The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 09, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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    v-', 'V7:- . i
ReuOtfm will pleaxe note that advertise
ment., onlers lor Jut) work, anil Items (or
jubl!t atluri l.ft at the esttubllxhment of
Whamion V. in-vnileulers. North .Main
Hirer!, will rerelvf 'I't'ompl uttentlon; of
11 ee open from t a. in. to 1U p. in.
Officers l'lnccd in Noininmlon on Tu
day Kvcnlns
TIip Democrats of the city assembled
Tuesday night In Music hall. South
Jluln street. There was u fair attend
ance, but the convention lacked enthu
slanm. P. M. Xealon, the chairman of
th city committee, having called the
convention to order, J. K. lirennan, the
Fecretary, read the call for the conven
tion. It. A. Kelley was made tempor
ary chairman, and In a short Hpeceh
dwelt upon the resnonsltiinty that de
volved U'Min thi citizens through their
delegates in placing for nomination
men of Ability and integrity he hoped
the best man would win. The delegates
were asked to present their credentials,
the only contest being In the Fourth
district. Third ward. A committee on
credentials was named and the two
nets of delegates appeared before them,
viz.: Michael Doogan and Joseph Alex
ander, Kobert Sloune and Thomas Fox;
the committee decided they were en
titled to half a vote each. The delega
tion being in order. Mr. Kelly was made
permanent chairman. The permanent
pecretary, in a short speech, 1nced In
nomination one to be their standard
bearer, whose integrity and honesty
had never been itiestIotied, one that
would carry the duties of the olliee
with credit to the city: he named J. -.
O'Neill, oso.. and It was made unani
mous. For city controller J. . U heel
er was nominrucd. and for city treas
urer I'atrick F. t'onnor. The choice of
the convention for cltv assessors were
.Tames l'ldgeon, William I'eel and .1. J.
First ward Constable, James U.
Seeond ward Common council P. V.
levine. Peter Dougherty; constable, K.
J. Neury, ltep,, endorsed.
Third ward Select council. Thomas
M. Nealou: constable. ".Mickey" Moran.
Fourth ward Common council, P.
MolJnnough. V. J. Glennon; poor ftlree
tor, Anthony F. Cook; school director,
J. I-:. Ih'i nnan.
Fifth ward No nominations, as It Is
solid Kctmhlic.m.
Sixth ward Common council. Joseph
Hauls, Matthew Hart; constable, II.
P. Hart tuan.
i;xm:n catholic council
New Officer I.lcctcd by tho Joint
The council of the T'nited Catholic
pocletli'S has elected the following otlli -ers:
President, M. 1. Neury: vice presi
dent, P. 10. Ilrcnnan; si'cretary, P. F.
1. uvln: linancial secretary. P. F. Al.'
lionalil. and treasurer, J. P. Campbell.
The Joint council Is as follows:
Mutual lieiielit society. H. A. Kelly.
Ancient Order of Hibernians, No. HI. F.
McCuffrey; No, 11. P. F. Coogan: No.
2. M. C. Neary: St. Michael's Total Ab
stinence anil I'.ene olent society. Mr.
Iturns, Young Men's Institute, T. A.
lloran; St. Patrick's society, Mr. ISrown,
the P. W. Nally club, Frank Devers;
Futher Muthew soeb'ty. James 1 'Id gen;
Catholic Knights of America, P. F.
Campbell; knights of Father Malhew,
J. P. Campbell; SI. Hose's Temperance
society, V. F. Molloy. An executive
committee was formed to place the
council In thorough working order and
to make the necessary by-laws.
.Miss lliirto I'hsmcs Away.
Miss Katie, the daughter of Mrs.
Michael Ilarte. of imndaff street,
jiasesd away at S o'clock this morning
utter only a week's Illness. An opera
tion was iierformend but It Tiroved un
successful owing to the advanced stage
of the disease, viz., appendicitis. She
was the only child. 15 years of age. anil
she was of an amiable and loving dis
position and her untimely death is very
much regretted by a host of young
friends. The sympathy of the neigh
borhood Is extended to the family which
deeply mourns her loss.
chimes of Normandy Will lie (liven.
, The Lyceum opera company n're on
n fair way now to give tin- public a ren
dering of the opera, "Chimes of Nor
mandy." II hail been feu red by the
promoters that It would have to be
nbanilotieil through the lack of interest
taken by the chorus. The last rehearsal,
liowever, has given fresh encourage
ment and It Is anticipated that early
In February a. masterly rendering will
be given ami that the public will have
n treat. The hospital liminces will be
Tho llnse Hall Prospects.
At the bonrd of trade rooms Tuesday
fvenlng a few base ball enthusiasts
met and talked of the prosneels of a
Cnrhondulc club in the liase Hall State
league next season, i nving to the small
number present, no delinite action was
taken, but those present were deter
mined that a le.ajrue should be formed
and franchises awarded with greater
rare and discrimination.
Tho Public Library.
The contractor. Mr. Kdgett, has the
work weli In hand: the walls have been
papered and the first lloor lower room
of the city building, when finished, win
!e n comfortable and accessible room
for the purpose Specified. The city of
Carbondale has stood long In need of
this great boon, and It only needs to
lie opened to be appreciated'.
A llorscfor.MO
C. O. Kvans. the merchant tailor of
North Main street, had determined to
disnose by chance of his fine roadster,
''Mollle." nnd a complete outfit for driv
ing purposes. The drawing took place
nt the store; thirty-live tickets were
sold at llfl, and Kdward Hubbard was
4he lucky person, who Is to be con
gratulated upon his success.
The Revs. V. S. Jones. Hyde Park;
W. V. Davles. Providence; V. Thomas.
Pittston. and Scranton friends left
after the services by a lute train for
their respective homes. Thomas K.
Richards and Thomas Kvans were ap
pointed deacons of the newly formed
Miss Catherine Kvans. of Rock ave
nue, returned home yesterday from
Mrs. Thomas Jones, of Mayfield, was
a visitor in the city yesterday.
Wail Paper
Wall Paper
Wall Paper
We are in the midst of our exten
sive alterations and have reduced
everything in the store to make room.
- ' 419 Laokawanna Ava.
The week of pruyiv is 4 iug 'unserved
in the Methodist Kpiscoixil church,.
Services will be held tonight and Krl
duy and Saturday evenings ulso. Sun
day special subjects will be considered.
In accordance with the advice of the
Kvungelieal alliance. Next week Pas
tor tl. It. Stone will begin u series of re
vival Hervlces.
1-ust Tuesday evening a party was
given at the home of Miss Ida Carpen
ter, In honor of her twelfth birthday. A
large number of her young friends were
present and were entertained with vocal
ami Instrumental music, games, etc.
Refreshments wero served at eight
o'clock. The guests were: Krnest Pat
terson, Arthur Dunnlcr, Kred Jennings,
Hiram Watkins. Harry I teed. luy Car
penter, Kari Hon ham. Kd. Uunnier, Me
ta Peterson, Ktnma Keed. Jessie Stull,
Sadie McCusker. Lizzie Kbdon, Alice
Pox, Elnora Davles, Nettle Michael and
Ciertle Simpson.
Misses Augusta and Sadie Faatz. of
r.inghamton. N. Y are visiting their
mother In this place.
The one hundred and eighth session
of the Honesdale District Ministerial
association will be held in the Methodist
Kplscopal church at this place on Mon
day and Tuesday, February 24 and 2".,
1S!M. The officers of the association are:
President, Rev. W. U Thorpe; vice
president. Rev. H. Prentice: secre
tary and treasurer. Rev. .. P.. Stone.
R. H. Dunn visited his son tl. S. Dunn,
at Jermyn on Tuesday.
Prof. Charles T. Moxley. who Is a can
didate for superintendent of schools In
Susquehanna county, was a visitor In
Forest City a day or two ago In the
Interest of his candidacy. Mr. Moxley
has been principal of the Hallstead
schools for the past seven years. He Is
not yet thirty years of age. but is u
young man of much, ability and aggres
siveness. He Is recognized as among
the best educators In the county.
Politics ure quiet, which leads us to
think thut a good inuny In this borough
are on u "still hunt." Hy the way. it
would be well for the people who want
the electric road to come Into Forest
City to remember that two councllmeii
are to be elected. Nine-tenths of the
people of Forest City wanted to see a
franchise granted to the Traction com
pany. The other oiu'-tctith had the
council on their side, though, and we
have had to walk halS a mile to take
an electric car whenever we wanted to
go to Carbondale as a result. Maybe
we will get the road this year. If we sec
to it that men are put In olllce who will
represent the majority of the people
insteud of carrying out their own sweet
John Kelleher will serve as a juror at
Montrose next week.
Tile Women's Christian Temperance
l'-iloli will meet with -Mrs. W, Kichen
bers tomorrow afternoon,
W. II. Ij-el; has been appointed mer
cantile appraiser for Susquehanna
The school Jioanl will meet In special
session tonight.
Thomas Cornish and two children,
Mrs. Miller and daughter lieatrice. and
Mrs, William Dougherty, of Carbon
dale. were the guests of the hitter's
parents. Mr. und Mrs. '-. P. Travis,
last Tuesday.
Charles Gillett. of Salem. Wayne
county, spent Tuesday evening as the
guest of C. K. Chapman.
S. W. Arnold was In Scranton yester
day. The Woman's Christian Temperance
union will meet at the borne of Mrs.
John Kngllsh this afternoon.
Mrs. William Kestell, who has been
sick with lung trouble, is better
The borough council met In regular
session last .Monday evening with all of
the members present. The following
bills were ordered paid: A lbizen, for
services as sanitary ollicer for nine
mouths. $11.2"i: S. M. Rogers, for postal
cards and stationery, 8t; Archlmld
Water company, 11.7.ri: T. K. Reynolds,
serving subpoena. $1.60; A. It. Dunning,
surveying gravity crossing. $20; N. K.
Anderson, 174 feet of lumber $.".lii: Peek
Lumber Co.. !", feet of hemlock. t22.SK;
street commissioner's time for Decem
ber, $ll. The electric light question
wns then taken up for consideration.
Kihvaid Jones, of the Crescent Light
company, was present and submitted
the pronosal to light the borough for
$7"i a year for eueh are light. Mr.
James O'Hrlen, in behalf of the Price
burg F.lectrlc Light company, wns also
in attendance and asked to furnish the
light at $75 per nn- light and 4i cents
per light for incandescent. He furl her
stated thut they would be willing to fur
nish half of the lights, us part of the
borough joins Prleeburg and the other
part Arehbald. Neither proposul was
accepted. A resolution was then in
troduced by Mr. Stevens, which was
adopted, that the voters be given a
chance to vote nt the coming spring
election whether they are willing to
have a levy of eight mills more to light
the borough. The peddlers' ordinance
was then taken up for third reading
and adopted and ordered printed In the
Oly pliant (Jazette at tho usual price,
two cents per line.
D. W. Williams, the present proprie
tor of the Harrison house. Is w ell known
throughout the coal regions. He has
held several positions as mine foreman
at different collieries throughout the
valley. Manager T. 1. Spangenberg
has had three years' experience ns hotel
clerk and Is popular wltli the traveling
public. He is faithful and competent
to run a first -class hostelry. All guests
nt Hotel Harrison can rest assured
they will be kindly eared for by the
present management.
- -
If the Ilaby Is Tutting Teeth.
Mrs. Wlnslow'n Soothing Syrup has
been used for over Fifty Yenrs by Mil
lions of Mother.! for their Children
while Teething, with Perfect Success.
It Soothes the Child. Softens the Oums.
Allays all Pain; Cures Wind Colic and
Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold
by Druggists in every part of the world.
Re sure and nsk for "Mrs. Wlnslow's
Soothing Syrup," and take no other
kind. Twenty-flveents a bottle.
T. H. Preston Is the guest of friends
at Norwich.
Mr. tllles Carpenter Is visiting at
Henry Millard, who has been visiting
friends nnd relatives in Scranton, has
returned home.
A pillow case and sheet masquerade
will be conducted in the Railroad Young
Men's Christian association hall on
Thursday evening, Jan. i. tinder the
auspices of the Young People's Society
of Christian Kndeavor of the Haptist
Dr. A. H. Longshore hns returned
home from a pleasant visit with friends
at Hazleton.
The Scranton district of the Railroad
Young Men's Christian association have
arranged to hold a convention at Dalton
Feb. 2S and 2 nnd March 1. The as
sociation of this place will be well rep
resented. Maitland Hnys has returned to school
nt Hloomsburg.
Conductor Hert Capwell. of Rlngham
ton. well-known In thlH place, and
brother of Could and Charles Capwell,
received another stroke of paralysis on
Tuesday evening, and Is not expected to
recover. His many friends here will
be pained to hear that he Is worse.
Mrs. Charles Conklln. of Klrkwood,
N. Y has returned home from a pleas
ant visit with her friend. Mrs. Vincent
Wllmot. on Church street.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown have re
turned home from a visit at Stanhope,
N. J.
John M. Clements, of Rlnghamton,
will address thp gospel meeting In the
Railroad Young Men's Christian asso
ciation hall next Sunday afternoon.
C. W. Rankes U having his new Ice
house erected.
Byron Tanner visited the rarlor City
nn Wednesday.
About ten names have been added to
The Tribune's list of subscribers tn
town during the past week. The Trib
une has the largest circulation of any
Scranton newspaper circulated In town.
You should subscribe. The price is
low; only 45 cents per month.
One of 'the liveliest sessions of coun
cil Jaeld for some time was that of
Tuesday night. Those present were:
President Davis, Councilmen Curran,
O'lJrleii, Gallagher, Howard. In the
absence of Secretary Cuinmings, Mr.
Curran tilled that position. fter The
usual monthly bills were read and dis
Iosed of, Mr. O'Hrlen made a motion
that Mr. Rurke. the councilman who
was declared elected by court a few
days ago, take the place of Mr. Flynn.
whom lie defeaed. The president of
the council. Mr. Davis, said he could
not entertain such a motion, because
he had received no olliclal notice from
the court to that effect. A petition .was
presented by M O'Brien, signed by
about twenty-tlve citizens, objecting to
the construction of the foundation of
the new electric light piant. The peti
tion stated that work was not being
done in a substantial manner and con
trary to the speculations; that the
contract called for the wall to extend
three feet below the surface of the
earth, and thut It Is only half that
amount; other reasons were also given.
On a motion of Mr. O'Hrlen the peti
tion was received as read. Mr. Kng
lish. the architect, was Instructed to In
spect the work. During the discussion
which took place, many of the citizens
present took nn active part, und some
very pointed language was used.
Standing room was very acceptable to
n large number of persons at the Father
Muthew Opera house lust evening when
"Helshuzzar's Feast" was produced to
u well pleased audience. The churac
ers were all well taken. J. H. Will
iams, as llelshazzar King of Babylon,
was repeatedly applauded. Professor
J. T. Watklns and Mrs. Lizzie Hughes
ltrundage rendered several solos be
tween the acts, which were highly ap
preciated. Walklngshaw's orchestra
furnished the music
Miss Katie Kelley left yesterday for
Stroiiilshurg, where she will attend the
State Normal school.
The two eldest daughters of Fred
Crandnll, from Klklaml, are attending
school In Montrose.
Fred Derrick, who formerly resided
In Montrose, has been visiting his par
ents here. He was accompanied by his
w i f e.
Mrs. A. Ruckus and iluughter. Miss
Lillian, have returned from a visit In
Philadelphia with Mrs. Y. Scott, for
merly Miss Carrie Backus.
Winnie Jcffets has returned to hU
school in Nazereth, Pa., where he has
been a student for some time.
During the recent cold snap many of
the water pipes in the houses were
frozen up and for two days the plumb
ers were kept very busy thawing out
und replacing the pipes.
Lee Taylor, of Buttery B, First regi
ment of artillery, recently of David's
Island, having served three years has
earneil his discharge, which he re
ceives Thursday.
II. V. Bernstein, of Hallstead, spent a
few days in Montrose on business last
Rev. Luce, of Scranton, was In attend
ance at the Christian Kndeavor conven
tion Friday.
Stanley Newton returned to his school
at Factoryvl'le on Monday.
Charles Cox. of Scranton, has been
the guest of his parents here, Mr. and
Mrs. William Cox.
Mrs. Arnisby, of Lake avenue. Is quite
111 of pleurisy.
Michael Mooney has been found.
Late yesterday afternoon Money was
discovered at the residence of John
Whalen. who resides In Montrose, it is
n strange matter all through and his
reappearance caused considerable re
lief to many who feared him dead. He
Is confined to his bed and owing to his
feeble condition nothing delinite was
ascertained as to his actions since leav
ing Mr. Lathrop's. Mooney Is highly
respected and has resided In Susque
hanna county for ninny years.
The following of our young people
have returned to school: H. Bruce Rey
nolds, to a dental college at Philadel
phia; Miss Helen Hard, to Philadelphia
where she Is studying for a kindergar
ten teacher; Messrs. Walter Kemmer
and Del Dudley, to Weslcyan I'nlver
sity; Misses Nellie Taylor und Myra
Sprague. to Bui knell I'nlversity; Paul
Dean Wilson, to I'nlversity of Pennsyl
vania. Your correspondent was misinformed
In regard to the insurance on J. C.
Reynolds' residence which was burned
last Saturday. The house and furni
ture was found to be insured for $;,4mi).
Langstaff Hose company. No. 1, held
a meeting Monday evening nnd elected
the following olllcers for the ensuing
year: President. Daniel Langstaff;
vice president. A. W. Frear; foreman,
Charles J. Hang; assistant foreninn,
F. A. Reynolds; plpcmnu, K. W. Cap
well: first assistant piieman, James
B. Smith; second assistant. D. L. How
ell: third assistant. Fred H. Chase;
treasurer, J. S. Reed; secretary. Charles
Klinefelter; trustees, Fred Ousterhoul,
Charles Hunt, A. L. Reynolds.
The Ladles' Aid of the Methodist
church gave a supper at the church
dining rooms Wednesday evening,
which was largely attended.
Mrs. Benton Coleman, who has been
quite seriously III, Is Improving.
Keystone academy opened again on
Monday after a two weeks' vucatlon.
The attendance Is large.
Mr. and Mrs. Judsou Wells and three
children returned home from Fleetvllle
Tuesday, after spending the past two
weeks visiting Mrs. Wells' paruBM.
tracked on Feb. IS.
Diphtheria is prevalent on Miner's
Miss Nellie Loughney Is visiting
friends In Carbondale.
The. O'Connell council. Young Men's
Institute, meets tonight.
Martin Lowry, who has been 111 the
past few weeks, is recovering.
The Democratic "pow-wow" at
Coyne's hall Tuesday evening Is the
talk of the local politicians. One dis
satlslled office seeker remarked yester
day that the prediction niuoe by The
Tribune that Patrick Coyne, tne present
Scrofula Broke Out
On our boy when a baby. We gave him
much treatment without ivill. Noticing
In the papen Hood'i Santparilla wai rec
ommended for scrofula and blood dUeaiei
we gave it a trial. We soon taw a change
for the better. He haa taken fonr bottle
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and la now entirely well, hearty and tree
from all ecrofnloua aymptoma. I have
alao taken three bottlea tor nervooa head
ache and catarrh. It rave me great relief."
Mag. T. M. Smith, Rather Qlen, Va.
Unnrt't, Dllle tahnuali cnMMja.
a iwwm r mo un. rnoH
Highest of all in Leavenicg Power.
supervisor, would be re-nominated was
"off coir," as some of the most promi
nent Democrats and Republicans of the
different districts have begun to form
a Citizens' ticket. He alleges that the
regular Democratic ticke!. with Its
third term candidate, will be slde
The Greenwood No. 1 colliery s
working half-time, owing to u scarcity
of cars.
Thomas Mongau and Thomas F.
Coyne are the aspirants for the oftice of
school director in the South district.
As both men are popular in the dis
trict, the contest promises to be inter
esting. Aspirants for the supervlsorshlp are
bobbing up like sprouts in an early
potato patch. Among the many men
tioned are John O. Jennings, nntlmny
Cusick and Michael Philbin.
Johnson Raker of Kingston, was the
guests of his parents on Tuesday.
Mrs. Charles Seunkle, of Orange, was
the guest of her parents Mr. and Mrs.
Zacharlah Frear, this week.
Miss Lizzie Bowen, of Scranton, was
the guest of her sister, Mrs. John
A tire was discovered in W. J. (Iregg's
meat market yesterday morning. It
was extinguished before it hud time to
do much damage.
The annual meeting of the Wyoming
Hose company, No. 1, was held at their
rooms on Kighth street Monday evening
and was called to order at S o'clock by
the president. The following officers
were elected: President. K. P. Knapp;
vice president, A. W. Oray; secretary,
Kent R. Jones; assistant secretary. J.
B. Keltchen: treasurer, W. S. Jacobs;
foreman John Keller; first assistant,
James Tonnery; second assistant, John
Morse; plpemen, Daniel Murks und
Richard Rapson; axemen, W. VV. Stock
er. J. B. Schooley, and W. J. fireggs;
torchmen. James Kagau and oflle Pow
ell; directors. W. J. C.reggs, John Per
kins, A. I Price, S. J. Kelly, J. D.
Lloyd and J. B. Schooley: auditing
committee. J. B. Schooley, W. J. Ureggs
and W. W. Stocker.
The annual meeting of the Kings'
daughters was held at the Presbyterian
church yesterday afternoon.
Miss Altheda Lloyd is quite ill.
Miss Nellie Wilner fell on the ice
yesterday and seriously Injured her
Mrs. H. 8. Finn and children' visited
relatives in Moscow on Wednesday.
The borough council held a regular
meeting last Tuesday evening.
It is believed that the I'nlon Tanning
company are working In their last lot
of hides.
Miss Lottie Clay is visiting friends at
Prof, und Mrs. R. A. Martin have re
turned from nn extendi d visit with
relatives nnd friends nt Jermyn.
Postmaster . Knickerbocker is build
ing an addition nnd making other Im
provements In and about the postotlice
Mr. and Mrs. .T. M. Rhodes are visit
ing in Philadelphia and Baltimore.
' Thought So.
Maid "The new cook's come, ma'am,
anil she's niuiie herself comfortnme. m ;ho
Mistress "Goodness! has the woman her
Malil-'i think o, ma'am; she's brought
something tied up In a big red handker
chief . " Tnith.
English Capital for American Invest
Important to Americans seeking Eng.
lish capital for new enterprises. A list
containing the names and addresses of "ri0
successful promoters who have Disced
over 100.000,0(10 sterling in foreign invest
ments within the last six years, and over
1S,000,000 for the seven months of 1SK1
Prlue 5 er $25, payable by postal order
to the London and Universal Bureau of
Investors, 20, Cheapslde, London, E C
Subscribers will be entitled, by arrange
ment with the directors to receive either
personal or letters of Introduction to any
of these successful promoters.
This list Is llrst class In every respect
and every man or firm whose name ap
pears therein may be depended upon For
placing the following It will be found In
valuable Honds or Shares of Industrial
Commercial and Financial Concerns'
Mortgage oun., Sale of Lands, Patents or
Dlrectors-SIR EDWARD C. ROS9.
t Will Cure Where Others hall.
It Is guaranteed to cure
Cmiubs, Colds, Bronchitis, Aslh
ma and all aflcctions of the lungs
and throat
For sale every where. 25c.
hottte. (Purchase money re
funded 1)' dealer to any not sat
That you can getany where.
At one-half the old pries.
We have cleaned up about all our odds
and ends and sell them as rnpldly as they
come In. but we were lucky to catch on
another snap. We cleaned up one mill of
underwear. There Is no doubt you are
aware how we buy Roods; ulways SO cents
on the dollar, and give the benefit to our
trade. This sale Is Important, and if you
want to buy underyear, here you are.
C9 dozen of mixtures, woolen underwear,
nice, clean staple goods, at 25 cents each,
or 60 cents for the suit.
Boys, from 24 to 34, any slxe, for 15
Cloaks, never Irt the history of this line
could you purchase a cloak for the price
as this season. Plain facts; the season
was unfavorable this year and the manu
516 Lackawanna Avenue.
Latest U.S. Gov't Report
ltckvllla Kctidcnts Object to an Incrcacs
la Water Hates.
Peckvllle, Jan. 8. At a mass meeting
of citizens of Peckvllle. held tonight,
the following resolution wus unani
mously adopted:
Whereas, The Arehbald Water company
have decided to increase their rates M
per cent, which. In the opinion of a hire
number of their patrons. Is excessive ami
unwarranted, ns the only reason assigned
for their action Is the fact that no divi
dends have as yet been declared on slo 'k,
which can be explained readily as the de
mand fur water has lieea beyond their
capacity to supply, which hns caused the
erection of storage dams, extension of pipe
lines and other expenses P:;ldenl to uny
concern in course of tlevetoiunenl, und
a healthy symplou: therefore be It
Resolved. That we, 'the patrons of said
water company, do hereby object und
protest ugulnst the Increase.
!. W. Thomas,
William Bell.
Henry Puniay.
In addition to the above a committee
consisting of Jumes W. Smith, W. j.
Broad anil John Tuthill was elected to
wait on the otlieluls of the water com
pany to prevent, if possible, any fur
ther Increase of rates.
This committee will report at another
meeting to be held next Saturday even
ing, Jan. 11.
Robert Menner and Raymond Hnr
denbergh returned to their respective
schools yesterday.
Bucl Dodge removed his pharmacy
yesterday to the building he recently
purchuscd, corner Main und Seventh
The property of M. Hessling is In the
tiHiuls of the sheriff.
Superintendent L. O. Rose and son, J.
Kirk Rose, are In Roudout this week.
Has No Equal
-Sand 8 cent a for emp1 package
Faultleaa Chemical Company, Balti
more, Md.
Moosic Powder Go,
Lafflln & Rand Powder Co."a
Orange Gun Powdei
Electric Batteries, Puses for explod
ing blasts, bafety Fuse and
Bepanno Chemical Co.'s Hi Explosives
tH ij-uivrWt-iuu
VzJt M Vaaw GnirnBtfwl Core for
lsA-- ana all ntt?ndinjr ailment;.
tetTtaw -tH' rj-u ant wnnreti. The
3?lXT?nh aairfriUnfectaof VtH"Tltilf.
tU'flPltc of treatment. T.HUQTM, producing wals
Mm, Nmvoub lXbilHy.Nlprhtly KniL:;loi:s,CoDsu.npti(iiit
IiiHaultv, KJihaust.njT draUisaudloMirf power cf the lieu
eratiTeOreaiiiutittttiruiie firstt:fly, busir.eF ai d mar
rUtrrtsquickljiMirfUbyIir. Koi!rfrHrhpan!h rrvo
4ralii. They nut only cui by starting a, the tat of tf is
cast, hut aru a pn-vX M'.!S H 'iONlt and IIMMD
llt'll.llFIt, tirttifrinir hack tiio pink alow to sals
!irLa and rvnUm-ig tho riltK OP YU! Til to the
pitii'itt, Uy mail, l.uif pr bnn or 8 for with writ
Irit rHsrcnte tu nrc r refund ti mnnev. Roar
;r ......,.,-, 1 --'VtMf..HiVwTar',
For alo hy JOHN TT. PTTTCTPS. Drug
f!t. Wromirjr nve. and Spruce sfret
facturers were rnniiifllfrl n ihrm. ti,uin
Roods upon the market. 1'riees were r.o
obfect. We have a hold on these Roods.
200 cloaks, we- don't claim they are syllsh
but they are Rood for this cold weuthei-,
and when you Ret one for $2, any alzu
from 32 to 42, in black blue only.
Wo have some stylish coats also, but
style always costs something, which we
will sell you in .black blue or any other
color, short coat, for 14.99.
Have you seen our black cloth cape?
Not equaled in price nor In quality, only
(3.99, for ten days.
We hove not time to write ads. We have
the biggest bargains you have ever seen In
shawls, blankets and wool-knit goods and
$ mmmmm
j; aw termini uj aiiw.:i l.TB
If you were inclined to invest you would prefer .
dealing with responsible and reliable parties.
We know you would. Many years of practical , '
, experience and a thorough knowledge of all
' the requirements in the trade count for some
thing when you require assistance in selecting.' "
We have a complete line of all the grades.
Wiltons, Axminstere, Hoquettes, Velvets,
Brussels, Tapestry and Ingrains,
at prices which defy competition.
Lackawanna Ave.
For Heavy Structural Work.
22 Commonwealth Bldr., Seranton, Pa. Telephone 422.
Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers,
Oeueral Office: SCRANTON, PA.
0irm not co., lacuirpe
BUT IM suob W tat vroBUX
"A 4uar mmcS w aoum wm.
d w a aoum iwi"
Tlte Lad to.' 811(1
I Mm tmt wtrwkm la tho U.S- aa
raoei pi er mm j uiot.
nr Pootal Nat for tlJO.
Kqiul. mtj www feo MOM
old la all ntall Mara, for
2.60. W awko Ul boot
mrwrvea, tiMmforo w. far-
milt, tnoja, mm. aaa na-,
and If nnr on U aot aaiufloa
wm will nfaM IB snoop
or and anotlwrpalr. Opwa
rtttft v, p. e. m mm.
l 1 10 I aad aa
IM. fimaUMTMOf
Shoe Co.
Eptciat frrau to btalw.
Tour cliiiice of 15 and ii(.5 Suits and overcoats at $12.09.
Your choice of fiH, ,Si and '-'o Suits and Overcoats at $15.00.
ljCsFWmsr prices marked in plain figures ou each garment.
IJl it! there It's awfully cheap.
L . , ,,,,, : ::
In our Furniture Department Bedfttm
tin;- attention this week.
225 AND 227 AND
Opposite The Wyoming House.
call up seta.
M. W. COLLINS, M'tfft
$ 1 2.00
3 5
Suits and Parlor Suits receive cot.
MS1 ,
4 .