THE SCBANTON TBIBUNE MOXDAT MORHlNa. DECEMBER 23. 1893. Neute 6 lbs. New Muscatel Raisins,. 2 5 3 lbs. Rew Figs, . ;.25 4 lbs. New Dates. - .25 4 lbs. Cleaned Currants, - .25 1 lb. Cleaned Sultana Rai sins, .10 Extra Lemon Peel, per lb., - .10 Extra Leghorn Citron, per lb., .12 4 lbs. Mixed Candy, - - .25 3 ibs. Clear Joys, - - -.25 SCRANTON and TAYLOR. WEST SIDE EVENTS. Two Yciiing Men Arrested for dentins n Disturbance in tlio Snlviition Army llurraekn Last Night. Two young men whose ajros ore about 17 years created a dlBturlianco In the Salvation Army barrack last evening while the army wns In the mlilst of a prayer tm-etlnc;. They spent last night . n the West Side ntatinn house and probably fines thl.s monilnff will cut deep into their C'hrixtuiftH money. Li quor was the real cause "f the trouble. The hoys hud imbibed freely and were in no condition to attend a prayer meet ing. When they pot Inside the bar lucks, however, they bewail to talk in a loud toms. Tlie army lrjeinbrrs - en Cmvd the disturbance for awhile. They then ordered the disturbers out. They went lint in a few minutes nfter words they asaln returned ami created a row. The iiollce were called. Lieu tenant Williams and Oilleer Lewis an Hwecini?. Alderman Hlnlr was sum moned and a hearing was conducted at 10.20 n cluck. . TJie buys fjave their names as James Hughes and John Uawes, both of the West. Side. Lewis Lewis and Samuel Morjran, two of the army soldiers, testified to the facts (riven above. The antlces of the tiris oners made a hearing Impossible and the two were locked up for the iiiirlit This morning at 9 o'clock they will have a hearing. Died from llonrt DUcnne. Mrs. Mary Moss, of Keyser Valley, died suddenly Saturday evenlnp. She, with her husband, had returned from the central city, where they had pur chased Christmas presents. Mrs. Moss V 1 l At 1 . i i I i . i nail liitt-11 iii nit? nuiim- ijiil u mio: l nine i Ond was In the act of rnrryliiff an ad opted daughter up a tllght of stairs When she fell In a faint. Dr. Carroll was summoned, but upon his early ar rival the woman was dead. The cause Is thought to be heart fullure. Sunday School llcct Officer. The Scranton Street P.aptist church elected officers yesterday afternoon for tne comtni? year. The new officers are: Dr. B. O. Ueddoe, superintendent; N. D. Morris, assistant superintendent; O. A. Wntkins. secretary; a. Asbury, ussim p.nt secretary; Harry Pnvls, treasurer; Miss Tomllnson, pianist; Miss Lilly Moore, organist for primary depart ment; D. Evans, chorister. Injured While Visiting, Mrs. M. Adams, of West Plttston, is visiting her sister, Mrs. 11. C. Ilimuan. of Tenth street. Mrs. Adams came hen) on Saturday to spend the holiday sea son. A few hours after her arrivul, the lady fell and severely -sprained her ankle. Dr. LIndabury is in attendance. News Notes ntid Personal. The Hyde Park Literary ami Debating society mcits tins evening with a good programme as an attraction. Christinas trees at Helper A Warnke's. Lettuce, eelery, parsley, spinach, fresh, at Ht'lsor & Wnrnke's. Henry P. Davles, of Eynon street, gave an Interesting talk on "The Water Sheds of America" at last Snturdiiy night's meeting of tlio Welsh Philosophical go- clety. . The Courier-Progress is on the upward move. Saturday's number was exceedingly Interesting. Three- pounds mixed nuts f.r Zi cents; four pound mixed randy for 25 cents, at Helser ard Warnke's. The Colonial Social club has organized a glee club for serena ling purposes. The Young People's society of tho West Side church will conduct a sunrise service on Christmas morning In the Jackson Street HatrHst church. Miss M. Louise will conduct 'the meeting. Religious notes on another page. Plum pudding, :lmirr Viunlltv, 15 cents per can. a t Helser & W'arnke's. Miss Gertrude Freeman Is spending a vacation from studies at Stroiidsburg Normal school wMh her .parents, Mr nnd Mrs. Thomas Froemun, of Bellevua Heights. Daniel Robertson and Mrs. M. Midr. of ihis side, were visiting friends in Taylor yesterday. ' New sweet cider at Helser & Warnke's. T'lrkeys. chickens and ducks, frth killed, nt Helser ft AVftrnke's. Richard Thomas, tho well-known bass Solo4st, has been engaged as one of the vocal artists at the com In U'.io.i eistedd fod. Miss Myra Pearee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Penrce, oT. Prink street, is spending the holidays with her pnrents. Miss Pearce Is a student at Stroudsburg Normal school. Poultry for Christmas dinner at Wnldle Sterling's, the old McKcever stand, on ,Jackson street. Edward Hughes, of Pdoomsburg State Normal school. Is (wending the holldnv season with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Hughes, of Division street. William Jnmclson, ftstudent 'nt Rtrnuds fcurg State Normal school. Is visiting his parents on Washburn street. Miss Ilertha Ivollev and T-uIu Knnpp, of Stroudsburg Normal school, nre spending the vacation with 'their parents, on the West Side. Turkeys for Christmas at Wnldle & Starling, inr, Jackson street (the old Me Keevor ntandl. Mrs. David T. Stephens, of Tenth street. J" seriously ill. Her recovery is doubt ful. Mrs. Stephens sustained iniurles about six years sgo hv falling from a flight or stairs. She bus ben an Invalid since. Mj"- mo Mrs. C. P. Robertson, of North a "-, wire villinw u-i ipi n"me j of the letter s uncle. In Tnvlor. yesterday. ' -B:.T- has lien selected as leder jf the Christmas wornlne- sunrise meet- . . i"c!;on Street Baptist church, n?L!lL""..Mi Lo,,1" Williams oa other wise reported. -Poultry for your ChWwtmos dinner. Prices seeonllng o quality W A ReM 1114 Jackson street. ,uamyv w- A- "V' ?iiI?-..H- Ith Tny'"f- of South ttyrte IlTniSV. recovcr,n -Miss Mabelte Tost of Jackson afreet. Is home from Bloomsbure; State Normal . acnooi. mtrttiMYilnv mUHHM a - . OHstmos dinner a Helse r- Warnke's The- tote Mrs. Mi"-v MoTXitwM was Imrled yesterday In Hyde Park Catholic fr"oterv The funeral sm-vI,... werP ,(, n St. PatHck's church ft 3 o'clock. Many friends of. the deceased vera In attend ance. ' ,--('. ; . -'i i - Wtt SkH Rnslnesa Mreetorr. s PT.tJMBINO-Wllllam D. Griffiths,. 118 'North Main avenue, does first-class Plumbing, Steam Heat and Onn Fitting. Luce SKATES Club, Btrap and Lever, all iasa; lowaat price; nice praam Grand i of fb? Siibiirbs. double heaters, SIS and up. Dock Ash range -and . shelf, $18 and up. R. J. Hughes, 124 South Main, avenue. BARKER Hair rutting and shaving done in a nriit-olags manner nt John H. Reyn old s JUirher SJiop, at Falri-nlin s Hotel. FLOWERS FOR TUB HOLIDAYS At ') South Main avenue, near Jackson street. Funeral designs a specialty Harriet M. Davis, manager. B1CVCI.KS repaired, scissors ground. tools nharpeneil, saws tneii. Keys titled, machines renalreil by W. L. Steenback. dealer in Guns, Fishing Tackle, under Vct Side bank. PHOTOORAPHER Cabinet Photos, $1.40 per dozen. They are Just lovely. Con vince JIHirsi'U l.V t-ttlllUK HL Pianrei o Photo Parlors, 101 and 103 South Main avenue. rjrtnrrcrtTFSTioeere Hlnndnrd Java Cof fee is unexcelled. The leading coffo of the day. For sole only at v. . .Mason A Co. Flno Groceries, 118 South Main SECOND HAND FlTRN'ITlTRE Cash for anything veil have to sell, i-urnium-. Stoves, Tools, etc. Call and see the sto.-k of J. C. King, 10:14 and KCii Jack son ptreet. Special sule of Holiday Wines for fam ily use, 35 cents per quart, at James v. Uesta, 303 Cedar avenue. Cut glass pleases people of refine ment as a Christmas gift. Turnquest sells It. A few dainty hits of porcelain china ns ii Christmas gift arc acceptable in any home, Turnquest sells it. There's an additional pleasure in giv ing when one knows that the gift can never be anything else than it seems to be, nnd thut there Isn't a particle of shorn about 11. If you buy it from Turmiuest. the Jeweler, 203 Washington avenue, It's bound to bo right, for he has no shams in stock to offer you. C0MIXG ATTK WTIOXS. Denmnn Thompson's nualnt nnd lc llcluus play, "The Old Homestead," will bo seen this und tomorrow evenings tit the Academy of Music. A visit to "The Old Homestead is always refreshing, for one seems to get away from him self and breathe the sweet nir or the hills, while he mingles with the quaint characters whose purity of mind seems to Invest life with new thoughts and feelings. Tho breath of new mown hay nnd fresh air of tho country pervades New York city when "Uncle Josh goes there to look after his son. Though phases of the seumy side of life are in troduced In the great metropolis, they do not affect the purity of the play; hut one cannot help feeling glad to get back once more to the simple people of New Kngland with their games, and songs and old fashioned quadrilles. On Christmas nftornoon and evening Oliver and Knte Hyron and their com pany will present "The l"js nnd Downs of Life" at the Academy of Music. 'im Indianapolis Sentinel said of their re cent appearance in that city in "The ITps and Downs of Life:" Ityron plays the hero, Vivian Hnnsome, In his usual honest, earnest fashion, while Knte Hy ron, his charming wife, is the Irish ser vant girl, Jane Judklns, who mnsquer ades as a countess nnd marries a gro cer's clerk, who Is likewise playing me ancestral estate dodge. The discovery of the double fraud lifter the marriage ceremony Is worthy of spontaneity of a 1 eamens. Jlr. Hyron makes un effec tive hero." The Christmas attraction at the Frothinghum will bo Kate Claxton nnd company in the "Two Orphans." Miss Claxton has won for herself a great reputation In that drama nnd made of it one of the most Interesting and en during on the American stage. She Is always well received In this city nnd it Is probable that the capacity of the Frothinghum will be taxed to its ut most nt the inntlnee and evening per formances on Christmas. Sale of seats begins this morning at !i a. in. Today tho Flynn and Sheridan com pany will open a three dnys' engage ment nt Davis' Theater, Introducing a. new idea, and presenting two distinct and separate companies, twenty white artists and fifteen Creoles, and novel ties never before presented. Among the many features thnt will be seen is the grand opening cxtravnganzu. In which both companies will appear. The olio consists of a largo number of the very best and most novel acts. The finale to this double show will bo nn original comedy, headed by Mile. Zit telia, assisted by ten comedians. Mati nees will be as usual. Thursday evenlng"On Erin's Shores, a romantic Irish drama, will bo pro duced at the Acndemy of Music by a good company. The drama has tho great merit of originality, and a good, strong, yet sweet story. Is worked out In a very novel, yet most natural man ner, each episode and Incident, whether humorous, heroic, or exciting, belong ing Just where it happens, so that the Interest plcasurably increases act by act. Is It Good llnotigh for You ? Solid 14k. Fold in Jewelry should be good enough for anybody. A'beautlful opnl ring of this standnrd of fineness costs but $3.!ifl nt Turnquest's, 205 Washington avenue. Very choice Christmas gifts at Jew eler Turnquest's, Washington avenue. A Delightful Gift. Something in diamonds will please mostly anybody, and they're a sure money getter if ever you should want to realize on them. A very fine selec tion can be made at Turnquest's, 20" Washington avenue. President nnd ('nnarcss Endorsed. For the Scranton Tribune. At a regular meeting of Griffin post, 139, held last Friday night, the following reso lutions were presented and unanimously passed, nnd the same were ordered pub lished, and a copy ordered sent to Hon. J. A. Scranton, our representative in con Bress : Rosplvtd by Lieutenant Ezra S. Grlffln post. No. ISli, Department of Pennsylva nia, Grand Army of the Republic, that the post has learned with -the utmost satis faction of the firm, patriotic nnd Just atti tude ussumed by the president of the United States In Ids messngo to congress in relation to 'the unjustifiable course of England In 'the matter of the Venezuelan boundary. And the post has learned -with enual sat irf action of the prompt and Pa triotic support given to the president by VUIIKI Resolved, That this post most "heartily endorses the action of the president and congress, nd while ileprecntlng any In terruption of the peaceful relntlons exist ing between England and this nation, the post expresses Its clear conviction that, in 'the present emergency. It Is Ihe un doubted duty of every loyal rltizen of this great nation to demand a firm nnd mntrl otic stand on the part of the United States n gainst every attempt at aggression by England or nny other nation, and zealous ly, support the administration In every ef fort to maintain Amerlcnn rights and a full recognition of tho Just demand of this nation with respect to non-interference by foreign nations with the affairs of the countries of this western hemisphere. We know not the future, hut we do know the past. And knowing the past we are well assured that no emerenc nn arise which will not oall forth from nil parts of this great nation north, south enst and west the utmost energy, llher lltv and patriotic endeavor for the preser vation of nil rlchts which God has given to us to maintain for ourselves snd for our children. With firm trust in the God of our fathers, and a hlch resolve to be worthy of Amerlcnn citizenship, the peo ple of tliis nation fear no future. , w. tahl. H. W. Loftus. i , i S. H. Stevens. ' ; ' Committee. There's no reason why Turnquest cannot serve you well In th matter of Jewelry, - He buys for cash, sells for cash and always bas the very latest novelties to show his patrons. SOUTH SIDE NEWS. Death of .Martin Kearney, of FI3 Street, at the Moses Taylor Hospital. . New Officers Chosen. Martin Kearney, of Fig street, died at the Moses Taylor hospital Saturday at noon, and the remnins were brought to his late home that evening. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock.wlth a high mass of requiem at St. John's church nnd niterment will be made in Hyde Park Catholic cemc tery. The deceased was forty-five years of age and leaves a wife and seven small children. The case Is one where the be reaved family is deeply sympathized with. Mr. Kearney was a well-known man. Industrious and highly respected. Somo months ago he became afflicted with tumors and It was necessary to submit to nn operation, which he un derwent two weeks ago at the Moses Taylor hospital. ' For a day or so after thnt his condition was so weak that his recovery was in grave doubt, but he rallied and grew stronger, and there were hopes that he would be restored to his former good health, but last Frlr day lie relapsed and grew worse stead ily until ho died Saturday nt noon. The South Side hafc lost nn upright citizen. V M. I. Fleets Offico-s-At a regular meeting held vesterdny afternoon Columbus Council, "Young Men's Institute, elected oilb-ers for the ensuing year. They nrc: President, Richard Sheridan; first vice-president, P. K. Coyne; . second vice-president. Frank Brady; recording secretary. Will Daniels; financial secretary, M. F; Don nhoe; corresponding secretary. John H. O'Malley; treasurer, Pn trick J. Ruddy, executive committee. Morris Duggan, Pnul Romminzer. Attorney M. J. Dona hoe and Kdward Durkln: delegates to district council. P.H. Coyne, Paul Rom minzer, P. J. Kelley, John Gnvan and John K. Coyne. It was decided to hold nn entertainment on Wednesday even ing. Jan. 15, and a "smoker" New Year's Day. Tnlurcd nt tho Silk Mill. Miss Nellie Hefnesr. of Plttston nve. nue, an njerntive nt the Snunuolt silk mill, suffered an injury to the rlgu. hand Saturday, while pot serious, yet it is very painful and will cause her to remain Idle for some time. The index nnd middle fingers of her right hand were caught In the machinery of tue loom at which she was working and both were badly lacerated. Dr. J. A. Manley was summoned and dressed the wounds. Shorter Paragraphs of News. John P. Donahoe returned Saturdny to spend until Jan. (t at home, 011 Stone ave nue. Re win graduate from ttie .New lorn Cnlleire of Pharmacy next April. William Morris, employed at the. Casey & Kelley brewery, got bis right hand se verely bruised Saturday -between two load ed ale barrels. It will lay him idle for two or three wet-ks. The funeral of Tessle Richardson look place yesterday nf'ernonn from the resi dence of James J. Keating, nn Stone nve- nue. There was a large gathering or per. sons present. Interment was made in Mlnooka Catholic cemetery. On Christmas Dav 'the mases nt P. .Tnhn's church will be nt II. S.S0 and 10 30, The first nnd lat will be high masses. The masses at St. Joseph s ehureh. jllnnoka. will be nt r. 8 and 10, the first nnd last high masses. Rings at all prices. Turnquest. Shell combs nnd ornaments for the hair at Turnquest's, 205 Wash. ave. A Woll Dressed Woman Is careful to see that her Jewelry Is as much In touch with fashion ns her new Paris bonnet. Turnquest Invites all ladles of fashion to look over his Jewelry stock. It's nil new, and he Hatters himself that It will about fill the bill to their highest expectations. OVERPOWERED AN OFFICER. A Prisoner Taken Away from Patrolman linwks by Two of Ills Pals. Patrolman Hawks arrested Michael Ford on Oak street at 3 o'clock yester day morning for disorderly conduct and as he wns taking him to the sta tion house two of the prisoner's friends came up and by overpowering the officer succeeded in releasing him., Later In the night Patrolmen Hawks, Rodham and Perry succeeded in recapturing Ford and lodged him In the station house. In police court he was fined $10, which he paid. Patrolman Hawks recognized his two assailants and has warrants issued for their arrest. There's only two days till Christmas now, and still there's much buying to be done. Don't forget Turnquest, the Jeweler, on your shopping tours. Engraved silver thimbles, 25 cents. Turnquest. t LETTER TO SANTA CLAUS. Little Girl Sent One to tho Old Fellow, In euro of -The Trlbtino, The following letter to "Santa Claus, 174 Iceslcklo street, Snow Town, care of Tribune office," was received at this office yesterday: Dear Santa Clause: Will you please bring me for Christmas a doll with light hair, a ring with a diamond in it, a nice little box of handkerchiefs, a Christmas tree, nuts, candy, nnd I guess that Is all so good by Santa Clause. P. S. Don't forget I am going to be a Vei-y good girl. Mario Becker. What's in a Numo? Wife Look, John, there's the tea set I'm going to send to mama. Husband What or it where did you buy it? Wife Why, at Turnquest s, Just as you said. Husband Its very pretty, but T don't know anything about them. IC Turnquest said it was good, however, I know it must be. COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. A. W. Handlev. of Danbury. Conn.. called on Register of Wills Hopkins Sat urday and procured acertinen copy ot tno will of itho late John Handley. The Dan- bury Handley said that he was a first cou sin of the kite Judge. Letter of administration In the estate of Kdward Hobbs, late of this city, were granted to Austin WhlttaKcr, (Saturday by Register of Wills Hopkins. Attorney Cornelius Smith filed a peti tion in court Saturday morning asking for a rule to strike off the non-suit In the SloO.OOIMrespass suit against the Lehigh Valley Railroad company and others. The rule was granted returnable at next argu ment court. Ainidlcatlon for a new trial was heard Saturday morning before Judges Arch bald and Gunster in the ctiso of Will iam G. Davis awilnst William P. Roland. This Is a case where a sorrel horse was replevincd. Attorney C. Comegys ap peared for Mr. Roland and Attorney for Mr. Davis. AMornev R. A. Bourke agued before Judge Ardibald on the rule to strike off the costs Imposed by the Jury on the pros ecutor in the case of B. J. Neville, of the West Side, against Messrs. Callahan & Pahey, tho two young men whom he pros ecuted for abusing a horse and negligence by bailee. Judge Archbald struck off the costs and placed them on the county. MEETING OF THE CAR MEN. They Nominated Officers forth. Ensnlnc Year. ' - . A lengthy meeting of the- Conduc tors and Motormen's union of the Trac tion company was held-from midnight Saturday night until 4:30 yesterday morning. The nomination of officers waa what consumed so much time, nearly every member of the organiza tion being nominated for one oilice or another. The election, will take place next Saturday night after working hours. ... " The primary object of the meeting was to hear from the grievance com mittee that had been to General Mana ger Silllman and Superintendent Fox and had laid before these officials a list of matters that the men desire to be remedied, principally the . readjust mont of the scale of wages. The em ployes want 15 cents an hour for the first six months and 20 cents an hour thereafter. It Is a rule of tho union that the names of the nominees remain unheralded outside ot the meeting room. The grievance committee anticipates a statement from Mr. Silliman either to-morrow or the day after. Arc They? They're too good to cut love. Turn quest's beautiful sliver mounted pocket knives. Turnquest Will Sell Yon almost any price of silverware sepa rate, such as teapots, creams, sugars, butters, etc., and In buying there you may' depend that you're getting the best nt tho very lowest price. 205 Wash ington avenue. . . Right in the Heart of It. Christmas trade nt Turnquest's, tho Jewerer's, 205 Washington avenue. Uo and see for yourself. Some lovely chainr, in the many ports at Turnquest's, 205 Washington ave. CRIMINAL COURT CONVENES. Special Session to l.nst Two Weeks, Will Open Today. The special two-weeks' term of qunr ter sessions court will begin today. Judge Purdy, of Honcsdale, and Judge Craig, of Lock Haven, will preside in the main court room nnd No. 2 respec tively. District Attorney John H. Jones is opposed to the running of three crim inal couils, 011 the ground thut he enn not give the snme personal attention to cases If a large number ure disposed of ench day. There are no weighty cases on the list for the term. Nenrly all of them nre misdemeanors nnd the generality of them do not rise above assault and battery. It is the intention of the dis trict attorney to get through with them all and have a clear list to begin the new year with. Slipper Palace, 50S Lackawanna ave. - The r Brothers "Slipper Palace" charms everybody. On Christinas Eve. When will nil the Jewelry and sil verware presents that have been bought at Turnquest'H be disposed of? It's a big problem, too big to handle these busy days, but Turnquest has a few more things he'd like to dispose of before Santa Clnus puts on the fin ishing touches to bis delivery wagon. 1'uir nt Kcndhnm. Take the street car for Rcndham, or the Delaware und Hudson train for Moosic, if you wish to witness the most magnificent pageant and grand march ever rehearsed in the country. The Fair will open In K. J. Fallon's Music hall, Old Forge, nt three o'clock Christmas afternoon. Costumes representing the nations of the world and well known historical characters. Fine music and the best tnjent obtninable for the en tertainnient.which will open at S o'clock. Conio early and secure scats. Gold Filled Jewelry. Looks as well as gold, for Its outside Is a solid gold plate and will wear till you're tired of it. It Is guaranteed by the manufacturer for ten years. Full assortment in all styles at Turn quest's, 205 Washington avenue. Special bargnln snle of ladles' and misses' muds toduy nt Crane's. 321 Lackawanna avenue. Don't fall to se cure one for Christmas, 10,000 Pairs inns Slippers to select' from at the C Brothers Slippers from 48 cents up at the G Brothers' Slipper Paluoe. FIGHT ON LLOYD STREET. Colored Man lludly Injured by a lllou from a Stone. A fight took place on Lloyd street last nltrlit between a colored man. whoso numo could not be learned, and a Bo hemian named Noack. The colored mnn alleges thut Noack hit him on the side of the head with a lurjre Rtone. His enr was split by the blow and n large rafrfrcd wound was In flicted In tho side of his head. A war rant will be Issued for Noack's arrest today. WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD Dr. Alexander' FAMOUS LUNG HEALER WHAT IS IT? It Is a medicine carefully put tip and compouudiMl, bfinir a diri-et copy of a favorite pn-snnptioa n-cd by Di. Alex ander O'Malley, of Vilkes flarre Pa., a practicing vlivsiclan for over twenty years, for ali fu'i-r and thro it troubles, and is guaranteed to do all that Is i-lnimed for it. It is not u "euro all" but it will certainly relieve all lunir diseases, cure coughs and bronchitia. avert pneumonia and prevent consumption by its timely action on the sensitive lnnii tubes and tissues. Thousands of bottles hare been sold Inst ynnr, und thousiuds of souU saved from nn early rave by Its use. Once used a family will never b without it ill the huusu. For sale by all dealers, ag cent. IT IS TIME TO GET OUT And Get Your Holiday Goadi Now. Vou will find a cbnico line of ICB SKATES, POI.O STICKS, FOOT HALLS, HOXINU (ll.OVES, AIR Kit I. I S, I'OCkhT KNIVES, Ot NS, USHINO TACKI I! AND ATHLETIC OOODS AMU BICYCLES At the Old Stand, A. W. JUR1SCH, sprlB sr. The St. Denis Broadway and Eleventh St., New York. Opp. Oraca Church, European Plan. Rooms $1.00 a Day and Upwards. In a tnodost and nnobtrnslve wnv there am few better conducted hotels la the metropolis tlmn the St. Dents. Tho great pepu'arlty It has acquired can readily be traced to Ita unique location, its homelike atmossbere. the Deoullar excellence of its cnlsliie and ssrrloe, and ita very moder ate prices. , WILLIAM TAYLOR AND SON. No matter how violent or excruciating the pain, the Rheumatic, Bedridden, In firm, Crippled, Nervous, Neuralgic, or prostrated with diseases may suffer, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF Will Afford Instant Ease. For hendache (whether sick or nervous), toothache, nouralgia. rheumatism, lum bago, pains and weakness In the back, spine or kidneys, pains around the liv'er, pleurisy, swelling of the Joints and pains of all kinds, the application of Railway s Ready Relief will afford immediate rase, nnd its continued use for a few days effect a permanent cure. Instantly stops the most excruciating pal.-is, allays Inflammation and cures con gestions, whether of the Lungs, Stomach, Rowels or other glands or mucous mem branes. Kadway's llfady Kelicf CURES AND PREVENTS Colds, Coughs, Sore Throat, Influent za, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Rheu matism, Neuralgia, Headache, Toothache, Asthma, Dif ficult Breathing. CURES THE WORST PAINS In from one to twenty minutes. Not one hour after reading this advertisement need any one SUFFER WITH PAIN. INTERNALLY A half to a teaspoonful in half a tumbler of water will In a few minutes cure Cramps, Spasms. Sour Stomach. Nausea, Vomiting, Heartburn, Sink Headache, Diarrhoea. Colic, Flatu. lency and all internal pains. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF. Price, 50c. per Bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Winter Will Soon LH fl?r? And to be proparod to meet the cold weather you want seasonable Salt or an Overcoat or both AND THE BEST PLACE TO VISIT F03 SOMETHING G393 li (OCHAHT TAIL0HIN3 ' IS (I 406 Lackawanna Avo. THERE YOU WILL FIND The largest stock to select from, Trba minga Always ot the Best, Latest Styles in Cutting, and made up oa tbe presumes by Expert Workmen. flNothlng allowed to leave thaeitab liohraent unlets satisfactory to the cus tomer, and the lowest prices consistent with Oood llnrchaut Tailoring. i BREWERY, Manufacturer! of the Celebrated PILSENER LAGER 8EER CAPACITY! 100,000 Barrels per Annum DU FONT'S MINING, BLASTING AND SPORTING POWDER Manufactured at tbe Wapwallnpea Mills, Lo) serno county, Pa., and at Wil mington, Delaware, HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for the Wyoming Distriot. t18 WYOMING AVE Scranton, Pa Third National Bank Bonding. Aoiaotita : TH08. FOBIXMttaton, Pa. JuHN B. HMITI1 A SON, Plytnonth, Pa, E. W MULLIGAN. Wilkes flam. Pa. Agenwi zor me itcpauno vuemicai fjofty'a Blgb Explosives, THE SCRANTON VITRIFIED BRICK TILE MANUFACTURING CO., MAKIaVi or SHALE PAVING BRICK AND BUILDING BRICX Oflioei 320 Washington Avcnuo. Works) Nay-Aug, Ia E. W. V. R. B. M. H. DALE, General Sales Agent, Scranton, Pa CO. OILS., VINEGAR AND CIDER. OmOE AND WAREHOUSE, Ml TO 151 MERIDIAN STREST M. W. COLLINS, fVTfifn. BLANK BOOKS Or all kinds, manufactured at short notice, at Tlio Tribune Office. 'im - - 3V BUD Oil D M1FIC11 fflp The Fashion Special for a Few Days Only. JACKETS AND CAPES For Ladies, Hisses and Children. Special to Close Out the Entire Line The carmen la nfrret perfect iu shape and 11 pish as they can be made, and all we ask of the public is an inspec tion, nothing more, l'rlcea will talk for themselves. 100 Ladies' Kersey Jackets, S7..'u viilue, for SO Ladies' Bouele Jacket, $12 value, for 42 Ladies' Kersoy Jacket, 8U.t value, for 3D Ladles' KrieBo Jacket. SIViO value, fur 47 Jackets, $14.50 to SIOOJ value, for 25 Lading' Capes, rpecial $7 value, for 12 Laiios' Double Braided Caprs, 812 value, for 50 MifNeV Oreti'beim, All sizes, 1 value, euoice 36 MiwtoH' Jackets, a to li years, J4 value, choice... 40 Lndien' Fur Capes, full sweep, 814 value, f i Millinery, Millinery. Come with a lean punwor a fat ono. you ran command a choice; unci whether you pay little or much, you can bo sure of a sty toll, seaalble Hat or Bouuot evory time. FOR A FEW DAYS ALL MILLINERY AT HALF PRICE 308 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton, Pa. 308. The General Household Supply Store Corner Penn Ave. and Spruce St. HOLIDAY GOODS CHINA DEPARTMENT, China Plate, Cup and Saucers, Salad Dishes, Cracker Jars, Tea Sets, Sugnr-and-Creams, Dinner and Tea Set. Banquet Lamps, Banquet Lamps, Banquet Lamps, Vase Lamps Hanging Lumps Night Lumps Having au selling them 20 R BLOESKR, Penn Ave. and Spruce St. AMUSEMENTS. TflE FROTfllNGflflM. Mugncr Keis, Lessees and .Managers. S MATINEE AND EVENING WEDNESDAY, DEC. .25 The Favorite Actresi, Kate Claxton And Her Own Company of PlayetJl iu tbe Ever i'upular Drama, I Oil REGULAR PRICES. Matinee Prices - - 25c and 50c Solo of souts opens Monday, December 23, at Oa. in. nr. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL Coal of the best quality for dotnestlt Use, and of all sixes, delivered la ao (art of the city at lowest price. Orders left at my Offlca NO. 118 WYOMING AVENUE, Rear room, first floor, Third National Bank, or sent by mall or telephone to the nine, will receive prompt attention. Special contractu will be made for tht Mia and delivery of Buckwheat CoaL WM. T. SMITH. REVIVO RESTORES VJUUTT Made a Well Mat uthir.lMX,f 0f Me. ita r TUB QftaAT SOtb bay. prodneea the above remit. In 80 day, ttactt powerfully aiil qnlekly. Cur., when all others (all Voana m.a will regain lost manhood, sad old aa will tseovsr youthful wor by vain NKT1VO. It oulcalr wd anelr restores Mreu mss, teat Titalltr, Inpomer, KUhtly Eraiaaoaa, LestFower.ralUiif Memory, Wattle DleaaMa.aad til sleets of saU-abose or cum and Indiscretion, WBlehaattscaerwetadr.besJoeaaornantats. II osteal? ewes sy Martini at the wet of disease, hut Issireas aerva toalo sod blood bnllder, brla ls beet th sink glow to pal choeks and r jwrlnc she Are of youth. It ward, off Inanity nd OsDsunptloa Insist oa hsrtBt BKVtVO, as other. It oso be eanied la east yeeket. Mr nail, 51.00 per packs, or alt lot M.OO, with a post Mea writtoa aaarwatoo to war av faroad iheasoaay. Ouenlsitns. MUrsaa om ME0ICINI CO.. 13 Rim St., CtttftMO. ILL tat ' tM 9T BfaMhavaatoa Diwukw GLASSWARE. Lemonade Sets, 70c up. Wine Sets, 60c up. Table Set, go different pattern, 25c and aaw Cake Salvers, Fruit Dishes, Cheese Plates and Covers. braes, with center draft. . onyx, with center draft. . orjyx, with ilk t-hades. .$1.50 upwanj . 2.50 upward ,. 6.75 upward . .95 upward . 2.50 upward .05 upward immense stock of Lamns. are per cent, less than the sama can ue Dougnt lor anywhere. Come and see our display of Holiday Goods, Dolls, Iron Toys, Wagons, Zithers, Phono harps, Games, Books, Dishes, Tables, Desks, Sleighs, Blocks, Tree Ornaments, Candles, Albums, Toilet Cases, Manicure Sets, Shaving and Smoking Sets, Fan Boxes, Glove Boxes. We have a big stock, but advise' you tJ come early and avoid the rush. AMUSEMENTS. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Alonday anil Tuesday, Dec.ij and 14, Dfc'NMAN THOMPSON'S BEAUTIFUL PLAY, The Old Homestead MANAUEMRNT OF E. A. M'FARLAND. Company Larger and Better Than Ever Before, SCENERY NEW. Sale of scats open Friday. Prices SI, 75c, 50c, &c. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, CHRISTMAS MATINEE AND NIOHT. The Talented Actor, OLIVER BYRON, Supported br the Charming Artiste, KATE BYRON. And a Competent Company, in THE UPS AND DOWNS OF LIFE Iiuplote with Startling; Bitnatlnns. Uproarious Fan, Sale of seats opens Monday at o'clock. Regular prices. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Thursday, December aO, A romoiftlc Irish dram by Michael J. Mo roney. A plctnro of Ireland framed in smiles and tear. ON ERIN'S SHORES Tho Harp of Erin strummed by Irish players. Celtic wit, humor and pathos elaborate acenlo effects. New and appropriate songs and laualo. PRICES, 25c, 35c, 50c and 75c Sale of seats poena Tnaaday. DAVIS THEATER MONDAY, TUESDAY AND CHRISTMAS DAY FLYNN & SHERIDAN'S BIG SENSATION DOUBLE SHOW. 20 BEAUTIFUL WHITE LADIES 30 15 HANDSOME CREOLES-15 A HOST OF NOVELTIES. ' NOTHINO LIKE IT EVER SEEN. TWO SHOWS IN ONB Ateisslon, 10, 20 and 30 Ceatt
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