The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 19, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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h Oh-
one of the painful irrecularities
UKl weaknesses mat prey upon women.
They fade the face, waste the figure, ruin
Sie temper, wittier you up, make you old
efore your time.
Get well : That's the way to look well.
Dire the disorders and ailments that beset
Sou, with Or. Pierce's Favorite 1'iescrip
on. y
It regulates and promotes all the proper
functions, improves digestion, enriches the
blood, dispels aches and pains, melancholy
and nervousness, lumps refreshing sleep,
and restores health and strength. It's a
powerful general, as well as uterine, tonic
and nervine, imparting vigor and strength
to the entire system.
His. Anna tliaicH. of F.lm Orrrt. Buffitlo Co..
Mb., writes : ' I enjoy
good health thanks to
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription and Golden
Medical Discovery. I
was under doctors' care
for two years with womb
disease, and gradually
wasting in strength nil
I" the time. I was so weak
thnt I could sit ut in bed
only a few moments, for
twoyears. 1 commenced
Inking Dr. Pierce's Fa
vorile Prescription nnd
his 'Golden Medical Dis
covery.' nnd hv the time
1 1 had tnken one-half dot-
fen bottles I wns no and
' going wherever I pleased. ,nj bttn mroiig
fm smce-inaf was two years aua a nan ago.
Abook-of 168 pages on "Woman and Her
Diseases" mailed sealed, on receipt of 10
cents 111 stamps tor postage. Address,
World's Dispensary sIkoicat. Associa
tion, 663 Main Street, Buffalo, X. Y.
Rosa Bannett and Patrick Gillesplo Aro
Badly Injured.
A serious runaway occurred on Pun
daft Btreet In 'which two mi'ti, Rush
Bennett and Patrick Gillespie, were
badly injured. ,
The horse which caused the trouble-
is owned by Bennett, who lives near the
fulls. He drovo to this city and came
down DundalT 'ntreet. Here he passed
everal other people In vehicles and
challenged them to race. No one ac
cepted his challenge, however, so Hen-
net was obliged to go on his way alone.
nd set off at a good fast nacre. Near
P. Tinneran's store the sulky came In
contact with a farm wagon, and in- an
Instant the light vehicle was over
turned. Bennett could not release him
self from the wreck and was dragged
fqr a long distance over the pavement
oy the now frantic animal. At butt
Hpwever, Bennett managed '.o free
himself from his dangeruufl position
anu was left lying on the road.
He was terribly cut about the face and
hands, and was covered with bruises.
Further up the road the horse hud
succeeded In Injuring another man quite
seriously. This was Patrick Gillespie,
wno nau attempted to stoo the home.
He did not succeed for the horse
Knocked him down in the road and
proceeded on its way home. Mr. Gil-
jesDie 8 snoniner u-m iiteir,nnt...i u..
Was taken to t ha nm,o ,.r r... s-n.i..
Where his Injuries were attended to.
It Will Jlo for the Relief of the
A fireman's relief association will be
formed in this city in a short time.
Both the Mitchell and Columbia hose
companies have received letters from
President Hohne, of the state fireman's
association, detailing the methods for
obtaining; in this city part of the state
appropriation for volunteer liremen.
Mr. Hohne says that prompt action Is
needed in order to get thebenellts which
we are entitled to. He sent blank forms
for the government of the association.
For the preliminary steps the com
panies should elect representatives who
Will meet and formally organize an as
sociation, elect officers and file In the
prothonotary's office at Scranton a cer
tificate of Incorporation. Mayor Ilen-
drlnlr nnrl Phtaf Mnfmt nf ttno f:
partment, must be members of the as
sociation. As soon as organized the as
sociation must notify City Treasurer
. Gramer and Morgan Thomas and Mll
Gardner, chairmen of the finance com
mittees of councils, Btating that the as
sociation is ready to receive any mone
appropriated to them by the state. It
Will then be the duty of the councils to
pass an ordinance authorizing the city
to pay such a sum. "
,. '
Joha Tempts Graves Will Not D Here
Tomorrow Evening.
s ' John Temple Craves has written the
: lecture course committee 01 ine Masonic
' Hall association that he will not be
nere, Tomorrow nigni. Air. u raves nas
been called south by the Illness of his
- Wife, and also by business complica
tions. He writes that he sincerely re
grets the necessity of again cancelling
his date here, but that it is unavoidable.
While many will be disappointed at
Mr. Graves' failure to keep his engage
ment this week, they will be pleased
.- to learn that he has promised to give
Carbondale a date in January.
Many will be better pleased at thin
' arrangement than if he had come this
"Week, . for the busy holiday season
would have kept them from attending
his lecture, whereas in January they
Will be able to hear him.
J. C Williams Injured In a Runaway,
A horse belonging to J. C. Williams,
ho keeps a bottling establishment on
Wayne street, ran away . yesterday
morning on Fall Brook street Mr.
We bavs a line of
r.:!r.j Ckafrs. -
It-J W-awtna Wlltim-)
, aioaf with our regular Una of '
A W law liae of
: ' ' CrluFT$ Mnthe'dty;
a. dorr inglis
Williams was driving down the street
when the horse became unmanageable
and dashed down the street into the
Delaware and Hudson gates, which
were down at that time and broke
them OiT. Mr. Williams was thrown
out -and badly cut around the. face.
The wagon was wrecked and the horse
injured.'. .
"nelntmed Letters.'
- The following is a list of unclaimed
letters lying In the Carbondale post
office for persons unknown: Henry
Browning. William B. Davis, James W.
Giles.' Patrick Gillespie. John Mertsy,
James Munley, jr.. Master John New
ton, John Reynolds, E.. T. Ptuder, John
Yetenfeller, 2, Miss Christina Anderson.
Miss Caltby Lovelass. Llbbie Parsons.
Mrs. Hatlle Brown, Miss Ada Brilkley,
Mrs. O. F. Dlmock. Mrs. Catherine Mil
sow, t-'alem avenue; Mrs. M. J. Kenny,
Mrs. Grace Thomas. W. Grills.
To Doom Newton l.nkc.
Property In the vicinity of Newton
Lake Is at present helm boomed by the
owners, who propose to make the place
equal property nt Crystal Lake In
value. The great advance In value of
the land at Crystal Lake hat) been the
cause of this step. The Phlnney estate,
which embraces a majority of the land
on the west and north sides of the lake
will be staked out In lot?, which will
be sold. Streets will be laid out, and
the entire plot of nearly forty acres
laid out iu building IctJ.
Hilton Avenue
City Rr.frlneer Prick has loomed from
the heirs or the estate of the lute Dll
ton Ynrrlngton that thnt gentleman
donated a strip of land, thirty feet wide,
fur a street on the Hr.e of the proposed
DIKon nvvnue. This will render no
further delay in the opjnlns of the
Meadames McConiull and Brady, of
Waym&rt. who hove b?en vlil'ing friends
In this city for the past week, leturned
home yesterday.
John .Martin, of Soranton, called on
fi lends in this city Tuesday.
Charles Smith, of l'hi:a.le:pli!a, was In
town yesttrduy.
Aldeimun and Mrs. L. I. Bunnell were In
Beranton yesterday.
. Samuel Hiiyles, cf Mill street, la 111.
Mr. nml .Mrs. Frank Teel, ut t'oxsaklo,
have Lecn vlKting Mr. and Mrs. Kiank
lio'.lenback, of this cKy.
Mrs. Prank Morgan, of Spring street,
fs visiting friends In Sctanton.
a.-orge Lowly, who was hurt by
car seme itlme ago, has been k
movsJ from the hojpUal to his home.
George KlmbalT, w!i3 has been traveling
for ih'a health for the psat few month.-:,
retuined hqme Tueainy.
Anthony Woody, of Jersey C.'ty, Is vis
iting his brother, Nicholas Woody, of
Wilson Creek.
Jir.nes Mellrath. of Salem avenue, re
turned from a business trip to New Vork
Tut iJuy evening.
Itev. Edward Pienitorga't, of Philadel
phia: Rev. Pci'.crPrnili'rga-.'t, of New York
city, and Ur. I'rendirt'i-1. of Brooklyn. N.
Y., r guc-ns of Mrs. Klk-n AioltlKT 0:1
South Main avenue.
A. D. Bryden, of VnndMng, who Is well
known In this city. lshome from the Bal
timore Medical college, on his Chrlstmus
vacation. t
James Cordon, of the West Side. Is quite
111 at his home. He was attueked with
revere hemorrhages la few t".jys ago and
Is now In a critical condition.
Mrs. Lafayette Walsh, of New York city,
Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Dockerty, of
South Chvreli sfeet.
The Ladles' Aid soule-ty of the M-'thodlst
church gave a niohth:y supper at the
church last night.
The Fortnightly club met at the home of
Miss Marlon Cram Tuesday nlnht.
. Mr. and Mrs. 8. F. Llngfelter, of Blrkett
stret-t, are vlsltinr the lattcr's sUter, Mrs.
Ida Phillips, of Fleet vllle.
Mrs. P. McAvoy, of Herrick Center, I?
visiting her son, T. B, McAvoy, of Lincoln
avenue. ,
R. P. GrlflllhB. of KInaBton. was via.
Itor in this city Tuesday.
Ur. K. E. Weston removed his house
hold goods to Plttston yesterday. In
Dr. Weston's lemoval from this place
there will be a vacancy made in the
council, of which he was president.
The rnarrluge of James Kvans, or
Orove street, and Miss Kelith Itogers.
was solemnized at the home of ttn
bride's mother, at the corner of Grove
and Stnrrs streetB, Inst evening. Only
a few of the lntlm,ate friends and reda
tlves of the young people were In at
tendance. The funeral of Miss Annie Bonner,
who died on Tuesduv afternoon ut hei
home In the Hlbley, will be held this af
ternoon at 2 o'clock from the family
residence. Interment will be made In
Mlnooka Catholic cemetery.
Mix Jennie Morsana, of Hyde Park,
Was a visitor here Tuenday evening.
The upplaisers appointed by court to
hear the testimony of the damaged
property owners on Main street affecteu
by the tecent grade, met In court yes
terday afternoon and listened to testi
monies from different partlqs damaged.
All the testimony was not taken and It
will be continued today.-
The cantata, "Little Red hiding
Hood," will be given this afternoon and
evening tit Weber's rink by the schol
ars of ,No..3 school. The cantata prom
ises to bo a most successful afTair, as
the participants have been laboring
with great tea.) and patience for a num
ber of weeks under the instruction ot
Mrs. Klrkpatrlck, of Paxton, 111., once
a resident of this town. There will bt
no school In No. 3 rooms on account ot
the matinee to be given this afternoon.
Miss Belinda Messitt, of South Scran
ton, was a visitor here Tuesday even
ing. David E. Jones, of Laflln, was a vis
itor here on Tuesday.
' Mluli Lizzie Thomas, of Plttson, Is vis
iting friends In this place.
David TV Price, of Vandllrg, on Tues
day last bought the farm of Charier
Lozler. The farm le situated about two
miles west of this borough, near Crys
tal Lake. The price paid was 2,250.
Dr. C. E. Taylor received a telegratr
from Jacksonville, Flordla, Saturday,
stating that his brother, Herbert, who
la a Beranton attorney, was very 111.
at the former place. He had been trav
eling for his health and was taken
sick at Jacksonville. The doctor left
for the touth on the 10.34 train Tues
day evening, and will be gone a week
and perhaps longer.
George Coles and Miss Lura Alex
ander left yesterday for Binghamton,
where they will bt married.
. Erie Land Agent McCormick, of
Peckvllle, was officially engaged in
town yesterday.
George D. Dunn, of Jormyn, was In
town yesterday on business.
Relief In SI Uonra.
Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis
eases relieved In sit hours by the "New
Great South American Kidney Cure."
This new remedy is a great surprise on
account of Its exceeding promptness In
relieving pain in tne bladder, kidneys.
back and every part of the urinary oaa-
sagc In male or female, ft relieves re
tention or water ana pain in passing it
almo-ot Immediately. If you want-quick
reiiei Kill luivtms uui iTilKUf.
Hold br C: M. Harris, druggist. 126
The conductors on the northern divi
sion of -the Delaware.- Lackawanna and
Western railroad are much annoyed
over a mythical story which appeared
In the Hnllstead Herald of recent date.
The story was to the effect that one
of the passenger conductors was carry
ing on a flirtation with "a young wom
an who .wears very fashionable clothes
and a gutta percha smile and whose
custom It Is to board a train at Nichol
son." What then takes place Is de
scribed by the Herald as follows: "The
scheme is for madam to take a seat by
herself and allow no one else to sit with
her. until the gallant conductor has
finished punching the tickets, when he
comes back and drops Into the seat
with her, and words cannot tell what a
nice little chet thi'y have." A long and
harrowing tale !s then relateel concern
ing the way the heartless woman with
the "gutta percha smile" freezes every
one else out cf the seat that it may be
reserved for this conductor. Of course
the Etory Is a fabrication pure and slm-
lle for ro other than the editor of the
Herald has seen suc-n conduct on tne
part of any of the northern division
passenger conductors. At the same
time such statements should be frowned
upon as they tend to cast odium on
every conductor on the road In the eyes
cf persons who do not know them.
When the editor -Of the Herald Is next
tempted let him resist the desire to be
an Ell Perkins. If he htis complaints
to make let him adopt the ninnly place
of being specific and as Dr. Parkhurst
would put it. let him "strike some par
ticular nail on Its particular head."
The new management of the Atche
son.Topekn and Santa Pe Railway com
pany has decided to cancel on January
1 every contract of every description
held by or asalnst the old company and
Ix-rrln over again. This decision applies
to traffic contracts w Ith other corpora
tions, railroads and otherwise, nnd In
fact contracts of every kind. Wheeler
H. Peckham, of New York, counsel for
the V'nion Trust company, holds that
the foreclosure sale wiped out every
thing In the shape of contracts, lia
bilities. Hens und obligations of all
klnciti, end the purchaser starts out
entirely fresh. The first announcement
Is that the contract with the Pullman
company has been broken. This docs
not mean, howevvr. that Wagner cars
will be put on the Santa Fe in the fu
ture. On the contrary, the contract
with the Pullman company undoubted
ly will be renewed. The contract with
the Wcllt! Pargo Kxprcps company will
be the next one to be abrogated, but It
also will be renewed. There Is a gener
al livij-.ivsslon thnt contracts may be
renewed npnn terms r.'.crc favorable to
tlw company.
. 'I! II II
The Meuvjrz.lhcb. River P.illrop.d
comjtf.r.y, a line closely ldcnttlied In
owneishlo v. Ith the l-nitli.'ove nnd Ohio
has puicl'.a' ed the West Virginia coal
lund controlled hj the Monotignhela
Coal find Ci.'ke company. The railroad
line 1 mis fre:m Cln -kaburg to Fair-
mount, W. Va.. touching the Baltimore
nnd Ohio system at both of ihese points.
(Short branch line extensions will be
constt ue-teel to tap the Held at numerous
points. The output will rench the mar
ket over the Baltimore and Ohio lines,
though ollk-luls of the latter company
disavow any closer connection with the
' II I! II
The Pennsylvania company will dls
pose of all of Its old style pnssenser
equipment, and in its place put the most
modern equipment, even to the express
and baggage cars. The passenger
coaches ore to be similar to those ex
hibited nt the World's Pair. It Is pro
posed to have western Pennsylvania
lines as well equipped as are the Penn
sylvania lines east cf Pittsburg.
An American company hns been In
corporated to complete and operate a
railroad from Bogota, the capltol of
Colombia, to Glradot, distance ninety-
three miles. When finished this line
will afford easy travel between the cap
ital and Cartagena, on the Atlantic
coast. The company intends to pur
chase the new locomotives and cars In
the United States.
A Birmingham special says It Is
learned on reliable authority that thell
llnols Central and Southern railway,
have about concluded the Joint purchase
of New Orleans and Northeastern, the
Alabama and Vlcksburg and the Vlcks
burg, Shreveport and Pacific railroads
with a tctal mileage of ubout GUI) miles
In Mississippi and Louisiana.
It is asserted that no attempt will be
made at this session of congress to se
cure a repeal of the anti-pooling clause
of the Interstate commerce law. The
reason assinniid Is that congress will
be too busily engaged this session In
considering political and linunclal ques
tions to lind time for the euuetment of
railroad legislation.
II II !!
It Is understood that the ofllcials of
the Pennsylvania railroad are umong
the foremost In the efforts to seoure
a more profitable westbound freight
rate for anthracite and will exert con
siderable pressure upon their associ
ates fit the meeting to be held on Frl
day next.
It Is estimated that it will cost about
$:00.Cii0 a yenr to run the new Joint
Traffic association, a leading feature
of which will be the handsome salaries
that will be paid.
W. P. Hnllstead Lodge, No. 120, B. ot
R. R. T., elec'.ed the folowing olflcer&
on Sunday:? Past master, R. M. Shaw;
master. Joseph Dennis; vice master,
John Condon; secretary, Arthur Meade,
financier, F. L. Brown. The remaining
officers are to be appointed at the meet
ing next Sunday.
Master John Coyne was at Washing
ton, N. J., oil Monday. .
R. L. Bowdlsh, formerly proprietor of
the Major House, in this place, hns pur-
chased ,the Jay House at New Mllford,
and will take possession of the same In
a few days.
The Hallstead flro company elected
their ofPccrs on Tuesday evening as fol
lows: Foreman, Frank Lawrence; as
sistant foreman, John Tanner; second
Yloldj readily to Hood's SaroaparUIa
because it .tones tad strengthens the
stomach and aids
dlgestlbn by sup
plying pure blood.
"I had indiges
tion so badly that
I was all run
down and could
hardly walk. Had
ho appetite and
could not sleep.
I began taking
Hood's Sarsapa
rilla, and before I
had taken a fourth of a bottle I was very
much better. I also used Hood's Pills and
found them splendid, very mild, yet effec
tive. I cannot tay enough in praise for
what they have done for me. Since using
two bottles of Hood's Sarsaparllla and
Hood's Pills occasionally I feel almost like
a new penon. I have a splendid appetite,
sleep well and work with ease." Annie
C. Laktz, Belleville, Pennsylvania.
Hood'o Sarsaparllla
Is the only True Blood Purifier ' promi
nently in the public eye. ft ; tlx (or L
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
11 C5V
assltant foreman. F. E. Van Wormer;
president. Slater Lamb; vice-president.
Hi Hummer; secretary, JJelson H. Mc
Cloud; financial secretary, C. W.
liankes engineer, L. G. Simmons; trus
tees, L. Q. Simmons and Charles Phil
lips. C. C. Dehart, of Dover, N. J., Is in
town on business.
The V. C. T. IT. hold a meeting on
Thursday nftcrnoon at the home of
Mrs. S. A. Hall, on Main Btreet.
Messrs. Hlller and Wlebler are hav
ing dwellings erected on their lots near
the silk mill.
Dennis May and Miss Lizzie Hogan,
both of this place, were united In mar
riage at St. Lawrence church. Great
Bend, Wednesday afternoon, by Rev.
Father Pagan. The young couple will
reside in this place.
W. W. Adair Is the guest of friends
and relatives at Corfu, N. Y.
Dr. A. B. Longshore has gone to
Haze Hon. Pa., to spend the holidays
with friends.
Mrs. F. L,. Arnold was a visitor In uie
Electric City on Wednesday.
George Aclterly, the hustling and
genial proprietor of the Ready Pay
store, is bound to keen up with the
times. The latest thing he has added
to his store Is an elegant cash register.
It. L. Uuwdlsh and D. W. Waugh
were In Montrose on Wednesday.
Mrs. C. W. Munson la visiting rela
tives at Susquehanna.
Mrs. B. Corby, of Elmlra, Is visiting
her daughter, Mrs. John Terboss, on
Pine street.
One of the prettiest weddings of the
season was that which uniied Isubeim
Gardner, of Jermyn, and A. J. Baker,
M. V., of JJuryea. The marringe wus
solemnized in the Methodist Episcopal
church last evening. The floral decor
ations, which were furnished by one of
the leading florists of Carbondale, were
exceptionally beautiful. The bridal
party were grouped under a floral bell
composed of smilnx and flowers. The
chancel and organ leu't were banked
with ferns.palms and chrysanthemums.
At S o'clock the wedding party entered
while Prof. Henry Martin vlaycd Men
dL'lsshoii' wedding inarch. The bride
was attended by Miss Ella Coon and
W. J. Baker was groomsman. The
bride wns attired in cream landsdown
and carried a beautiful bouquet of
Marchlel Nifl roses. The ushers were
Messrs. Samuel Rhoda, M. J. Gill, Ed
win Mellon and William T. Osborne.
After the wedding the guests repaired
to the residence of the Bister of the
bride, Mrs. Frank Maynard, of South
Main street, where a reception was held.
Caterer Hanley, of Scranton, served
refreshments. Dr. and Mrs. Baker left
on the 11 p. m. Delaware and Hudson
train for their new home In Duryea.
The weddinR presents were varied and
elegant, and were a fitting token In
which the? young couple are held In Jer
myn. Dr. Baker is one of our representative
young men, who by his energy and per
severance has already won distinction
in his chosen, profession. Mrs. Baker
will be greatly missed In the commun
ity, having: been nn active worker In
the different departments of the Metho
dist churc h and one of the leading slng
eis In the choir. The young couple will
be at home In Duryea on and after Jun
uary 1, 18UG.
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Harding and
daughter, Janette, of Binghamton, N.
Y., were the guests of Mr. und Mrs. IT.
L. Walker over Sunday.
E. M. Cneterllne and family, of Car
bondale, are visiting their brother and
titter, Mrs. F. C. Diigga and Willie
"asterllne. of this place.
Mrs. McMillan, who has been very 111,
Is convalescing.
Miss Lonia Thurber has opened a establishment near the
Iron bridge.
People are very busy filling their ice
houses from Walker and Spencer's
pond, which hns spoiled the skating to
some extent. Consequently the young
people travel to Nicholson Lake for
their pleasure.
Las;. Saturday night, miscreants
made tho attempt to break in Peter
'uperior Face Bleach.
P.siiivjij R.mws All Lclal Bk mist's.
No more Freckles, Tan, Sunburn, Black--fails.
Liver Spots, Pimples and Sallow
-''omplexions If ladles will use my Su
perior Face Olench. Not a cosmetic, but a
medicine which acts directly on the akin,
removing all discoloration, an one of the
ereatnst purifying agents for the complex
ion In existence. A perfectly clear and
spotless complexion can be obtained In
very Instance by Its use. Price, 11.00 per
bottle For sale at E. M. Hetzel's Hair
dressing and Manicure Parlors, 330 Lack
awanna avo. Mall orders Ailed promptly.
ThbUuIlM' Hallit rraaeh Doata KM
t Blit ilUm fr JTbU U U.Sai
Ul jl V, MM, UIWT,
or 1'oaUl Note fa ll-M.
Equal every way tfce toot
old la all letatf Mara tor
t-J.tO. We sake tkla Mat
anUt thet, afvli mm emr.
ana u r.nt ess aot eawaiej
trill reread h bks
er aaneaaoinTyir. vfrnm
k -- f ?
wmmw t r. mi m mm
Valw 1 aae aa
Winnies' store, but were frightened
away before their mischief was com
pleted. '
If the Babv is Cutting Teeth
Mrs. Wlnslow'a Soothing Syrup has
been used for over Fifty Years by Mil
lions of Mothers for tlieir Children
wnne Teeming, with Perfect Success.
It Soothes the Child. Softens the Gums,
Allays all Pain; Cures Wind Colic and
Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold
by Lirugglsts In every part of the world.
Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's
Hoothlng Syrup," and take no other
kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle.
for Conah3, Colds,
and Consumption
is beyond question the greatest of all
modern medicines. It will stop a
Cough in one night, check a cola m
a day, prevent Croup, relieve Asthma,
and curt Consumption if taken in
time. " You can't afford to be with
out it." A 25c, bottle may save your
life I Ask your druggist for it Send
fnr nainnlilpt- if Hia littU muc hi.-
Cronp or Whooping Couth
O .... 14 il-- ,
use 11 .iuiiiL.-uy. 11 is tun 10 curt.
Thm Slut asc, joc. aae i. All DrauiiU.
16 fr IS Chambers St., JV. Y,
Athlete, St. Louis. Am troubled with
palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia, and ex
trcmo nervousness. Wht-t would you rec
ommend? Take our, Gastrlne, three times a
day, after meals. Cerebrlne, extract of
the brain, for the nervousness.
J. M. C. Wash. Have a lameness of the
right limb between the knee and hip.
Have suffered for tome time. Please ad
vise. Take our Febilclde Pill, one three
times daily. Twice a week a dose of
our Nntrollthle Suits.
M. H., Cincinnati. I f-njoy a hearty
meal, but have that full feeling. Can yoii
state a good remedy?
A teaspoonful of our Gastrlne after
each meal.
Mary L., Staunton. Take Ovarlne.
' The Doctor.
The above preparations and other special
ties of the
Columbia Chemical Co., Washington, 0. C
lnclii'iins the famous
At all r'rugglxts. Send for Literature.
Sold by Matthews Bros.. 320 Lack'a ave.
General tad Nervous Debility.
Weakness of Body and
Mind, Kttects ot Errors
or Excesses in Old or
Young. Ilobunt, Noblo
Manhood fully Restored,
How to Enlarge and
Ktrentthen Weak. ITn-
(developed Portions of
nooy. Absolutely un
fa i liner tlomc Treatment.
lienoflts in a day.
Men texlify from SO States and Fnrvlcca
Countries. Send for Dewrlptlve Book, ex
planation and proofs, mailed (waled) free.
oe t Ht tlrawnr Mimai Aanraamt
ISIULCK Will enra inn A
wonderful boon to lufferert
from Cola sjoFe-Tfemt,
loflaenra. pramehlils.
or II A rFVK. AfmZ
mmlaf(rrll. Aaefllrttul
rcmertT. ennvrntont tn mn.
ally to on Ornt Indication ot '.ul.
I Vn KOteeta Pennant Oar,
inannteedormoncrrafniidad. Prlea.
iTl C&ilMlX, air., Mm lira Huk, 0. 1 4
MTNTHflL Tb ntft and aati
in&n I nUU allrtlndlaMjCn
Rtatnni.nld 8nrat. Kama, f'ut Wm
OlTfllXZBC A.IC I ranter tot
I. 1 1 1,1 min& nnrni. 1 II IB. .....IH I Mn
fun T bj mnll prr.m. AddrM.iihoTa. DH1
mm. rnea, Mm oh.ii itrac nil aa
Ml prr.m. Addra.iihoT. PH'
.For sale by Matthew Bros, and John
nt ri
Ccmplcxion Preseueil
Semorei FreeUat, Plmolaa,
En? . Molei. BMhaeda;
fanbar and Tan, and ro.
tores the skin to its ortgi
nai trcahneak p-ndaclug a
jelAur and aeolthr com-
Alawlrai. ftnnArlnrtAnll fiua
freparattona end perfectly karate At all
rwiigainaiTirmHii-ri i-rmnn nana mum vireii iar.
VIOLA 8 SON SOAP rtaptr liiiwii
mm niHMai ana, mmnmm k tb. mm, k! Mb a
awl lit mimumrr.AmMv jn- ntTtigiiiny mmw
tmL Aiamniiu. Pries 2SCemn
G. C. BITTNCR CO., Toledo, a
JPor by Matthews Bras, and Joha
f . rni
1 nv r lit ili-hu
We have cleaned 'up about all our odds
and ends and sell them as rapidly as they
come In, but we were lucky to catch on
another snap. We cleaned up one mill of
underwear. There Is no doubt ' you are
aware how we buy goods; always 50 cents
on the dollar, and give the benefit to our
trade. This sale Is Important, and If you
want to buy underyear, here you are.
6 doien of mixtures, woolen underwear,
nice, clean uraple goods, at 25 cents each,
or 0 cents for the suit.'
Boys, from M to M,"any slse, for 15
cents. . i
' Cloaks, never In the hletory of this line
could you purchase a cloak for the price
as this season. Plain facts; the' season
was unfavorable .this year and the manu
516 Lackawanna Avenue.
It will pay you to visit our store and look over our stock of
FINE CflltlA
FOR 1896.
Wideawake business men who
desire to avail themselves ot the
advantages to be derived from ad
vertising their business in the
spaces reserved for that purpose
in The Tribune Annual and Politi
cal Iland'Book for 1S96 will
please make their contracts at an
early day. This will be a much
more complete, elaborate and re
liable "work of its kind than has
ever before been published in this
section of the state, and conse
quently of much greater value to
advertisers. Its pages will con
tain a vast volume of information,
facts and statistics of all kinds.
constituting it a book of reference
for all classes of people during
the entire year. It will be of spe
cial interest and value to the peo
ple of Northeastern Pennsylvania,
including the counties of
The work is being prepared with
the greatest care by eonpetenr
hands and an immense edition
will be printed.
Issued on January 1st, 1806.
Compiled, printed and published
The Tribune
Publishing Co.,
Scranton, Pa.
Moosic Powder Co
Booms 1 and 2 Commoiealtii Bld't
Lafflln Raad Powder Oe.1
. Orange Gun Powdor
Blectrie Batteries. Fneee for expled
.. Ing blast. Safety Fuse and
RepannoGbemlcal Co.'s HlguExploslra
facturer were compelled to throw their
goods upon the market. Prices were no
object. We have a hold on these goods.
ZOO cloaks, we don't claim they are syllsh
but they .are good for this cold weather,
and - when you get one for 12, any size
from 12 to 42. In black blue only.
We have some stylish coats also, but
style always costs something, which we
will sell you la black blue or any other
color, short coat, for 14.99.
Have you seen our -black cloth cape?
Not equaled In price nor In quality, only
3.M, for ten days.
We have not time to write ads. We have
the biggest bargains you have ever seen In
shawls, blankets and wool-knit goods and
4 Sefs
Holiday Gifts
Onyx Top Tables, and Cabinets,
Screens, Easels, Jardineres,
Bisque Figures.
Tepletz, Satsuma and Tokenaba
Ware, Bric-a-Brac, Rugs, Has
socks, Carpet-sweepers, Etc.
408 Lackawanna Ave.
For Heavy Structural Work,
22 Commonwealth Bids., Scranton, Pa. Telephone 422.
Our first floor
is yours
which to pay i
Youbu'vaf'The Econ
omy." Something down
to show you mean bust
ness, the balance arranged
for in Davments as von wish
them weekly or monthly
that's why you see so
means there's no reason
should not be a gentleman in appearance.
has been transformed into ft
our usual attention to furnish-
T I I "f
nomes is lagging maw iuur-
Boom Outfit of "Economy Fame"
at $150.00 is one of the best offer
ings of the year 1895 Side
boards nave been moved up
one flight to make room for
Mammoth Rocker
and Brass
why you
r .
Hoar phis isxrti:
43 UtCSS"51 ttft; v
Pena avenue, Beranton, Pa.
',: f. -- ..