THE ONLY REPUBLICAN DAILY IN LACKAWANNA COUNTY. ft' EIGHT PAGES 50 COLUMNS. SCKAHTON, PA., MONDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 23, 1895. TWO CENTS A COPY. Hi 7 OTITITP o FOR No time for talking. A few facts must tell the whole story. All we need to soy Is that If you have not yet done your Rift buying both you and your friends nre In luck, for they're likely to get better presents and you're sure to save money any way. SecoM (See yesterday's papers for first bargain list. Celluloid Brush nnd Comb Sots In beautiful box, worth $1.37. New Prke, 98c Combination Manicure nnd Brush nnd Comb Sets, very handsome, worth Sl.S'la New Prke, $1.39 i Beautifully Decorated Brush and Comb Sets, elegant box to match, cheap at $2.00 New Price, $3.49 Best Nickel and Steel equipments. Very pretty boxes, two sizes. New Prices, 69c from 85c 89c from $ J. 25 A taxi la RraMjer Pull set of Soldiers, Sailors, Cow boys, etc., for making pictures of Battles, etc, Were Sue., New Price, 25c Separate Boxes In Blush, benutiful ly mounted In silver, etc. For set of two were $2. New Price, $1.39 'For Wee lets Kitchen Outfits 19e., Kitchen Stoves 19c; Wash Sets, six pieces, with Table, Tubs, Wringer, etc. ! New Price, 39c Dolls' Furniture for Dining Room and Parlor, large size. New Price, 85c xji uuiiiiii muiui ii-u oria, inn num ber. Of pieces. Large size 01)c, extra Size 79c, Dredgers that work, with steam tug ' attached. The largest toy on earth for the money. New Price, 39c Now On GLOBE 111 Hour lifers COMMITTEES OF THE HOUSE Speaker Kced Announces His Assign ments for the Present Term. MR. DINGLEY IS THE LEADER lie Is Mado Chairman of the Way and Means Committee-Ex-Spcakcr Grow and Congressman Scrnnton Arc Ite merabered Other Selections. "Washington. 13ec. 22. Speaker Reed cleared the way yesterday for action by the house of representatives by an nouncing the list of committees for this congress. Several surprises were oc casioned by the reading of the list, but generally the assignments made had been discounted by current rumor. There waa general satisfaction with the work of the speaker and he was com mended on all tides for the fairness and ability as well an the consideration for public Interests displayed in discharg ing the delicate and arduous task. The message of the president urging congressional action to relieve the pres ent financial distress was read and re ferred to the committee on ways and means, as was also the resolution pro viding for a holiday recess. It waa snld by the leaders of the house that it was probable that the president's recom mendation would be followed and no holiday recess taken. Messrs Hank head and Clark (Denis., Ala.) and Hut cheson (Deiri., Tex.) appeared on the floor for the first time this session and worn nivnrn In The chaplain referred In his prayer to ' the grave and momentous problems facing the nation. For the solution of these he prayed for guidance from on high, "so that peace and tranquility mny once again smile upon the land." After the reading of the Journal Ex ecutive Clerk iJruden announced with the president's financial message sent yesterday to the senate. Immedi ately thereafter a message was received from the senate announcing the pass age of the house bill appropriating $100,000 for the expenses of the proposed Venezuelan boundary commission. The message from the president was heard with respectful attention, and with its close the speaker said that it would be referred to the committee on ways and moans, and announced the composition of the committee. This having been done the full list of com mittees was read by the clerk. Important Committees. The muke-urp of the most important com mittees, as announced by Speaker Heed, is: Rules The speaker; D. R. Henderson, lowu; John Dulzeii. Pennsylvania; C. b Cni, Georgia; Benton .McMillan, Tennes see. Ways iind Means Nelson Dingley, Jr., Maine; Sereno ti. l'ayne, New York; John IjuIz,.-,!, iunnsylvania; Albert J. Hupkli.., Illinois; (.'. H. Giosveno, Ohio; Charles A. Russell, Connecticut: J. 1'. Dollver, Iowa; George Steele. Imliar.n; M. N. Johnson, North DukotH; Walter Evans, Kentucky; J. A. Tawne, Minnesota ; Charles F. Crisp, Georgia; Benton .McMillan, Tennes see; Henry (J. Turner. Georgia ; John C. Tarsncy, .Missouri; Joseph Wheeler, Ala bama; J. J. McLaurin, South Carolina. Appropriations J. O. Cannon, Illinois; H. H. Hlnghatn, Pennsylvania;' W. V. Grout, Vermont; 8. A. Northway, Ohio; William A. Stone. Pennsylvania; W. O. Ar nold, Hhode Island ; E. J. Hatner, Nebras ka; Richard Blue, Nebraska; Mahlon Pit ney, New Jersey; James H. Hemmlng way. Indiana; John K. ileCail, Tennessee; Joseph 1). Mayers, Texas; A. M. Doekery, Missouri: L. I. Livingstone, Georgia; Samuel Robertson, Louisiana; F. C. Lay toti. Ohio; K. Ilartlftt, New York. Foreign Affairs R. R. Hitt, Illinois; W. F. Draper, .Massachusetts; R. Adams. Jr., Pennsylvania; Lemuel B. Quigg, New York; Robert Cousins, Iowa; Charles P. Taft. Ohio: William A. Smith. Michigan: Joel P. Heatnole, Minnesota; Richmond Pearson. North Carolina: J. It. McCreary, Kentucky; Andrew Price, Louisiana, II. St. G. Tucker, Virginia; Hugh A. Dins more, Arkansas; Hernando D. Money, Mississippi; F. C. Newlands, Nevada. Banking and Currency Joseph R. Walk er, Massachusetts; Marriott Brosius, Pennsylvania; II. IT. Johnson, Indiana; Henry C. Va.: Voorhls. Ohio; J. II. Mc Cleavy, Minnesota: Charles M. Fowler, New Jersey; Jacob Lefever, New York; George Spalding, Michigan; XV. A. Cal ilerliead, Kansas; It. J. Hill, Connecticut; K. D. Cooke, Illinois; Nicholas Cox, Ten nessee; Seth XV. f'obb, Missouri. James K. Cobb, Alabama; J. C C.-Black, Georgia; Francis G. Newlands, Nevada; John K. Cowen, Maryland. Merchant Murine and Fisheries S. K. Fayne. New York; O. D. Perkins. Iowa; A. J. Hopkins, Illinois: L. M. Strong, Ohio; M. C'rlswold; J. Slmpklns, Massachusetts; R. 3. Miner, Wisconsin; A. 8. Berry, Ken tucky; (1. A. Kobbins, Alabama; C. M. Cooper, Florid: .1. K. FltBSterald, Massa chusetts ; M. Crowley, Texas. Rivers and Harbors W. B. Hooker, New York: B. Herman. Oregon; S. M. Stephen son, Michigan: .1. E. Ueyhurn, Pennsylva nia; H. C. Cooue-r. Wisconsin; T. R. Bur ton, Ohio: W. TO. Barrett, Massachusetts; W. R'-eves, Illinois; C. A. Towne, Minne sota: 1). B. Dover or. West Virginia; T. C. Catching. Mississippi; R. K. Lester, Georpla; R. H. Clarke, Alabama; P. D. McOulloch, Arkansas; A. 8. Berry, Ken tucky. Naval Affairs Charles A. Routelie, Maine; John B. Robinson, Pennsylvania; George W. Hullek,- Ohio; 8. C. Hilborn, California: MelvPle Bull, Rhode Island; Frank J. Hanley, Indiana: Francis H. Wil son. New York; Charles Edward Foss, Il linois: A. C. Dayton, West Virginia: Amos .1. Camming. New York; Artolph Meyer, Louisiana: H. D. Money, Mississippi; IT. fl. Hnll. Missouri: F. C. Tate, Georgia; Joseph J. Hart. Pennsylvania. Coinage, Weights and Measures Charles W. S'one. Pennsylvania: Martin N. John son, North Dakota; O. A. Hartmnn. Mon tana; Henry C. Brewster, New York; XV. F. L. Hadley. Illinois; Addison 8. Mc riure, Ohio; James H. Southward, Ohio; BenlamlmL Falrchlld, New York; H. C. Londenslagcr, New Jersey; Delegate Frank J. Cannon. ITtah: John W. Allen, Mississippi; J. H. Ilankhnad. Alabama; Thomas C. MeRae, Arkansas; 8. M. floarkman. Florida: James fl. Spencer. Mlsilnslpnl; It. H, Clarke, Alabima. Judiciary D. B. Henderson, Iowa; Case Ttroderlck. Konas: Thomas Updegraff, Iowa; Frederick H. Olllett, Massachusetts; t.. M. Strong. Ohio; Henry W. Baker. New Hampshire: Charles A. Connolly, Illinois; J. J. .Jenkins. Wisconsin; Charles O. Bur ton, Missouri: Foster V. Brown. Tennes see: John W. Lewis, Kentucky; D. B. Culberson. Texas: ?. J. Boatner. Louisia na: Josenh 13. Was-hlngton. Tennessee; Joseph W. BalTey. Texas: W. L. Terry. Arkansas; David A. DeArmonrt. Missouri. Military Affair John A. T. Hll. Iowa Newton M. Curtis, New York: R-nlsmln V. Msrsh, Illinois: TCohralm W. Wnomer, Pennsylvania: Marshall Griffin. Wl'eon s'n: Oeorce "K. Rout wick. New York; Plr-bard W. Purke-. New Jei-sev: R. W Bishop. Ml'-hle-an: T.iiflen J. F"efon Ohm": John P. Trsev. MIoH: T, B. f.tron! New Morleo: .Tnbn O Ts-ney. Mlnui: P. Of'ner Tv'r. Vlflnlfl: nm R McCWsn. New York: Jori K. H'.i,1hp ton. Tennessee: Joseph .1. Hfl". Pepivl vsnia; ames A. Lockhart, North Caro lina. CofBfw t t o Chairmen, Chairmen of the other committees nre: Interstate and foreign comme-ve, Will lam P. Hepburn. Iowa; Potofflces and poetroads, B. T. Loud. California; elec tions. No.'l, Charles Daniels, New York; election. No. 2, H. TT. Johnson. Indian; elections. No. 1. Samtiol W. McCall. Mna chusetts: ipiibllo buildings and grounds, Seth L. Mllllken. Maine; Paelfle railroad. H. H. Powers. Vermont; claims." Charles L. Brnmrn. Pennsylvania: agriculture. James Wsdsworth, New York: mines and mining. Daniel D. Altken, Mlchlran: In dian affairs, James 8. Sherman, New York: enrolled WIN. A.- L. Hsger. Iowa; railway and canals, Chester A. Chlrker Inr. New York; war claims, T. M. Mahon, pennsvlvan'a. public lands, J. F. Lacey, Iowa; election of president. Nawton M. Curtt. New York; ajoobollo liquor traffic, Elijah A. By the Courtesy From the Chicago Times-Herald. NELSON DINGLEY, JR., OF MAINE, Chairman of Ways and Meant Committee. Moree. Massachusetts: library. A. C. Har- mer, Pennsylvania: printing, George D. Perkins, Iowa; District of Columbia, James A. Babeock. Wisconsin; education, Galusha A. Grow, Pennsylvania: pensions, Henry C. Loudi-nslager, New Jersey; ex penditures in state department, L. IC. yuigg. New York; expenditures In treas ury department. Charles H. Grosvenor, Ohio; expenditures In war department, XV. XV. Grout. Vermont; immigration and nat uralization, Richard Barthordt, Missouri; expenditures In nayy department. H. F. Thomas. MichlHan; expenditures in post otllee department, II. H. Bingham, Penn sylvania: expenditures in Interior depart ment, Charles Curtis, Kansas; Irrigation of Arid Lands, B. Hei'mann, Oregon; Mis sissippi levees. G. XV. Ray, New York. invalid pensions, J. A. Plckler, South Dakota; labor, I. M. Phillips, J'ennsyiva nla; patents, T. M. Draper. Massachu setts; manufactures, I. D. Apskey, Massa chusetts: militia. B. F. Marsh. Illinois: private land claims, G. W. Smith, Illi nois; rerorm in civil service, ai. erosius, Pennsylvania: revision of laws. W. W, Bowers, California; ventilation and acous tics. XV. a. union. Micnigan: territories, J. A. Scranton; Pennsylvania; expendir tures in department of Justice, W. R. Ki lls, Oreeon; expenditures in department of agrlcr-Jture, C. XV. Glllet. New York: ex penditures on public buildings, T. Settle, North Carolina. SELLING 01 R STOCKS. Speculators Will Make Money on Ameri can Securities at Berlin-The Dears Are Aided by the Press. Berlin, Dec. 22. Public Interest In Berlin In the quarrel between the Unit ed States and Great Britain has never been highly strained and bids fair to become rapidly less, especially as re gards the political aspect of the ques tion. On the other hand, however, financial anxiety Is on Jre Increase. The operations on the Bourse here, in Frankfort and Vienna, on Saturday showed a great tendency to take the situation seriously. It Is true that nothing like a war panio prevailed, but The operations on the bourse here, In sion that the financial position must be come much worse than It Is, whatever may happen, In relieving the political difficulty. The Belling of American stocks on the various German bourses proceeded actively and a considerable number of selling orders are reported to have een sent from Berne to Lon don. The selling movement, meanwhile. Is not that Investors are unloading, but it Is largely confined to speculative dealings which seem calculated to eventually draw In genuine holders. The concurrence of the financial nress In the generally glonsf; view of the monetary prospecth-tne United States Is giving a great deal of assistance to speculators for a fall. Responsible newnpapers predict n flow of gold from the United States. To a large extent the trouble lies In the difficulty of Am erican railroads and other enterprises obtaining the support of European capital, and the cessation of the re vival of American Industry which re cently set In. In regnrd to a tariff war between Ger many and the United States, nobody affects to believe that anything of the kind will occur, excepting Interested agrarians who have been hoping that such a war would result In the forma tion of a strong agrarian and protec tionist ministry In Germany, THE MAN RESPONSIBLE. Schorahnrah, Who Drew the Venemclan I. Inc. Ones Snld Tohacco. Washington, Dec. 22. An Interesting fact In connection with the famous Schomburgk line which has escaped ob servation Is that the man who provided the British government with that boundary came to this country from Oermany when he was twenty-two years old nnd after working for some time as a' clerk In Boston and Philadel phia, became a partner In a Richmond, Va.. tohacco manufactory In 1828. The factory was burned down and Schomburgk drifted to the West Indies, where, after unsuccessful ventures. Ins botannlcal work attracted the atten tion of the London Geographical Soci ety and secured means to explore the unknown region of the Orinoco, where he traveled from 1833 to 1839, when he discovered the Victoria. Regia Lily and numerous other plants. This wor led the British government to commission him to suggest a boundary between Venesuela and Guiana nnd to make further explorations. The line was drawn and he was knighted by the Queen for his services. Schomburgk. until his death In 1863, continued In the British consular ser vice, but devoted himself chiefly to geographical studies, being a member of the principal American and Euro pean learned societies. Captain Itoseett'a Funeral. Washington, Dec. 22. The funeral ser vices of the tate Captain Isaac Boaaett, the venerable assistant doorkeeper of the senate, took place this afternoon at the First Presbyterian church. Among those who attended were Senators Gorman, Sherman, Hawley, Petfer, Roach and Mitchell, as a committee of the senate. The body was interred la the concres tlonal cemetery. of H, H. Eohluat PHILADELPHIA WAS QUIET No Cars Were Operated by the Trac tion Company Yesterday. PEACE CONFERENCE IX SESSION Traction Officials Refuse to Kecocolzo Representatives of the Amalgamated Association Buslnesa Ilea Been Killed by Strike -Trouble Ahead. Philadelphia, Dec. 22. For the first time since last Tuesday when the strike of the motormen and conductors of the Union Traction company began peace and quiet today reigned in the streets of Philadelphia. This was due to the. decision of the Traction company to make no attempt to run any of Its cars today. -Thft) decision' was adhered to. Since Tuesday the police force of the city has been on duty almost continu ously and the lull in hostilities today afforded the men a much needed rest. The strikers held a long meeting this afternoon behind closed doors and the probable result of this meeting was seen tonight and a committee representing the strikers and officials of the Union Traction company held a long confer ence at the offices of the company at Eighth and Dauphin streets. At mid night the result of this conference Is still In doubt. The sUlkers were represented on their committee by President Mahon, of the Amalgamated association of street railway employes; Chairman Lutx, of the strikers' executive commit tee; George Chance, of the Typograph ical union, and George Griffith, of the Christian League. When this commit tee presented Itself at the offices of the company the traction officials refused to recognize Mr. Mahon and Mr. Lutx and these two walked the streets out side, while Mr. Griffith and Mr. Chance conferred with the railway people. A proposition was laid before the traction officials and this wbb met by a counter proposition. A long discussion followed und at 11:30 the strikers' committee re turned to the strikers' headquarters for further Instructions. It Is the earnest hope of the majority of the citizens of Philadelphia that a compromise of some sort shall be reached at once, as the strike has al ready cost the city Indirectly hundreds of thousands of dollars. Aside from the direct expenses of the strike the holi day trade has been practically killed and the merchants of this city are clamoring for an end. Welsh Would Not Arbitrate. John Ixiwber Welsh, president of the Union Traction company, who has been reported as being the man who has stood In the way of all attempts at ar bitration through his absolute refusal to recognize the Amalgamated associa tion of street reallway employes, to night Issued a statement to the public giving his version of the trouble and claiming that there was no dissatis faction among his employes until labor agitators stirred them up to strike. Mr. Welsh practically says In his state ment that his company will never re cognize the Amalgamated association and that this may be the rock upon which tonight's negotiations for a set tlement may split upon. If a settlement Is not reached tonight the company purposes to operate Its Market anil Chestnut street and, Lancaster avenue branches tomorrow at all hazards. . In anticipation of further trouble . morrow the mayor tonight swore In 600 more special policemen and these will give him a force of 3,000 men ai his com mand. Mayor Warwick said today: "As matters stand today my duty as chief executive officer Is to preserve the peace and order of this city and I win do this with all the force at my com mand, and. If necessary. I will bring to my assistance all the force that can be brought Into requisition under the law, be It state or national. Life and prop erty shall be protected by the strong arm of the law. Lawlessness Is anarchy and that will not be permitted under any circumstances." If a settlement Is not reached tonight greater trouble may be expected tomor row. The spirit of bitterness against the traction company has Increased and the Importation of men from other cities has Intensified this feeling. The committee representing the strik ers were In conference with the officials of the company and who left the com pany's offices for the strikers' head quarters to consult with the strikers' executive committee, left the headquar ters shortly after 1 o'clock for the com pany's offices. They stated to the men In waiting at headquarters that they might as well go home as there would be no settlement of the question until some time during the day as they would not be able to submit their proposition looking to a settlement of the strike to the company's officers until some time later this morning;. - ' - " Left with Manager Return. ' President Welsh of the Union TrtaUon company left the offices of the company at Eighth and Dauphin streets, where the conference with the strikers' rep resentatives was held for his home about midnight and General Manager Beetem, it Is understood has authority to act In his place. Up to 1 o'clock this morning the committee of the strikers had not returned. A conference was held last night at the mayor's office between the mayor and Wm. J. Latta, general agent of the Pennsylvania railroad; ex-Postmaster General W anamakcr and Wm. M. Sing erly looking to a settlement of the strike in some way. The conference is still in session. KILLED BY EXPLOSION. Laborers Resorted to Fire to Thaw Some Bynntnlto Cartridges. New Rochelle, Dec. 22. Three Italian laborers were blown up and killed al most instantly by an explosion of dy namite cartridges yesterday afternoon. The vlstims were Antonet Prello, 48 years old. married; John Rose, 35, and Frank Broke, 32. The men, with about sixty others, under the charge of Foreman James Avery, have for some weeks been ex cavating near Denn street In the New York and Hartford railroad yard, where a new freight station is to be erected. The three Italians were to blast rock today with dynamite cart ridges. They took three frozen cart ridges out of a box which contained twelve pounds of dynamite and as cended a bluff forty feet above the other workmen, placed the cartridges near a fire, and sat down to wait until the explosive had thawed. Suddenly there was a terrific report. Prello was blown sixty feet into the olr and his body was torn to pieces. Frank Broke was thrown across the embankment and across the side of a house. Rose was hurled Into the air and landed several feet from where the explosion took place. Prello was killed instantly but the other men lived a few moments. Foreman Avery was ar rested and committed In the custody of his lawyer until after the inquest. The explosion shattered hundreds of windows in houses in the neighborhood, and several buildings owned by Mlshael Parker were otherwise damaged.. A box ear standing on a switch was lifted from the track and landed five' feet from the rails. The explosion was heard in Larchmont and Mount Vernon. - WRECK OF THE VyiLLOWBANK. Members of Her Crew, with One Excep tion. ere Saved. Plymouth. Dec. 22. The British cruiser Blake arrived here today from Chatham. She reports that while oft Portland nt tt o'clock this morning she passed a large steamer named Berlin, which signalled that two of her boats had been searching for three hours for the British bark Wlllowbank, bound for Glasgow, with which vessel the Berlin had been In collision. No trace of her could be found. The Blake afterwards saw an empty boat belonging to the Wlllowbank. The Berlin had a hole In her bow. She proceeded through the channel. Those on the Blake could not say whether the Berlin was the steamer of that name belonging to the Interna tional Navigation company. This steamer sailed from Antwerp for New York yesterday, and was reported to have passed Dover today. Southampton, Dec. 22. It Is known now that the vessel that was In collision with the Wlllowbank was the Interna tional company's steamer Berlin. She passed Hurst Castle this afternoon bound for this port. She had sails over her bows evidently for the purpose of keeping the water from entering the hide forward. She was hove to inside the Needles and this accounts for her delay In entering the Solent. A pilot and two tugs have left here to assist her In. The Wlllowbank had a crew of thirty nine men. They were ail saved by the Berlin, which must have found them afloat after speaking the Blake. The only life lost was that of the pilot of the Wlllowbank, who went below to get his clothes. The vessel went down before he had time to again reach the deck. SHOT HER ASSAILANT. A Ouluth School Teacher I'ses a Revolver on a Highwayman. Duluth, Minn. Dec. 22. A highway man was shot and wounded last even Ing by Miss May tlrler, a teacher In the public school, while attempting to rob her on a deserted street in West Duluth. Miss Otier was on the way to the nome or ner irotner-in-law. Archie Mc Millen, with her month's salury, $75. in her pocket-book, which she carried in her hand. When she reached a place where there was no lights, a man who had been following her demanded her money. Before Miss Orler could make an nn swer he struck at her and at the same lime graiibeu her pocket-book. As soon ns he got it he fled, but had not gone far U-fore the school teacher, who always carries a revolver when out alone nt night, began shooting at him. One of the bullets took effect, and the mun dropped the pocket-book nnd made his escape. Blood was found where he fell. The police hope to capture him. QUEEN AND THE TROUBLE. Sho la Showing Much Anxiety Over the Venezuelan IWrficnltv. London. Dec. 22.-The Queen Is show ing the keenest anxiety over the diffi culty. Lord Salisbury was closeted Saturday at the Foreign Office, not see ing even the diplomats. In the evening he sent a long dispatch to her Majesty at Osborne House, on the Isle of Wignt, where she Is at present sojourning. The Queen's remembrance of too fact that the last official act of the Prince Consort was the preparing of a memo randum counselling a peaceful settle ment of the Trent affair will incline her to Interfere to prevent a rupture be tween the two countries. SPAIN WANTS MONEY. She Is Trying to Raise a Large Loon for the War In Cuba. Madrid, Dec. 22. The government Is endeavoring to raise a lonn of tiO.000,000 pesetas from the Spanish banks for the purpose of prosecuting me campaign In Cuba. General Martinez Campos has been authorized to reduce the duties upon Imported railway material upon his representation that the perfection of the Cuban railway system is imperative to the Interests of Spain. ITALY AS PEACEMAKER. A Report That Sho Has Offered to Act ne Arbitrator In the Trouble. Paris, Dec. 22. The Temps publishes a dispatch from Rome saying that Italy has offered to act as arbitrator of the difficulty between Great Britain and the United States. Great Britain, the dispatch adds, has not replied to the offer. Where Monroe Doctrine If Popular. Colon, Dec. 22. Ther was a grand demon tration last night at the American con sulate here In honor of the United States for Ms attitude In support of the Monroe doctrine. The streets In the vicinity of the consulate were filled with cheering crowds. WILL HAYEJOCIKISTMAS Congress Will Devise Means to Fill the Financial Stocking. VARIOUS REMEDIES FR0F0SED Amendments to ho Tariff Law Will Probably fie Made for the Purpose of Increasing Ko venue Silver Schemes la the Senate. Washington, Dec. 22. For the first time since the short session of the Forty-seventh congress. In the winter of 1882-3, congress will enter holiday week tomorrow with the Intention of sitting through the season usually de voted to recess. The occasion for this unusual zeal and devotion to public in terests was President Cleveland's mes sage of Friday last, which asked the congress nut to take its usual r.esplte from labor at this season of the year, but to remain and provide the legisla tion necessary to relieve the financial situation of the government. The house will enter upon this work promptly to morrow, through Its committee an nounced on Saturday. The ways and means committee will meet at eleven o'clock and proceed as rapidly as may be with the consideration and prepara tion of a bill or bills to meet the condi tion which confronts them. The measure of relief which It Is ex pected the committee will propose will Include, either In one bill or several, as may be deemed most expedient, brief revision, such amendments to expire at the end of thirty months; authority to the secretary of the treasury to Issue a three per cent, bond as a popular loan to maintain the gold reserve and for no other purpose, with a proviso that the redeemed greenbacks shall not be used to meet the current expenses, but be re tained as long as necessary as part of the redemption fund; authority to Issue to national banks circulating notes up to par of the bonds deposited an secur ity therefor, and to reduce the tax on national bank circulation; and author ity for the issue of certificates of ln debtedness to meet temporary defic iency In the receipts until the revnue can be provided. Income front Tariff Changes. It Is estimated that these proposed tariff changes will add from thirty to thirty-five millions to the Income of the government. Although there Is some criticism of this scheme from the Re publican side of the committee, It la likely to manifest itself In any other form and the proposition will receive the Reed substitute for the Issue of gold bonds made In the last vongress when financial schemes were being consid ered, should be reported and passed. While it is not probable that the com mittee will be ready to report to the house before Wednesday or Thursday at tne earnest, there will be no ad journment for more than a day or two at a time, until the proposed relief shall nave been enacted. Should this be ac com pi I shed this week, the house will probably then Indulge In three days re cess over the New Year holiday. In the meantime the committee on bank ing and currency will be at work on a bill to remodel the financial system of the country, in the hope that It will be ready for report to the house, when business shall be regularly resumed in January. I inanclal Debate Threatened. ' Although the senate will be nominally In session this week, It Is believed that there will at no time be a quorum pres ent. A financial debate may be pre cipitated Tuesday if Mr. Vest presses the resolution for which he asked Im mediate consideration Saturday. This resolution directs the secretary of the treasury to coin the silver bullion In the treasury and apply the silver dollars so coined to the redemption of the treas ury notes Issued In payment for the bul lion under the Sherman act. If the sen ate should be In humor to permit the resolution to come to a vote K will surely pass, for the silver men are in the majority by 12 to 14 votes. The resolution of Mr. Butler, of North Caro lina, directing the secretary of the treasury to meet the obligations of the government with sliver, whenever that money Is of less value than gold. Is also on the table nnd may be made the sub ject of a speech at any time. It Is likely that the senate will meet only at Intervals, for as all legislation relutlng to finance and the revenue must originate In the house, until some meusure is sent over from the house, there will be little occasion for the sen ate to remain In session. Now, that the holiday recess has fallen through, the Republicans may urge the Demo crats to at once till their committee lists, but there Is little probability of this being done until the new year la Inaugurated. Taken altogehtr. the coming week In the senate promises to be unproductive, unless the unexpected happens. NEED NO RECRUITS. Tho Red Cross Society Has Plenty of Trained Assistants. Washington. Dec. 22. So many appli cations for accompanying the Red Cross on the proposed Armenian relief ex pedition are coming from nurses, doc tors and people of all other vocations. and of all nationalities, nearly, that the following general reply has been pre pared: ' At the present time It Is not possible to definitely judge of the number of assist ants that may be required, nor of the character of the help that will be needed. The Red Cross having iperformed active field service In a dozen print disasters, has drawn Into its ranks a staff of faithful and diligent helpers upon whom it can call at a day's notice, anil that staff, for the present, seems all sufficient. Your kind offer has, however, been duly placed on file, and should later develop ments call for an Increase of the staff, it will give us much pleasure to consider your letter further. In the meantime. In the midst of the labors of preparation and voluminous correspondence, I can only thank you In behalf or the Red Cross for your sympathy, good words and sacrific ing offer to help us. Faithfully yours, f'lnrn Itnrtnn. President Amerlran National Red Cross. STRUCK IT RICH. Marietta Oil Men Are Excited Over a Veritable Gnahor. . Marietta, Ohio, Dec. 22. There Is wild excitement here among the oil men over what apeared to be the biggest strike this county has ever known since the sixties. The Glendale Oil company, has made a strike In the Berea Grit on the Becker fnrm, six miles east of this city, which, unless all Indications fail, Will prove a gusher and means more to the county than all the other oil business combined. From the knowledge of the Berea tand the Indications are that the well will make several hundred barrels per day. I'ncle Sam Itiiya Powder. Santa Cms, Cal., Dec. 22. The powder works here are rapidly filling en order for 125.0OU pounds of powder ordered a month ago for the government. ' Men are working night and day to nil It. Whether this rush haa anything to do with the war scare no one la prepared to say, . ; HNLEY'S HOLIDAY HUM A good Silk Dress is a! ways an acceptable gift for a lady. Our Line black and colored) . bilks and satins, -." ' elegant persian silks, ' for waists, fancy and plain velvets for waists, real, laces and lace handkerchief hand embroidered handkerchiefs jn endless variety, bilk and linen . initial handkerchiefs for ladies and gentlemen! kid gloves and mittens; silk gloves and silk mittuk silk hosiery and underwear DINNER AND LUNCH SET 1 NAPKINS TOWELS, TABLE AND BUREAU SCARFS, PILLOW SHAMS AND CENTRES, EMBROIDERED IN DELFS AND FANCY COLORS, DOWN COMFORTABLES, SILK PILLOWS AND CUSHIONS AND AM ELEGANT STOCK OF LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S UMBRELLAS IN LATEST DESIGNS, 510 and 512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE Call . o . To See Us IF YOU ARE IN TOWN CHRIST MAS SHOPPING, MAKE TOUR HEADQUARTERS AT OUR STORE. USE OUR STORE JUST AS IF IT WAS YOUR OWN. Ut AND lit) WYOMING AVE. JLfiiaUlWU Sil?erware aM Sil- Ladles' Watches from $5.00 to $75.00. 40S SPRUCE ST., NEAR DIME BANK. RAPID FIRING GUNS. Tho Drlggs-Schrncder Type Stands the Test Well. Washnlgtonl Dec. 22. The rdports of the ordnanceboard charged with con ducting tests or rour-incn rapia nring guns submitted for acceptance by the army have been received by the chief of ordnance and show that two of the guns tested burst during their trials. The other gun presented that of tht Drlggs-Schroeder type stood the test well and as a result of Its Inspection the ordnance board reports that the gun has Bhown Itself to be a simple, safe and efficient mechanism for a rapid tire gun of this character. In the rapidity test the total time for th twenty-five rounds fired was two mln. utes and thirty-four seconds. WEATHER REPORT. For eastern Pennsylvania, fair weathtfl slightly fair; wanner; southerly wind LEWIS,RMIY & BAVIES HOLIDAY GOODS.