The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 07, 1896, Page 6, Image 6

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fCopyrtglit, INS, by Bachollcr. Jobnsou an-i Bacuell.T.
A tno!. I lloin loun, ii elurk on a small sal
ary in the forilKi otllco at London, Ih 011
Kaeil to be married- to handsome Bella
Oai'suilin, who, with lur mother, la ohliKtd
to knot) up uppenrancen In very reduced
circumstance!-. Hella believes that she
loves Ariu.l.l. but l UhwillliiK to marry
him mull he isds u more lucrative por
tion, which his Influntlal uncle, Lord
lrilllnxhHin. has nromlwd to obtain fur
him. Lord Drlllliiiliani nettled the mat.
ter, and Arnold propones to Bella thul he
and hi cousin Kate, Lord DrllllnKhain's
(laughter, pretend to be eim-aged. with the
i'lea of Increasing his iinrli's Interest In
ol.luinliiK un appoint ment. She (onsen's
and he aoes down to lieercotirl to ar
range tile matter with Kate.
It wan thwu-uuai'lerii of an hour l"
fbr thev rose, nnil he- hud had to ex
haust ull his eloquence to kuIii the di
alled vesult. Still It wan gained now.
Kute guve lilni lier hand and they
turned back towtmlH, the huiiae to
gether. '. , . ,
Well. I will help you," nlie Mild.
I.ut mind, whether pupil consents or
not. noboily Ih to know! It Is to bo u
trlitly prlvute Vnsapn'ineiit' while II
lust. Papa, you and I nobody ele
must hear of It."
"till, of course, not." he suld. Rrule
fully. "I am Immensely obliged to you.
Kate; you tire dolus 'me an encirniuiis
service that I shall never forget."
"When Hhall I speak to him?" usked
the girl.
He hesitated. connlderintr.
"It is for you to decide." she re
minded him. "I have promised compli-
nee, ami I will play my part to him
jiroperly 'you run depend on me bill
the plan of actionals yours; you direct
the uffulr, remember!"
Yen," he ald. "Well. I should sptak
to him as kooii as 1 o, 1 think. I mip
ioae It would be better for me to pi
flnt. wouldn't It? If he l ImllRiintit.
and -wi ll. If he absolutely refuses to
entertain my pivlenslons. I would rath
er hear of It, by letter It would be leas
"And It will Rive him time to think it
over." observed .Miss Drilllntrhaiii
"Yes, I fancy you hail better go first,
I will confess my 'wild adoration' after
your departure."
He looked ut her anxiously,
f "You'll throw a little warmth Into
It?" ho questioned. "Your tone doesn't
oitnd anient Just now."
"Oh, this Ih between ourselves. To
papu I shull be as sentimental as you
can desire. Well, louk here; go back to
town tonight and I will write to you to
morrow." "You will idle It up?"
"I will pile it up, as you call it, earn
estly. Don't have any iiiIskIvIiiks about
me. If the plan falls. It will not be
thrown uny fault of mine, 1 assure
"You're a brick!" he said. "1 shall
be on tenter-hooks till I hear from you.
And let me thank you In Bella's name
as well as my own! You are helm?
quite u benevolent fairy, Kate; it Is
plemlld of you!" !
He was In truth confident of success.
In ImnKlnatlon he already saw himself
walking up the nave of St. (ieorge's,
Hanover miume. with Miss (.'arstalrs in
her bridal dress; and on the Jouurney
up to Kuston he decided where they
would live, and If they should have a
flat or a house, and many other details
which were premature.
The morrow passed without any let
ter reaching him from his fellow-conspirator,
but on the next day but inli
ne received two notes which brotttrht
Ids heart up into his throat,
Th' first was from Miss Kate an
nouiicliiK that her father had taken
the news "fairly well;" the other was
from Lord iJilllliiKlinin himself askliiK
him to go down to Ueercourt again.
llopctoun positively trembled with
eueuefise. N?plthi.i' ..nlull.. n huufuil
any precise Information, and it was Im
possible to determine what the term
"fairly well" might signify, lie de
rived the most encouragement from his
uncle's Imitation (though even that
Inlght be only a courteous preliminary
to a snub), und after a Hying visit to
liampsteud he took his courage In both
hands and bought another railway
.Lord lh'iilingham was in the library
when he arrived, and Arnold, disap
pointed In his-expectation of having a
word with Kitty tlrst, entered with
"Ootid morning, sir," he said, "this is
very kind of you. 1 won't affect to lie
Ignorant thut my cousin has told you
of our love for each other, und 1 thank
you-for your letter." .
Uiillingluini waved a white, hand to
wards an arm-chair.
' "Let us chnt," he said. "Kate has
eurprlse'd me very much. I had no idea
uf this, none at all!. .Yes,. 1 am sur
prised, and. you won't mind my suy
liig, Arnold, thut I am not exactly over
Joyed?':. ...
"Naturally," said his nephew; "no 1
rould not hope for you to be overjoyed."
His fall'ii'g-H was delicious.
"As a man uf the worid you see it.
Kate plight haVe married anybodyI
say 'anybody' udvlsedly. I know that
J.udy Daniel- will resent this attachment
of hers bitterly. It Is not what we
looked for no, no!" He paused, and
delicately (licked off the ash from his
cigar. "At the same time," he con
tinued, while Hopetoun gazed at him
helplessly, "ut the same time Kate Is a
girl of remarkably strong sense. She
resembles the Drllllugliams in both
wuysher Intellect, and In her beauty;
1 am not disposed to thwart Kate."
"You are ver good." said Hopetoun.
"1 like you, too 1 am very fond of
you. my boy, as I think you know, i uni
endeavoring to serve you otlirlally I
want to see you make your way in the
World." -;
"Then 'you do not refuse? I I may
x "What t propose Is this. Take a few
months, both of you, to make, certain
you huve not mistaken your own
minds. In the menntihe the matter
-need not lie made public, and 1 will con-
tinue my efforts on your behalf. Coin
tiown Jhern us often as you like. See
each other as much ns you like after
you return to town. It can bo an on
HHS"llient to all- Intents and purposes
fur the present, and' by and by if you
i. . ....
1 Vfuticura
ravreirsa bam a Cat. C5ao-
are both still sure of yourselves. It ran
be announced to the world. Does that
satisfy you?"
"It delights me," declared Arnold,
truthfully. "It Is most generous of
you. I thank you deenly, sir."
"Then." said lord Drilllngham. "go
out to Kitty, who Is doubtless Impa
tient to see you! Anil If you will be so
good pull down that blind tlrst; I think
I rould manage a nap If I tried."
Arnold found her in ihe morning
room, and seized both er hands and
wrung them.
"Best of cousins!" he exclaimed,
"most brilliant of diplomatists! How
did you do It ?"
She smiled cordially.
"I'm glad to have Ferwd you," she
said. "And I don't think you nec-d an-
kato (iocs to the Station with Hopetoun.
tlclpate any iucl; of zeal on papa's part
now. To my own knowledge he has
written two letters about you already."
"You you treasure! Kute. 1 should
like to wire the glorious news to Bella.
Will you stroll us far us the station?"
"With pleasure." she said, "If you
don't want to intrust the message to a
servant. Wait two seconds while u put
on my hat. You may claim your ex
cited spirits with a cigarette if you
He did. nor was she much longer
than two seconds. Passionately in
love us he was, he rould not help re
membering Ihut he lady of his abdora
tion ulways kept him waiting twenty
nil miles under similar circumstances.
Now that he plot has been carried
out. his emburrussment in the matter
hud vanished, anil lie found himself
talking to his cousin as frankly about
It as If she hud been Miss Curstuirs her
self. They extended their stroll Into
a neighboring village, and had ginger
beer und penny buns hot from the oven
in a primitive cake shop,
"This is a very good Idea," said Kate,
looking ut him across the table. "It's
funny I've never done It before and
I've walked into the place a hundred
times. Whut do you think of it? Do
you give your 'divinity' ginger beer
and penny buns?"
"No no," he said. "She no."
It was curious, but it hud pust oc
curred to lilni that Bella would not huve
thought such u proceeding coiunie il
fa lit. or even possible. If lie Intd sug
gested taking her Into a village baker's
and there sitting down between a bas
ket and a pile of loaves, she would
have thought he was joking
"No," he suld, "I suppose it was an
unconscious reminiscence of tramps I
used to have with a fellow I lived with
before I was engaged. You have proved
yourself such a jolly 'chum.' Kitty, that
I am beginning to forget you're a wo
man." Miss Drillinghnm laughed.
"Since the world was created." she
said, "did ever a llance muke such u
horrible statement on the llrst day of
the engagement before!"
Hopetoun laughed too, but a little
confusedly. "You understand what I
mean." he exclaimed; "it is a compli
ment." "Of course I understand; yes. it Is
a compliment, and I appreciate it. I
should like to be a chum of yours, Ar
nold! I don't know if it's the secret
bond of sin that Is drawing us together,
but I Und you quite nice this morning
more conipanloable than usual."
"I Hatter myself." said Hopetoun,
"that you always found me nice, or
I would never have hud the pluck to
usk your co-operution as I did."
" 'Nice,' oh, yes; but there Is 'nice'
and 'nice.' It's one of our words, you
know men don't realize Its richness
a bit. There Is 'nice' that means 'pretty
well.' and the 'nice' thut means-"
"That means-" repented Hopetoun.
"That means 'a deur boy!' It all de
pends on the inllectlon."
"And a.m I of the second and su
perior ntceness? May I dare to think
I am considered 'a clear boy?' "
"You may arrive ut it if you perse
vere," said Ills cousin. "Iuy for the
buns and ginger beer. Klght pence
is it possible? Arnold. I've enjoyed
the gorgeous repast more than any
thing I've eaten for years, and It cost
eight pence! Wonderful"
They hud spoilt their appetite for
luncheon, but the meal was u cheerful
one, notwithstanding. Drilllngham, re-
"I Snpposa You Ought to Stay n Week."
freshed by his siesta, and the termina
tion of the parental responsibility
which hud so suddenly been put upon
him. was lighthearted und Joe ulnr. He
listened to their account of the morn
ing's walk with amusement, observing
that Kate wus qualifying herself for an
economical menage, und that no man
rould complain of a wife who was con
tented with buns and ginger beer. Some
little embarrastnent was caused by his
remark, but not unpleasant embarrass
ment. luter he suggested thut the two
young people would readily excuse him
If he went for a canter during the after
noon, and Hopetoun began to be in
wardly tickled by the iosiilun of af
fairs, although he already foresaw that
an apology would be due from him to
his putative betrothed.
He made, It at once, as soon as he
found themselves alone Inthn billiard
"I hope yon don't find It wearisome."
he said. "I'm afraid while I'm down
here, you will lie expected to see rather
a good deul of me."
"I fear thnt unavoidable," she re
turned, demurely." But then, when the
people eome. you'll have to go away, or
everybody will suspect and chatter."
"Why. yes, of oours" said Hopetoun;
"I didn't think of that. When do your
first batch arrive?"
"Not for nearly a month. Still, you
ran go long before then, you see. Your
onerous duties will recull you."
"I suppose 1 ought to stay a week or
I shan't look fond of you?"
"Yes." answered Kate. "1 think un
der the circumstances it would look re
markable if you tore yourself away
from me sooner than u week. How
ever, we understand each other, and we
need not huve such protracted, tete-a-tetes
as papa Imagines, you know, and
when we are together you can read, or
write love letters to Miss Carstairs. I
Fay. show me what 'spot stroke' Is.
will you? One In ulways hearing about
It. and I haven't the faintest Idea fhat
It means."
(To be continued.
llurlng the third week hi December HI"
mill oh. Ih Increased T.-li per cent, in grofs
A company to control the distribution of
the New York ami New Jersey potato crop
has been formed.
National bank circulation on Dee. 31 was
il;i.iK7,SJI. an increase of 7,lH,li during
the yeur.
The average tide price of anthrucl'.e
stove coal In li". wan M.tW per ton ns com
pared with tl.Ol In ls'Jt und fl.l!) in 13.
The uiimiul order of Ihe Pennsylvania
Railroad ccmpaii.v for rails Is expected
In u short lime. The IVim.sylvuiila s;i 1
company ulways gels une-fouith of Ihe
There is more pig Iron In the yards of
the tvniisx Ivania S'.eel company now
than for yeurs and the mocks la still be
ing incivased. Besides the accumulation
or iron from the full operation of Ihe
four furnaces, large quantities are being
received from Ihe S;airo Point fur
naces. Saturday the employes of the Pennsyl
vania Sieel works were paid TO.Suo for
work done Dec. 1-1.". In comparison Willi
the llrst puy day of IX!ij. Suturday, the
llrst of lk'.HI, Is nearly $'.t).UUU ahead, the roll
Jan. WX, lieing VUMma. During 1 Stt.".. de
spile ihe inauspicious opening, the works
were busier than was ever known before
and three times the pay rolls climbed
above Ihe Slun.onu mark, while Ihe number
of men employed reui hed Ihe unprecedent
ed total of 4.750. The shipments were the
Krcalesl ever known at th works and
(he outputs of departments, notably the
open hearth, which one month was lti.iwu
tons, rail and slab, were beyond ull pre.
lcius llgures.
Kxtenslve preparations ure being made
at i lie ICo lib colliery at Luzerne borough
prior to starting work. A large I rem It
Is being erected from Ihe mountain side
to Ihe head of the breaker. Over this
coal will be conveyed from the tunnels
in the mountains. The breaker Is being
lilted with all the lutesl machinery. The
new tunnel, which was recently slart-il,
is being pushed rapidly and under calla
ble management will no doubt send out
a lot of coal. Everything will soon he
In readiness to make a sturt and a num
ber of miners ami others are looking lor
ward with anxiety to that time.
Philadelphia Stockholder: An attempt
Is being made to make the stock of the
Hcranton Traction company active in the
Philadelphia Stock lOxt-hauge. The tlrst
mortgage bond of the company are quite
generally held III Ihis city, and are re
garded as gooil us uny dealt In here. The
earnings of the company are excellent,
and are likely to increase rather than
otherwise. The territory covered Is pro
ductive of stability of earnings. Tost of
operation, moreover, Is comparatively nom
inal, wilh the Item of coal hardly a fuc
lor. The uiuiiauenietit very wisely makes
full statements of the company's opera
tions at frequent Intervals, and thus in
vites colllldellt'e.
In a paper on the economical equipment
anil operating of power houses for street
lallways, by II. S. Newton, of Syracuse, it
is staled that ut Syracuse the best coal
was found to lie anthracite buckwheat,
costing on hoard cars delivered ut Ihe
station $L'.Ji". per gross ton. Dust anthra
cite was found to lft through the burs;
when mixed with an equal quantity of
soft coal It worked well, but necessitated
ihe help of an extra man ns mixer, ami II
is not so economically fired. Thirteen
tons of buckwheat per day are used,
where II was necessary to use seventeen
or eighteen tons of the mixture.
The coul ha Hilling business at c'oxton Is
rushing. Orders have been Issued to for
ward all coal westward as rapidly us pos
sible, on account, il Is said, of an ex
pected Increase ill coal rates on ihe west
ern roads
William T. Lacey, formerly a foreman
tit the Keystone colliery at .Miner's Mills,
hut lately engaged in mine contracting Ht
Soul li Wilkes-ltarre, where he resides,
has acccpied the position of Inside fore
man at .Miner c'o.'s Westminster colliery
near YatesvHIe, und entered upon his du
ties on l-'rhlay.
Work has been In progress for some time
past on a new fun at the Hoyt shaft of
Ihe Pennsylvania Coal company at lilts,
ton, und it Is now In operation, says the
(iazeltc. The mine Is quite gu"eoi!K. and It
was deemed advisable to erect the new
conjunction with the old fan. The fan
house Is of brb-k almost entirely, the
girders In that portion where the air cir
culates us It cumes from the mines being
is twenty feet ill diameter, und il has a
capacity of about H4.IKKI feet of a!r each
minute. Hivcral feature of the plan of
the new fan ure of special Interest, by
reason of the fact that they are here
adopted for the llrst time by tin- Penn
sylvania company. There are two brick
passageways through which air Is drawn
from the -J. aft to -the fan, anil at the
entrance to euch of these passages Is
a massive Iron door. One Is 14x4 feet In
size, and the other about Hx-V These
are so sel on upright axles us lo work
automatically If anything should occur
lo slop the fan. Thus if the new fan
should be Injured, the old fan would be
stinted and the change In the current of
ll I r would of itself be siltHclent to close
Ihe lion doors leading to the idle fan,
and vice versa, since it is the Intention
of the company lo place a similar a"
rangement in the old fan. Should thi
doors fall to operate aiitomatlcaly, levers
running from the enuine house will enable
the eiuilneer lo open or close the doors
with but little effort. The Idea Is to
make If possible to change from using
one fan to the other with the least pos
sible delay. It Is hoped, too, that the
to fans will work together Is such be
desired. In a Ilkes-Hai re shaft a some
whai similar urrungemenl is proving vcy
satisfactory. The new fan will be an
important addition to the equipment to
Ihe Hoyt shufC. and lis operation is be
ing watched wilh Interest- by the com
pany's ultlriuls. The fall has been In
operaloli for several days, in order to
get the machinery working smoothly,
but has not yet been connected with the
WoulJ Siirclv Disagree.
From Ihe San Francisco Chronicle.
A man was on trial in Luke county re
cently on a charge of grand larceny. He
was accused of stealing a hog. An old
rancher whose Interest in the case was due
lo the fact that he owned a big drove of
hogs; listened attentively to the impanel
ling of Ihe Jury, and then left the court
room wilh undisguised disgust.
"What's the matter, Sam?" inquired an
"The jury's goln' to disagree," he de
clared emphatically.
"What makes you think so?"
"Think? I dou'i ihlug anything about
It. I know It.
"Well. then, how do you know It?"
"Wi 11, they've not six hog men that raise
hogs and lour men that i know has stole
hogs on that Jury, an' nobody ever know'd
a hog raiser an' u hog chief as would agree
on a hog case."
At the Horse Show.
First Horse What the deuce did von shy
for just as we passed the Judges' stand.
That loses us the ribbon.
Second Horse I didn't shy. I turned
around to look ut C'hollle Van Antwerp's
buttonhole. I couldn't make out whether
it was made of carnations or horseradish,
-Harper's Hazar.
Chicago Live Stock.
I'nion Stock Yards, 111.. Jan. (!. Cattle
Receipts. 1.1.ISI0 head; market, strong and
in some cases fllnhtly higher; common to
extra steers, H.i'm4.7."i; stockera and feed
ers, $L'.7.".a:'..7."i; cows und bulls, il.JOaX.i":
Texans. 3a4.U. Hogs ftecelpts, 4tUW
head; market strong and 5 cents higher;
heavy packing and shipping lots, W.T.a
3.S7l: common to choic mixed t3a.V7';
choice assorted. l.KOa3.8.,; light, $J.rt.'m3.t--"-:
plus, $'.'.Nia:l.7."i. Sheep Receipts. 17.'H
head; market strong, lambs IH cents high
er; inferior to choice, l.'al.ii'i; lambs, $X."iUa
4.7.1. ,
Oil Market.
Oil City, Pa.. Jan. C.-OH opened. 1.49;
highest, lowest and closed, $1.49 bid.
Standard's price. Il.ja.
"Mow to Cures All Skin Diseases."
Simply apply "Swayne'a Ointment."
No Internal medicine required. Cures
tetter, eczema. Itch, all eruptions on the
face, hands, nose, ete., leaving the skin
clear, white and healthy. Its great
healing and curative powers are pos
sessed by no other remedy. Aak your
deuu-vlHt for Sn-avnp'i OltiCttjatit .
w ,.-
Wall Street Hevlew.
New York. Jan. ft Wall street's fflt
Impulse ut the opening or business at ine
Stock Kxchunge was to buy stocks. Sec
retary Carlisle's rail for bids for bonds
having been favorably received. A rise of
' to 2'i per rent, followed. In which To
bacco. Sugar, the Grangers. Manhattan
and Western I'nion were most prominent..
The more the street looked Into the new
bond call, however, the less It liked it,
and during the greater part of thrtsesston
liquidations were quite pronounced, flank
ers were not disposed to talk about the
matter and it was Impossible to obiulu
anything official as to the attitude of the
Morgan syndicate. Statements were cur
rent that John A. Stewart, of he t'nlteil
States Trust company, intended forming
a new combination to take a block of these
bonds, but this rould not be conrtrmed.
About the only thing about which there
seemed to be any unanimity had been ex
tended for another thirty days. In the
afternoon trading there was renewed pres
sure to sell on the announcement from
Washington thut the senate nuance com
mittee had adooted a free coinage with
the Sugar schedules. The statement that
Lazard Freres and L. Von Hoffman Sc
Co,, intended forwurdlnx 'the l.a0,00o
gold which had been detained here on
London orders by next Wednesday's
steamers also hurt the market In the late
trading. The impression is that further
large amounts will lie shipped during the
coming thirty days. The decline in stocks
ranged from 1 to S per cent, outside of
Metropolitan Traction, which fell a to
SL'aW. The 'lartlcularly weak spots were
the Orangers, Coalers, Industrials, Vun
derbllt's, Louisville and Nashville, West
ern I'nlun, the Southewestern's and Man
hattan. In the specialties. Cleveland, Lo
laiue and Wheeling, preferred, broke I
to 4'. The market ill the closing dealings
was weaker than at any other time of the
day. Net changes show losses of to
per cent, in the active Issues und 1 to ti
per cent, in the inactive stocks. Total
sales were 314.408 share.
Op'n- f'los
ing. line.
American Cotton Trust 17 Pi-'i
Atchison and Santa Fe I4 13
I'anaila .Southern 4K-1, 4-c
Central of New Jersey H7 fi
ChlcuKO and Northwestern '.W HT.'i
Chicago. Hur. tjulncy 7 7:S
liiicugo Has tH"i
Chicago, .Milwaukee V Si. Paul. l,
Chicago. It. 1. & Pucltlc
t'hlc, St. Paul & Omaha :!4 iU
C. C, C. & St. L :(.-, 34',
I list. Cattle Feeding Co K 14i
Delaware und Hudson -.M'4 l:qi
Dela., Lack, and Western Lis l.o'i
lieneral Klectrlc ir, 231
Lake Shore 13(i.j
Louisville and Nashville 43' 4I'J
.Manhattan ivi toe's
Missouri Pucltie jM'js .';):-,
National Lead Trusl 24s i'.t
N. Y. N. K 4.K4 43',
New York Centrul Has, 4
New York, Luke Ki le & Western 13 IV
New York. Ontario Western... 1:!", IS'j
Northern Pacific, prferred 11S 114
N. A 41, 41,
Pucltlc Mull ii
Philadelphia and Heading 3"t 1",
Sugar Trust toct lhl'i.
Texas Pucltlc x 7'B
Tennessee Coal and lion 2it
I'lilon Pacillo 4 4
Wabash, preferred W la1.
Western l'liion x;i4 sii,
W. L. K., common 10", lo'..
W. L. K preferred 35'4 XT.'i
Leather 01 ao
Tobacco mil, 77
Southern Hallway 'Ji;', i7"i,
Op'n- High- Low- Clos-
WI1KAT. lug, est, est. Ing.
May tio'4 a
May IV, USA an. uyv
May li, isi.i 191. llii,
May !i.47 S.iij H.47
May S.72 5.80 5.72 5.75
May 4.71 4.S0 4.7.1 4.W
Scranton Board of Trade Kschatige Quotations-All
Quotations Uascd oa fur
of 100.
Name. Bid. Aked.
flreen ItlclBe Lumber Co 110
Dime Dep. A UIm. Hank 13U
Hcranton Lace I'ui taln Co 'A
National BorliiK & In tllliiKl'o. ... o
h'lrst National Hank ulo
Thiiron t'oul Land 'o W
ncraui'jn jar tv stopper l"U L'.i 1
Hcram.on Ohms Co lu
tiprliiK i.rook Water Co lifi I
Klmhurrt Koulevard Co Knl j
Hcranton Axle Works to I
Third Nutlonal Bank VM ... j
l.ui ka. Trust and Safe Dep. Co ... ICO 1
Scrunton I'ackiuR Co 9"'j
Hcranton Savings Hunk 200 ... !
Lacka. Iron & Steel Co 1
Weston .Mill Co i-yi 1
Hcranton Traction Co
lionta I'late Glass Co Ml
Scranton Car Keplaeer Co jiio
BOXD8. j
Hcranton Glass Co !iw
ticrantor. l'ass. Hallway, llrst
inortijagc clue 1918 no
Sjranton Trac tion Co k,
people's Street Hallway, tlrsi
mortuaKe due 110
hcranton A Plttston Trac. Co 90
People's Htreet Hallway, Sec
ond tnortitaKe due I'X'0 110 ...
Lacka. Vulley Trac. Co., first
niorttrnnc due 18i 90
Dickton .MunufacturinK Co UKI
Lacka. Tow nship ScRool 0 Iitj
Citv of 8crnnton Street Imp ... lnj
Scranton Axle Works
New York Produce Market.
New York, Jan. 6. Klour Generally
steady, nuli'l. Winter wheal Low arailes,
do. fair to fancy. K.&M.'M; do.
patents, J:i.4.'ia3.7."i; .Minnesota clear, 2.'n
3. In; do. stralKhts, $.lu3.;f.'; 1I0. VMtents, J. I.'.a
4.10; low extras, J.'.i'iaii.tir.; city mills. ti.&M
4; 00. patciy.s, H.:H'.i4.1:; rye mixture, i
tuMOa:!.!; super-tine, KMOaiMw: line, Ja2.;i.
Southern ollur tulet. steady; common lo
fair extra, S-.luiSa: good lo choice, lo..
$L'.9na:t; rye Hour quiet, steady. Wheat 1
Kalrlv active, easier; No. 2 red store ami '
elevator. iBI'v.: atloal. 171c; f. o. b.. KM s
Th'jc. : iiliRrailPd red. I'laiJc.; No. 1 north-
ern, (Sc.; options fairly active and irregu- ;
jar. ciosliiK' easy at e. decline; January,
sH(i'.; February, KT'.c; .March, 0c.; .May.
(ici'sc: July. (ki!4c. Corn Dull, tlrtn; No. 2
nt":i4:!4C elevator; S.V.C Hlloat; options,
dull unci llim at ,h14c. uilvan.e on local
covering- ami better west: January, 34Tsc.;
February. .Wic; -May. Mi:: July. :!5-V.
( lata Unlet, II: ni: options, dull. Ilrm; Jan
uary, Sl'iC; February, ftc. ; May, 24'sc;
spot prices. No. 2 lit Wtr. ; No, 2 while, I
24' e. ; .No. 2 ChlcaKO, 2c. ; o. X at 22-V'. ;
No. .1 white, '.'S'-jc. : mixed western, 2S,j:i
241.c: white do., 24a27c; white stale, 24a
27i"; feed bran, .rii'vii(i2'...c.; middlings, tif.a
"He. Beef (Julet. stenily; family, tivalii.aci;
extra mess, $7.."i0a.H.."iii. Beef hams Dull;
$K"i..'ji. Tlereed beef (Julet: city extra In
dia mess, fl'i.fiUul". Cut meuts Steady ;
pickled bellies, 4:l4c. : pickled pioulders,
4Kic.; pickled hams, KuHV-i middles, nomi
nal. Lard Slow, tinner; western steam,
ii.7."i; city, $"; January, 15.75. nomi
nal; red ned. quiet; continent, ttl.ll); South
America, $(i.4l); compound, 4S,auc. Pork
Moderate demand, firmer: mess. $9."iUalo.
Mutter Fancy, linn; do. creamery, ISa2c. ;
do. June, lVa21lre.: do. factory. loal7c. ;
I'.lulns, 25c; Imitation creamery, 1 la 19c:
'roily-, 9alc. Cheese (Julft, firm: state
lai'Ke. 71iiiluc.: 'lo. fancy, saHl". : do.
small. 74alUisc. : western small. 94alne.;
part skims. :i'4a7.-.; full skims, 2a3c. F.kks
Choice, firm; state and Pennsylvania.
20a2(ic. ; southern. 21a24c. ; ice noue17a2i ;
do. case, $4a4.aO; western flesh, 22a25c. ;
limed, 17'alV.
Buffalo Live Stoek.
Buffalo. X. Y., Jan. . Cuttle Steady
for lieuvy export street steers, 10 to la
ctnta hiKher for ull olher Kiades; prime
heavy steers, $4.40a4.rti; good to choice,
S4.3.'a4.4(l: fair to medium. l.!)al.2a; Unlit
butchers', fcl.tsia3.fc0: Kood to choice cows
and heifers, S3.60a4; UkIH 10 aood fat gutcn- ,
ers' bulls, $2.3Ta:.l.i; icood feeders, S3.4au
3.55; fair to choice atockers. $2.40a:t.i;i; ;
veals, llghl and common, t"a7. Hons
Fairly active and strontt; mixed packers,
mediums and good weight Yorkers, $4.05; .
fair 10 good heavy tugs, Jlu4.Ho; pigs and
light Yorkers, $4.(:a4."7'5; roUKhs. H.2.M.; stags, $2.75a3.15. Sheep anil lumbs
Active and strong tor sheep, lambs steady
and firm; good to choice mixed ewes and
wethers,; light fair to good. $J.7ia
3: fair to good lambs. $4.(5a4.u: extra. &a
5.10; light to fair, i4.10a4.25; culls and com.
men, &!.75a3.75.
Toledo Grain Market.
Toledo. Jan. 6. t'lose. Wheat tleceipts,
10.UW bushels; shipments. 6.HU0 bushels;
easier; No. 2 red cash, (Wic; May, HS'i:;
July, (ijc.: No. S red cash. tide. Corn Re
ceipts, liUuo bushels; shipments. 19.mi
busbels; dull; no ira.llnK. Oats Receipts
none; shipments. 2.UUU; nothing doing-.
I'loverseed Kecelpts. none; shipments,
410 bags; ttrm; March. Si.45.
Philadelphia Tollotr Market .
Philadelphia, Jan. (.Tallow Is steady,
but dull. We quote: tlty. prime, in hogs
heads. 3V-: country, prime. In barrels,
3'ic; do., dark, in barrels, 3'jaJc. ; cakes,
4',c. ; grease, 3!jc,
Mr. William Thornton, of 127 W. Marker
Street. Explains How and
W hy He Did It.
'From the Elmlra Oaette.l
Old age ha many Infirmities, none
of which are more prevalent than kid
ney disorders. Have you ever noticed
how the old people complain of back
ache, lamo back, and general Ustless
ness? And there are many oilier symp
toms of which they do not apeak, such
as bloating of the limbs, ralnful and In
frequent urination or exeesslveness of
urinary discharge. Most people think
they are too old to find relief and cure,
but this is not so. No belter evidence
than the following, which comes from
an Klmira ritlien. who has been cured
of a very severe case at 77 years of age.
Mr. Wm. Thornton, of 1 West Market
street, speaks of his case in this way:
"l am 77 years old. 1 have been af
flicted with that dreadful complaint
tkidney disease) for over ten years,
musing my old age a burden. I was
so bad aa to be forced to carry a bell
at all times, and. when my suffering
became beyond endurance. I would put
on the belt, drawing it tightly around
me and buckle it. thus bringing an ex
treme pressure over the kidneys: this,
undoubtedly forced the urine out. a
function which the kidneys themselves
had become too diseased to perform.
My condition 1 put down to a strain I
received. I began taking Doan's Kid
ney Hills. After two or three days I
noticed their effect. I was much sur
prised, as the ailment was so severe
and so long standing, while I hud tried
many remedies without uny relief what
ever. The pain 1 have experienced at
times from straining In my efforts to
discharge the urine was simply uwful.
I have done away with the use of my
leather belt, and the pain has all gone,
and I recommend Doan's Kidney Pills
to all afflicted with kidney and urinary
For sale by all dealers or sent by mall
on receipt of price by FoBter-Mllburn
I Co., Buffalo. N. Y sole agents for the
; Vnlted States.
J Superior Face Bleach,
pjsltl?e!y Ettsmes All Fadal BkmisbJi
No more Freckles, Tan, Sunhurn. Black
heads, Liver Spots, P.mples und Sallow
Complexions If ladles will use my Su
perior Face Pleach. Not a rosmetlc, but a
medicine which acta directly on the skin,
removing all discoloration, an one of the
greatest purifying ugents for the complex
ion In existence. A perfectly clear and
spotless complexion can be obtained In
very instance by its use. Price. $1.00 per
bottle. For sale at E. M. Hetzul's Hair
dressing and Manicure Parlors, 330 Lack
awanna ave. Mall orders filled promptly.
fe- ST TKI HllHHT MtMCM. AsTMsmcti
a snirnnoLiNHfiiB.
inn.i.111 win car 70a, a
wonderful boon to suffered
from Colds, raTkrut,
Islmtt, Ilrckttl,
or 11 AT rETII, ifnnli
tmmtdiaUrtUit. Anombleat
. 7 remedy, convenient tnwrry
la . resilT to ? on ant Indication of xil.
CVsatliaMa Uf Xela Permaaaa Cap.
BiufMUoanar(tiitedormonF7rernnried. Prlc.
e- Trial fres at llr'iuliil Kealttsrad mall
n Mats. Ll CCSHMU, aTm lonri, ILtM I
MENTHOL T,'?,w,."r!ft andE rensdy fat
1 f? ail skin duessosjjMsma, itcu i
BlieyMld Sores, Hiiri, ('ju. Waadlarrul rear
BtMorbymsil prcpsKI. AddrgMsiaboTS, DALBl
Ffti ' by Matthawa Bros. nd Joht !
H. Pholsa.
Complexion Presemfl
lamoroa Fraekles, nmpbts.
Gw . Motw. BMhwd2
iaabara and Tea, and ro-
tores the akin to lti origt
al itcshiMta. producing a
mlamr ana hesllhr cam.
ntaslon. BatMrlortOBlifara
Mmmtlona and .pcrfeirtly h&rmleal
ngglata, or mailed lot SOcts, bud for
i At all
VIOLA SKIN SOAP r't tmrM u a
da surtMat (np, uauM ftt IM M1M. mom mvttM m
Hat as um mmtf. AMohMl? r sue dtllumy aatt
aaa, At(anUu. Prte 2$ Ce(n.
G. C. BITTNER d. SO.,Tc3.kdo,0.
JFor aalo by Matthew Bras, and Joho
H. PholB.
General and Nervous Debility.
Weakness of Body and
Mind, Effects of firrora
or Excesses in Old or
YOTMff. lioliiift, Koblo
Manliood fully Restoreii.
Mow t'l Enlurtre and
Mtrengtlicn Weak. Un
developed Portions of
Hndy. Absolutely nn
fui li ns TTooie Trcatmoat.
Bcnuflls in a duv.
en lentlfv from fX (States and Fnnikra
Countries. Send for Descriptive Book, ex.
yuuation ana proois, uiautu (suaieui iruo.
xAkin or
OfllMi S'JO Washington Avenue. !
Works: Nay-Auf. Ia E. W. V. R. B.
M. H.DALE, !
General Sales Agent, Scranton, Pa
AH dona away with by the use of HART.
MAN'S PATENT PAINT, which conslau
f Ingredients well-known to all. It eaa bo
applied to tin, galvanised tin. aheot iron
roofa, alao to brick dwellngs, which will
troToat absolutely any crutnbllBaT. crack
i or braaklng of the brick. It wUl out
taat tinning of any kind by many yaara.
and It coat does not xcaod ono-nfth that
af the coat of tinning. la sold by Um Job
ar pound. Contract taken by 1
TO our
Washburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their many pafc
roan thut they will this yeur hold to their usual custoM
of million STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop
Is fully cured. New wheat U now upon the tnurket, anil
owing to the excessively dry weather many millers ant
of the opinion that it is already cured, und iu proper
condition for milting. Wuslthurn-Crosby Co. will tak
no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully thra
months to muturc before grinding.
This careful ntteution to every detail of milling hat
placed WHshburu-Crosby Co.'a flour tar above other
Wholesale Agents.
Have your Horsea' Shoes prepared with proper holes for
"Hold Fast" Calks.
SIZES, S-16, 3-8, 7-16, 9-16.
Hill Tnr'r Tin faster aOslW Z W. Q p
cali In Pl.00. 55, 1 5 g zS'O- tn
' ij
For further particulars address j
Agents for Northern Pennsylvania and Southwestern New York.
tVhtll In doubt what
, 'Kw..r, num.,.
Kaialt la 4 weeks.
For sale by JOHN H. PHELPS.
Spruce Street. Scranton Pa.
Containa all that bus resile Hammond Work
fiiipous, and NEW, NOVEL and USEFUL im
proreaients. "RaicmoDd Work the Criterion
of Hammond fc'tiiwrlority." "Hammond Suits
j the I riterion of Hammond Popularity." Horn
j mond No. 2, "Tiie forfeit Typenritcir. Ex
amina it mid b couiocsdi f bilatlelphia
blanch of Ths Iiatnmoud Typowrltctr Co., 119
S, Sixth btrect.
F. A. & A. J. UK AND A,
414 Sprue SI., Sciantn Repretintatlvts.
ataaofactnred at the Wspwallopen MiUa, La
urns eonaty, Pa., and at Wil
mington, Delaware,
Oonaral Agsnt for the Wyoaing Distriet.
M WYOMING AVt. 8oranton, Pav
Third Katfcmal Bank Building.
I TH08. FQBD. Httaxw. Pa.
a-Barra, Pi
C W. MUL.LJUAN, WUBwcBarn, 1
avasa. " aMipaauv ( ill in B
tjaar H Btah KxplotiTa, .
fa ut. far lmwi n.Vlll,v T CH.I ,ln .(,!.
Se!n FtlU. Ilraim checked ftud full vteor qukklv rettorrd. If nrtflctud, i"h
IffiiiMn t,ul(Htillv. Miil.Jir.ywli.ff. Ml,, forti.oui t ! fot fc no. With
.v.rv C niri.i .iv- u ........... . . . T i .... .
..iuwc. uu .mn wclKnmn. RWDI BRV tBUIC.
CO., ClevcUsd, Ohlu.
Pharmacist, car. Wyoming Avenu and
Uiaafactnrera of Um OelabnUS
CAPACITY I Barrels per Annum
V'T?" BPlf llf
jM aS6s RFfiTflnFU VtTll ITV
Made a
iiu.Da,,W ofMe.
THl ORIAT soth bay.
prodaeot the above rosultaln'SO days. It act
Mwaifolly and quickly. Cure wbeo all stosrs tail.
Votui will mua tbsir loot Buihaod aad eld
a U1 laeossr ttaslr yoatbful Tifor by nslug
nETITO. It oalekir ud sanly nstores Mnoa
j. Lest Tltsllty, Inmotsacr. KlghUy Kiulssloaa
IioatFowtr.Iktiing Mtmory, WatUos fnseaMS.aatf
II (Street! of slf-aboM or etaataaiitf lndlsc ration,
llok nails ons for tody, baalDru of msrriais. It
not only cures by starting at tba ml ot dlssaw. bat
Is ! nerva tonic sad blood bollder. brl&f
log back the pink glow to pale ebeeks and re
quiring the Ore of youth. I wards off Jnsaaity
sad Centumptton. Insist oa haTiui RKVIVOi ne
nber. It can be carried la vest By askil,
a I MO aar Mckajre. or sit for M.0O, with a POsl
la wrttton gnarantaa to ear aw Mfakd
;h money. Circular trn. addrsas I
'OT AL MEDICINE CO.. 63 Rlfsr St.. CHtC.)lL.
tat am y Btatthewo Broa Bllalla)
itan's V
ajaraatoa a n