The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 10, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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' ttt'kilera will pit-am- note that a.lvertiae
nieiita, orOeiw for Job work, ami lii-nia fur
publli-aticn Iff. ul the elabil8hnient of
Btiunnon I'o..' lie midair r. North Main
NtreM. will ivi-clve proinH uttvntion; 01'
fli' oten from X u. m. tu In p. m. I
.. ( 01X1 1L IX SESSION.
' Alderman Jones Addresses the Members
. on the Condition of the Jail-Hills Head
nd Ordered I'aiJ.
The fonmwnt oiiuncll nit Wednesday
Kls;ht ami the following wore In Ht-tfii.iaiMt-:
F. W. Mill:-. H. 1. linker,
P F'. IieviriP, A. F. hoftun. C. A. Kaw,
F. I t'olweli. V. J. tJlennon. P. T 1l-
1 1fitinliirh It I ginltli ntui ThiimuH
Vender, nlho the rlerk of the trouurll,
3. E. Hii'iinai;,
Mr. Mil If took the chair ami said that
Aldehnnr. S. S. Junes, an seeretary of
the buard.of health, wished to le heard
before the council. IVrmlssInn wnc
readily granted. He nuld that It vvus a
well-KnowM fact to some uivnent that
tlm eoililltlon of the jail Ik a diseruoe
to a iii'iifcrvHslve city and that sunie
nix inontha ntru the liicul l.i.ur.l nl' lieulth
InveMtlRnted itn condition anTI suKKest
ed Hoinr dealfrilde Illumes. The condi
tion or the cellB Is do terrible an to lie
daiiRerons to the lu-ul'.h of those thut
Were um'ortunate eunuch to be inrur
eciHti'd th'iilii. The Hlench at times
a soinethiiiK unbearable, really slck
etiitiR. Although the class relegated
to' tlie Jail nre the nnior'-iinuies. still
from n humanitarian stand-x nt, mid
for the liotior of our ltizciish!:i. Iliey
Klioubl bnve cells where their health
would not be cjuloticeivd. Mr. Jones
further remarked that the resicted
Mavor Hendricks had donated his sal
ui;v for this ohjt.c. and contractors
bave n.ade offers for rnrrylmr out the
work. l"ter thunkinn the council for
iieniiiKslon mid attention, Mr. Jones
Ths Cnscnf l. I'. rnrroll.
The iext In order was the retorts of
the various coninih tees, and when that
on r)ranS' was reached the chairman
entered ir defense for the dellnmiont
tux collector. 1'. K. fnrroll. lie stated
that he thought that the papers of the
dav hal olneed Mr. nirroll In n false
lltfht before the citizens It was made
tinlrtlc that Mr. Carroll was indebted
to the city In the sum of $'..".M.6:i since
IMC and that a reiiiiitloP had been
passed by the select council authorizing
the cilv solicitor, to enforce collection.
The chair- ill wished it understood
that the matter ouelu i be closeii up.
but that the ntmiim: war. not correct,
nml that Mr. Carroll had just informcVI
him that he was prepared to pay up
as soon as the city controller Mr.
Smith, would adjust his necmn.t:'. nlv
iiiK him credit for exonerations and
commission, lie" claims that there ts
due to hliv Hi.aMO for exonerations al
lowed and floo in commission, which
leaves a balance duo to the city of $10:1.
Tllci the controllcr'.s report wns 'end
nnd aecentcd. The clerk wished to
know If the rnunvJI desired the rcsolll
tlonnuthorlzlnn the proceedinKsaRulnst
Carroll rend. Mr. linker said lie would
like to hear It: but the chairman ruled
It out of order.
The petition of the householders Cor
an are lichl on Williams avenue was
referred to the llu'litlnir committee to
further report on.
The resolution transferrin? from in
surance JL'ihi. fmnlniinir city vaults
17!.'Ji. mm -si wit appropriation! $.r.o0.
l,i meet $r.-7 water rent, was passed.
The clerk read it synopsis of the re-n.-i
of Mr. Mofim. the chief of the fir
depiirtnu in. Htntlim that fifiSv hail :t4
lln s ami alarms been sent in. The an
nua! report was adopted and ordered to
be tiled.
Hills were read and ordered paid nnd
miioi.g them one of lotiu' stiiiidin, that
fi'.r the exiienses of State Inspector
Ili-ntdman, Tor $:M.!.
I'. I', farrull's Case ,ruin.
Tle case of Carroll cropped up n train:
tie resolution was read: Mr. Haker
moved that the common council should
cuiicur with the selei-;. Mr. ICase sec
onded Mr. Haker'-- proposition, but It
wos declared lost.
Iltc I unci) Vi. neon Aenln.
' Mr, (Ib-r.nou wished to have the re
port on the lunch waiinn .resolution.
Mr. Kase, on behalf of tin- eon unit tee.
stated that It had been ascertained
that the man held a city license, nnd
that the matter of occupying city vrop
erty had been referred to the city so
licitor for his onlulon; he had not yet
Hied Ills report.
The cltv engineer was outhorlzed tn
pVovlde ash barrels for the city hall
nnd for ii!d,estoH to vover the piiies in
lite r-ellnr.
This bond ordinance for the iiirposc
of building bridges over the I.ackn
wanna passed the second and linal
After the adjournment the council, in
company with Alderman Jones, paid a
Visit to the jail.
C.ri'H) IN LICK.
Three NcJJIns Celebrated Last NlRht
1 Morcan Sclt
Allss Uzzle. dauRhler of Mrs. MorBun
Morgan, i'd South WyomiuK street, was
wedded to Henry Sell, manager for
Kerr Co.. house lurnitmers of this
city,' The ceremony took place at the
i.f 1i nml I.'. A MorirHii. on
Itark street, at Ii.:i0 o'clock. The ltev.
T. 10. Jejison, pastor of the Herean l!ap
tist church, performed the ceremony.
The house was artistically decorated
nnd the wedding scemj was much ad
mired. The bride wa becomingly at
tired and carried a bouiU,et of ca rela
tions and roses.
The bride is well know n nnd exceed
ingly popular in the city. The bride
groom, during his short stay, has made
a host of friends They have th" good
wishes of a large -circle of neighbors
for a long and happy lif". A number
f friends attended the reception .the
out of town friends Imlng Mr and Mrr.
Huberts and daughter, of Mayfleld;
Miss Kd wards, of N'ilkcs-Hnrre: Miss
C. Klnslauil. of Seranton, and W. Mor
(tiulez, of IMttston.
, Cnrey-lloalc r. .
The niariinge of Miss May F., daugh
ter of Mr. nnd Mrs. 1'atrick Henley, of
tyundnfr street, and William Carey, the
son of Mr. and Mrs T. Carey, of J'Mke
street took place at St. Hose's church
nt 4 o'clock. The llev. J. J. Oriftln offi
ciated and pronounced the words that
united them for life. Her maid of
honor tvas Miss Mnry Jfealon. of Fortv
second street, the groomsman being
John Walsh, of Hike street. Thev have
the best wishes or friends for a hanr.v
married life.
McCnba .Manley.
MissMaggie Manley.of Canaan street,
nnd John McCabe. the well known and
Well Paper
. Wall Paoer
A I, t f-S
wan raper
nc uic in mic iiuuni ill uur vXlcn;
sire alteratioim and have reduced
everything, in the store to make room.
' - V 419 LaekaMnn Awa.
popular mercliunt of . Canaan atreet.
were united In ninrrluse last evening
at 7.:t0 o'clock at the Church of St. Hose
Hy Hey. -T. K. Coffey. Thu event was
very pupulur and a great nuinlter.wlt
nesesd the ceremony. - ...
John tlallcnhcracr Severely Itnrncd by
Exploding Vornlsh. '
John Hallenberger, who is employed
at the Peter Krantx br-wery, this city,
had a narrow eseaiie from death yes
terday. He was Inside one of the large
tanks varnishing It, the varnish explod
ed and the tank became ablase.
Hut for the timely assistance of Geo.
Hamnierle he would have been burned
to. death. He was however severely
burned and Dr. Knilcy was called tu his
The Kebraury l lcction.
The Hcpuhllcan nominees met in set-ret
conclave last night and met in
force and decided upon plans for their
coming .light. No particulars could be
gleaned, but assurance, was given that
a strong organization would be on
hand. The Democrats are also very
sanguine of huccess. They were net so
fortunate as tbelr opponents In their
attendance last night.
Mrs. J. Copeland. of lieliiLint street. Is
seriously 111 at her hom.
The Carhuiidulii Cycle, eluli will give
Kinokerun .Monday niRhl, runflned to t ri-i r
uwn eli-i-le.
J. I.. Sherwood, of Luke Coino, Is In the
i-it on business..
The complaints of the zero utmospte re
at the council chamber lust night were
Miss Katie Hurte will be hurled at r,.Hi)
from her liumlaff street residence. Ser
vices will be eelliiated ill the Church of
St. Kuseuud the Interment will take place
at Si. Sose's cemetery.
Contractor 1,. 1. iienson. of Susque
hanna, wns among the visitors in town
on Thursday.
The heating apparatus for the Pres
byterian church Is expected to arrive
this week.
William J. Hike, of this place, who
has acted as private secretary for Hon.
tialusha.A. (Irow, at Washington. 1.
C. for some time, has been promoted
to the position of clerk of the commit
tee on education.
The Hallstcad Cornet band on Wed
nesday evening elected the following
otlicers for the ensuing year: Presi
dent. S. J. Hurnes; vice president.
Slater l.aiiib: secretary, Kred Humes;
treasurer. John Coddlngton; musical
dirottoi mid loader. C. H. Itenlger; as
sistant. WIlMair I'.arnes: custodians,
Frank Kodgcrs, Frank tiruriin and (i.
V. Capn t II
i'ror. I,a View, of New York, will give
a. sten optleoi. entertainment In the
liaptlsl church on Monday nnd Tues
day evenings The cntcrtnlnmontM will
consist of views of the slums of New
York city. DIITeretil views will be
shown each evening.
The Young Peoples Society Christian
Kndenvor of the Presbyterian church
have elected the following; olllcers for
the ensuing year: president. II. K.
Ivoblnson; vice president. Mrs. S. A.
Hall: recording secretury. W. W.
Adams; corresponding secretary. Mrs.
Frank Knupp; treasurer, Mrs. il. K.
I .'olilll.'Jittl
Mrs. C.ei.rge Van Fleet hi visiting
rrlei tis In New York city.
The members of -the Tllnghuniton
Canton of odd Fellows paid Friendly
Hand lodge a visit on Tuesday even
ing. -
A hoist attached to a light wagon nnd
standing in front of Petersen's Jewelry
store became frightened and ran nwiiv
yesterday. It was stopped before any
damage was done.
The ilermtiu Catholic fair which was
being held at the Centra! theater tin
past eight days was close I Wednesday
night. The fair has been n grcut suc
cess and Kev. WlllUun lMssel deserves
much credit for the capable way In
which It was conducted.
Miss Janet and Master Walter Alex
ander Wood gave n parly to their nu
merous young friends yei.terdny after
noon A. , W. Walkcy, of Jerniyn, visited
Honesdalc Wednesday to Introduce his
patent skate strap. Mr. Walkcy has a
very neat ami elllelent device which
will be gladly welcomed by nil skaters
who have experienced much annoyance
with the old buckle, especially in cold
weather. The Walkcy patent strap Is
quickly uiljusted. He also has a patent
ankle supporter that will he u great
help to lady skaters.
Sleighing Is here In earnest.
Misses Itertha and Kt tu Fuertli gave
a thimble tea at their home yesterday
The Delaware it ml Hudson Canal
company paid the employes of the rail
road yesterday.
Mrs. Sweatlund, of Wllkea-Harre.wns
a visitor In town Tuesday nt the home
of S. J. Price.
Superintendent May of the Hillside
Coal and Iron company, was in town
Percy Knnkln. of Warren, Pa.. Is vis
iting at the home of James A. Hand on
Main street.
A business meeting of the Kpworth
league will he held on Saturday even
ing. Ict everybody come.
Charles Snyder has moved Into his
new house on Dymond street.
Miss Hessle Jacques of the New Pow
der Mills, is cnnllned to the house by a
severe cold.
Mrs. John II. Dymond, Jr., is confined
to the house by sickness.
The Traction company have greatly
Increased their patronage by reducing
their fare from ten cents to five cents,
their old rate to Avocn.
Mrs. John M. Robertson was a visitor
In Scrnnton on Wednesday.
K. C. Herlin Is rapidly recovering
from his late sickness and expects to
soon be able U attend to busi
ness. The fall of snow yesterday makes a
very good bid torn for sleighing.
The funeral )f Mis Alice Trice,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dnnlel Price,
of Hrook street, toek place yesterday
and In spite of the inclement weather
was largely attended by friends of the
deceased who desired to show the re
spect for her memory by attending the
It Ik said a nicetiiiR nf citizens will
take pl.iee nonip nlulit next wk to time
action in the prtionpl raising of tin
vatT rates.
A DemiicTatlr eauous will be held In
the First ward Saturday nlsht.
iMft evenlnif Ming Sadie Kvans ami
John Keese were quietly married at
the home of the bride'x uaivnts on the
West Side. The bride' father. Rev.
J. A. Kvans. performed the ceremony
which wan witnessed only by the Im
mediate relatives of the eontraotlnK
parties. After the ceremony a delicious
repast was served and several hours
were pleasantly passed. Mr. and Mrs.
Reese will reside with the former's
parents on the West Side.
Mrs. John Hrent, of WMlkes-Barre, Is
the ruest of William Mason and family
in Hlakely.
If the Babx Is Cutting Tccih.
Mrs. WiriHlow'o PoothlnR Svrup lins
been used for over Fifty Tears by Mil
lions of Mothers for their Children
while Teethlnir. with Perfect Success.
It Soothes the Child. Softens the Gums,
Allays sll Pain; Cures Wind Colic and
Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold
by I'fUKgists in every part ot the world.
Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow'a
Soothing Syrup," and take no other
kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle.
fThe Ptttston office of ths Seranton
Tribune Is loeuted at No. 5 William street,
where all advert wments. orders for Job
work anil items for publication will re
ceive prompt attention. Office open from
a. nt. to 10 p. m.)
Jndgo Woodward Decides That There I
No Vacancy of t'lty Clerk.
Judge Woodward yesterday made
permanent the Injunction granted on
Thursday of last week restraining Cap
tain J. T. Flannery from exercising; the
functions of city clerk. The Judge's de
cree is as follows:
"On the first day of April, 1S95, J. P.
O'Hoyle was duly elected city clerk of
the city of Pittston for the term of one
year. So far ns appears from the evl-dem-c-
submitted Mr. O'Hoyle is still
the Incumbent of the office in question.
It is true that at a meeting of the com
mon council of the city of Pittston on
December :!'. IMCi. a paper purportlnK
to he a resignation of his office by Mr.
O'Hoyle was presented anil ordered to
be tiled. This paper was afterwards
bunded back to o'ltoyle by Myers, the
acting city clerk, and no record of it
appears upon the minute book. Nor
does it appear that the resignation has
been accepted or that any action what
ever in relation to it, bus been taken by
either brunch of the city council. It is
clear, therefore, that no vacancy In the
otllee of city clerk existed on December
;i(l. at what time the election of John T.
Flannery. the defendant In the bill. Is
claimed to have taken place. To the
fact thus presented the case of I'pde
gruff vs. Craus et al does not apply.
The right to restrain by Injnnctlon all
acts Hint are contrary to law, and pre
judicial to the Interest of the commun
ity. Is vested In the courts. And it
would seem that the attempt to till, by
appointment, mi otlice of a municipal
character of which there Is ut the time
un Incumbent, whose term has not ex
pired, nnd whose resignation has not
been accepted, waB premature and ille
gal. The motion to continue the in
junction is granted and the Injunction
Is continued.
John P. Kearney, select councilman
from the Klghth ward, brought the pro
ceedings to oust Flannery, who comes
from the same locality. M. N. Donnelly
appeared for Kearney and Henry
Pulim-r and James H. Siorrls appeared
for Flannery.
The V. and I. social club gave their
second annual hop at Kaglt hall and
It was a very brilliant affair. The com
mittee in charge of the afraid was: J.
W. Young. 1,. W. Fitch. K. C. Nagle.
I. K. Dean, Ci. P. Schooley, W. L..
Mrs. F.llzubeth Finney, wife of Hleh
ard Finney, of West Pittston, died last
evening, aged fid years. The funeral
will take place tomorrow afternoon.
Pittston ItuslncKs Pircctorv.
on Wrlnht & Co., 87 South Main street.
A new range for sale or exchange; also
second-hand nous .'hold goods, bought or
Mrs. William Hrown, sr., nf Main
street, has Just received a communica
tion from Dunifrees. Scotland, acquaint
ing her of the fact that she has fallen
heir to Cio.ono, bequeathed her by her
uncle, Hobert Kittle, lately deceased.
The Ilrotvn family are numbered
among the oldest and most respected
settlers of the town, and their mnny
friends will be pleased to learn of their
good fortune. Mrs. Brown expects to
cross the wnter In a few months to
settle matters.
Kev. I. J. Golden, of Wllliamsport,
was a c-nllcr in town yesterday.
The marriage of Miss Mary Maloncy.
of this place, to Michael O'lTara. of
Seranton, was solemnized at St. Mary's
Catholic church yesterday afternoon,
ltev. M. F. Crane officiated. The bride
and mnld were prettily attired and cur
ried bouquets. The groom wore the
conventional blnck. Mr. and Mrs.
O'Haru will reside in Sm-anton.
The Avoc.i Curling club of this place
are enjoying the popular sport every
day on the Ice. The curling club is one
of the best ill the state, and defeated
the New York club In a spirited game
last seiison.
Miss Lizzie McCarthy, of the West
Side, Is lying seriously III of heart fail
ure. The Pennsylvania Coal company will
puv Its employes today.
Walter FIfzsimmons. of Pittston
tnwnshin, has removed his family to
the Haker resilience on South Main
Mrs. Frank Hurdenbtirg, of York
stutef, hove returned home after a
Pleasant ylslt with friends In the North
Walter Docket was Injured in Con
nell's mine on Wednesday by a fall of
roof. His head was cut and his back
Mrs. John Stewart died on Tuesday
nnd was interred in Marcy cemetery
on Thursday. The funeral services
were held In Stewart Memorial church
of which she was a member.
Charles M. Streeter, mercantile ap
praiser, called on the business places
on Tuesday.
The infant child of Kugene Hlller,
who was sculded u few days ago, Is Im
proving. Miss Harvey, of Mehoopany, Is visit
ing Miss May Williams.
Joseph Vanders swore out a warrant
before 'Squire Hroadheud on Thursday
against Kouolto Huldlno charging him
with assault und threatening to cut him
witli a razor, in making the arrest
Oflicer Henry brought the defendant's
brother. He was discharged.
The council met in regular session on
Wednesday night. All the inenihters
were present. The following bills were
ordered paid: James Hagen. for team
work, $"; James Boyle, two days, $3,211;
Patrick McDermott, one day, $1.60;
William! Hichurdsoii, one duy, $1.60;
Daniel Lynn, one day, $t.60; Doinlnit k
Corcoran, one day, $2; James Abbott,
one day, $1.60; John Qulnn, one day,
$1.60; J. B. McDonnell, one day, $1.60;
Henry Armstrong, for attending court
Don't Get Excited
Was what the doctors told me, and they
aid I must not run, oh account of flu
terlnf of my heart. I was sick over j
year with dyspepsia, could not sleep or
eat la comfort, wai generally miserable.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
gave me refreshing sleep, steady nerves
and better health than ever. I have great
faith In Hood's. H. H. Phicb. Reading, Pa.
Hood, pilis xst1ris!
In Seranton. I6.S0; Henry Yaokovlstoch,
for three months' service as policeman,
M -a. .The secretary was ordered to
notify the Traction company to repair
and put In good condition the streets
that they left In such bad shape.
Politics are quiet, which leads ua to
.think that a good many in this borough
are on a still hunt. A few dissatisfied
office seekers held a ruinv caucus at
Pilger's hotel last evening.
The water question was brought be
fore the council, and as the contract of
the Dickson Water company has ex
pired with rhiB borough, cltixens favor
a new company that can supply it with
Testa Thus Far Show Petroleum the Best
for I so.
TTnlted States Council C. M. Chancel
lor or Havre, France, has Just made to
the State department an Interesting re
port on the subject of horseless car
riages. He says the time seems rapidly
approaching .when automatic road car
riages, propelled by steam, electricity or
petroleum, will come Into general use In
France. The odds at present, he re
ports! seem to be in favor of etroleum.
An Interesting; competition between
aried specimens of motor carriages
has recently taken place over a course
from Paris to Bordeaux, a distance of
!.- miles, and back again, each-vehicle
to be disqualified which consumed more
than 100 hours on the road. The lurg
est orlxe. 40.000 francs, or J7.7J0, was
ruptured by I,es Flls de Pengerot Fre
res. with a four-seated carriage, walle
the second, for a two-Beated vehicle,
was won by Panhurd Hevasson. in
24.53.00. Consul Chancellor thus writes
of the contest and Its probable results.
"The winning conveyances were pro
pelled by gasoline and the rateof speed
was tthou I.j miles an hour, which Is
regarded as an extremely creditable
performance, the long lines of hills be
ing taken Into account. These hills ap
pear to huve been too much for the
carriages propelled by electricity, of
which only one got through, the others
having abundoned the contest. One of
the steam carriages was brought to a
standstill at Versailles early In the
race, owing to an accident, nnd the
others lost time owing to frequent stop
pages of 5 and 10 minutes, made for the
purpose of taking In coal and water.
The electric conveyances had also to
stop from time to time to renew their
dynamic charges, but the petroleum
machines carried enough force for a
twenty-four hours' run, and on the re
turn journey the run was made without
a single stop, in comparing the merits
of the different propelling agencies, the
palm must, so far, be awarded to petro
leum, which is clean and can easily be
carried. The ordinary feeder used for
short distance contains less than foul
quarts of oil, which will last over a
Journey of twenty miles, or two and
one-half hours. For long distances a
receptacle capable of holding enough
petroleum for a run of ut least twenty
or twenty-four huurs Is provided.
"We hear also of bicycles being pro
pelled by petroleum. In which great in
terest has been exhibited, and a hnlf
dozen of such machines started in the
race to Bordeaux, one 'at least holding
ua .inn laiiiuiiK lie lurger vonicies. It
I Is believed that light Petroleum bi
cycles, tricycles and even four-wheelers
will soon come Into general use,
which will tend to relieve lady cyclists
from the necessity of wearing short
skirts. Altogether, It seems that pe-
iroieum is iiestmeu to Decome the popu
lar agent for solving the Problem of
trafllc and conveyances without horses
in the streets of great cities and on
smooth country roads."
The Wolf's Approach.
Arllst "1 painted this picture, sir, to
keep the wolf from the door."
Dealer (after Inspecting it "Well, hang
It on the knob where the wolf can see it."
, Better l.nte Than Never.
Parent tat the breakfust table) "Willie,
where Is the morning paper?"
Willie "I let Freddie Jenkins take it.
He said that he would fetch it back to
morrow." Exchange.
English Capital for American Invest
Important to Americans seeking Enit.
llsh capital for new enterprises A li"t
containing the names und addresses of 3'M
successful promoters who have tilaeed
over 1110.000,000 sterling In foreign invest
ments within the last six-years, and over
18,000,000 for the seven months of
Price 5 or !5. payable by postal order
to the London and 1'nlver.ial Bureau at
Investors, 20, Cheapslde, London E n
Subscribers will be entitled, by arrange
ment with the directors to receive either
personal or letters of introduction to anv
of these sueressful promoters.
This list Is first clnss In' every respect
nd every man or Arm whose name ail
pears therein may be depended upon For
placing the following it will be found in
valuableBonds or Shares of Industrial
Commercial and Financial Concerns'
Mortgage loans, Sale of Lands, Patents or
It Will Cure Where Others Fall.
It is guaranteed to cure
Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asth
ma and all aflbelions of the lungs
and throat
For sale everywhere. 25c
botttc. (Purchase money re
funded by dealer to any not sat
That you can getanywhere.
At one-half ths old price.
We have cleaned up about all our nri.u
and ends and sell them as rapidly as they
come In, but we were lucky to catch on
another snap. We eleaned up one mill of
underwear. There Is no doubt you are
aware how we buy goods; always GO cents
on the dollar, and give the benefit to our
trade. This sale Is Important, and if you
want to buy underyear, here you are,
69 dozen of mixtures, woolen underwear,
nice, clean staple goods, at 25 cents each,
or SO cents for the suit.
Boys, from 24 to 84, any size, for JS
Cloaks, never in the history of ths lino
could you purchase a cloak for the price
as this season. Plain facts; the season
was unfavorable this year and the manu
516 Lackawanna A Venue.
& Sea-Sickness.
Both due to an unnatural con
dition of the vital organs, caused
by unwonted surroundings or
excesses, either an unnecessary
generation of the gastric juices
or a partial suspension of the
natural functions of the life
generating parts, in other words
a state of mal-nutrition with its
ever accompanying unpleasant
sensations. For such a sickness
get nourishment, take
the weakest stomach retains it.
It's a concentration into the least
possible bulk of the vital elements
of lean beef, it nourishes and
starts every organ of the body
on its normal duty with no
apparent effort ; this done, bad
feelings vanish. Mr. J. A. Black
man, 123 K. 88th St., N. V.,
writes : " Sailing from here last
August for Kurope, tried every
antidote for sea-sickness, and I
found yours the only successful
one. On my return also used it
when I suffered no ill effect
at all"
Servl 5 centa for molt packatM.
Faultless Chemical Compsny. Bartl
mor. Md.
Moosic Powder Co,
Rooms 1 and 2 CommoiealUi Bid' J,
Lafflln & Rand Powder Co.
Orange Gun Powder
Electric Batteries, Pneea for explod
ing blaita. Safety Fuse and
Bepanno Chemical Co.'s High Eiplosif a
French Injection Compound
Care positively, quickly. (Dot merely cherkn.)
Uiurauteed or money refuniini. Avoid danierou
remedies. Frlceiucemepiir buttle. His But II
(will cure wvereat cane) eut praiKtlO. Mcuro from
otnerraUon. with only KlenuAcaUy made tyrluge,
To all Rufferers or ERRORS OF YOl'TII,
WO.MKN, am nagea: cloth bound; securely
leaU-.l and nailed free. Troatment by mail
trtctly confidential, and a poelttre qnick cure
gua anteed. No matter how long standing1, 1
will ronitlyely ctire you. Write or call.
riD I QDD 3'.'0 N. 15th St., Philada., Pa.
Un bODD years' continuous practice.
Ganraatred fare for
id all attending ailmrntl
tn of Touna and nildilln.
agent men andwoiuen. i h
awfulrATectnof YOl.'THFL'L
VlthOHM. nrrwtnn 1.
Kcsnlta of treatment.
Sets, Nervous ItehlUty, NlffhtlT EmUslons, CoMumntion.
.-; .- .1 . " -l Ul lvy ...Tl Ul ,UV (jell
entire Organs uullttlng one tor study, buslncm and mar-Jtairelaquri-klyciireiibyDr.
RadrlrueaSBaaUa Mere
Ctraln. 1 bey not only cure by start trisr at the seat of rils.
euae, but are a (treat NKItVK TOVID ana Hl.OllIt
III, bringing back the pink sin to pal"
ehrrka and rtuHn(t the FlIiKiUF Vorril to the
patient. Uy mail, I.IM per box or for with wrlu
tra trimrantee to eare or rerund th money. Book
tr"' "iauslkeri-- I!Tl!.'!R.lliw Vorfc.
For sale by JOHN H. PHTCTjPS. TJruf
ftst. Wyoming ave. and Spruce street.
facturers were compelled to throw their
goods Mpon the market. Prices were no
object. We have a hold on these goods.
200 cloaks, wc don't claim they are syllsh
uui mey are goou ior mis cold weather,
aim wnen you get one
for 12. anv
irom 32 to K, in
n.acK oiue only.
We have some stylish coats also. Iwtt
style always costs something, which we
will sell you In black bhio or uny other
color, short coat, for J4.99.
Have you seen our blnck cloth cape?
Not equaled in price nor Id quality, only
$3.99, for ten days.
We have not time to write ads. We have
the biggest bargains you have ever seen In
shawls, blankets and wool-knit goods and
Mm mavrJfFim.
A rich and handsome appearance combined with durability and mod
eratc prices are the leading features in our goods for the coming
season. Let us make a suggestion respecting
The very latest styles and colors newest ctJccts and best fabrics can
be obtained at the most reasonable prices from
Lackawanna Ave.
Two Stores in the Burke Building, Carbon dale.
For Heavy Structural Work.
22 Commonwealth Bid?., Seranton, Pa, Telephone 42Z
Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers,
Qcneral Office: SCRANTON, PA.
Knur ti.M bhok iitTHi world
-A UUm aowcl it a oaUar Mm." a
TMaLalaa' Mid Fnaek DifaMi KM Bat
am Bast daUaaiW fna anrwtor. la U. U.S.,a
iWMtptof Oaaa, Moaajr omot,
or roMal Hat lar I IX).
Xatial. arary war tka aaoM
aofd la all Mad Moraa for
2.M. Wa aiak. lata aaa
ourMtrea. UMnfon fwar
avttt Ui jU, ftyU aarf hmt.
and If nn j eaa fa aM aauaflaa
will rennx. m mnmmm
aaodaBoliwrealr. Opava
To. or Ooauaoa Baaa,
ww in. u, 11. a, a aa.
iim 1 to 1 aaa Baa
im mui JU aaa.
5nnc nrw FOElttl Wh
1. a w
I "11 jnllll lf"f
1 lllAKf
1 ft 4k "
aj.. ajp
Your choice of 514, 515 and iiO.50 Suits and overcoats at $12.00.
Your choice of $iH, 5i) and $to Suits and Overcoats at $15.00.
SFormer prices marked jji plain figures on each garment.
(II It's there It' awfully cheap.)
In our Furniture Department Bedroom
ting attention this week.
225 AND 227 AND
Linoleums, Oil Cloths,
Window Shades,
and Upholstery Goods.
Opposite Tha Wyoming House.
Telephone Call 5154.
CALL up sesi.
M. W. COLLINS, M'sr.
i $12.00 1
i ;
Suits and Parlor Suits receive cut