The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 15, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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(Readers will phase note that advertise
ments, onlrrs for Job work, and Item for
iublt'8tlun l.-ft at the enablement of
rihannuii "o.. newsdealers. North Main
mrert. will receive prompt utlentlon; of
licc open from 8 a. m. to lu . m.
Cf .'leers Are Mcctcd by the Traction Com
panies of the Valley.
The Carbondale Traction company
held their unnual meotinK for the !.
tlim of Hl-ern at their power luius.. in
Mavlleld Momlny last at 3 o'clock und
the fullowliiK directors and otlicers were
elected: B. Corey. H. J. llrennan. AV. J.
North and It. M. Juney. of I'hllatiei
phlu. were elected .directors. The of
ficials are: 11. It. Judwin, president: J.
M. Nit-hol, secretary, and J. W. Aitken,
Monday afternoon at 5 o'clock at their
olllce on Salem aveuue, the Lackawan
na Valley Knpiil Transit company h-!.l
Its annual flection .for otlicers and di
rectors of the Carbondale and Forest
City street rnllway. 'The directors fleet
ed are: K. Corey. V. J. North, and K.
M. Janey. The ofllcers are: J. W. Ait
ken, president, and J. M. Ni' hol. sccie
tarv and treasurer.
The Lackawanna Valley Hnpl'l Tran
sit company behiR only lessees of the
railway It Is stated, that the whole lino
will fall Into the hnnds of the Carbon
dale Traction company and its elltcient
otlicluls. No biisini'ss of public Inter
est transpired at either meeting. The
ten cent fare to Forest City Is still -l-lected
and many of their former patrons
avail themselves of the railroad accom
modation. CH Y BANK' MF.K I INCiS.
First National and Miners' and Me
clianics' Hanks Elect Officers.
The annual meeting of the stock
holders or the First National bank was
held Tuesday iiionilntf at the bank, and
the old board of directors were re-elect -eK
namely: Messrs. C. V. Wlsner,
V. Ht'onson. J. K. W att, l-Mwiinl Chirk
son. James Stott, K. V. Mlll.-i anil Cliasi.
llanan. The stockholders had no other
business of Importance before them.
The olllcers will lie elected by a meet
In of the board of directors today.
The stockholders of the Miners' nnl
Mechanics' Imnk met In their annual
ineetlnK Tuesday afternoon and elected
the following; as a board of dlreetors:
Messrs. John .lermyn,' H. K. lleiidiick.
rt. H. Patterson. Alfred 1'aseiH-. S. A.
McMullen. V. W. Watt. Daniel Seuriy.
V. W. l.uthropi- and Clarence K. J-'peti-cer.
Scranton Parties Are Searching for Cop
per and Silver in t'nnnan.
An en'tei prlslns- I'onipuny. with
llessrs i in: hum ami Collins, of Sci an
ion, as their nuiuaKemcnt. are prospect
lwr for copper and silver ore on the farm
of SlvesK r Deluney at South Canaan,
four miles to the southeast of this city.
Hoth (if the managers have had a wide
txpevl .-nee us prospectors mid are pretty
fonlldeiit that their present enterprise
will be n success.
'J'lieirnspecllip:!haft Is at the pref.eiit
time down sixty feet iid u steam pump
and till the must improved machinery
fur the work are on the ground. From
what Is known by bore-holes that have
been made by parties from Carhondale
and Wilkes-Kurre the prospectors will
reach the ore beds by the hitler end of
Apt II. Indications are guml und we
wish them every success.
School Hoard.
In the central school bitlldinp the fol
lowing directum of the school bo:ird
met and transacted business: Messrrf.
Alexander, linylan, Norton und Coo
Kan. This was a differml tin -t Iiiit:
they met a week ngo but had no iiioi-iim.
Mr. t'ooKuii. in the absence, of Secre
tary Collins, was made temporary sec
retary. I'resliletit Norton called for
the usual committee reports. That of
the janitor committee, through Mr.
Alexander stated thut all of the schools
Here lii lirst-class condition and well
Kept. He hud no complaints to make as
It appeared that the Janitors attended
to their duties. A number of bills were
read und ordered paid
"The Chimes of Normandy."
A rehearsal of the Lyceum opera
Company. which will render'The Chimes
of Normandy" In February for two
nights, was held last evenint; In the
1-turki assembly rooms. W. I. Kvntis
Is the musical director and expresses
himself very well satlslied ut the iiiiil
Ity and the high standard reached by
the present chorus. They are faithful
to their practice and a rendcriui; wor
thy of the choristers of the city will be
Kpworth League Meetings.
Thp F.pworth league of the First
Methodist c hutcli are holding a special
series of meetings this week ench night
except Saturday. Several ministers
will take part and special papers will be
read, among which are the "( Jospcl
Invitation." "Why I Hhottld He a Chris
tian," etc.
New School lliilldiin;.
Thp school district of Cnrhondale
township has nurchused ground near
Maytleld yard on which to build a new
chool house. It will be small, the re
quirements do not demand un expensive
trtlt'ture at present. The price of the
around Is stated to be JL'.IO.
Dr. T. C. FlUsimmons. r. F. I.avln.
William Peel. R F. MacDonald. John
Kllleen and Peter Haley, members of
the Ancient Order of Hibernians of
this city, attended ns delegates the
quarterly meeting of the county board
of their order at the county seat Mon
day. Major Heath, of Simpson. Is fast re
covering from a severe attack of ill
ness. The Welsh Baptist church Is consider
ing the desirability of heating their edi
lice and placing a furnnce therein.
Professor Pitts, of the Mozart orches
tra, and his family will reside on South
Terrace street.
Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis, of Free
town, were in the city today.
A number of the members of the
Ilrotherhood of St. Andrew here will at
tend the local convention at Scranton
on Wednesday. Jan. 22.
The Mackay Comic Onera company
played to a large, house on Monday
evening. The troupe of thirty-two peo-
Wall Paper
Wall Paper
Wall Paper
. Wc arc in the midst of our exten
sive alterations and have reduced
everything in the store to make room.
'. 4T9 Lackawanna Ava.
pie is an excellent one and gave an
excellent enteitainment. The play be
ing "The Mascot." The piincipu! draw
back was the limited stage room and
lack or facilities for a proper produc
tion. Miss Rena (Jaylord. of Aldenvllle. will
be married to Fred Uemsen. of New
York, at the Aldenvllle baptist church
Jan. 29. Miss Nellie U. Kimble will act
us maid of Minor and Dr. Krnest T.
Itrown will be best man.
Sir. and Mrs. F. II. Andrews and John
Hryant leave for New York today to be
absent about two weeks.
William Mulr, of Atlantic City, Is vis
iting his father here.
.Hon. K. It. Hardenliergh Is spending
a few days at his home here. He says
the stirring un the senate committee Is
giving the otiicials of Philadelphia Is
having a good effect, and probably one
to last some time.
The society ladies of Honestlnle will
give a lean year dance early In Febru
ary. The favored young men are look
ing forward to a very elaborate enter
tainment und a good time.
The Young Ptoole's Society of Chris
tian F.ndeavor of the Welsh Congrega
tional church will give a musical enter
tainment on Thursday evening. The
Sons of Cnnibrla double quartette will
John Decry, of the Second ward, will
try to obtain the Democratic nomina
tion for constable.
The double quartette known as the
Sons of Cunibrln will give an entertain
meiil nt Vamlling some time this month.
The Hillside Coal and Iron compnny,
of Forest City, and the The Delaware
and Hudson company, of Vandllng,
paid their employes yesterday.
Superintendent W. A. May, of Scran
ton, was in town yesterday looking after
the Interests of the Hillside Coal and
Iron company.
The St. Agnes Catholic church fair
begins in Davis' opera house this (Wed
nesday) evening. A very large number
of articles have been contributed and
the fair promises to be the most suc
cessful ever held here.
Forest City council. Junior Order of
I'nited American Workmen, installed
the following olllcers lit Its last meet
ing: Councilor, Joel F.. llayncs: vice
councilor. Foil Reynold: warden.
Warner Itudii ; recording secretary. Kd
wnnl Itnmlull; as.-ist:tiit recording sec
retary. Kdwurd Ilorlt iduitor, F.
II. Utiles: treasurer, I,, .i Wells: llnim
clal secrttaiy. David Harris: chaplain.
i. M. Wheeler; inside sentinel, James,
Hoar: outside sentinel. Joseph Wall:
trustees. Joel K. Huynes and Ira Knapp.
Jr.: past coiiticllor. .Indium lb nth.
Tin' Tribune, both fur general ami lo-
-il in ws. i-i the best paper published In
this nectlon i f tl.c M ile. Leave your
id. is lit- It wUt. K::ri i ion ha m, the Trillin-
earrh r.
.bimi'ii .Mi-C-ilie n nd Daniel lii-neriin,
ol ": I ! 1 1 : went hunt In-.-, near I'nyn
tolle. Way in-county, on .Monday. Tlu-y
r. lurned home with four foxes.
ilenrge I '.Pcklli nil. of Fori st City, and
Miss Tlilrxa Knight, of K.denvnle.
Wayne county. Hire united In mar
riage at the home uf i lie bride's mother
on Friday In-t. Tlu-y will reside in
Forest City. The Tribune wishes Mr.
and Mrs. I hicUlnnd a lonn;. prosperous
and Joyous marrlvd life.
Aurora lodge, ."2I!. Free and Accepted
Masons, have liisuid inviluilons for a
banquet In Fnterprise hull Wednesday
evening, Jan. 22.
If you have not yet attended the full
er the Citizens' band do so ut once.
Many attractions are being offered, and
you will be well repaid for the effort.
At a caucus of the Itepiiblicans of the
Second ward. James (!. Nicholson and
C. L. Hell were nominated for school
directors mill Cenrge Walters for coun
cilman. The Infant child of Thomas Price died
yesterday of membraneous croup.
Hurvlars entered the planing mill of
C. I.. Cell Monday nlghl and blew open
the safe in the olllce. Nothing of value
was found except a few postage stamps.
Thomas Dnuthwaite is doing Jury
duty tills week.
The ladles of the First Methodist
church will' give uu entertainment and
tea in the church parlors un Tuesday
eveiiiu", Feb. 21. to which all are in
vited. Katie Klooiner, who has been visiting
her parents on the Last Side, returned
to Scranton yesterday.
Tlie Holy Name society of St. Mary's
church will hold their reception Sunday
evening next. J lev. D. J. Met iiiulilliek
of St. Thoinns' college, will deliver the
sermon. The society has a membership
of over Sao.
Frank Hayilen. of Scott, came to town
one day last week to pay some bills due.
l'pon arriving here his pocketbonk con
taining $iiMl was missing. ;fter a dill
gent search through the streets here
and looking carefully the whole distance
between Jermyn and his farm, he found
that Mrs! Hayden hud taken it out of
his pocket and neglected to tell him
About n year arn he lost $."ii)ii near
Helines' store, which was found and re
turned by Thomas Roberts.
There will be a caucus of the Dem
ocratic voters of tne Third ward on Fri
day evening at the regular polling place.
Mrs. J. L. Cruwford, of Scrnnton, Is
the guest of Mis. J. d. Shepherd.
Mrs. C.eoi'ge (irillin of Dnl'nis sreet,
Is still confined to the house by Illness.
C. W. Ilanltes Is taking advantage of
the present cold simp to 1111 his Ice house
with a good quality of lee from the
A "card party" was enjoyed Saturday
evening at Miss Fannie Slmrell's home.
Milton Squires hus arranged to run
a bus line to and from the silk mill for
the accommodation of the employes.
The force of employes at the silk
mill is being Increased and more ex
perienced help Is soon to arrive from
New York.
A. K. Conyne and family will move
to lilnghamton this week.
The Ladles' Aid society of the Meth
odist church will hold a market day in
the Mc'ntosh building on Main street
on Saturday.
Remember nnd be present nt the
Hooks' dance Thursday evening If you
are a dancer.
Today (Wednesday) the Delaware,
Lackawanna and Western will pay
their employes in this place.
M. K. Qually has purchased a new
C. J. Langley was in Montrose on
D. C. Rrundage. of Hartford, who has
been visiting his daughter, Mrs. Wilium
Adams, has returned home.
Mrs. George Lindsley, of Foster, vis
ited friends In town on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Klmber, 'of New
Milford. were the gueHts at the resi
dence of Prof. C. K. Moxley on Tuesday.
If Iho lioby Is Cutting Teeth.
Mrs. Wlnslow'o Soothing Syrup has
been used for over Fifty Years by Mil
lions of MotherD for their Children
while Teething, with Perfect Success.
It Soothes the Child, Softens the Gums,
Allays all Pain; Cures Wind Colio and
Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold
by Druggists In every part of the world.
He sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's
Soothing Syrup," and take no other
kind. Twenty-five rents a bottle.
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Brogan are rejoic
ing over the arrival of a son.
Miss Nellie Cool, of the West Side, Is
spending a few months with friends In
The case of William Mahon and oth
ers against the Florence Coal company
and Contractor Smallconib. to recover
pay for labor done for Smallcomb, who
had a' contract, under the company
which they were compelled to throw up,
was decided against the company in
favor of the plaintiff, whose claim was
$17.60. The company therefore con
fessed judgment In the other eases and
will pay the claims, which are as fol
lows: Searle Peck, J14.&9; George Wil-
son. S42.D2: Thomas McDonald. $41.20:
Peter Jacobs. S4.4!; John Murray.
140.25; John Moraii. J10.SO; Michael Mor
gan. 2; i i forge Hulsteud. $1X50.
A large number of people were In at
tendance at the fulr lust evenhiK. The
feature, of the evenlnz was the enter
tainment given by the pupils of Miss
Walsh's elocution class. Miss Walsh
favored the uudience with one of her
choice selections. The entertainment
was highly appreciated. -The attraction
thirt evening will consist of vocal and
instrumental music by home talent. The
old Korge band will be In attendance.
The citizens of Moosic are agitating
the necessity of a lire company. The
project should meet with success ut
once. ,
Misses Nettle Druffner and Gertie
Sanders were visitors in Scranton yes
terday. William Studders, of Packer street,
has returned home from Philadelphia,
where he has been undergoing treat
ment in an eye hospital.
The Avoea Hose company Is in re
ceipt of an invitation to attend a fair
and festival under the auspices of the
Wyoming Hose company, to be held on
Feb. PS.
T. V. Tiffany, of P.rookslde. comes
out as the 'stecnth candidate for associate-
Judge. The more the merrier.
The Avoea sub-district Epworth
li'ugue will hold a convention at old
Forge February 2B. Tunkhannox-k und
Kutonville are embraced In the' terri
tory covered by this sub-district.
Mrs. K. L. Chaffee left yesterday
morning for Rome, Bradford county,
where she wll spend several days visiting-.
M.H. Lyman, of Lynn: O.R. Patterson,
of Kast Lemon, and P. A. Shupp, of
Shupp Hill, attended the annual meet
ing; if the Hriarcreek Farmers' Mutual
Insurance company at Lime Ridge, Pa.,
this week. The two former gentlemen
were sent ns delegate!) by the Wyoming
county Pomona Orange.
t'nlon revival meetings are In pro
gress at the Meshoppen Methodist
chu rt-h.
The efforts of Hon. Theodore Hart,
editor of the Pittston Gazette, to Induce
the I .iizerne county Republicans to dele
gate him to represent them in the na
tional convention would be heartily sec
onded by his friends up this way if they
were in position to help him. He Is a
native of this county, hence the Interest
in t lie matter.
Mis. D. W. Herman, of F.aton town
ship, has been crltlenlly ill with pneu
monia for several days.
Work at the tannery has not been re
sumed to any extent yet. und It seems
uncertain when It will be. The only
tanuing Institutions hcreabouis that
are not at the mercy of the leather
trust are the school-houses.
Owen Madden Is still improving; and
the chances for his ultimate recovery
are Rood.
Word was received from Montrose
yesterday of the death of K. U. Steu
bltis. u l-i-other of o. D. Stebbins, de
ceased, of this olace. whose death nc
eured Sunday morning and whose body
IP-s yet uiibiii'ied. Thus the two only
reniuinlng brothers passed away within
forty-eight hours of each other. The
fiiiioiil of o. I). Stebbins, which occurs
nt 2 p. in. today, will be private. The
Mi mt rose brother had been sick for a
ion ir time, and his demise was not un
expected. The Inventory tit the People's store
has been completed and the keys of the
establishment nre in the hands of
Charles Tremayne. awaiting the de
cision of Levy Uros. with regard to the
disposition of the stock. If It can be
sold In hulk they prefer to make thai
disposal of It. but If not. the store will
apHin be opened nnd the .-nods retailed.
Itev. W. M. lllller. pastor of the
Mf-tliodlst Kpiscnpul church, will preuch
ii sermon Sunday evening before the
Improved order of Red Men. and Tunk
linntii'tck tribe. No. IB!!, will attend In n
body. The tribes at Russell Hill nnd
Voso have also been Invited to be pres
ent. Ilusiness nt the Stebbins eonl yard
will be carried on as heretofore, mat
ters having been placed in the cure of
R. V. Kennedy for the present, at least.
Hon. John Jackson, of LnOrango, If
recovering from nn attack of Illness.
Minor Mentions: Orin Is said to be
skirmishing around among up-thc-rlver
towns. The entertainment to be
given by the Wyoming Seminary Hanjo
and Mandolin club has been postponed
on account of the band fair. Ton men.
nil liemls of families, have died within
a year nt this place. The high water
lust before the last freeze discolored the
Ice. which Is not of standard quality.
Several attorneys nre In atendance at
superior court at . Scranton this week.
Train No. 2 now brings a closed mail
pouch from Hornellsville and other
points west.
Mr. and Mrs. George Iteaney, of Pitts
ton, spent Sunday with the former's
pit rents.
Mrs. Wall, of Plains, visited friends
here on Monday.
tleorgc Kvans, of pittston, was a
caller here yesterday.
Some of the young boys who worked
in the Mount Lookout breaker huve
commenced going to pchool.
Mrs. William Switzer Is convalescent.
Mrs. Walter Marsh was taken serious
ly ill Sunday evening.
William Vincent, of Ashley, was a
caller here yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Longlvell, of Orange,
were calling on Mrs. William Switzer
Mrs. Alvey Lamernux is seriously III.
M r. Walter Is seriously 111 at his home
on Monument street.
Miss Hessle Rhoades and Anna Phil
lips were calling on friends at Forty
Fort Sunday.
M Iss Maud Wrlgley. of Carveston,
spent Sunday with her cousin. Miss
Grace Trelhle.
Oeorge Cadwalnder. of Prlnglevllle,
visited Hubert H. Reidy Saturday.
At a meeting of the Methodist F.pls
copal Sunday school board held In the
church parlors Monday evening the fol
lowing otlicers were elected: Rev. Wil
son Trelhle, chairman; J. Frank Nuss,
superintendent: G. W. Stiff, assistant
superintendent: A. G. Stevens, secre
tary: Kent R. Jones, assistant secre
tary; R. K. Hutehlns, treasurer: L. H.
Relnker, librarian; Verne De Wolf and
John Robinson, assistant librarians;
Miss Hannah Reidy, orgnnist; Miss
Richards, assistant organist: O. L.
Lewis, chorister; Mrs M. L. Atherton,
Worn Out Women
Should read this letter. It shows the
wonderful building-up powers of Hood's
Saritparillb, the
great blood purifier.
"I wish I could
stand in tome pub
lic place and cry to
all ailing humanity,
' Hear this, yo peo
ple, what wonder
ful things Hood'
Sarsaparlllo has
done for meaud my
family. I cannot
eznrena what, t ml.
f erod. Only one of my sex knows what a
womm can mffpr In m AmJiiu. t
proa trite with nervousness and weakness.
The least noise would drive me frantic.
I decided to take Rood's Barsaparflla. I
am overjoyed to say that I am now well,
hearty, rosy and plump.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is the best medicine for those sufferings
I have suffered." Mh&C.C.Kibkpatbicx,
Pine Grove, Penn. fl; aix forfS.
Hood's Pills ,r.&'"Tauu'
superintendent of primary department.
Mr. and Mrs. Hurry Thorpe, of Mld
dleton. New York; Mr. and Mrs. Sam
uel Shook and futility, of West Pittston,
and James Hamilton, of Wllkes-Harre,
siietit Sunday with their cousins, Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph McReill.
Revival meetings will be continued In
the 'Methodist Kplscopal church this
Cards are out announcing the wed
ding of Albert Harnett and Miss Mary
Chesworth, Thursday. January at
3 o'clock.
Kent R Jones spent Sunday at
Rev. (I. K. Lyman visited friends here
The Washington camp. No. 148. Patri
otic Order Sons of America, of this place
will give an entertainment and oyster
supper in the Odd Fellows' hall tomor
row night (Thursday) for the benefit of
Arthur DePew. Entertainment free.
Supper. 25 cents.
S. S. Yeager was In Scranton Monday.
Messrs. Loveland Lear, who have
occupied the Moscow steam mill for the
past year, are moving in their mill at
the corner of Cooper and Brown streets.
Frank Haydm and son.' Clnlr. of
Yates, Pa., are visiting relatives in
Cliff Swarts Is on the sick lint.
A. J. Mullet is improving.
There will be a meeting of the I'nlon
Hose company in the Independent Order
of Odd Fellows' hall on Saturday, Jan.
25, lSSlti, for the purpose of electing olll
cers for the ensuing year.
Miss Rridget Ilurke. of Dunmore, was
the guest of Miss B. Scanlon Sunday.
James F. Mackin was a visitor at
South Scrnnton on the Snhhuth.
Joseph Williams and the Misses May
and Kate Powell, of Providence, were
the guests of Miss Edith Price on Sun
day. Carl, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
John Evans, of Main street, died yester
day morning.
The remains of Mrs. Bennett, of the
Sibley, will be taken to Milwaukee for
burial this afternoon.
The Independent Social club will hold
a social at Morrow's hall this evening.
A ball for the benellt of Mrs. Michael
Stanton will be held In Weber's rlnlt
Monday evening, February 17.
Today will be payday at the Pyne,
Taylor and tloldeu mines.
Mrs. Lyman Holllcker, of Jermyn, was
the cuest of her mother, Mrs. Harriet
Knapp, on Saturday.
Rev. and Mrs. W. G. Funk were vis
iting friends at Wilkes-Barre, on Tues
day. owing to circumstances over which
they had no control the Patriotic Or
der Sons of America will not raise the
tlag on No. I school building next Sat
urday as was intended, but will raise
It on Feb. ::'.
Mrs. Louise Dean, wife of M. It. Dean,
died at her home lu West Ablngton this
morning after a brief Illness. Mrs. Dean
wus well known and greatly loved and
respected by a large circle of acquaint
ances, she leaves a hushund and four
children. Jeffrey, the oldest Ron who Is
In the West, Mrs. Welden Swallow, of
South Ablngton, Mrs. Joseph Leach, of
Chine hillu. and John
The funeral will occur on Friday.
Willlnm T Hul l.,. ,.,,...,.i...i o... i
, ' - - -"l Ml,-,1 III,- JH-
clent Order of Hibernian's convention
at Olyphant Sunday.
i ne sKoting craze has struck town.
Itucheliii-n ..i.i i,
, - on', om munis
Journey to the Greenwood pond nlght-
j .-nj.. ii icw nours recreation on
the steel runners.
The tenehoi-u i-a..ui,....i ,i...i.. . .. .
., . ,.,v.,,-u iiii-ii- mommy
stipend yesterduy.
I ngll.h Capital for American Invest
Tmnnplanl tn Amui.lnn. .
ii i .. i. i "-" seeKing Eng.
Ilsh capitul for new enterprises. A INt
eontahihiK the names and addresses of i
successful promoters who have nlnoi
over 100.000,000 sterling ton gn Inve-i
ments within the lust six yearafand on T
fl8,(W0,0OJ for the seven months or urn
Price 5 or $25. payable by postal of der
to the London and Universal Bureau of
Investors, 20, t'heapside, London E p
Subscribers will lie entitled, by arraimul
ment with the directors to receive elthr
personal or letters of Introduction to anv
of these successful promoters
This list is first class in every resDecf
and every man or llrm whose name
pears therein may be depended upon For
placing the following it will . follnd
valuable Honils or Shares of Industrial
Commercial and Flnan.dul Concern-'
Mortgage loans, Sale of Lands, Patents or
' all your life. It in annoying, and not
ij.iwir. j. will line rohl nincu to
bnv your Rupture Cured.
1 do it ny H new m-nlio. Xo nr-
Kwry, no iii-ii-miiiii iroui Dimilicsn. You
willouly need to niike irom four to
"kui ire.-ii; viBiis io my cine j. Call
or write ler tentinioiiinis.
A. P. 0'MAL.LEV, M. U.,
Runture SncclalUf.
fc'OS. Wa-ili'iivton St.. . ilkeH Bm-re.Pj.
O nnl ii r.H fi.r (Tn.-, v ..
Jlr. J. K. Hu-ayze, employed In the
v.ouiii.1 runru.-(l Hliopjl, lives z i;t
street, Ashley, pu., says: "For
.. . IIGUflllQ I II ll 111 111 , Hill
now close to ." yours of age. I sufferi-d
lulu, ui.imv'-iiii-ut.'e. miu, i niignc nili),
torture at times. I never knew com.
tort, as I now have It. for years. A
few months ago I became Inter, sted
in ine many aflvrrti'enients of 'Rup
ture Cured,' by Dr. O'Malley.and beiinj
a sufferer, I underwent treatmunt.
To my surprise. I am happv to sv
that I am now well. I w rk eveiy day
now and enjoy life. I make thi state
ment for the lx-nvfit of my Mlnw suf.
fcreis, whom I know are anxious to be
cnt od of a trouble that mnkea lifo mis.
eriible, and which only those who suf
fer understand.
That you can get anywhere,
At one-half the old pries.
We have cleaned ud about all our nrliia
and ends and sell them as rapidly as they
come In, but we were lucky to catch on
another snap. We cleaned up one mill of
underwear. There Is no doubt you are
aware how we buy Roods; always 60 cents
on the dollar, and give the benefit to our
trade. This sale Is Important, and If you
want to buy undcryear, here you are.
69 dozen of mixtures, woolen underwear,
nice, clean staple goods, at 23 cents each,
or CO cents for the suit.
Boys, from 24 to 34, any size, for 15
Cloaks, never In the history of this line
could you purchase a cloak for the price
as this season. Plain facts; the season
was unfavorable thls-year and the manu
516 Lackawanna Avenue.
Yields Quickly
as do other diseases caused by
an impoveris'ied condition of the
blood, when Jlovinine is used.
It is not a medicine, but the
most perfect food product, con
taining all the vital principles of
lean, raw beef. It is quickly
assimilated, and by its wonder
ful power of creating new flesh
tissue and enriching the blood,
soon puts the patient in a
physical state where disease can
find no footing.
besides its wonderful effect as a
food, is invaluable in such cases
as an external application,
nourishing by absorption, and
creating new, healthy flesh, w here
the disease is manifested. Dr.
II. M. Sanger of Providence, R.
I., says that he effected very
rapid cures with slight spreading
and no suppuration in three
cases of erysipelas, two by
simply applying gauze saturated
with, and the third by injecting
15ovinine at the border of the
inflamed patch. All Druggists.
r Chew & V
S mm
rH 5 cent far a-mols packag.
Faultless Chemical Company. Baitl
more, Md.
Moosic Powder Co,
Lafflln ft Rand Powder Co.
Orange Gun Powdoj
Elactrlo Batteries, Puses for explod
ing; blasts. Safety Fuse and
BepannoCliemlcaJ Co.'s High EipIosiTM
French Injection Compound
Cares posltlTeljr, quickly, (not mrrljr rherks.)
Uusranterd nt luumy rt-tuii'lnl. Avoid cLinwiruu.
nuinlleo. frlniBeeealaiwrliuttls. HI Hot I In
(will cure ssTerut i-ae) w-nt prepaid, nocure from
obMrvatlua. with only acleuilncally aiada ayriuge,
to auy miiiiea. (ur
To nil snt'erers cf FKKOKSOF YOVMI,
MO.MKN, tf.'M Tiasen: cloth bound; securely
soalort and ina lad (roe. Treatment lr umi.
strictly coufidantial, and .1 ponitlreiinlrk uri
gna ant-ril. Mo matter now long manding, I
will toiitiro'.jr euro J 0:1. Writ, or rail.
HO I flP.5 iStli st- I'l'ila.ln.. I'n
Ull. uUUO &J yi'MV continuum prai-tire.
A l'ulil.c Vrtrlt,i
CvTHnitrrd Cure for
anda.l Btt.ndiofr uiTturnt
bulb cf yatmt? and iuid.Ho
0;-,! njrn and womrn. Tli.
t 'f-.-jfif Viil-TKvrr.
Ebt-bi.u-. iji irraicif-w. r.iuu !.:., f-Ofluririr W(-aK-
rem, Nf rvouj IHSility, N!(tMt F.iuioiw,( 'cnrunimnm,
liiwiutr, Khe.nt-t:nff drainaiidlfiof powirof the Una'
cmtiveOr(roi-tumUtfn(?cf'T.ti!d7,buflne:wcnd map.
rlatreisquirLlycnmlLyl.F. T'oilrliMieKhpunM. !tf-rv
(rnln. Tiiry nut only cvro by r,I.iiiinr at Un- (ten t ut di
ease, but are n creat M.UH! TOIV and IBLOIHI
l.riMJFII, bnntrinfr lr'-k Iho ptnk ft-lnw t al
rhetka and n-it jTi ic Ito IIUK OV ilt Til totli.
palieiit. Hy inoil. ai.oorf-rKjTor6 for with writ
frHnruu;.e to cure or refund ll-e nnnrt. Boole
Tot sale ny JOHN H PTTRI.PS. Trusj
fitt. WTomlnc nvc. and Spnir-c strsisf.
facturers were compelled to throw thalr
irnorla nrw.n lh. m .-1- ti .
. i i htb were jio
object. We have a hold on these goods.
200 cloaks, we don't claim they are syllsh
but they ure good for this cold weather,
and when you get one for , any kit"
from 32 to 42, In black blue only.
We have some stylish coats also, but
style always costs something, which we
will sell you In blark blue or any other
color, short coat, for 14.99.
Have you seen our black cloth cape?
Not equaled In price nor In quality, only
$3.99. for ten days.
We have not time to write ads. We huve
the biggest bargains you have ever seen in
shawls, blankets and wool-knit goods and
A rich and handsome appearance
erate prices arc the leading features in our goods for the coming
season. Let ns muke a suggestion respecting
Carpets, Linoleums, Oil Cloths,
Mattings. Windou) Shades.
Draperies and
The very latest styles and colors, newest effects and best fabrics etj
be obtained at the most reasonable prices from
Lackawanna Ave.
Two Stores in the Uitrlic Uiiildins, Carbondale.
For Heavy Structural Work.
22 Commonwealth Bid?., Scranton, Pa. Telephons 422.
Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers,
QeaeraJ Office: SCRANTON, PA.
DmiB aiOB CO., tm'p- CsrpKsl. 1,000JIJ.
-AdoUariattditaOoOw Mtrmtd."
Tksstadlm' Mid French Doacvla Kid Has
Sn Jttost dell rand (m anywhere la tbs U.S., oa
rssei nt onaan, BisMf uraar,
or 1'oAal Not tar tlJO.
Kqnal. am way Ik toots
old la all retail staras tor
2.M. W. nuka thU bast
oanwlrss, tbanloro ws usr
oiif.- tha Uf. UvU and wmr.
and if nn; on ( not saiiaflaa
wo win rarana wo BBooar
or sna anoiner pair, .pern
loa or l.-ooiiaoa rJcwaa.
wiaus v, 1 1, b, m an,
k.i7.oa 1 to ( aad halt
izaa. BfndvourMt
will nt aaj.
lotos FRCK
too Shoe GCSM
Spteial ttrmi to Dtultn.
it. ! mn iTr in --J- n maa
(If It's Thare It's Awfully Cheap.)
It lias pointed out the goods to mauy the
last week phenomenal January business here. We
1 1 .1 1 11 1 n
were never ousier ou supposed aim uays.
That's the
I i 0$$ cmr coruroy oose cushions, cane
MaVO U11der antique oak polished frame,
teoQ$Qi$ t6,oo would be reasonable.
Every suit
tOtf AA! department valued at $14.00, $15.00 and
aj A AfJ $16.50, reduced to $12.00.
Od)$ -4-$$
Li2Vl ll pa3r a little
ICredit !desires'at
225 AND 227 AND
combined 'with durability and mod
Upholstery Goods.
Opposite The Wyoming House.
Telephone Call 5154.
CALL UP 3882.
M. W. COL. 1-1 IMS, IVI'g'r.
An interesting price for $4.00, $5.00 and
$6.00 Rockers in Iiirch, Mahogany and An
tique Oak stylish and quaint designs
quantity limited so there's not enough
for "all"
price of a Morris reclining
and overcoat in our clothing
That means easy purchasing for 3'oit
at the time. Please your