The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 03, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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1856 NORTON'S 1896
Compliments of the Season.
Pocket and Desk Diaries
lor i8i)6; large variety.
Almanacs and Calendars, 1N06,
Tor ullice and house use.
Sabbath School Lesson .Notes
for 11(0. Several kinds
t iimisunll.v low prices.
Plank Account Hooks.
If on want new set
or any part of a set,
we can please you
in variety and price.
A Foe to Dyspepsia
And Always Have
Good Bread.
The Weston Mill Co.
John Hun ford, of UliiKhunilou, Is In the
Ml!" K(.tf Hope, of riil!inlililiiu. Is vis
Itliiu I'lonricior Mrlvln, of tile Si. I'liurlcs
Mm. Arln ImvlcH ami children, of T'ort
Oram. X. V., uih vlslllim' West Hide
file tnls.
K. W. IuvlH returned lo Jefferson Mcl
Ical collf(t' yesterday ut'icr spending; tin
holidays with lil'i i.'ivn;s, mi l.iii'leii
Victor Merrill);, of Miiplettooil, lias re
turned lo ills home, ii It t-r n four mouitis'
M'UI 'J I .MM I II 1 ilMJIIIIil, I flllll'rMT HUM
Kilward Kv.ins. formerly of Mull hews
I Jilus., Is now ri'iiivsciitini: Wulkcr ei lili-
un, luoprieioiH of iin Alliany wholesale
urns house.
V. Price, lute of ilurncv & Hrown'--.
Iihh r.simicd his position lo accept u sim
ilar position Mill llii' American Tobuu-co
company of New York city.
Miss ( V.Will, of I lnnesdule. and
IMIsm Aluy liurrett, of 'ui tioiiUale, have re.
Itiirneil tioiiie iirier a New in s visit with
Mr. J. J. tiHuylo, of Vine street.
Sll:is Parke, of Green Kiiliii'. und her
'lends, the Misses Kodciihaimli, of Kas-
wn, Vlnal. of, Conn.: Kotjers,
l llrnoklliir. .Mass., let t yeslerijay ror
Washington, 1 1. C.
Mr. anil .Mis. I', r.aker have retnrneil
From their wvlitl'm tour ami will be ten
lereil n inception from In to ft o'clock today
it the home of .Mrs. Maker's parents, WIN
Dickson avenue.
Harry llerlliiKer. t'niteil Press telegraph
operator, returned last cvt-tdiiK from n
flslt with Mi n. Is at his oll home, in Vork.
Hurry Si'arlioroiiah, wiio whs Hie leai
liK tenor of Die Laurel Hill Park Optra
ecumpaiiy last summer, will he seen nt i!ie
Academy of .Music Saturday uimit wiili
"The hVm Iiik .Master" eoiniany.
Dr. rhurles l, ami sister. Miss Pur
tie Lewis, both connected with the l.uek hospital, spent the liollila.VH at
f returned last evening.
Bonds for persons In positions of trust
f re furnished by II. Wiilton, C'nm
I Viioiiwcultli HlilMing.
I J Stock In the new Aftlsim's Hulhlins
I Anil l.iuui Association of Seranton can
V)ow be procured at the olllee. Al l.uck.i-
maniia avenue, iluy or i-vimiIiih.
J. I . VaUKliun, secretary.
Joseph niiev. who on New Year's nluht
hi'dH n til. .11., th,-, u-ln.l.,,,. ..f ,1...
Gtesclie Mission, on Kruiiklin avenue, was c ,,mitT,..l l.i loll In' 11. 1. ..,..,.
LMillur In default of $: hall.
I .uenaei neap, who, on roiiipiaini or nis
Ifiitht.l UllS 11 1'I'.'dtMil Vmv In!!,1, liliihl f.,,
friim u revolver In the house, 32cS Sixteenth
truet. was lined $." by Alderman .Millar
In poll' court yesterday .
HITYI.EHS Fine. Delicious COCOA
UNt) CHOCOI.ATKS are sold l.y all
fdcffu. Ask for m i UKIt S ana take
,0 cither.
-- -
Taylor'r New Index Map of Seranton and
For sale at Taylor'u Directory office.
flYlbune building, or Riven with an order
tor the Seranton Directory 1890. .
Ilnv the VVcher
ftnd get the best. At GueriiRpy Bros.
I There's nothing, prettier than a
pretty foot in one of these fashionable
SXth Century Seal-Calf Shoes. In
Style very similar to a man's shoe
Luta mtnfa m,f.. !.
, . may., mtiMtfy.
$3.00 A PAIR.
410 Sprues Street
She Was Convicted of Keeping; a Dis-
orderly House la Old Forge.
Judjo Savldge Speaka Sternly to Juries
That Have a Imposition to Uisrcsard
r.vidence-Carbondalo Scolding
Case on iu the .Main Koora.
Str.ttcrs in rrimlnat court ver rc
siinicil yesterday after a New Year's
vacation. Judm NuvldRo In the muin
court room delivered a stern rebuke to
two juries tor bringing in verdlctH
that to him appeared to be improiier ad
judications of the rases.
in the afternoon the assault and bat
tery of the commonwealth against
John Loiishney was tried. Attorneys
Huurke and thinner represented the de
fendant. Patrick t'utdck was the prose
cutor. District Attorney Jones repre
sented the common wealth and a clear
conviction was nuide out. The chartte
of the court wus ulinotu a direct Instruc
tion in find the defendant Kullty. never
theless the verdict was itciUlttal uud
the costs were divided.
I.oiiKhuey andt'usick live in the North
Ktid. one even inn lust suiiiiner hotli
of them had a little too much beer
taken and Indulged In a flRht. The
evidence was that he defendant Invited
the prosecutor out In the alley; the
invitation was accepted and. the two
of them beiiiK pretty strong yoiiiiK men
and evenly matched, both KOt well hum
mereil. Jinlk'e Savidfie said in his rhatRe ho
thought they could auree without leuv
InK the box; while they were strivlnR to
do this one of them arose and iiuiuired
if both of them rould be found ftullty.
There was good deal of seo-buwhiK
and tlunlly they divided the costs. The
Judife utter tukinK the verdict told them
they mitfht be honest about it but they
wore very much mistaken In ndmlnis
lerliiK justice in that way. Juries are
sworn to try ilie cases according to the
lnw and the nvldeiiee and iu the ease
where the evidence Is strong enough to
warrant a conviction such a verdict
oiiiiht to be rendered; any other verdict
brings the law and the courts of Jus
tice into disrepute. Jte scored a Jury
before noon in like manner.
Scandal in the Neighborhood.
Mrs. Annie Vat) Dyke was put on trial
for keeping a disorderly house In Hur
bertowu. old Force township. Attor
ney A. A. t'huse defended her and the
cniiiinomvcalth was represented by Dis
trict Attorney Jonos.The charge uguinsl
the woman was that her house was ill
governed, the source or disturbance, en
couragement of Idleness and a common
nuisance lo the neighborhood and or
derly citizens.
John Cook was the first wltnosi. Ho
Is a school director of ii Forge, lie
said that within n year prior to the date
that County Detective l.eyshoii raided
the place on .Sunday evening, Sept 21
last. .Mrs. Van Dyke's house was the
rendezvous of a number of Italians and
characters of luwless proclivities. School
children were frequently scandalized
by the conduct of the habitues of the
place. Shots were often heard about
the house. Hachel Thomas, the woman
who owns the house where the Van
Dykes live, suld that on pay duys and
often during the month much beer was
drunk on the premises.
County Detective l.eyshon. Constable
Timothy Jones uud Patrolman Thomas
W. Jones, who made the raid Inst Sep
tember, were sworn. The county detec
tive suld seven or eight complaints at
different times had been made to him
n Unit the Van Dyke household.
The night, of the raid live men were
in drinking; a pail of beer was on the
table; .Mrs. Van Dyke wub the only
woman there and she hud her feet upon
it chair and wus smoking a clay pipe.
Veidlct of (iiiilty Ketiirned.
One part of the defense was that Mrs.
Van Dyke was not the lessee of the
house, that her husband, who was then
and is nt present iu the county jail on
the charge of burglarizing the Stewart
.Memoriul parsonuge at Hendluim. was
the one. The muin part of the defense
wus that the commonwealth hud not
made out a case. The Jury retired ut
:i.4S and returned a verdict of guilty.
Tile frentence was a tine of $"i, the costs
and twenty duys In ju 11. She has al
ready berved three months and eleven
Mrs. Kate McN'ulty, a good looking
young married woman with a year-old
baby in her arms, was the next defend
ant. She was put on trial charged with
being a common scold. Attorney A. W.
Hertholf was her counsel uud Senutor
M. K. .McDonald represented the com
monwealth. James AlcNulty wus the
prosecutor. Until parties live in Cur
bondule. It was alleged that twice a week in
luiit July, August and September the de
fendant was in the habit of going out
upon the public highway and there In
the presence of every person who pussed
by scold uud abuse the prosecutors and
their families and call them vile names.
Mis. McNulty's husband Is a second
cousin of one of the prosecutors. The
testimony offered Is repulsive and not
tit to appear in print. The prosecutors
are young men uud the defendant does
not up pear to be over forty years old.
Much time wus taken up with the trial
of Martin Turnovioh, of Olyphant,
charged with larceny and receiving.
Kdward Tinsley was the prosecutor.
The defendant was charged with steal
ing a log chain vuhled at $4. Kx-Judge
Stanton represented the defendant and
Mr. Jones the commonwealth. A ver
dict of not guilty was rendered.
Kennedy Wan Acquitted.
Kdwnrd Kennedy, of Muyfleld.was ne
iltilttcd of l eaking In the door of
Thomas Cav .tiaugh's house ut May
Held, but he Avas directed to pav the
costs. J udge Savldse told the jury that
the imposition of the costs on Kennedy
wus no punishment; If they watched
they would see him n a short time go
forward und take udvautuge of the In
solvency laws, then the county would
pay the costs.
William Kern, a young man charged
with stealing a quantity of brass valued
nt f2 from the Lackawanna Iron and
Steel company. pleaded guilty and In con
federation of the fact that he has been
already quite a while in jull, the sen
tence of the court was a tine of $r, the.
costs, restore the property stolen or the
value thereof and spend thirty days in
Fritz Toulock said he was guilty of
battering iu the front door In the house
of Mrs. Mary How ells, of the North End,
and the court sentenced him to the costs
find thirty days In jail. Frank Winters,
the man who was arrested by Patrol
man Loiia Day for stealing hums from
a car on a West Tackawanna avenue
RWitch, admitted his guilt and was sen
tenced to spend three months in jail and
pay a line of Winters says he was
n Homestead striker. He was intoxi
cated when he broke Into the car and
took the hams.
The Jury sworn to try the case against
Mr. and Mrs. John I.ukan, both charged
with keeping a tippling house on Lloyd
street, could not a gee anil were dis
charged from further consideration of
the case. Albert Uucta was the prose
cutor. Wright Case on Trial.
The entire day was taken up In No. 2
court room before Judge Cralg.of Mauch
Chunk, hearing a part of the rase of the
commonwealth against K. R. WriRht, ot
Kaston, charged with obtaining Jewelry
under false pretences from N. U. Ievy,
of this city. The case was on Tuesday
nnd It will not be finished until today
somo time.
The defendant's side of the case rep
resents that there was no fraudulent
pretences by him in getting the Roods.
When Wright came to tfcrnnton and se
lected a bill of foods he claim that be
told Mr. Levy lie would pay cash for
them. After he went back home be sent
notice he could not take more than i-'AHi
worth. He had ordered I'J'O worth. H
got the entire shipment und gave as se
curity for all he did not puy for. a judg
ment against rtve lots of lund he owned.
Wright fulled soon arter he got the
goods from Mr. Levy and he claims thut
the latter trusted him and there was no
false pretence on his part.
The engagement of John Kernell and
his eompuny in "The Irish Alderntun"
at the Academy this evening promises
a world of pleasure to the amusement
loving patrons of this city. Kernell,
himself, has no superior on the Celtic
American stage as an entertainer und
his company this year, selected by Man
agers Davis and Keogh. is proclaimed
to be the best he ever had. There Is not
a dull moment. It is said, in the en
tire presentation.
I! !l II
"The Fencing Muster," De Koven and
Smith's most artistic and pleasing
American opera comiuue, which will be
presented at the Academy Saturday
evening Is nearlug its one thousandth
performance, apuprently without reduc
ing its popularity. The production
generaly is one in w hich all the elements
that end to assure an operative success
are involved, und so urtlstlcHlly blended
us to form one charming harmonious
whole. The costumes provide local
color to the surouiidings, as do ulso the
numerous minor accessories employed
by the characters. The organization
is headed by Kutherlne Cenmilne, Und
includes Miss Nilla Hergen, H. W.
Dennlck and Slgnor Tomusi, the well
known musical director.
ll II II (J. Seabrooke, the comedian
who bus no peer, und who is vividly re
membered us the star and hit in "The
Isle of Champagne," will be seen In the
Academy Monduy evening in his new
pluy, "The Speculator" a plav built on
the lines of "The Henrietta," which
made Stuart Robsun famous. In the
new play Mr. Seabrooke is said to bo
even more amusing than in any other
of his former roles, which is saying
in the churacter of James Shilling
law iu "The Cotton King," Sutton Vune
has presented one of the most forceful
Impersonations, when properly acted,
ever seen on the Kngllsh speaking
stage. He is a pitiful object In the
early scenes of the play but gradually
his better nature asserts itself and
tlnully triumphs. He is severely put to
the test, however, in several instances,
and Is always u fusclnatlng study.
"The Cotton King" will be the attrac
tion at the Academy next Tuesday
l.orsc lliisincs Dono by the Seranton
t'ostofrico Pin Ins Last Oiinrter.
The receipts of the Seranton postolllce
for the month of December were the
largest or any month In the histnrv of
the orhVe, aggregating Jti,ti44.09 which
was $!0r.."iS larger than the business of
the corresponding month of 1SM4.
During November the receipts of the
ollice were $,:!4a.G2 and October was also
a record breuker, surpassing all the
months that preceded It.
Howard Cediles. formerly of this section
or the cty. but now of U Iki s-Ruri'e. spent
New Yeur's Hay with friends In this end.
.Miss Nellie Pickett and her mother are
Visiting friends ut l.ukeview.
At 4'ompuiiy li armory this evening the
second series of gmnes of the Xonh Knd
Clerks' leuuue will beRin. The game will
be played between listerhuut's unil the
Clarke's Store company. The combina
tion won the Ill's l series by winning four
straight games which wus not equaled by
uuy other team.
The Trilby dancing cluss will hold a
social this evenlg at O'.Malley hull, on
West Market street.
.Mrs. I'Hipeiiter, of Scott township, is
visiting her daughter, .Mrs. Washburn, or
this mrl of the i lly.
.Mr. and Mrs. Verne Siociim, of Thomp
son, are guests of .Mrs. Jacob i'almer, of
Church avenue.
The two children of Thomas Indian, nr
Parker si reel, have almost recovered from
u severe attack of diphtheriu. Tills Is
glad news, brcause .Mr. Indian has but
recently lost three children within u few
mouths. The children are under the
treatment of Dr. Donne.
John Sullivan left yesterday for the
Uultiniore.Medical college, to resume his
William N. Cole will be a candidate for
re-election for constable in the First w-d
at the election Saturday. Seth Smith, of
Hill street, will oppose him in the same
w aid.
.Miss Anna .Mulley ret uracil home last
evening from u visit with her sister, Mrs.
Kichard Cowles, of Jamaica. I.. I.
.Mrs. John lirler, of Wayne avenue, who
has been seriously III fur several days, was
reported lust evening to bo considerably
Joseph Church has Hooded a lot Jus!
below Martin's hotel, on North Alain ave
nue, ami there will be skating there nil. mi
the weather permits. Xo admission will
be charged until further notice.
leorge .Martin, the well-known Indoor
base ball player of Clarke's Store com
pany, who has been visiting friends in
Wllkes-Hurre, returned homo yesterday.
The green tea to lie given by Mrs. K. I..
Jeuks. of 4'herry street, this evening un
der the auspices of the I.uiIIom' Aid society
of Hie Presbyterian church, promises to
eclipse unythiiiK before given. The exer
cises are of a high order and will be both
instructive and entertaining, after which
Ice cream and other refreshments will be
served. A cordial Invllution is extended
to everybody and tliolr friends to be pres
ent. A sunrise prayer meeting will be held on
Sunday niornlnc at 7 o'clock by the Kit
worth league of the .Methodist church, ut
which the Christian Kiyleavor society of
the Presbyterian and Raptist churches are
Invited to Join III a union service.
James Young spent New Tear's with
friends in Hyde Park.
.Mrs. (leorge W. Simpson, who has been
seriously ill for some time. Is flowly re
covering. Mrs. Clave, mother of Thomas Voting, of
North Blukely street, Is lying helpless In
bed from a stroke of paralysis.
.Mrs. Alton Swartz, of North Ulakely
street, is under the doctor's care from a
severe cold.
.Miss Anna O'Mora, of Uinghaniton, Is
visiting her parents, on Apple street, be
ing called home by the sickness of her
mother, Mrs. Peter O'Hora.
Mr. und Mrs. Peter Hobday will soon oc
cupy their hansume new house, on Shoe
maker avenue.
Mrs. Miller, of Muplewood, spent New
Year's with her son, Wiillam .Miller, on
Hrook street.
Heath of William K. K Ice.
William K. Rice died Wednesday ut
Ills home In Wnverly. The funeral will
take place Sunday afternoon nt 2 p.
m. und will be In charge of the Oram!
Army of the Republic post ut thut pearl.
Services will be held in the Methodist
Hplscopal church.
If you want a cup of good COCOA OR
CHOCOLATE you should use HCY
LER'S. All grocers.
Coroner Decides That She Was the Victim
of Criminal Practice,
Media, Io., Jan. 2. A great deal of
mystery surrounds the death of Mrs.
Irene Lockwood, whose husband Is em
ployed In the Reading Terminal, Phila
delphia. The Inquest held here by Cor
oner Qulmby bn the body of Mrs. Lock
wood last evening developed the fact,
through the testimony of Dr. H. A.
Heale, that the woman died of malprac
tice. The jury rendered a verdict that
death resulted from criminal malprac
tice, inflicted by some person or persons
unknown to the Jury.
Mrs. Lockwood was found lylnn on
the Moor, dead, at her home in Media,
fin Saturday afterniHtn Inst. She Is a
young colored woman. They have two
children. When the husband left for his
work on Saturday he said his wife was
sitting at the window nursing the baby.
Vhe had never made any complaint to
him of feeling 111 ,
Cull Issued for a Meeting uf the
Democratic City Committee.
Indications Are That a Large Vote Will
He lHdlcd Tomorrow Afternoon-lleor-.
ganization of the IHior Hoard W ill
Take Place This Afternoon.
Acting Chairman 1. W. Vaughan, of
the Democratic city committee, yes
terduy issued a call for a meeting of the
Democratic city committee iu the St.
Charles hotel at 7.30 p. m., next Wed
nesday evening. Mr. Vaughan said
last evening thut no formal notice had
been served on him to call the commit
tee together but that it seemed to be the
general sentiment among the members
of the party that the time had come
to decide when the city convention
should be held and in deference to that
sentiment lie hud issued the call. The
matter of selecting dutes for the pri
maries and convention was entirely for
the committee to puss upon and he was
not prepared to suy what their choice
would be. The general Impression is
thut the convention will be held at an
early day. Cp to the present time no
pronounced Democratic candidates huve
appeared in the tleld. Several well
known men of that political faith are
allowing without great protest the use
of their names In connection with the
olHces of mayor, controller und treus
urer, but before deciding whether or
not they will declare themselves as
candidates they are anxious to know
what Tuesday's Republican convention
will do. When the Republican city
ticket is decided upon the Democratic
slate makers will go to work. Last
night some or the most prominent of the
Democratic local leaders declared that
no attempt at arranging a slate had
been made as yet.
Tomorrow afternoon between the
hours of 4 and 7 p. m. the Republican
primaries to e. delegates to the citv
convention will be held. A lively inter
est In the selection of delegates is shown
by voters In all parts of the city and the
Indications are that a large vote will be
polled. Th. convention will be called to
order at 2.30 Tuesday afternoon next In
Music Hull and the delegates will ihen
proceed to nominate one person for the
office of mayor, one for the office of con
troller, one f r the office of treasurer, and
three persons for city assessors.
This afternoon at 2 o'clock the Poor
Board of the Seranton District will
meet for the purpose of reorganizing for
the year 1896. The meeting will also be
notable from the fact that Alderman
Frederick Fuller will succeed the late
Charles Tropp as a memberof the hoard.
Mr. Fuller was appointed by Judge
Archbald on Monday and the same day
tiled his oath of office and became a full
fledged member of the board. This af
ternoon, however, will be his first ap
pearance at a meeting. The officers to
be elected by the board are a president,
secretary, attorney, treasurer, tax col
lector, superintendent of the farm and
matron, resident physician und five out
door physicians.
A very lively wancaucus will be held
by the Democrats of the Sixth ward to
morrow afternoon. The principal tight
will be for the nomination for school
controller and M. J. O'Toole. city editor
of the Times, and Hotellteetier John
Casey are engaged in a most vigorous
buttle for thut honor.
The Herwyn Tragedy Leads to Second
West Chester, T'u., Jan. 2 After a
long hunt, John 10. Smith was arrested
and landed in juil here this morning.
He Is a white man, who Is supposed
to be Implicated In the minder of Frank
Ross, for whose tragic death "Jocko"
Thomas is in jail awaiting trial.
Smith was iu the house when Thonuis
blew out the brains of Frank Ross, us
the result of a difference which the two
men had prior to the murder.
Smith was apparently, not on gend
terms with ltoss, und in a tight which
he hud with the deud man, his fuce was
slashed with a razor. Immediately af
ter the trugedy Smith disappeared.
Flnully the constable decided that he
would haunt the neighborhood of Her
wyn, where the murder had been com
mitted, ami his efforts were crowned
with success.
Vigorous Action of un Iowa Woman
Settles Marital Quarrel.
Creston. Iowa, Jan. 2. Zucharinh
Smith, a weulthy farmer, was sued to
day by his wife for divorce and $10,000
alimony on the ground of cruelty. Mr.
Smith, who owns valuable lands in
Texas, had his goods loaded in curs anil
was Blurting to go there when his wife
attached his. cars and prevented his
He then concluded it was a good case
to arbitrate, a settlement wus urrunged
between them, and they returned to
their home together.
Cleveland Company Formed to I tilie
them for Street Travel.
Cleveland, Jan. 2. A mammoth pro
ject for the transportation of people
through the streets of Cleveland Is now
under way. The plan embruces the
In order to close out
giving rare bargains in
415 -Lackawanna Avenue.
practical use of horseless carriages on
time schedules, with various lines in
operation over regular systems in
A partnership of weulthy Cleveland
ers uli-eudy hits oeen formed to curry out
this great project, und a big coi'iKiratlun
Is to be organized eventually. The nrst
lot of carriages has been ordeivd, and
it is expected that a part of this system
will be In active operation by June 1,
Ileaten by the liners.
London, Jan. . A dispatch has reached
the Colonial office sluing that Mr. Jame
son hus had a buttle with the Koers tielmis
Johannesburg, resulting in his surrender.
A uumlter of his followers were killed
and wounded. No details are given.
WONDERFl'L are tho rures accom
plished by Hood's Sarsupnrilla and yet It
is only because Hood's Sarsuparlllu, the
one true blood purifier, makes pure, rich,
healthy blood.
HOOD'S PILLS for the liver and bow.
els act easily, yet promptly und effl
cientiy. Have your grocer send you some of
LAT10S with your next order. Once
tried, alwuy used.
We will cut the price iu
all the departments be
fore we take stock. You
will run plump into some
thing you want and the
price will catch you.
The only one-price store of
the kind in the city.
We Have
On Hand
Alio the New est.
Also the Cheaiest.
Also the Larz Jit.
Porcelain, Onyx, Etc
Silver Novelties in Inlinlte Variety,
l.etcrt Importations.
Jewelry, Watches, Diamonds,
fl. E. ROGERS,
Jeweler and
215 Lackawanna Ave.
this season's goods we are
Our stock at present is
in frightful shape, every
thing topsy-turvy after a
busy holida)' trade. In a
few days we will have
things straighiened out,
when we will offer special
inducements on choice
White China
For Decorating
Our stock is too large for
this time of year.
China Hall
Walk in and look around.
203 Wyoming Ave.
. or ;
You will find a visit to our
store will prove both pleasant
and profitable.
128 Wyoming Ave.
The Finest In the City.
The latest improved furnish'
lags and apparatus for keeping
neat, butter and eggs.
223 Wyoming Av.
Are still offering the large stock of goods from,
25 to 5o per cent, below cost.
These Goods Must
And if you want bargains come and get them
at once.
Smoking Jackets
House Coats
All sizes, 34 to 4J, at the one Price of
for choice of any on our tables, former
price ,5, 57 or fio, all so uow at
for your choice.
Acknowledged the Leading
01 the Wurfd.
KRANICHE BACHE and others.
Musical Instruments,
Husical Merchandise,
Sheet Music and
Music Books.
Purchasers will always find a complete
stock and at prices as low m the qual
ity ul the Instrument will permit at
nusic STORE,
117 Wyoming Ave. - Seranton
Will sunn call on us. and if you will call
and select yon Koods ho will bring you
jutst what yuu waut. Twenty thousuud
fuet of floor rooui devotod to L'audy and
Dolls by tbe Thousand
Dolls' Outfits complete. Hats, Capet,
bbors, Reads, Bodies, Dull Furuiture,
See our
Child's Carpet Sweeper
and the
. Ideal Sewing Machine
for $g.oo, will do any kind uf sowing,
and the
Baby Sewing Machine
Ths lurgust and bast variety for til
money in tlis laud,
Cures Colds, Lays Out LaGrippe,
Cures Incipient Consumption.
Manufactured by G. ELM EN
DO RF, Elmira. N. Y., and for aala
by tbe trade generally.
Wholesale Agents, Seranton, Pa.
Bl UU'S uud have your ey examined frje.
We have reduced prices and are th lowejl In
tue city. tckel spectacles from SI to $-; gold
from $4 to fti.
305 Spruce Street, Seranton, Pa.
Be Sold
Clothiers. Me
Wjonilii. lit,