2 THE fiCBANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 27, 1893. THE LEADER 124-126 Wyoming Ave., A rare opportunity to buy Presents at almost your own price. The balance of our Holiday Goods left will be sacrificed rather than pack them away. Our line is broken up, but there are enough choice things left that will make beautiful gifts and be a money saver to you. Also have made immense reductions throughout our whole stores and will unload so as to make room for new spring goods which have al ready bSgun to arrive. UPHELD IIIS COUNTRY. An Vnknown Man Coma to Undo Sam's Ncscno. Cincinnati. O., Dec. 26. Last night during a raffle at an East Side saloon, an argument arose about the prospec tive war with England. James Uran sjan, a printer, was loud In his support of England's cauite, and made remarks against Uncle Sam and his people Brangan Is a powerful fellow, but Anal' ly a stranger challenged him. There was no time called, and at the, finish Brangan was completely knocked out. Both eyes were closed. There were no arrests, and the stranger slip ped away satisfied that he had upheld bis country's honor. RAILROAD NOTES. Judge Slmonton. in the Dauphin count v court, has rendered a decision touching the long and short haul clause of the constitution or Pennsylvania, in which he holds that the cluuse Is self- enforclnc. and therefore does not re quire an act of the assembly to carry it out. The action which brought forth this decision was a suit In equity nrougnt uy romng-miii coninunies ui Harrisburg against the Pennsylvania Ttailroad company. In which the de- femlant filed a demurrer on the ground already stated. An nppcul will liroba bly be taken, as the decision Is regarded as having important bearing on similar questions, such as discrimination In freight rates and shipping facilities. ami consolidation of parallel or competing lines. Should the supreme court bus tain the decision further efforts for leg. Islatton to carry out these constitution' al provisions will no longer be neces ary. A syndicate composed of New York, Chicago and Boston capitalists has been formed to open up the western part of Mexico by constructing a rail road. A committee Is now in Mexico negotiating with the government, and an soon as the men return a regular or ganization will be made. The Alexiran government nas already made some valuable concessions. The company will be capitalized with $8,000,000 or 110,000,000, the Mexican government guaranteeing the former amount. The road will be known as the Mexican and Southern Pacific Hallway company. It will be 350 miles long of which 35 miles have already been constructed. The Pacific side nf Mexico Is practically wunout railway facilities, it Is a ter rltory rich In mahogany, coffee and otner valuable articles of commerce. Mr. Robert P. Porter of Boston, will be president of the new company. The big Brodway offices of the lead ing railroads unite In saying that hoi I day travel has not been so light in many years. On the other hand, regu lar traffic Is fair, but still It is not up u we uurniui volume. PRICEBURQi Margaret, wife of Thompson Hall, sr., died Wednesday at 1 o'clock of pneu monia. She had been sick but a few days and and her death was a shock to her many friends. Mrs. Hall was born In England August 10, 1834, but naa uveu in tnis place for the past fourteen years. During her life she was a devout Christian, kind and charitable always ready to extend a helping hand to those In distress. By her sunny dis position and womanly virtues she had eron the love and esteem of a large circle of acquaintances and neighbors, ty wnom sne win be sincerely mourned ' Mrs. Hall Is survived by her husband and ten children, Mrs. Mary A. Pleraon Maggie, Ellen, Catherine, Benjamin, William, Cuthbert, Thompson. Robert and Arthur, all of whom are prominent and respected resident of our town except Mrs. Plerson, who Is In England. The funeral will take place on Batur day at 1 o'clock from the family real- dence. The services will be held In the providence Christian church, of which denomination the deceased was a de vout member. Interment will be mad Ml Year's I In tbt Dunmore oemeury. VILKES-BARRE. Mason ta Elections. The annual elections of officers of the Masons of this vicinity resulted as fol lows: Kingston Lodge No. 395, P. & A. M.. elected officers on Wednesday evening aM follows: Isaac S. Yanscoy, W. M.; Rev. F. von Krug. S. W.; George W. Lewis, J. W.: George W. Flanagan, treasurer; Walter B. Gunton, secretary; James H. Franck, William Lovelund and John K. Nugent, .trustees; George D. Klngsley, representative to Grand Lodge. The Installation and banquet will take place on Friday evening. Plymouth Lodge No. 332. A. Y. al., or Plymouth, has elected the following officers for the ensuing year: James P. Ware, W. M.; John II. San- del, S. W.; Samuel 11. Hicks, J. W.; Samuel L. French, treasurer; John A. Opp, secretary; Bryce R. Blair, John R. Lee, Samuel V. Shaffer, trustees. The newly elected officers of Mt. Horeb Council. No. 34. N. S. K. & 8. M., of Plymouth, are as follows: Joseph H. Schwartz. T. I. G. M.; E. W. Marple, D. I. G. M. : Edward F. Bogert, P. C. of W.; A. E. Chapln, recorder; Samuel L. French, treasurer; Samuel L. French, representative to Grand Coun cil. Valley R. A. Chapter, No. 214. of Ply mouth, has elected the following officers for the ensuing year: Isaac M. Mask, H. P.; cnrlstopner Wren, K.: Albert D. Hopple, S.; S. L. French, treasurer; S. U. Shaffer, secre tary; 8. L. French, John R. Lee and George P. Lindsay, trustees. Nantlcoke Lodge. No. 641. F. & A. M., has elected the following officers for the ensuing year: James A. Dewey, w. M.; Tronic i. Hess, 8. W.; Albert D. Hopple. J. W.; Xavler Wernet, treasurer; J. 8. Delt rlck, secretary; A. A. Enke, A. K. Mowry and R. C. Hltehler. trustees: Robert Black, representative to Grand Lodge. The newly elected officers or coaivme Lodge, No. 474, F. & A. M., of Ashley, are as follows: Robert L. Wiley, W. M.l George A. Reed. 8. W.; John W. Fenner, J. W.-, John Schwab, treasurer; James K. P. Fenner, secretary; Charles W. Bell, Jr., representative to the Grand Lodge. Going to New York. .T. 15111011 Dodd. who has been con nected with the Boston store In this city for the past two years.on Tuesday even ing severed his connection wim mm establishment and will embark In busi ness for hlmiself In New York as nuyer for a number of dry goods estarjlisn ments In several states. Mr. Dodd is a keen and shrewd business man, lias made the drv goods business a study nearly all his life and before coming here had established himself In the same line which he Is now going to take up. He Is a very companionable gen tleman and during his two years' stay here he has made many friends and ac quaintances, with whom he regrets to part and who likewise regret his depar ture. But business calls him elsewhere and about January 1 he will move his family to the metropolis. Mr. Dodd will be located at 64 and 06 Franklin street. In the very center of the big New York dry goods houses. A Lively Scrap. Thomas McKenna and Peter Ward had a lively scrap yesterday afternoon In Alderman Donohue's office, and It was a fortunate thing for the com batants that the Third ward dispenser of Justice happened to be somewhere else at the time. Ward rents from Mc Kenna and the latter was after money and got a black eye. The battle was short but vigorous and when they got through, the Temple of Juctlee looked as though a pair of cyclones had been playing tag Inside. wnen the light started the men were alone In the place, but the sounds of war soon gathered a la rse crowd, who looked on with great approval, and gave advice to their fav orite to "peg htm," etc. Both men were badly hammered and kept lt-jp unm the arrival of a Pottsvllle Justice, who Is vlel'.lng here, and who quelled the disturbance. Arrested H-?r Sister. Alice Chrlstman of South Main street, rccenflv procured a warrant ror me ar- i-PMi nf her sister Clara, alias Stella (Mit'lHtinun. charging her with frequent Ing houses of prostitution. Yesterday afternoon she was seen going up Wash ington street with a young man of un enviable reputation and a policeman followed and captured her. She was taken to police headquarters, where she wept violently and frightened every body by going off in a faint. She was resuscitated and sent to the female lodging room In the city lockup. She Is a young woman, not more than 20 years old, and has been traveling the down ward path very rapidly. Mad from Ills Hurts. George McGulnness, of Nantlcoke, died yesterday, from severe injuries re ceived on Tuesday in No. 1 shaft. Sum auehanna Coal company, at Nantlcoke. McGulnness was caught under a fall of rock, while the man who worked with him, was knocked out of the way Junl in time to escape being badly hurt. A Woman Physician. Ella M. Anderson, of New Jersey, reg istered yesterday as a practicing physi cian with Prothonotory Llewelyn. She Is a graduate of the Woman's Medical college of Pennsylvania and her diplo ma bears the date of May. 189:1. Miss Anderson will practice in Pittston, BRIEF NOTES. K. C. Russell gave a very Interesting address last evening- on the Protestun standard of authority. In Lawell hall, South Wllkes-Barre. The first club run of the Wllkes-Barre wheelmen for IftfKi will be made on New Year's dav. weather luermtttlne. The concert programme for the Press club ball, by the Ninth Regiment band on the night of January 22, Is one of the best ever drawn up by Professor Alex ander. . What Happened to Fldo. "Poor little Fldo, he's so dreadfully hurt that he can't eat. "Why, what Is the matter?" "Don't you know, the poor little, unsus- pectlng fellow bit a wodden-lcgged man yesterday and broke off five teeth!" Chi eago Record. As to Stone Walls. Stone walls do not a prison make, Nor Iron bars a cage, For him who has the wherewithal Good lawyers to engage. Indianapolis Journal. Usually the Way. Optimist: "Ah, there's no lane 10 long but "it has a turn." Pessimist: "Even then you'll find a fellow hiding around the corner with a sand-bag." Cleveland Plain-Dealer. English Capital for American ments. Invest Important to Americans seeking Eng. Ilah caDltal for new enterprises. A Hal containing the names and addresses of 200 successful promoters wno nave placed over 100.000.00 sterling In foreign Invest. ments within the last six years, and over Its.OW.003 tor me seven months of 1895. Price 6 or $25, payable by postal order to the London and Universal Bureau of Investors, W, cneapsiae. ionaon, E. C, Ruhacriber will be entitled, by arranae. ment with the directors to receive either personal or letters or introduction to any OI inese luucvnntui pruniuiera. This list Is first elsss in every respect, and every man or firm whose name ap pears therein may be depended upon. For placing the following It will be found In valuableBonds or Shares of Industrial, Commercial and Financial Concerns, Mortgage loans, Bala of Lands, Patents or Dirtwtors-fWR EDWARD C. ROSB. nun. nALTsn u. r&ria. SAPT. ARTHUR BTIFFB. Copyright THE WORLD OF BUSINESS Stocks and Honda. New York. Dec. SB. Stocks showed con siderable strength during file early hours, the eaxler condition or the money marae-i, lower rales for sterling and a belief that thera will be favorable legislation t Washington being the conducting cause. The war scare also abated and there were moderate buyers. Improvement in stock prices fn the llrat hour ranged from 1 to 4fc per cent. Lackawanna rose 4S Michi gan Central 3, Cotton Oil 3. Lake Shore Louisville and Nashville s3, Norm west Canada Southern 1-V St. Paul 1. Rock Island and Jcrrey Central Vm, and the other active Issues U to IS The advance induced tales to realise profits and a re- Hon of 'i per cent, followed. Reading and Baltimore and Ohio were weaa ami lower. Heading was sold by holders who do not wish to pay the heavy assestnent. The market ruled unlet during the greater loart of the afternoon and the course of prices was Irregular until near the close, when speculation became tinner, owing to a sudden rise in Sugar to 103'i. The buy ing of Sugar at this time waa based on the belief that there will be no adverse legis lation so far as this company Is concerned at Washington at .this session. Net changes show gains of H to3K. per cent, for the day. Reading, I'nlon racltle and Burling ton show losses of ' to 1 per cent. Total sales were 304 000 shares. Furnished by WILLIAM LINN, AL LEN & Co., correspondents for A. P. CAMPBELL, stock Broker, 412 Spruce street. Op'n- High- Low- Clos. Inc. est. est. inn. Am. Tobacco Co "fi's 7S'4 Am. Cotton Oil 17 17 17 lOOUs 14' 4S? w 7'i 3ii 3 68i 7 12.W4 lfi2 21! '4 144 4fi'. "4 102 2.Vf, o'i 26 101 SH's 15i i 254 4 13i 13'4 24 4'i 9 28"j f 107H II 1l, fllV 17 1u:i'. 14- 48-a IWi 9TH', 7-ii, 31' i t 7'i 12S 1.-.2 Hi; 2W, 14r,'..i 4'rS. 11i 101 Am. Suuar Re'g Co. .101 lM'A Ateh., To. & S. Fc... IS IS' 'anada Southern 4 49 'hes. & Ohio ir.Va 15i 6t! fiii'4 103 1(101 77',i 78 384 SS'i trri-i 127 127'4 .i2 ' ita hicngo Gas hie. & N. W Chic, B. A Q... C. c. & St. 1, Chic, Mil. & St. P... hie. R. I. & Pa Del. & Hud P., L. & W Hist. & C. F en. Electric .. 27 7 ..144; 147 .. 4 iVi .. 114 1H4 ..102 10S .. li 24 .. r.'i fi'i .. 2(1 26 .ake Shore IaiuIh. & Nash... M. K. Texis... Manhattan Ele... Mo. Pan Nnt. Cordage D', 29 101 98', l.Hi 9i 21 4 1314 27' i, iTi 9' a 29 8U B'i Vi 10'i 87 11-1, 10'4 Nat. l.eau N. J. Central N. Y. Central ..101 1023, ir.',a 10 2i'i 4 1HA 13' 28-i -i R54 29-li 8i 5' 7N nm 87 12 10H ti4 N. Y L. K. & W... ln'. N. Y., S. 4- W X. Y S. W.. Pr.... 2.V& Nor Pacific 4 Nor. Pacific, Pr 13i Out. West 13 Pac. Mall. . 27'i fi'i , 9 , 28'i : , 1vH , 884 . 11, , 1014, , 644 Phil. & Head Southern H. R Tenn. C. & I Texas Pacific Union Pacific Wabash Wabash, Pr western i'nlon W. L S. Leather 1'. S. Leather, Pr.. 1124 CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE PRICES. Op'n- High- Low- Clos- WHEAT. ing. est. est. inir. Hay BS 08'4 D7-1, 18 (MTS. May K 19'4 18i 18i CORN', May 2S 2S'4 27 277, January 25 23ri 25' 25 LARD. January 6.30 5.30 50 B.SO liny 6.59 6.32 5.50 5.62 PORK. January 8.52 8.62 8.50 8.50 May 8 95 8.95 8.83 8.85 Scranton Board of Trade Kxchango Ouo- tatloni-All Quotations Based on Pur of 100. Name. Bid. Asked. Green Ridge Lumber Co., 110 Dime Deu. & Ills. Ham: K Scran ton Laco Curtain Co 'eo f0 6 25 65 105 1O0 80 io 97 iw 250 15 10 National Boring & Drilling Co. ... First National Bonk 663 Thuron Coal Land Co Scranton Jar & Stopper Co Bcranlon Ulass Co Spring Brook Water Co Elmhurst Boulevard Co Scranton Axle Works Third National Bank 3,u l.ai ka. True! and Safe Dep. Co ... Scranton Parking Co Scranton Savings Bank 200 I.acka. Iron & Steel Co Weston Mill Co Scranton Traction Co Bouta Plate Olass Co Scranton Car Replacer Co.. 100 60 100 Economy steam Heat and Power CO BONDS. Rcranton Class Co Scranton Pass. Railway, llrst mortgage due 191S .110 Scranton Traction Co 93 People's Street Railway, first ntortgai;e due 1918 110 Scranton & Pittston True. Co 90 .People's Stivet Rullway, Sec- W . '1 . .1..., i(wu 11ft onu HUM LUBKl1 IIUW Lacks. Valley Trac. Co., llrst mortgage due 1SH SO 100 1I2 102 100 Dickson Manufacturing Co Lacks. Township School 5 City of Scranton Street Imp 0 ... Scranton Axle Works Ncw York Produce .Market. vn, Vfirir n 2d. Flour Dull, easy itTi,u..,lill uuulur No. '1 red. store unl elevator. Ii7a8; afloat. '.9y,ati!i'-; ton. '-it ..IIVS. . iinout u: t-tfl tiZIl Itl! I O. 2 HUTU fill ti4ia05. Options closeil weuk. No. z reu, Dec'.. B4'A. ;orn Active, easier; 'q. 2, 34 un .Mill- . iiti.fa: A1UV. Ut'.M. I"I7. v.' .a-, ...tor- a;,i., afloat. ODtlnns nun ami aixitv. Dec. 34: Jan.. mm; n firm otiilons dull, steady; Dec. 23'i; Jan., 2:iV4; May, 23"i. Spot prices. No. ii-Litnu. .- a while. 24'i: No. 2 Chicauo. 24- No. 8, 2IV4: No. white, 23Vi: mixed western. 23a2!VL.: white, do., and white state, 24a2X. Provisions dull, steady, un ,.i.r.np-,.,i l.nnl Onlet. nominal. Butter- Oulct. unchanaed. Cheese Quiet. tlrm, unchanged. Eafts Steady: state nnd Penn sylvania, ZOaitf; soutnern, la'.iiaii; wraisru fresh, 30a21. Huffalo l.lvo Stock. Buffalo, Dec. 2'!. Cattle Receipts, 1,300; on sole, 00. Market stronger for Hood sierra. Common butchers, steady. Closed firm. Hors Rertlpls, 0,500; on sale, 50. .Market opened steady; hiaherfor all kinds, but plK. Closed firm for yorkers; slow for pigs and heavy grades. Yorkers, $3.0a 3.(15; mediums and heavy. $3.60b3.5j; choice heavy, 3.60a3.rii; plRS, 83.70a3.S5; roughs, $3.00a3.10; stags, 2.70a3.0O. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,400; on sale, 2,400. Mar ket opened active and 15 to 25 cents higher for lambs. Bheep-Slrong to 10 better; closed steady and firm. One load extra Canada lambs sold lute at $4.85; best na tive lambs, $4.6084.83; fair to good, $4.0oa J4.40; light. 81.5oa3.90; mixed sheep, good to extra, 2.50a2.80; light to fair, $2.0Oa2.4O; culls, $1.25a1. 75. Toledo Grnln Market. Toledo, Dec. 26. Wheat Receipts, 9.000; shipments, 7.500; quiet; No. 2 red cash and Dec, 04; May, GO',4; No. 3 red, cash, 6i i. Corn Receipts, 142,000; shipments, 135.001); easy; No. 2 mixed, cash, 28; No. S, do., 27'4; May, 28: No. 2 yellow, 24: No. 2 white, is. Oats Receipts, 19,000; ship ments, 2:1,000. Nothing doing. Cloverseed -Receipts, 2,500 bags; shipments, 2.400 bags; eteady; prime cash and Jan., 412'(&; March., 42214. Oil Market. Oil Cltv, Dec. 26. Oil closed at 140, the only quotation today. Standard's price, 11.40. Lost. N TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT O'ER- 1 lflcat i No. 2ttB, dated April 17, 1F9I. for 2o shares of the capital stock or the Scranton Lace Curtain rlaln lunuiartnring company, uai been lost or mislaid. All persons are cau tioned airalnst baring or negotiating the time, aa Its transfer hn been stopped and a new certificate applied for. Money to loan. TO LOAN. APPLY TO REPLOGLE A Ol BB, 41" bprnco n., orranton. Ixeeutors Net;. 1? STATE OF CATHARINE WINTON, Uj deceased, late of the elty of Scranton. 1'a. Letters teatsmeatary npou tbe above named havina Immii sran ted to tho under signed, all persons haying claims or demands agalaat the said estate will present them for navment. and thru Indebted thereto are feanired to make Immediate paymaut to .7- WALTER W. WINTON, I Executor B. M. WINTON, (ixeoutop GARR1CK M. HARDING. Attonfoy. Medical. IADICII akeiVl tfth PannwytJ Pi 01 CENT A WORD. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOR IN AD VANCK. WHEN A BOOK ACCOVNT 19 MADE. NO CHAROE WILL BE LKS3 THAN 2r. CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT AOS.. EX CEPT LOCAL SITUATIONS ANT. HELP WANTED. WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE. Help Wanted Male. ANTED A HOOD SOLICITOR FOR nowsi iu-T. oin canaulJ of doin? nui- torlnl work on weekly nuwspaper. Addreas I,., Tribune office. tlf ANTED - TRAVELING SALVHMEX f with cstnli'.i-died route t-o take 8 ds lino for thli-h d house; $3 to f la a day. U. II. FISHER, 4i"8pruo at., ! crouton, fa. WANTED- . N7i NT "l?T EVERY 8KO- I tion tocanras; f 4.00 to S'' 0J a day mad: 'lis at sicht; also mat to sell Staple Hoods to dealers; bust Me line J'.Vi.O a month: sal ary or lnrse rominisainQ niade; -:;poriencM nnnecesHaty. Clifton Hoap and Manufactur ing Co., Cincinnati, O. 7ASTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN LN' ' ewry town to solirit stock subscrii tions; a monopoly: big money lor aaonts; no capital required. ED W A It DC. FISH fc CO., Koril.m RlocK, Chicago. 111. Helo Wanted Females. ruuL wAimfiTriiTur II work. A. L. MARTIN, TU2 Washington. WANTED - r.XPERIKNUED DIN room girl at the Arlington Hot 1. WANTEt-' ADV AGENT IN BORAX- toll to sell and Introduce Snyder's cake Icing; experienced canvpspr preferred: work pernrinent and very profitable. Writo for pnrt culnra at onc an l gt benefit of holiday trade. T. II. SNYDER & CO, Cincinnati, O. fURL WANTED FOR OEKKAL HOUSE J work. Apply at 1 1 HI Jaclcan st. WANTED IMMEDIATELY TVO ENER votio faieswocion to ranreaint us. Gnaranteed lt s dny without interfering with other duties, flcalthfiil occupation, write for particulars, inclosing stamp. Mango Chem ical Company. No. 7g John streot. New York, fgenta Wanted. GENTS WANTED TO SELL ClOARS; . .,1. .1 i .1 ciu prr luuuiu iwiiirv hiiu BJim-iiiinj I'aiu, Address, with two-cant stamp. FIQARO CI OAK CO., Chicago. A OEN I S-TO SELL OUR PRACTICAL nickel and corner electro J gold, ailvsr. plntera: price from S3 upward; talary and ex penses pam; omnnree. Anareo, wicil ii&qi, MICHIGAN 1IFOCO., Chicago. AGENTS TO SELL CIGA BS TO DEALERS; $35 weeklr and expennea; experlenon on necessary. COKSOLIOATED iiVU. CO., 44 Van Buren st Chicago. SALEBMAN TO CARRYSIDE1,1NE; 23 per ceat. commlsiioa; simple book ronlkd free. Address L, N. CO., Station L, New York. AT ONCE AGENTS APPOINTED TO sell new lightning selling table cloth. mos quito ami house fly liquid at 10 cents and 25 eels a bo tin. Sample Iroe. BOLGIANO M'F'G Co., Baltimore, Jld. A GENTS HINDE'S PATENT UNIVEH V (uil Hair Curlers and Wavers (uo,;d with out heat), and "lJyi-Polntcd"Hoir Pins. Lib eral commissions. Free sample and full par ticulars. Address P. O. Box 45J. New York. Wanted To RsnL AV ANTED IN A CENTRAL LOCATION ' in Scranton. from April 1, 1!W. a house confalulna; not less than ten rooms, with modern improvements. Addrtes L., Tribune office. WANTED CENTRALLY LOCATED IN Wanton, from April I, lHllli, a bouse containing nnt less than eleht room's with modern improvements: a honao with nice lawn preferred. Address 8., Tribune office. For- Rent. "ftuginfNMLT " ' quit my grocery business in Minooka, I am prepared to rent the sloro and sail stock and llxtures on easy terms to any responsible person. I will from January 1 next ilevot my attention to my hotel busine, touothcr with other matters now on m hands. MICHAEL GIBBONS. Minooka, Dec. 2tl. 18. IOR RENT- FURBISHED ROOM. WITH or without board, suitable for two per sons, lili Adams ave. F'OR RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST Lackawanna avenue. Address THOMAS E. EVANS, aear 1183 Luzerne, Hyde Park. ?0H RENT-NICEiA FURNISHED HALL suitable for lodge rooms, JOHN JER- MYN, 110 WypmlDit ovenuo. TX)R RKNT THE PREMISES RECENTLY J. occupied by The Sciiintnn Trib no. known ns the Bloeaer Buildiug, corner of Siiruce St. and I enn ave. Possession given immediately. The promt-fa constat of the In tiding in the rear of the building on the corner of spruce street and Kenu avenue, together with the liasemcnt. and also the entire tourth floor of the corner building. Can be rented for Lodge Kurposes as well ns public meetings. Sizes of all, atxIOO with a a -rood ball on same floor, 22x-"5. For particulars inquire on the premises, nf Rudolph Bloeser, or at the office of The Scranton Tribune. Accountants. JOHN PROUD, ACCOUNTANT AND AU J ditor, 20 Library building, Wyomlnj ave- For Sal. 1VH SALE A VliKY DE81HABLK CAMH F grocery husihr-ns: Immediate pnsiesnion given; stock and flxtnres for sale also; a lease of tlie store for a term of years, Addrrts UROCKKY, Tr.bnno office. 1TOR SALE-OFFICE DESK WITH ROLL ton and comb'nation lock, solid oak. length 48 inches, width 3il Incbea; as good us new; ch ap. At 611 Birch sr. P OR SALE THE UNDERSIGNED Ex ecutors of Jot.eDh Ziuimerli. ducea-ieil. will sell at DUblic Hide tbe ncrsuusl nronortv. stock, fixtures a'ld loasa of the hotel latiy coiulucteii dv the said .Jos-pu. ilmiuorll, situ ate lut No 110 South Maiu aveuue, on Mon day. December '-K ISilx at II o'clock a. m. Terms cash. Immediate possnxslon iriven. U. W. JENKINS, C. F. M GINLEY. Executors. tfOR BALE SPRAG MACHINE, CAVAC X1 Ity from f.WX) lo2.0Co per day; piiie $.'.0. Inquira of E. K. DOMMERMUTH, avocs, Pa. L'OR 8ALE-0ROOM HOUSE: MODERN V Improvements: 20 Madison avonue. Dun more. WALTEK DUIOUS. Attorney, Com moMwealth Bullying, or M H. IO 4A'I'E. Farm for Sale- A VALUABLE FARM KoK HALE. CON- i taining 127 acres, nearly all Improved, well watered and well fenced, containing nil kinds of fruit: situated one mile from Dalton on the road to lacforyvillo; wl li one large two story house, three larna and other out buildings, which can wall be divided into s i.a'l plots of three to Ave acres lor country rrsldeucrs. Irquire or address MYKON 1)1'. AN. Illii Mndison ave., Prrnnton, rs. Real Estate.- L'OR hALK- GRAND INVESTMENT. THE JT soutbejat corner of Washington ave. aud Gibson at., opposite Er,e depot; two lines ot street cars; fine alts for six Ktoins and fonr or nvo floors of flata; just what is wanted in Scranton: a lsre. net profit certain; nrlre res sonahie. . OIBSON-ONIfS. :lll Sp ueest. lagal. TN THK COURT OK COMMON PLEAS OF 1 Lackawanna County. No. 80O. January term, mM. Nnlli-a la hnrfthv elven that annliratfoi will bo made to stid court on Mon ay, the Uth day of January, 1W), at I) o'clock a. 111., under ths Act of Aeaemblv of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to provide for the incorporation and regulation of certain corporations. " approved April W, 1874, and the snDnlementa thereto, for tbe approval of rerttiti amndmenls to the charter ot the Presbyterian Church of Green Ridgo, as sat forth in tbe petition lor tbe allowance of said amendments, filed in said court to the numbtr and term .hove .-tea. j; . TBOS.F.. WELLS, - - ' - - Bolloltora. Ste6kholdf Meeting. . I LECTION NOTICE -THE ANNUAL 'j mMllnv of the atookhnldara of the Scran- Ion Stove Works will be bold at tbe office of ths company, in Scrantoo, Baturaay, Janaary 11, low, at ou p. m. .., V A- C FULLER. SacreUry, . Sctaaten,! Fa.i Decembt r U, 1M c onnolly & Wallace We have taken advantage ot the opportunity a large New York house offered u3 to buy seasonable DRESS GOODS AT HALF PRICE We now offer them to our friends at the same figure, Hajf Price. Prominent in the collection is a lot of desirable novelties, in a variety of colors, GOATS AND CAPES We still have a good representative line on hand, not all sizes in every style, but still we no doubt can please you and fit you. HALF PRICES RULE HERE ALSO CONNOLLY & WALLACE, 2oPBH.nae; Situations Wanted. CITUATION WANTED BY A TAILOR: O can work on pants, coats or vesta; will work for low wavrs bv the week: city or country. Address DaVIU EELDMAN, XJ3 Penn are. AN AMERICAN LDV WISHES ENGAGE ment aa nurse, either weekly or monthly. Call or address N CRSE, 240 Franklin ave. SITUATION WANTED -YOUNG MAN. age To, is very anxious to get a position; is a good bustler: will work at auythiug: would like to iret in store or wholesale house: habits aro tbn best; trail give good ref erences. Address fill) Adamaave., city. SITUATION WANTED TO GO OUT BY the dav washing-; washing taken corneal .0, Cnil or address L. B., S14 N. Sumner ave. QlTUAtlON WANTED ASA FIRST CLASS C5 butcher, who thoroughly understand tbe meat business. Can command a big trade. Prefers to work in a shop. BOH W. Market St. CITUATION WANTED. EXPERIENCED O bookkeeper and accountant. Would make arrangements to keep traders' bonks for two or three hours daily. Terms moderate. Address OMEGA. Tribune office. WANTF.D-BY A of &0 rears. MIDDLE AGED HAN experience in general mercantile buslnosi, a position aa clerk or manager. Address Manager, Tribune otHo CITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG fj lady very much in noed ot work: a posi tion in Btoro or office; nlso experienced In dress making. Address C. D. H 1411 Fine at. CITUATION WANTED - EXPERIENCED k dressmaker would liko low more en-i-agemcnts bv the day; terms Jl por day. Ad dr. sa R. G Tribuno ollico. ZflTUATION WANTElVrBY YOUNtmAN o as clerk In store or oftieo. Address S. L., Tribune office. SITUATION WANTED AS COACHMAN O or janitor; fourteon years' experience as coachman: good .V.. . 1 AfaMnnA A fl (I MM II 1 ' Wyomiag avenue. SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG lady as stenographer or bookkeeper; two years' experience: references given. Address I.. C, 138 South Hyde l ark avu. Special Notices. "THE HOt.UIER IN OUR CIVIL WAK." 1 Vou want this relic. Contains all of Frank Leslie's famous old War Pictures,show ing the forces In actual battle, sketched on the spot. Two volumes, 2.0U0 pictures. Hold on eaay monthly payments. Delivered by ex press complete, all charges prepaid. Address p. o. MOODY, C24 Adams Ave., Seranton, Pa. PAMPHLETS, MAGA- sines, etc.. bound or reliound at The Tkihlnb office. Uuluk work. Reasonable Boardlne Stable. CAN BOARD 1(1 OR Is HORSES AT MY stabler: best nf care given; reasonable prices. O. S. HANDRH'K, Clark's Summit. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Dentists. DR. WILLIAM A. TAFT. PORCELAIN, Bridge and Crown worn, utnee, Washington avenue. C. C. LAI'rtACH. SURGEON DENTIST. No. lln Wyoming; avenue. R. M. STRATTON, OFFICE COAL Ex change. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. A TRAPOLD. SPECIALIST IN Diseases or women, corner Wyoming ventie and spruce street, scranton. ur flco hours, Thursdays and Saturdays, 9 a. m. to U p. m. DR. O. EDOAR DEAN HAS REMOVED to 618 fepruce street, scranton, ra. (Just opposite Court Hou?equnreJ) nn Tf AY. "06 PENN AVE.: 1 to 3 P. M Call vrji. UIS. ot women, ousueirics unu and all dis. or ctiil. DR. W. E. ALLEN, S12 North Washington avenue. nn"r I. FHEY. PRACTICE LIMITED, diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat; office, 122 Wyoming ave. Resi dence, 529 Vina street. DR. L. M. OATE3, 125 WASHINGTON avenue. Office hours, 8 to 9 a. m., l.w to S and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence 309 Madl son avenue DR. J. C. BATESON. TUESDAYS AND FrldnvK. at 50S Linden street. Office hours 1 to 4 p. m. Lawyers. WARREN & KNAPP. ATTORNEY8 and Counsellors at Law, Republican building, Washington avenue, ocran ton. Pa. JEBSTJP8 Sr. HAND. ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors at Law, Commonwealth building, Washington avenue. W. H. JESSITP, HORACE V,. HAND. W. H. JESSUP, JR. PATTERSON WILCOX. ATTOR neys and Counsellors at Law; offices 1 and 8 Library building. Scrnnton, Pa. ROHEWELL H. PATTERSON, WILLIAM A. WILCOX. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND, Attorneys and Counsellors, common wealth JmlUl!nff.Rooms 19, M and 2b FRANK T. OKELL, ATTORNEY-AT Law, Room 5, Coal Exchange, Scran ton. Pa. JAMES W. OAKFORD, ATTORNEY- at-Law, rooms 63, 64 and 6a, Common wealth building;. SAMUEL W. EDOAR, ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Office. 817 Spruce St., Scranton. Pa. L. A. WATERS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 423 Iaclm7annaaveMjBcrjinton.Pai URIB- TOWNSBND, ATTORNEY-AT- Law. Dime Tlank Building. Scranton, Money to loan in large sums at 6 per cent. C. R. PITCHER. ATTORNBY-AT- law. Commonwealth building, Scranton, Pa. - ' H. C. 8MYTHE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 400 Lackawanna avenue. C. COMEQTB, 821 BPRUCB STREET. n H WFlPI.OOLE. ATTORNEY-LOANS negotiated on real estate security. 408 Spruce street. B. P. KILLAM, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 120 Wyoming- ave., Seranton, Pa. JAff J. H. HAMILTON, ATTORNEY-AT- law, 46 cotnmonweaiin 010 g. pcrnmun. J. M. C KANCK, 1M WYOMING AVB. ASK TO SEE THESE. rar- TRY US. 602-G04 LICXL AVE, COR. IDMi M'ire Srecna. JOS. KUETTEL, REAR Ell LACKA- wanna, avenue, Scranton, Pa., manufac turer of Wire Screens. Architects. EDWARD H. DAVIS, ARCHITECT, Commonwealth Rooms 24, 25 and 26, building. Scranton. B. L. WALTER. ARCHITECT. OFKIOK rear of 606 Washington avenue. LEWIS HANCOCK. JR.. ARCHITECT. 43a Spruce St., cor. Wash, ave., Scranton, BROWN & MORRIS. ARCHITECTS! Price building, 126 Washington avonue, Scranton. Schools. SCHOOL OP THE LACKAWANNA. Scranton, Pa,, prepares boys and girls for college or business; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at re quest. Opens September 9. REV. THOMAS M. CANN, WALTER H. BUELL. SS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN ii'i acnooi, iz Adams avenue, opens Sept. 9. Klndegarten $10 per term. Loans. TIIE REPUBLIC SAVINGS AND Loan Association will loan you money on easier terms and pay you better on Investment than any other association. Call on S. N. Callender. Dime Bunk building. Seeds. G. R. CLARK CO., SEEDSMEN AND Nurserymen; store 146 Washington ave nue; green house, 1350 North Main ave nue; Btore telephone 782. Hotels and Restaurants. THK ELK CAFE, 125 and 127 FRANK- lln avenue. eRates reasonable. P. ZEIGLER, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D L. A W. passenger depot. Conducted on the European plan. VICTOR KOCH, Prop. WESTMINSTER HOTEL. Cor. sixteenth St. and Irving Place. New York. Rates, 13.60 per day and upwards. (Ameri can plan). rJ. M. ANAHLK, Proprietor. Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA MUSIC FOR balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings and concert work furnished. For terms address R. J. Buuer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulbert's music store MEUARGEE BROTHERS. PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper nags, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington ave., Scran ton, Pa. FRANK P. BROWN & CO., WHOLE- sate dealers fn wood ware, coruage ana Oil Cloth,720West Lackawannu ave. THOMAS AUBREY. EXPERT Ac countant and auditor. Rooms 19 and 20, Williams Building, opposite postoffice. Agont for the Rex Fire Extinguisher. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES Central Railroad of New Jersey. (Lehigh and Susquehanna Division.) Anthracite coal used exclusively, insur Inif cleanliness and comfort. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT NOV. 17, 1895. Trains leave Scranton for Pittston, Wilkes-Barre, etc., at 8.20, 9.15, 11.30 a.m., 1 20 2.00. 8.05, 6.00, 7.10 p. m. Sundays, 9.00 a. m., 1.00. 2.15, 7.10 p. m. For Atlnntlo City, 8.20 a. m. For New York, Newark and Elisabeth, 8 20 (express) a. ni., 1.20 (express with Buf fet parlor car), 3.05 (express) p. m. Sun day, 2.15 p. m. Train leaving 1.20 p. m. arrives at Philadelphia, Reading Term inal, 6.21 p. m. and New York 6.45 p. m. For Maueh Chunk, Allentown, Bethle hem, Eastbn and Philadelphia, 8.20 a. m., 1 20, 8.05, 5.00 (except Philadelphia) p. m. Sunday, 2.15 p. m. For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc., at 8.20 a. m., 1.20 p. m. For Reading, Lebanon and Harrisburg. via Allentown, 8.20 a. m., 1.20, 6.00 p, m. Sunday, 2.15 p. m. For Pottsvllle, 8.20 a. m., 1.20 p. m. Returning leave New York, foot of Lib ortv atreet. North River, at 9 10 (iif.hi a. m.. 1.10, 1.30, 4.30 (express with Buffet parlor carj p. m. aunuay, 4.w a. m. Uave PhllndelDhla. Readlnir Tam.l.al 9.00 a. m., 2.0O and 4.30 p. in. Sunday 6.27 a. m. Through tickets to all points at lowest rates may oe naa on application In ad vace to the ticket agent at the station. H. P. BALDWIN, Gen. Pass, Agent. 3. H. OLHAUSEN, Gen. Supt. B DELAWARE AND UODSON RAIL ROAD. .-Ini. r..ln. V OIIIIIe-ll-.M VIIUJ A nil I-kIk. will WW arrive at new Lacks- WSIMI "'-I'"" as follows: Trains will leave Scran- .i.in t. Carbondai- and Interme- rtlita no nts at S.20, 5-45. 7.00, 8.25 and 10.10 a! m..P12:00, 2 20, iS. 6.1a. 7.26, 9.10 and UFo?'Fa'rvlew, Waymart and Honesdate at 7.00, 8.25 and 10.10 a. m 12.00, 1.20 and 6.15 P For Albany, Saratoga, the Adlrondacks and Montreal at 6.45 a. m. and 1.20 p. m. For Wllkes-Barre and Intermediate points at 7.45, 8.45, 9.38 and 10.4a a. m.,12.06, fan. 1 SR. 4.00. 6.10. (.05. 9.16 and 11.88 P. in. 'Trains will arrive at Scranton station from Carbondale and Intermediate points at 7.40, S.4U, u.-h ana iu.w a .m js.w, i.it, 14. 140. 4.54. 6.55. 7.46. 9.11 and 11.13 D. m. From llonesdale, Waymart and Far view at 9.84 a, tn., 12.00, L17. 140, 166 and 7.45 p. m. - -From Montreal, Saratoga, Albany, eta, IIU and 11 M n. m From Wllkes-Barre and Intermediate points at 115. 104, 10.06 and 11.65 a, m., l.lt. l.li i n, 1.19. lot. 7.20. 8. ana u.u p. mm VJTI UPHOLSTER FURNITURE, Clean Carpets, Renovate Feathers, Make Over Mattresses, Make and Repair Spring Sell Iron Beds, Make Fine Mattresses. Nov. 17, 1895. Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia and New York via D. A H. R. R. at 7.4 a. m., 12.05, 1.20, 2.98 and 11.38 p. m., via D-. I 44 W. R. R., 6.00. 8.08, 11.20 a, m., and 1.W p. m. Leave Scranton for Pittston and Wilkes. Barre. via I)., L. W. R. R., 1.00, s.08, 11.50 a. m., 3.40, 6.07, 8.53 p. m. Leave Scranton for White Haven, Ha Eleton, Pottsvtlle and all points on the Beaver Meadow and Pottsvllle branches, via B. W. V. R. R., 6.89 a. m., via D H. R. R. at 7.45 a. m., 11.06. 1.20, 2.88, 4.00 p. m., via D., L. A W. R. R. 1.00. 8.08, 11.20 a. m, 1.30. 1.40 p. m. Leave Scranton for Bethlehem, Eaaton, Reading, Harrisburg and all Intermediate points, via D. A H. R. R 7:45 a. m.. 1JV05. I. 20, 1.88. 4.00 11.35 p. m.. via D., L. 4k W. R. R.. 6.00. 8.08, 11.20 a. m.. 1.30 p. m. Leave Scranton for Tunkhannock. To wanda, Elmlra, Ithaca, Oeneva and all Intermediate points via D. A 11. R. R., 8 4 a. m., 12.05 and 11.35 p. m., via D.. L. & W. R. R.. 8.08, 9.55 a. m., 1.30 p. m. Leave Scranton for Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Detroit, Chicago and nil Pptntg west via D. A H. R. R., 8 45 a. m. J2-05. -15. 11.38 p. m., via D.. L. A W. R. It. and Pittston Junction, 8.08, 9.55 a. m., 1.30. P- m . via E. A W. V. R. R, 3.41 p. m. For Elmlra and the west via Balamanaa, v a D. A H. R. R., 8.45 a.m. 12.06. 4.05 p.m.. via D., L. A W. R. R., 8.08, 0.55 a, in.. 1.30. and 6.07 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping- or L. V. chair cars on all trains between L. A B. Junction or Wllkes-Barre and New York. Philadelphia, Buffalo, and Suspension Bridge. ROLLTV H. WILBUR. Gen. Bupt. CHA8. S. LEE, Gen. Psss. Agt .Phila .PS, A. W. NONNEMACHER. Asst. Can. i-ass. Agi., south Bethlehem, Pa. Del., Lack, and Western. Effect Monday, June 14, 1896. Trains leave Scranton aa fallows; Re press for New York and all points Bast, 1.40. 2.50. 6.15, 8.00 and 9.56 a. m.; 12.SS and 8.34 p. m. Express ror Easton, Trenton. Philadel phia and the South. 115. 8.00 and 1.6S a. m.. 12.55 and 2.34 p. m. vv asmngton ana way stations, 1.66 p. m. Tohyhanna accommodation, (. 10 p. m. Express for Blnghamton. Oswego.. El mlra, Corning. Bath, Dansvllle, Mount Morris and Buffalo, 12.10. 2.35 a. m.. and 1.21 p. ni., making close connections at Buffalo to all points In the West, North west and Southwest. Bath accommodation, 9 a. m. Blnghamton and way stations, 12 37 p.m. Nicholson accommodation, 5 p. m. Blnghamton and Elmlra Express, I.W p. m. F.xnress for Cortland. Syracuse. Oswego) Utlca and Richfield Springs, 2.35 a .m. and 1.24 p. m. . . . Ithaca, 2. so ann tuin a a. m. ana 1.21 p.m. For Northumberland. Pittston, Wllkes- Barre. Plymouth. Bloomeburg and Dan ville, making close connections at North umberland for Wllllamaport, Harrisburg, Baltimore. Washington ana ine eoutn. Nortnumtierianu ana imermeaiai- srm tions, 6.00, 9.55 a. m. and 1.30 and 6.07 p. m. Nantlcoke and Intermediate stations. 8.08 and 11.29 a. m. Plymouth and inter mediate stations, ana s.u- p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches os) all express trains. For detailed Information, pocket time tables, etc., apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket office, 328 Lackawanna avenue, et depot ticket office. Erie and Wyoming Valley. rcuinw leavA 8cranton .(or New YorK and Intermediate points on the Erie rail road at 7.00 a. m. and 3.29 p. m. Also for Honesdalo, riawiey ana iuci yum.- 7.00, 9.40 a m. and s.2 p. m. . All the above are through trains to ana from Honesoaie. . Trains leave for Wllkes-Barre at . m. ana i i p. m. 1st EMeet Septesaber itatae, lg5 mi steaae. 803 SOII ItOJ.fOdl Stations 'Am mP saaaeiitaitr 1 r MiArrive t.r"J-l 7SWH. . rrmaauiB D.. ... Tiolwes 4nd stretU... Tool wetbawkta ... rtw lie a- M . eiArnTe uam fiiBaoeoek JUBeUoaj uaaooca BUrllfbt Prtsteaptrk Ostao PoyateUo Belmont Pleasant Mt, Uhlondale Forsetcity Carbondale White Bridge Mayneld Jennyn Aroblbald Wlaton Peeknue OLnhaat Dickson Threof) rrondene Park piaee aerantoB isafl 18 461 M 111 41 IM IM IM IM III 18 41 11141 11 ci Hiien 11 4 S 61111 8(1 704! lie 1 11 ii i 1 141 1 41 71? IIU tmM TW4M 'L31 T4lt41t 7 411411 toMtuan 4V ....I 64111118 18111 18 6 89 mis 6 8811 11 1111 07 ti ll OS 111 II 0 III OJ 11 lsKiotTl 10M1N Ltavs Arrive I ajlLJH. AU tratai rua daily except uaday. . sigBinea that tralas atop ea stfasl tecum rate via Ontario Wssta bsre vckaatagueketsand save ssfsMS, Bar aM IIAft Iiprewtotbe Weet. ' J. 0. Anetrsee, Bee- fm t. Wltoreft, Dtv. fa, AfV leraalss, m. ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers