T- T " f V TnE RCBANTON TRIBUNE SATURDAY MORHTNCJ. JANUARY 4, 189C. OF GREAT INTEREST TO VW1EI1. Pale Cheeks and Nerveless . Hands are no Longer Admired, to be Strictly Correct you Must have Rosy Cheeks and Good Health. Men Admire Wholesome-looking Women, and now Seek their Wives from that Class. A FEW POINTERS FOR THE GIRL OF THE PERIOD. IMire IiIkvI I the secret of health and lioiiutv. Tlu features limy lie riL'tibir, the form jierfect, lmt no wiiiuim ran lie bcniitit'ul in the lull sense of the word while suH'erin:; from any nf tiro peculiar nilniouts of her sex. Disease destroys the complexion, is prisluctive of wrinkles mill prenmture ujtv. Keirtilur monthly uterine nclioii is necessary to every woman's health, iiml if this function of life is cheeked, disease, a piile mid sallow com plexion, nml fecliintof exhaustion, lire the result. The inniil lily secretion must continue from puherty to the turn of life without mi natural ohtnietioii. Any hreinh of this law of Nature will result in the ilistressiin: sytup toins which make the liven of seven-tenths of the women of this country miserable, iiliwt linbearahle. A few of these symptoms lire severe heiuliirhe, loss nf appetite, pale and ialluw complexion, pulpitalion of the heart, swollen mikirs or leu's, nervousness, onensive breath, ete., ete. The sull'crer may exhihit one or more of tliese symptoms, or limy have ail. They simply indicate the raviiyes disease h is ma' lo upon the system, mid tlie more of the symptom the patient dimwit the (.-re nter tiie necessity fir proinpt'iind persistent treat ment, until they have lieen banished mid llie bloom fit' healili is restored. To neeomplisli this cr.d )r. Williams,' I'ink Tills me the noli- iiiii:iMiiiLr remeilv. Thev iiosilivelv cure ml 'suppressions, mid irrcuularilios, which if lin'l.s'inl, incviliioly email mckiicks anil trouhle. Hy taking these pill lor u week or ten days before the expei tul return of each period," the prompt iippiaranee of "the visitor" is insured. For suppressions, the pills must' he taken i.liadi!y until the rc-up-pi nranee takes place pi ic rally in u month's tune, sometimes less, Follow the directions on the pamphlet ulioiit each box. Nursim; women nil! timl their milk improved in finality aiidiiantiiy hy takiii.tr these pills, nml iiiso nhlaiii relief limn pain in tie' back and Rincral driinyeil-out feeling. All displace ments from weakness oi l he uterine ligaments lire speedily relieved mid ultimately cured hy the use of these pills, l.eiieorrhica, hcarim; dinvn weight in tile pelvis, and nil female weakness, 'find pevdy relief and cure in the iiihiiiiiistratioii of tUu i'ink Tills fur Title Tlie most critical peril ii in ihe life of a woman is llul unending lie cessation of men Mruntioii, or, as it is ino-t j,T!ieiully teniied, the rliane or turn of life. The symptoms (iicadiui: this riod are taint inir spells or ntlwksof faiiitiu ssorili.;.iness, hi'Uiluche,fj.'ii eral dehiliiy, exhaustion, u fcelini: of nu'in 'holy, hysteria, pain in loins or limits, hypo chondria, l ie. The change is a gradual one for licttiT or worse for the for. iter if the patient is wise cnniu.'li to lorlit'y the system I'.'aiiist (lie ravages of the symptoms nl I I'ltili ittr Sip ehaii'.-e. l or this purpose no remedy ever li-i'overeil eiiuuls) Dr. Williams' I'ink Tills, jhey purify the Idood hy ectim; directly upon the sexual system, lessen the severity of this Iriticnl period, and finally leave the patient Jit the enjoyment of rolillst lieallh. All ladies ripproiiehiiii: this critical period should take lr. William I'ink I'ills. TALK AXi) SALLOW' qiHLS. AVhat can he more ilUrcssint; than to see It Lirl drooping and fading in the springtime of youth? Instead of bridit eyes, (tloivinif roy elu'cks, and nil elastic step, there are lull eyes, pale, sallow, orf;rceiiisli complex ion mid u lauimiilncss of step that liespeaks disease and an curly death if proper treat ment is not promptly resorted to and per sisted in until the impoverished blood is en riched, and the functions of life liecoincs retro lar. I'pon purents rests 11 jrrrut responsi bility ut tilt) time their duuiiutcrs are bud THE WORLD OF BUSINESS Stocks and lionds. New York, .Ian. 3.-TIih stoek speculation Was ipiiet alia I n today, only l'd.uoj shares tii'imt trailed In thi'oimhoiit the session. In the early triidlni.' weakness pivvallei! owlnif to lower iiiiotatlons from London, the onK.-iKenient of $I.iiiMhi K'dd bars lor hlpnient to Kin-ope and the delay In an nouncing the tioml Issue. London sold ue uoi'diiiK to iirlill nitre houses fully 12,iiOii Jhaivs of stock, principally'?!. J'uiil and Louisville und .Nashville. Koielxil liouses Ver also sellurs of lli'-'h-i-luss railway mortKattes ami the prices for these Is nui's were shaded all around. In the inrly decline Louisville and Nashville, Western Vnion, llultlmole und Ulilo, HiiKiir, I'lilcu K.i lias and l."allu r, preferred, were most prominent. Leather, preferred, fell to Id's tin reports from Huston that the directors Intended to postpone action on the divi dend on the preferred stoeki Thujlirectors, ft Is uuiU'l'Htnod are to meet Jan. 1." to act on the matter. In Ihe afternoon the market was dull, almost to stagnation, the indisposition to trade pendtnu; some an nouncement from Washington In thn mat ter of a bond Issue belli k welt nlnh uni versal. Tobacco relieved . the monotony somewhat by it sharp rise of five points to 8f. The advance in this specialty was due to reports, thai the price of pint; would b advanced on Jan. Iii. Tinders imme diately Jumped to the conclusion that the war with the outside mnmifueturers was In a fair way of settlement. The an nouncement that amounts of uohl hud been ordered In London for shipment to Xew York ruled steady to llrm, but there was r.o Increase in business to speak of. The market left ofl'sieady to llrm. Net chnnifes nhow losses of i4tl iter cent. Manhattan, Jersey Central and Western Viil'in, how ever, Ruined i to V2 per cent. Tobacco made an exceptional aln of 5,i per cent. Jn today's transactions Tobacco 'tlsurd fur L"9,Ms shares: Leather, preferred, for iri.740; St. i'uul for 14,900, and SttRar for 13.7MI shares. Furnished by WILLIAM IJXK, AL LEN tir Co., correspondents for A. P. CAMPUELL, stoek llroker, iV2 Spruce treet. Op'n- Jlluh- Low- Clos. Inc. eft. est. ing. jm. l ooaeeo ro 7!i'4 81 79 S4 . ir.t fi'ii : it'i tsir. CheUKO( h a q Wk ?;r,9 Wi file., .till. ft. J'.... iw'-a W7 l!7'i liH "hi;'., U. V. Ai Tao.... W tWVj ' Hi Jei. .Hud llMti ISI'i 124 ' 121 lust. -c. i' IHij 2,i't (Tt lalti. Shore UV't 14P'i 141 ' 141, 1-otiia. & Nash 44', 44 4:: 4:i3 1!. K. Texan i:,t ir, 1S U'i, Manhawiin i;ie ioHj 12 KiPi, in Xto. !... nv.' ZT,?, i!4' ssu JSat. Cordage ,"i ft Nut. Lead 2:,n,. . JTAi ' ' W3 N. .1. Central ...1IK) lm. n lani: X.T..UK. W 14 II II 14 .i..s.w tii h4 m X. Y., S. & IT... 21 "24 21 21 Xor. Tac. Vr 11 12 n 12 Ont. & West 1314 VH 13 jjk Thll. Head 4 4 4 4 Hoiithern It. It si., K)i k'i 8 Tenn.. C. & Iron 27!i 27'i 2il 2, Texas 1'aclllc 8 8 7' 7 1'nlon Taulllc 4 4 4 A' Wabash i 0 Wabash, Tr li; p; . 11114 pia; Wcstn Colon 84 ' 84?.; 8;!i-t , 8414 w. J-v...... Wi.'.li iovs n V. H. Leather 10 10 10 ID CHICAGO BOAitD OF TRADE PJUCE9. . - 0P'n- HlKh- Imw Clos. WHEAT. inff. est. est. Jna-. July w r o w 08 f.0 58 6i' OATS. p 1 corix"' " "Ti 19 ls m July 2S 2f)4 28 : ST, stay 277. at as LARO. Tohk"" " 560 6W G-'B' 867 ilay 8.27 0.43 B.27 t.SS io. Ditjjar lie ir C0..1UJI, nip.', tu-M Atch., To. & 3. Fe... 14 14 14'I ir nnada Southern 4S 4S 4.Sii ches. . ohio ):; v,yt it4 14 hicuKo fins 65- T, t- w"a nr,'.. niea. .-N. w ding Into wmi.inhflotl. If yonr tlnitchter I? pule, complains of weakness, is "tired out" upon the slightest exertion; if she is trou bled with headache or backache, pain ill the side; if her temper is fitful and her appetite poor, she is in a condition of extreme peril, a lit subject for the development of that most dreadful of all discnues consumption. If yon notice any of these symptoms lose no time in iirocorim: Xr. Williams' I'ink Tills. They will assist the patient to develop prop erly and regularly ; they will enrich tlio blood and restore health's roses to the cheeks, bright eyes and it lightness of step will surely follow their use, and ull danger of consumption and premature death will he averted. Wise mid prudent mothers will insist upon their daughters tnkimr Hr. Wil liams' I'ink Till uiioii the annroaeh of the period of puberty, and thus avoid ull cliaucts ol disease or tuny ueciiy. , DR. WILLIAMS' I'INK TILLS FOR MEX-YOUXO AXD OLD. Fvery uian who finds his menial faculties nun or lulling, or ms puysicai powers uup ciuir. whethir from overwork or worry, or as the result of early indiscretions, or ex cesses, should promptly tuko Dr. Williams' I'ink Tills. They will restore his lost ener gies, both physical and mental, build up the IiIishI, restore the shattered nervous system, and ward oil' insanity, the too frcqucut out come, of excesses. PARALYSIS Follow Bloodlessnris and Nervous Pros tration, From the I'rrat, Xew York City. For more than fifteen years, Sirs. A, Mather, who lives m No. 4H Hast One-liumlred-and-twelfih Street, New York, was a sulTcrer from .imeiuia, which, in spite of the treatment of physicians, craduallv developed into nervous prostration until linallv marked svmptoins of paralysis set iii. Mrs. ".Mather gladly gave the reporter tier experience ''r'or many years," Mrs. Mather said, "I was a consinnt suticrcr from nervousness. It uns about tifleen years nuo thai my condition heizan to tjrniv worse. Soon I became so af fected that. I was prostrated and, until about two years ul'd, was part of the time unable to leave my lied. My blood became irrutly im poverished and after years uf suffering 1 was tlircntvtied with paralysis. " When I walked I could scarcely ilrntr my feet aloud and at times my knees would iivo away so that 1 would almost full down. I-'ccl-ini; that doctors could not help me, 1 hud little hope of recovery, until one day 1 read in a newspaper how a person, nlllieted almost tlio same as I was, had been cured by Dr. Wil liiims' I'ink Tills for Tide Tcople. I pur chased n box und hejiiin taking the pills. The ell'cct of this first Ihix pleased me so much Ihut I hoiiuM another. Ilefore 1 had taken all the pills in the first box I besun to expe rience relief and, after the third box bad been used, I hud been practically cured. It was really surprisine what a speedy and pro noiMiceil effect the medicine hud upon me. "I always keep Dr. Williams' Tink Tills in the house now, and when I feel any symp toms of nervousness find that they give iuc certain relief." These Tills are manufactured bv the Dr. Willisinis Medicine Company, Schenectady N. Y., and are soid only in boxes bearin Ihe firm's trade murk and wrapper, ut 5 cents it box or six boxes for Jj.ui), and nr never sold in bulk. They may be bad e all ilrut'insts or direct hy mail from Di Williams' Medieit" Cn.-nnnpw. Scrunton Hoar J of Trade Kxehanco Ouo- tation.t-All Quotatioas liased on far of 1 (10. Name. Bid. Asked. Oreen Khljre Lumber Co Ill) Mime Dep. & DIs. Hank 139 Scrunton Lace Curtain Co r.n National Horlns & Drilling Co. ... btf First National Hank 650 Thuron Coal Lund Co in) Seinnton Jar & Stopper Co 2." Seranton Glass 'o j Spring Ilronk W'uter Co 1(10 Fdmhurst Boulevard Co leo . Seranton Axle Works go Third National Hank 3,10 Lucka. Trust and Safe Dep. Co ... lfl) Seranton Packing- Co 9715, Seranton Savlntts Hank 200 l.acku. Iron & Steel Co 1M Weston Mill Co Seranton Traction Co 15 Honta Plate Class Co io Scrunton Cur Keplacer Co JijO HuN'DS. Seranton Class Co loo Seranton Pass. Hallway, first inortKUSe due 1018 no Seranlon Traction Co 93 People's St rent Hallway, llrst mortffai;c due IM1S HO Seranton PitUton True. Co.. ... 90 : People's Street Hallway, Sec ond montane due 1C20 no ... I.neka. Valley Trac, Co., llrst niortgaKO due 1825 f) Dickson SlaniifnetnrliiK Co () Lncka. Township School 5TJ 102 City of Seranton Street Imp ... It! Sij-unton Axle Works 100 Xew York Produce Market. Xew York, Jan. 3. Flour Quiet, steady. iinchanRfil. Wheat Dull, firmer; No. 2 red store and elevator, !,4c.; uotlat, 71e.; f. o. b.. t'.U:'in701..e. : ungraded red. iila72e No. 1 northern, U7''ic. ; options closed llrm ut V advance, following the west and on IK'Iti receipts; red January, We.; .March, CNc; May. ir.'jc.; July, liiPie. Corn Dull, llrm. No. 2 at 34e. elevator; 35c. aoalll; optlonH vmy dull and without feature, cioslnR ie. lower and steady; January and May. l:isc. Outs Dull, firm; options, dull, nominally unuhHiixed; January, 23'ic ; February, 23'i.c.; March, 23c.; May, 23Tse.; sjiot prices No. 2 at 23Vie.; No. 2 white, 24.Je.; No. i Chicago, 24Uc.; No. 3 at 22!sc; No. 3 white, KiHse.; mixed western,' adi.a 2l'c.; white state and western, 2la27e. Heef hams Frlni: il 5a 15.50. Tlerced beef Slow; city extru India mess, J?lii.50al7. Cut Meats I'nchangcd. Lard Uulet, firmer; western steam, ?5.70 asked; January, 15.05, nominal; retlned,' quiet; continent, $c,.io; South America, fi.40; compound, 4ai,. I'ork Firmer; mess. $9.25a9.u0. Hutter Fancy firm, fair demand; unchanged. Cheese Moderate demand, unchanged. Kggs Light receipts; choice firmer; state Hind Pennsylvania. 20a2iic.; southern. 21a '24c; Ice house, liin$)i:.;-do. case, J3.75a4.23; western fresh, J2a2Tie. lluffnlo l.lvo stock. ' Riiffnlo. X, Y Jan. 3. Cattle Firm, strong; good steers, $ta4.25. Hogs High er; good yorkers, t3.7nu3.85; extra, t3.'J0a 3.95; mixed packers, t3.75aS.S0; roughs, Kta3.25; stugs, t2.75u:t. Sheep and lambs Steady for sheep, lower for lambs; best lams, l'au.25; good, 4.t5a4.9U; mixed sheep, t2.25a2.75; choleo, $3a3.10; no demand for heavy sheep. Toledo Groin .Market. Toledo. O., Jan. 3. Close Wheat Re ceipts, 82,755 bushels; shipments, 2.800 bush els; llrm; No. 2 red cash, 7e.; May, 68e.j July. 65c; No. 3 red cash, 85c. Corn Re ceipt. ,57,102 bushels: shipments, 45,2UI bushelsj quiet; No. i mixed cash, 26Vc; No. 3 do.", 25t.e.; No. 3 yellow, 27c. Oats Kecelpts 1.M0O bushels; shipments, 3,000 bushels; nothing doing. Cloverseed Re ceipts, 123 bags; shipments, 581 bags; prime cash, t.3u; March. Philodelphla Tnllow Market Philadelphia, Jan. 3. Tallow Is steady, but dull. We quote: City prime, In hogs heads, 3atc; country, prime, In barrels, 3c.; do., dark. In barrels, 3'ia3c.; cakes, 4(4e. grease, Fjc. Oil Market. " ., Oil City, Pa., Jan. 3.-The oil market openedi tl.M; highest. tl.47S4; lowest, tl.4; closed, tl.47'A bid. Standard's price, il.W. M'ASIIINGIOX CiOSSIK I Tribune Bureau. 513 Fourteenth street, X. W., Washington, Jan. 3. The fight now going on between ex Speaker Crisp and Hoke Smith, secretary or the Interior, for the senntorahip to suc ceed General Gordon, of Georgia. Is one of the prettiest political bouts ever carried on from the national capital. Of course, the officii! 1 duties of both gentlemen keep ihem In Washington most of the time. See fetury Smith has endeavored to convince th people of Georgia that he wps the ad ministration candidate, and was successful 11 a measure until congress met a month ago. One of Smith's strong p.oys was to demonstrate, through Congressman Tur ner, of Georgia, that Crisp was not the real f ader of the Democratic minority In the touse, and therefore nut entitled to elee lon to the senate. Hince congress convened Smith has en deavored to force Turner to the front ns eader of the house. Crisp at oife saw ihrough the game Smith was putting up, tnd vaulting Into the saddle took the lea.l irhhlp himself. There Is 110 comparison hetween Crisp ami Turner. The latter lsj dow and deliberate, while the former Is liilcl: to grasp a situation nnd make the iiest of It. Nobody knows the relative -landing of the two men as leaders of the n!i;or;ty in the house better than President Cleveland. In these trying times the ad ministration needs a man of ex-Speaker Crisp's caliber In the house. For that euson Secretary Smith finds himself los ing his grip on the administration, und Is now practically out of the senatorial race. Thu secretary and his friends are now say .ii? niea things about General Gordon and It will not be at all surprising to rind them supporting him for re-election If they think they can defeat Crisp by so doing. The persona: and pulltical hntred which exists between Crisp and Smith Is very strong, and they are both ready to wreck their own political fortunes to ruin each other. That is the status of the senatorial light in Georgia up to date. II il II The latest political gossip Is to the efiect thut Senator yuay and Speaker Keed are not us chummy as they were supposed to bo previous to the meeting of congress or rather since thu speaker announced his committees Just before the holltlay re cess. The committee assignments m'e by Speaker Reed do not suit Senator Quay, lie wanted Congressman Dulxell turned down, but Instead the little Plttsburger turned up sailing and Is a member of two of the most Important committees of the house rules and ways and means. It is said Heed promised Quay before congress met that he would place the Pennsylvania member whurever he, pleased. Another member tjuay had If In for was Reyluirn, of Philadelphia, who was a member of the famous combine lust summer. Heybiiru, who had been a member nf Ihe committee on rivers and harbors, was to be side tracked for Acheson, of the other end of the state. The latter and his friends were almost willing to bet good money against had that he would succeed Reyburu 0:1 that very important committee. A few days, however, before the speaker an nounced his committees, he sent for Acheson and Informed hlin that ho would have to be content with something else. Congressman Acheson Is one of Quay's most ardent supporters in western Penn sylvania, and his turn down is still runk llng in the craw of Senator Quay. It is said that the Quay people In ntts burg will put a Strom; tight ugnlnst Dul zcll's renomlnatlon. They will likely pit against him Murray Verner, a Tructlon magnate, who lives In his district. It would not be at all surprising to see Quay pulling with Tom Pl.ttt. who has come out tlat-footed for ex-Vice President Morton, w hen the proper time comes. ' !l II Representative dinner, of New York, who has been (he target for nearly ev ery newspaper paragraphia In the country rineo he entered national polities, Is dcMlinrd to at least make friends of the letter carriers. He has Introduced u bill in the house Increasing their pay. lie pro-poi-es that In cities of more than 75,miO population the pay for Ihe tlrst year's service shall be S'iuo. the second year $sun. the third vear tl.non and the fourth and thereafter 'tl.200. The sume bill was In troduced in the last congress but on ncl'oiint of Ihe economic policies pursued by the Democrats it was slde-trm ked. II II II President Cleveland has a great liking for college statesmen. If you want a big fat Job under the government all yon have to do Is to flash a sheep-skin on (irover and vou will get It. His selection of V ene melan commissioners had proved this as sertion, of course all of ihe gentlemen named are college graduutes. but two of them are college professors. vlE.: Andrew D. White, of New York, and Daniel C. Hi -man, of Maryland. The latter is presi dent of Johns Hopkins university and the former was nt one time president ot 1 or nell university. President Cleveland is not a college graduate himself, which fact he seems to regret very much, und for ' that reason, probably, he has great faith In learned gentlemen. College professors are all very well In their line, but few of them have ever made great American states men! Professor Wilson, the preeirt post-ninsler-gener.il. Is a sample of the pro-fessor-statesman. Congress Is expected to now buckle ,wn to real business. A short session is predicted. F.dward Keating, of Wllkes-Batro, has been granted an Increase in his pensjon. OLD FORGE. neotRO jSIyers, of Townnda, Va., fntlier of Dr. Myers, niuue a uumiina trip here on Friday. Mrs. John Stewart is quite sick ai hit honn Mrs. Hannah Bennett spent New Year's day with friends In Seranton. The schools of Did Forge township will reopen on Monday, January C. John Churles, of Pttnton, nnd Mrs. Thomas English and son, of Wyoming-, were the guests of Mrs. Thomas Cox on Wednesday. Rev. Mr. libatta, a Japanese student In Drew Theological seminary, Rave his lecture at lie New Year services in the Brick church to a delighted audience. After the lecture Mi, llrown, of the same institution, preached. Rev. V. O. Funk, pastor of the Old Forsre and Duryoa Presbyterian churches, was married on Wednesday to Mtsa Anna Kerr, of Trenton, N. J. A reception was tendered them on Fri day evening by his congregation to welcome Mrs. Funk Into their midst. At the annual election nf officers for the nrlck church Sunday school those elected were as follows: Superinten dent, C. H. Mttrcy; assistant superinten dent, D. G. Reed; secretary, J. C. llrel mycr: librarian, S. H. Hrosdhead, Jr.; tr?S'!urer, William Kumerfleld; organ ist. Margaret Brendhcad; assistant or ircnlst. Mrs. J. n. Wilson; chorister, Mrs. Nettie Lamont. WARRANTED 'TO CURE 999 Out of Every Thousa-id Persons Aftliutcd with ltheiimatism. St Per Pint Rittle. Two Doses Relieves the Most Malltfiiant Cass. MRS. DR. HAMILTON. 34s Northampton Street, Wllkts-Barre, Pa. 16 New York Street, Scrantn, Pa.o Money Wanted. CLIKNT DESIRES THE LOAN OFtO.i OO on tlrst. mortgage on imnrnvotl property worth j:)i,'0O. WARREN & KNAI'P. Salesmen Wanted. WANTED-8ALE8MKN TO HELL HTA ple goods at home or travel; liberal sal ary or g ioi commis'ion; we send samples on auplicatton; give excb.sive territory. Address P. (I. Box 110. New York citv. fnnouneement. T HlCRBBY ANNOUNCE MYSELF A8 A X candidate for Select Council from the Sev enteenth ward, subject to tho Republican emens CHARLES M. ZITZEI. MAN. Soeelal Notices. PHK SOLDIER IN OUR CIVIL WAK." X You want this relic. Contains all of Frank Leslie's famous old War Pictures.sbow ing the forces In actual battle, sketched ou the spot. Two volumes, 2,0UU pictures, fold on easy monthly payments. Delivered by ex proas complete, nil charges prepaid. Address P. O. MOODY, Ciii Adams Ave., Seranton, Pa. BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS. MAOA sinea, etc., bound or rebound at Till Tribumi offlco. Vulck work. Reasonable prices. . . Medical. LAD! tent CtilchMtif'l English Pennyroyal Plili 01 CENT c A WORD. WAXTS OF ALL KIXD3 COST THAT SiUCH. WHEN PAID FOR IN AD VANCE. WHEN A TOOK ACCQCNT IS MADE. NO CHARGE WILL HE LES3 THAN 25 CENTS. .THIS RCI.E AP PLIES TO SMALT, WANT ADS.. EX CEPT LOCAL PTTt'ATIONS AND HELP WANTED, WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE. j Help Wanted Mais. ! OOjTT'wiTFlTLAnil ! O ? ' show satpid'-a ami take ord. rs for 1 .ilumin m cocS. aiifu I 't'eis, nninWrs. ileor 1 plnt"H nud : vst.t iy of fV't specialties: el j gai't sauries; Ptrlit, csy work; the now metal is :i crest l-iiser: (fiSKl ie"W aim raeny; - u seasons sn l n 11 I loe I diet. WOMLD FO. CO., V4. Columbus. 1 ihlo. CALKSsl N-TKADH B OK AND DE t partmeut s'"res. also b r m ireantil tire mium trades; big inductile ms Mid lib rid treatment H. K C .. 7 ii. lil'.ti st.. N- w York. GET-i-OUIl MEN ATiE MAKING $25 41 To si!! tier neeg. Sena rorri'oors r .us! est so'l r in existence. LYON a F. S. & H 11. CO , Goshen, liul. UTANTRD TRAVELING SALESMEN with estsbllihoil nta to tiike s de line for esfabli-h d house: $3 t Jli a day. G. H. F1SF.ER. 425 Sprnco st.. scrsntnu, Pa. UMXTED- S AO! NT IN EVERY SEC lion tocanvats: 4 o0to$5 00adny made; 8 'lis nt sight; also lean to sell Maple Goods to dealers: best st.lo 11 no (75.011 a month: sal nry or lurg con mission? made; experience iirinecessa y. Clifton Soap and Manufactur ing Co., Cincinnati, O. 7ANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN ' ev ry town to solicit stock subscrip tions; a monopoly; big money lor agents; no capital required. EDWAKD C. FISH CO, liorden Block. Chicaro. 111. Halo Wanted Females. WANTED I ADY AGENT IN SCRAN ton to sell and introduce Snyder's cake Ictrg; expnriuueed canvniirr preferred; work periuinnt and very profitable. Write for part.eulrs at once 11ml get benefit of holiday trade. T II. SNYDER & CO, Cincinnati, O. V,r ANTED IMMEDIATELY TWO ENER (ietio saleswomen to reprea-nt us. Guaranteed $6 a day without interferiug witn other Inties. Healthful occupation. Write for particulars, inclosing stamp. Mango Cheni I -nl ' 'iiinpany. No. 72 John street. Nr York. cents Wanted. 1ENEHAL AGENTS WANTED-SELL-VI ing new ai tit lis to dealers; exclnsive ter ritory. mt competition, no capital required '.00 to ."Uirier cent, profit Columbia Chemical Co., W Denrliorn (,t., Chicago, 111, J E DON'T WANT HOYS OR LOAFERS, but men or ability; $;W0to f.ViO a month to hustlers: state nnd general scents; snlarv nud CDinnii-slon. RACINE rIRE ENGINE t o.. Racine, Wis, AliENTS WANTEO KVERY VVIIEKR TO sell our new "Ideal Orator and Manual of Elocution," embracing the Dclsarto system of expression aad physical culture. Illus trated; 40 photos from life. Bells at sirfht; liliernl terms, Address SPECIALTY, tub Station No Philadelphia. Pa. AGENTS WAN TED TO SELL CIGARS: S73 per month salary and expenses paid. Address, with two-cent stamp, FIOARO CI OAK CO.. Ciiioago. UKN'I S-TO SELl7l?irT"RCTiCAL gold, silver, nickel sad corper electro plsters: price from t-l upward: snlnrv and ex penses paid; outfit free. Aild ess, with stamp, MICHIGAN MKO CO., Chicago. AGENTS TO SELL CIGARS TO DEALERS; $ woeklv and expenses; experience un necessary. ( ONSOLIDATED 11FG. CO., 4S Vun liure.i st., Chicago. SALESMAN TO CARRY SIDE LINE; 25 O per cent, eoniinissioni sample book niniteu tree. Autlress U N, CO., station L, New York. XTONtr4"ENTS APPOINTED TO il sell new liuhtnina selllinr table cloth. mos quito and housefly liquid ut 10 cents and -.'5 cb'hs a do tie. sainruo tree. BOLU1ANU M'F'G Co., Baltimore, MU. AGENTS-UISDE'S PATENT UNIVEK sal Hair Curlers nnd Wavers (yisd with out ho.it), and "PyrPolntd"Hair Pins. Lib eral roiutnihsioDs. Freo sr.mple and fall. par ticulars. Adilress P. . Kox 4tvi. New York. For Rent. I'oiTiNrtsvTCST) ( lark's Oreen. for a torm of ve.Lrs. An. ply to OEOKOE 13. DAVIDfcON, Attorney, al2 Spruce street OFKICF.S IN TRADERS' NATIONAL Rank fulbllng for rent. CHARLES SCHLAUKU, Comuiittee. I.OR RENT-FUR ISRED ROCM. WITH 1 or withoif board, suitable for two per. sons. i'.M Adams sve. l.'OR REST SIX ROOM f HOC8EON WEST I Lackawanna avenue. Address I HOMAS E. EVANS, acar lias J.uerne, Hyde Par. I .'OR RENT NIC'Ei, 1 FURNISHED HALL suitable for lodge rooms, JOHN JEtt M YN, 110 Wyomilig uvenu-. I 'OR RENT THE PR MISES RECENTLY occunledbTTheScraut'iu'lrib no.known as th LI eser Building, corner of Si rues St. and I enu avo. Possession clveti iuiTuediately. The pieml es consist of the b tiding in ne rear of thu buildiug on the corner of spruce street and 1 enn avenue, toge her with the basement, and also the entiro fourth floor of tho corner buildiug. Can l e rented for Lodgn purposes as well as put. bo meetings. Siz-s of "all, t:ixloo with a s cond hall on same floor. Slx-'S. For particulars Inquire on the premises, .f Rudolph I!locs.-r, or at tho nlYf of Til ' ersrton T.ilot"i. For Sale I.'OR BALE -OEKK'E DESK WITH ROLL top and 01 111b nation lock, solid oak, length 48 inches, width 0:1 in lies; as good as new;ch ap. At till Birch s . IOK SALE-HPrtAO VAC1IINE. CAPAtJ X1 ity from I.OPO 102.0O11 pur day; pi. ojrt). Inquire of F. F. DOMMERMUTH. voca, Pa. IOR SALE-0ROOM HOUSE: MODERN iinproveme ts: 20 Madison arenu-. Dun more. V A I.TEH BRIOUS, Attorney, Com- micwenlth BuiMlng. nr M H. HO O vrK. Wanted o Rent. in Seranton, from . pril 1, ltflnt, a house containing not less than ton rooms with modern improvements. Address L., Tribune olli'-e. Stockholders' htecting. VO'lICE IS Hl' REBY GIVEN THAT TUB i' annual meeting of the stockholders of tho El ookside Coal Company will lie held at the office of the con-panv, 421 Lackawanna ave., ser nton, Pa., at 10 o'clo in tho fore noon. Friday. Jarnarv 17, 1WNI, for the pur pose of electing directors for the ensuing year and the transaction of such other business as m y properly coma lieforo the meeting. By order ot President- rpilK ANNUAL MEETING OF THE X stockholders of the Third National Bank of Seranton will be held in tho directors' room of its banking house on Tuesday afternoon, January 14, Is", from 3 to 4 o'clock. HENRY BE LIN, .tit.. Secretary. OTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE i.1 annual moeting of th stockholders of the Spring Brook vat r Company will be held at the otilce of the company in iloosic, Lackawanna county, Pa., on F iday, January 24, IBM, at lit o'clock a. ro., for the purpose of electing directors for the ensuing year and the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meeting. L. A. WATRES. Secretary. 'PRE ANNUAL S 1OCKHOLDERS' MEET X I114 nf the Weston Mill Company will be held at the First National Bank Saturday evening, January 11, at H. o'clock. A. W. DICKSON, Secretary. Dissolution of Partnership. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE partnership btwoen Alex ind -r Phillips and benjamin J. Davies, lately doing business as bottlers under the Hnn name of Phillips & Davies, No. lliiO Eynon street. City ot Seran ton, Pa . was ditsolrcd on the 12tb day of July, A. 0, IKon, as far as relates to snid Benjamin Davies, by the sale of thn int -ras'. of said Ben jamin J. Davies to Benjamin B. Anthonr. All debts owing to the said partnership are to be Daid to the said Alexander Phillips and Ben jamin B. Antb uy, who will hereafter conduct the said business under the firm name of Philbps b Anthony. ALEXANDER PHILLIPS, BENJAMIN i. DAVIES. BENJAMIN & ANTHOXt. onnol Great Special Sale of 700 pieces of Cotton Goods saved from the Appletou Mills fire. Consists of White Domet Flannels, Outiug Flannels in checks and stripes, Single and Doub'e Nappad Cheviots, Grey Domet Flannels, etc., Lot 1. 2c 3o These goods are all worth from 6c to 15c per yard. The bulk of the stuff is in first-class condition, only a small percentage being slightly damaged by smoke and water, not enough, however, to seriously affect the. value of the goods. In connection with this sale of the Appleton fire goods we propose to conduct a special Clean-Up Sale for the next three weeks in all departments previous to our semi-annual inventory. The economically inclined -buyer and the bargain hunter will find goods and prices to their entire satisfaction during this sale. Watch the papers for special announcements from time to time. CONNOLLY & WALLACE, Situations Wantad. w AKH1 O TA KEN IN AT K!l ACALE.M Y St., Hyde Park. A eiiVNXKV lJlRirwrH OOOD REEER ' mice and experience in housework de sires a place in the central eity m order that she may attend the blk-h school. Addresa D. M , 61 Olive st. C1TUATMN WANTED AH AOENT OU O as a collector by a man ot buMiu- ss quali fications, well used to tbo city and out ot cite, with Kood habits and flrst-chua reference, but) West Market st. REGISTERED PHARMACIST WANTS position, city or Oiurtry, speaks Enitl s!i and 0"rmau. Address PHARMACIST, Vriu uue oftico. S-"fiX'ATION"VANTEirrBYRKJHT younit lady as stenographer nnd type writer; also possesses a thorough Knowledge or accounts; wants position iinmctltately. Au dress AM B1TIOUS. U.M Wkawanna ave. ciTUA'iiojT wTnted-ry atailor O cau work ou pants, coats or vests; will work for low waves bv the week: citv or country. Address DAVID FELDMAN, Ztt Ponn ave. OITIATION WANTED-RY A YOUNU . - ia.iy on sii'noKrsiiuer; reierences given. Address Box ."I, Old Forms I'a. llfANTED-BY AN ELDERLY LADYT IV situation as housekeeper, or will tuki care of an invalid or children. Address E. L, u rriima-i oiticn. SITUATION WANTKD BY A YOUNG O man, areZ!, us bnrtouder: can speak En- Riisu anu uermun. Address H. R. B., H Ad anis ave., city. SITUATION WANTED -YOUNG MAN, age '..", is very anxious to get. a posifon; is a good hustler: will work at anything; would liko to pet in a Btore or wholesale bouse; habit h are the best; can give good ref eivnvei. Addrens &1H Adams ave.. rit y. CITUATlOjf WANTED-A YOUNG MAN C wauts a permanent position: will furnish $100 security. Address W. (t. , Tribune office. OfTUTlojTWAN I ED AS A FIRST CLASS O butcher, who thorougiily understands tlie meat business. Can comm.tnd a big trade. I'refars to work In a shop, ills W. M irket St. SITUATION WANTED.-EXPERIENCED bo kkeepsr and acrnun ant. Would makearrangeineDts to keep traders' books for two or three hours dady. 'Jerms u.oderate. Address OMEGA. Tribuno office. VT ANTED BY A MIDDLE AGED MAV ' of Sd years, experience in general mercantile bnsinesi, a position as clerk or managor. Auuress atanager, t riDune otilce ITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG ipilj wry iiiii.'ii 111 lice, 1 01 . urn , m hi tlon in store ct oIB. e; nho exp rieneeu In dress mnkinir. Address t D. H . Illl P.nost. Lost. TVTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT C'EK i illcate No. 2iW, dated April 17, ls. for 'Ml shares of the capital stuck of the Seranton Lace Curtaiu Miinufucturiiig Company, bat boen lest nr mislaid. All perrons are cau tioned airomil biiyiiigornegotiatiuitthea me, as its transfer his been stopped and now certificate appliod for. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Dentists. DR. WILLIAM A. TAFT, PORCELAIN. Bridge and Crown work. Olilce, Z'ii Washington avenue. C. C. LAUBACH. SURGEON DENTIST. No. 115 Wyoming avenuet R. M. HTHATTON, OFFICE COAL Ex change. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. A. THAPOLD, SPECIALIST IN Diseases of Women, corner Wyoming avenuo find Spruce street, Seranton. of fice hours, Thursdays and Saturdays, ft a. m. to tf o. m..j ' DR. Q. EDGAR DEAN HAS REMOVED to CIO Spruce street, Seranton, Pa. (Just opposito Court House Square.) DR. KAY, 8M PENN AVE.; 1 to 3 P. if.: call 20S2. DIs. of women, cbstrc-trlca and and all dis. of chll. DR. W. E. ALLEN, 812 North Washington avenue. DR. C. L. FP.EY, PRACTICE LIMITED, diseases of the Eye. Eur, Nose and Throat; office, 12! Wyoming ave. Resi dence, B21yine street. DR. L. M. GATES, 125 WASHINGTON avenue. Oftice hours, g to 9 a. m., I.M to 3 and 7 to si p. m. Residenco 309 Madi son avenue. DR. J C. BATESON. TUESDAYS AND Fridays, at D05 Linden street. Office hours 1 to 4 p. m. Lawyers. WARREN KNAPP, ATTORNEYS and Counreliors at Law. Republican building, Washington avenue, Seran ton. Pa. JESSUPS A- HAND. ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors at Law, Commonwealth building, Washington avenue. W. H. JESSUP, HORACE K. HAND. W. H. JESSUP. .TR PATTERSON A WILCOX. ATTOR neys and Counsellors at Law; offices 6 and Library building. Seranton. Pa. ROSEWELL H. PATTERSON. WILLIAM A. WII.COX. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND, Attorneys and Counsellors, Common wealth building. Rooms 19, 20 and 21. FRANK-T. OKELL, ATTORNEY-AT Law, Room 5, Coal Exchange, Scran- ton.Pa. JAMES W. OAKFORD, ATTORNEY-at-Law, rooms 63, CI and 63, Common- wes 1 th bulldin It. SAMUEL W. EDGAR. ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Ofllce. 317 Spruce St.. Seranton. Pa. L. A." WATERS, ATTOnNEY-AT-LAV 423 Lackawanna ave.. Seranton, Pa. URIB TOWN8END, ATTORNEY-AT-Lnw, Dime Hank Rulldlng, Seranton, Money to loan in largo sums at S per cent. C. R. PITCHER. ATTORNEY-AT-Inw, Commonwealth building, Seranton, Pa. H. C. 8MYTHE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 400 Lackawanna avenue. C. COMEGYS, 321 SPRUCE STREET. D. M. ItEPLOGLE. ATTORNEY LOANS negotiated on real estate security. 4uS Spruce street. B. K. KILLAM. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 1!0 Wyoming ave., Bcrnnton, Pa. JAS. J. H. HAMILTON, ATTORNEY-AT-law. 45 Commonwealth hld'g. Seranton. J. M. C. RAXCK. 13S WYOMING AVE. & ASSORTED INTO FIVE Lot 2. Lot 3. 5c TRY US. 632-G04 LACXL IV, COR. Mm Wire Srecns. JOS. KUETTEL, REAR BU LACKA wanna avenuo, Seranton, Pa., manufaj turer of Wire Screens. Architects. EDWARJD II. DAVIS, ARCIHTECT Rooms 24. 26 and 2ti, Commonwealth "oiiiiiiK. acranion. E. L. WALTER, ARCHITECT, OFFICE rear of C06 Washington avenue. LVL13 HANCOCK. JR., ARCHITKCtT a Spruce at., cor. Wash, ave., Seranton. BROWN & MORRIS. ARCHITECTS," Price building, 1M Washington avenue, Seranton. Schools. SkH?.L S' TH LACKAWANNA, bcranton. Pa., prepares boys and girls lor college or business; thoroughly w!r.a y,'!unr children. Catalogue at re quest. Opens September . KEV. THOMAS M. CANN, . WALTER H. RUELL. J Min0CFS1:FH'S KINDERGARTEN H."i!f a0"??.1' ,412 Adnms avenue, opens Sept. 9. Kindegarten 310 per term. Loans. THE REPUBLIC SAVINGS AND Loan Association will loan you money on easier terms and pay you bolter on Investment than nny other association. Ca on S. N. Cullender, Dime Bank building. Seeds. O. R. CLARK ft CO.. SEEDSMEN AND Nurserymen; store 14 Washinitton ave nue; green house. 1330 North Main ave nue; store teb-phono 7S2. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 125 and 127 FRANK- lin avenue. Kales reasonable. P. S5EIGLER. Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D.. L. ft W. passenger depot. Conducted on tho European plan. VICTOR KOCH. Prop. WESTMINSTER HOTEL, Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irvln;? Place. Now York. Bates, $3.50 per day and upwards. (Ameri can plan). E. N. ANARLE. Proprietor. Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA MUSIC FOR balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings and concert work furnished. For terms address R. J. Bauer, conductor. 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulhert's music stores MEGARGEK BROTHERS? PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. WarehoUEC, 130 Washington ave.. Scran- FRANK P. BROWN & CO., WHOLE yale dealers In Woodware. Cordage and till Cloth. 720 West Lackawanna ave. THOMAS AUBREY, EXPERT Ac countant nnd auditor. Rooms 1!) and 20, Williams Building, opposite postoffice. Agent for the Rex Fire Extlneiilsher. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES NSUAAAiA vy.-.As.JN-svV WVH SVVW Ccntrul KiiiliouJ of New Jersey. (Lehigh ana susqueimnna Division.) AO VIII U. I vr mow.. r.blUBIIC.) J 1 1 J J . Ins clesnllness nnd comfort. TIME TAH1.K IN EKFKCT NOV. 17. ISM. 1 ruins itruvv otiM-muii iut n:4iun. Wllk"s-Barre. etc.. ut 8.20, 9.1S, 11.30 a.m.. I.2U. 2.W. 3.U5. 5.0". 7.H) P. m. Sundays, D.vo a. m., 1.00. 2.15, 7.10 p. m. For Atiuntln i'ltyv.2ij a. m. t Or iew i Ji iv. .nrwurn unu r.liztllini n, 8.20 (express) a. m., I.a (express with Ititf fet parlor car), 3.03 (express) p. m. Sun .inc 11'. y m Trnln lnvlnn. In n n ..IV f" ---- ....... i . . v . .11. arrives at Philadelphia, H.ading Term inal, 6.21 p. m. and New York 6.4 p. m. For Mduch Chunk, All"iitnwn. Bethle hem, Easton nnd Philadelphia. S.20 u. m.. 1.20. 2M. 5.00 (except Philadelphia) p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. m. eor wjiiki i.i"-n. vlc.ui uiuvc, etc., ut ,20 a. m., 120 p. m. t ..n .1 1 -r I I. n n n nn.l II 1 1 via Allentown. 8.20 a. m., 1.20, i.oo p. ni. a.mriov ' 1 r. m For Pottsvllle, 8.20 a. m.. 1.20 p. m. Heturnlntf leave New York, foot of Lib erty street. North River, at 9.10 (express) a. m., 1.10, 1.30, 4.30 texpress with Buffet parlor car) p. m. Sunday, 4.29 a. m. Leave Phl'a Jelphln, Reading Terminal. ,w a. in., .w aim 1'. hi. ouniiay li.27 . m. ThrotiRh tickets to all points at lnTvpat rates miiy be had on application In ad vace to tho ticket nitent at the station. M. 1. 1IALDW1N. Gen. Pna AAf J. H. OLHAUSEN. Gtn. Supt. DELAWARE AND lilJiJSKN R.VILi ROAD. Commencing Monday, July 30, all trains will arrive at new Lacka wanna avenue station as follows: Tiains will leave Scrah- ton station for ra'hondnle and Interme. dlato points Ht 2.2?; 5.4o 7.00. 8.2., and 10.K a. m.. 12 00, 2.20, 01j '- 910 unc e- 10 and For'Furvlew. Wnymart and Honesdnle at 7.O0. 8.25 and 10.10 a. m.. 12.00, 2.20 and 5.15 ''For Albany. Saratoga, the Adirondack and Montreal at 5.45 u. m. and 2.20 p. m. For Wllkes-ltarre anu iiiii'rmcuiarp lolnts at 7.45. 8.4-. 9 38 and 10.43 a. m.,12.03, 20. 2.JS, 4.no. 5.10. 6.05, 9.15 and 11.38 p. m. Train, will arrive at Seranton station from Carhondale and Intermediate polnt'i at 7.40. 8.40, 9.34 and 10.40 a .m.. 12.00, 1.17, X.S4, 1.40, 4.54, B.B5. 7.45. 9.11 nnd tl.33 P. m. From Honefidalc, Waymart and Far view at 9.31 a. in., 12.00. 1.17, 3.40, S.55 and 7.46 p. m. From Montreal, Saratoga, Albany, etc., at 4.54 and 11.33 p. m. From Wllkes-Barra nnd Intermediate points at I.1R. 8 01, 10 06 nnd ll.6 a. m.. l it 114. 3.39. S.10. 6.08. 7.20, 9.03 and 11.16 p. m. BUHt. li'SMJW"l ' mm Wallace LOTS: Lot 4. Lot 5 7c 3d 2o0enui w - UPHOLSTER FURNITURE. Clean Carpets, Renovate Feathers, Make Over Mattresses, Make and Repair Spring Sell Iron Beds, Make Fine Mattresses X'nv. 17 1U9.it Train leaves Hrrnnlnn fop Thllmlnln'M and New York via I). H. R. R. at l.i , ii. xv., u.uu, o.vti, a. m., ana p. m. Leave Seranton for Plttston and Wllke Barre, vm l. L. W. R. R., S.00. '.(, 11. a. m., S.tu, ti.07. 8.52 p. m. Leavo Seranton for White Haven, II; sieion, j'ottsvillo nnd all points on t inr in. -aiiow and I'otisvuie Drnncni via K. W. V. R, R., 6.S9 a. in., via D n. xi. n. at l. ll ii. m.. 12. Ub, 1.20, 3.SS, 4.110 "i -. via p., L,. W. K. K. li.00, 8.0S, 11. in. j.o'r, o.iii p. ni. Leave Sr.r". i fn. . rn Reading, Harrisburg and nil Intermei1 points, via r Jt- l Tf v 7.43 n m tP''J'00 11SS m- via D.. U"d "l xi.., o.ini. 5.11s. ii.vo n. m., 1.3a p. m. Leave Seranton for Tunkhannock, wamia. Elrnlra, Ithaca. Geneva and! Intermediate points via D. & H. R. R.I n Vr 2"' n-3s P-.1l - vlil V i ... o.i-j, i,.iK a. m.. p. m. 1 v, avo Scrunton for Rochester, Buff ...uHiua rails, jietrott, Chicago an I"0?. 11.28 p. m., via D., L. & W. 1 and FlttStOn .lnnr-tlnn S 10 O Kr. a m 8.M p. m., via E. & W. V. R. R., 2.41 p. For Elmira and the west via Palam V "l U" rH- n- R - I-48 " " OS. 6.05 I'i'i,1?;,1' w- 8 08, 8.56 a. m. Mll'l U.VI p. HI. Pullman parlor nnd sleeping or cnalr enrs nn nil imin. i.in..... t Ttinctlon or Wllkes-Barre and Now Philadelphia, Buffalo, and Buspi Bridge. , . Jl2I'MN' WTLMUR. Gen. S i vT; ,,,n- Agt.,Phii " 1 .1 X r'.M.U Hp.K. Asst. Pass. Agt., South Bethlehem. Pa. Del., Lack, and Western. Effect Monday, Juno 24, 1895. Trains leavo Seranton im IV.li. .... Pr'.i'fr16: Jolk and a!1 Points -Ei 1.40. J.E0. 6.15. 8.00 and 6.55 a. m.: 12.5S i 3.34 D. m. Express for Enston, Trenton, Philade ihiiu mm inn nourn, o.ij, 8.00 and 9.55 a. l?.r.-i n nrl ?. :14 r, m IP ashlngton and way stations. 3.G3 p.' ml Tobyhanua accommodation, . 10 p. m Express for Hlnghamton. Oswego. E' mfra. CornlnK, Hath, Dansville, Moun Morris and HiiPThIo, 12.10, 2..13 a. m., an 1.21 p. m.. making close connections a Buffalo to all points in the West, North west and Southwest. i Bath accommodation, 9 a. m. 1 Blnghamton nnd way stations, 12.37, p.n Nicholson ucconjmodntlon, 6 p. m. i Binghamton and Elrnlra Express, f.i , p. m. 1 k; . Exprrss for Cortland, Syracuse. Ostvego Ptica and Itlchtlcld Springs, 2.35 a .mi and 1.24 p. m. Itbnra, 2.35 and Bath 9 n. m. and 1.21, p.m. For Northumberland, Plttston, Wilkes. Barre. Plymouth. Bloomsburg and Dan ville, making ctoc connections at North umberliind for Wllliamsport, Harrlshurg, Baltimore, Warhliigton and the South. Northttmberliinil und Intermediate st.1 tlons, 6.00, 0.55 n. m. nnd 1.30 and G.07 p. m. XuntnoKe anu iniermeuiato stations, S.W nnd 11.20 a. m. Plymouth and Inter mdiiite stations, 8.40 and 8.52 p. m. Pullman pnrlor and sleeping coaches on all express trains. For detailed Information, pocket tlm tnhles. etc., apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket oftice, ,T? Lackawanna avenue, or depot ticket office. Erie und Wyoininj; Valley. Trains leave bciuitsa sor New Yorlc and Intermediate, points on tho Erie rail road at 7.00 a. ni. and 3.2D p. ui. Also for Honesdale, Hawley and locaj points at ;.0u, !f.40 a m. und Z.29 p. m. All the above are through trains to an from Honesdale. Trains leave for Wilkes-Earre at 6.3 a, m. and 3.19 p. m. m-k ivro Il VISION. In F.fCcrt MepSeinbortWud, 1S05. Korlll HiiimO. uiulh.HMiio 203 801 ViOi n4 . Stations rf a k p, w t,i rnins jiaiir. tx-.g p. g a, I ce pt suiulity. ) p Arrive I.eavei 7 25 N. Y. Frnnklln Si. , 10 West :id srreetl 4)01 wecbawkcD r silArrtve Inve! l lftillauci'CK .Mitictloui Mm llancnck Starilftht Preston park t'omo roynti-ll Helu.ont Plniismit ITnlond.'dn Korset'liy Cavbonilaie While Mi 1(10 Alaylleld .lornijit Archibald V.'luti'ti peckvllln (ilvpliant lilckson Thronn Prnvldeiioe pars 1'isce IS MS M4H t 4(1 is it iSi:i! til.'!1 P Ml tl 19 BB1 II fH 4H fULO B3 841111 (Ml 6 3V II ISl HfKfiml 0SH II II iiii i irr 1121.11 II (I IN II 111 a iniit o l-J (ICC" (10 10 Ml hcrauton M 'a a Leave Arrlrei MP All trains rnk rtnlli- ie'llt Rimtilir. t. slgiilOca that tralus stop ousltfuul for MnRers. i-ecure rates vis Ontario Western b fircliaslDii tickets ami save money, uay uurtEDro&stotlin West. T. C. Anderson, Gen. Pass Aa T, f uicroii, Dir. rasa, jt. waavun, t-a k;?: if 'I .... m" si ...... ...y :::: ... s ai ;.j .... a 4i wf .... 2)1 I .... sw .... l .... 8H1I I A M II 1U I 7 04 Il3l 1 1 7 PISH, I t Pi a ta I 7 14 3 45 TOT list 7 81 MM 7!!7 8W 7?-l 4 Oil 7 31 41171 f S6 4 10 7 .'ill 4 14 741 ft 17, 7 45 4l i 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers