The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 06, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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They Will Probbbla Conduct tha Fair
with tha Firemen. , .
The Mozart band will probably join
Wiin me Vlfiuilium nunc uuiii&i.v ...
the fair which thu company jiropoites to
hold during the latter part of the month.
At a meeting of the band a committee
compoiied of MeKHrtt. Ackerman lloem
melmeyer. and Kennedy was apiolnted
to confer with the company and And out
if they were willing to Join the two or
anlzatloiiM In the enterprise. The
committed of nf firemen who have the
affair in charge are Mesnrs. A. U 8ahm,
P. R. Blair. T. Flnnerty. J. J. Nealon,
T. t.'oughlln. C. K. Blnlr, Harry Booth.
John Brennan. J. M. Nealon. Oeorge
Kd wards. John Lnftus, John Moftltt.
The two committees will meet within
short time and arrange the details
and different features of the fair. It Is
not yet known where the fair will be
held. Some are in favor of Burke's
hall, while others want ". V. Watts'
hall. The probabilities ar that Burke's
hall wll be chosi-ii. The fair will prob
ably be one of the most popular ever
held in this city. The fait that the
Mozart band will furnish the music
makes this an assured thing.
Another Attempt W ill lie Made to Form a
Club in i:arhnndalc.
Base ball Is not yet dead In this city
and another attempt- will probably be
made toward establishing a club to rep
resent this city In the stnte league next
season. . The team lust season w as nol
fully upppt-eciated. us it will be if it is
now given up.
The trouble about the franchise need
not cause Hiiy more trouble, as ussur
Alices have been made that a new fran
chise fur the club can be had from the
state league, and any trouble with the
Traction couciany can be averted ny
having the games played at Alumni
park instcud of Anthracite park.
(This arrangement would he better In
mine respects, as the situation of Alum
ni park Is better than Anthracite, situ
ated as It is between Jorniyn und Our
londule -it would bring people from
both places, while Archbald would also
send a number. Then as mere Is no
hill overlooking the park the many
dead-heads would be avoided. The ex
penses of the club would probably be
about 13.444 and half of this has already
been subscribed by citizens. There will
probably be another canvass made soon
with, the view of having the games
played at Alumni park.
Martin Molvlit Will Have to (to to Court
to Kxpluln Charge Agnlnst Him.
At Alderman Jones' olllce Saturday,
Martin Melvin, who had been arrested
at the instance of Ueoige Howell, was
given a bearing. The evidence brought
against him was of such a nature that
he hud to cuter ball for his uppearancc
st court.
The charge brought against Mr. Mel
vin by Howell Is that of sending threat
ening letters through the malls In
which he intimated Mr. Howeil as cir
culating stories concerning Mrs. Mel
linrdette Tonlghi.
The second entertainment In the
Temple course will be a lecture by
Hubert J. Burdctte. the famous lecturer
and humorist. This will be the llrst
time that Mr. Burdet'.e has been heard
hi this city but undoubtedly the hall will
be lilled. The subject of his lecture will
be "The Klse and Fall of the Mous
tache." l egion of Honor Installation.
On Friday. District Deputy Fred II.
Mauerl of Bellmount council. Legion of
Honor, of Honesdale, accompanied by
a delegation from that council, will
Install the officers of the local council
of this city. On January X, Mr. Mauer
Will Install the officers of Hawley coun
cil, while on the 7th he will install at
Skating at Anthracite park.
' The skating season opened on Satur
day at Anthracite Hark and despite the
told weather many people enjoyed
themselves with their favorite sport.
The ice was fpille smooth and the snow
had been entirely cleared off. An ad
mission of ten cents was charged.
Miss Doyle, of flerantoti. is the guest f
Jier sister. Miss t'lttru Doyle, on South
t'hurch street.
Misses Llla Hurt ami Klla Kolund re
turned to Dip .Mansflelil State Nul'mal
rehool rtHtnr.lHy after spending tlie hull
liiys with their paroiim In this city.
1'atrlrk Whuleii. of Philadelphia. Is vis
iting st the home of Mrs. A. Hughes, of
(lordon Hvenuc
Mrs. Joseph Hilieck s quite III with eu
tarrhal fever.
The three children of Joseph Harris, of
Belmont street, are suffering with ca
tarrhal fever.
Mlas Maggie Foxe, of I'owderly street,
Is visiting friends in Seranton.
i W. I. K. Moss is confined to his home,
on Oliuieh street, by Illness.
John it. Druke, of Klmlrii, Is vlsliln
1tev. K. J. Balsley. on Itlver street.
Kev. T. F. Coffey lias gone to Washing
ton to ue present ut lhe elevating of .Mgr.
Satolll to the cardlnalute.
, Mr. and Mrs. Calilll ami children have
returned after spending the holidays with
relatives hi 8nsqiiehantia.
, Presiding Kliler Thorpe, of the Hones,
nale district, was a visitor at the Meth
odist parsonage tn tills elty yeslerduv.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bendy, of Susqiie
hsnna, have returned after spending the
holidays with ihelr parents, Mr. ami Mrs.
Bently, of Hospital street,
i I'runk I'oon, of Seventh avenue. Is Vis
iting his father, at litem Ken I.
Mr. und Mrs. it. I'ierson and daughter,
of Susquehanna, have returned after
spending u few lays with relatives In this
Fred. Hartnoll. of Dun more, spent
Sunday with Jermyn friends.
Mrs. M. J. Shields leaves today for
New York, where she will Join Dr.
Shields, who is taking a special course
In surgery and spend a week viewing
the sights of the metropolis.
At the election of officers of the Meth
odist Kplscopal Sunday school yester
day. C D. Winter was re-elected super
intendent for the twenty-third time,
t The public schools will open today.
George Matthewsand Henry More
are. working in Forty Fort finishing a
large building there,
i Mrs. Mary Raymond died suddenly
Friday morning at the residence of j
D. Stocker. The Immediate cause of
death was heart failure. The funeral
service were held at 3 p. m. yesterday
- We bare line of
Fancy Rocking Chairs, .
TiSles, Umbrella Stands
hi Screens
long with our regular line of
: Carpet Swscssrs
Aa u.t.but 0ot - And Hassocks
kast, the finest line of
: . CARPETS In the city.
- r -tauCttVUM IV!
and were attended by a large numlier
nf sympathizing friends. The Kev.
Charles Lee, of Curhondale, conducted
the services, assisted by Rev. F. Uen
dull. of Jermyn. The Interment will
take .place today In the family plot in
Salem, Wayne county.
Friday evening. January 10, the fair
of the Citizens' Band will oen ill Kn
terprise hall. Uood entertainments have
been arranged for each evening. Any
persons having articles to contribute
may hand them to any member of the
band. The proceeds will be devoted to
the purchase of new uniforms.
The watch offered by Jeweler Samp
son, of Archbald. to the one guessing
the nearest to the length of time it
would run with the one winding, is now
the property of Orace Avery, she hav
ing guessed within one second of the
The meeting held in Windsor hall Sat
urday evening lo discuss the recent ad
vance of rates made by the Water com
pany was largely attended. W. B.
Swlck was chosen chairman and Dr. S.
D. Davies secretary. After discussing
the matter at some length, u committee
of five were nppointed to see the offi
cers of the Water company and en
deavor to have the rates reduced lo
their original figures, also to ascertain
If any other companies will furnish
water to this borough at n more rea
sonable price, and nlso to ascerttiln the
advisability of putting In n plnnt to be
owned by the borough. Another meet
lug will be held tit the same place on
Saturday evening net. About :i00 were
present and ull agreed to disconnect
from the pipes of the company now fur
nishing water and to take water from
any other one that may be brought in.
It Is expect""J that many not present
will Join In the movement, one gentle
man oresent offered to subscribe $.",U'I0
to start a new company and guarantees
to raise Jj.uOO more "from .outside par
ties. The sense of the meeting, how
ever, was the borough should own their
own plant.
Mrs. Hapriel Russell, who has been
very ill with pneumonia for some days.
Is better and hopes are now entertained
of her recovery.
The i ii iiiin I election of officers of the
Wcimiinir .Viitlmuil bank will be held
luiiiii.i'v I I I
The case of the Lake Wlnola asso
ciation va Riley Molt nnd William II.
Swam will go up to the superior court
at the coming session. The uppello's
papf book bus Just been turned out.
The case rests upon the right of the
said ussoclntlon to acquire control of a
certain strip of land underneath the
waters of the kike.
The light for the chairmanship of
the Itciiitldlcun ccttnty committee re
fill 1 rfiiti'ril.iy In the re-election of R.
W. lUiiiiKitync. The vote stood to 111,
bin It Is clalii.cil that u test vote taken
previously on u n solution showed but
one majority for the Uaiinatyiie faction.
When certuln members saw the drift of
things they turned over to the winning
side. This may be the correct explana
tion, and It may not.
The trial of Thomas Thompson and
('.corgi Miller, of South Mountain, fur
stealing timber from the tract of Col. K.
Bruce Iticketts. near Xoxen. wns held
before Justice Kutz the hitter part of
the week. The evidence showed that
they hud stripped live or six acres of
excellent forest land nnd obtained $1,300
worth of timber and $60:! worth of bark.
Thev were held In $1,000 ball each for
appearance ut court. Hiram Wilson be
coming their bondsman.
The borough council favor the
submission of the sewerage question to
the taxpayers nt the February election,
and it is prolmhlo that the matter will
lie decided at that time. The estimated
cost of u complete system of sewerage
is $14,000. and that is the amount for
which the town will bo bonded If the
measure carries.
S. Judson Stall;, superintendent of
the Methodist Sunday school distributed
prizes Saturday to such scholars as
made a perfect record of attendance
during the year ISHFi. The following are
their names: A. J. Carey. Maggie l.ehn,
Harry Maybee, l.yda Juyne. Kdson
Wakefield, James Carey, Ctirson Cooper,
Fred Barlow, and otic teacher, F. 1.
Mr. and Mrs. 'A. Welles Reynolds have
arrived from Cnllfornlu to visit the for
mer's parents. Mr. and Mrs. V. X. Rey
nolds. It is Mrs. Reynolds' llrst visit to
a land of snow and wintry weather.
7 Fill'tir" .! rd n severe fall
two or three days since, nnd is consid
erably Indisposed In consequence.
S. I). Strecter returns to college to
day. Mrs. Thomas Purdon. of Dalton, who
has been visiting her parents, Dr. and
Mrs. A. It. Woodward, returns home
C. M. Klshpuugh. of Hurrishurg. tie
companled b Lawrence W. l,ee. of the
Davis' military school, Winston, S. C,
was here over Sunday.
. D. Stcliblns Is in very poor health.
A line black bear swung on the hooks
at Knupp's meat market Saturday. It
wits captured up In the wilds of Forks
ton by Alva Robinson and sent down
to W. H. Morris, who had u standing
order In for the llrst bear killed In that
section. The ca truss found ready mar
ket among those who relish that sort
of meat. I
Charles B. Dana, of Wilkes-Barre, at- I
tended the funeral of W. A. Dana Sat- !
unlay. j
The list of prospective candidates for I
county offices grows like a rumor. The i
man who sits down next full nnd ex- !
Beets rlne plums to dron In his Inn will I
wait In vain. When he gets up to in
vestigate, he will find that somebody
else has hnd the effrontery to club
them off the tree before they were half
ripe. This will be especially true of the
Republican party. In which a nomina
tion Is now conceded to be us good as
an election. The man who expects to
get to the front politically must do some
Miss Blanche Clark, of Seranton,
spent a few days visiting relatives here
last week.
A few minutes before 11 o'clock Sat
urday forenoon, an alarm of lire was
sounded at the same time a dense
volume of smoke was seen issuing from
the residence of J. C. Reynolds at the
corner of f trove and Sycamore streets.
Our firemen und citizens were quick to
respond but the strong west wind which
was blowing at the time fanned the
flames so furiously that efforts to con
trol the fire were of no avail. Within
half an hour the house with ull its con
tents were in ashes. There was no in
surance. The fire Is thought to have
originated from an overheated stove.
The very cold and windy weather was
severe on the firemen, the clothing of
many of them being wet through and
frozen stiff.
The Installation of officers of Captain
R. J. Rice post. C. A. R., and the offi
cers of Mrs. Sarah Rice circle. Ladles
of the G. A. R took place Friday even
ing at a. A. R. hall. The officers of the
post were Installed by Past Commander
J. C. Gardner; those of the circle by
Mrs. M. D. Roche, of Seranton. After
the Installation ceremonies1 about fifty
of the post and circle repaired to the
Faetoryvllle house and there partook
of a feast that had been made ready by
mine host Howell.
New Year'a a party of our old and
young people passed an enjoyable even
ing at the pleasant farm residence of
Mr. and Mrs. B. 8. Gardner. During
the evening the guests were Invited Into
the dining room where all were served
with refreshments.
If the Baby Is Outing Teeth.
Mr. WinBlow'n Soothing Syrup has
been Used for over Fifty Years by Mil
lions of Mothers for their Children
while Teething, with Perfect Success.
It Soothes the Child, Softens the Gums,
Allay all Pain; Cures Wind Collo and
Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold
by Druggists in every part of the world. J
lse sure ana as ior "jura, wtnslowa
Soothing Syrup," and take ' no other
kind. Twenty-five note a bottle.
tThe Plttston office of the Seranton
Trtbune is located at No. 6 William street,
where all advertisements, orders for Job
work and Items for publication will re.
celve prompt attention. Office open from
t a. in. to 10 p. m.J
Very Rev. Tather John Finnen, V.
ev. 'Ful
a., pastor of St. John the Evangelist s
church, who has been contined to his bed
by Illness the past fortnight by a se
vere cold. Is as yet unable to leave his
rooms, but his condition today was
somewhat improved and he is now con
sidered on the road to speedy recovery.
A house owned and occupied by Mrs.
Snyder, opposite M. Bolin'a store, upper
Pittston. tooke lire in the garret yes
terday afternoon from a defective flue.
The llames were extinguished before
any great damage was done.
Mrs. Michael Joyce.of Railroad street,
accompanied by her son Thomas and
daughter Nellie were at Honesdule Sat
urday attending the funeral of Mrs.
Nugent, n sister of the former, who died
The preliminary Injunction to re
strain Hon. J. T. Flannery from acting
us city clerk will bo argued before Judge
Woodward In chambers tomorrow
morning at 10 o'clock.
Today Is the feast of the Eplpheny In
the Catholic church twelfth day after
Christmas. It Is not any longer a holy
day of obligation but services will be
held at St. John the ICvaneellst's church
at 7, x. and U o'clock a. m for the faith
ful who desire to observe the feast.
Dr. Klla M. Anderson has opened an
office In A. It. Brown's building on Will
iam street. In the rooms formerly oc
cupied by Dr. Deval.
The grand Jury meets at Wllkes-Barre
during the current week.
Air. Terwilllgcr, of Honesdule. Is vis
iting his son, N. Terwilllgcr, the en
terprising proprietor of the 2.ric. store.
Dr. J. C. Reu". who has been on the
sick list. Is able to be out again.
Mrs. K. F. Walsard and Miss Lizzie
Blewllt spent the Sabbath at Lacka
wanna, the guest of Mrs. W. Brown.
Hon. J. C. Harnly, of Harnlysvllle,
called on prominent politicians in town
last week.
i Hon. Theo. Hart, editor of the fla-
zette. lies returned from a trip to
Washington. It has been practically
settled that Mr. Hart shall be one of Un
delegates from this district to the Re
publican convention.
There seems to be some dispute among
the members of the committee on sup
plies of the city councils as to which
coal company shull supply the conl to
the town hall and Niagara hose house
and os a result of the deadlock there
is a coal famine at these city buildings.
The city saloon keepers are now ac
tively engaged securing signers to their
applications for licenses, which have to
be filed in court before the LOth lust.
The Scitintun nnd Plttston Klectrlc
Street railway company now hus a con
tinuous line from Main street to Scran
ton, the Smithvill bridge having been
completed and the crossing ut the stove
works on Broad street having been
place! In position. The Broad street
properly holders have entered a vigor
ous protest over the crooked and un
sightly poles the company is about to
erect and there Is talk of applving for
an injunction to restrain them from
putting them up.
Pittston llnsincis Directory.
on Wright & Co., 97 South Main street.
A new range for sale or exchange: also
second-hand household goods, bought or
At a Democratic caucus held In Km
mett Hall on Saturday evening, the fol
lowing citizens were nominated for the
several offices: Constable, Kdwnrd
Murphy: School directors, Philip Clif
ford uml Michael O'Mulley: council,
Henry Jackson, Michael Ryan and
Thomas Fltzslmmons; high constable,
H. B. Curley; register assessors, James
Dorun ami Anthony Healey: auditor,
Joseph Coade; inspector, M. F. McAn
drew and Dave Frue. ' M. F. Noon acted
as chairman and proved himself an able
manager whenever necessity demanded
Misses Alice and Josephine Cllninrtln,
of Dunmore, are spending a few days
with friends In town.
Miss Kate Burke, of Taylor, spent
yesterduy with Miss Kate Dunn.
Isaac Schaffer and James Ralph hnve
removed to Kdwardsvllla to accept posi
tions under the Kingston Coal company.
Miss B. Quinn has returned to Kim Ira
to resume her duties as teacher in the
public schools of thut place.
Attorney John McUahren and William
Leslie, of Wllkes-Barre, were visitors
In town on Saturday evening.
Miss Maine Coad has returned home
after spending a few days with friends
In Seranton.
Miss Nettie Druffner Is spending a
few duys with friends In Wllkes-Burro.
Mrs. Newlln, of Main street, Is visit
ing at the home of her parents in Plains.
An Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Mar
tin Walsh died yesterdny morning of
Intliimmution of the lungs. Funeral
will take place tomorrow afternoon. In
terment In St. Mary's cemetery.
The two Juries which have been Im
paneled through a misunderstanding, to
investigate the Law shaft explosion,
will meet today. It Is not yet known
which one will be accepted and con
siderable trouble Is exported, which will
,be settled only by law.
K. C. Berh w Is rapidly Improving nnd
Is able tn be around the house.
L. P. rMsnll. u former resident of this
place. Is again with us. He hus charge
of Rerlew's meat market.
Mrs. James A. Hand Is confined to the
house by a slight attack of sickness.
King F.lwell, of Seranton. was a vis
itor at the home of W. R. Manners, on
Main street, Sunday.
Rev. E. L. San tee nreached at the
Methodist Kplscopal church on Sunday
Miss Alice Price, of Brook street, Is
very seriously sick.
The Moosie Powder comnany have
shut down their works for an indefinite
Messrs. M. L., W. B. nnd Jr. S. Dy
niond, of this place, went on a hunting
expedition Friday to Bear Creek. They
Yield! readily to Hood's Baraanarlll
because it tonoa and strengthen! the
stomach and aide
digestion by sup
plying pure blood.
"I had indiges
tion so badly that
I wn all run
down and could
hardly walk. Had
no appetite and
' could not aleep.
I began taking
rills, end hvtnrm f
naa laaen a lourth of a bottle I waa very
much better. I also used Hood's Pill and
found them splendid, very mild, yet effec
tive. I cannot aay enough in praise for
what they have done for me. Since using
i)roJboU!S" of Hood'e Sarsaparilla and
Hood's Pills occasionally I feel almost like
a uew person. I have a aplendid appetite,
sleep well and work with ease." kstni
C. Laktz, Belleville, Pennsylvania.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is the only True Blood Purifier protnl
nently In On poblle eye. $1; alitor $5.
Hood's Pills SJJISiKit"'
returned on Saturday, It being too cold
to enjoy the sHirt.
Harry Frost Is still confined to the
house, but Is Improving rapidly.
The young folks say skating Is very
good on the old reservoir.
J. W. Bonta, of Hcrantun, was a vis
itor in town yesterduy.
The Spring Brook breaker, operated
by Whitney & Kemmerer, is very near
ly completed.
Mrs. Pond and Miss Jennie Conners,
of Pittston. visited friends i.ere this
A grand sermon was listened to by a
good-sized audience last nignt In
Methodist Episcopal church by the Rev.
Murdock. of Wllkes-Barre.
John Wilde was taken sick after ar
riving home from Wllkes-Barre on Fri
day evening.
W. Davis invited a large crowd of
young people to a social given In honor
of his son on Wednesday evening.
The Misses Anna and Mamie Bain
bridge returned home from a visit at
Mr. and Mrs. Kdwnrd Rozelle and
family left today for Seranton to visit
his sister. Mis. Bumgardner.
Thomas Huwk has returned from a
visit at Bloomsburg.
Bessie and Lottlo Mav Belrtlv. of
Seranton. are visiting their aunt, Mrs.
George Balnbrldge.
William Spear and William Davis
have returned to their studies. The
former at Mansfield, the latter at Phila
delphia. 'Rev. Wilson Trible made a trip to
Luzerne Friday.
Secretary Armstrong- and wife, of
Plttston, called on friends here on Fri
School begins today.
Attorney E. R. W. Searle, of Susque
hanna, was In town Friday.
A meeting was held Friday evening
for the purpose of considering the mat
ter of instituting an encampment of
Red Men In town.
Sheriff E. A. Leonard, of Montrose,
was In town on Saturday.
James Carlagg was n Blnghamton on
The funeral services of the late Mrs.
John McCarthy were conducted In St
Lawrence church. Great Bend. Satur
3.ny mornlnB and were largely attended.
The funeral services were conducted by
Rev. Father Fagan, who preached an
excellent funeral sermon. The pall
bearers were Martin Flynn. P. Allen,
M. Russell, George Griffin, John Mo
Aloon and T. J. Normlle.
Beginning with this (Monday) morn
ing the shon men will only work nine
hours ner da v. Thnv win i,un.n ,..,
at 7 a. m. and cease their labor at 5 a. m.
i nis t Monday) evening occurs the in
stallation of the newly elected officers
of the fire company, which occurs In
Fireman's hall. A banquet for the
members and their families, also tne
Hallsteud Cornet han,l nnii that. rm
Hies, will take place at the Major House.
A 'Piscopalian.
Rustle theology often contains much
common sense, though not always In ac
cord with the canons. A clergyman came
to preach in a southern parish, and while
walking across the fields met a furm la
borer, who in the course of conversation
nam ne was a 1'iseopai.
The clergyman was glad to hear It. and
asked If he belonged to the parish, to
which lhe laborer answered that he "didn't
"Then what diocese do you belong to?"
was the next question.
"Ther' oin't nnwthln' like that 'round
here, replied the other.
"Who confirmed you, then?"
"Nobody," answered the laborer.
"Then you are an Episcopalian?" asked
the clergyman.
"Well," was the reply, "you see It's this
way: Lust winter I was a-visltln' u friend
and while I was there I went to church,
and it was called 'I'lscopal, and I heard
them say that they 'left undone the things
what they oughter done, and they'd done
some things what they oughten done.' and
1 says to myself, suys 1. 'that's mv tlx,
exactly, and ever since I considered my
self a 'Plseopallan."-New York Journal
English Capital for American Invest
Important to Amerlcane seeking Eng.
list) capital for new enterprises A list
containing the names and addresses or "00
successful promoters who have-nlneH
over 100.000,000 sterling In foreign Invest
ments within the last six years, and over
l,0O0,0) for the seven months of
Price 5 or $25. payable by postal order
to the London and Universal Bureau of
Investors, 20, Cheapslile, London E c
Subscribers will be entitled, by arrange
ment with the directors to receive either
personal or letters ef Introduction to an'v
of these successful promoters.
This list is first clasB In every resoect
and every man or firm whose name aD
pears therein may be depended upon For
placing the following It will be found In
valuable Bonds or Shares of Industrial
Commercial and Financial Concerns'
Mortgage loans, Sale of Lands, Patents or
' Copyright.
Famous Lung Healer and
Cough Cure.
Mr. Henry Mcrritt. merchant and
ex-postmaster, Plains, Pa., writes:
Ship me one-half gross of the Dr.
Alexander Lung Healer at once. All
sold out, and my trade will take no
For sale everywhere. Price 25c.
That you can get anywhere.
At one-half the old price.
We have cleaned up about all our odds
and ends and fell them ax rapidly us they
come In, but we were lucky to catch on
another snap. We cleaned up one mill cf
underwear. There Ib no doubt you are
aware how we buy goods; always 50 cents
orr the dollar, and give the benefit to our
trade. This sale l Important, and If you
want to buy underyear, here you are.
69 dozen of mixtures, woolen underwear,
nice, clean staple goods, at 25 cents each,
or SO cents for the suit.
Boy, .from 21 to 34, any size, for .15
Cloaks, never In the history of this line
could you purchase a cloak for the price
as this season. Plain facts; the season
was unfavorable this year and the manu
516 Lackawanna Avenue.
the benefits 'to-be derived from
Bovinine. A well-known cham
pion bicyclist heartily commends
it. Fred Titus, of the Spaulding
Racing Team says, " I have been
taking Bovinine while training,
am surprised at the strength and
renewed vigor I derived from its
use. It is grand to take after
hard riding, as it very soon re
stores the life you lose at such
is strictly., and solely a food
stimulant, prepared by a special
cold process from lean, raw beef.
Its great blood and flesh creating
qualities combined with the ease
with which it is digested, makes
it invaluable as a restorer of
depleted tisues, and as trength
maintainer in all cases of exhaus
tion, whether caused by disease
or over-exertion. All Druggists.
1 fff BaF' .iMa'
fienl H cents fer sample package.
Faultlees Chemical Company. Balti
more, Md.
Moosic Ponder Co
Rooms 1 ud 2 Commoiealtli B14'f,
Lafflln ft Rand Powder Co.
Orange Gun Powder
Klactrlo Batteries, Fines for exploding-
blasts. Safety Fa He and
fiepannoChemlcal Co.'s HighEiploslia
French Injection Compound
Cares posltlrelr, quickly, (not merely checks.)
ttuarwiteed or money refunded. Arold dangerous
remedies. Frlosse cents per bottle. Mix mollies
(will cars severest esse) sent prepaid, secure from
soserrstlon. with only scteoUncalfr suds syriufe,
la say sddrees for U).00.
To all sufferers ef ERRORS OP YOUTH,
HOMES, Rs) nsces: clsto bound; securely
sealed aad mailed raws. Treatment by mail
strictly confidential, aad n aeeitlrs qnlcft curs
foe soei. No matter bow los standing, I
win suemesiy ears yon. write or call.
3:20 N. 15th St., Phllada., Ps.
ill) years' continuous practice.
AFerftlve VYrlttte
Cssraaieed Cere fee
both of young- and middle,
aged men aud women, lhe
.vfitllffManf V.1t"Tltt?I'r
nriuii.wwTmiiiiBn.'iin, producing weae
Ms, Nervous Debility, Night ly Emissions, loommplion.
Ioannlt j. LihauMlng drains and Ion of Dower of the llea
etiTOOrnnsuuflulne one forntmlT, business and mar-rlairelsguk-lilycuTedbyPr.
UodrlraeafcpeeUh erre
(.rains. They not only cure by starting at the seat ofdl.
bj't : area great WKUVK 10Xl; sad lll.OOB
lit II.UEIt, bringing back the sink slew e eel
cheeks and restoTinJthe Pi It R or VJkith to the
patient. By mall, Sl.lto per box orfl for with writ
ten guarantee te care or refund the Mmj, Rook
For sals by JOHN H. PHELPS. Drug
fist. WvnrnW svs. and Sprttre street.
facturers were compelled to throw their
goods upon the market. Prices were no
oblect. We have a hold on these Hoods.
200 c.oaks. we don't claim they are sylish
but they are good for this cold weather,
and when you get one for 12. any sizo
from 32 to 42, In black blue only.
We have some stylish coats also, but
style always costs something, which we
will sell you In black blue or any other
color, short .coat, for J4.99.
Have you seen our black cloth cape?
N'ot equaled In price nor In quality, only
3.9S, for ten days.
We have not time to write ads. We have
the biggest bargains you have ever seen In
shawls, blankets and wool-knit goods and
If 3'ou were. inclined to invest you would prefer
dealing with responsible and reliable parties.
We know you would." Many years of practical '
experience and a thorough knowledge of all
the requirements in the trade count for (some
thing when you require assistance in selecting.
We have a complete line of all the grades.
Wiltons, Axminsters, Hoquettes, - Velvets,
Brussels, Tapestry and Ingrains.
at prices which defy competition.
A(Q Lackawanna Ave.
JO Opposite The Wyoming House.
For Heavy Structural Work.
22 Commonwealth Bide., Seranton! Pa. Tolophona 42Z
Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers,
"A iUf sand is a dtlimr mmd." ,
TMatAaUaa' talld match D KldBw.
.MS.SI Bill ! Ml MV
nswrptotCsak, aVsy Offer,
or Puatal Mat. tar tlJ.
Kqnala vrarr war (ha boots
sold la all ratail som for
(2.60. W. aak. tats SMI
ant tbaN, aMs mmd avar.
ud If mijom M aot aaoaM
will farina la moaafi
or asad another pair, upan
aa or ixantaoa osasa,
widths CMsIL
1 to I aaa aaaT
anmtw aaa;
I mill M ra.
tgftal Urmu I lMaUr.
You don't need to furnish
In m:V
v iiaiu
j'ou be identified in order to buy here on credit.
We are doing business with honorable, intelligent people
people who pay their bills. They don't buy on credit be
cause they are poor they do it because it is easier to pay a
little money monthly or weekly than it is to pay all cash,
and they are right about it don't you think so? Then
there is another reason and it is such a good one that we
will set it in display type:
Our Credit Prices
Are as Low as
Any Cash Prices
You can't forget this if you try it will liauutyou whenever
in need of Furniture, Clothing, Carpets or Stoves.
225 AND 227 AND
- j
QeneraJ Office: SCRANTON, PA.
CALL UP 3682.
OILS, -r
M. W. COLLINS, M'sfr.
any inferences, nor need