The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 09, 1896, Page 6, Image 6

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Copyright. lftO, by Bachcller, Johnson and Btchellcr.
Aniul'l I.otoiin, a clerk mi n small sal-
IV In tin lord mi olhVe at Loiiiliin, Is i-n-lEuCfMi
tu 1 married to handsome lli'llu
Oarctalrs, who, with her mother. Is ohlltiivi
to keep iii aii'iiraniPS In very redm-ed
cirremstmici-M. Hella believes that she
loves Arnold, but Is unwilliiiK to many
him until he gels a more lucrativo posi
tion, whii'h his Inlluntial uncle, Lord
1i lllltinhmii. has promised to obtain fur
him. Lord DrllllnKham nettled ihe mat
ter, and Arnold proposes to Hella that lie
and his eonsln Kate, Lord 1 irlllliiKliaiii's
daughter, pretend to be eiiKHged. with the
Idea of InereasiiiK his uncle s Interest In
obtaining an appointment. 8he eonsen'n
uml he Koes down to lieerenurt to ar
imiikh the mutter with Kate. Kate
agrees, Ixilli'iiKhani uproves of the eii
CUKement. and bestirs himself about the
appointment. He ohtains thenffer of an
Important position in Canada, but Hella
refuses to h to Canada. Kate calls on
J-iclla and endeavors to persuade her, but
la vain.
ne must not pluy with lovo. The'
nld adaKe lias told us so, und Kate
JrllliiiKliani ut least had proved its
truth by her own experience. I'erhaps
flie had a slight pern hunt for her coli
xin before the furit hail beKUn. but
ut any rate the performance of It hud
clone serious ilumiiKt-. The Interview at
llatnpsteud had shown her the fact be
yond the possibility of any further self
deception, and nlie knew now ac
kmiwleilfred now the motive of her re
rent anxiety to see Arnold and .Miss
t'arstalts qitlekly married.
Will, the youiiK lady, the devoted
Hi 11a. was less anxious! That was
lierfectly evident. She was not ilts
jio.sed to mnke anything even faintly
lesi'iiililiinr a sacrlllce for the Fake of
the man to whom she was enfruW'L
"Then," said Miss Diillinchiim, "why
Bhould I make one for hers? I will not:
J am doing what Arnold asked of me
with her own approval. If my compll
ti in should lend to his falling in love
with me and tolling mo so, be will re
reive an answer very different from the
nne lie would have received yesterday.
I consider I am iierfectly Justffled. I
"I Shall Win. I Shnll Heat You Yet."
won't repress my fi lings for the sake of
that vulgar niece of modern Sevres
that Is what she looks like; I won't
tlfrht with myself, I won't be cool tow
ards him when 1 don't waul to be! It
Is a duel between us two, .Miss Hellu
Cnrstuirs; you have the advantage up
to the present, for he is silly enough to
care for you, but I shall win and I will
lient you yet !"
The writer is not sure that she was
wrong, but wrong or light, it can only
lie recoideil that she followed the pro
gramme she had laid down for herself
to the letter.
Skillfully, oh yes. skillfully! She
was far loo much grnnde ilanv. Miss
liillnghain, to lllrt openly, or to en
fourage with conspicuousness. Hope
toun wns never able to say thai the
chunge which occurred between them
liepun tit any particular hour, or even
on any particular day. He only realized
by den s that a change had come.
And it was dltllcult to dctiti" what
the change was. Well, tierhnps for one
thing they talked less of Hella for
Kate would have scorned to disparage
Her to him. however artistically. Per
haps also they did not refer so frequent
ly to their mock betrothal the jesting
allusions to It were absent from their
con versat Ions now. Hut still It was
hard to express the new tlfferenee In
words; he merely realized that they
talked together more like any other
man and woman who nre seeing a lot
of each other: for example, he could
not have told her today that she made
him think of her as a "chum" "a jolly
Rood fellow." He remembered that he
had said that onee, and wondered why
he did not think so still.
Not that she was any the less agree
nble far from It. Ho had never liked
her so much, never before known she
was so charming, bo graceful, so witty.
She had not mentioned her fateful visit
to the C'arstalrs to him, and when he
heard of It, it was a fortnight after
wards, nnd from Uelln herself.
lie received the news with complex
emotions, Kuphetulstically as the in
terview was described, he was Intelli
gent enough to comprehend that his
cousin could not have an opinion In It
altogether favorable to his iiancee, and
this view wan confirmed, moreover,
by the silence she had maintained on
tile subject..
It had been very tactful of her, very
nice, to have said nothing to him.
Another woman would have said: "I
went to endeavor to further your Inter
ests, nnd the girl would not listen to
me." Of course Bella was helpless in
the matter it was her mother's Influ
ence that was to blame but Kate could
not be expected to know mat, and she
had certainly displayed great delicacy
towards him.
Next time he saw her he thanked
her for It. "Hy the way," he s'd, "I
did not know of your visit to Mrs. Oar
stairs and Hella till the other day. It
was awfully good of you, Kate. I am
sorry you should have had the trouble
nnd for nothing."
"Dili" she murmured, with a shrug,
"I was in town, and 1 thought It might
be advisable to U't her know how things
stood. On the whole I think It wns
very plucky of her to decide to wait
for something here. It will be much
more agreeable for you li you get it."
; The Secret or Beauty
of the complexion,
hands, arms, and hair
is found in the perfect
action of tin Pores,
produced by
The most effective
skin purifying and-
beautifying soap in the
world, as well as purest
and sweetest for toilet,
bath, and nursery.
Snld thmu?hout th world. Brttl.h drpntt F Xi .
Liar k l( Kin aHwarit-,1., London. FuriKB
IMU. 1KB Case. CUHV., Holt ftopft., UlMluS, U. S. A,
o o
He knew that this was a gracious false
hood, but, man-like, ne continued u.e
subject, instead of allowing it to drop.
"Hut you never told me of your call,"
he said. "I had no idea you hail been
"Didn't I?" she said: "I mennt to."
Hoth iaused and looked throoph the
window ut the lawn.
"What do you think of her?" he
"Stie Is very delightful, very pret
ty" It was Impossible to say less "I
congratulate you heartily. Arnold."
lint her tone lacked heartiness, and
he felt. She had formed a wrong
estimate of Hella; he must Justify thu
girl at once.
"I hone," he said, "yoti do not think
she Is acting wrongly In declining to
live abroad? Keally It Is not site at
all: It is the old lady, lte.ia Is a very
dutiful daughter, almost a child In
till. I saw that, naturally."
"You must not of course you would
not imagine that she is not fond of
me. Oiiis vary very much; Helhi's dis
position is not a strong one. And be
sides when It hud come to the point I
dare say you yourself would have hes
itated to leave Kngland."
I do not think that." answered his
cousin; "1 should not have advised any
thing that 1 thought undesirable."
"No. no." put In llopetoun. "I'm sure
you wouldn't; but of course your view
Is different under the circumstances.
I mean there is not the necessity for
you to weigh all the pros and cons
carefullv. Is there? If you had been
Hella herself, you would feel the erav
ity of the step, as you cannot he ex
pected to do as it Is."
She did not reply, and lie regarded
her uncertainly. Twilight was fulling,
and the room was tilling wiih shadow.
In Ifie vagueness her face looked soft
er und more beautiful, he thought: the
proud mouth was more gentle. He felt
very tender toward her, very affection
ate, lie remembered that she wns do
ing much for him. nnd that such re
turn us she had received had given her
the right to make him a reproach that
she had not uttered. All Impulse that
he could not resist urged him to contra
diet his last words.
"I believe you would huve gone-," he
murmured. "I beg your purdoii! If
you had cared for me. I believe you
would have gone, Kate."
She neither acknowledged nor de
nied. "Thank you," she said; "but
don't let us discuss that! nnd Indeed
I can't say: 1 am not in love with you,
and you are many miles from being In
love with me."
"I wonder"
"What do you wonder?" she mur
mured. "I was going to say a stupid thing.
T was going to say that it was fortu
nate for my peace of mind that I did
not see more of you before 1 became en
gaged." She smiled pensively. 'And why?"
"Ceally 'why?' "
"Yes 'really.' We ought to be able
to speak frankly to each other if any
two peoMle can!"
"Then because I might have been so
profoundly unlucky as to wunt to
marry'ou. Kate."
"Mailman! you are laughing at me."
"Indeed, am not," he said, eurnestly.
"The more I see of you the more X am
learning to admire you. And If I had
wanted to marry you what would have
been the result! 1 would have lost a
charming cousin without gaining a
"Hut suppose I had said 'yes'." "
Her tone was one that tnnde it Im
possible for him to be sure she wns jest
ing, although his reason told 111 1 1) that
she must be. Her posit ion, too. In the
deepening dusk now hid her features.
He only saw her indistinctly, and the
timbre of her voice coming to him In
the obscurity gave him a strange thrill.
"If you hud said 'yes,' should have
adored you!"
With a sensation of unreality he wait
ed for her answer. It seemed extraor
dinary to have told Kate I.HIIliiiKliaiii
he would have adored her. even in a
speculative mood. He wished he could
Madman! You Arc Laughing at Mc'
see her plainly, nnd yet somehow he dirt
not wish to move. The queer moment
had a fnscinatiou that he was unwilling
to spoil.
Suddenly she laughed and startled
him: "You would not know even how
to hold my hand!"
"Should I not!" he stammered. "You
are ulways throwing it ut ine that I
once said I thought of you as a man.
Why shouldn't I know? Come and let
me try!"
They were quite close together now,
for she had approached him as he spoke,
the white hands hanging to her sides.
'.'Let me try." he repeated, lifting; it
awkwardly. ' Hut it Is so unrespon
sive! Of course any man would look
a fool with a hand like that. There
Is no life In It."
"Oh," she said, "this Is your rehear
sal, not mine! I told you you would
not know how to take my hund, and vou
Her eyes Unshed a glance straight Into
his own. and something possessed him
like an unfainiliar devil. His grasp on
the lissom lingers tightened; his urm
stole around her waist. "I should begin
like this," he said, "and then and then
I should kiss you! What do you suy to
"I say you have demonstrated your
ability quite enough," said Miss Iiril
ingham, disengaging herself. "We'll
omit the kiss If you please and take
the will for the deed.. King the bell,
will you? I don't know where Scarries
is with the lamps."
Her tone was careless and matter-of-face.
Hut Hopetoun. as he obeyed, was
conscious of a curious dissatisfaction.
He felt that he had missed something
which It would have been Very delight
ful to huve hud. and he was annoyed.
(Tlo be continued.)
A. If. McKeod, heretofore general
agent of the Cincinnati, Hamilton and
Dayton, has had his title changed to
freight trattlc. manager.
Ticket scalnlna; is prohibited by law
In Canada, and even purchasers of ex
cursion tickets are not allowed to sell
them to other parties, as provision is
made for their-redemptlon at the rail
way oflicos. At Toronto recently a man
was arrested for offering for sale the
return half of an excursion ticket from
Sunbury. t,o Toronto, and as the lowest
penalty is $:'0 and costs or ten days'
imprisonment, and as the man had no
money, he was sent to Jail for the short
The South Carolina Constitutional
convention has passed a section pro
hibiting railways from making "re
leased" contract rates, an action which
shows a strangely unfriendly uttltude
toward the ' railway Interests upon
which the prosiierlty of the state de
pends. The Western Passenger, association
has Issu-d a circular prohibiting depot
authorities !n St. Paul and Minneapolis
from checking buggnge, selling sleep
ing car tickets or the allowance of pns
sengers to go through the gates to
trains on so-called identitlcation cards
or any other device except regular pas
senger tickets.
When the Lehigh Valley was first
surveyed through the eastern part of
l.e Uoy and Wheatland, the surveyors
were apparently ordered to do nothing
except to keep the grade down to
twenty-two feet per mile. To accom
plish this they made a series of remark
able curves that commence on the east
banks of the Oatku Creek at Nortn l.e
Koy. Down through the North Woods
the tracks swing urouud like the puth
of a snake. Now. It appears that the
l.ehigh people want to put on some very
fust passenger trains, which do not
take kindly to heavy curves, so the
company is going to straighten the
tracks beginning at the Oatka und con
tinuing east about six miles. To do
this, the l.e Koy (iaxette says, they will
lay another track toward thetwjth and
purchase the Intervening farm land,
which will amount to a considerable
acreage. Kxtiiunge.
Mine Inspector McDonald, of the
Third tPittston) Anthracite district,
has compiled the statistics of accidents
that have occurred In the mines in his
district during the year and he
finds It to have been a very bad year
for accidents. There were In all 67 fatal
accidents, and 107 non-fatal accidents,
while the previous year there were M
fatal accidents and 14S non-fatal. The
number of accidents occurring in euca
of the mouths of the year was ns fol
lows: Fatal. Non-fatal.
,Ta unary "
I'Vbruary 2
March -'I ''I
April 11
May H
June 4 .1
July 21
August 1
September K H
October t 1"
November 1?
December b 15
Anthracite briquettes have heretofore
failed us fuel, because the material has
never been used In a sufficiently finely
divided stute. According to the Inven
tion of W. H. Hlggs and It. K. Oreen
how, of (ilanmorgan. Scotland, anthra
cite small coal (culm) Is passed through
a disintegrator which will deliver It in
such a condition that It will pass
through a sieve of at least twenty wires
per linear Inch, a liner condition Tieing
preferable, it Is then mixed with say
r, per cent, of equally finely powTlered
pitch, and the. mixture is passed on to
a iiugmill. wherein (say) 6 per cent, of
coal tar or other liquid hydro-carbon Is
incorporated with the mass. The mix
ture prenured In this way Is heated by
superheated steam and compressed
Into briquette moulds at a pressure of
about two tons per square inch. If it
be desired to render the briquettes
smokeless, they may be gradually heat
ed to about Mil" degrees C. it Is cluimed
for these briquettes mat each cakes
separately In the furnace, that they
are not deteriorated by rain, and that
they are hard enough to Tiear tipping
from a wagon or from sacks.
Hinghamton Herald: It Is stated on
reliable authority that ht a recent "meet
ing of the directors of the Delaware
and Hudson it was voted that the divi
sion between Nineveh Junction and
Delanson be made double track at once,
and a sulllclent sum to complete the
same was voted, and the work ordered
completed at an early date. This will
be indeed good news to the railroad
men, who appreciate, the fact that the
trains can be hurried over the road
much more rapidly where the entire al
vislon Is double tracked. The small
portion between this city and Nineveh
is not so much used, as all the coal
comes from the Pennsylvania division,
nnd all of the Boston freight leaves at
Delanson for Mechnnlcsville. The por
tion between Delanson and Albany has
practically little freight. The Improve
ment Is one the most important ever
made by the company.
Heading' coat shipments for the
week ended Jan. 4 aggregated 236,:',:t9
tons, an Increase over the same week
last year of 41,040 tons. For the fiscal
year to date the shipments have
amounted to 1,3.11,9:19 tons, an Increase
over the corresponding period last year
of ir,?,L':!l tons.
Krom the Mllwnukee Wisconsin.
A good story on the late 8. S. Merrill
cropped out ill a certain law office yester
day afternoon, while a knot of attorneys
were commenting upon the portraits of
prominent Mllwankeeuns In a recent work
on .Milwaukee. Mr. .Merrill's likeness was
reached when one of the gentlemen, in
relating anecdotes concerning the rail
road buililer. told of the trouble he hail
with a certain conductor on the St. raid
.Mr. Merrill had discharged the conduc
tor half a dozen times and quite regularly
reinstated hltn. On this particular occa
sion the conductor hurt been summoned
end entered the room In fear and trepida
tion. He found the general muliager glow
ering with rage, and was speedily in
formed that his services were not needed
longer, and that this time his dismissal
Was for good.
"What's the matter this time?" ventured
the culprit.
"It's this." blurted the general manager:
"I'm tired of listening to stories of my
conductors buying Sl.'iOO diamonds on
$1.ih salary."
"I suppose this Is the diamond you refer
to, Mr. Merrill." returned the quickwitted
conductor, pointing to a small headlight
In hi:: shirt front.
"I suppose so," assented the Irate man
ager. "Well," continued the conductor calmly,
ns he proceeded to unfasten the gem,"
you may have It for S2.','
That settled the conductor with Mr. Mer
rill, and he never received another repri
mand. Mr. Merrill used to relute the in
cident at times, never for a moment sus
pecting the Muff and that the stone bid
really cost $1..Mjo as he had beard.
Chicago l.ivo Slock.
I'nlon Stock Yards. HI.. Jan. 8. Cattle
Receipts, IH.ihni head; market stronger;
common to extra steers, $:i.2lia.1.!m; slock
ers and feeders, $i.'Ha:t.75: cows and buIN,
Jl.o0a:.N0; calves, JSi.i'iMiti.riO: Texans, Mfu
V':. Hogs Kecelpts, 4;i,iHlt head; murket
strong ami 5 cents higher; heavy packing
and shipping lots. i.iMiiS.Si1-..'. common to
choice mixed, W.iHia.'I.S.',: choice assorted,
$.7ua:i.mi; light, :i.naH.8:'4; pigs, $2.7."a3.5.
Sheep Kecelpts, 1".IW heart; market
strong; inferior to choice, $Ja3.75; lambs,
Philadelphia Tnllow Market .
Philadelphia, Jan. 8. Tallow Is dull, but
steady. We quote as follows: City, prime,
In hogsheads, IPVitr. : country, prime, In
barrels, iPV'.: do., dark, In barrels, 3Ua
S:!ie.; cukes, 4V4C. ; grease, It'.ic
Oil Market.
Oil City. Pa., Jan. 8. Oil opened, high
est ami lowest, H1..V); closed, Sl.ftO bid;
Standard Oil company's price, SI.'iO.
Piles! Piles! Itching Piles!
Symptoms Moisture; intense itching
and stinging; most at night; worse by
scratching. It allowed to continue tu
mors form, which often bleed and ulcer
ate, becoming very sore. - Swayne's
Ointment stops the itching and bleed
ing, heals ulceration, and In most cases
removes me tumors. At druggists, or
by mall, for BO cents. Dr. Swayne &
Bon, Philadelphia. ; , ...)
Wall street Review.
New Tork. Jan. 8 -Wall street was quiet
today and a more confident tone character
led the dealings. Prices with rare ex
ceptlons advanced quickly In response tt
buying orders, and the supply or stocki
offered at the higher quotations was n
small that this feature of the speculatlo:
ltd to comment, bonrton was a buyer e
St. Paulrt and Louisville and Nashville t
cover shorts put out during the Yenexi
elan scare, und on the announcement o
the popular bond loan. Kar more Import
ant, however. In bringing about the re
storation of confidence among stuck trad
ers. however, was the general Impi e
slou that there was some iinderstunrtin:
among the big hankers ami the treasinv
department whereby the gold reserve w:i
he strengthened In case of a raid. N.
facts were fotheomlng to sustain this the
ory, but It nevertheless had a rcassuiin;
eftect. Mnlor factors at work were th
reduction In the posted rales of sterling ex
chango of ij, to 4SSat8!iI, the decision of thi
directors of the Delaware and Htulsoi
to maintain the regular dividend of 7 pe.
cent, during 18.1;, the comparative rut'
of money on call, and the light withdraw
als of gold from the sub-treasury.
The refusal of the clearing house bank
to open special gold accounts with client
ulso had some Influence in favor of hlghe
prices. The Improvement In prices range:
from a to S per cent, and was most mai ke.
in the anthracite coalers, the Orangcr
Industrials. Louisville and Nashville
Western I'nlon and the Southwestern
..Manhattan ruled lirm until neur the clos,
when It sold down ,1 to 97. The breal
was due to a raid. Speculation closei
quiet and firm. Net changes show ud
vanees of 'u:!i per cent, with the uii
thracites In the lead. .Manhattan lost 2'
per cent, on the day. In the inactive Is.
sues Mti.vxpolis and Ht. Louis rose S to
M. The total sales were 17l'.U19 shares.
Furnished by WILLIAM LINN, AL
LKN & Co., correspondents for A. i
CAMPBELL, tock Broker. 412 Spruit
Op'n- High- Low- Clos
Inc. est. esr. lug.
.. 7K 7S 77 7.H-H
.. Wl't HKi 99 lull
.. 14 is; 14
.. '!3 IMN, (', m
.. 9ii 97', 9 97'.'
.. 7.'Hi 74' a 7.1' i T.(
.. 3V as4 32'. Mt
.. lM S7 ImS litPt
.. :i's tit'-j o tit
..V."." lit', U1 123
..l.Vi',1, 158 l.Mi IMlj
.. IS'.j Hi l.m Ij",
.. 2.'!' 1.. 2l'i 2'a 2H'
.i:Hi4 V.'i'-j l:tt Wj
.. 41 42' 41 41
,.ll 99 99'..
..2:1 23' a 22--Vi 23
.. 4i 47, t 4',
.. SK 97 W Sii'j
.. 9fii 9T'i 9-"i'j 9.V-
.. Wt !' l.'l',-. i:fI
.. 22 22' 21 'a US',..
.. 2-S, 2 , 2
.. Iti-n 111', Itii, lOVt
.. 12 i: 12', n
.. 24'-j 24'-j 24'a 2l'i
.. it .'!' 2', S',
.. Si, Hi, 7: S'
.. 24' 2.V., 2: 24",
.. 7'3 7a 7'a 7'8
.. n-N. :: a1, r.-,
.. '-. li't U'a U't
.. liV I.Vj 15', 15',
.. Kv 84', M'j &:!,
.. 10'a 10r', lni lUi,
.. 9'a 9' 9'a 9's
.. Gl (it Mi, 1)1,
Am. Tobacco Co...
Chic, It. I. & Pac
Del. & Hudson
!., L. & W
Hist, tc C. !'
Uenerul Klectric.
Lake Shore
Louis. & Nush
Munhuttuii l-;ie...
Mo. Pae
Nat. Cordage
N. J. Central
N. Y. Central
N. Y., L. R & W
N. Y S. & W Pr
Nor. Pac
I'hila. & Heart.
Texas Paiillc...
t'nlon Pucllic...
Wabash, Pr
Western I'nlon.
W. L
I'. S. Leather....
Oll'n- Hiffh- T.nw. rina.
tug. est. est. Ing.
WK', lip, ijoii iitJH
U1'4 GO. 01
2'i LVs nr.,
29'i 29-i 2tl'i 29',
H.70 0.80 B.70 6.75
9.57 9.S7 9.57 9.S0
Scrunton Board of Trade Kichange Quo-tatlon.t-AII
Quotations Based on Pur
of 100.
Name. Kid. Asked.
Green Ridge Lumber Co 110
Dime Dep. & Ills. Hank 130
Scranton Lace Curtain Co 50
National Horing & Drilling (.'0. ... 80
First National Bank K0
Thuron Coal Land Co 90
Scrant jn Jar & Stopper Co 25
Scran'on Glass Co 05
Bprlnsr Drook Water Co 105
Klnihuret Boulevard Co I110
Scranton Axle Works 80
Third National Bank 350
Lacka. Trust and Safe Dep. Co ... IliO
Scranton Packing Co 9711,
Scranton Savings Bank 200
Lacka. Iron t Steel Co 150
Weston Mill fo 250
Scranton Traction Co 15
Bonta Plate Glass Co 10
Scranton Car Replacer Co uo
Scranton Glass Co Jflo
Scranton Pass. Railway, first
mortgage due 1918 110
fljrantoii Traction Co 95
people's Street Railway, first
mortgage due 1918 110
Scranton Plttston True. 4"o 90
People's Street Hallway, Sec
ond mortgage due 1920 110 ...
Lacka. Valley Trne. Co., first
mortgage due 1825 90
Dickson Manufacturing Co 100
Lacka. Township School f 102
City of Scranton Street Imp 61 ... 12
Scranton Axle Works 100
New York Produce .Market.
New York, Jan. 8. Flour Quiet, steady,
unchanged. Kye Hour quiet. Wheat
Dull, easier, with options closing steady;
No. 2 red store and elevator, ilfi4a09c.;
aoflat, "O'O'-ac; f. o. b iffl-Su'lc; un
graded red, Ii5a73c: No. 1 northern, iS'V.'.;
options advanced, '.ta-V-. on llrmer cubles;
declined 'sa'ic. on foreign selling:' rallied
'c, and closed steady at 'V. under yes
terday, with a fair trade: No. 2 red Jan
uary, 0714c; March. 9c. ; May, 07,c; June,
Ii7c: July, 07c. Corn Dull, llrmer; No. 2
at H5-V'. elevator; 3io. afloat; options,
active and tinn at advance; Janu-
ury, 35'1ic.; February, 3.rc.; May, 35r;,c;
July, 37c Oats More active, llrmer; op
tions, quiet and firmer; January and Feb
ruary, 24c; May, 24',.c.; spot prices, No. 2,
24V; No. 2 white, 25V.; No. 2 Chicago,
25V.; No. 3 at 23iia-3'L-e. No. 3 white, 241,1-.;
mixed western, 24Mia25sC ; while do., 24'ia
28c; white slate, 24a28c. Beef Dull, un
Hhanged. Lard; Quiet, firmer; western
steam, $5.70; city, $5.30; January, $5.70 nomi
nal; refined, dull; continent, $i;.IO; Soutn
America. $0.40; compound, 4Su."c Pork
Butter Steady, unchanged. Cheese
Steady, unchanged. Eggs Steady, un
changed. Buffalo l.ivo Stock.
Buffalo, N. Y., Jun. 8.-t'attle Firm.
Hugs Lower; medium and heavy. Jla4.Hi;
Yorkers and pigs, $4.lua4.15; roughs, $3.25a
3.511; stags, $3a3.25. Sheep und lambs Ac
tive nnd higher; mixed sheep, good to
choice, $3.25a3.75; handy wethers. $3.Wa4.25;
fair to good mixed,- $2.U5a3; culls to com
mon, $2a2.5(); fair to choice lambs, $4.85a
5.45; common and light, $4.25a4.75; culls,
$.').25a4; export ewes, $3.5a4; wethers of
120 pounds, 4.25a4.
Toledo Grain Market.
Toledo, Jan. 8. Wheat Receipts. 14.905
bushels; shipments, 3.540 bushels; lirm; No.
3 red cash, 07'2C.; May, 9',c; July, Otic;
No. 2 white cash. OO'...!'. Corn Receipts,
38.040 bushels; shipments, 19,400 bushels;
dull; No. 2 mixed May, 29c. Oats Re
ceipts, iwi bushels; shipments, none; nomi
nal. Clovrseed Receipts, 118 bags; ship
ments, 311 bags; quiet; February, $4..45;
March, $4.47V.
FereTer Cared.
Four out of Ave who
suffer nervousness,
mental worry, attacks
of "the bines, "are but
paying the penalty of
early excesses. Vic
tims, reclaim your
manhood, regain your
rigor. Don't despair. Fend for book with
explanation and proofs. Mailed (sealed) free.
ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, N. Y.
CtMMt, Eaclkh MaamJ Brui
OpUhI Mf Oalv Hoaalae.
Beaalae. A
(!. ott JKS
livid KrulllejW
itm. TekeVtf
n.i, iiwij. raiMie.
Drunlit Dor Alrtortar'a
nrf tmnd Id km and
IM. li with blM rihtna.
Mathapt AM AIMfrMI IHftfflil.
ttoJ cjuI imtiHoni. Allnuillf.rfrn4,
la mas fur atrllcalara, utliawalala at!
MtaUtf fee 1-artlea." I lur. bj ratara
CklrbnMrCiaatlaalCalUllxii Maaro
41 kr
ismaani rani rm
I L nr
On Lake Erie's Shores-The Captain's
Wife Telia the Story-It Will
Interest Many People
(From' the Buffalo Evening News.)
If you were to call at 27 Front avenue
you would And a pleasant elderly lady,
Mrs. Captin Hencsy by name. Her
kindly smile and joyous manner are to
in small extent due to the escape she has
had. Her own words can better do
crlbe her rescue and one can easily un
lerstand her present happy condition
vhen they realize what she has gone
rough. She says: "About five
onihs ago I had an attack of sickness
t'hlch lasted for a week and since that
dme I have been subject at intervals
to similar attacks, some of which were
longer in duration. It is hard for me to
describe how 1 suffered. The pair
would commence in my head, after
which it would seem to pass down my
body and settle in my back, my sides
ached, my back ached, and I had a feel
ing of great distress in tho bowels. The
Increased pain which seemed to com-,
from lying down, would be almost un
bearable, my face nnd stomach wntilf
bloat up and I could hardly stand or
my feet, dizziness made it almost im
possible; this feeling was always wit)
me even after the violence of the attack
passed over. The last attack I had wa;
the worst, and was so bad I would not
have been able to tell this story but for
Doan'a Kidney Pills. As soon as I com
menced their use I found Immediate re
lief. The pain In my back and sliler
left me and the dizziness went with It;
the bloating In my face and body dis-.
appeared and all distress In my bowel?
wag gone. I have great faith In Doan'r
Kidney Pills; in a short time they did a
great deal more for me than all the
plasters and medicines which I had re
sorted to in seeking relief and cure. I
hope always to be able to procure
For sole by all dealers. Price 50 cents.
Mailed by Foster-Mtlburn Co., Buffalo,
N. Y., sole agents for the U. S.
Superior Face Bleach,
PosItUelj RemoTes 111 Ficlal Bkmlsb.'S.
4 $ViibSkS
No more Freckles, Tan, Sunburn, Black
nads. Liver Hpots, Pimples and Ballot
Complexions If ladles will uso my Su
perior Face Bleach. Not a cosmetic, but o
medicine which acts directly on the skin,
removing all dlscoloratlons, an one of the
greatest purifying agents for the complex
ion In existence. A perfectly clear and
spotless complexion can be obtained In
very Instance by Its use. Price, $1.00 per
bottle. For sale at E. M. Hetzel's Hair
dressing and Manicure Parlors, 330 Lack
awanna ave. Mall orders filled promptly.
f be Best
"of all Cough Medicines
is Dr. Acker's English Rem
edy. It will stop a cough in
one night, check a cold in
one day, prevent croup, re
lieve asthma, and cure con
sumption, if taken in time.
It is made on honor, from the
purest ingredients and con
tains neither opium nor mor
phine. If the little ones have
croup or whooping cough,
use it promptly.
Three Sizes 25c 50c tad $1 per bottle.
At Druggists.
x and is Chambers Street, New Tork.
fltsose.e wr tms Hiestat Mseiesi Jtmrenmt
HEMCHEM win euro you. 4
wonderful boon to sufferers
fnitn Celds. Star,
laflaenaa. H raatshltla.
immtiliattrtlltf. AnesJctent
remettT. convenient to oarr
ti IfaA On flrilt InillMlInn nt r.nlrf
0atlaa4 tfw Xafeeta Care.
attofaoUmnarajitecaorinonaynfnndsd. 11-1.
eta. Trial fra at brcfl't. Reclstered mall,
Wosau. LkCDSIIUI,Mu.lIsrMBiilbck,,
l?NTHni The an rent and safest remedy tat
Mbll I nUU all akin dlMaaeijrnaina. Itcu Sail
RbeBmold Snrea, Burna, Cuts. Waadcrftal roup
edTforrlXKa). Prlea. S eta. at Drue n a aj
rtiU or 6t mmi prepaid. AddreaaaaaboT. DALIH
.For sals by Matthew Bros, and Johs
n. ri
Connexion Presetted
Bemoret Freckles, Pimples.
CnV. Moles, Blsatoesds,
San bora and Tan, and re
stores tbs skia to its origl
aal freshness, producing
-1 anil nealthv mm.
firrpa ttons and .perfectly bsrmlnse. M sQ
OrualaO, ot mailed lor Mku. Baud lot Circular.
HIAI A airIM BOAP la alanl.
Mat wrUrtse Saaa, aaMaaM lar th. MM, aad wtltont
ttalMaWaanarr. AbaHttrtf y ajt dalUalal sudt,
mm. Ataraatiata, PriaeUCena.
O. C. BITTNER & CO.,Tolkoo, Ok
'(! by Matthaws Bros, and Jeha
OfUeei 839 Washlnf ton Avenue.
Warksi Wsy Ang. Pa,, E. 4 W. V. U. B.
M. H. DALE, ,
Osneral Sales Agent, Scrauton. Pa
TO our patrons:
Washburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their many pa
rons thtit they will this year hold to their usual custom
pi milling STRICTLY OtU WHEAT until the new crop
is fully cured. New wheat Is now upon the market, and
owing to the excessively dry weather many millers arc
of the opinion that if Is already cured, and in proper
condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will take
no risks, and will allow the new wheat . fully thrca
months to mature before grinding.
This careful attention to every detail of milling has
placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s Hour far above other
Wholesale Agents.
Have your Horses' Shoes prepared with proper holes for
"Hold Fast" Calks.
SIZES, 5-16,
S3" ifec f iU
km? pi w $ s 1
This Topw rin fastens m&W I 5 i tLuLil S
ml p 3 j l
.. . : Mill -sal If P S
?" .'5 5 ffp-'J w
For further particulars address
Agents for Northern Pennsylvania and Southwestern New York.
SosMsUBss nesss stelisbls, os.khlf, tetmlsUaf medlolns. Only btrmlsss SS4
the aureitdrup tatald be as4. tfyeu wsnl th. bssi, gat
Dr. Peal's Pennyroyal Plllo
Tber lie vrouiat, fe s.s eertala In tseslt. Th sssuIds (Dr. Peal's) n .Tar disss
oaiot. AdeM P at Msmciaa Co., OaTsUod, O.
For sal by JOHN H. PHELPS, Pharmacist cor. Wyoming Avenu and
Spruce Street, Scranton Pa.
Contains all that has made Hammond Work
fsmeus, and NEW, NOVEL and UHUFUL. im
proveuionts. Hammond Work the Criterion
of Hammond Superiority." "Hammond Sales
the Criterion ot Hammond Ppularitjr." Ham
mond No. 2, "The Perfect Typewriter. Ex
amine it and bo convinced. Philadelphia
branch of The Hammond Typewritor Co., Ill
S, Sixth Street. '
F. A. & A. J. BliANDA,
414 Sprues SI., Sctiahn RtprtMnlatlvet.
KaDutaetarwd at the Wapwallop'-n Mills, L
same oonnty. Pa., and ut Wil-
mi Hamuli, LfoiwwKrv,
Osneral Afent for the Wjressing Oistriot.
tit WYOMING AVC 8eranton, Ptv
Third Mattonal Bank Bnildlag.
. aaaaoti
JOHN B. BMITB BON. P1rmoatk,Ps
B. W. MULLIGAN, Wilkes Barre, Pa.
aiwats tor th. Bepaun Chemlcai Ucasf
H A Ft! Ft! 0 H D T Y P E WRITER
NO. s.
3 - 8, 7-16, 916.
llannfactarers of the Celebrated
loo,ooo Barrels per Annum
I .
ithD.,.tfW of Me.
THi ORIAT aotb Day".
prodoeaetheaboTerasnluln'SOdnys. It act
powerfully and qnlcsly. viiras whan all others tall
Voaaa ansa will retain their lost manhood. aad old
baa will reoonr youthful sitor hr naios
KKVITO. I atsair and surely restores Marrous.
seas. Lea Vitality, Impoleac". Mlglitly Kmlaelens,
Loe Vower, Fatlios Mvmory, VtnUam Dlssaass.an4
all efleass ot salt-abase or skims and tadlseiatiea,
whteh nalts oaa for study, business or marrlase. II
nos only cures by startlns st the seat ot disease, bat
Is s anal nerve toulo auJ lilood bnllder, brt&g
lot back the pink (tew to pal. cheeks and re
Jiortnf the tire of youth. I wards off Jnaaalty
snd Ooasnsoptlon. Insist as ostIb; RE VIVO, b.
Mhsr. It can be carried la rest jockos. Sr sscll,
I.OO per packwe, cr sis for SS.OO, with s smV
Ura written guarantee to car. ea? refund
:h.snoa.jr. Circular Ire.. Adlraes
y Braea SlfsKlal
. asBtM.rtv