The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 25, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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It la Charged That Ho Broko Failb with
Kobert Carter.
A new turn has been taken In the
mayoralty fltrht by the assertion of the
friends of Kobert Carter that Frank
Ktnltli, thu so-called "harmony" candi
date, has deliberately broken faith with
them. It is specifically asserted, and
names and dates are said to be accessi-
Me. that Smith repeatedly assured Mr.
Carter of hia Intention to support the
latter's candidacy, and that, under
cover of these repeated promises, made
not only personally to Mr. Carter, but
also to Mr. Carter's prominent friends.
Smith trained a knowledge of the plans
of the Carter campaign which he now
proposes to utilize In advancing his
own ambition. . Had Mr. Smith re
mained loyal to his pledged word it is
said by Mr. Carter's friends that he
could have been nominated for city
controller; but It Is now their belief
that he not only cannot, on a record of
political perfidy, make the nomination
for mayor, but also cannot make any
other nomination within the Republi
can party's gift at the municipal elec
tion. Friends of Mr. Carter alHo charge
that the petition which Is being circu
lated In Mr. Smith's favor does not
represent a bona fide public sentiment,
but that signatures to it are obtained
through a. misunderstanding of the
fucts. They allege that Smith Is really
a substituted candidate of the faction
which saw that with C. K. Kettew as
their candidate they would be beaten
overwhelmingly. They profess to be
coniident that the Uepubllcur.s of Cnr
bomlule. when they once learn the facts
ns to Mr. Smith's breach of faith with
Carter, will refuse to be drawn into the
effort to put him In nfllce and to -n-thrune
the coterie of local bosses who
pull the strings behind him.
Miss Jnlin Shorlock and Robert llrvson
t'nltcd ot the Presbyterian Parsonage.
A quiet wedding occurred yesterday
morning nt half past eight nt the home
of Rev. Charles t,ee, of the Presby
terian church. The contracting parties
were Misj Julia Sharlock. duughter of
Mrs. Curhtiff. of North Main street, and
' Kobert H. Bryson. the eldest son of
Mr. ciifl Mrs. Hubert A. Kryson, f
Salem nvemie. Hut very few pe.jile
knew when the ceremony was to take
place although the announcement of
t their nuiiTluge was given some time
ngo. The wedding yesterday was a bit?
surpris". The bride was most prettily
attired In n traveling gown, while the
bridesmaid wore a dress of brown nov
elty fcni'ils. Th- couple were attended
by Miss Kunlee Bryson, a sister of the
groom and Charles Sharlock, a brother
of the bride.
The young people were driven to the
Seventh avenue station after the cere
mony where thev took the nine o'clock
trnln for Scranton. From there they
will go on the Delaware. I,uUauaniiii
and Western to New York city and
other places of interest. They will be
gone about two weeks and on their re
turn will for the present make fhelr
home with the bride's mother on North
Main street.
A Well-Known Citizen Passes Away at
III Home on lllghlnncl Avenue.
The death of W. A. Simpson, of lllgh
lnnd avenue, adds another to the long
list, of our prominent citizens who have
passed uway during the last year.
The deceased hnd been sick about
four weeks with typhoid fever and had
gradually wasted away under the rav
ages of the disease, so thut the end was
not unexpected.
Mr. Simpson was thirty-three years
of age and had lived In this city about
nine years. Previous to this his home
was in Moscow. Thirteen years ngo he
,yvas unf'e.d in marriage to Ada. daugh
ter of A, and Mrs. Knoch Cordner,
who with four children survive.
During greater part of his resl-
, dence !n this city he has been an eui
clent and trustworthy employe of the
Ilendrick Manufacturing company. He
possessed a disposition that was un
usually winning and was a favorite
among his fellow workmen. He was a
devout member of the Methodist church,
where he will be grently missed. The
. funeral services will be held at the late
home this aftPPlaaon at two o'clock.
Interment will be made In Maplewood
. cemetery.
. The Report of Attorney Harry C. Duller
Is Submitted.
The chief business at the special
' meeting of the school board held at the
Central building was the report from
Attorney Butler In regard to the ad
justment of the debt on the township
school board. The court will appoint
some one to adjust the matter and Mr.
, Butler will be instructed to hxik after
' the board's interest.
A resolution was passed that the al
dermen and Justices be required to
comply with the law which provides
, that any person found Intoxicated and
who Is fined by any mayor, alderman
or Justice of the peace, that part of the
fine so collected not to exceed two dol
lars should be paid to the treasury of
the school district In which the con-
vlctlon Is made. Secretary Collins was
ordpred to send a copy of the resolu
tions to all the aldermen of the city. Burned bv Spnrlc.
Last Saturday J. H. Bagley, foreman
of the car shops, received an Injury
' which may cause him considerable
liuuuie. nr wnn WUIHIIIK ai ine anvil
on a hot piece of Iron when a spark flew
and struck him In the left eye. burning
It badly.' Mr. Bngley continued his
work up to Tuesday night, but his eye
troubled him so much then he was
' obliged to call a physician.
Itadlv Miirned.
TJie little three-year-old son of Mr.
and Mrs. Moses Cohen, of Sand street,
was painfully burned yesterday morn
, Ing. He was playing with fire and his
clothes caught fire; before the flames
could be extinguished the clothing wan
burned off the unfortunate child and
he was severely burned.
There will be but -one delivery by the
ietter carriers today. The postonlce will
le open from S a. m. to 12 m. No registry
or money order business will be done.
An assumpsit suit wan begun Tnes
i day in the offlciuof the prothonotary for
' the sum of $6,783 against the Carbon-
We here line of
- Fancy Rocking
Tables, Umbrella Stands
And Screens -
" " ' (Jong with our regular line of
. SvSwpSrs
I -J II L.
And lest, tmt not - nilil nawvft
beat, the Anest line of
CARPETS la tbeeltr.
wtu'&it. 4ieUCKIWURUVi
dale and Forest City railway. The
Westlnghouse Electric Manufacturing
company is the plaintifr.
Mrs. Andrew Nk-ol and daughter, Llfta.
of Ureeley Center, Neb., arrived In this
city Monday and will make their home
here in the future.
Klrhard J. Heamlsh. formerly an editor
In tfeta city, but now of the Scranton Free
Presa, was calling on his many friends in
thin city Monday. .
Miss Anna Hall, of Archbald. is spend
ing the holidays In this city.
Klla Hart and Ella Holunrt are home
from school to spend the holiday.
Miss Jennie McMyne, of DundafT street.
Is confined to her home by a sprained an
kle. Miss Jennie WeldmHn has gone to Fae
toryvllle, to spend Christmas with her par
ents. K. B. Sadler, of the Armour company,
left yesterday for Klmlra to spend the
holidays with his family.
Dr. Keed Hums, of Scranton, was in
town yesterday.
Harry Kpps, of Susquehanna, spent Sun
day with his sister, Mrs. Herbert Benson,
on Wyoming street.
Miss Katie Bradley, of BInghamton, is
visiting .Miss Cassia McHale, of Fall
brook street.
Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Burns and son, Burt,
of Klklale. were guests of Mrs. Juliet
Reynolds, on Terrace street. Monday.
Announcement is made of the coming
marriage of Miss Jessie, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. William KtiiKPbury, of Lake
t'omo, to Charles A. Matiins, of this city.
The wedding will occur at the home of
the bride today nt noon.
Miss Eflle Lawn, who has heen visiting
her 'brother, A. ('. Uwn, for the tiast
year, has returned to her home, at Nine
veh. N. Y.
Miss Minnie Cox Is seriously ill with
tynholil fever.
T. F. Walker left Monday night for
Bridgeport, nn., where he will take up
his residence.
The barber firm of Phlnney & Grif
fiths has dissolved partnership, the for
mer member having drupiied out. Mr.
Griffiths, however, will continue the
business at the old stand. Phlnney has
determined to start In the pattern busi
ness with a partner In Scranton.
Jn Burgess tirltiiths1 court yesterday
Salvl Hosar had Henry Lewis, of Mud
town, arraigned on charges of assault
and battery: threatening to kill and
malicious mischief. In his temper
Lewis took Salvl's hat and chewed It to
pieces. The burgess required tlint be
should pay the costs of the suit, and
$l.r.O. William Morris, a young man re
siding In Fcltxvllle. was arrested last
evening on a charge of fornication anil
bastardy, preferred by William J. Phil
lips. Mr. Phillips' daughter. Anna Jane,
was the alleged victim of Morris. Mor
ris was held in $:" bull to aopcnr nt
court. Martin Williams became hit.
bondsman, .bunch Hooper, of Kivcr
street, was arrested on a charge pre
ferred by Acting lleulth Officer Dr. J.
W. Hottser for tearing down a conta
gious rilsi'HS" notice tacked on his
hone. Hooper claims that no one llv
iii;; In hi: house Is nttllcled with any
disease, but the health ofllcer asserts
that dij'htheiia is raging at his home.
This being the first offense of Its kind
and ulso the perpetrator's first unlaw
ful net, the burgess fined him $2.:!.Y
Hooper, however, refused to pav the
tine, and the said tine will be collected
on an act which makes such debts pay
able. Mr. und Mrs. Thoinr.s J. Williams and
family, of Hnzlein:i. are spending
ClirtHtimit! in this place.
Klcliaiii Williams and Miss Sophie
Williams, two prominent young people
of this place, were murried lust even
ing at the home of the bride's parents
on (irove street. The Immediate
friends and relatives of the couple were
the only ones who witnessed the cere
mony. The 1'nlon band, of which Mr.
Williams is a member, serenaded the
The Independent Social club held a
largely attended social In Taylor hall
last evening.
A surprise party was tendered John
Weber, the popular proprietor of the
Union hotel, last evening ut his home on
Main street, the occasion being the an
niversary of his birthday. The party
met at the house of John Watklns and
from there went to Mr. Weber's home,
where they pleasantly surprised him.
The evening was spent in different
kinds of amusements, principally danc
ing, music being furnished by the Wat
kins orchestra. Refreshments were
served nt about midnight.
The hearts of the young children were
gladdened Inst evening throughout this
place. Tn nearly all the churcnes
special programmes hnd been prepared
and rendered in a pleasing manner.
Christmas trees were gorgeously deco
rated with presents for the little ones,
and at the conclusion of the entertain
ments distributed among them.
The funeral of Mrs. Elvira Cooper
was held from the home of her daugh
ter, Mrs. Wesley Fatslnger, on Grove
street, and largely attended by friends
of the deceased. Services were held at
the house, where Rev. F. A. King offi
ciated and was assisted by Hev. Mr.
Jones, of the Presbyterian church. A
quartette comprising Misses Rebecca
Davis and Kdlth Price and James K.
Watklns and Charles Dibble sang beau
tiful selections. Interment was made
In the Presbyterian church cemetery.
An eisteddfod will be held In the Cal
vary Baptist church today under tne
auspices of Taylor lodge of True Tvor
Ites. The prizes are such that they
have attracted the attention of many
out of town competitors who will be
present. There will be morning, after
noon and evening sessions.
Tonight the fair of Father Jordan's
will be opened nt Old Forge In Fallon's
new hall. Great preparations hnve
been made for this event, and every
thing connected with It promises to be,
a glowing success. A number of valu
able and beautiful articles ure to be ex
hibited and the hall will be artistically
The postofilce hours today will be
from 9.13 to 10 a. m. and from 1.13 to 2
Patrick Hannlck and John Moore will
leave today for New York on a pleasure
trip, to be gone ten days.
"Merry Christmas to all."
The Christmas festival of the T.ang
cllffe Presbyterian Sundav school will
be held on Christmas night. A sacred
cantata, entitled "The Galilean." will
be rendered. Rehearsals have been In
progress for some time and the enter
tainment promises to surpass all efforts
of former years. To avoid the con
fusion Incident to girt distribution, the
members of the school will be given
their ChrlstmaB cheer in the afternoon.
The church has been beautifully deco
rated for the occasion.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O'Brien and
family and Miss Teresa Burke, of Jer
myn, are spending today with friends
In town.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Morrow, of
Scranton, are the guests of Mrs. Mor
row's parents. Mr. and Mrs. McCaf
ferty, of the North End.
The cantata, entitled the "Star of
Bethlehem," will be delivered at the
Primitive Methodist church this even
ing by members of the Sabbath school
Masses at St. Mary's Catholic church
will be at 6. 8.30 and 10.30 o'clock.
The marriage of Miss Annie Baker
and William Alger, of South Main
street, will be solemnized this evening
at the home of the bride at 8 o'clock.
Miss Mame Brehony. of Philadelphia,
is spending her vacation with her pa
rents on Church street.
Miss Lizzie Whalen. of Hazleton. Is
visiting at the home of her parents on
Main street.
Rev. J. J. Curran, of Wllkes-Barre,
was a visitor In town yesterday.
Mrs. Hapgood.of West Plttston, snent
yesterday at the home of her sister,
Mrs. N. Hosklns, of Lincoln Hill.
If the Baby Is Catting Teelh
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has
been used for over Fifty Years by Mil
lions of Mothers for their Children
while Teething, with Perfect Success.
It Soothes the Child, Softens the Gums,
Allays all Pain; Cures Wind Colic and
Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold
by Druggists In every part of the world.
Be sure and ask for ''Mrs. Winslow's
Soothing Syrup," and take no other
kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle.
tThe Plttston office . of the Scranton
Tribune is located at No. S William street,
where all advertisements, orders for Job
work and items for publication will re
ceive prompt attention. Office open from
I a. ni. to 10 p. m.
Joseph Wlntle and Miss TUlle Stutts
were married yesterday at 1 o'clock: at
the home of the bride, 11 Wood street,
by Rev. Robert Conrad. A wedding
dinner was served to the many friends
present. The happy couple left after
ward on the Lehigh Valley 4 o'clock
train for a trip, including Bethlehem,
New York and Philadelphia. Vpon
their return they will go to housekeep
ing on Parke street. West Plttston.
The proceeds of the mock trial, which
amounted to about $91, for the benefit
of John Cowan to complete a course
of studies at college, has been placed In
the People's bank.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Mary,
wife of Timothy Fahey, of Sturme
ville, was held yesterday afternoon at
at 3 o'clock with services In St. John's
church. Interment in Market street
The postofflce will be opened today
from 9 toll a. m. and 4 to 5 p. m. There
will be but one delivery, that being the
morning, and two collections, one In
the evening and one In the morning.
The other departments will be closed
all day.
The Entls club are sparing no time
to make their hall this evening the
grandest and most enjoyable that has
ever been given by them. A large num
ber of guests are expected to be pres
ent from Carbondale. Wllkes-Barre.
Plymouth and a number of other places.
They have secured the Columbia or
chestra of this city to furnish the
music for dancing, which will be of the
highest order.
Thomas 13. Shea and his excellent
company presented "The Snares of New
York" to another enthusiastic audience
last evening. A matinee will be given
this afternoon, when "The Fire Patrol"
will be presented. The diagram Is now
open at the Music Hall book store.
A sacred concert will be given by the
ladles' auxiliary of the St. Aloyslus
temperance society on next Sunday
evening and promises to be a very good
entertainment, ns some tit the best tal
ent in the city has been secured to take
part on that evening.
A number of Italians who were fight
ing on South Main street at a late hour
on Monday night were taken before
Alderman Loftus. who fined them $4
each, which they paid and were re
leased. Constable Charles S. Colony, of the
Seventh ward, was a caller at Scranton
yesterday on business.
Miss Aggie Lynott Is spending Christ
mas nt her home. No. 213 Gibson street,
Bernard Golden, of Frye's studio. Is
spending Christmas with his parents
in Dun more.
M. V. Qtiinn, the well known book
keeper for the Mlner-Hlllard Milling
Co., was presented with a beautiful
polished oak writing desk by the mem
bers of the Entls club, he having served
as treasurer for that well known or
ganization for the past five years. The
presentation speech was made by O.K.
Mai'kln and was well received by the
members present. A social was held
afetrward and a very enjoyable time
was spent for a few short hours.
I'ittston niiNiness Pircctorv.
on Wright & Co., 97 Bouth Main street.
A new range for sale or exchange: also
second-hand household goods, bought or
Rev. and Mrs. S. D. Waterbury nre
visiting his mother at Whltelaw, N. Y.
He will oliiciate at the marriage of his
sister todny.
Mrs. J. M. Oslerherch. of Punxsa
tawne. is visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. D. W. Titus.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Stephens, of
Wllkes-Barre, are at the home of his
parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. Stephens, he
being quite ill with malarial fever.
Mrs. 11. N. Kelly is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. K. A. Rogers, of Scran
ton. Dr. E. S. Wheeler, wife and daughter
Bessie, will spend the day at Waverly.
The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Metho
dist Episcopal church will serve a tur
key dinner and supper today at the
opera house. The Epworth League will
give an entertainment this evening.
John Boardman Is again working for
the Delaware. Lackawanna nnd West
ern railroad company.
The barn of L. A. Dubois, who lives
about two miles from here, was entered
last night. A hoese,' wagon and har
ness were stolen.
Glen Guy Is home for the holiday va
cation: he Is attending the state college.
William Bunnell Is passing the holi
days with his parents, coming from
Bucknell College last Saturday.
Winnie Jeffers is the guest of his
Five dogs, mostly valuable ones, were
poisoned Sunday night by some un
known person. Among them were Mrs.
Pain's and Landlord Guy's.
Charley De Puy Is spending a fort
night with his parents. He is a student
at St. John's school.
Miss Nellie Conklin, who Is attending
a business college In Klmira, Is pass
ing a few days with her parents here.
Charley Race, who has been In Mont
rose for several weeks, returned to
BInghamton Monday.
Charley Knoll, of Buffalo, Is the guest
of his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Mulford 0"d family will
spend Christmas in Scra'm, the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. Horace B. Hand.
Relief In Six Hours.
Distressing Kidney .and Bladder dis
eases relieved in six hours by the "New
Great South American Kidney Cure."
This new remedy Is a great surprise on
account of Its exceeding promptness In
relieving pain In the bladder, kidneys,
back and every part of the urinary pas
sages In male or female. It relieves re
tention of water and pain In passing It
almost Immediately. If you want quick
relief and cure this Is your remedy.
Sold by C. M. Harris, druggist, 125
Penn avenue, Scranton, Pa.
Are like Fire.
They are .
Good Servants
But make
Poor Masters
To keep your Nerves steady,
Your Head clear,
Build up your Strength,
Sharpen your Appetite,
You must have
Pure Rich Blood
The Best Medicine to Vitalize
and Enrich the Blood, la '
the One True Blood Purifier
. Prominently in the Publio Eye.
Hood'i phis s&ssr
Less Fatal.
If the patient's strength can be
maintained, and the great vital
centres of the body "kept up"
to the performance of their nat
ural functions, they will thus
dispel the disease germs that im
pregnate the entire body, and if
sufficient vitality is experienced,
the fatality of this dreaded disease
is lessened a hundred-fold.
that greatest raw food, is a won
derful creator of new flesh and
nerve tissue, is indispensible in
the treatment of this malady,
as it gives strength to the patient
with the least effort on the part
of the digestive organs, and in
addition, being itself a germicide,
it antidotes the existing microbes
of the disease. The ease with which
it can be taken when the lesions
of the throat preclude the use
of other foods, makes it an addi
tional necessity for the sufferer's
NO, 2,
Contains 11 that nan nude Hammond Work
fair-oua, and NEW, NOVEL and USEFUL Im
provements. "Hammond Work the Criterion
of Hammond Superiority." "Hammond Sale,
the Criterion of Hammond Popularity." Ham
mond No. t "The Perfect Typewriter. Ex
amine it and be convlncad. Philadelphia
branch of The Hammond Typewriter Co., Ill
S, Sixth Btroet,
F. A. & A. J. BllANDA,
414 Sprue SI., Scitshn ReprtiinUtfeit.
Alderman 8th Ward, Scranton,
Qas and Water Co. Building,
OFFICE HOURS from 7.30 a m. to 9 p. m.)
(1 hoar iutermuulon for dinner and .upper.)
Particular-Attention Givento Collections
Prompt Settlement Guaranteed.
Telephone No. 134.
-A 4Umr ad at m ioUmr mmti."
Tate Laul tea' ftalld Fa ih Do la Kkl 1
tiiidahra4 law aejnrkan la the U.S..ea
wwotva, awaef invar,
Hiatal NaU tar I1.M.
Kraala even va Iks Mots
old la all retail
mUt uw jH, aMi
lira u any m ai I
we will reread the
tod another pair. Opare
wWthaO, D.I,kH
te a aae east
I wUlM paw.
r Simp RrTTO koewi trH
aja"i !""T aWBTOBJ,
e oaaiara.
French Injection Compound
Cares potltlTely. qulrkly, (not meraly ehecki.)
Uuaranteed or aiunay mhinded. Avoid danteroua
imnetltea. Price Mate par bottle. Six aWlilee
(will cure arrerett caae) aent preiiald. Mcura from
oeaarTatioa. with only aclaaUncalijr made ayrlafe,
vsu aainai ivi SB. WW.
To all sufferers ef ERRORS OF YOUTH,
WOMEN, SOS pane: cloth bound; atourely
alrd and mailed free. Treatment by oiafl
strictly confidential, and a poeitlre quick care
sua antred. ho matter how lone itandins, I
niHiw.i,iiaivnnj0ii, vrrita or call.
320 N. 15th St., Pnllada., Ps.
30 yeara' continuous practice.
l eold la all retail atone tor
I 2.M. We make thla beet
i aaraonva. werarore we ever
ua is mt oh m mam nnnta.
r i Ail i
ia. uau-
We have cleaned up about all our odds
and ends and eeil them as rapidly as tbey
come In, but we were lurky to catch on
another snap. We cleaned up one mill of
underwear. There Is no doubt you are
aware how we buy Rooda; always CO cents
on the dollar, and give the benefit to our
trade. This sale la Important, and If you
want to buy underyear, here you are.
69 dosen of mixtures, woolen underwear,
nice, clean staple good, at 25 cents each,
or 50 cents for the suit.
Boys, from 24 to 34. any else, for 15
cents. .
Cloaks, never In the history of this line
could you purchase a cloak for the price
as 'this season. Plain facts; the season
was unfavorable this year and the manu-
516 Lackawanna Avenue.
It will pay you
Special Attention Given to Business
ml Personal Accounts.
.s1?' 5 cants for -mple package.
Faultless Chemical Company, Balti
more, Md.
Moosic Powder Go,
Rooms 1 and 2 Commof ealtb Bld'j,
Lafflln ft Rand Powder Ce.1
Orange Gun Powdor
Electric Batteries, Fuses for exploaV
Ins; blasts, Safety Fuse and
RepannoGbemical Co.'s HighExplosira
Ifacturers were compelled to throw their
goods upon the-market. Prices were no
, object. We have a hold on these goods. -
200 cloaks, we don't claim they are sylisn
but they are good for thla cold weather,
and when you get one for $2. any also
from S3 to 42, In black blue only.
We have some stylish coats also, but
style always costs something, which we
will r.ell you In black blue or any other
color, short coat, for 14.99.
Have you seen our black cloth cape?
Not equaled In price nor In quality, only
$3.99, for ten days.
We have not time to write ads. We have
the biggest bargains you have ever seen tn
shawls, blankets and wool-knit goods and
to visit our store and look
( W ) Sets
y -Tea
4 Sets
Holiday Gifts
Onyx Top Tables, and Cabinets,
screens, taseis, jaraineres,
Bisque Figures.
Tepletz, Satsuma and Tokenaba
Ware, Bric-a-Brac, Rugs, Has
socks, Carpet-sweepers, Etc.
nn hi niHuiiit Hoouni, nunini ur nri inortijiiun.
408 Lackawanna Ave.
For Heavy Structural Work.
22 Commonwealth Bld&, Scranton, Pi Telephona 422.
i iii
Hopes the
Christmas Sun
May shine
Its troops of
Best of friends.
over our stock of
UlRllTUV fir 111 lalOnrfrTinif