THE SCBANTON "TBIBUNE-WEDNESDAY UOIQSViti. DECEMBER 18. I8tf . 7" News 6 lfcs.N Muscatel Raisins,.25 3 lbs. New Figs, - -.25 4 Its. Nw Dates. - - .25 4 Its. Cted Currants, -.25 1 lb. , tad Sultana Rai sins, - - - - Extra Lrcsn Peel, par lb., - Extra Leghorn Citron, per lb., 4 lbs. Mixed Candy, - - 3 lbs. Clear Toys, - - - .10 .10 .12 .25 .25 Luce Bros. SCRANTON and TAYLOR. WEST SIDE EVENTS. Anaoaaecraent Is .Mado of tho Marriage Of George Decker and Miss Emma Savltts at Wllkea-Barre. The list of marriages among West Side young people within the last few weeks that have a tinge of romance to them continues to grow. Announce ment has Just been made of the recent marriage of George Decker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Decker, of North Sumner ave nue, to Miss Emma Savltts, of North Lincoln avenue. The ceremony was performed at Wilkes-Barre last week. Without the knowledge of their par ents they wont to Wilkes-Barre, and, after convincing the clerk of the or phans' court that they were of age, secured a marriage license and were Immediately married. Mr. and Mrs. Decker are now residing with the lat ter's parents, on North Lincoln avenue. Marriages of Today. This morning at 11.30 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents, at Wysox, Pa., Miss Sarah O. Post will be mar ried to Mr. Thomas E. Price, the well known newsdealer and barber, of South Main avenue. Owyllam A. Williams, the West Side correspondent for the Republican, will officiate as grooms man. . Immediately after the ceremony the newly wedded couple will depart for the metropolis, returning to this city on Friday evening. They will commence housekeeping 0Y1 North Lin coln avenue, and will be at home to their friends at a date to be arranged later. Mr. Price is one of the most energetic and prosperous business men on the West Side, and his Innumerable friends extend to him their congratula tion. Another wedding of prominence will occur this evening at the residence of Mr. and Jirs, D. C. Powell, on North LlncoJn,'V-iue, when their oldest rnivr. naiaM m w nnnnrrn Kniuoii win married to ThomasKHWllllams. of Kingston. The occasion will be quietly observed, owing to the recent sadness In the family at the death of the lamented w. Ueorge Powell. Returned Home from Colorado. ' L Rev. Peter Roberts and wife have returned from Colorado, where they pent the past few months In the hope of Improving Mrs. Roberts' health. The trip was not beneficial, however, and the lady's many West Side friends will be pained to hear that death Is momen tarily expected. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts are now at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Warren, of North Lincoln ave nue. They were accompanied from Chi cago by Mrs. Roberts' brother, Samuel Daniels. News Notes and Personals. Electrio City lodge. No. 177, Knights of Malta, recently organized : on this Okie, is requested to meet tomorrow evening at the lodga hall to take action on. the dearth of Allan a. fihlffer, an account of Whose death Is given on another pue;e. This la the first deaAh sines the institu tion of the order. eHreet Car Conductor Richard Phillips, of the Taylor line, has recovered from an Attack of quinsy. David Davis, of Oswell court, is slight ly Indisposed. Benjamin F. "Williams, of the Hillside Home,' waa In town yesterday. The Traction, company is repairing its Taylor Mne. ) Owtng to the pressure of holiday adver tisements several Items of interest to West Side people were crowded out of yester day's Issue. - The following officers have been elected ty the. Plymouth Congregational church Sunday school: Deacons, E. K. Evans, William J. James, Richard Owens and 55. A. Stover; clerk, Mlas L.'WUklns; finan cial secretary', Walter Wllklna; standing committee, 8. R. Powell, Evan- Davits and Daniel- MaUiiaa; ways and means commltte, W. Bromley Williams. Richard Phillips, Miss Lulu James, John Richards. Mlas Jennie Lewis; auditors. James P. Harris and H. A. Parsons; music com Ihittee, W. J. Morgans; superintendent, Sherman Avenue Mission, Miss Delia P. Evens. Miss Roberts gave an address last even ing at tho Shc-rman Avenue Mission. A few places In the Bellcvue mine were Worked yesterday. It is not known when the mine will be worked to its full ca pacity. ... . The funeral of an Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. James Glbtvejr, of Bromley avenue, occurred yesterday afternoon. Interment was made in Hyde Park Catholic ceme tery. v The remains of the laU Mm. Elisabeth Morton, who died at her home, on Frlnk treat, will occur this afternoon at 130 O'clock. Rev. Rogers Israel will officiate. Interment will be made In Washburn Street cemetery. At 8.30 o'clook this morning the obsequies over the remains of the late Miss Mary Corcoran will be held at St. Patrick's cburoti ...... On New tear's day and evening an "eis teddfod will be conducted at the Belle, voe CalvlniatlG Methodist church under the auspices of she Betlevue Literary and Biblical society. The sessions will com mence at I and 6.80 p. m,. Miss Julia C Allen,' daughter of Dr. arid Mrs. W jj Allen, of the central cUy, will adjudicate on the violin solo competition' for' ama teurs, the prise of which, (10, la offered by Colonel E. H. Ripple. The other con tests will be Interesting. " West Side Baslneaa Directory. BATB8-Club, V fttrap and Lever,-, all else; lowest. price) nice present, Grand double beaters, lis-and up. Dock AH tews and, shelf, 818 and up. R. j. Hf-ies. J4 SoutM'Maln avenue.' ' - i BAKj.BR Hair cutting and shaving done in aflrat-clasa manner at John H.Reyn e Te Parser ghop, at Palrchild's Hotel. rLOvVlL" TOR THE HOLIDAYS At ! M Heath Mala avenue, near Jackson of fbt Stibtirbs. street Funeral designs a specialty. Harriet M. Davis, manager. BICYCLES repaired, scissors ground, tools sharpened, saws filed, keys fitted, maehines repaired by W. L. Steenback, dealer in Ouns, Fishing Tackle, under West Slile bank. PHOTOGRAPHER Cabinet Photos, 81.40 per dosen. They are lust lovely. Con vince yourself by calling at Btarner s Photo Parlors, 101 and 103 South Main avenue. GROCERIES Revere Standard Java Cof fee Is unexcelled. The leading cotTe of the day. For sale only at F. W. Mason A Co. Fine Groceries, 116 South Main avenue. . SECOND HAND FURNITURE Cash for nnvthlng you have to sell. Furniture, Stoves, Tools, etc. Call and see the stock of J. C. King. 1024 and 1026 Jack son Btreet. PLUMBING William D. Griffiths. US North Main avenue, does flrst-class Plumbing. Steam Heat and Gas Fitting. Satisfaction Is strictly guaranteed. Special sale of Holiday Wines for fam ily use. 35 cents per quart, at James F. Bests, 308 pedar avenue. Hawlor'a Diamonds at Turnquest's. Procrastination. Ntver put off till tomorrow what you can do today, therefore, if possible, visit Tui nquest. the Joweler, 205 Washington avenue, before today becomes tomor row. They're Benton It. Go where you like, you hear the name of Turnquest these days, and why not? He's broken up the exorbitant high price system on fine solid gold Jewelry and sterling silverware, and ought not the people cast the good news abroad? Quaint little China Clocks, Turn quest's. ' There Is Rest for Yon. Are you a weary seeker after some thing new In Jewelry, silverware or bric-a-brac? Rest contented, you'll find Just what you want at Turnquest's, 205 Washington avenue, and buy It at such figures as will gladden your heart. Chains and Charms at Turnquest's. NORTH END. Flnley Ross, sr.. will be a candidate for election as select councilman from the First ward. C J. Davis, the well-known musician and formerly director of the Moody quar tette, has returned home to spend Christ mas. He will leave about Jan. 1 to con tinue his evangelistic work. Georjre Williams, of Warren street, spent last evening; with friends at Carbonelale. Henry Hlteihlns, who has been suffering from a bad cold for severul days past, has recovered. A raffle for a gold watch for the benefit of Thomas P. Jones, of Feltsvllle, will take place Saturday, Dec. 21, at the hotel of J. Robert Llnney, on West Market street. The cantata which is to be presented by the young people of the Welsh Congrega tional church will be rehearsed this even ing at Company H. armory. Mrs. William Davis, of Warren street, who has been visiting friends in Plymouth, has returned home. Hufus, the 12-year-old son of John Rich ards, of School street, who has been seri ously ill for the past few weeks, has al most recovered from his Illness. Company H defeated a picked team last evening by a score of 8 to 1 In a game of hidoor base ball. To Whom It May Concern. At a meeting of the vigilance committee of the Second and Third districts of the First ward it was arranged that the nomi nations for councilman and other ward offices should take place at the same time as the election of delegates to the city convention. (Signed) Nelson Larose, Vigilance committee of Second district; . J. Wesley Shaffer, Lewis H. John, Vigilance committee of Third district. Piles! Piles! Itching Piles! Symptoms Moisture; Intense Itching and stinging; most at night; worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tu mors form, which often bleed and ulcer ate, becoming very sore. Swayne's Ointment stops the itching and bleed ing, heals ulceration, and in most cases removes tne tumors. At druggists, or by mall, for 50 cents. Dr. Swayne & Son, Philadelphia. ee Special Settings for Diamonds to or der at Turnquest's, 205 Washington avenue. .Superb Watch values at Turnquest's. Turnquest, the Jeweler, "would like to meet you at 20S Washington avenue to day. ' t '. .. . Real shell combs, Turnquest's. Onyx and French clocks, Turnquest's. Some Peoplo Say Yes, I had them sent up from Tiffany's, but If they told the truth thev should say: These Diamonds were brought ! trom Turnquest s, Z0 Washington ave nue. Neighbors won't you be true to us, as we have been true to you? Water Pi.tchers In Silver at Turn quest's: Buttons or Charms for all the orders at Turnquest's, 206 Washington avenue. Paul E. Wirt's Fountain Pens; spe cial presentation designs at Turnquest's 205 Washington avenue. Pocketbooks Turnquest, the Jeweler. Silver Button Hooks Turnquest's.- Pearl and Silver Trinkets Turn quest's. 14-Karat. Gold Rings, set with Opals. Garnets, Rubies, Emeralds, etc., $3.50 Turnquest's. That Turnquest leads we're safe to say Let others follow as they may; But say? when it comes to Christmas day Won't he have led the dance. Cut Glass. New designs. Turnquest's. Bid Yon Kver See Anything as Cheap? What, why Coursen's Candy, of Buy It In Solid Gold at Turnquest's. I searched all Over and at last I found just the ring I wanted at Turnquest's, 205 Washington avenue. Gold Pencils and Tooth Picks, Turn quest's. Punch Ladles at Turnquest's. . lS-Karat, Qold Wedding rings by weight at Turnquest's, 205 Washing ton avenue. f . w Handsomest Silver Teat Bets In the city, Turnquest's 205. Washington ave. ' If you can afford it, buy Diamonds for Christmas gifts at Turnquest's. Best values ever offered -in this state. Keep Your Eye on Turnquest. He's cutting a deep swash In the Watch and Jewelry, trade of Scranton, and you ought to know the reason why. What seems to be good for others may be good for you. '. . . ;. , . . '' ' ; Solid 14kt Jewelry at Turnquest's'. Black Enamel Watches, Turnquest's. He talks about Turnquest, the Jewel er, so much that I guess I'll have to go there to buy his Christmas gift SOUTH SIDE NEWS. Delaware and Hudson Canal Cosapany Negotiating for the Pnrehsae ' of Land on Remington Ateaue. The Delaware and Hudson Railroad company is negotiating with the prop erty owners on Remington avenue, be tween Cherry and Brook streets for the purchase of the land owned by them for the purpose of erecting a depot and obtaining acreage for a yard for the storage of cars. The company has been bargaining with the people mentioned for some time, but the big prices asked for some of the properties has delayed the acquiring of the land. - - - A Tribune reporter was informed last night that. It will be but a short time until the ground described is purchased and that those who were asking high prices have already sold ouU. When this will be accomplished. Cherry street will be opened to South Washington avenue, a consummation devoutly : to be wished, - The Delaware and Hudson will build a fine station and freight house, it Is reported. '"' ' , Shorter Paragraphs of Newa. The latest reports from the Lackawan na hospital In Martin. Kearney'a case are very favorable, . and . hopes of hie recov ery are entertained. Operations 'have been suspended at the Lackawanna Knitting mills on account of the approach of the duM season, which Is the present. In that line of trade. Miss Carrie Taylor, of Plttston, is vis iting friends on, Prospect avenue. Mrs. G. A.' Kerlfn, of Fig street, la vis iting friends iikDundaff. . , A regular meeting "of Roaring Brook conclave. Improved. Order of Heptasophs, was' held last evening at Dr. Manly s hall. - ' ? , James Cooke', "of Y'itptston avenue. Is IH of Inflammatory rheumatism. What's In a Name. Not one solitary mill, unless it's backed by a bank account and a signa ture. "TurnqueBt,"raay be a new name to you, but It's old In Diamonds. Watches and Jewelry In Europe. He's here now to do business with you at 205 Washington avenue, and his name is backed by America's loudest talker Dollars and cents. Have you met him? Children's Silver Cups, Turnquest's. Napkin quest's. . Rings, ' 40' cents : up Turn- Rogers Bros.' "I847" ' Spoons, ; ' Knives, '! "' Forks, Sets, etc, . , Lowest prices 1 Iri Scranton at. Turn -quest's, and all the latest designs, 205 Washington avenue. Silver Mounted Brashes, Turnquest's. Ladles' Belts, newest out; Turnquest. "Itaby la Going to Bve-a-l.and." That's true, but remember that while she's asleep she's dreaming of that ring or silver cup that you said Santa Claus would bring It, and you know you have not been to Turnquest's, 205 Washing ton avenue, to get it yet. Silver Dinner Spoons, Turnquest. Biscuit Boxes at Turnquest's. Fancy Hair Pins, Turnquest's. retail? Seerets. . : Mama's going to buy papa a swell smoking set at Turnquest's; I heard her say so, and she doesn't know what papa's going to buy for her. It's a sil ver tea set, from Turnquest, too, for I heard him tell Uncle John about It. Wonder what they're going to buy me? t - Silver Celery Holders at Turnquest's. Artistic Fern Dishes at Turnquest's. Optical Goods at Turnquest's. Cake Baskets In novel Designs, Turn quest's. Everything for the side board and table In Silver at Turnquest's, 205 Washington avenue. Interesting bits of Brlc-a-Brao at Turnquest's, 205 Washington avenue. An Every Day Maxim. Be sure you're right, then go ahead, and buy from Turnquest, 205 Washing ton avenue, whatever you may want in diamonds, jewelry or silverware. In hlKh grade qualities he's unquestion ably a great money saver on prices. A Wife's Hcsolvc. Now that Christmas Is coming, I'd forgive him for -all he ever did, if he'd only tell Turnquest to send home that delightful Silver Tea Set that I saw at $25.00. It Isn't much money, but hon estly, I couldn't wish for a better. Turnquest's Opal Rings are worn by most of the smart set now. Napkins Rings, Solid Silver or Plated, all prices. Handsome Designs, Turn- quest'B. Engagement Rings at Turnquest's. Children's Rings at Turnquest's. Initial Rings at Turnquest's. Ho Did Not Write It This Way. ' 'Mid pleasures and palaces, though we may roam, you'll And nothing flner than we have at home In Diamonds at Turnquest's, 205 Washington avenue. Silver Match Safes and Stamp Boxes, Turnquest's. -. Silver Mounted Ink Wells, Turn quest's. Pretty conceits In Silver, Turnquest's. A look through Turnquest's stock at 205 Washington avenue, will suggest hundreds of things for Christmas gifts that you never thought of. He Wss Right. It ain't no good to carry a watch That ain't no good f6r the time So I'll see urnquest, for the neigh bors say, He's a hummer oh watches line And that's the man for meH $1.50 for Powerful Opera Glasses, Turnquest's. All the lucky devices and designs In Jewelry at 205 Washington avenue. . t'nder the Mistletoe Ronah It Is an ancient and honorable cus tom to kiss under the mistletoe during Yuletlde, and a forfeit or penalty has always been attached to It. Should you FOR LADIES ONLY. If yon would be relieved of periodical paint, beailnK-dows a-hsatkma. organic displace moot cr derangvmenta. .ur. fe male weaknesa; if you wonld tajoy fool health, net Ror'a, R'etnm romrmtind. rortaleby JOHN H, PHEM Scranton. Pa . Boy's ; Restoria 7 Coapoud be lucky enough to win a prise In this way. make It a stipulation that Turn quest,, the Jeweler, will supply It. He's got more pretty trinkets and nov elties than halt the other Jewelers put together. . Tea-Pots, Sugars, Creams.' Spoon Holderm, In separate prices or sets at Turnquest's, 205 Washington avenue. Soup: Dividers at Turnquest's. If Thev Stick Y' a're St act. Get a. Silver Pocket Stamp Box at Turnquest'a They're pretty and so convenient Bracelets and Necklaces, Ear Drops and Finger Rings, Lace Pins and Skirt Pins. Victorias and Lorgnette Chains, Watch Charms and Lace Pins, Back Combs and Side Combs, Hair Pins and Ornaments. Timely Pointers.' Silver Salvers, Syrup Jugs, Cut Crystal, Celery Holders, Dainty China, Whiskey Jugs. Water Pitchers, Toddy Ladles. Turnquest, the Jeweler, 205 Washington avenue. Boys Indestructible Watches, Turn quest's.. After Dinner Coffee Should be drank from fine Shell China Cups, such as Turnquest, the Jeweler is now showing for the holiday trade. New style Celery Holders at Turn quest's. Silverware In endless assortment for all homes and purses, Turnquest's, 205 Washington avenue. Little Beauftes, Turnquest's Chate laine Watches. SIXTY YEARS old and generally played out, or so I thought up to two weeks ago, when I commenced to use Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy," writes S. I. Young, of Hiram, Ohio, to Dr: Kennedy. "For years I have suffered with Inflammation of the bladder and kidneys, and have gradually grown worse and expected at any time that passing urine by na ture's effort would cease. Hesldes con stant pain in the kidneys and bladder, I have had rheumatic pain in every muscle and Joint, and have often re marked that there was not a man liv ing that had suffered as much as I had, but I must say I had not for a single day In Ave years felt as well In every way as I do now. Have Improved dally since I began the use of DR. DAVID KENNEDY'S FAVORITE REMEDY About a week ago 1 gave a man afflicted with bladder trouble, part of a bottle of Favorite Remedy, and he said to me to day: 'That is a great medicine; I am better already," and drove eight miles to a druggist to get a bottle." WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD Dr. Alexander's FAMOUS LUNG' HEALER WHAT IS IT t It Is a medicine carefully put up and compounded, bltiR a diruct copy of a favorite prmcription n od by l)i. Alex ander O'Mallvy. of w likes Barre Pa., a practicing phvalcian for over twenty years, for all lun and thro it troubles, and is guaranteed to do all that Is claimed for it. It ! not a "cure all" but it will co talnly rrlleve all lung diseaapi, cure coughaand bronchitle, avert pneumonia and prevent conitimtiou l y He timsly action on the sensitive Inng tubes and tiroues. Thousands of bottles have been sold last year, and thonuds of sonU saved from an early glare by its use Once uaed a family will never be without It in the house For aale by all dealer, ag cent. I Manufacturers of the Celebrates PILfiENER LAGER BEER CAPACITVl 100,000 Barrels per Annum -A ar NHd at Offer earned." TMsXakaaaa BelM French Desweea iKM M 1 1 a 1 1 oaSTaraa faat .nywtwce t; lae U.S., 1 er IWal Mete? fJlJ. Eaaale every way bh aeoai aoM la aH retail atone fat j.K. We anttt tha JU. arvfa aae eMsr. and If any eae fa set aatteflei we win nnoa we mwmw treeaaeaouwrpair. upan Toe er Comma Beaaa, . wmum u, i bj, mm. 1 to ee oast HtoetraSl MKff tmimifmZliSSUb taf Urml l aiSra. IT IS HE TO GET OUT And Oct Year He! Way Qeod New. Ton will And a choice ilnef i , " - 4CB SKATES. POLO STICKS, FOOT BALLS, BOXINO UI.OVES, - -: AIR RIFLES, POCKET KNIVES, ' OUNS, FI8MINO TACKLB AND ' ATHLETIC GOODS AND BICYCtES AttheOMtMane. - A. W. JURISCH, .i. MS LAGER BEER REWERY. (AUTION to our Washburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their many pat rons that they will this year hold to their usual custom of milling STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop Is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry weather many millers are of the opinion that it ft already cured, and in proper condition for milling. WashburnCrosby Co. will take no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every tictall of milling hat placed Wnshburn-Crosby Co.'s flour far above other brands KARGEL Wholesale Agents. Christmas Attractions BEAUT1FTL GOODS AT LOW PRICfiS. JEWELRY WATCHES SILVERWARE CLOCKS DIAMOMDS, in rings, scarf plus, etc. OPERA GLASSES, Etc. Also an exceptionally fine line of GOLD-HERDED CANES flHD UMBRELLAS Our stock embraces everything in tlie way of -desirable and appropriate CHRISTMAS GIFTS for old and young. NO GOODS MISREPRESENTED. C. 107 Wyoming Ave. C. G. BOLflND & CO. General REPRESENTING OLD AND RELIABLE COHPANIES Prompt and Satisfactory Adjtisfnnenf, . HPRIfP New Republican Building, Jrr lvL,J North Washington Avenue. DR. JACOB HELIUIER Veterinary Surgeon 311 Spruce Street. The St. Denis Breeeway anal Eleventh .. New Verfc, - Op. Grace Chsrcs.-Eiiropean Piaa. '. Rasas ti.oo a Dsy aa4 Upwsros. In a modet and unobtroeire way there are few better conducted hutela is the metropolis than the St. Deals. The great pnpn aritr It has aoqulred eit) readily be tranod to Ita tmlipe lovtia. Its bcnnllk" atmoanbere. the pecaHa es alienee of Ite enialn and eerrije, aad Its Try moder ate pr.ees. . WlliUU TAYLOR AND SCM. patrons: CONNELL Established 1856 Telephone 1264. TH at OCR ANTON VITRIFIED BRICK-0 TILE KimiFICTURIKfi pO., ' lUtaVt ';' SHALE PAVING BRICK AKD BUILDING BRICK tMlasi MO Washiaitoa enue. Watkat Hay-Attg, Pa, B. a w. V. S. M. H. DALE, General Sales Agent, Scranton. Pa Insurance The Special for a Few Days Only. JACKETS AND CAPES For Ladies, Hisses and Children. Special to Close Out the Entire Line Tho garments ottered are as perfect in shape and flnUh as they can be made, and all we ask of the public is an inspec tion, nothing more. Prices will talk for themselves. 100 Ladiea' Kersey Jackita, VM raloe. for 50 ..adits' Bnucle Jui'kute, Sl'i vuluo. for 2 Ijidien' Kerioy Jackets, f l'l.SO vdIim. for 36 Ladles' Frieze Jackets, SP.50 value, for 17 Jackets, SI4.00 to 81U.0J value, for 23 Ladies' Capes, rpui-lal $7 valno. for 12 Latins' Douliid Bruided Cuws, $12 value, for 59 Wist)"' Ori'tchens. nil sizes, $li valw, onoice SJ MtKMui' Jackets ti to li years, SJ vnlue, choice. . . . 40 Ladiex' Fur Cnitns, full sweep. $U value, ( r Millinery. Millinery, Comewitli a luan puraa or a fat one. yon ran roinroand a wise ehole.n; unci whether yon pay little or nuinli, you can besur of u sty UU, scnsiblu H it i r Bonnet evory timo. $ 4.93 v If 7.48 FOR d FEW DAYS ALL MILLINERY AT HALF PRICE 308 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton, Pa. 303. The General Household Supply Store Corner Perm Ave. and Spruce St. HOLIDAY-GOODS CHINA DEPARTMENT. China Plates, Cups and Saucers, Salad Dishes, Cracker Jars, lea Sets, Sugar-and-Crcamj, Dinner and Tea StU. We have a come early and R. BLOESER, Perm Ave. and Spruce St. AMUSEMENTS. THE FROTfllNGHflM. Wnencr A Kols, Lessees and Manngcr. WELisDA XTRA XTRA BACK AGAIN Canary and Lederer's Immense NEW YORK CASINO BURLESQUE Tb? Merry World The Sams Magnificent Mussing of ttuRO Favorites. Tho Same Fin de-Sicolo Features in Profunnn. The Hum Ulorv f ("nlrtr. SoTid mi A turn. . THE BIO WHITE CLOUD OF SUCCESS. THE PASSING SHOW'S SUCCESSOR. RcRulsr prices, tjnluof seals outms Monday, 9 a. in. mr. PLEASANT COAE AT RETAIL. Coal of the bast quality for domestic se, and of all sizes, delivered la any (art of tha city at lowest price. Orders left at my Ofllca ' NO. 118 WYOMING AVENUE, Rear room, (list floor. Third National Bank, er sent by mall or telephone to the Ulna, will receive prompt attention. Special contracts will be made for tha aUo and delivery of Buckwheat Coal. WM. T. SMITH. REVIVC RESTORES VjUUTY Made a UthDay.Jf 0f Me. TNI OBfAT Oth bay. fWBSJOB xusraxxnoir brodaeesthenboTeresaltalnaodnyl. Itacti bewerfulle and anlvkhr. Cure, when all other, toll Yoaaa aeawlUnaain their loat manhood, and eld na) will teeever their youthful visor by aalni UT1TO. It oaicai; Vld surely rntoree Mervoue sat, Lest Vitality. Inpotvaer. Klfhtly Emlauona, tiet fewer, (elllna Memory, WmIm Oi.eae,aoi) all aftata of Hll-abua. or eteeae aad Indlenntlon. waleh naflU oae for .tody, aiwiaes. or marrlMe. II eotoaly eona ay ttsrllnt at the mat ot dtaeas. but la a treat aervw tmtio and Mood builder, briar lea seek ttaa pink alow to pale cheek, and re ytorlhf lb. fire of youth. It ward, off fnmolty nd Oeaeaaiptloa. oa havta; RRVITOine Mher. It ean be earrisd la eeat vecket. By tncil. l.ooaerpacksira,orali tor .00, with post Uo writtaa auarantao to earo ear roloof ;heoMaey. Olrculufree. Address DVU 1EDICINI CO.. "1 River M., CHIONO. ILL mt wM- r etthawre- Vmttif jtraaua . tm. r?V tli". Fashidii GLASSWARE. Lemonade Sets, 70c up. Wine Sets, 60c up. Table Sets, 50 ditf.-rcnt patterns, ijc and iu Cake Salvers, Pruit Dlshrs, Cheese Plates and Covers. rtauqiict Lamps, brans, with center draft. . . .$1.50 upward Hanquet Lnmps, onyx, with center draft 2.50 upward Kaiuiiiet Lamps, onyx, with silk hade$.... 5.73 upward Vase Lumps 95 upward Hai'giiig pa 2.50 upward Night Lamps 05 upward Having an immense stock of Lamps, are selling them 20 per cent, less than the same can be bought for anywhere. Come and see our display of Holiday Goods, Dolls, Iron Toys, Wagons, Zithers, Phono harps, Games, Books, Dishes, Tables, Desks, Sleighs, Blocks, Tree Ornaments, Candles, Albums, Toilet Cases, Manicure.Sets, Shaving and Smoking Sets, Fan Boxes, Glove Boxes. big stock, but advise you to avoid the rush. AMUSEMENTS. ACADEMY OF MUSIC ONE WEEK. COM niiMM lnir Mi nduy. D-c. IK, matinee Sat urday nuly. THUS. E. KHEA and hi excellent rompnny, pressutlng his latest and greatest sucet'sa h: Wednesday eve..., "Dr. Jekvll and Mr. Hyde" Thursday evening "The Maves of Sin" Frldny evinin "Tim Mnn-o'-War'e Man" Saturday uintinre."TliB Hnareaof Now York" Saturday evening To l announced. I'opnlnr prices, 10c, 20e, 30c. Few choice seutH, 50c. DAVIS' THEATER THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, 20 AND 21. The Pcoili'ss Irish Comedienne, MAV CniTH DHRRIMC 1 ilk m . s 1 Supported by a Superb Company of t'omvdkinsttml Soubrottes, .n tho T h itiinata iiusicnl Coiuody in F uir Acts, " LITTLE TRIXIE" THE ROMP HEIRESS. Coder tho Manaaomeut of FRED ROBBINS. Bright Music, Pretty Girls and Grace ful Diinccrs. Admission, ID, 20 and 30 Cents CALL UP 3882. V mi IN 1 1 VII IlliU III CO. OILS.. VINEGAR AND CIDER. OFFIOE AND WAREHOUSE, Ml TO 151 MERIDIAN STREBT t M. W. COLLINS, M'flfr. SLWIgBfmjSt Eomlta of treatpent. ekiiocs, fxormnng weac- BMM, Nervous lttDlliry.NlcmiTttTOis.-Jor.fcivDWBJiww, Insar Ihoy not oulyfiiro by .iartinit Hit of duv utinat at.itVE iONtiT and flLODD r:lt. brinoinff back tho alnk al.w to aala ntn. but ehrf k. and rcloflnK tho FIKS VF f ol' Tit to tha patient. yDill,5J.oip:rboxor for wlthwrlt Irn (unrautr to rare m Kfimd l-o . Book V- imal.k.l'rr-' - ' . -T'nn.N.irT-r'r, For sale by JOM H. PTTRLrs. flat, Wyomln are; inrt Btwiiee atrt. III ll.ur di rml onniro ULHIIIA UUUIIO Or alt kinds, mapufactorea at tkatt oUco, at Tho Tribune Qlce. (MS, LOST MANHOOD all attendlDir ftUmcnf IDA BUdlaa