The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 01, 1896, Image 1

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I -
- - io.oj AVU.
11 JIjBA,
The Jackets that came to us on
theHe conditions last week represent
the must Impressive bargain values
that eyes ever rested on. They are
now In every sense of Hie void, for
(Mlis Are tine Newest
Styles tk Latest,
FamlsMiB tfie Best
To rut It Khnrt. these Jackets con
sist of thf nobbiest miil-wlnter pro
ductions, u in) the only reason for
our KeltlllK hold of tllelll oil such
ndvuntugcoiis terms Is btcuuse
there are but one or two of a kind,
in no cuse over n hnlf u dozen. We
fruarujitce every garment perfect.
Some are full li net), bumc three
quurter lined, mid till ure warrant
ed not to eost you one vent over
halt their acyjul vuluo.
Sere Are tk flgmts:
We're Busy
Stock Taking
And - the balance of our entire
cloak stock Is offered at prices that
will seem ridiculous to the Intelli
gent buyer, but we make It a rule
Xo carry over no stock from one sea
son to another.
TM'ExpMis All.
Senate Debate Yesterday Drifted
Into Colo Channels.
While Considering AdJitionul Duty on
Kuw Wool, the Senator Wanders to
Arguments I pun Coin Senate
Hill and Cockrcll Join Debate.
Washington, Dee. 31. Although the
financial question was not before the
senate today nor in consideration. In a
speech in support of his resolution for
an additional duty on rar wool. Mr.
Siltchell.Oregon. drifted inn the stormy
praters of linance and arfued that the
secretary or the treusur.' should have
exercised discretion vested in him and
redeemed greenbacks ana treasury notes
either in Kold or in sllier coin as given
him. '
When Mr. Hill, Nnv York, asserted
apropos of that arsument. that ever
since 18T! It has feen the custom of
all the seoretarle of the treasury to
redeem green baelrs In Bold, his state
ment was contracted oy Mr. Cockrell,
Missouri, who stiteil that such redemp
tion begun in October. 1S!1 never be
fore, ami added that Mr. Sherman hud
made mi anv-ndnicnt in the senate to
redeem, retire and cancel greenbacks
with silver dollars; and that Secretary
Carlisle bail stilted before the house
committee on appropriations in Janu
ary 16 'thut If In the beginning the
secretary of the treasury hud exercised
his discretion of paying these, notes
either in koM or silver, at his conven
ience, it would have mine well and have
f been of great benetlt. Mr. Cockrell
shouted with great vigor, thut no secre
tary of the treasury hnd ever until Oc
tober, yielded the option to the
holders of I'nited States notes to require
payment In Bold, regardless of conse
quences. Alter speech by Mr. Mitchell
the resolution as to additional rate of
duty on raw wool was referred to the
committee on linance.
Resolutions as to the maintenance of
the reserve fund of $100,000,000 In gold
coin or bullion, and prohibiting the Is
sue of bonds by contract were offered
til st by Mr. Sherman and the second
by Mr. Klktns. of West Virginia. The
senate then udjoiirned until next Fll
lsiy. at 2. no.
pill Introduced.
Mr. MeMillln. of Tennessee, re-Introduced
in the house today a bill to
repeal the state bank tax.
SI. Cuiiimlngs, of New York, pro
poses to increase the army so thut here
after on a peace footing it shall con
sist of ten regiments of aitlllery, ten
regiments or cavalry and thirty regi
ments of Infantry.
Sir. t'anieroii, of Pennsylvania. Intro
duced In thf senitle today a bill to reg
ulate the course of study at the naval
academy. The bill was drawn by the
command of t lie academy and has the
approval of Secretary Herbert. It re
duces tile course to four yearn by abol
ishing the two years' cruise: provides
separate courses of instructions for the
rcgulur line and the engineer corps, and
fixes the uge of cnndlilates at exami
nation for admission at between 15 and
17 years.
Venezuelan Commission.
No Information whatever can be ob
tained at the while house as to whether
the president has come to any decision
In regard to the members of he Venezu
elan commission either us to number or
persoritK I. Hoth nre left absolutely at
the discretion of the president accord
ing to the resolution without even the
necessity of communication with the
senate on the matter.
Terrible strnesle of n Girl in the (jrasp
of Ruffians.
Vineland. N. J.. Pec. SI. Fourteen-year-old
I'lu Carr wan attacked by two
rutlians on her way home from Sunday
school lust evening, and she had a terri
ble struggle. The girl lives on Garden
road near Kast avenue, and attends
Sunday school in the little school house
on Wheat road. In the winter, when
the days are so short, it Is often nearly
dark when she sturts for home. Direct
ly In her path lies Hlack water swamp.
Yesterday afternoon, after saying good
bye to her little friends, who asked her
If she was not afraid to go through the
swamp alone, i'lu started on a brisk
walk, apparently without a sign of fear.
When nearly upon the bridge two men
jumped Into the middle of the road and
seized the frightened girl.
one of the men threw his arms around
Sliss Carr. while the other trlimed her
up. For several minutes, which seemed
ages to her, she hit and fought her as
sailantK. who attempted to drag her Into
the swamp. The girl's clothing was
nearly torn from her body. John White,
a farmer, who wis approaching, henrd
the girl's frantic screams and quick
ened his iace. The men fled Into the
When Farmer White reached the
bridge the half-clad figure of the girl
ran towards him. Quieting her the best
lie could he took her home. Charles
Carr. her father, got some men together
and seourtd the swamp, but the roughs
could not e found. The men, however,
were seen ky a neighbor previous to the
assault, to whom they said: "We are
going to the swamp to find a girl."
A Cilien of West Chester kills Himself
on Account of on Arrest.
Wist OhcsUr, Po.. Dec. .11. Lewis R.
Clayton, aged 27 years, of Thornbttry
township. thi county, blew out his
brains this morning, because of a prose
cution brought against him by George
Sharpless. of fill worth town.
The latter while wnlklng'to his home
late at night lvcPntly was fired upon
by the occupant of passing carriage,
the bullet imbedding Itseir In his watch.
He had Clayton larrested on the charge
of committing thy deed and the accused
has become worried over the affair.
A Father Disposes of Fifteen- Vcar-Old
Daughter to tlto Highest Didder. ' ,
Dunbar. Pa., Dc. 31. The selling of
Italians In this section of the coal region
has been revived by the sale of a girl
about 1 years of kge to an Italian for
$300. The father f the girl had pre
viously been offered $200.
This suitor, however, was overbid and
the father gave his laughter to the man
who offered most fot the girl. The cere
mony was celebrated yesterday.
Had Faeed Kekh Other aa Rivals
Ready in Kill.
Tlrooklyn. N. Y.. Dec. 31.-For at
tempting; after a trims of cards last
night to fight a duel concerning a girl
whom they were both courting. Enrico
Bpermeola and Uloqmna Urtah were
today held for trial,
Armed with re-
volvers and stilettos,
and accompanied
by friends, the rlvalsfast night went to
a vacant lot on Union avenue, and had
jut taken their respective places w.hen
Policeman Worden run to the spot and
caught hold of Spermenla.
At the same moment Urtah fired his
revolver, the bullet passing close to the
officer's head. Worden ran toward lr
tah. and before he could again dis
charge the revolver struck the weapon
out of his hand and arrested all the
parties to the combat.
Joseph L. Good. It Is Thought, Has Been
Foully .Murdered.
Pittsburg, Pa.. Dec. ni. I.nst evening
Joseph L. (iood, a bookkeeper In Camp
bell's Glass factory at Blair's station,
left his home to come to this city. Early
this morning Wood's hat. badly de
ranged, his pocketbook empty and torn
and his bunch of keys were round on
the Tenth street covered bridge. Good's
effects have been Identified by his wife,
who says her husband had n largo sum
of money In his pocket when he left
It Is believed that Good was the vic
tim of an assault, and his body dropped
through the bridge Into the Mononga
helu river.
Coroner's Jury Doesn't Know Who Shot
JScnjnmin l.uff.
West Chester. I'a.. Dec. 31. Henjumln
Luff, who was shot ""on Christmas eve
while walking: with Annie Moore, died
yesterday, anl the coroner held an In
quest last nlnht. Hefore dying. Luff
said that Absalom Watson hud fired 'the
fatal bullet. The coroner's Jury, after
some discussion, rendered a verdict to
the effect that the deceased hud met
his death from the effects of it bullet
tired by some one unknown to the Jury.
District Attorney Hahlwiti will press
n charge of murder against Watson. It
Is alleged that Jealousy caused the
I.uff was a married man, and Annie
Moore testified that her husband Is Jo
seph Ageiis. Watson Is said to be one
of her admirers. The county has now
three murders on Its hands.
They WW in o limning building at
I IttsNire.
Pittsburg. lec. 31. Hy the burning of
a small dwelling lust nluht In the min
ing town of Krontenac, four boys, Hub
ert, Will, John and Archie Mcbnnan,
aged is. 14, IJ and II. lost their lives.
The bodies of three of the brothers were
found huddled together in the sitting
room and the fourth hoy was found in
the kitchen.
The remains were beyond recognition
and the cause of the lire or reason why
the boys did not escape is not known.
There an- rumors of foul play and the
miners tire greutly aroused,
A Huntsman Says Ills Partner Was Shot
nnd a Wife Dies.
Double Springs, Ala., Dec. 31. A
thoughtless Joker's usseitlon that her
.husband wan dead Instantly killed Jim
Archie Fletcher near here on Saturday.
Fletcher and his cousin, Joseph Wheel
er, went hunting. Returning at dinner
time to Fletcher's house without Flet
cher. Wheeler was asked by Sirs. Flet
cher where her husband was. Jokingly,
Wheeler pointed to his gun. and said:
"It went off accidentally and killed
Mrs. Fletcher screamed and fell to the
lloor. In n moment her heart reared
to beat and n doctor, hastily summoned,
pronounced her dead.
Fletcher, who had merely turried at a
neighbor's on the way home, returned
shortly afterwards. lbis now looking
for Wheeler, who has fled to parts un
known. COl l'IN lOO SOON.
But the .Mother's I cor of Her Son's lcath
Was Kcalltcd.
Wllllamsport. Pa.. Dec. 31. A mother s
supposed premonition of her son's
death resulted In a somewhat uncanny
affair yesterday. 1. K. Yorks, a young
man, was brought to the hospital In this
city about three weeks ago from Ouk
Grove. His case wus hopeless. Satur
day night there arrived over the Fall
lirook railroad an empty casket con
signed to the hospital for Yorks' body.
He was not yet dead.
It was learned that his aged mother
on Saturday hnd had what she sup
posed was a premonition of her boy's
death, and proceeded post haste to get
a coffin In which to bring his body
home. She was not much out of the
way, however, for Yorks died yesterday
afternoon and his remains were today
shipped home In the prematurely-purchased
Folks Thought lie Was Mad and a WIIJ
CIiunc Followed.
Bristol, Pa.. Dec. 31. A dog created
more furor In Tlncium township yester
day than the Philadelphia strike or the
Knglit-h war talk. Somebody said the
dog was mad and then the chase began.
The Innocent brute was driven hithpr
and thither. A crowd of men and boys
soon formed to hunt down the supposed
savage beast. Every time the dog
stopped to rest someone would hit him
with a club or stone. A score of yelp
ing dogs Joined the chase.
Inn ing the excitement 14 of the dogs,
six men and boys and several unsus
pecting cows were bitten. At least, the
terrified populace, thought they were
bitten. The supposed mad dog was
finally shot by Harry Heaven. The
other dogs nnd the cows will likely
meet a similar fate.
Free Masons of Slanltnba have resolved
nxainst war between Kngland and the
I'nited Stales.
William I-amb. a youth, fatally shot
Louis Doane, aged 17, in a church quarrel,
at Washington, ill.
The trip around the world of "Owney."'
a postal clerk's dog, has been completed
by arrival at Tacoma,
After drinking a quart of whisky at a
slnsle drinithi on a waper, Wolfe
. '-' v "
Missouri sine smelters have gobbled all
the 1ig plants in the cauntry , on 12,000
OUO basis, and will raise prices.
The navy department contemplates a
complete rehabilitation of the Annapolis
Naval academy, at a cost of SO.OUO.OiM.
A gold nugget weighting thirty-one
pounds and seven ounces Is reported to
,,i . Jb-a t,, ,
county, Va.
Explosion of a lamp In tapir parents'
absence caused' the cremation of William
Atkins' three children In bed at Akron,
Dr. Newton Whitehead, a New York
nialpractitioner, has forfeited $"..0U0 eauli
which he deposited as security to appear
far trial..
Sudden Ions of memory compelled Kev.
Dr. H. W. Kelloag to cease preaching In
Trinity MthodUt church, Youngitowu,
O., and close the church.
Citizens of Marlon county, Kv., will of
fer a reward for the conviction of the
mob thut i iurnecl to death Mrs. T. J.
Welsh and shot W. A. Dever, near Leb
anon, i
Philadelphia Traction Employes Dis
satisfied with Terms.
An Address Has Ueen Issued to Christian
Leaguers Asking tor Assistance,
l ittle Hope That Men Will Worlt
for Less Ihun S'2 a bay.
Philadelphia, Dee. 31. When the
street railway strike was declared oft a
week airo and the strikers returned to
work it was the understanding that they
were to have a hearing from the I'nion
Traction company officials, at winch
hearing the grievances of the men could
be presented.
This hearing was given last night, a
committee of the employes' having a
conference with General Slanager Ilee
tem, which lasted several hours.
The result of the conference as stated
In these dispatches last night, was dis
appointing to the men. particularly the
refusal of the general manager to grant
them two dollars for a ten hour word
ing day. Mr. Heetem consented to give
the men that struck their old runs and
to put the non-l'nion men on as before.
The propositions of Mr. Heetem will be.
submitted to a meeting of tne strikers
for action. Sir. White, one of tne
strikers' leaders, anticipates consider
able opposition from the men to these
propositions, and this afternoon the.
committee of strikers drew up an ad
dress. The address Is as follows:
Acting coon the adxice of yours and
many tKher leading societies in Philadel
phia in bringing to a close the strlka which
was inaugurated to bring about our Just
demands, and being assured that If we
would peaceably return to work that they
would assist us In every way in their
power to secure our demands which lh'-y
felt were Just ami right, we now appeal
at this time for your assistance, as we
have been making every effort in our
power to secure these demands, hut so far
have been unsuccessful.
Our men have become restlesa and Im
patient. We fear the worst and would
kindly ask you lo lend us yunr assistance
and aid in bringing about a Just and ami
cable adjustment of these questions.
The address Is sent to the various
Christian leagues of this city.
Tho Situation Scrums.
The situation seems to have assumed
a serious phrase, and another strike
of tlie motormen ami conductors may
occur. President Sluhon of the Amal
gamated Association of Street Hallwuy
Employes udmits that the prospects of
u peaceful adjust men t of the dlllerences
between the men and the I'nion Trac
tion company Is doubtful, but ho is
using nil his power of persuasion to
wards furthering a policy of modera
tion. A tnlk today with a number of the
members of the committee upon Gen
eral Manager Heelcm'a propositions
lust night evidenced that the general
sentiment was in favor of rejecting the
propositions of the traction company
and demanding two d' ,1:11:1 a day for a
day of ten hours. The men of the sev
enteen divisions of the roud will hold
meetings lute tonight nt which to hear
the report of the committee that con
ferred with Mr. 'Heetem. The otliciuls
of the association admit that there is
hardly a probability of more than one
or two of the divisions accepting the
company's terms, it Is likely that the
divisions will Instruct their commit
tees to again make their demand for
$2 for ten hours but whether their
wants will be coupled with 11 strike ul
timatum cannot be asserted positively
until ufter their meetings are over.
The demand of the men will be re
fused. On this point the traction com
pany la linn. , While Mr. Heetem hopes
the men will not strike, he Is prepared
for such a contingency. If another
strike takes place the company will
light the men to the bitter end. and an
otliclal of the company says that under
110 circumstances will a man who
strikes again be taken buck Into the
employ of the company. Mr. Heetem
claims that if the men strike he tins
enough men lit his command to put 400
cars on the line at once.
It was learned tonight that Instead of
submitting the- traction company's
proposition to the men at division meet
ings a poll of all the men and conduo
tors was taken today and. as expected,
a large majority voted to reject the
company's propositions. The commit
tee which met Sir. Bectem last night is
holding a meeting tonight to ap'polnt a
Hiib-commlttee to acquaint Mr. Heetem
with the men's decision.
New York Alaejstratcs Absolutely Refuse
to F.nfbreo the Law.
New York, Dec. 31. Tho proprietors
of the big music halls won a victory to
day before City Magistrate Kudlich, In
the test case Instituted ngninst them
last week for selling beer ana ll'iuors
during performances. The muglstrute
holds that- section 2.010 of the consoli
dation act. under which the nrrest of
Messrs. Koster, Hammcrstein nnd
Kraus was made, has heena-ver since
lq enactment construed by all the
branches of the municipal government
as not applying to tho places of amuse
ment now made the subject of sudden
To enforce the law now, the magis
trate continues, "seems almost a crime."
The proprietors, he adds, "were Jus..
fled in, relying on our affirmative silence.
If a crime lias been commuted every
branch of the city government Is par
tlceps crimlnls.
Chairman Stono Will Begin the Prepara
tion of n Measure Immediately.
Washington, Dec. 31 Kepresntatlve
W. A. Stone, of Pennsylvania, chair
man of the sub-committee on pen
sions, has issued a call for a meeting
of his committee on Friday of this
week. The umount appropriated for
pensions for the current fiscal year
was JI140.000.000. which Is the commis
sioners' estimate for the next year.
It Is Mr. Stone's desire to begin the
preparation of the pension bill at once,
in order that no delay may occur In
reporting It to the house. This is In
conformity with the Republican pro
gramme, which looks to an adjourn
ment of congress as soon as all appro
priation bills have been passed.
A Negro Cuts Himself t own and F.seapcs
Through the Mob.
St. Louis, llo., Dec. 3i. For several
weeks past a bip. bnrty ntro has beeu
stealing all sorts of things from the
butchers and hucksters at the I'nion
market house, but he always escaped
orrcst, and the tenants of the market
became exasperated over, t-.dr losses.
Th'"" morning the negro was caught
while carrying off two horse blankets,
and the cry of "lynch him" went Up. A
crowd of angry men seized him, bound
his wrists, nut a rope around his neck
and strung him up by a block and tack.e
hanging In the market house.
But the negro was a fellow oj great
nerve, and while his tongue was pro
truding from him mouth and his eyes
bulging from their sockets he made a
violent struggle. hroe tho cord which
bound his arms, and before the mob re
alized what he was doing he whipped
out u big Kiilte from his pocket, cm ;ne
rope, dropped to the ground and ran
like a deer. He was chased and over
taken by the mob, but he turned with
his big knife, showing such desperate
tight that the crowd halted and wav
ered, and the negro escaped up an alley.
Strange Shooting Affair In a New York
Counting Room.
New Y'ork, Dec. 31. Edward Ilallen
back, a young Brooklyn man, came to
this city today Intent on killing William
T. Robinson, a bookkeeper. Hallenback
had two pistols In his pockets. One was
out of order, but with the other he shot
W. T. Robinson twice and started to
run away, but was captured. When
brought back for identification and
while in the arms of a policeman, he
fired thi-ee more shots. Two of these
hit Robinson in the leg and the third
hit Robinson's brother. None of the
wounds are believed to be fatal.
What his motive Is Hallenback will
not say. Tho family of the Injured men
likewise denied tho reporters all Infor
mation. It Is related that while all this
was ginng on tne policeman who had
Hullenback in custody stepped buck
dumbfounded when Hallenback began
to shoot. He recovered himself when
the man was disarmed.
Result or a Holler Explosion at Avocn
Narrow Fseapo of Several I mploycs of
tho Pennsylvania Coal Company.
Avocn, Dec. 31. This morning nt five
minutes past seven one of the most
costly and distressing accidents which
has happened In this vicinity for some
years occurred at Avoca. A nest of six
boilers at the Law shaft on the side of
the roud. between Duryea and Avoca,
and near the Avoca depot of the Erie
and Wyoming railroad, exploded with
terrible violence. Instantly killing three
men. The victims are:
Thomas McDonald, a pump rimmr,
HO years, married, wife and eight chll
d re'n.
Alexander Vuuiiif, years, machinist,
wife and (our children.
Cord Rools. :ir, years, carpenter, wife
and two children.
The liiKht shift was Just going home
nnd the day shift Just beginning their
day's work. The day fireman. J. T.
IJluse, hnd Just entered the boiler room
when ho heurd a hissing noise. He Im
mediately notified Alexander Young,
who Is employed us a machinist, but who
was then engaged In lowering some
hoardJ Into the mine. Hluse hud Just
finished telling Mr. Young that some
thing was wronir with the boilers, and
was sturtlng buck when he saw some
bricks Hying from the top of the boil
ers, evidently curried by the force of
escaping steam. Surmising that some,
tiling was wrontr. he ran for his life.
He was none too iiuick, for Immediately
there followed a roaring sound and then
un awful report. In an instant all was
over. The boiler house was utterly oe
mollslied. nothliur being left of it ex
cept small pieces of wood or brick.
One of the boilers hud been thrown
through the head house of the shaft, 11
distance of seventy feet, and had
hraought death to two men. One of the
men wait Thomas McDonald, a pump
runner, who was standing at the head
of the shaft, apparently waiting to go
to his work. He wan crushed into
pieces by the boiler which continued on
Its deadly Journey through a trestle, a
distance of about one hundred and fifty
feet from the boiler room and eighty
feet from where it struck McDonald.
It struck a standard which was under
the trestle. Tills Ktuudard, Ints full. Is
suposed to have struck Kools. who was
sawing some lumber under the trestle,
throwing him about eighty fert and
killing him instnaiitly.
Young was struck while stunding in
the engine house and up to in o'clock
only bis head had been found. It is
suposed that the remainder of his body
was thrown down the shaft.
They "Sow the Wheels Jump," Without
Sertnun Pnraagc.
Bridgeport, Conn.. Dec. 31. Three 11-yeiir-old
train wreckers, Fred. Hosbock,
Vlllle Neugle and Peter Grahuin. were
arrested here this morning. Yesterday
they first chopped down the sign, "Look
Out for the Locomotive While the Hell
Hinss." Then they built a tire with it
and used Its Iron conecting bolts "to
see the wheels Jump" as the Consoli
dated railroad passenger train came
darting along. A heavy Iron bruce was
jammed Into the switch frog; but the
wheels only Jammed It In the tighter.
The next train, however, the New
Medford milk train, did Jump., for the
boys had pounded stones, down under
another piece of iron In the frog. Hut
nil the jumping wheels of the train
jumped buck to the rails again, and the
crew lived to report the matter and have
Uoadmuster Kilerouse arrest the boys.
No Division of Profits from "Little Lord
Fa untleroy."
New York, Dec. 31. An alleged ver
bal contract entered into in 1SS7 ue
tween Frank W. Sanger and Thomas H.
French, as Joint proprietors of the
Hroadway Theater, was caustically re
viewed by a detdsion handed down In
the Supreme court, general term, on
an opinion of Presiding Justice Von
Ilrunt. today. Stinger had, under this
verbal agreement that the two should
iHmre in the profits from all plays owned
by either partner, obtained a judgment
for $60,431 against French, mainly cov
ering profits on the production of
"Little Ixird Fauntleroy."
In setting this judgment aside Justice
Van Ilrunt asked why. when the
Frenches were negotiating for this play,
if the contract was as Sanger suid it
was, Sanger should, write: Do I get
a chance for a bit of It?" If this Is an
Impertinent question you need not an
swer It."
Went Mad Reading the bible.
Shenandoah. Pa.. Dec. 31. While read
ing the Jttlilc nt his home here yesterday.
William I'asco suddenly became Insane.
He Icuiied upon a table ami began to ex
hort an imaginary congregation. He Is
now In the county asylum.
The (iovcrnor Seeks Kcst.
Itnrrifhurg. I'a., Dec. "1. Governor
Hastings will leave for Hot Springs, Ark.,
this evening. He has not been well end
seeks rest on the advice of his physician,
who will accompany him. The governor
Is broken down from overwork.
Miners IVi;cj KednccJ.
PottsviU , Pa.. Dee. 31. The miners of
Schuylkill anthracite region for the last
half of Iecember. IS'.ij, and the first half
of January, 1K, have been fixed at 4 per
cf n't. below the $2.."iO bi.fls. Tae wages for
last month Is 8 per cent, below this basis.
One of Professor Coles' F.arthqnake.
Naple.. Dec. 31. A severe shock of earth-
qiiuku was reit at tccians, near the cm
of Slula, in the province of Casurt, or
Hiimiay. A nil inner 01 nouses were throwi
down, several .persons were killed anJ
many others injured.
A Sunday School Teacher Arrested
for Blackmailing His Pastor.
She Claims tollave Been Shocked by the
1'nlawful Passion of Kev. Pr.
Drown fur a Miss Overman.
The Minister's Version.
San Francisco, Dec. 30. Mrs. Mary
Davidson, who was arrested Saturday
night on complaint of Rev. Dr. C. O.
Hrown. pastor of the First Congrega
tional church, on a charge of extortion,
has been unable to obtain ball, and is
still in prison. Mrs. Davidson taught a
class In the Sunday school of the
church, which is one of the largest and
most fashionable In the city, and her
arrt st has caused great astonishment
In I lurch circles. She adhered to her
orl nal statement with regard to Dr.
Br 'n's alleged offenses, and says that
alt. iugh she may be sent to state's
prii n, she believes her charges against
the ilnister will ultimately be verified.
Dr. Hrown steadfastly denies the uc
cus. lions made against him. and de
clares that he will exert everv effort
to send Mrs. Davidson to San Quentln.
Mrs. Davidson says she has long been
aware of the alleged relations between
Dr. Hrown and Miss Overman. She
says: "Dr. Hrown called upon me often
ami asked me to pray for him. 1 prom-
,e?uto lto ""' WrH' Masun. a member
or the church, came to me one duv and
suggested that we both go down to the
church at 10 o'clock everv Huuduv
morning and pray for Dr. Brown anil
the congregution.
"We went to the church as suggest
t'd, but Dr. Hrown did not receive us in
the manner that a true Christian would
have done. He seemed nnnoyed at our
"He called unon me again at my
p ..'A?' ,,l,sl,le! asked me to go
with him to the Young Men s Christian
Association building, us he wished to
spcuk to me privately. I thought It a
strange reiuest, as I knew no one there,
and had never been there. 1 accom
panied him, however, and he Introduced
me to the secretary. Sir. McCoy, as one
of his ChrlKtluii women. Then he asked
Mr. McCoy for the use of n private
room one that he hud often used. Sir
McCoy said he could have the room,
and we entered II. Dr. Hrown swung
the door backwards, but did not com
pletely close It.
"It wus there that he told me that his
passion for Miss Overman was con
suming hhn: he said he would be will
ing to give up bis family, his profession,
und entire career for her. I was great
ly shocked, and again I counselled with
him and warned him of his danger,
once more I advised him to stick to the
text, 'Love thy wlf.' I advised him us
a mother, nnd told him he should see
the danger before It was too late. T
called the affection un 'unholy mission.'
lie corrected me by styling it 'unlawful
"He went a way. greatly comforted.
Me said it relieved him to unfold him
self to me."
"Sirs. Davidson's defamation of my
churuoter Is utterly inconsistent with
her actions for the past year." said Dr.
Hrown. "She said she knew of my in
famous relations with this Innocent girl.
If she did. why did she walk, tnlk, ent,
or sleep with any woman guilty of such
a crime?
"I'p to the time Bhe robbed me of the
$."00, for 1 cun use no other words to
characterize the manner In which she
got the money, she says she knew I was
not morally III to occupy the position
of pastor of the church. Yet she was
one of the people who went about sing
ing my praises to the trustees, deacons
nnd other officials of the First Congre
gational church.
"It may seem strange that I have
given her any money, but when you
come to think of It. or figure It out
logically, you will readily see there was
no other course for me to pursue. If I
bud not given her the money and se
cured the signed receipt she would
probably have gone nbout circulating
her infamous lies about me. I would
have nothing to show that she had first
come to me with the sume story for the
purpose of extortion. Now that I have
the receipt I have positive as will as
legal evidence to prove her true char
acter. She was not aware when she
signed that bit of paper that she was
sealing the warrant that will send her
to state's prison, where site and all of
her kind belong.
-"Sliss Overman will tell her Btory In
the court room. She will take the
tnnd and proclaim my innocence. She
will tell all she knows about the dia
bolical plot of her pretended friend to
ruin me."
Dr. Hrown Is one of the most promi
nent ministers In this city, and Is well
known throughout the Pacific roast.
He was formerly Identified with re
ligious works at Ilattle Creek, Mich.,
and Dubuque, la.
The case was called for a hearing to
day and held over untilThursday. Mrs.
Davidson's bail was reduced to $2,(KiO.
The defense made a strange move by
asking for a change of venue on the
ground that the minister had once
made un attack upon Judge Campbell
from the pulpit. The motion was re
fused. Sirs. Boddin has not been
Miss Overman's F.otcrprise.
One of the most Interesting features
of the story is the statement that Miss
Overman went to the local newspapers
four iro n1''-, ni.ii nn I 'Tr-red to el h
story for II.OOO. which she said would
ruin a prominent resident of this city
and cause a sensation all over the
country. When the statement was first
made Miss Overman denied the asser
tion. The paper In question todny
prints an Interview with Its city edi
tor. In which he says a woman whom he
believes to have been Miss Overman
did offer to sell him a scandalous story
about a prominent man. whom she re
fused to name unless paid $1,000
The local ministry nnd the members
of Dr. Hrnwn's church express the ut
most faith in his uprightness. The
ministers, at their weekly meeting,
adopted a resolution of confidence in
Dr. Brown.
The I'nion Boiler works, of Lebanon,
were reorganised with Recorder K. SI.
Ilollz as president.
.Frank Dublinskle, of Mount Carmel.
whose wife recently disappeared, offers
t.1 reward for her return.
After a brief Idleness nearly all the
Lebanon Iron mills are busy and will
remain so during the winter.
A nervous affliction unhinged the mind
rf Inhn Utiiltt.lultlno n ru 1 1 mi . I h.olfa-
man. at Kaston. and he shut hlmsel
to death.
The coroner's Jury at Portsvllle yes.
day rendered a verdict that tt didn't
who killed Sirs. Catherine Gonna
Nov. 21. er-
Dr. I.eonard Pearson, of Phil"ni''
has been appointed veterlnar
the act creating The departmr
culture, at an annual salary- delphia.
day, Beccmkr 30, and
Our annual clearing sale of table Un
ens, previous to Inventory, has always
been looked forward to with Interest by
Intelligent housekeepers, and Judging
from the many inquiries already mad
concerning this one It will be no excep
tion to any of Its predecessors.
The values we offer are always appre
ciated, and during this sale IRRE
SISTIBLE BARGAINS will be brought
forward from day to day and will com
prise everything throughout the de
partment, from a table linen at Twanty
flve Cents a Yard to one of our Double
Satin Damasks, ut Two Dollars and a
Half or over; also, In table napkins
from One Dollar a Dozen up to Fifteen,
Quotations on goods of this class art
no criterion of their values, but are
often misleading. Therefore we lnvlta
you to a personal Inspection of our
stock, knowing that you will not only
be Interested, but that we can save you
nt least Twenty-live Cents on every
dollur Invested.
Kxtra choice line of' Dinner and Tea
Sets, Lunch Cloths,. Center pieces, Doy
lies, etc.
our usual fine assortment cf German
"Silver-Bleach" Dumasks.
Agency for John S. Hrown & Bona' lin
ens, "Best in the World."
Sale commences Monday morning an5
wtll lust for ten days.
.530 and 512 1
A Happy New Year to the Peaceful, Honest
People of the World.
Lewis, ItFllly ft Da vies wish the peace
ful, honest people of the world u happy
New Vesr. We are hspuy because we live
In one of the moat prosperous cities. In one
of the best countries, In one of the largest
stutes and the greutest country that iiiun
is privileged to live In. Among the cities,
towns, etc., thut we wish to remember la
a particular way ure the following:
Forty Fort,
Miners Mills, ,
SI III Creek,
Hum oi k,
Preston Park,
Lake Como,
Pleasant Mount,
Forest City,
White Bridge,
Dickson City,
Conklln Center.
Great Hend,
New Mllfoid,
La Plume,
Clark's Summit,
Iike Ariel, !
OeorgutOWOk .
vt uyniait,
Mount Pocono,
pocono Summit
Water Gap,
vManunka Chunk,
May they live long and prosper Is tho
wish of Lewis, Rellly & Davles, the hon
est and most extensive dealers In boots,
shoes, rubbers, etc.. In northeastern Penn
sylvania, Nos. 114 and 116 Wyoming ave
nue, Scranton, I'a.
Great reductions
prices before ta
inventory in
rf& Sprp.ce St!
tfar Dime Bank.
Chile's treaty with
Bolivia has been
officially approved.
America' missionaries
Korea's ing. who fears
spies wW kill him.
RinraoVrs of the mob that plundered
the carman mission at Moluii cS
hav been .beheaded. 'oiun. China,
r Is the
he hon
i boots,
n Penn
ng ave-
IL'LvWIU 41 at
$, Bjafmoiijls
1 1 uiiuet
it of agrl-