The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 10, 1896, Page 5, Image 5

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- Pure
" I prefe Cleveland's baking powder because it is
pure and wholesome. It takes less for the same baking,
it never fails, and bread and cake keep their fresh
ness and flavor." ,,
Miss Cornkua Campbell Bedford, Sup. A'rto York Cooking Sthool.
Norrman & Moore
120 Wyoming Ave.
Washington Avenue.
Remnant Sale
Lace, Tapestry
and Chenille
Curtains, also !
Short Ends; of
Jarpet, .
Wall Paper,
Oilcloth and
Window Shades
CnuciiH Notice.
Tin Itopulilipun voters of the Klrnt ami
SToml (listi'lct of the Fouriuriuh want,
Ity of Srr.mton, will hold a I'tiui'im nt i'o-opt-rative
hull on Tliurviluy. the ninth Hay
of .lunuury, JSifi. hetwecn the hours of 7
ii ml N i. ni for the nomination of ward
uuii district otllcers.. : - ;
fieorRP 1'eck,
Duvlil .(ones.
Vigilance commlltee. First illstrlct;
John Jones.
John Jonlu.i,
The luilMing romnilttoe of the hoard of
control met lust nlKht.
The snow mill oolil weather nre ili'luyliig
work on the iiiprourhes of the Spruce und
Llmlen street hrlilxex.
St. Hrenden eouticll. No. 2I3. of the Young
Men's Institute, will hold Its xecond an
nual social In .Meurs' hull, on Fridiiy ev
ening:, Juii. 17.
The funeral of Hiidet Punn, wife of
James Iiiinn, will he held ut 2.31) this after
noon from her late residence, No. 4 Ito
Jmul uvenue, litllevue HcIkIUs.
Mrs. Haxton, matron of the Florence
Mission, Is seriously ill in the mission on
Spruce street. Hhe recently suffered u
jiuialyllc stroke and has not tmprovel. .
The railway mall services between this
cliy and Dickson City have been abolished.
Sliue Jan. 1 the mails from this city to
that place have been carried on the elactrlc
cars. '
The funeral of Thomas four will leave
Us lute residence, 1!21 Kmmett street, ut
8.110 u. m. Hulurduy for St. I'ctcr's cathe
dral, where a lilirii mass of requiem will
be celebrated at 9 o'clock.
Five vuxrant were committed to the
comity juii yesterday. They itave their
Humes as James lumeyt of Wllkes-Rurro;
John I'Uhels, of Lancaster; Charles Mccar
ty, of l'lttsburu; John Htiihl, of Newark,
end Thomas Daly, of Kuffulo.
The Marshal Wilder entertainment will
be Klveii ut Yoiiiir Men's Christian flsso
cialion hull toulKht for the benefit of the
Dickinson Law school. Prices are BO nnd
75 cents. The Lyric Male quartette will
sliiK at the entertulnment.
Division No. Wl, I'lilforin Rank, Knluhts
of i'ythias, has elected otllcers as follows
lor the ensiling year: Captain , David
Brown; first lieutenant, John Millar; sec
ond lieutenant, C. 10. Hoblnson; recorder,
Thomas Wilson; treasurer, Thomas J.
The will of John T. Davis, late of thP
city of Scranton. was admitted to probate
yesterday by HcKlster of Wills Hopkins
and letters testamentary were Ki-umed to
Joan Merchant. The w ill of Charles Stan
ton, late of Moscow, was yesterday ad
milted to probate.
Today the Delaware. Lackawanna and
Western Kallroad company will pay lis
employes of the Cayuga and llrisbin
mines und the car shops. Yesterday the,
lelaware and Hudson Canal company paid
Its employes at the Jermyn colliery at
Jermyn ami on the Gravity road.
The funeral of School Controller Thom
as Coar will be attended In a body by the
members of the board. It was decided ut
u meeting of the board last nlh'ht to in
tend the remains from the residence at S.jfl
o'clock a. m. tomorrow to St. 1'eler's ca
thedral, where a solemn h!nli mass of re
quiem will be held ut 9 o'clock.
At the annual meetins of the Kxcelsior
Social club Wednesday nlKht the following
officers were elected: President, Suiuuel
Kramer; vice-president, Samuel Morris;
secretary, Willlum Moses; treasurer, Sol,
Oettlnger;, trustees, Jefferson Freeman
Keiijamin Samter, William Morris, Charles
Wormser and M. Bchwui'lzkopf.
The first number of the K. A. l Repre
sentative devoted to the Interests of the
Kquliable Aid I'nlnn of Amerlcu has made
its appearance In this city, its editor und
publisher Is T. P. Wendover, of (103 Adams
avenue. The Representative Is a neatly
' printed 8-patte paper and contains a great
fund of Information valuable to members
of the order.
Marriage licenses were granted yester
day to Mletro Wnnzn, of Shenandoah, and
Orenza Rusln, of olyphant: John Reese
nil Sadie Kvuns, Olyphant; Jacob Smiles,
of Honesdule, and Annie Pyne, of l.'ar
bondule; Kmmett Hoyt, of Dorraneetown,
I,userne county, and Clara Morel, Scran
ton; Adam Katmarshlk und Bridget Kap
laska, Duryea.
Trafflo Was Xot Impeded by the Fall of
the Beautiful. Yesterday.
The fall of snow which covered the
ground yesterday to the depth of three
Inches did not Impede street car or
team road traffic to any appreciable
extent. During; the morning; the trolley
lines were hampered a little, but the
cars kept on making quite regular trips.
In a few cases the cars were late Ave
or ten minutes.
' The electric sweeper was out and
aleared the tracks so that no trouble
and Sure."
was experienced afterwards. On the
steam roads the trains were run a little
slower than usual for a pnrt of the iluy.
due to the slippery condition of the
In the city the merry JliiKle of slelRh
hells was heard on nil nil's, ami the
streets were lined with pleasure seekers
anxious to enjoy the lellRht of a bIoIkIi
ride. The roads In the suburbs are not
In good shape for sleighs; the beautirul
was transformed into slush, and mud
about as soon as It descended.
American Atrocities Will Ho Considered
at Mrs! Preihvtorion Church.
Arrangements are being made for u
service of peciillur Interest Sunday
night In the First l'resbyterlun church.
The Armenian utrocitles will be the
subject of discussion, and the pustor.
Rev. Dr. James McI,eod, is making a
determined effort to secure the- attendance-
of ex-lovenior James A. Heaver,
now :i member of the new superior
It Is proposed to give the meeting
wholly over to the Turkish problem
nnd to the end that the matter may be
forcibly laid before the lurge uudlenc.'
expected to be present a list "f speakers
bus been decided upon whose utter
ances will carry weight, force nnd logic.
Among these ore mentioned. In addition
to Judge Heaver. Colonel II. M. Holes.
Judge Alfred Hand nnd Alexander V.
Colonel Holes, who was selected nt
Monduy's meeting of the I'nstors' union
to receive funds for the Armenian suf
ferers, has been gratified by the re
ceipt of sums which In total make n
good nucleus for a fund. However, a
mistaken idea Is held only large
sums tire acceptable. Such Is not the
cuse. If five cents Is all a person can
aiToi'd to give, that small sum will be
just us ucecptnble ns J.".U from a rich
man who can ufford to ijive $luu.
Colonel Holes and the ministers In
terested in the Armenian question want
It understood that the subscription Is
to be a general unci populu- one.. Con
tributions limy be sent to Oolone" Boles'
by letter or left nt his cdllee or at the
Klrst mid Third National banks,
It whs n pertinent question of the
critic who suggested that It was htird
to determine whether one was In the
presence of Shiikesoeare or Pnl, in
speaking of the latter's sumptuous re
vlvul of "Midsummer Night's Dream."
When this great comedy was brought
out at Daly's theater, in New York,
several seasons ngo. It wns really mar
velled at thut the famous manager
with all his gift ot funcy hnri been
able to extract from the bare lines
such an unending lot of material for
stage beautifying. It may have seemed
a bold thing to do when Mr. Italy trans
ferred "Midsummer Night's Dream" to
his London theater, but Us run there of
UK) nights is evidence thut the Ameri
can bra'ns were fully appreciated In
teaching the people of tne land of
Shakespeare how Shakesneure should
be done. Mr. Daly's company, with all
the' original scenery, with an esncelnl
lv well equipped orchestra, will pre
sent "Midsummer Night's Dream" here
on Saturday evening nt the Academy.
a i! ii
"One of the ltravest" will hold the
boards ot the Academy on Monday
evening. This play was Intended pri
marily as a melodrama, but has In Its
composition n generous dose of spe
cialties which rather make the "trim
mings" lis mainstay. The fire scene' In
the second net is one of I he best ever
seen, und virtually makes the list, of
the performance. Larry Howard, as
the life-saving hero, Is a typical type
of a fireman. The other characters are
familiar to the How-cry, New York, and
include n Chinaman, newsboy, negro,
tough, villain, policeman, Irish woman,
the bunker, fireman, etc.
Washburn Sisters and Company (Jive a
Hood Performance nt Davis'.
The Washburn sisters with the "Last
Sensation" company drew a large house
to Davis' theater yesterday afternoon
and the verdict of all is that It is on"
of the best performances of the sea
son at that house. The cotnpnny com
prises about thirty people.a dozen doing
good specialty work. "Fortiuia," an
operatic extravaganza In two Install
ments; opens and closes the show. One
thousand years ago a beautiful prin
cess angers a king and clones with his
Aiachmun. For this escapade she Is
formed Into a stone statue and up to
the time of the performance- sne is a
mascot to the kingdom. She awakes
and then the fun begins.
Rlsinche Washburn, as the Princess
Fortunn, alias "Tough." Injects a great
deal of life Into the show Her efforts
are seconded by Hessie Marlow, who
phowed In her specialty with Olen Em
ory that she possesses a surprising
amount of histrionic ability. The ex
travaganza is brightened by the danc
ing and costumes of a bevy of chorus
girls. The comedians are Ilvp In num
ber; each doing his share of the laugh
making. Resides the .operetta a num
ber of flrst-class specialties are Intro
duced. Ilertha Stead wan In bad .voice
yesterday, but she was entertaining.
Alice Jennings and Kdille O'Hrien. ns
tdsted by' a ' 7-year-olil tot, Mabel
O'llrlcn, perform a terrlllc boxing con
test. The little one gives a taking
character sketch.
Kd Mason and Ned Ryan give the
usual Dutch-Irish specialty. Hlanche
Washburn sings "Kvening News." a
song of several years ago. The bur
lesque acting of Miss Marlow. referred
to before, and Glen lSmory was well
arranged. At the ep.d of the perform
ance the trials of the kingdom of F.n
neyland are ended with an array of fig
ures, forms and farce. . The show wilt
be reieated this nnd tomorrow evenings
with afternoon matinees.
Coroner's Jury Renders a Verdict in the
Case of t nknown .'-ion Killed.
An adjourned meeting of the coro
ner's jury, empaneled in the case of the
unknown man who who was fatally In
jured last Friday on the Delaware.
Lackawanna and Western railroad, and
who died the same day after being
brought to the Iackawnnnn hospital,
was held last evening In Dr. Long
street's office. The Jury comprised
I)rs. Pennypaeker. Stein and Reedy,
Thomas Moore, H. H. James and W. S.
The irstlmony of the crew of the engine-
that killed the man was taken and
went to prove that deathresulted from
his own carelessness. - A verdict was
rendered to that effect and the Dela
ware. Lackawanna and Western Rail
road company was exonerated from all
blame. The body will be used for dis
secting purposes, as no one has claimed
- 1
We have the finest line of two seated
Sleighs in Northeastern Pennsylvania.
Fifteen different styles, all new, to se
lect from. Don't fail to see our stock
before going elsewhere. We ran suit
all comers,
Wm, Blume Son,
(22 and 624 Spruce street
Democratic Leaders Arc .Now Engaged
in Thut Occupation.
Slate .Makins Committeo Will Meet
Tonight to Acrco I'pon Candi
dates to lie Presented to the lclo
' catcs at Tucsda's Convention.
There was much conferring anil hur
rying hither and thither yesterday on
the part of the Democratic leaders who
are interesting themselves In securing
a ticket for Tuesday's city convention
to nominate. I'p to u late hour last
night no definite plan had been agreed
upon, and it Is probable that the whole
mutter will remain for the committee
of sluta makers to wrestle with.
The advantages and disadvantages,
merits and i'merits of men who were
considered ntailuhle mayoralty timber
were discussed at lengtn during The
day. Wednesday night's conference
showed that J. Alton DnvlR wus not a
possibility. F.x-.Congressmnii Anier
man, it was suggested, would make a
good candidate, but those who ap
pronehed thnt gentleman with. regard
to the mutter declared that he would
not entertain the Idea of being a candl
dae for any olllce.
During yesterday t (I i'.oland was
Informed a number of times that his
party was culling blin to lead it In the
coming tight. Mr. Holand evidently
concluded that the call was not ex
tremely urgent, for some of his friends
said last night that while he might be
the Di iiiiicriilic candidate for treasurer,
he would not be the candidate for
inn yor.
A host of cnndldntcs for delegates to
the city convention made their appear
ance yesterday and last night they were
milking a lively canvass fir votes. The
result of tonight's meeting of the slute
makers will be awaited with much In
terest. Captain James Moir und Charles W.
Westpi'ahl, when interviewed yesterday
sn Id that they had not made up their
minds w hat they would do relative to
the nominations tendered them by the
rump convention.
- - - -
"1 wish this political scrap would termi
nate," said one of the p'-om-lelors of a
l.'irue mercantile concern yrsterdiy. "Yo:i
muv not believe It, but since Saturday's
.convention our business has fallen i'i) per
ient fro'n that of. a corresponding period
df liie previous week No. it's not be
cause of t!w holiday." be contlned. "On
Jan. 1 we expected trade to slacken and
it did. b"t win u I unv 20 per cent I mean
trade Ml that much from the condition we
found ourselves In iifl-r the holiday t. Pol
ities uliine Is responsible for this condlUn-.
nnd It will not Improve much until mutters
become normal." To tret further Informa
tion on the snbj"ct a Tribune reporter fa
Melted mi intpvvlev with one of the owners
of n large department storif. He substan
tiated the II est merchant In the staleincjit
that trade Jiart shown a marked decline,
but was not so ready to attribute political
fi rvon ui ihe sole cause. The slump, he
said, is tiniifuul and is greater than hud
been unticltiuted An ol'lclal of a p.-oini-rent
Scranton banking concern confirmed
the re'iort of reduced busi-iess, and ex
Plained why politics Is an Important fac
tor. "Itiislness men generally are not
dlrcetcly interested In the present hot
local light, but they huve an interest thit
Is general and are constantly asked to
discuss or give advice upon the situation.
In this way the .political atmosphere cre
ates nil unrest; It disturbs business plans;
it detracts busines men from consiitnat
ing big deals: it keeps certain Individuals
away from their desks, und In fact the
political muddle Indirectly affects all man
ner of commercial effort It puts a damper
on things."
Republicans of the Tenth ward held their
caucus l ist evening and nominated l-'.d-wiinl
Wensel for common council over
Warren La France by the vote of li!' to
37. For school controller Jacob Hihuffer
was nominated over William Hoffm.ui by
the vote of 111) to .U. The contest for as
sessor between John Christ and A. .loins,
resulted In fnor of Ihe formed. Charles
F. Wagner. William Nellson and Charles
Haynor the vigllunce committee, conduct
ed the cauoii:..
James Da Hey, of Prospect avenue. Is a
candidal' for delegate from the Third dis
trict of the Twentieth ward to the Demo
cratic ciiv convention. So Is Thomas
Dougherty, of lllnrney avenue.
The Remiblcnn'conferrees of Lackawan
na lowm-'hlp will met next Monday even
lug, Jan. t:i, at 7 o'clock at Altemus' hotel,
Muosic, by order of John Dean, secretary.
The Democratic -primaries of Lackawan
na township will be held at the respective
polling places tomorrow evening between
4 and 7 o'clock.
John S. Mefabe Is a candidate for dele
gate to the Democratic city convention
from the Second district of the F.lghth
Henry J. O'Malley Is a candidate for
deltgate to the Democratic city commit
tee from the first district of the Third
John ,T. Collins, of Pltlston avenue. Is a
candidate for delegate from the First dis
trict of Ihe Twentieth ward.
Smtshcd tho I'lirnlshingn In a Station
Mouse Cell.
R. V'. Tonery. who left the Insane de
partmcnt of the Hillside Home u few
days ngo, was picked up by the police
Wednesday and locked in cell 3 nt wie
police station.
After being In his cell for a time
Tonery wrenched a bar off of his bunk,
smashed the water pine In his cell and
played havoc generally Kscaping wa
ter from the broken pipe Hooded the
floor of the station house anil made It
extremely uncomfortable for the prison
ers and lodgers.
After creating nil the mischief. Ton
ery climbed to the upper compartment
of the bunk In his cell and went to sleep
with the water from the broken
pipes squirting and hissing be
low him. Yesterday Tonery wus taken
back to the Hillside Home. It is the
Kcrnnd time that Tonery has smashed
the furnishings of one of the station
house cells.
Will Tnkc Pisco Tonight at the Academy
of Music.
This evening at the Academy of Mu
sic the first dress rehearsal of the "Air
legory of America" will take place.
Heretofore ot the rehearsals only a por
tion of the allegory has been put on
each evening but this evening it will be
given complete.
The allegory will be produced at the
Academy Tuesday and Wednesday
evenings for the henelit of the 1-ucka-wniina
hospital. In resmmse to nu
merous requests It has 1)111 decided to
give a matinee performance on Wed
nesday afternoon for children. The ad
mission to the matinee performance
will be fifteen cents to any part of the
Incidental to the allegory Miss Jemi
ma Jones will recite "Paul Uevere's
Hide" and Company II of the Thir
teenth! regiment under command of
Captuln J. W. Kambeck will give an
exhibition drlU.
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Wlilttemore Keceivcs
tho Pcnn Avenue Haptlut Singers.
The choir of the Penn avenue Hap
tist church was entertained last night
by Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Whittemore at
their; home on Jefferson avenue. Mr.
Whittemore Is choirmaster at the
church. His guests surprised him with
a handsome and useful present, a com
bination cane and umbrella.
There ,were present Mrs.Croasdale,
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Browning, Mrs.
Frank Beck, Misses Clara Browning,
Pearl Wells, Jessie Smith, Mary Bur-
ham. Maud Kstclle. Nettie and Carrie
Stone. Muttie Sickler. I ulsy Miller.
Kinina Dennett. Mamie Nyman. Alda
Atkinson. Laura, and Jessie Strauss,
Dora Hung. Mamie Clark. Annie Tice,
Margaret Jones, and W. H. Heck, Will
lam Bennett. Clarence Itoselle, Fred
Williams. Fred Carpenter, Jay Arrey,
Wilmer Whitman, Churles Fox.
Struck Fellow llnncnriaa with Beer
U lass and Almost killed Him.
Michael Peters, of Itellevue. was
given a hearing yesterday afternoon
before Alderman Millar and was held
In the sum of $300 to appear at court on
the charge of felonious wounding.
Peters Is very fortunate that the crime
of murder is not the one tin which he
Is held.
On New Tear's Day a crowd of Hun
garians were drinking in a saloon on
the West Side. Peters and a country
man named Leopold Iteigchat were
among the number. A -tight started
and Peters struck Iteigchat with a beer
glass over the right eye.
Numerous particles of glass pene
trated the skull of the Injured man.
He was in such a precarious condition
that County Detective Leyshon and
Attorney John J. Murphy went out
Tuesday evening to take his dying de
position. He has Improved since anil
will recover.
I niployu llavo Another Conference with
lieneral Manger Silliman.
The grievance committee of motor
men and conductors have had another
conference with, Ueueral Manager Silli
man of the Scranton Traction company
iu which It was stated that the em
ployes are not satisfied with the com
pany's reply to their recent grievances.
Mr. Silllmun explained more fully
than In his recent circular why the
company could not accede to the re
quests of the men. The committee left
the oltloe after a conference of over two
hours and will report to a meeting of
the men tomorrow night. They con
sider the company s attitude as an Ig
noring of them ns a union and will nsk
for recognition.
Ihey Have lleen SuhpoenneU bv Attorney
Cornelius smith
Attorney Cornelius Smith had Deputy
Prothonotary Myron Kasson yesterday
appear before Attorney C C. Donovan,
the commissioner taking depositions in
the petition for a change of venue, to
give testimony. Major Kveretl Warren
appeared for Mr. Kushoii, or rather,
for th'.1 defendants.
The questions pu' to Mr. Kasson were
designed to draw from him. facts that
would suuport Mr. Smith's plea for a
change of venue. Judge It. W. Arch
buld lins been sub-.Mieimed to appear
tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Art Club of This Citv lias Taken I'p
tho Matter
The Art club of Scranton desiring. If
possible, to give an exhibition of orig.
Inal work sometime in the spring In
this city, requests all amateur painters
of this city who are In sympathy wltn
this movement to meet Saturday after
noon at three o'clock at Mr. Brainard's
studio in the old school house, corner
of Dickson avenue and Breaker street.
Green Kldge.
The studio can be readily reached by
tho People's line of the Scranton Trac
tion company.
They Would Not Pay the Amount Imposed
and tinve Hall to Appear at Court.
A warrant was issued yesterday for
the arrest of Robert Smith and David
James, living on the South Side, at the
Instance of the Lackawanna Iron and
Steel company. They were charged
with peeling bnrk from trees on the
property of the company.
They were brought beore Alderman
Millar, who Issued the warrant, and he
lined them $10O apiece, which tKey could
not and would not pay. They were
then held to lsn.ll in the Hum of 100 for
their appearand ut court.
Progressive F.tichre the Chief Feature of
Tonight's Affair.
Members of the Scranton Bicycle club
and friends who have been so fortu
nate as to secure Invitations are an
ticipating with considerable pleasure
tonight's smoker In the club house on
Washington avenue.
Progressive euchre will be the chief
feature of amusement, and to the win
ners handsome tirst and second prizes
will be given. Bauer and several of his
misiclans will be present. Refresh
ments will be served.
At a Meeting Held Last Evening in
llulbcrt's llnll.
Officers of Court Young Albion. No.
W, Ancient Order of Foresters of Amer
ica, Installed the following officers last
evening at a meeting in Hulburt's hall,
on Wyoming avenue:
O. Ornson, chief ranger: Charles
Hnwley, sub-chief ranger; H. D. Freed
nmn, senior archer; James Kvans, Ju
nior archer: W. Hieb, senior woodward;
R. Wheeler, Junior woodward, K. F.
Y'ork secretary.
Hontli of a Young .Man Who Had Been a
Month Suffering.
Horace B. Madden, a young man
about 2" years old. who had been em
ployed as a driver and who boarded
ut 426 Monroe avenue, died at the
Lackawanna hospital ot o'clock lust
night after a month's illness of typhoid
The deceased has a brother and other
relatives in Scranton. The body will
be removed from the hospital morgue
this morning.
The best and purest Is sought by all
Be sure to order HIJYLKIt'H COCOA
AND CHOCOLATKS from your grocer.
We ran furnish anything In the
Sleigh line from the market sleigh to
the most elaborate two seated cnb
Heigh. We exclusively control the fin
est New F.ngland makes. Our stock Is
large and varied and we can suit every
body. Call npd examine our stock.
Win. Blume & Son,
522 and f24 Spruce street.
A regular meeting of Scranton lodge.
123. B. P. O. K., will be held this evening
at 8.00 p. m.
Business of Importance Is to be trans
acted. W. S. Ciould, sec'y.
CHOCOLATES, be sure and ask for
HI'YLKK'S. Purity and flavor unex
celled. ...
Sleighs for business or pleasure pur
poses of till grades, and Ht prices that
cannot be equalled. We have the lar
gest and most varied stock In the city.
Cull and examine them.
Wm. Blume & Son,
. 522 and 524 Spruce street.
' Mothers See flannel nightgowns for
yourself and children at Baby Bazaar,
G12 Spruce street.
Poultry Show.
The first annual exhibition of the
Scranton Pet Stock association will he
held at Sautter's hall, coner Penn and
Lackawanna avenues, Wednesday Jan
uary 15, and continuing balance of the
week. Competition open to all. Show
opens from 9 a, m. to 10 p. m.
Sudden Death of a Slavonian Kestdeat
of May field Yesterday.
Coroatr Longstreet Empaneled a Jury
Last Mght-.Man's Name) Is John
Zernoek and Ue Was Found tn
eonssious in the Snow.
Coroner 8. P. Longstreet went to
Maytield on the 9.15 train last evening
to hold an Inquest on the body of John
Zernoek, a Slavonian resident of that
borough, who died at 8 o'clock yester
day afternoon under suspicious circum
stances. Zernoek was a married man, 32 years
old, but had no children. He came
with his wife to this country eight years
ago and was considered a careful and
industrious man, not addicted much to
the liquor habit. He owned the house
in which he lived.
On Tuesday he worked, but Wednes
day he did not, nor yesterday. He had
been around the saloons these two days
and was imbibing moderately of wine.
At 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon he
left home and said he was going to
Jermyn to spend the afternoon and
evening with friends.
Near the Delaware and Hudson
breaker in Jermyn. about three-quarters
of a mile from where Zernoek
lived, Is an Hungarian boarding house
kept My u man named Steve Zozlu
leck. Found I'neonkcloun In the Snow.
Out of Zozloleck's boarders returning
home from work saw the body of a
man lying In the snow and on stooping
down examined him and thought he
was dead. Going to the house he re
ported what he had found.
Immediately some of the boarders
went out and carried the human form
in. It was Zernoek, und he had not
been lying more thun lot) yards from
the house. First they set about to
warm him, and after a few minutes'
vigorous rubbing failed to arouse the
man, they sent for Dr. Peter C. Manley,
of Jermyn. When the doctor reached
the place Zernoek was dead.
A quart bottle of sherry wine was
found in his coat pocket and about one
glassful had been taken from It. The
liquor had a peculiar taste and the sup
position became at once prevalent that
the wine had something to do with his
death. When he left home he was not
affected, so It Is said, with even a sign
of Intoxication.
Wero Ulvlng Him Oulck burial.
Without getting leave from the cor
oner or asking any one's opinion about
what ought to be done, the dead man's
friends removed the body from Zozlo
leck's boarding house to hist late home,
and when . Dr. Longstreet arrived, he
found them wnitlng for a coiliu with a
view to lay him away in the clay at the
earliest convenience.
Dr. Manley it was who notified the
coroner. The following jury was em
paneled: Dr. R, M. Penny packer, and
A. K. Vorhis, of Scranton; Dr. Peter C.
Manley, James Merrick, Peter McCar
thy, and James Hosie, of Jermyn. The
body was viewed and adjournment was
taken until this afternoon at 3 o'clock at
Dr. Mauley's olllce In Jermyn.
Coroner Longstreet took the bottle of
wine with him and will make a chemlcnl
analysis of it this morning. This, with
testimony which will be taken at the
inquest, and the autopsy which will be
performed, may throw some light on the
mystery of the man's death.
Dl'NN In Scranton, Jan. 8. 18!W. ISrldg.'t,
wife of James Dunn, age 4t years, ut
residence. No. 4 Rowland avenue, llelle
vue Heights. Funeral Friday afternoon
at 2.30. Interment In Mlnooka cemetery.
ROOAN In Scranton, Jan. 8, 18SW. Mra.
.Catherine Rogan, widow of Peter Ito
gan, at her home, 518 Muple street. Fu
neral Saturday morning. A requiem mass
In St. John's church, South Scrunton.
interment In rhe Dunntore Catholic cem
etery. VUKIUKP.
O'HORO MALONK Y In Avoca. Pa.,
.lun. 8, 18M, In Ht. Mary's church, MIchuel
O'Horo, of Scranton, ami Miss Mary
.Maloney, of Avoca,
Buy your Carpets, Lace Curtains,
Draperies and Window Shades at Sle
becker & Watkins', 406 Lackawanna
avenue, (next to Lackawanna Safe De
posit Bank.)
More Than 4.000 Persons Who Don't
Know Their Age.
New York, Jan. 9. The tabulations
of the census taken by the board of
health last April show that there were
In the city at that time 10.942 mure fe
males than males, there being 931,001 of
the former and 920.0fi9 of the latter;
4.0G1 persons did not know their ages.
There were 87.2SI1 houses in the city,
with an average of 21.2 persons In each
Major ICIiJah llalford's Daughter Could
Not l ive with Her Husband.
Omaha, Neb., Jnn. 9. Mrs. Jean
nette Halford Benedict, the daughter
of Major K. J. Halford. ex-President
Harrison's private secretary, has ob
tained a divorce from her husband, W.
T. Benedict. The couple were married
A Beautiful
By Calling at
Music Store,
I have for sale some of the
best business Real Estate
ever offered in this city. The
location is central, and first
class investment in all re
spects. Call for location and
description in person to
i C. r. JAUVVIN,
Cor. Penn and Spruce St.
In England about two years ago, and at
thut time Benedict wus a man of con
siderable wealth, much of which he lost
by the failure of a bicycle works in Bos
ton. It was on one of their European
trips that there was a final quarrel and
the result was that soon after she came
here with her father, she began the
proceedings for a divorce. The grounds
alleged are desertion and cruelty. Mr.
Benedict made no opposition.
A Trolley Conduetor May Lose a Foot at
a Kesult.
Philadelphia. Jan. 9. John tJIfford Is
conlined to his home in Stockton, with
a very badly swollen foot, the result of
a bite of a strange Insect. Several days
ago a number of foreign laborers oc
cupied a trolley car. of which Gifford
was conductor. After they left, he
says, he felt an Itching on his foot. He
found a small insect, which one of the
passengers said was an Italian moth,
which the people of Italy hold in great
No attention was at first paid to the
bite until Ulfford's foot became swollen
as large as his head. Dr. Jerome Arts
says the bite Is a peculiar one, and
fears there may be serious results. .
Sensational and Instantaneous Heath of
Miss Harriet Kane.
Kane, JV.. Jan. 9. A. sensational
death occurred In the Kane Memorial
church here this evening at 7. !T o'clock.
Dr. Hurrlet Kane, sister of F.llsha K.
Kane, and daughter of the late lien
eral Thomas L. Kane, commander of
the famous "Bucktail" regiment, foun
der, of this place, dropped dead while
singing a hymn. During the progress
of a weekly prayer meet In, Miss Kane
was singing a solo.
Just as she reached the refrain "Speed
away" she sank to the door uncon
scious. Two physicians, who were In
the church, hastened to her side, but
could render no aid. death being Instan
taneous. Heart disease Is given us tne
cause. She was 40 years of age.
A llethlehem Butcher Arrested for Dis
pensing F.tUine Sausage.
Bethlehem. Pa.. Jan. 9. William Zer
wig. a butcher In South Bethlehem, was
arrested today on the charge of selling
horse flesh for beef.
He admitted his guilt, and said that
he had also made sausage from the
meat. He gave ball for a hearing.
A Happy New Year
WAV. Berry, Jeweler
417 Lackawanna Ave.
We Will Sell the
20 Per Cent
on odd lots of
White China
until cleared.
231 Peon A?j. Opp. Baptist Chur:h
111 SE1S 01 TEETH, m
laclodinft the palnlaw ttrsoMaff f
wtb by an entirely sew praessm
S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S.,
rr f ii
Fur Sale
Owing to the warm weather
our stock is large and our
prices low. We will sell
Fur Capes
for less, than skins cost. Our
prices are too low to mention.
We will sell our
at your own prices.
138 Wyoming Aveim
Shaw, '
Malcolm Lots.
Clongh A Warran,
And Lower Grades at
Very Low Prices.
Costs more than cheap
stuff but worth it
keeps you well, strong
and happy. A full line
to select from.
412 Sprues, 205 Lack.
School of Elocution
and Oratory
M lot CMi (I nnminceiei.
Waitliiugton Ac, Bcranton, Pa.
in st f ratal dw Mm Pepalu ud rnn( t
LssOwt Ariku
Wtfarewns: Oppoti'.i Coins bos Heimrmet,
JOS Washington Av. Seranton.PaV