The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 07, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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tftearivrs will idease note that advertise
ments, enter for Job work. nil Item for
publication It-ft, at th- rstubllshment of
Shannon Co.. newsdealers. North Main
street,' will ifrlv prompt a tie in ion; of
fice open from 8 a. m. to lu p. m.
New Year Sermons.
In all the churches Sunday Mormons
appropriate to the. season of the year
were preached. Special music was In
order. At the First Baptist church the
Ilev. T. E. Jepson preached a very ap
propriate sermon especially to the
young people of his eoheregatlon. which
was listened to with rapt attention, lie
took for his text. Proverbs. 1::'0. "And
whoso trusteth lu the Lord, happy is
he," which he desired his M-aple to ac
cept as a XVw Year's motto. In the
course of an able discourse, he tersely
dwelt upon the lnsatiuble desire of man
for happiness and vividly described the
various methods employed by mankind
to attain It: such as the desire for
public oltlclullsni. the hlKher profession
In social life, the universal craving for
wealth, and the plunging into the whirl
of pleasure, all of which were devoid
'of and unconduclve to real happiness,
lie advised his hearers that the best
means to attain the prize and thus have
a huppy new year, was by abstaining
merlin trouble half way. to look
on the brisht side of things, and above
all plucinK their trust In the Lord,
i The service throughout was of a most
Impressive character, and the anthem
rendered by the efficient chorister was
much enjoyed.
W elsh Baptist Church.
( T'ulav will be a proud day to the Welsh
residents of this city., us It will murk
another eooch in the history of the
niotlurf hurch of the Huptist churches
W.tlUs valley. This church has had a
brilliant historical past, the pustorute
has bfen tilled by several well-known
preachers, notably the celebrated l. V.
Morris. Through course of circumstan
ces, the doors were closed some six
yVars no. Now It has been decided by
ftie permission of the Welsh ltaptist as
sociation, to reopen ami toduy It Is ex
pected chat the following ministers will
tuke part at Its re-dedlcotlon: The
Iters. W. Kvans. Oly pliant: W. Thomas,
Plttston: Jacob Davles. I'lytv.outh; .
B. Jones. Hyde Turk, (in Knulisni. It Is
eftpectcd also that the Uev. T. K. Jep--Sun
will assist. Services at 2 and 7 p. m.
, The Political Slttmtlon.
i The iKMiiooratic oriinurics were li. ld
on Saturday afternoon, but lucked In
the Intense Interest displayed by the
Kepubilcnns tit their 'primaries. Life
was only shown in the Third and
Fourth wards, object bclnp to secure
the delegates on behalf of the pour
'directorship. For the' nomination on
the ticket for mayor, the names o'f J. .1.
'Nelll, es.. and J. W. Kllpatrick. esi.,
a'ri much talked of: the latter is con
sidered by some orominent iollticlans
to be very strntiBV A full ticket will be
C nineil ut the convention and an aKRies
Ive caininilKii will be carried on. '1 he
jiondnees on the Hepubllcnu ticket are
to meet this week to plun their cani
j.ialnn and make uvrangemeiiis for a
thorough canvass.
Sunday Cliisinii.
. The saloonkeeiers of this city enm
niuncod yesterday to place In force their
determination to observe Sunday as a
day of rest. All the side doors were
closed and although many wished they
could call spirits from the mighty deep,
they were disappointed, and tile city
.was "dry." The saloonlsts are to oe
coiiRTatulatod iirsm this and may this
state of thins last for many a year, for
the benellt of themselves personally and
the community nt lurRe.
In ion Pro y or .Meeting.
The Evangelical churches of the city
will, as usual, hold their unnual union
meetings for prayer, and the llrst will
be held this afternoon at L'.IIO o'clock in
the auditorium of the Hereon Kaotlst
church. The topics for the meetings
are those udooted by the Kvangelicul
Alliance and are full of Interest. A cor
(llal Invitation to the meeting is ex
tended to all.
Klcetion of Officers.
, At the folvlnis'le Methodist Sunday
school yesterday. W. Watklns. super
intendent; (irltllth Morgan, treasurer;
Jonathan Lewis, secretary, were unani
mously elected to their offices for an
other yeur. This school Is verv flour
ishing and has an edlclenT staff of
teachers. i -
1'i-RsoxAL anuutiii:k items
. Ellas Thomas h is been confined to his
lionie. on. Wilson .i.'reck.- ami has been se
riously ill. His cotiilitola has very much
Miss theMne Kvans of Hock avenue.
Is visiting friends ill Taylor.
'Mrs. Thomas. th riiother of the clerk
iOf the courts, J. U.-THutnus, is aituin con
valescent. . .
Tt the ,1oy of his many friends the
heutlh of the popular young ilnigalst, Ju
lius Spaeth. Is gradually Improving and
pi recovery Is assured,
i A number of l.'u'-bomlalt' friends attend
ed the funeral obsequies of .Mrs. .Mary
ttuyiuoud. ut Jerniyti. yesterday. The Kev.
Charles I.e.-, of this city, conducted the
. . .. : pecKVIULE,
r Misses Lizzie Praia; and Martha Rob
erts, who'have Jieen guests of Mr. and
Mrs. John Warms have returned to
tljelrjiome at Nantlcoke. . ...
' All members of the Ladies' Aid soci
ety of the 'AletKodist' Kpiscopal church
are requested to meet at the Oraud
'Army hall next . Wednesday forenoon,
and bring their working tools, the scis
sors, thimble ovd needle.
The following Oltlcfrs were elected to
take care' of the Methodist lOriiscotml
Sunday school for the coming year, last
Friday-: Superintendent, Henry Chup
man: assistants, William Warne and
William Hudd: secretary. Frank Hoyt;
osslstaht. Hobert Lin tern; treasurer,
Tames Cowans: librarian, (ieorge W.
Thomas; assistants, A. Thorpe, Joseph
'l..Hell. A. C. Hendricks, chorister, John
Warne; assistants, I). R. Lathrop and
Harry Peck: organist. Miss Sophie
Slmpklns; nssitants.Mlsses Maud Trov
erton and Etta lludd.
.The following" cbrtis of nfllrers will
tnke charge of the Ruptist Sunday
schoid: Superintendent. Itert Dike
man; assltant. Francis Ham; secretary.
Miss Cosie Williams: treasurer. Miss
Mottle Pickering; librarian, Charles
Cralir: assltant. David M. Williams
organist. Miss Grace Sickler.
The following church officer of the
Baptist church were elected last Sat
urday evening;: Trustees, W. A. Tay-
l . . , W have a Una of
Fancy Rocking Chafrs.
Tables, Umbrella Standi
And Screens
long with our regular line ot
( ; ; f Carpet Sweepers
i?iu.M!ntioh" ; And Hassocks
least, the fluent Una of
r:r . CARPETS f la the city.
.Vito'K.t.- UCK.W.NKHVi
lor. Nlles Johnson. Richard I'ren. Jo
seph (juloten. liert IMkeniun: church
clerk. Miss Mary t'allender; treasuivr,
Nlles Johnson: collectors. Airs, Frank
Pickering and Mrs. A. A. Ayres.
The .Delaware and Hudson Canal
company paid their employes at Grassy
Island yestfrday.
Health Officer IJr. F. L. Vanslckle
submitted the following monthly report
at the board of heubh meetinir last
Saturday evening for the month of De
cember: Hlxteeu burial permits had
been granted, of these deaths only four
died In the borough: one marriage cere
mony was reported, and nine births,
lh visiting our public schools he found
one hundred and twenty-six pupils not
vaccinated. In our three public schools
one case of scarlet fever was reported,
which recovered. No other contagious
disease vuh re'sirted.
Mrs. Joseph Vaufthn Is lying quite III
at her home on Main street.
Postmaster Swlnsle has been notified
to Issue international, or foreign, money
orders on nnd after January . For
full Information inquire at the post
ottlce. . ,
Preaching will be held In the Rnotist
church every night this week except
Saturday night. ;
Miss Mina Finch was the guest of net
cousin nt Helmont yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Fuller, of Hlngham
ton. and Mr. and Mrs. George D''tlick
of Scrant.m. have returned home after
vlsltlnif Mr. nnd .lrs. Joseph (jttlnton.
Miss Julia Dougherty visited her sis
ter in Scianton on Saturduy.
Miss Fannie Sltmvll returned on ha -iirday
from a pleasant visit with ft leads
" ' '"lu,"'d f,"m
a visit with frlendrt In Waveily.
The Christian Kntleavor laid tin echo
meeting in the Ua'.tist church ijunUay
evening. Reports were read b he
delegates to the recent convention held
In .Montrose. , .
The R t Duiiois Hook and Luddet
companv will hold a dance in their new
hall on Luckavvunna uvenue lhursda
evening. Junuury 1.
Mrs. Samuel Hall, who has been lslt
Ins friends at Uackettstown. N. J-. mis
returned home.
Andrew MoAndrcws Is enjoying a
visit with friends ami relatives ut
A' oca. , ,
Mr and Mm. Frank Kiown are stop
ping with friends at Stuulinpe. N. J.,
for a few days.
M J. Cotter, of Klinlra. who has ben
vlsltiCB fiier.dii in tow.i. bus returned
Mrs. Simon Sleen Is vlsltiiu; berautoii
Miss .'Hie Chase, nf Cuibondale. has
been 1:H'::;,- l'.ifi:'a in Great Rend.
Tl.e rl' i-r i iit-iirly froz-n over.
Mrs. 1!. 1. litlck. "! Ilai kcttstown.
N. J., la tl: fill:-. I of her purcUs. Mr.
tiiid .Mis. M. I. Curlier, on fine street.
Mis. G. V. I'leM'O! W ill.
Mrs. Ilow.-ll, of Mawley. formerly ol
ihhi place, h tiff i rd a stroke of paraly
sis last wc.-k. lloij.-s arc cnti rlalncd
for her recox ery.
Hon. H. Chuse, .-lso is spending; the
winter ai Kahton. spent .tuiiduy with
friends uiid relatives 1. 1 tills place.
It has been decided to heat the new
Presbyterian church by steam.
The week of prayer is being observed
by our churches this week.
It. F. Kernsteiii. the hustling and
genial manager of the Textile company,
was In Montrose on business on Wed
nesday. One person was admitted us a member
in the Presbyterian church on Sunday.
Mrs. Lewis Lowe, of Klmira. Is visit
ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. S.
Lowe, on .Main street.
Druggist Tiffany siient half a day at
Montrose Thursday last.
Friendly Hand lodge of Odd Fellows
have appointed u corimiittee on ban
quets with power to raise the requisite
William Raldwln. of Lester, was
among the visitors in town on Satur
day. Notwithstanding- the billliaucy of
the electric lights at the silk mill as
being attractive to the piople of the
town. It Is reported they do not give
the manager the results he requires and
he has sent for exoerts to niter the
present arrangement.
Mrs. F. H. Johnston, who has been
visiting friends in Syracuse for some
time, bus returned home. ,
Contractu!' Johnston has n force of
men laying tlootintr in Hie uttlc story
of the Textile company.
John A. Meuis, of Scranton, was In
town on Friday.
George (ll lllin Is ill.
Mrs. H. F. Hernsteln was In Bing
hamton on Saturday.
The borough council met on Saturday
- -
Mrs. .Michael Polyeiluak left yester
day for Danville to visit her husband,
who was tuken to the asylum nt that
place some time as;.
Mary, the four-year-old child of Sir.
and Mrs. John 11. Ciiiiiilirchiim. died
Saturduy afternoon, after n few hours'
Illness. Interment was made in St.
Agnes' cemetery, yesterday afternoon
at three o'clock.
Miss Agnes Dawson, of Scranton, is
visiting at the homo of John McDonald,
Rev. .1. J. Coroner is conllned to his
home by sickness.
Mrs. Thomas Flnnegan, of Carbon
dale, suent Sunday with her daughter,
Mrs.. Kdward RafTerty.
Frank Hoban. of furhondfil", visited
relatives heie Sunday.
The Catholic fair will open In Davis'
opera house, Friday evening.
Miss Celia MeAndrews, of Cnrbondulo,
Is visiting her sister, Mrs. John Decry.
Rev. Frank Marshall, of Christ Epis
copal church, conducted services at
Pleasant Mount, Wayne county, Sun
day morning.
Miss Anna Reed, of Scranton, visited
friends he-e on Saturday.
The mercury fell to thirteen degrees
below zero here yesterday morning.
The scliool board meets tonight, Tues
day. Patrick Flynn, of Ilerrlck Center, was
a visitor In town yesterday.
Leslie La Uar has purchased of W. H.
Leek tin (property on Main street known
as the "Red Front."
The quarterly Father Matthew con
vention fo'; this dlstric'. was held in
Davis' operp house Sunday and was
well attended. An Interesting business
meeting was held and afterwards tin
enjoyable entertainment whs given.
If tho llaby Is Cutting Teeth.
Mrs. Wlnslow'n Soothing Syrup has
been used for over Fifty Years by Mil
lions of Mothers for their Children
while Teething, with Perfect Success.
It Soothes the Child, Softens the Gums,
Allays all Pain; Cures Wind Collo and
Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Hold
by Druggists In every part of Hi" world.
Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow'i
Soothing Syrup," and take no other
kind. Twenty-five rents bottle.
Mr. and Mrs. Mulford and family re
turned from Scranton lust evening-.
Mrs. Mulford spent two weeks In
Scranton with her children visiting rela
tives. Miss Susie Warner entertained a few
of her friends Frlduy evening. All re
port a delightful time.
Glen Guy, who visited his parents on
Church street through his vacation, will
return to State college Tuesday.
Teachers who have been absent from
Montrose visiting relatives and friends
are again at their posts and duties In
school, which opened Tuesday.
Will Reed, of Scranton, passed Sun
day In Montrose.
The atendance at the Christian F.n
deavor convention was comparatively
small, due entirely to the bad weather
which prevailed. Extensive prepara
tions had been made to make the con
vention a uccesB which It was In a
way. Many questions were ably dls
cuisd and much business done. Mer-
chants closed their stores ut 8 o'clock
to allow clerks to attend. Through the
day the stores were decorated with
flags and presented a line appearance.
Augustus McLean, of Kethlehem, wus
In Montrose several duys lust week.
Misses Mary und Jean Taylor are
visiting relatives In Wilkes-Kurre.
Prof, and Mrs. W.H. Wilson, of
Wilkes-Bane, were the guests of W.
A. Titsworth,' New Year's day.
Mrs. Kuphrasla Keeler and daughter,
Mrs. Kdwards, were the guests of Mrs.
D. T. Brewster last week.
Mrs. Arthur Raynsford and son Jack
are passing a few duys ut J. R. Rayns
foruYs. Mr. Raynsford spent Sunday
with his parents.
Prof. Stuart Jessup, of Woodbridge
preparatory-school. New York city, will
return to his duties Monday..
Miss Grace Smith was the guest of
her mother through the Christmas va
cation. The party given by Miss llessle Rey
nolds to a few of her friends on Satur
day evening was highly enjoyed.
County Auditors Tiffany. Shaw and
Travis are inspecting the commission
ers' books this week.
Hon. Ilensoii Wood, who Is a member
of congress from Illinois, came up with
his wife Saturduy to spend Sunday with
Mrs. Wood s bister. Mrs. 11. W. Bard
ttell. Mr. and Mrs. James L. attended
the funeral of the former's sister. Mrs.
Julius Kliitn.r. nt Meshoppeti Saiur
day. George W. Gray und son Charles, of
Philadelphia. arc visiting relatives here.
Dr. I K. Dornslfe has returned to his
medical studies nt Philadelphia.
Rev. Sprague Davis, pastor of the
Methodiht Kolscopal church at Havre,
Montana.'writcs to Inquire of the where
nbouts of one Alary I lui't.who once lived
In thin county, and was married In 1NTU
to W. II. Miller. The wedding ceremony
is supported to huve been performed by a
Justice of the peace named Kick, or
Fitch. Anyone ho can give any infor
mation concerning; her present location,
und us to whether she was ever di
vorced fi'om her husband will cotife'- a
favor by communicating with the above
mimed reverend Rctitleniun.
The sab' of the personal effects of the
late Oscar Conrad, of Auburn, which
was held les. week, occupied two duys
and wus largely attended. Ills, tragic
dentil In iti'l a mutter of much Specu
lation, there being three theo'-les con
cerning the mutter advanced, viz.:
Accident. suicide and ton play.
Whether there are any grounds for
la'.ter conclusion or not Is not deter
minable at this distance. t
Rivalry 11111011? milk buyers in this
section has led to the cai'ryliijr of 111....
fn 111 near Vosbiirfr station, on the Le
high Valley loud, tt cross county six or
eltfht miles to Lemon, where It is loaded
onto the Montrose road and transferred
to the Lehigh at TunkhiihhocK. about
live miles from its starting point.
"Phone" iiier-siiges on the new line to
KalotiviMe are twenty-live cents euch.
The line In in s'dcndld working order
and is proving a great convenience to
those v''o wish to communicate with
the west side hnnilet.
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs.
S. .1. Keating yesterday.
The household c'd'ects of K. W. Wood
ward, at Mefhotoien, were sold by the
sheriff yesterday. He seems to be un
fortunate in a business way. ns it is but
a few days since his stock of general
merchandise sintered n llke fate.
Anchor ice is running in tne river and
all ferry boats lme been abandoned.
Light skifrs are used wherever crossing
is 1111 absolute necessity.
There was a :"eiieral exodus yester
day among the students whose college
vacations had expired.
Klmer Detrlck, muster-elect of the
Wyoming county Pomona Grange, as
sisted by .Tunics Ilunnell, Installed the
ofllcers of Tunkhannock Orange Satur
day, after which a feast was spread ond
enloyed by those present.
Inventorying Is going on at the Peo
ple's store, prepatatory to making some
disnosition of th" stock.
The sheriff's sale of the personal
property of "'Illlnin Lesher, of Rus
sell Hill, which wus to huve occurred
today, has been nostponed to Monday,
the l:lth Instant. The sale of the George
Smith property. In Northmoreland
township, was also adiotirned to tne 14.
The Charles Welch sale. In Katun town
shin Is set down for Thursday next.
The will of the late W. A. Dana, of
Raton, was admitted to probate yester
day. Attorney James n. Frear Is
named us executor, und the widow Is
allowed '.he use of he entire property
during he" lifetime. At her death it is
to be divided ecuully among the chil
dren, subtracting such amounts us any
i f them may have received previous to
the death of the testator. A clause In
the will provides for tne education of a
grandson, w ho lived with Mr. Dana, and
stipulates that he Is to receive SLOW
upon attaining his majority.
K. C. Sharpe, of Forkston. was among
the business men here yesterday.
Deputy Coroner Perkins held an In
quest yesterday In the case of the three
men who were killed by the boiler ex
plosion nt Law shaft on Tuesday of last
week. Considerable Interest wus mani
fested In th investigation Into th"
causes leading to the explosion. I'Mal
ley's hull, in which it was held, was well
(Held. Deputy Coroner Perkins con
lllli'd. Deputy Cormier Perkins con
by Mine Inspector Hugh McDonnell.
Attorneys John MeOuhren and Sher
wood, of Wilkes-Hariv, also examined
the witnesses in the Interest of the
families of the men who were killed.
Two stenographers took the testimony
In full. The Jurors were Con McLaugh
lin, .lames Connolly, Henry Savannah.
Michael Fadden, M. J. Keup and John
The Jury will view the brokn boilers
nt Duumore on Thursday after which
they will render a verdict.
Peter Walsh, of Willow street, an
nounces himself as a candidate for bor
ough auditor In the Second ward on the
Democratic ticket. Mr. Walsh Is well
qualified for the otllce for which he as
pires and should he receive the nomina
tion there Is no doubt of his election.
St. Patrick's church fair, which began
Christmas night and has been drawing
large crowds every evening since, will
close tomorrow evening until the twen-
Hip Disease
Retulta from 1 acrofuloui tad lmpnr
condition of .ne blood, and It is oured by
Hood's SsrsaparUla
the great blood pu
rifier. The father
of Philadelphia
girl writes this. '
" We gv Hood's
Barsaparilla to oar
little girl, who had
ymptoms ot hip
disease. Sho could
not put her foot
down on the floor
when we com
menced giving her the medicine, but in a
abort time she waa able to get off the
couch and to reach her playthings. Since
then she has steadily improved, thanka to
Hood's Barsaparilla, and her general
health is all that could be desired.
When any of the other children are not
well we give them ' '
Hood's Barsaparilla
and we earnestly recommend It to others."
E. Bebbt, 208 Richmond St., Philadelphia.
Hood's Pills
mt Is tsks
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
tlcth of this month when It will be re
opened for three nights. Many valu
able articles arc chanced off each even
ing. Frank Lynch, of Lackawanna street,
left Saturduy to resume his studies at
Yale college.
Frank Merchant, who Is well known
In this vicinity, left yesterday for Potts
vllle where he has accepted a lucrative
F. 11. Mitchell who.hus been conduct
ing a newspaper store on Lackawanna
street for the past two years, has sold
out to go In partnership with his father
In the lumber business. Miss M. O'Con
nor will open a millinery store In the
place vacated by Mr. Mitchell.
Misses Minnie and Annie Hoban spent
Sunday with friends at Duumore.
Miss Lizzie Blewltt, of Plttstoti. spent
Sunduy with relatives at this place.
Thomas Patten and Sylvester Wil
liams are In the Held for the office of
councilman In the Second ward on the
Republican ticket.
Miss Nellie MeAndrews visited friends
In Hyde Purk over Sunday.
Trof. John K. Mccnwley. editor of
thePiieeburg Recorder, , who has been
ill for the past week. Is much better.
Tile Polish fulr still continues to at
tract lurge crowds each evening.
Misses Surah McGowan and Klin and
Mary Riley were visitors lit the ly
phant fair lust evening.
j The new eleitrlc light plant on Scott
I road Is nearly completed,
i Iterlen Kly was a visitor in Peckvll'.e
j on Sunday evening.
j Joseph Jones, of Dickson, Is erecting
I a neut dwelling house on Albert street.
1 Miss l.llv Palmer, of Curmtlit rtreet,
i hus returned to her studies ut Mansfield
1 State .Normal schoid.
I The employes of the Kddy Creek Del
aware und Hudson- colliery received
their monthly wages yesterday.
W. C. Giittln made u business trip to
Promptun yesterday.
George V. O'llura "attended the fall
In Archhald Inst evening.
Thomas J. Swift, of Archhald was u
caller in town Sunduy evening.
A number of our 'imminent citizens
contemplate the organisation of a new
water company. ,
llenjamln Heddoe and Mlt-s Sarah
Williams, both well known residents
of this iduce. were united in the holy
bonds of matrimony on last Saturday.
Rev. J. SutlilYe, of Plains, performed
the ceremony.
Rev. Iwauoskl, of the Polish fair. Is
Issuing n circular with the names of
all contributors and how much each
person donuted.
Flunk Wleland and Wallle Scutt vis
ited friends In Olyphant Sunday even
ing. .. .
Miss Nellie Shields entertained a
number of her young friends Friday
evening lust before returning to her
school duties at Rethleheni.
Ralph D. celebrated his
twenty-first birthday nt his home Fri
day lust, Jan. .1.
Andrew Walker and his friend Mr
Keating returned lo Columbia college.
New York, yesterday.
I his week will be observed as the
week of prayer In the Presbyterian
Miss Nellie Muck will entertain her
young friends this evening., the occasion
being her sixteenth birthday.
Hurry K.'WIlllums returned to his
school, Wyoming seminary, yesterday.
John Courtright. of Wuverlv, was a
caller in town lust Frlduy.
Miss Nellie Steinbuck Is visiting Miss
Genevieve Iiucon.
Mrs. G. A. Shoemaker, of Scranton,
visited her sisters. Mis. C. li. Williams
nnd Mrs. G. W. Niver lust Frlduy.
Our depot Is being treated to a new
coat of paint on the Inside.
Master William Wilcox and sister.
Kmily, of Scranton. were the guests of
their cousin. Ksther Wilcox, last week.
Fred Stephens Is recovering from his
severe lllneas.
.-. -
J. I'icrpont Morgan Ihinks All bond
PiMcrs Can Sccuro lioKI.
New York, Jun. . J. Plerpont Mor
gan, the head of the bond syndicate,
said this afternoon:
"I am not prepared to say what course
the syndicate will pursue. There Is 3d
days In which to think over the matter.
Famous Lung Healer and
Cough Cure.
Mr. Henry Mcrritl. tuercliaiit and
ex 'postmaster, Hains, Pa., writes:
"Ship me cne-half tross of the Dr.
Alexander Lung Healer at once. . All
sold out, and my trade will take no
For sale everywhere, Frlce 25c.
That you can 90: anywhere,
At one-half toe old p.-ice.
3:i L1C ( AMi AVE.
We have cleaned up about all our odil
and ends and sell thorn an rapidly an they
come In, but we wer lucky to catch on
another rniap. We cleaned up one mill of
underwear. There l no doubt you are
aware how we buy goodx; alwayn W cents
on the dullar, and give the benefit to our
trade. Thin sale Ik important, and if you
want to buy underyear, here you are.
69 dozen of mixtures, woolen underwear,
nice, clean staple gooda, at 25 venta each,
or CO cents for the suit.
Boys, from 24 to 34, any size, for 16
Cloaks, never In the history of this line
could you purchase a cloak- for the price
aa this seanon. Plain facts; the1 season
was unfavorable this year and the manu
516 Lackawanna Avenue.
No one has yet withdrawn from the syn
dicate. I do not see why people who
desire to bid for bonds should not he
able to get Rold. The syndicate has no
corner In It."
I'ligllsh tupitul for American Invest
Important to Americans reeking Eng
lish eapltul for new enterprises. A
containing the names anil sihlresMes of 2M
successful promoters who have Dlucad
over WlO.OOO.WKl sterling in forelBn Invest
nients within the last nix years, und over
18,000.005 for the reven months of lsST.
Price 5 or $J5, payuble by postal order
to the I.onilon and 1'niversal Bureau of
Investors, 20, ("heaps!, It-, London. K C
Subscribers will be entitled, by urruiigu
nient with the director :o receive either
personal or letters of introduction to any
of these successful promoters.
ThU list Is first class In every respect
and evry ir.un or llrni whose name iu
pears therein may be depended upon Kur
placing the following It will be founj In
valuable Honds or Sharen of Industrial
Commercial and Pinaii Inl t'oncenn'
Mortgage loana, Sale of LMids, Patents or
Clorenco KaynoUV I'ninily Frightened by
Spiritual .Manifestations.
Wayne, .Mich.. Jan. 6. The house oc
cupied by ('lurence lieynohls, 11 travel
in; inun. is sulci to be haunt, mI. The
former tenants, Charles Shaffer and
family, cluiui they left because of un
canny noises. Mrs. keynoldn paid 110
attention to '.hem. however, until the
stove (rrldille beiran tlylnir from the j
stove anil ruIliiiK on the Hour. Skeptical
neighbors cot-nt the cvenltic: with her,
but ull tl-111 lit h were removed when
chairs f.-ll over, dishes ruttlcil and un
seen hands played a tattoo 011 the stove.
Mrs. Keynolds Is so alarmed that file
will not stuy at home unh-ss there tire
three or four fib'tnls with her.
Condensed -Milk
Ren') 5 cent tor -mol park-i-ji
Fultla9 Chemioal Company. Eaitl
mors, Md,
Moosic Powder Oe
Rooms 1 and 2 Commovealtb Bld'fi,
I.tfllln It Rand Powder Co.T
Orange Gun Powder
Electrlo lotteries, Pnsoa for explod
ing blasts, Safety Fuse ana
fiepaono Chemical Co.'s High Explosive)
lDltlA U'vlttAB
Gn'ir.tee4 Cure far
and .11 RttdnliuK oilman,
bah yuuuj and lum i;
asei! m.'Ti .nd women. Tho
a. iff' I. VnlOM-i! of treucaimt. 1:'im;oi i. t,miMM
P. Nerrmifj Debility, KlRBIIy mi,lor., CoDDumptinn.
IiuuKlty, EihuuKMiii dral.-ianiid luc-i uf power ot iho Ueu.
ratirOri(nunlllUi'ii 0110 f.i-liiii7,buriiieai Mid mw.
Hage toquleklycurod by Iir. l:e.l rlrun Kpaitl.b rfr.
plltot. UrnkHI,l.ini,,frboicri; for awlth hT
jp.i n.r.iiic. 1. 1 Hrc -r rrfnirt ! ,,.
tr -.! r ' " f'-BIWS.niflwVnJK
For sale hy JOIIX H. PHKt.PS. Drut
Bint. Wyopi'ns- aw. anil Spnirp c'rect.
facturers were compelled to throw thfl
Boons upon the market. Prices were no
wCt,' We have a hoM " these good.
.00 cloaks, wc don't claim they are sylMi
but they are aooil for thla r-okl weathe
and when you get one for $2, any rtze
from 32 to 42, In black blue only.
We have some stylish coats also, but
style always costs something, which ve
will sell you In black blue or any other
color, short coat, for $4.99.
Have you seen our black cloth cape?
Not equaled in price nor in quality, only
J3.S9, for ten days.
We have not time to rite ad. We have
the biggest bargains you have ever seen In
shawls, blankets and wool-knit goods and
If you,' were inclined to invest you would prefer
dealing' with responsible and reliable parties.
We know you, would.. Mauy years of practical
experience and a . thorough knowledge of all
the requirements in the trade count for some- ;
thing when you require assistance in selecting.
e e
We have a complete line of all the grades.
Wiltons, Axminsters, Hoquettes, Velvets,
Brussels, Tapestry and Ingrains,
at prices which defy competition.
Lackawanna Ave.
For Heavy Structural Work.
' 99 PnmrnAllUfalth RMrr CnrontAn Di TalanhAiia AO1)
" WUIIIillUlinMIIIII WIUKii WWIQIIIUili m. I SIDflllUlla Tlta
SCRANTON AND WILKES-8ARRE, PA., Manufacturers of
Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers,
PTtTTtB IBM CO loo'p. CrBlljMOJo
wain clso shok iw tmI woRUi
"A toiler Msed U a HoUmr mth."
TMlIaaMM' laltd Fwck Doff K M T
nr. Boot dtttwW baa Mirwaoa la u U.S.,a
faartptolUart. Maaay Oirtar,
ar Foalal Mata tar tlM.
Kanala awry a b koota
Mid ia all Mteil nana far
l.'.W. Wa raaka thU boat
oaraalTsaa, UMtafore wa fucw
mm wa jh, nw aaa .Mr.
tad li any ana u aot awlwlat
vi win mail wa mniwip
raandarraiMryair. Opwr.
Taa or Goamoa 8nta,
wtataa v, li, k, bb.
k aim 1 to i aad kal
Bum ywr M
IWi Qufic PnW3 FEBEMl ST..
SfcM MnM (a Ptmimn.
11 fai.Tl.
1 iii-aiia Prrii
Is there a home sa completely furnished and decorated as to
need notliiuu?
Is there a hojie-ifiaker indiiicrciit to Kconoiny aad Elegance?
"No!" is the answer to both questions. Then it follows that
the bargains in Furniflire, Carpets, Upholstery and the like now
current here should cMnman J the interest of all housekeepers.
(li It's there If awfully cheap.) '
Reduced froai 911 to S7.S(l. from SSOto i'SJ, cud Faury Chaira anil Hooker. ChriitmM dnt-
ten .imilar reJuctioiis Laewen. that '.all. llnductiona great aa on otliar
Mahogany, Curly Birch r.nd Ahtitine Oak, i
!J to - L to . IK to JK. D'ro (we-jint I
hull. . j
Srai?ht cut to bnlf-11-' tn i,l. in ta V. SS i
to $4, 7 to t'3 ;.tl. SU to $4. Si.Su (u SJ 70. Some
upholstered, soma woud Boats; all 1 hole 3 cud
finely flnixhed.
DON'T FREEZE Get an Ulster on credit "pay a litt!
at a time" to our Clothing Department.
225 AND 227 AND
Opposite The Wyoming House.
QeneraJ Office: SCRANTON,
CALL UP 3612.
M. W. COLLIN8, M'g"
I coods.
Conditions of This Sale: