THJfi SCliAiNAOA' TBiitUKiS-SATUJiiiA . MOliNlNC. DECEMiiEU 21, 1895. NORTON'S BOOK STOCK will, interest close buyers just now both in the extent and variety and low prices. Main Boor is full best subjects. Here are some or the items: Children's large picture book9 from 5 cents upwards, young folks story books from to cents upwards, the little "Classics," cloth, standard authors and good subjects, 15c each, publisher's price 35c Webster's large Dictionary, old ed., 97c. Webster's New International Die, $8.50 Good Vest Tocket Dictionary 10c up. McCaulcy's England, 5 vols., cloth, 97c. McCabe's Social Forms and Customs J1.50, formerly sold by agents for &3.50. A large History the United States $1.50, formerly sold by agents for fi.50. Good pocket Testament 5 cents. Large pocket Bible 25 cents. Large pew Bible 50 cents. Teachers' Bibles 1.25 upwards. The best values have ever had, four different makers, best of each. Catholic Prayerbooks 10c to $5.00. Episcopal Prayerbooks, all grades, lurch Hj ninbooks, all denominations. Sabbath School Library Books of standard authors and leadiug pubs. Notes on Sabbath School Lessons, 1896, various authors and special low prices. Tocket Diaries, 1896, large variety. Booklets and Calenders and Cards, the beauty of which astonishes all. M. NORTON, 322 LACKAWANNA AVE. A Foe to Dyspepsia GOOD BREAD USE THE FLOUR And Always Have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE . TO THE TRADE BY UNION LODGi: OFFICERS. Elected at tho Meeting Last Nlcht and to lie Installed Nott'.Thursdnv Night. 1TnIon Lodge, P. and A. M., lust nlfrht tlected officers as follows: Worshipful master, Egbert A. Neurlz; senior war den, Frank J. Stanton; junior warden, Ellery C. Thornly; secretary, Frnk S. Hall; treasurer, E. P. Kingsbury; rep resentative to the grand lodge, Charles J. Church; trustees, Enos T. Hall, John T. FltzpatrU k and Charles J. Church. The Installation exerctses will take place next Thursday night at the lodge hall In the Windsor Mock, A banquet Will follow the cerervftj Piles! Piles! Itching Piles! Symptoms Moisture; Intense Itching and stinging; most at night; worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tu mors form, which often bleed and ulcer ate, becoming very e. Swayne's Ointment stops the lt?mng and bleed ing, heals ulceration, and In most cases removes tne tumors. At druggists, or by mall, for CO cents. Dr. Swayne & Bon, Philadelphia.. Buy your Christmas Tea and Coffee of the Grand Union Tea Co., 311 Lacka wanna avenue, and get a handsome calendar for 1896 given to ewry pur chase to-day, Monday and Tuesday. . ' Silver clothes brushes, hair brushes, toilet sets, hat marks, coat hangers, paper cutters, and other silver novel ties too numerous to mention can be bad at Davldow Bros. Potato Salad Clam Chowder and Frankforters for lunch to-day at St. Cloud Hotel y , Turnquest v Silverware Is excellent Value and th.. Very latest. Come and pick them out now, as you will have a better selection. v We have in stock all of the best i . shapes and the lowest prices ever - offered In Holiday 'Slippers. . OUR TWO LEADERS. Men's Russia Leather, 1.50 Ms Seal Leather, jjjj) .' 1 Men's Russia Tourist, formerly $2.50, We sell thent at $100, all sizes, any en SCOAIIK KOEULER :0 S:: Street CHRISTMAS CHURCH SONG Unusually Elaborate - Programmes Have Been Prepared. NOTED SOLOISTS ENGAGED Many of tho Programmes Will Bo Repeated-Novel Musio Sorviee for F.lm i'urk Chnreh-In the Other Churches. Unusually elaborate programmes of church Christmas music have been pre pared throughout the city and will be rendered either to-morrow, Christmas Day or on the Sunday following, and in almost every instance are to be re peated. In St. Luke's Episcopal church the following programme, arranged by J. Willis Conant, the organist and chor ister, will be executed Christmas morn ing and repeated on Sunday, the 29th: Morning player. Processional, "Angels From the Realms of Glory." Venlte, Hlorlas Anglican Te Deum Hodge Benedict us Williams Holy Communion. lntrolt. " "fis the Birthday" Vincent Kyrle. Cloria Tibl, . Sanetus, . , Aifims Del Dennett Offertorv, "Hehoid I IJrlns".....'...B3rnby Gloria in- ExeeWs Haynes rtecissloniil, "Hark t'.ie Herald Angels," Ling Green Nidge Presbvtcrinn. The large choir of the Green Ridge Presbyterian church, Miss Salome Decker, organist, has prepared a bril liant and attractive programme , of musical gems. The selections are chiefly choral In character. Interspersed with solos' in all voices. At the close of. Ihe evening service, a series of ster eoptlcon:yiews will be presented by A. V. Rower. The following programme, arranged by C. F. Whlttemore, the chorister: "There were Shepherds Abiding in the FloM" O. J. Wlnko Sllss Lyilia Pichel and choir. Hymn, "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" Choir anil congregation "Hark What Mean Those Holy Voices," Hiss Pichel, Mr. ConroU and choir "The Slar of Bethlehem." Mrs. Charles W. Metzgar Hymn, "O Come All Ye Fulthful," Choir and congregation "Shout the Glad Tidings," Miss Piehd, Mrs. Metzgar, Mr. Conrad, Mr. Phillips and choir. "Glory to God In the Highest," Mrs. Metzgar, Mr. Phillips and choir Hymn, "Shepherds Hall the Wondrous Stranger" Choir and congregation "While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks" Miss Lydia Pichel "O Holy Night" Miss Pichel and choir Elm Pnrk Church. Tomorrow evening. In Elm Park church, Rev. Dr. W. II. Pearce, the pas tor, will preach a Christmas sermon and the choir will render selections appro priate to the Christmas tide. Tho spe ciul Christmas musical service occurs, week from tomorrow even ing, Dec, 29, when an especially elabor ate programme of vocal and instrumen tal music will be given; the whole even ing 13 to be devoted to music. The reg ular quartette and Mr. Pennington will be assisted by Miss Julia C. Allen. Vio linist; Mrs. j. Alfred Pennington, or ganist and pianist; William V. (Jrif liths, trombonist; a double quartette of male voices, and a chorus of girls. SfVernl of the solos will be accompan ied by organ, violin and piano, and an unique feature will be the Ringing of Old English Carols, some of them sev eral hundred years old, by the mixed and male quartettes stationed at oppo site ends of the church. The programme In Its entirety will appear In The Tri bune next week.- Second Preshvtcrlnn Church. The following programme of Christ mas music will be rendered In the Sec ond Presbyterian church next Sunday, under the direction of J. M. Chance, or ganist and chorister: Morning. Orjran Trelude Mozart Anthem. "When Jesus Was Born in Bethlehem Crulrkshank Christmas carol, "Ring the Merry Hells" Arthur li. Brown AniMitm for men's voices, "Shout the G'.ad Tidings" Emerson Organ Postlude Handel Evening. Opening voluntary, Largo (for organ and violin) Handel Messrs. Chance, Alien, Klple and Hanlcy. Christmas carol, "Glory to God In the Hlvhest" Danks A I. thorn, "Hark I What Mean Those Htoly Voices" Sullivan Quartette, "Arise! Shine! For 'the Ught is Come" v.. Dudley Buck Postluic, organ, violin and, Oounod The choir will be assisted by Messrs. Hollison, Florey. Allen, Klple, Hanley and Stanton. The Christmas exercises for the Sabbath schosl will be held Fri day evening, Dec. 27, and the choir and Sabbath school orchestra will assist. In this service. I'cnn Avenue nnptlst Chnrch. Elaborate and inspiring will be the character of the music at the Penn Ave nue Baptist church. The large choir, James C. Gross, organist, will be assist ed by .Mrs. A. A. Hay, soprano; Mrs. Frank Beck, and Miss Davis, contralto. At the morning service, John T. Wat kins will sing a solo selected for this occasion. Mrs. Lizzie Hughes-Brund-age, the solo soprano. Miss Maggie Jones, solo contralto, and W. H. Heck, solo basso, of the choir, will also present solo work Interwoven with the full choral service of the choir. The whole will be under the direction of the chor ister, C. F. Whlttemore. The pro gramme: "Arise, Shine, Thy Light Is Come," Mrs. Brttndage and choir Hymn, "Joy to 'the World," Choir and congregation "The White Christ".. ..Miss Maggie Jones At the offertory, solo.... John T. Watklns "There Were Shepherds Abiding in the Field".. Mrs. Hay, Mr. Beck and choir Hymn, "Hail Thou Long-expected Jesus" Choir and congregation "Let Us Now Go Even Unto Bethle hem," Mrs. Brtindage, Mr. Beck and choir Hymn, "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" Choir end congregation "The Infant King" Mrs. Frank Peek At the Offftrtory, solo,. ...Mrs. Brundago "Behold I Bring You Good Tidings." Mr. Beck, Ladles' Trio ami full choir Hymn, "Hail to the Lord's Anointed." Simpson Mot hod 1st Church. Professor William Jones, chorister of the ' Simpson Methodist Episcopal church. Is renaming the choir for the annual rendering of special Christmas music. The service will be held Christ mas evening, and Is called "Christmas Glory." There are Interspersed recita tions and addresses. "The Bells" is a chorus by the Sabbath school; "The Angels Song," a chorus with female trio; "Hark, the Music" (echo song), chorus and quartette; "Multitudes of ngels." duet and chorus. The Plymouth Congregational church choir, under the leadership of Ellas E. Evans,- is rehearsing several Christ mas anthems. Beseleel Davles Is leading the Sumner Avenue Presbyterian church choir In the rehearsal . of Christmas music. Chrla'pias tree exercises will be gluen In the church on Christmas evening. In the First Welsh Baptist church, active preparation Is going on for the annual Christmas evening exercises. Special songs have been composed for the occasion. A large Christmas tree will decorate the stage, and a realistic Santa Claus will distribute sweetmeats to the children. On Christmas night the children of the Plymouth Congregational church will give a cantata. Daniel Watthlas has charge of the rehearsal. Tho Bellevue Welsh Calvinlstic Meth odist church will hold special Christmas exercises. Provldenco Presbyterian Church. In the Providence Presbyterian church the Christmas music will be rendered to-morrow morning and evening under the direction of T. J. Davles, Mus. Bac. chorister. A quintette and a chorus of fifty voices feature the following pro gramme: Morning Service. Organ prelude Mendelssohn Miss Ruth Jackson. Doxology Q. Franc Invocation. ' Chrt, "The Lord's Prayer" Boyee Chorale, "Hark! What Mean Those Holy Voices" H. Smart Quartette, "Brightest and Best of the Sons of the Morning" D. Buck Mrs. J. E. Hwkel. Mrs. T. J. Da vies, P. R. Thomas, T. J. Davles. Responsive reading, Psalm. Jubilate Deo In ft F. Davenport Mlsss Maud Williams, Lizzie Gabriel, Thomas P. Morgan and choir. Quartette, "Glory .to God In the High est" Simper Scripture reading. Response, "Save Lord and Hear Us." Woodward . Choir. Apostles Creed. Notices. Solo, "Shout Hosanna Christ Is Born," J. U. Marsh Mrs. J. E. Heckel. Offertory. Sermon. Anthem, solo and chorus, "Sing and Rejoice," Miss Gertrude Williams and eholr Chorale. "Bethlehem Song" Handel Benediction. vtgan postlude. Evening Service. Organ prelude Stalner Chorale, "Hark! the Herald Angels Sing." Anthem, solo and chorus, "There Were Shepherds" Dr. Herbert Mrs. Joseph Mulley and choir. Reading the Ten Commandments. Quartette, "Huik! Hark, My Soul," H. Houselcy Mrs. J. E. Heckel, Mrs. T. J. Davlos, Messrs. P. It. Thomas, T. J. Davles.. Proyor. Response, "Holy Father, Hear Our Cry" Davles Chorus and solos, "In the Felds With Their White Flocks Abiding," J. Farmer Misses Maud Williams. Llszle Ga briel, Gertrude Williams and choir. Scripture reading. Quartette, "Oh! Holy Night," Adolph Adam Mrs. Heckel. Sirs. Davles, P. R. Thomas, T. J. Davles. Notices and Offertory. Solo, "Christmas Star" Meldllnger P. R. Thomas. Sermon. Anthem, solos and chorus, "O, Bethle hem." Misses Laura Gabriel, Lizzie Halde man, Ruth Parry, Master Archie Morgan and choir. Chorale, "Coronation Holden Benediction. Organ pontludo. Orgunlst, Miss Ruth B. Jackson. First Prcstiyterinn Church. The First Presbyterian tvlll hold Christtnus services to-morrow and on the following Sunday. Dr. McLeod will preach sermons appropriate to the day and the regular choir of the church, numbering twenty-six voices, under the direction of Tallle Morgan, will render several beautiful selections. The order of service to-morrow will be as follows: Morning Service, 10.30. Organ prelude Mozart Miss Florence Richmond. Anthem, "Glory to God Most High." Loud Choir. Hymn, "Antloe.h" Mendelssohn Choir and congregatlun. ' Scripture reading By the Pastor Prayer. Responsive . reading, closing wUh Gloria Patrla. Anthem, "The First Christmas,".. Barnby (a) The Annunciation. (b) The Message of the Shepherds. c) Cradle Song of (he Dlessed Virgin. d) Gloria In Excels!. Sermon By the pastor Hymn, "Herald Angels" Mendelssohn Choir and congregation. Benediction. Organ postlude Buck Miss Florence Richmond. Evening Service, 7.30. Organ prelude Guilmant Miss Florence Richmond. An:hem, 81r, O Heavens" Tours Choir. Hymn, "Silver Street" Smith Choir anil congregation. Scripture reeding and prayer. Offertory anthem, "Crawn Him With Many Crowns" Sehneckw Choir. Hymn, "Refuge" Holbrook Choir and congregation. Srrmon By the pastor Sextette, "Lo, tie Infant Prince of Peace" Brambach tMlsses Lydia Sailer, .Margaret Tor rey, Grace Rose, Caro Dlck eisn, Annie (lose and Lily Joseph. Hymn, "Wllmot" Mason Choir and congregation. Organ postlude., Handel Solo soprano Miss Lydia Sailer Baritone D. C. Richards Violinist Fred Wldmayer Chorus of twerity-six voices. Conductor Tallle Morgan St. Peter's Cathedral. At St. Peter's cathedral the choir will sing Von La Hache's mass of peace, op. 614. Rossini's "Gloria" from the grand mass composed In 1819, will be simp. Mrs. W. P. Schilling will sing the soprano solo parts, and the other polos will be rendered by members of the choir. Bauer's orchestra of twelve pieces will play the accompaniment. THE PAIN IMMEDIATELY LEFT ME, So Says Mrs. W. T. Knndle, of Dundolk. Aiier i sing nr. Agnen'a euro for the Heart. How difficult It Is for those afflicted with heart disease to get relief, and to get It quickly. The pain hangs on. and is suggestive of the most terrible re sults, for heart disease cannot be trilled with. Here was Mrs. W. T. Rundle, the wife of the well known cattle dealer In Dundalk, who suffered so neverely from pain In the region of the heart that, to quote her own words: "I was for some time unable to attend to my household duties. I was Induced to try Dr. Ag new's Cure for the Heart, and I must sny the result was wonderful. The pain Immediately left me after the first day and I have had no trouble since." Strong testimony, and yet Mrs. Rundle stands along with thousands of others who can say the same thing. Sold by Matthews Bros. MILL STILL GRINDING. Two More Divorces Grunted Yesterday hy (he Court Decrees In divorce were ordered yes terday by the court In the following two cases: James Tovey vs. Ann To vey, and Rees Davis vs. Celia Davis. The Toveys were married at Olyphant on Oct 19, 1887. They lived together two or three years, when they went to Wales on a visit- The wife did not re turn with the husband; she found a man named Evans across the deep blue sea for whom she had more-.affectlon than her husband. Tovey came back without her and has now secured legal separation. The other couple were married In Wales on March SI, 1881, and they came to America on their wedding trip and remained here. On Feb. 21, 1891, Mrs. Davis packed up her trunk and left her home. A coincidence happened that simultaneously a half brother of Mr. Davis lef( and both have not been seen since. THE PEOPLE BELIEVE what they read about HooU's Sarsaparilla. They know that It is an honest medicine, and that It curse disease. That is why you should only get Hood's. HOOD'S PILLS cure all liver Ills, re lieve constipation and assist digestion. 25c. Ever; Friend You've Got Can be suited with an appropriate and satisfactory gift from the immense stock of Turnquest, the Jeweler SOS Washington avenue. The class of goods that we are selling at our establishment we are not afraid to guarantee, as they will give entire satisfaction, and anything purchased of us. If not as represented, we will re fund the money. Dovidow Bros.,' 217 Lackawanna ave. Tomorrow's Sundae Frco Press. The fullest and latest details of the dispute between this country and Eng land upon the Venezuelan question. A powerful arraignment of British greed British Jobbery and robbery by the fam ous historian John Clark Rldpath. Lo cal and telegraphic news of the latest and most Interesting description. A page for women: musical and dramatic page. A sheet of pretty music entitled, "Japanese dance." Illustrated wit and humor; society and personal notes; French letter upon "The Sunday In France," and a French view of the Ven ezuelan question; Mercutlo's letter; Idle thoughts for idle readers by the Idler; up to date editorial comment; exclu sive articles on many subjects; an In cisive Washington letter summing up the situation; Olney for president; a thousand and one subjects fully treated. The cream of advertising. More news boys wanted. Apply before 7 a. m. to morrow at basement in new Tribune building. Read the Free Press, only 6 cents a copy. Advertise in It. A sure money-brlnger. $1.75 Solid Gold Earrings. Turnquest's, 205 Washington avenue. Short Time Only a few days and the best things are going. We never did such a business. Twelve extra,' experienced sales people are here to serve you to day. The Crowds When you look in the store and see it crowded all day with satisfied pur chasers what does it mean? This, that straight one price way of doing business wins. We are a little far down the avenue, but a step more and you won't re gret 'it. REXFORD, 213 LACKAWANNA AVE. A Large AT HALF PRICE. miM (a MM ( a smv at m wk a 415 Lackavanna Avenuo. Well, If you don't know what to buy for Christmas presents, and will take my advice, you will pay a visit to China Hall. I felt as you do not knowing what to buy or where to go to buy it I went to Welchel & Millar's, and saw so many things that were useful as well as orna mental, that it was a real pleas ure Instead of labor in making my selections. They have so many little conceits, such as Trinket Sets, Comb and Brush Trays, Flower Vases, Ink Sets, Jardin ieres, 5 o'clock Tea Kettles, Chaf ing Dishes no end to Lamps, and Onyx Top Tables, Dinner Sets in open stock. It Is surprising how cheap you can buy a nice set when you can select such pieces as you need and not have to pay for a lot of pieces that you do not need; and such a line of LIbbey's Fam ous Cut Glass, artistic Rookwood, which you will find nowhere else In the city. China Hall WEICHEL & MILLAR, 134 WYOMING AVENUE. Walk in and look around. SANTA CLAUS Will sen call on n, and if you will call and select you goods he will bring yo i just what yuu want. Twenty thousand feet of floor room devotod to Candy and Toys. Dolls by tbe Thousand Dolls Outfits complete Hats, Capes, Shoes, Heads, Bodies, Doll Furniture. Seo our Child's Carpet Sweeper and the Ideal Sewing Machine for $.oo, will do any kind of sewing, and the Baby Sewing Machine for $1.50. EXAMINE OUR TEN AND TWENTY CENT CANDY COUNTER The Urgent and bnt variety for the money in the laud. CALL AND SEE US. J.D, 312 AND 314 LACKAWANNA AVE. AYLESWORTH'S MEAT MARKET The Finest In the City. The latest improved furnish' logs and apparatus for keeping meat, butter and eggs. 223 Wyoming Ava, ON THE LINE OF THE CANADIAN PACIFIC R'Y re located the flnost fishing and hunting grounds in the world. Descriptive books on application. Tickets to all points In llatne, Canada and Maritime Provinces, Minneapolis, fct Paul. Canadian and United State North wests, Vancouver, Seattle, Taoonia. Portland, Ore., San Frandaflo. First-Class Sleeping and Dining Cars attached to all through trains. Tourist oars fully fitted with bedding, curtains and ap a tally adapted to wants ot families may be ad with second -claw tickets. Rates always leu than via other lines. For fall information, time tables, etc., on application to Ev. V. SKINNER, O. S. A. 353 BROADWAY. HEW YORK. Stock of COATS! map Mill & si umuw CLP. fJCAtJIJ Is Now at Hia Mew Store with a FULL LINE OF HATS -AND- Sole Agent for Knox Hats. Como and 8o Me. 205 WYOMING AVENUE. Remember Your friends at this hallowed season with . . Practical, Useful Lasting Gifts Pleasing to the eye and easy on the pockctbook, thus making yourself happy, too. . . We Have Tbem Here Abundant, varied, cheap; any thing in our line of business at the right price. . . . P. M'CREA & GO. Coal Exchange. 128 Wyoming Av& We Have On Hand THE BEST STOCK IN THE CITY . . Abs the Newest. Also the Cheapest. Also the Largest. CLOCKS 1H ALL JlSHIOHflBLE STYLES Porcelain, Onyx, Etc Silver Novelties In Infinite) Variety. Latest Importations. Jewelry, Watches, Diamonds. fl. E. ROGERS, Jeweler and bib 1. watchmaker, 215 Lackawanna AV0. HER Till; Wedding Presents and articles appropriate for Christmas Gifts New lot of Japanese Screens, 4 and 5 feet high, Fire Screens, Bamboo FlouJer Stands, Blacking Bo$es, Easels, Rogers' Groups, Brass Tables, Uases, Efc. Down Pillows and Silk Mantel Scarfs "SP Table Covers, Lace Curtains, Etc. siebeckerTwatris 406 Lackawanna Avenue. THE RECEIVERS WIN & DELANV S CLOTHING STORE Are still offering the large stock of goods from 25 to So per cent, below cost. . These Goods Must And if you want bargains come and get them at once. SW01 1 lEL'Uf Smoking Jackets AND ; , llouso Coats AU sizes, 34 to 4a, at the one Price of $3.00 for choice of any on our tables, forma' price fs, 57 or fio, all go now at $ 3.00 for your choice. 8TEINWAY SON'S . . Acknowledged the Leading PIANOS Of the World. DECKER BROS., KRANICHE BACHB and others. ORGANS Musical Instruments, Husical Merchandise, Sheet Music and Music Books. Purchasers will always find a complete stock and at prices as low as the qual Ity of the Instrument will permit at N. II. HULBERT'S riUSIC STORE, 117 Wyoming Ave. - Scranton TAR GUM Cures Colds, Lays Out LaGrippe, Cures Incipient Consumption. Manufactured by G. ELM EN. DORF, Elmlra, N. Y.. and for sale by tbe trade generally. MEGARQEL & CON NELL, Wholesale Agents, Scranton, Pi TAKE CARE SSSV-CS ' . yoi are troubled with OF YOUR EYES fajwap ranT53 the eity. Nickel spectacles from II to V; folS from lite Is. 305 Spruce Street, Scranton. Pa. OF Bo Sold RECEIVERS, Iioalsl At