13 THE SCR ANTON" TJlIBuNE SATURDAY - IfOliOTNGr. JAKUABY 11, 18a How Are You? YOU HAVE ofteu beea asked this question, but have you ever realized its serious meaning! If you were asked it at this very mo ment, could yoa candidly reply, "I am feeling quite well"! Blight you not be forced to answer, "1 am not feeling so well as I ought to feel"! . - ' h THIS IS a serious question for you to consider, because this is a dangerous time of the year. ' Wintry weather is a severe strain on the system, and alarming results are very apt to follow a sudden cold or chill. ABE YOU experiencing any symptoms which show there is a weak spot in your system! Dj you feel weak and shivery in these cold winter davst Do von have pains in the back, headaches, stomach troubles, dizziness, loss of appetite? Are you a sufterer from constipation, biliousness, restlessuess aud many other miserable feeliugs caused by derangements of the liver aud kidneyst IF YOU aro feeliug like this, and realize that your system lacks tone and strength, remember that you cannot expect to get well without the aid of a reliable remedy. Soinethiug is needed to arouse nature by stimulating the great organs of the body arousing the circulation and renewing the vital powers. For this purpose nothing vlias ever equaled Warner's Safe Cure, the great restorer and health giver. Its effects are immediate and lasting. It speedily puts the liver and kidneys iu good order, purities and enriches the blood, and drives out every dangerous germ of disease that lurks in the system. There is nothing like it for buildiug up the strength and regulating the digestive organs. It is not an experiment, but a standard remedy, endorsed by the world's greatest physicians. No other remedy has ever received such au enormous numbar of testimonials from people whom it has made strong and well. CARBONDALE. CKcuildra will pl'-asif note that advertise ments, orders for Jvl work, ami items for jiublifatlon left at the establishment of Shannon & Co.. nvwailealers. Nin th Muln ntre-t, wilt receive prompt attention; of llce oprn from a. m. to lu p. m.J DESPITE WINTER'S FROWN. Another lluppv couple Join llnnds anj llviii t nt llvmcn'H Alt.ir. A pleasant event was the wedding of 1! las 'Weill! Courtney, eldest daugh ter or Mr. and Mrs. James Courtney, 1MI South Wushihttton street, itml Wil linm Hifiwnell. tit Dmulttff. The reie liumy tvus performed ut S.'M o'clock p. ni. ut tile pretty residence of the bride's parents. The iti-v. I-;. I. liulsley. of the Trinity Kpiseopiil ihur.-li. wus the of-lU-lutlny: elergyniui! The house was rxriulsltuly deioi-uted, vines and plants filled till the uviitittlile spaees. I'mler n euuopy of evel-jri-eeiis thesael '-d woi -ds were suld. Alius (!otutliey wits a most winsome bride ill u Well sown of white dotted Swiss trimmed with Rutin rib bon. .Miss May Courtney, her sister. tit 1 ended the bride, mid she was similarly dttssed. John )ovnlnt; attended as the best mull Miss Chase pluyed on the piano tin fuvorlttf wedding mareh of Mendelssohn's. AmoiiK tin KUer.ts at the wt-ildlna; reeeptlon were: Vrs. l.Hfuyette llrownell. Hurry Krownell, Mts. K. M. i di.istead, Mi', ami Mis. C. V.'. Coleman. Mr. and Mrs. Lafayette Cobb, Ml. itnd Mrs. Albeit Cobb, V.'hI ter Cobb. Miss Slella Cobb und Mrs. Abner Cobb, ull of Dumluff; Mrs. Jes se liaulner. Miss Kuth ilardtier and Fre.iil: Uaidner, of Ireenlield ; Mrs. J. S bill r. cf HiThnton. Mr and Mr. Urowuell received many lnnutllul and eostly presents. They hit hi Id In u very high esteem and the presents amply verllled It. They will reside nt Lnindafi'. I)LST TO DUST. Harry W. Kcnworihy anj Katis llarto HurleJ Yesterday Afternoon. The funeral of Harry W. Kennedy, who was accidentally and instantly killed on the Delaware and Hudson railroad on Tuesday morning, took place yesterday afternoon from the resi dence of his pnrents. corner of Maple avenue and liirkett street, at 3 o'clock. The P.ev. K. J. Huesley, of the Trinity Krilscopul church. othVlaleci and the beautiful ami usual church of KnRland burial service was observed Three very appropriate selections of music were rendered by an efficient quartette, juembers of the Trinity choir. The funeral was very well attended, which showed the popularity of Harry, and his fel'ow workmen otf duty were there in force. The pall bearers were his fellow trainmen und consisted of Rue) Hampton. Irving Stone, T. Colwell, Lester Merrltt, -tleorge Dow, E. Dough erty. After the service the remains were conveyed to their last resting place In Maplewood cemetery amidst manifesta tions of great grief. Peuth of .Mrs. Fred White. The funeral of this popular young lady took place this after- i the beloved wife of Fred White, at j their home on South Washington street. Hlie bud been a great sufferer, her com- ! plaint was bronchial consumption. She i was L'H years of age and was married to M". V. 1 Ite a'HHit live years ago: and one ;iiiiu. .... a survives her. rjpo was very much resprii.ee! and had a very large circle of friends. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ilarnes, of Dyberry. sur vive her and also three sisters, one of whom, Mrs. Fred Watts, resides hero on South Washington street. The funeral has been fixed nt half past nine o'clock from the. residence on Sunday morning. The Uev. O. Prentice of the Waymnrt Methodist church, will conduct a short service at the house The remains will then be taken to Way. mart, vher a service will take pla .e In the Methodist church and the Inter nient made at the Wajvnr.rt cemetw: . Mi llnrtc's I'lincrnl. The funeral of this pretty and popu lar young lady took place this after noon at 3 o'clock, and was an exceed ingly large one and was attended by many friends of Miss llarto. The lemains were conveyed from the residence in Dundaff street to St. Hose's church where the usual ritual service was rendered. The interment was In St. Rose's cemetery. The Crescent Social Club. The Crescent Social club gave their first "Leap Year" social last evening in the commodious Burke's hall. A pleasant and enjoyable evening was siieut. dancing being a special feature. Among out of town persons present were Miss Fagan, of Pittston; Miss Carpets Wall Paper Wall Paper .. Wall Paper We are in the midst of our exten sive' alterations and have reduced everything in the store to make room. BARGAINS BARGAINS BARGAIN'S J. SCOTT ItyGLIS 41ft Lackawanna Ava. Lavln. or Vnndllngr, and Mr. P. J. Tim lin of Ji'rmyn. PERSONAL AND OTHER ITEMS' The Delaware und Hudson paid their gravity employes today. The Delaware and Hudson's new pas- I sender depot on .Seventh avenue was I'lunpleti-U today. Dr. lii.rnett, of Scrnnton, was on a professional visit to this city today. Ilase bull seems to be lugging this year. Why i.ot wal.o up. ... NCW MlLFORD. A slciglirldo party from Montrose was entertained at the Jay house Thurs day evening. A lurye party of Christian Hndeavor people iroin this place atteuded the ci ur.ty eonvfntlon of that o-der at Montrose, J.in. '". Tho next convention will bi held ut Hiills'end. Kuecne LouiuK of Klno'ley. bus fold his mercantile bi'fiiici'st to - C. 'apron, who assume"' cintrnl of tin sii"u The Patriotic Order ;-.ons of America bus clutn.aed Its meeting nisbt from Thursday to I'lldu.i. Frank Tennaiil has purchased the Day house at Hcphoitotn and will take pi rcKstdon Avril I. .Mr. Tennant Is a Clifford man. The annual meetltii; of the Susque hanna Count Historical society will be held Ht .Montrose Jan. 11. John .1. Potter, of i Union, has sold his feed business intliUi place to Charles Uoe. ct the township, who has taken possession of the same. Mr. Potter has pur based nrooerty ut Ararat, this county, and will soon open a feed es tablishment at 'hat place. Kev. W. I.. I.iiiftberiy attended the Methodist cleric of Hlughnmton and vicinity at llingluimton on Monday. They are to hold an "auction social" at Tingley next Friday evening. The modus oncratidi of this gathering Is to sell the ladles ut nuclbui, and the pro prietor of the "job lot" purchase Is to escort ller to simper, it Is exacted prices will be extra hiph, as the nur chaser can (ret free from his entangle ment without the customary divorce case. The annual meeting of the Susque hanna County Agricultural society will be held In the court house at Montrose Jan. 11. The XewMllford public library opened for the year 1S1I6 with a Inrge selection of new books mid an unusually larg? membership. This Is an institution that is well worthy of patronage. II. .1. Urown hits leased the Ileebc budding on Depot street and has opened n lunch room therein. Professor O. P. Mible. of the Strotids biirg State Normal school, will deliver the steond lecture of the course at the Jiaptist church .Inn. IT. Miss Fannie ,f. Sparks, for a number of years missionary In India, will de liver an address on the customs of the people of India at the Methodist church Sunday morning next. A teachers' Institute will be held at Harford Saturday, Jan. IS. Dr. D. C. Ainey. Ted Adnms. J. C. McConnell and F. C,. Inderlled attended a Masonic banquet nt Clreat Bend Thursday night. K. H. Call, of ths Seranton Trlbuns, called in town Thursday. FOREST CITV. Thomas Brown, jr.. Chattle Leek and Miss Lizzie Dnvls, one of the teachers in the Forest City graded school, are ill with the mumps. There is an epidemic of that disease here just nt present. Tlie rec. ntly Installed ofT"rs of For est City lodge. Free nn1 Accepted Ma sons, are: W. H. Wilderherger, W. M.; John Maxcy. S W , T. J. Maxc. J. W.; II. F. Aldrich. treasurer' John W, Lor rnbee, secretary. Following are the ap pointed ofllccrs: i .1. Pentecost. S. D.: J. Do La Fnntn!r. J. .: J. Maxev, S. M. C; A. K. Wheeler, J. M. C: It. W. Richards: pursuivant' Hugh Johnson, tyler. A. K. Wheeler, K. F. Ames and T. C. Manner were elected trustees, and V H. Leek was chosen representative to the grand lodge. The next quarterly convention of the Catholic Total Abstinence union for the first district of this diocese will he held at Forest City In April next. The Tribune correspondent was in ci ror in stating that St. Agnes' church fair would ojien Frldav evening. The fair will not begin until next Wednes day evening. There was a meeting last night to mnke final arrangements for the opening. Systematic work is be ing done to make this the most success ful fair ever held In Forest City. Thomas Stephenson, of Jerinyn, has been visiting friends in town for the past few days. Mr. Stephenson was for several years a resident of this bor ough. A branch of the Young Men's Institute has been organized in Forest City. It has a membership of sixty. VV. D. Bryden and wife and Miss Llz sle Hvyden. who have been "snending the vacation with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. William Bryden, .of Vandlln, have returned to Fasten. Mr. Bryden, Jr., Is a student at I fa yet to college. Forest City Maennerchor will hold an opening social In its new hall on Tues day evening, Jan. 21. - PRICEBURG, John Klderkln. of Albert street, is 111. James Margetsnn, of Oarmalt street, has returned after a few days' visit with friends in Moosle and Yatesvllle. The citizens of Dickson City borough held a meting at W. H. Smith's hall last evening to consider the recent raise of water rent to $ per year. A great number of our citizens turned out and it Is expected that the water company will be strongly opposed in this matter. Thomas Meehan. of Lincoln street, was a visitor In Carbondale yesterday. Kdward Greatrlx. of Carmalt street. Is on the sick list. - ( ' The Johnson Coal company has fin ished laying the track on their new plane. A new society known as th tons' of Rest was organized here last evening. The officers Installed were as follows: President) Martin Barrett; secretary, Fred Zimmerman, and treasurer, Henry KleS. - - John Hawk, nr.. la able to be on the street again after an Illness of two .All persons wishing to have the Tri bune delivered to them may have It by leaving their orders with Robert Bir beck. carrier. - , . James Mullen, an aired resident of South Lincoln street, died yesterday morning after a short Illness. Luther McLoughllu. of North Main street, was a caller In Olyphant last evening. S. J. Barrett and Myrtle Seutt at tended the Polish fair last evening. AVOCA, St. Mary's fair will open on Monday night. The different booths are decor ated to represent the seasons and the confectionery booth, situated In the center, diaoed in the national colors and. united with the others, present a gorgeous appearance. The grand inarch, accompanied by the Mooslc band, will lie the attraction on Monday evening. There will be a special at traction each evening. (leorge Carey, of Lincoln Hill. Is se riously 111 of typhoid fever. A collision occurred yesterday after noon on South Main street between the electric car und Kvana' delivery wagon of Pittston. Considerable damage was done to the wugon and through the carefulness of the driver the' frantic horses escaped unhurt. At the examination of the broken boilers of the Lav shaft explosion, Hon. T. V. Powderly acted as expert for the families of the victims. Pieces of the boiler were curefuly examined and it was found that some of them were one eighth of an Inch thinner than the usual thickness of boiler Iron, which is supposed to iie due to the boiler being burned or worn at the part from which the piece came. After they returned home the jury again met and rendered a verdict. The exact words could not be learned but It Is said that they cen sured the company and that the families of the victims will at once take action in instituting suits against the com pany. A valuable little book has been circu lated among the residents of the town, explaining the lire alarm system re cently invented by D. U Banders, of Lincoln Hill. This supplies a long felt want and the citizens of the town are i grateful to the piomoiers of the enter ' ...I.,., 'Lee Taylor, of Battery B. First regi ment of artillery, of David's Island, is spending a few days with his friend, Keillor Dony, of the Argus. WAVERLY, ' A. B. Cowles Is confined to the house with a severe cold. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Itelph, who have been visiting relatives and friends here have returned to their home in New York city. A. J. Smith has received a letter from his son. Tom. dated at Havana, where ; lie spent New Year's day. Tom Is on i Ids way to Mexico where he will spend I the winter. Arthur Taylor Is seriously III.' F.d. (I. Kalley looks ut home In his : new iKisitlon as postmaster. ! Mr. Charles Finch, of Green Bldge, ; Mrs. Kd. Hevea, of Duumore, and Mr. and Mrs. John White, of Ulnghumton, visited Hates H. White last Wednes day and spent the day with him. Kevlvul services have boen held every, night this week by the Uev. A. Bergen lirowe at the Baptist church. Kev. Browe will till the pulpit as usual next Sunday. Kev. F. II. Parson will nil the pulpit of the Methodist Episcopal church to morrow morning at lO.IiO. Mr. und Mrs. leorge Perry enter tained a number of friends at their ele gant home last Thursday night In hon or of their guest Miss Iner Bolce, of W'ultou, N. Y. The following guests were present- Mr. and Mrs. leorge K. Stevenson, Miss Fdlth Smith. Mrs. John Miller ami daughters. Estellu and Maud, Miss Hose Johnson and Miss Kuth Per ry; Messrs. Kd. Hall, Frank Carpenter, Thurston Parker. Tom Hall, John M. CourtrlKlit, Ward Parker, William Hall, and John Perry. MONTROSE, J. . Mott was In Seranton the first of the week. The Historical society will meet at the high school buildiug Saturday af ternoon. A very pleasing programme has been arranged. W. H. Harrington has returned from his rUiuthern trip, visiting Georgia, Florida and other states. A. II. Gardner's son will continue the business left by his father. i. I). Hlcl:ok. who has been a guest of relatives In New York city recently, has returned. J. T. Birdsall. of Forest Lake, spent Thursday in Montrose. Dr. and Mrs. Hubbard, of New York, have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. ! A. H. MeColluni. I D. V. Gardiner was in Seranton on J Wednesday. I Miss Jennie Moorn, daughter of Hon. I L. W. Moore, of New Milford, has been I the guest of Mrs. James lately. I Henry Fordham was enticed in ; Seranton on business Wednesday. Jesse Lrne went to Seranton this week to attend the funeral of his uncle. William Condi ! Susquehanna county auditors. C. I Byrne, F. Jones nnd A. W. Shay, are engaged upon the accounts this week. Miss Nellie Weston, of Brooklyn, will give son-.? recitations before the His torical society Saturday. TAYLOR, A four-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Walsh, of Oak street, died on Thursday from the effects of burning recel.rh about a week age The little fellow was Maudlin: near a skating pond on which there was a large fire built and his clothes caught fire. The prayer meetings at the Methodist Episcopal church came to a close last night. Thomas II. Jenkins, of Vnlon street, announces himself as a candidate for councilman In the Third ward. A ten-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hodges, of Grove street, was burled yesterdny in the Forest City Home cemetery. Miss Klla Klpp, a young lady residing in this place, was quietly married at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Klpp on Main street, to Mr. Fitch, of Nerves Are like Fire. They are Good Servants But make Poor blasters To keep your Xervei steady, Vour Head clear, Bttilil up your Strength, Sharpen your Appetite, You must have Pure Rich Blood The Best Medicine U Vitalize aud Enrich the Blood, ia . Hood's Sarsaparilla The One True Blood Purifier Prominently in the Public Eye. Hood's Pills ZItoX'VL" Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. & Gov't Replrt Tunkhannock. this week. Mr. Fitch is a prominent man in Tunkhannock and conducts the largest . hotel . in that place. They will make their home In that place. J. P. Cooper has permitted the young people of this town to dam up the pond in the mule field and allow them to skate thereon, providing they do not tear down the surrounding rence. The only difficulty that now remulns Is to have the place flooded and when this Is done Taylor will have as good a skating pond as any In this section. MALLBTEAD. Raymond Mack Is 111. . James Jackson, of the Chamberlln district. I seriously ill. The Ladles' Catholic Benevolent as sociation installed their newly elscted officers on Thursday evening. Gerald May is again an employe at the silk mill. Mr. and Mra..,J. Castleman. of Union, are the guests at the residence of J. K. Davis, on Main street. W. M. Post, of Montrose, and Attor ney E. R. W. Searle. of Susquehanna, were among: the visitors in. town on Friday. Great Bend chapter, R. A. M., con ducted a banquet at that place Thurs day evening. 1 The annual meeting of the Great Bend Dairy company fcill be held today at 2 p. m. Slmrell post, G. A. R., hav elect jd the following officers for the ensuing year: Post commander, C. M. Reinhart; senior vice commander, Myron Foote; Junior vice commander, K. R. Green: adjutant, L. W. Chichester; quartermaster, F. & Barnes; sergeant, P. C. Burns; chap lain. J. 8. Jacobus; O. D.. H. H. Will lams; O. O., Frank 8collle. John R. Clements, of Blnghaniton, will address the gospel meeting Sunday afternoon. ' 1 . 9 PGCKVILLE, Constable J. B. Millar, of Seranton, was in town on business last Thursday. Mrs. Charles Miller and son, Chaun cey, of Park Place, were visiting rela tives in town yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Bell, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ttithlll and Mr. and Mrs. Juy Tuthlll attended the funeral of Hurry Ken worthy at Carbondale yes terday. County Superintendent Taylor visited our public schools yesterday. Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Slckler have re turned from Washington.. Another meeting will be held at the Hose house this evening to hear the report of the committee that waited on the water company. All interested are invited to come. CLARK'S SUMMIT. S. C. Koons was In Seranton yester day on business. H. P. Wilcox spent Thursday fishing In the Tunkhannock creek, and report ed a good catch. M. M. Hufford and Fred Welehel are spending the week fishing at the Prom ised Land pond. The Band of Willing Workers held a quilting at M. A. Colvlns, on Wednes day afternoon. , If tha Baby Is Cutting Tseth. Mrs. Wlnslow'D Soothing Syrup has been used for over Fifty Years by Mil lions of. Mothers for their Children while Teething, with Perfect Success. It Soothes the Child, Softens the Gums, j Allays au rain; i-ures winu (JOlie ana Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow'a Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twsnty-flva cents a bottle. DR. ALEXANDER'S LUNG HEALER THE FAVORITE COUGH CURE It Will Cure Where Others Pall. It is guaranteed to cure Coughs. Colds, Bronchitis, Asth ma and all affections or the luugs and throat For sale everywhere. 25c bottle. (Purchase money re funded by dealer to any not sat isfied.) THE SCR ANTON VITRIFIED BRICK TILE MAtlUFACTURIRG CO., MAKIM4 or SHALE PAVING BRICK AND BUILDING BRICK OfUesi S9t Washington Avsnno. Warksi Nay-Aug, Pa E. a W. V. R. ft. M. H. DALE, Ganeral Sales Agent, Seranton, Pa THE FINEST HALF-TONE CUTS That you can get any whors, At one-half tha old prlco. J.l. PHOTO-ENGRAVER. 3IILClWMN VE. ANOTHER CLEARING SALE AT EMPIRE DRY We have cleaned up about all our odds and end. and sell them as rapidly as they come In, but we were lucky to catch on another snap. We cleaned up on mill of underwear. There I. no doubt you are aware how we buy goods; always 0 cents on the dollar, and five the benefit to our trade. This sale I. Important, and If you want to buy underyear, here you are. 69 dozen of mixtures, woolen underwear, nice, clean staple goods, t 26 cents each, or 60 cents for the sul. Boy., from 24 to 34, any .tee. for It cent.. ' . Cloak., never In the history of this line could you purchase a cloak for the price a. this season. Plain farts; the season was unfavorable this year" and the manu THE GREAT CUT PRICE STORE HENRY GOODMAN, Manager, 516 Lackawanna Avenue. Eagllsa Capital for America Invest . " msats. Important to Americans seeking Eng lish capital for new enterprises. A list containing th names and addresses of KM successful promoters who have placed over 100.000.t00 sterling In foreign Invest, ments within the last sis years, and over (11.000.000 for th seven months of lax Price ii or 5. payable by oostal order to the London and Universal Bureau of Investors. 0, Cheapside, London, K. O Subscribers will be entitled, by arrange ment with the director ta receive either personal or Utters of introduction to any of these successful promoters. This list Is first class In every rsspsot. and every man or arm Whose name ap pears theroln may be depended upon. For placing the following It will be found in valuableBonds or Shares of Industrial, Commercial and Financial Concerns, Mortgago loans, Sals of Lands, Patents or Mines. Directors SIR EDWARD C. R08, HON. WALTER C. PRPtl. CAPT. ARTHUR STIFFS. - . . Copyright- SorteJ 8 eerrU for tmpl packet. r Faultleao Chomloal Company. ISa'tr mor, Md. Maaatectwert of toe Oelabntoa LAGER BEER CAPACITY a loo.ooo Barrels per Annum Moosic Powder Co, Rooms 1 ud 2 Commowftilt Bld'f, . SCRANTON, PA. MINING ani BLASTING POWDER MADE AT MOOSIC AND RUBS DALR WORKS. Lafflin eV Rand Powdor Co. Orange Gun Powdet Elect rlo Batteries, Pass for esplaoV lag blasts. Safety Vase and RepansoChemical Co.'s HiEiploslm tottJi.vi;:sJ waaraateaa vara nip LOST MANHOOD Kid all attandloR aflnxnt th cf young- and niiddte. acod m?n ana women. The awf-ti ftaataof Vm'Tlin rf. RMrltanff tRtnBt V I; KOI'li nMwtml Mb. I Bal,MerTous Debility, Kltrhtljr Emlwlono, CoanunpUsu. entire Organs uaSUlnr one for study, boalneai and mat rlsrelsqakklycaradbyPr.(artasEKeaahaiN.re iralas. They sot only cure by st Arting at (hs scat of dt eaae. but ar a sraat NKItVK TO.Ylo mni ULOOO) Bl'lLUCK. brfnalnff back the sink jrlaw to psle hrcks ana pntoAwtlis riltalir lVTH to the salient. Bymall.OiaHlprrboxor.for OSwithwrib ire guarantee .a tare er refund fKe maaer. Book tr- -iii.Knr' '' ' '- r".i.llwT,Hi. For sal by JOHN H. PHELPS. Drug 1st, Wyoming ave. and Spruce street. THE GOODS CO facturers were compelled to throw their foods upon the market. Prices were no oblect. We have a hold on these goods. 200 cloaks, we don't claim they are syllsh but they are good for this cold weather, and when you get one for S. any size from 32 to 43, In black blue only. We have some stylish coats also, but style always costs something, which we will sell you In black blue or any other color, short Coat, for S4.V9. Have you seen our black cloth cape? Not equaled In .price nor In quality, only $3.9. for ten dayc- We have not time to write ads. We have the biggest bargains you have ever seen In shawls, blankets and wool-knit good, and sweaters, i L Ill's M LAGER BEER BREWERY. mm KERR'S A neb, sod handsome appearance combined with durability and .mod erate prices are the lead ins features ia oar goods for the contlos; season. Let us make a ancfcstion respecting Carpels, : Mattings, Draperies The very latest styles and colors, newest effects and best fabrics caa be obtained at the most reasonable prices from S.G.KERR,S0N&C0. Af1ft Uskmnni Aval Two Stores in the Burke Building, Carbondale. Telephone Call 5154. the third national bank of scranton gives special Attention to bUiness and personal accounts and tays 3 per cent. interest on time deposits. t OLD WHITE K TIBER For lloavy SMIiral Work. ANY SIZE, AND OP TO FORTY FEET 10HS RicHARDS LUMBER CO , 22 Cccmalth C!&, Senntea, Ft Ti!:;!ni 422. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BAR HE, PA, Manufaotu rara of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilors, WISTIKB AKD I PP.. latfs. Casttal. al J WiJPfc iu aiioa nTraa wouA teas eareriOTeSitB tfail iali oiOasa, Maaaf Otter, or IHieUI Met tar tlie. Equal eeerr sssr ska keels mid ta sM retail Man. (or M.0; W smJm. tale see tee taejM, .Ms mmd Map. n wmw eaje wm essassas wlU rsfsas ke awasr? ec esse asethsr oatr. Opan a. Smtjfmr tlmf llleilnlil mcc HIIUIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIII I SUIT AND OVERCOAT iiiiiuiuuiiuiiiiiiii Saai asjejS aaikfesssj i I I-" . ..... ciW) mnMnmHiiuiiiiim I $12.00 SUIHIMIIHHIIUm Tour choice of $n, J15 arid 16.50 Suits and overcoats at $12.00. Your choice of $18, ;ig and $20 Suits and Overcoats at $13.00. UC5rFormer prices marked iu plain figures on each gar ment. . , LOOK FOR THE GREEN TAG (II It's there It's awfully cheap.) In our Furniture Department Bedroom Suits and Parlor Suits receive cut tins attention this week. . - 225 AND 227 AND Linolelims. Oil Cloths, . . Window Shades, and Upholstery Goods. PUllFING MACHINERY. QrJ Office: 5CRANT0N, PA. CALL U eta, OILS.. VINEGAR AND CIDER. OfflM AND WAREHOUSE, 4 11 TO HI MERIDIAN STRSST d. V' COLLINS, M'fr. IJIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIiaillHIIHIII I ON B S 8 CREDI SALE ft 218 . WYOMING AYE,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers