by falling into a caldron of boiling oil. Ex-Judge Lyman Trumbull declares he Is wholly out of politics, and has no Idea of being the Populist nominee for president .E. W. Agnew, president of the First Na tional bank, of Ocala, Fla., convicted of embezzlement, has been sentenced to Ave years in the penitentiary at Brooklyn, w. l. The Pawnee chief. Crazy horse, painted his brother with patent "bullet proof medicine and then shot at him with a rille, wim me result- tnai tne man is oeau. THE KEYSTONE SITUATION Senator Quay Is Likely to Have Friendly Delegation. ' HOW THE CONTEST SIZES UP Tbe Junior Senator Strengthened By His Victory in Phlladclphia-Uuff May Be Renominated Miner far Delegata-at-targe. Speciul to the Scranton Tribune. Philadelphia, Jan. 15. Result of city committee election still In doubt. Both Bides claim It, with chances somewhat In favor of Durham. Inquirer. Philadelphia, Jan. 15. The returns from the Republican primaries held here last night show that the primaries, as such, were carried by the administra tion or anti-Quay element. David Mar tin, the administration leader, says to day that the administration carried twenty-three wards out of the thirty seven In the city. The Quay people, however, claim that at the meeting of the city committee next Monday night they will control the organization. Their claim la based on the contention that a number of men who had so far trained with the admin istration will flop to Quay. The ad ministration leaders profess their ability to hold their men. J. W. King. Strengbt of Mr. Quay. Harrlsburg, Jan. 15. That Senator Quay will control the Pennsylvania delegation to the national Republican convention at St. Louis is now conced ed. The State Republican' convention will be held in this city, April 23, to nominate two candidates for congress-men-at-large, thirty-two presidential electors and to elect eight delegates-at- large and eight alternates. The dis trict delegates to the national conven tion will be chosen prior to the state convention and their personnel will demonstrate Senator Quay's strength to such a degree that he will probably have things as he wants them In that body. The veteran Qalusha A. Qrow, of Susquehanna, will be the unanimous choice of the state convention for one of the members of congress-at-large. The other will come from western Penn sylvania, and it may or may not be Congressman Huff, of Greensburg, who went out of his way last summer to aid the combine. The venerable George V. Lawrence,, of Washington, Is a candidate to suc ceed Colonel Huff. Lawrence is a warm friend of Senator Quay, but It Is thought he will be set aside and that the nom ination may go to Allegheny county with a view of strengthening the sena tor's friends there. In that case Colonel Huff will probably make a fight for the congressional nomination In the Twa ty-nrst district. Senator Cameron will be one of the delegates-at-large. Charles A. Miner, of Luzerne, will probably be another. He was one of the best lighters in the ranks In the cemblno for state chair man, but he since made terms with Quay and counts on the senator's sup port to elect him. Senators Penrose and Andrews, - ex-Lieutenant Gover nor Watres, Lieutenant Governor Ly on, Senator Kennedy and John Rus sell Young are mentioned by the poli ticians on capltol hill for delegates-at-large. The Philadelphia Primaries. The primaries In Philadelphia last night have practically settled the dele gates from that city. Ex-Magistrate Durham, the Quay leader, and ex Mayor Edwin 8. Stuart will probably be the representatives from the First congressional district and ex-Postmas ter General John Wanumaker and Hamilton Disstdn from the Second dis trict. David Martin and George A. Castor will represent the Fifth district. There are numerous candidates for delegates from the Third and Fourth districts and the selections have not yet been made. Judge Clayton, of Delaware, will be one of the delegates from the Sixth congressional district. The other will come from Chester county and will probably be Harry B. Buckwalter. Ex- Congressman Smedley Darlington, for many years the leader of the dominant faction In the county, and Col. H. H. Gllkyson, a combine supporter, are running against Buckwalter. Darling ton is a friend of Senator Quay, al though the followers of the silent sena tor are lending their support to Buck waiter. The ex-congressman hns fall en eut with his former friends at home and they are anxious to get rid of him politically by defeating him In the Im pending contest. District Attorney James B. Holland, of Montgomery county, has no opposi tion for delegate from the Seventh dis trict. Holland carried the county for Quay in the state chairmanship con test and Is one of the shrewdest poli ticians In Eastern Pennsylvania. The combine leaders have decided not to make a fight against him through fear that it would Impair the chances of Congressman Wanger for renomina tlon. Either Bank Commissioner Gil keson or ex-Congressman Yardley will be the delegate from Bucks county. Reader Prom the Eighth. Secretary of the Commonwealth Reeder may be one of the delegates from the Eighth district, although he has not yet announced his candidacy. Aaron Goldsmith, Thomas A. H. Hay and Horace L. Magee are contestants for the conferrees from Northampton. Goldsmith Is thought to be a candidate In Secretary Reeder's interest. J. M. Drisebaugh, the Mauch Chunk banker, and a staunch friend of Senator Quay, Is Carbon's choice for delegate. The Republicans of Monroe and Pike con cede the delegates to the other two counties In the district. A. M. High, the Quay leader in Perks county, was elected last August to rep resent the Ninth district. He has the proud distinction of having been the first delegates elected In the United States to the next national convention. Alderman Walter L. Jones, of Ijehlgh, will be the other delegate from this dls trclt. Jones was one of , the combine lieutenants in the state chairmanship contest, and carried Lehigh county for Colonel Gilkcson. The alderman and Senator Quay have burled the hatchet and are again personal anu political friends. Lancaster county will send two Quay delegates to the national convention. One of these will be County Chairman Cassell. The other will either be J. Bust Zook or Dr. M. L. Heir, both of whom are friendly to the senator. Sher iff Hershey Is also a candidate, but with poor prospects of success. The Continued on Page 1 INLET'S Owing to the gYeat , success of our annual Linen Sale we will continue it a few days longer. We have added a few special items of interest to our patrons. 72 inch Cream Damask.' 49c. ' 72 inch Cream Damask,1 63c. 66 inch Cream Damask,1 50c. 72 inch Silver Bleach Damask, $1.00. Cream and bleached German linen! damask (the genuine article), German linen towels and toweling, damask napkins, 79c; German damask nap kins, (1.45; odd lots of napkins at special prices, full line of towels and the best hem stitched huck towel ever shown at 3 per dozen. We have secured an other lot of our celebrated 98 cent. Counterpanes--Best in the market. 51$jd 512 LACKAWANNAAVENUB I896 Will Be Brasy- Increase every day In the year; more good shoes make more good friends s,: U4 AMD US WYOMING AYS. WHCBEL TEE JEWEUE I , WISHES EVERYBODY ;OuJ A Happy New Great reductions in prices before taking inventory In and Silverware. 408 Spruce St. Near Dime Bank. CRIME OF FLIRTING. Virginia's Regulations Are Pronounced to be a Failure. Richmond. Jan. 15. The effort by leg islative enactment to prevent boys flirt injj with school girls seems to have been unsuccessful. About two years ago a law was passed making it a misdemean or, punishable by a line, for any man to loiter about a female school. The pres Idcnt of a prominent Richmond female college was the first to attempt a prose cution under the law. Later a BimilaP attempt was made in one of the border cities to convlrt a young man of ogling at the girls. His counsel, however, nromptly gav notice that he would subpoena all of the women teachers and many of the girls and bring them into court as wit nesses. Hather than subject the latter to this humiliation the principal aban doned the prosecution. This line of de fense Indicated the futility of conviction under the law, and it will be repealed. WEATHER REPORT. For eastern Eeoniylvanla. fair; Ugbt north wind. "'.'''