YHE 7 fiCnJUTTON' ' TRIBUNE SAT UltD AY MOKN"IN. DECEMBER 21 1895. 6 lbs. New Muscatel Ra!s!ns,.25 3 lbs. New Figs, - -.25 4 lbs. New Dates. - .25 4 lbs. Cleaned Currants, .25 1'lb. Cleaned Sultana Rai sins, - - - .10 Extra Lemon Peel, per lb., - .10 Extra Leghorn Citron, per lb., .12 4 lbs. Mixed Candy, - - .25 3 lbs. Clear Toys, - - -.25 Luce Bros. SCRANTON and TAYLOR. WEST SIDE EVENTS. Funeral of Mra. Peter Roborta-Inwrrocut Mods In Forest Hill Cemetery. Other News of the Day. The remains of the late Mrs. Peter ltoberts, who died Monday evening, af ter lone suffering from a fatul malady. ere Interred In Forest Hill cemetery yvnu-rdi-.y utternoon. Services were held at the home of Philip AVarren. of North Lincoln avenue, where death occurred. A large concourse of the many friends of the deceased's family were In attendance. Rev. T. C. Edwnrds, D. D., of Kings ton, and Rev. R. S. Jones, D. D of the North End, made short funeral ser mons. Scripture was read by Rev. Thoophllus Davis, of Plains; and invo cations were asked by Rev. Thomas Bell, of the Plymouth Congregational church, and by David M. George, of PIttston. RfV. D. Jones, of this city also nsHlsted in the services. A quartette composed of Miss Mar garet Jones, Mrs. Lizzie Hughes-Brund-agc, David Stephens and John V. .Tones, sang "It is Well With My Soul," "The Ressurectinn Morn" and "Good Night." The pall-bearers were: Ja.mec W. Kennedy, David E. Lewis, -David D. Davis, Hector Jones, Frank Williams and David Morgan. The' floral tributes were numerous. . . ; Allou Sniffer llnricd.. . The body of the late Allan O. Sniffer was taken to Stroudsburg yesterday morning, where Interment was made. Funeral services were held Thursday evening at the home of the deceased's mother, on South Hyde Park avenue. Rev. L. C. Floyd, of the Simpson Meth odist Episcopal church, offered prayer and read several appropriate passages of Scripture. Dr. Floyd paid a glowing tribute to the deceased. 1 A quartette. Miss Godshall, Mrs. Al. Lewis. Profes sor, -W: Jones and "William Whitman, ang "Where Has Our Loved One Gone?" "Go Bury Thy Sorrow," and "He Knoweth Best." After the services the remains were viewed by the friends present. Members of the Knights of Malta, Knights of Pythias, and Camp 175, Patriotic Order Sons of America, Sons of Veterans, nnd the Brother hood of Locomotive Firemen, in all of which the deceased was a member, were present at the obsequies. The floral offerings were very beautiful. When the body reached Stroudsbury yesterday services were conducted at the grave by the Brotherhood. He Is Not an Independent. A! rumor has been circulated to the effect that ex-Councllman E. E. Roba than, of the Fifth ward, will run on an lndependant ticket against the reg ular Republican nominee for select council, Richard H. Williams. Mr. Robathan was seen last evening by a Tribune reporter. He denied the verity of the report In the following words: "The Republican voters of the Fifth ward last Saturday selected Richard II. Williams as their choice for select council. I am a Republican and will abide by the decision of the voters. I am not a candidate." They Wero Quietly Wedded. Charles Warnke, of this side, and Miss Jennie Griffiths, of the central city, were married last Tuesday evening by the Rev. Mr. Zitzieman at the lat ter'a home. The announcement will In terest the many friends of bride nnd groom. Mr. and Mrs. Warnke will re side on the South Side. News Notes and Personals. Mrs. L. M. Lanman, of Philadelphia, who Is visiting at the home of her par ents on North Rebecca avenue, will re turn home today. The newly Installed pastor of the Washburn Street Presbyterian church will preach Christmas sermons, and the quartette of the church, Mrs. B. T. M. ROBINSON'S BREWERY Located at Cedar Avenue and Alder Street, Scranton, Pa , , Is as thoroughly equipped as any similar plant in the" state. The Lager Beer which is brewed by this firm is a most health ful, invigorating, refreshing beverage, and is known as such throughout the city and county. r Alterations and additions are now being made for the brew ing of Ale and Porter, which will soon be put on the market. M. ROBINSON'S BEER HAS NO Try if, and you; Mil take no other; of 1 Jayne, Mrs. Bertha Calkins, . Edwin Bowen and A. J. Harber, will give Hpeciul music. On the following Sun- l .. .1. ..-...... ...ill ...(.11 V... a I uay, kiiv ifutii itriiu mil uc wrwim j chorus of twenty excellent voices, and the services. will be very largely ol a musical nature. -Christmas dinner supplies at How ells' Oyster and Fruit Market. Bananas, ''. Oranges and Grapes, at Howells. t i Oysters for turkey stuffing at How ells'.. . , : Sugared Pop Corn at Howells'. City Engineer Phillips had, a confer ence with Attorney J. Alton Davies yesterday morning relative to the pur chase of Mr. Davies.' property at the corner of Mnln avenue and Price street, with intention of creating a public park out of the land. Mr. Davies said he would consult with Dr. Allen, who owns the adjacent ground, and thai' a Joint price for the two properties would be ugreed upon. There has been much difficulty encountered in getting an un derstanding with the property owtfers. Mr. Phillli.s alleires that he address! letters to Dr. Allen and Sir. Davies ritJ two different times. Both gentlemen, however, deny having ' received the missives. Dr. Allen Is anxious to sell his property. The place would make a pretty little park. Rev. Mr. Matthews, the new pastor of the Scranton Street Baptist church, has arrived in the city with his household good. Mr. Matthews will preach at the church tomorrow. He will take full charge on January 5. . l The Arcadian Polo club ha9'been re organized. The following arethe mem bers: Reese, rush; Heels, rush; Jones, right side; ailmpreTk'ft side; tferemiah, half back; Owens, goal; Jlffers, II. Jones and T. Wheeler. I Rev. J. T. Logan, of WIIUes-Barre, preached In Beers' hall last ienlng. Waco council, No. 45, Daughters of Focuhontas, conducted - a successful "mum" social Thursday! evening at the Vesldence of Mrs. 'Ueorse W. Myers, of Deckers court. ' w John H. Reynolds Is the proud pos sessor of a pnst master's jewel,, present ed to him Thursday evening .by Hyde Park lodge, Free and Accepted" Masons, in honor of his having served one year as wurahipful muster of the lodge. This is the highest position In the gift of the organization pleasant surprise party was ten rtered last evening in honor of MnsUfcordlal welcome to all. Seats all free. Fred Derby, at the home of his paraats, 312 Edward court. Games wipe in dulged In till a late hour and a most Joyoble time was spent. Amongfji'ise present were the Misses'- Morgan, Klla' Hart, Mable Phlllips.Tillie ArtufflVi.Pea.rl. Ker.age, Lulu Walters, Lena PramOrV Norma Andrews, and Laura tturttfdml the Masters Richard Gray, . Arthur Greene, Frank .Derby, Roller Grey. Michael. Sllby. Philip Hester Will Owens.' Will Crlmwins, Sara Hiinder. shot and Harry Klrsge. '"'; v" Rev. James Fielding will o'ccup the pulpit of Jackson Street Baptist-church to-morrow. ..-" Went Side Ilnslness' Directory. SKATES Club, Strap and Lever, all sizes; lowest price; nice present. Grand double heaters, $18 nnd up, Dock Ash range and. phelf. $18 and up. R. J, HiiKtie, 1-4 South Jluln avenue. BARHKTl Hnlr rutting and shaving done In a llrst-clnss manner at John II. Reyn old's Ilnrher Shop, nt Falrrhlld's Hotel. FLOWKRS rOH THIS HOLIDAYS At 10 South Main avenue, near Jackson street. Funeral destuns a specialty. Harriet M, Davis, manager. BICYCLK8 repaired, scissors ground, tools sharpened, saws filed, keys fitted, machines repaired by W. L, Steonbnck. denier In duns, Fishing Tacltle, under West Side bank. PIJOTOUltAPHKIWPn.Wnet-, Photos,-11.40 per dozen. They are lust lovely. Con vince yournelf hy ratlin? nt Starner's Photo- Parlors,' 101 and. 103 Soiith Main nveni'e. GROCERIES rtevere Standard Java Cof fee Is unexcelled. The leadlnir enffe of the day. For sale only at F. W. Macon & Co. Fine Groceries, 110 South Main avenue. SECOND HAND .FURNITURE Cash for nnvthing you have to sell. Furniture, Stoves, Tools, etc. Call nnd see the stock of J. C. King, 1021 and 1026 Jack son rtreot. PU'MniNO-Wlllinm D. Griffiths. 11.1 North Main nvemie, does flrst-clam Plumbing. Steam Heat and Ons Fitting. Satisfaction is strictly guaranteed. Special sale of Holldny Wines for fam ily use, 3.1 cents per quart, at James F. Bests, 308 Cedar avenue. Stimulating and Nutritions. Ilorsford's Acid Phosphate. It supplies Just the right element (the phosphates) to repair waste of body and brain a food itself, and also helps digest other food. Why Ttirnqncst, Because he's got the goods, the right goods nnd the right prices. If you're a Judge, you'll never think of buying Diamonds, Watches or Jewelry any where else. " Gorham's Silverwaro Is the highest standard of qunllty the world over. You can get It In Ccrnnton from Turnquest, 205 Washington ave. Right every time Turnquest's fine Watches. Beautiful Silver Cups for the little ones at Turnquest's, 203 Washington avenue. Diamond Rings ut Turnquest's. SOUTH SIDE SEWS. Very entertaining exercises were con ducted yesterady afternoon In Miss Ju lia McGulgan's room In No. 11 school. The pupils of John E. O'Malley, the principal. Joined In nnd an Interesting programme was rendered. Frank ii. McGulgan, of Stroudsburg State Normal school, will be home to day to spend the holidays at his home on Birney avenue. - - Tessle, the 10-year-old child of Mrs. Annie Richardson, died at the home of TELEPHONE : 4932. jODarDs Mr. and Mrs. James J. , Keating, or Stone avenue, yesterday morning. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon a. 9 9ft lntarmunt ta-it 1 h mails In Ilvde at 2:30. Interment will be made In Hyde Park cemetery. Yesterday was pay day at the Mead ow Brook and National collieries of William Connel & Co. ," Miss Maud Powers Is at home visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Powers, of Cedar avenue. John, aged 15 years, the only son, of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Judge, of 644 Front street, died yesterday. The -funeral will take place Monday morning. Mass at St. Peter's cathedral and In 'terment In Hyde Park cemetery. . . . My l-ady's Every Whim In Jewelry can be gratified at Turn quests, 205 Washington avenue. There's a really nice stock there to select from. .Prices are right at Turnquest's. .Qunlitjes are right at Turnquest's. .'. Styles "are. right at Turnnuest's. .; Fashionable Jewelry at Turnquest's. Leader In Turnquest, 20j Jewelers' Brlc-a-Brao. Washington avenue, , Pretty little Whims In Silver and Gold at Turwjuest's.ViOj Washington avenue. TOMORROW'S ;Si: RV1CES. Howard Place African ilethodlet E;Wo pul Church Preaching ijornlng and even ing by the pastor, Rev. 'C. A. McGee.-" , St. Paul's Lutheran; Mission Park Place, opposite public school. Short .ave nue. Services ut 10.30 n.'m. and 7.3')'j in.; Sunday school at 2.30 p. Hi. Pcnn Avenue BaptlHt Ohurch-jlev. George F. Warren, ofl.'New YorR city, will I'irio-ch at 10.30 and ff. o'clock? Itlble' rchool at 2: Young People's meeting at. 6.30. A cordial welcome -to all. ... gaint Mark's, Dunmori Kev, A: L. JTr-i bun In charge. Holy Coihmunion. 8',o,,m.j morning prayer and. sermon, .W,3D aj"tn.' Sunday school, 3 .p. m., evening prayer and sermon, 7.30 p. m.- ' ' '" Hamoton.jStfeet Methodist ' Eofseo'pal Chuicl, F.P. Doty, pastor. Preaching by the nas'tor it 10.30 a. m. and 7.13- p. m. SimrtnV school nt 2 o'clock; Young Peo- .tfVu .lvrtt lf.ti.fil moetlni? lit filfl 11. m. A Trinlty English Lutheran : Church- Adams avcntlc, corner Mulberry etrent. Key, Eilwln Lur.-n Miller, pastor. Services at tit) . m. nnd 7.30 p. m. The pews re tree, and all Visiting worshippers are 'welcome. !v.t,!alvary Reformed Church Corner Mon roaven4M and Gibson Btree't. Rev. W. II. St'ubllnliine, pastor. Preaching, 10.30 a. m. andJ7.W) p. m. '.Morning subject, "How Much Owes Thou Unto My Lord;" even ing subject, "Jesus, a Stumbling Stone." Saint Luke's Church Rev. Rogers Is rael, rector. Fourth Sunday In . Advent. Holy Communion, 7.30 a. m.i ' Sunday rchool, 9.30 a. m.;' morning prayer and sermon, Pi:3ft ain.; evening prayer and sermon, 7.30 p. m. SlmpsoJX Methodist Episcopal Church Love feast Sabbath morning nt 9 o'clock; the reception of members and the Com munion at 10.30 a, m.; In the evening the pastor will speak cn the struggle !n Cuba for Christian liberty. Seats free. All wel come. Green .Ridge Baptist Church Rev. W. J. Ford,, pastor. Services at 10.30 a. m. and 7.20 p. ni. Subject In the morning, "God's Annolnted:" In the evenlg, "'The World's Savior." Special Chrbtmas music by a choir of twelve voices led by Thomas Wat kins. Asbury Meithodlat Episcopal Church Rev. A. F. Chaffee, pastor. Morning ser vice will consist of Love Feast, beginning at 9.S0; Hojy Communion nt 10.30, followed by reception of members. In the evening Christmas sermon with appropriate mu sic. , . , Grace Lutheran Church Rev. Foster IT. Gift, pastor. The pamtor will preach nt 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. nt tho Young Men's Christian association. Sunday school nt 9.30 a. m. ; Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor at 6.30 p. m. Even ing subject, "The Sixth Commandment." St. ' Mark's Lutheran Church Four teenth and Wnshburn street. Rev. A. j. Ramer, D. D., pastor. Divine services, 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. m. The theme for the morning sermon will be "The Voice of One Crying the Wilderness;" for the even ing, "The, Lord Is at Hand." All wel come. First Presbyterian Church Service, 10.30 o. m. and 7.30 p. tn. In the morning Dr. McLeod will preach a Christmas sermon. In the evening his subject will bs The Advent of Christ nnd His Gospel of Puri ty." Christmas music both tomorrow and next Sunday. ProvInce Methodist Episcopal Church Rev. William Edgar, pastor. The pas tor will preach both morning and evening. Morning subject, "The Babe of Bethle hem;" evening subject, "Some Ch'ristmas Creations." Sunday school at 2 p. m.; lipworth league at.. 6.45. All are wel come. Elm Park Methodist Episcopal Church Holy Communion In -the morning. The pastor will preach In the evening; sub ject, "The Hymn of Peace," a Christ mas sermon. There will be a special pro gramme of Christmas music. Sunday school at 2 p, m.; Epworth league at C.S0 p. m, i. , Green Ridge Presbyterian Church Preaching by the pastor et 30.30 a. tn.; Bible school at 12 o'clock. At the evenlnj services, commencing at 7.30, a special Christmas service, Illustrated ' with the stereci.jtlcon. Address by A. V. Bower. All are welcome. Scranton Street Baptist Church The pastor-elect, -Rev. S. S. Wni'.hews, will preach In the morning at 10.30; Sunday scool at usual hour; In tho. evening, et 7 o'clock, a ralltoad men's men ting will be addressed by Jim Burdlck. The Bap tist Young People's union will meet at C o'clock. Grace Reformed Episcopal Church EQUAL Wyoming aVnue. Mlnjr Mulberry, treat. Divine worshl:, liJ.il a. m. and 7.30 p. in. Preaching by the pastor at both tervlees. Sabbath school, 13 ni.; Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor, 6.30 p. m.vi Seats all free. You are cordially Invited to come. Special sen-Ice, Christmas morn ing, 10.30 o'clock.". 'Church of the Good Shepherd G'een Ridge street and Monsey avenue. Sun days, 8, 10.30 a. m., 2.30 and 7.30 p. m. Christmas morning. Holy Communion. 6 a. m.; Holy Communion and sermon. 10.30 a. ni. All seutf fre?. All welcome. Christ mas offering at both services for he in flrm clergy and widows and orphans of deceased clergy. Washburn Street Presbyterian Church Rev. John P. Moffat, pastor. Services at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m.; Sabbath s-hool at 12 in.; Christian Endeavor services nt 6.20 p. m.; Junior Christian' Endeavor at 4 p. m. Subject for morning service "So noom For Them In the Inn;" evening sub ject, -The Contrary Currents cf Lite." Strangers cordially Invited. Second Presbyterian Church Rev. Charles E. Roblnfon, I. D., pastor. Ser vices. 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. There will be Christmas music murning nnd eveu 'Ir.g. The pastor will preach In the morn ing on "Ujwih Prom the Incarnation." and In the evening on "L'anlcl, Tile Model Statesman end Politician." All seats free at nlftht. All welcome at all services, . Court Street M'.'ihadlst Episcopal Church George T. Price. iMistor. Christmas' ser mon will be .preached by the pastor la .the rnornliiir. ' Subject, i ''The Nativity of Christ; or, ,t'io W6r!d's Need.''' In- -the evening Wie ubjert will be "Jonnh's Trou ble. Prayer and Thanksgiving." the'IIftS of .the.serlt. At all t-hese servjqej the .ex cellent choir will render beautiful mu sic.' . . . , CeCar Avenue Methodlrt. Episcopal Church Kev. J. U Race, pastor. Christ-rr,as'erv!ee-t. nt 10?0 a; nt. and.7-p.-Ki. .Special mu-.de. by Hie choir, both vocal and Instrumental, n t all .t Its yerviccs-. Hun day ecJiool sjt-2 o'clock ,ln the nftcrnoon; Epworth league ut 0.30 p. m. The pastor's oHplr f fifty voice. will slug In. tlie. vvciu ing,'.' The people are delighted Hnd pro'it ed by" the soul-insplrlng music- to -whlrh 4hey- listen- uml enjoy tq much every Sab 'bBth,:No wonder the people' crowd 'the hi!roh. Jjon't fall to be tht-r .on. tim,- . - ; ", J Mind n't Votj Hotter Look over 'TtirnliMt'a Jewelry stock while lfs, worth looking dt?' Opal. Plnga at Turnquest's. i Rlnes iff all kind.J at Turnquest's, 203 Washington avenue. C0MLNC ATTRACTION'S. "THR OLD HOMESTEAD!' "Tho Old Homestead." the piny which len man Thompson wrote and which hits become so famous will be tho attraction at the Academy of Music next Monday and Tuesday evenings, presented by the same excellent conumny as seen here before. Wherever 'The Old Homesteud" hns been presented Its country scenes have been the most enjoyed. because the people who live In cities nnd who spend their days In active enterprise and en ergetic work, have been attracted to what they know lenst of In real life. On the old Swnnzcy farm as one sees It In "The Old Homesteud," there Is no business save thnt of a direct out-door nature. "THE I7PS AND DOWNS OF LIFE" The Christmas day attraction at the Academy will be Oliver Dourt liyron and his company In the "I'ps and Downs of Life." performances will bo given both afternoon nnd evening. For a good ninny years Oliver liyron xnd his gifted wife. Kate, have been great favorites In this city. For years Mr. ltyron has tried the higher walks of tnp drnmn, but his public has Insisted upon the old order of things. He for years played "Across the Continent," and so successful were his efforts that ho is .undoubtedly one-of U.- ..wealthiest ac 'tors'on the American stage. . ... Flynn and Sheridan's Hig Sensntlon Double Show makes its Initial bow on Monday afternoon for three days, in cluding Christmas, at Davis' theater with twenty white and lifteen Creole artists, presenting tho grandest array of talent ever seen on one programme; headed by Mile. Zltella. Tho Idea of the show Is a novel one. and Is tho first of Its kind that will be presented here, giving two distinct performances, by a double company. Many new and novel features are promised, among whom Is Senorita Julietta Nelson who will make her first appearance In this country on Monday, and is known as the best of all high wire walkers. Twenty Sylph like beautiful ladies In a dainty gavotte; ten comedians; fifteen handsome Cre oles, In an original dance, and a long programme of equally great noveltieB. KATE CLAXTON Tho play In which Kate Claxton years ago won a reputa tion, and by which she Is still best known, will be the attraction at the Frothlnghum Christmas day. Many plays of a similar order hove been written since, and still tho "Two Or phans" bus power to attract and move audiences. Miss Claxton's Impersona tion of Louise Is familiar enough to theater-goers to forbid comment here. It Is picturesque, powerful and attract ive. A special matinee will be given for which the prices will be 23 and 60 cents. Sale of seats open at the box office Monday, 9 a. tVhcro They fin. The knowing ones go to Turnquest's, 205 Washington avenue, for ull their wants In Jewelry and Silverware, be cause they always get quality and low prices combined. , - Turnquest's Fountain Pens suit every pocket book and every hand that can use them. Turnquer.t's Trinkets for tho tabic or bureau tickle the Indies' fancy. Fnlrnt Rcndluiin. Take the street car for Rendhnm. or the Delawnre and Hudson train for MoobIc, If you wish to witness the most mngnilleent pageant and grand march ever rehearsed In the country. The Fair will open in K. J. Fallon's Music-hall, Old Forge, at three o'clock Christmas afternoon. Costumes representing the nations of the world and well known historical characters. Fine muslcand the best talent obtainable for the en tertalnment.which will open at 8 o'clock. Come early and teoure seats. 10,000 Fairs Xinus Slippers to select from at the 5 P.rothers Slipper Palace, DOS Lackawanna ave. Turnquest's Brlc-a-Brac shows rare artistic taste. The 5 Brothers "Slipper Palace" charms everybody. Slippers from 48 cents up- at 'the G Brothers' Slipper Palace. Resolutions of A. O. K. of tho fit. C. Ood, the Qrci't Supreme Commander, hns seen fit In His lnllcite wisdom to break the brittle cords of lite on .Monday Ot-i. ISHj, wh.ch bound husband and children to wife and to a mother. While we cannot un derstand the dlr.-ietieatlons of an all-wis Providence, we hum-bly bow In reverence and submission 'to His supreme will, teel Ing assured l-hat He dof.h all things well and assuring Them that He Is a friend to them that put their trust In Hlra; there fore foe It . . ' . ; ' Resolved, That we extend to the hus band and children of Emma Wagner, our moft heartfelt sympathy In the hour of their bereavement, and confide them to the care or our Heavenly Father, the Su preme Comannnder on High. Resolved, That In -the death of Emma Wugner we bow In bumble submission to the sad dispenra tlon of all-wise Providence m removing her from (he scenes of our earthly, castle to -the one beyond, we stand In reverential sorrow and write the elegy of our grief In fraternal lament. Resolved, ' That to our brother, Sir Knight Chsles F. Wagner, children, rela tives and friends, we extend our most generous, heartfeH sympathies, and en voke from Htm who to above us ud orer u consotetiotMi, born that 'comes from Divine promisee, hat alone can mellow grief, and ihut His hand may shield, guide and .protect them. Keaolved, That a copy of the above pre amble and resolutions -be officially en dorsed by 4h sir knight commander, and by th recording and corresponding scribe, with the seal of Petersburg castle. No. 68, Ancient Onler Knight of the Mystic Chain, attached and presented to the fam ily and a copy spread on our journal. Peter Kre-tsch, Sir Knight Commander. W. H. Ncllson. Recording and Corresponding Scribe. Turnquest's Diamonds are superb. "How to Cure' All Skin Diseases." Simply apply "Swayne's Ointment." No Internal medicine required. Cures tetter, eczema. Itch, all eruptions on the face, hands, nose, etc., leaving the sklrf clear, white and healthy. Its great healing and curative powers are pos sessed by no other remedy. Ask your druggist for Swayne's Ointment CflNUflSSER WANTED Are YOU busy? Men of; ;AH. Kinds Wear Ciotlies And our Li:'ns U tn innko Cloth. a for nil Kinds ut il u. CUSTOM TAILOR-MADE SUITS ' from JIOH) to SlXl.wi. Trousers f:-ora ti'j to $10 00. We want a bright and energetic man - of largo iirqti: intnii- e to solicit orders fur them, and it will pay biui wed to do it. ' ' Ad-lroin 8. J. B.. 15-21 L.afayt't'.o Place, Now York. IT IS TIS1E TO GET OUT And Get Your Holiday Good Now. You will Mud n rbule i due of KP. SKATES, POI.O STICKS, FOOT BALLS, UOXINU til.OVES, AIW RIH.Kti. I'OCKHT KNIVES, 1.1NS, HSHINO TACKI.U AND ATHLKTIC OOODS AND BICYCLES At the Old Stand, A. W. JUR1SCH, swift sr. 5Bnl PJ rents for s-mole packags. Faultless Chemical Company. Balti more, Ivtd. Winter Will Soon B? fl?p? And to be prepared to mot the cold weather you want a seasonable Suit or on Overcoat or both AND THE BEST PLICE TO VISIT FOR SOfflETHIHS G333 1.1 MERCHANT TAILORING IS IS IIS (I 406 Lackawanna Ave. THERE VOU WILL FIND The largest stock to selo-t from. Trin mlng Always of tho Best, Latest Uirisa iu Cat ting, snd mada up on tUo trsul.- by Expert Workmen. . fS'-Xothlng allowsd toleavo thseaUV lisliinent uol-M satisfantory to the cus tomer, and the lowtut prices coniistuut vltb Good Morchaut Tullorin?. SALESMEN Flrnt-ctas ttalefintni wanted, the grpfltt .fn Hrn-n -Mlniiit Mni.-lr." "JWIIN NHI-lR. M-i'm ro'CTV vi:rn in Hwnat:. HRWATt! Attp t'AIIIRCT." The mt al uai.lti Illntory of niNlrrn tlmos. Written Ina notmiar Trlii, ntn-tMilttUral aid iiuu-nanlan. A wnrk ,f great Iimimh mure and pieatlgo, Uom Amertca! KrratAst Mvlug tatfsni:tn. The iti'inand will lie nraft Irally nrllinlleil. lamed tn Two li-.)ai imiutii Volt. Kichly Illustrated. Jr'ur ternia. a'Mre-M the Pultliflien. . J. V. KKEI.F.It ACO., No. 031 Arch St,, PIUU. ''9y,'fa,-Vfe'V'f&4eV t .'. . ill'S IS LAGER BEER BREWERY. tfuufactnrera of the Oelebretea PILSENER LAGER BEER .: -.it.- CAPACITYl i t30,ooo Barrels per Annuo The Special for a Few Days Only. JACKETS AND CAPES For Ladies Hisses and Children. Special to Close Out the Entire Line 1 ho i;arnient8 oftered are as perfect in shape and flnluh as they -nn be made, and all' wo ask of the public la an ItiHrlco--tlVi, nothing more. Prloej will talk for tUeiuaelves. 100 Ladles' Korsoy Jackite, 9 t".i value, fur J Sil,adiV B ucle Jm-keU, $12 valno. for 4'2 l.adl' Keitev Jac-UuiH, 11 Ufi valuu. lor SO Ladies' Krleze Jaciceta, Sl:'.-"il valui-. f.ir 47 J-K-korn. $14.50 to SltlO) valu-. for 25 Lailini' l.'utita, rpn ial S7 value, for.. 12 l.uli.-o' U.nibli Braidvd Ciiina, S12 value, fur ' fiil liis-Hen- Ureti-liens, all Hi.ea, ?U vidui. cuo:ce 2J Mihu.is' Ja.-ktH 11 to li yars. SI viilu, nhi.l :o.... 10 I utile' Fur C;ip, full swiep, $14 vi.lae, f r Millinery, lillinery, Come with a loan purs? or n fat an. you run couiinnnd u wise cliotcm; and wliBlher you pay littio or uiin-b, you can bo am- of a stv iiU, Bunsilllj llxt cr Duunet every tiuio. FOR A FEW DAYS ALL MILLINERY AT HALF PRICE 300 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton, Pa. 308. The Genera! Household Supply Store , Corner Penn Ave. and Spruce St. HOLIDAY GOODS CHINA DEPARTMENT. China Plate, Cups and Saucers, Salad Dishes, Cracker Jar, Tea Sets, Suaar-and-Crca.-nj, Dlnnc- and l ea Sets. R. BLOESER, - Penn Ave. and Spruce St. AMUSEMENTS. THE FROTHINGflflM. Wufiitcri Kcis, l.cssccsand Alnnngcrs, MATINEE AND EVENING WEDNESDAY, DEC. 25 Tho Favorite Actrcsi, Kate Claxton And tier Own Company of Pluyoi 8. iu the Ever Popular Urania, REGULAR PRICES. Matinsa Prices - - 25c and 50c 8lo of sjats opens Monday, December S3, nt 0 a. m. flT. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL. Coal of the bast quality for domaatlt tse, and of ail sizes, delivered In aval (art of the city at lowest price. Orders lert at my Office NO. 118 WYOMING AVENUE. Rear room, brat floor, Third National bank, or sent by mail or telephone to the Woe, will receive prompt attention. Bpaelal contracts will be mndo for taw avla aad delivery of Buckwheat Coal. WM. T. SMITIH. re VIVO RESTORES VITALITY Made a UaDay. lfltbDay, 5r f Me. rna anur sotb Day. yrodaeee the above reanlts la so day. It ai powarfulbT sua quickly. Ouraa when all other fall voaaa mea will ragata thstr lost maahaod, assd old aiea will teener their rontafnl visor by wins REYITQ. n oalekir wd surely realorea Marrous MB, Lest Vitality. iBSDoiaaer. Klaotly Emlaaloas, Loat Power, ralllna att-mory, WaiUn Ptseana. aad all afAieU of eelf-atnue or eaeeat aa4 Iodise ratloa whleh ealta oae for etady, analaaas or BSirlaaa. II do oaJ eurea b atartlnf at ta seal el dleeaaw, but Is a area aervo Umte aui blood builder, brinr lr Vast the pink alow to pais cheek Sadie etorlas the fire ef yoath. I wards off foaaaUtf ad OesKOBptloB. Insist oa bavlaf RRVIVO, ae stker. It eaa oe earns l at veckrt. By aaalL lXO ar paekaite. or tU ter l.oo, with a mI Uva wrlttoa naraate ta ear ear awatd shaasoney. Circular tree, tdttias tOYAL MEOICmt CO.. IS Rim It. OHIO' W atM r atthew Meotu 1 1 9.93 OLASSWARB. Lemonade Sets, 70c up. Wine Sets, 60c up. Table Sets, go different patterns, i;c ind. ope Cake Salvers, Fruit Dishes, Cheese Plates and Covers. Banquet Lamps, brass, with center draft. ... $1.50 upward Bauquvt Lamps, onyx, wllh center draft. . . . 2.60 upward Vanqiiet LutupH, oayx, with silk thados.... 6.75 upward Vafe Lamps .-...V 03 upward Hoi king Lfciups....; 2.50 upward Kight Lamps ';V. 05 upward Having an immense stock of Lamps, are selling them 20 per cent, less than the same; can be bought for anywhere. Come and see our display of Holiday Goods, Dolls, Iron Toys, Wagons, Zithers, Phono harps, Gauies, Books, Dishes, Tables, Desks, Sleighs, Blocks, Tree Ornaments, Candles, Albums, Toilet Cases, Manicure Sets, Shaving and Smoking Sets, Fan Boxes, Glove Boxes. We have a big stock, but advise you to come early and avoid the rush. AMUSEMENTS. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Monday and Tuesday, Dec.aj and 24. DENMAN THOMPSON'S BEAUTIFUL PLAY, The Old Homestead MANAGEMENT Op E. A. M'FARLAND. Company Larger and Better Than Ever Before. SCENERY NEW. Palo of scats opout Friday. Prices tl, 73a, 50c, ai-. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, CHRISTMAS MATINEE AND NIQHT. The Taluated Actor, OLIVER BYRON, Supported bv tbo Charming- Artiste, KATE BYRON, And a Competent Company, In THE UPS AND DOWNS OF LIFE Bcplete with Startling Hltuatinns. Uproarious Fun. Sale of tenia opens Monday at 8 o'clock. R, eulsr prices. , DAVIS' THEATER MONDAY, TUESDAY AND CHRISTMAS DAY FLYNN & SHERIDAN'S BIG SENSATION DOUBLE SHOW. 20-BEMJTIFUL WHITE LADIES-M IS HANDSOME CREOLES-15 ', A HOST OP NOVELTIES. NOTHING LIKE IT EVER SEEN. TWO , SHOWS IN ONE Admission, 10, 20 and 30 Cents. The St. Denis Broadway and Eleventh St., New Yet, Opp, Qrace Church. European Plan. Rooms f i.oo a Day and Upwards. "' In a modoat and unobtrnslre way there are) few better conducted hotels in the metropolis) ' than the Bt. Denis. The great popularity It baa acquired eaa readily be traced to ita unique location, ita homelike atinoapbere. the peculiar excellence ol Its cuisine and servios, and Ita Terr saodar , ate prlcca. . ' ' , WILLIAM TAYLOR AND SOU I"!-. I-.- '' ' '! '