The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 16, 1895, Page 8, Image 8
THE ECUA33T03H TEIBTTKE MONDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 16, 185. 205 WASHINGTON AVENUE. 205 WASHINGTON AVENUE READ THIS ROLL OF IS i GREAT i. The COLUMBUS nusic HOUSE THE COLUMBUS MUSIC HONOR j III 1 And towers loftily over all competitors in extent of floor space, public estima tion, volume of stock, character of wares, and untiring energy. BRANCH STORES : TUNKHANNOCK, HAZLKTON, HONESDALE, P1TTST0N, CARBONDALE, WYALUSINQ, TO WANDA. ALL THE Musical Masterpi OF AMERICA Are displayed here, surpassing in richness of cabinet work, fullness and beauty of tone, and thoroughness and accuracy of construction, all tl:c other instru ments on the market. PIANOS: ORGANS: Sohmer Estey Kurtzmann Storey & Clark Mehlin Chicago Cottage BAND INSTRUMENTS, HUSICAL MERCHANDISE and SHEET MUSIC. THE COLUMBUS MUSIC HOUSE Occupies three large floors and basement, and Is the most extensive and reliable music store in North eastern Pennsylvania, selling three times the number, and offering, through its superior purchasing power, better inducements to buyers than any other. A complete establishment in ull departments, under one roof, including a fine repair shop, superintended by an expert piano and organ builder. FIRST-CLASS TUNIiKS SENT TO AXY ADDRESS ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. A large stock of carefully selected instruments especially designed for the Holiday Trade HAS JUST BEEN RECEIVED. NOW LISTEN fl MOMENT You cannot afford to buy an Organ or Piano at any other place without first calling at this Great Tlusical Emporium. . Prices and Terms to Suit the Conditions of the Times N. B. A beautiful flusical Honthly, with $2 worth of Music, can always be obtained here for 15 cents. J. W. GUERNSEY, Proprietor, ,205 Washington Avenue, Opposite Court House, SCRANTON, PA. N. B. Beware of fraud or any attempt to confound this Celebrated nusic Store with any other in this city. Please bear in mind that I am not connected in any way whatever with any other estab lishment, and I wish it distinctly understood that all efforts to mix my business with that of any other Music Store is entirely wrong and should be so treated by the buying public. Always remember the location and you will be right, look: 205 Washington Avenue, opposite Monument, Court House Square, Scranton Pa .a?. id ft u m t 1 SI I GARBONDALE. Recocnltlon Social. fhe monthly meeting of the Epworth Lirue will be held this evening In the cture room of the Methodist church It which time the election of officers for Ahe ensuing year will be hold, after I which the meeting will adjourn to the lilethodlst parsonage, where will be held recognition social, to which all the vouna- neoDle are Invited. Every one attending is requested to bring a photo graph of themselves. VirgMrs Brok Into t. K. McDonald's clday night burglars broke into the. of P. F. McDonald, on South Main foet. They gained an entrance at the 'Iiorth side of the building by cutting out panel of the door, evidently with a Jack-knife.. The Intruders were evi dently green at the business, as they Showed by the way. they forced' the nloney drawer and broke rfho desk. They secured a few cents and several pairs of shoes. ' " Pomooratio Convention. ' It has been decided to hold the Demo cratic convention Tuesday, Jan. 14. The primaries will be held on the Saturday ; previous. The following persons, it Is said, will be up for nomination: P. F. Coogan and J. J. O'Nell for mayor. Fbr school director In the Third and Fourth wards. William Glennori and George Chapman. For city controller, 1. P. Loftus. '"Hands Across the Sea." i ''Hands Across the Sea" is the name Of a .play which will be produced at the Grand Opera house tonight and tomor row night. The music and other spec ialties introduced are all new. The wnole play Is first-clans, the scenery en pecially that of the ship In the fourth act, being good. : ; V - W. W. Callander Injured. ',W. W. Callender, of the Star bye Urorks, was quite painfully Injured Sat urday morning. He was stnndlng on a chair taking down some goods when tht 'ohnlr slipped, throwing him to the floor With great force. He was quite badly . bruised about the chest and will be un able to get about his work again for a ; day. r. 4 i ntbraelt Park to Oms To nlaht. ' l'nt SttlAnlfltcr rtf Ik. .bnllnn .Inl, a. jMithjraclt park will occur tonight. nOLIDHY SPECIALTIES ', We bare a line of , -Cmt witk oar regalar Una of 'rr -p; -Ccrpst Srapsrs V-v- CAhETS to thority. JrtUVAY3 THE LOWEST. iT INGLlS )'" .-. ,- when the Germanla band will be pres ent to furniFh music for the skaters. The park will be gaily Illuminated. About two acres were covered Saturday, but the weeds and grars were so frozen Into the Ice that It was unlit for skat ing. It U Intended to have about four acres frozen by the time the place la complete: PERSONAL AMI OTHER ITEMS. II. A. Purple was In Forest City Sat urday. M. K. Harnden left Saturday afternoon for Philadelphia, where he has gone to attend the meeting; of the board of offi cer of the League of American Wheel men. Th Kross Kountry K'.ub and their lady friends went to No. 7 Saturday afternoon to teat the nkntlnr. Mm. Mary Smith, of Scranton, who hat bern vhltlng .Mrs. William Klannlgan, of Brooklyn siraot, has returned home. O. l-. He::d, of New London', Conn., called on friend In thlrt rity Saturday. T. K. Walknr lias been vlpltlnir J. F. Murphy, of Hrranton, for the jiast week. H. W. Hovard, of Justus, called on flic ndH Saturday. ('. W. Whitney, of C'hunh ptreet. In quite 111 at home. L. L. Loveland Is c ntertalnlng h!n mother and (crandrpother, of Windsor, N. Y. Mrs. N. English, of Uelniout street. Is 111 nt her home. Mrs. Fnlkerron, of Diiek Harbor, Is spending the wliilur with her on, C. W. Fullierson. O.:orte Anderson, of Seranton, was the guest of Mr. Uuttlnc, of North Muln Urset, Friday. Alliert Bitnon, of ficulh Main street, is 111 tt h!s home. Thomas Orchard, of John street, who has been 111 far some time past, was very low Saturday nighf. MOSCOW. The election of officers for Four Brothers post ocoured on Friday even ing, resulting In the election of F. I. Lott as commander; Edtaon Warner, senior vice commander; qiiartyrmanter, J. P. Taylor; chaplain. Dr. C. C. Hal sey; surgeon, H. C. Burgess; officer of the day, W. C. Cox; officer of the guard, W. Fordam; trustee, J. H. Car win; delegates to state encampment. It. (). Camp and J. P. Taylor; alternates, H. C. Jessup, H. C. Purgess. Thirty-three years ago that day, Dec. 13, occurred the battle of Fredericksburg and Chas. Warner called upon any one present to respond If they were In that great bat tle. Hyde Crocker. W. Fordam, H. C. Burgess and M. Rice responded to the call. Barry Bearle and wife are the guests of relatives In Brooklyn, N. Y. William Corey died suddenly Friday evening In the store of Mr. Beck. Step ping In from the street to purchase some groceries he was in the act of pay Ing for the same when he fell to the floor and Immediately expired. He leaves a family of Ave children and no property. Le Orange Griffiths and James Smith, who have been hunting In Potter coun ty for three weeks past, returned home this week with two trophies of the hunt In the shape of deer. Rotlsf In Hlx Honrs. Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis eases relieved In sis hottro by the "New Great South American. Kidney Cure." This new remedy Is a great Surprise on account of Its exceeding promptness In relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary pas sages In male or female. It relieves re tention of water and pain In passing It almost Immediately. If you want quick relief and curt this la your' remedy. t4 by C. M. Harris, druggist. 12S Penn'Mtnus, Scranton, Pa, - - PITTSTON. The Plttston office of the Sernnton Tribune is located at No. 5 W.lliam street, where all advertisements, orders for, Job work and Items for publ'catlon will re ceive prompt attention. Office open from t a. ni. to 10 p. m.J Mrs. Alice Walsh, wife of P. O. Walsh, the well-known stone merchant on South Muln street, died at midnight Fri day night, from neuralgia. Mrs. Walsh was a very highly respected woman and her many friends will be pained to learn of her untimely 'leath. She Is stir, vived by her husbpnd and throe chil dren, one son and two daughters. The funeral will take place tomorrow morn ing with a solemn high mass at St. John's church. Mrs. Mary McIIule, wife of Patrick McHale, of Browntown, (lied about one o'clock Saturday morning after an 111 nccs of six months- from cancer. Her hiisband and three children are left to mourn her loss. The funeral will be held this morning nt nine o'clock with a moss of requiem In St. John's Catholic church. Messrs. Donnelly, Burke and several others who left here a few days ago on a hunting trip, returned home Friday evening. As there was no communica tion with Mr. Burke while he was away. It was a ud surprise for him when hi discovered that his hotel had been lim ned In his absence, A number of the property holders on Exeter street. West Side, are discussing the puvlng of that street with vitrified brick this coming spring. They expect to have the mntter brought before the council within a short time. F. V. Mulllson, the West Side butcher, will next month move to this side and will occupy the storeroom now occupied by the Butler shoe house. The body of the unknown man who was killed at Avocu a few days ago and had been In Burns & O'NelPs undertak ing establishment awaiting Identifica tion, was taken to the.Itnnsom poor farm on Saturday for burial. Manager J. Arch McDougall, who was In New York the pnst few dnys hooking attractions for .his theater, returned homo last Friday night. The burlescue trial of Joe Hitchner, who is charged by Joseph Langford for stealing a rooster. Is set down for next Thursday evening. All who wish a good evening's enjoyment will do well by se curing a seat for that evening. Plttton tlnslnc.. Pircctorv. FOTt FIRST-CLASS PLIIMRTNO CALL on Wrlcht A Co., 87 South Muln streot. A new ranire for sale or exchange: also Fecoad-hand household goods, bought or sold. ' m TUNKHANNOCK. Ex-Senator Charles 8. Knapp starts for California Wednesday next, where he will si'fnd the winter. He will be accompanied by Henry Laeey, of Wilkes-Barre, who has a wife and daughter out In that state. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Ellsworth will spend this week with their children at Hornet's Ferry, Bradford county. The new telephone line connecting this plaoe and Katonvllle, which was erected by Dr. J. W. Dennlson, Is now complete and. works most satisfactorily. He expects to extend a line to Dixon also In the near future. 1 The session of the judicial court at La port e. which was held, for the pur pose of disposing of the costs If the corn test, was unable to complete Its labors on account of some trouble with the bills rendered by Sullivan county, and toe court was obliged to adjourn until the 2Cth Inst. Knough was adduced from the accounts, however, to show that the total costs will foot up to about $10,000. This is getting off as easily as anyone had reason to hope. The placing of tht ccsts wits not decided, but there Is till every reason to suppose that the dis trict will have to bear them. The marriage of Otis H. Lyon, of La ceyvllle. and Sybil E. Herrick, of Her rlckvllle, Bradford county, will take place the Kith Instant. The well-known firm of White & Diet rich, marble dealers, have resolved upon a dissolution of partnership, and to this end will sell all their finished tomb stones and monuments at auction on Thursday. Jun. 10, at 10 a. m. The idea of buying tombstones at auction Is a ncvel one, probably not one person In the county ever having witnessed the like. It ml:ht have been a stroke of enterprise to have made the sale about fifteen days earlier, so that persons wishing to make durable and useful Christmas presents could have had a chance nt them. It Isn't every day that such goods are found on the bargain counter. , FACTORY VI llE. Miss Nellie Do Oraw, of Serantnn, spent a few days visiting friends in town last week. Mrs. Martin Osborne and three chil dren, of Washington, N. J., are visiting her parents for a few weeks. Carpenters are at work on the resi dence of Miles Gardner and it now pre sents a very pretty and neat appear ance. Mrs. V.'nlter Kenwood, of Scranton, spent Friday In town. December 21st the Ladles' Circle, No. 104, will elect officers for the coming year. A full attendance is requested. The ladles have purchased a very fine new organ to be used in their hull. A recentlon will be held at the new Methodist Kplscopal parsonage Friday evening. Dee. UOth, when the parsonage will be thrown open for Inspection and all wishing to attend will be welcome On Saturday and Sunday, the 21st and 22d, a reunion will be held at the church, to which thef ministers of the past years White Swelling Game on my leg after typhoid (ever, anl pieces of the bone came out Rheumatism joined the scrotals to put ms in misery. Hood's Barssparllls proved just the medi cine; relieved me of pain, gave no a good appetite and I laid aside my crutch and cane. Having taken 10 bottles Hood'o Garoaparllla my limb is entirelv healed sad now I am perfectly well." Gkobub W. CiqmwbUh tt. PUasant, Maryland, fl; six for f6. ' Hood Pills 25ftSa,af. are expected to be present. A very en joyable time Is anticipated. MOOSIC. Work is progressing very rapidly on the Spring Brook breaker at this place. It will be operated "by the Florence Coal company. K. J. Foulks has returned from a busi ness trip to Baltimore, Md. H. E. Doud, of Greenwood, was a visitor in town yesterday. At the last stated meeting of Bennit Lodge, No. 907, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, three new members were Initiated and another proposition re ceived. Bennit Lodge is rapidly grow ing and promises to be one of the strongest lodges In the district. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Robertson spent Sunday at the homo of William Law, of Avoca. Messrs. David and Charles Robertson, students at Wyoming semlnnry, are spending a few days at the home of their parents, on Main street. Mrs. Sylvester Corby Is improving, but is still on the sick list. Members of Washington Camp, No. Holiday Gifts Onyx Top Tables, and Cabinets, Screens, Easels, Jardineres, Bisque Figures. ALSO. Tepletz, Satsuma and Tokenaba Ware, Bric-a-Brac, Rugs, Has socks, Carpet-sweepers, Etc. AN ATTRACTIVE ASSORTMENT, WORTHY OF AN INSPECTION. S. G. KERR, SON & CO. CARPETS AND UPHOLSTERY DEALERS, 408 Lackawanna Ave. ANOTHER CLEARING SALE AT THE EMPIRE DRY GOODS CO We have cleaned up about all our odds and ends and sell them as rapidly as they coma In, but we were lucky to catch on another snap. Wa cleaned up one mill of underwear. There Is no doubt you are aware how we buy goods; always CO cent on the dollar, and give the benefit to our trade. This sale Is Important, and If you want to buy underyear, here you are. 69 dozen of mixtures, woolen underwear, nice, clean staple goods, at 25 cents each, or 60 cents for the suit. Boys, from 24 to 14, any sise, for U cents. Cloaks, never In the history of this Una could you purchase a cloak for the price as this season. Plain facts; the season waa unfavorable thla year and the manu facturers were compelled to throw their goods upon the market. Prices were nj object. We have a hold on these goods. 200 cloaks, we don't claim they are syllsh but they are good for this cold weather, and when you get one for 12, any size from 32 to 42, In black blue only. We have some stylish coats also, but style always costs something, which we will sell you In black blue or any other color, short coat, for 14.99. Have you seen our black cloth cape? Not equaled in price nor In quality, only 13.99, for ten days, i We have not time to write ads. We have the biggest bargains you have ever seen In hswls. blankets and wool-knit goods and sweaters. . . THE GREAT CUT PRICE STORE E N R Y GOOD M AN Monoflor, :'':.: v, ' 516 Lackawanna Avenue. 174, Patriotic Order Eons of America, are requested to meet at lodge rooms on Thursday evening. Buplness of im portance is to be transacted. Prayer meeting at the Methodist Episcopal church on Tuesday night ut 7.30 p. ni. E. S. Crelllon, of Wilkes-Barre, was In town Snturdny on business. Thomas Evans was a visitor out of town on Saturday. The Hillside Coal nnd Iron company paid their employes at the Consolidated colliery on Saturday for the mouth of November. The Methodist and Presbyterian Sun day schools are both making extensive arrangements for their respective en tertainments on Christmas.evenlng. Sirs. James A. Hand has returned from a few days' sojourning' In Phila delphia and Newcastle, Del., where she h&s been visiting among; friends. PRICEOUrG, Is visiting friends here. The Ancient Order of Hibernians' Cornet band will hold the entertainment postponed on Thankrplvlng eve, on Monday evening. Dec. 23. The Delawure nnd Hudson Canal company are sinking an air shaft for the Eddy Creek mine In Miles Grove. If the Raby Is Cutting Teeth. Mrs. Winslow'n Soothing 8yrup has been used for over Fifty Years by Mil lions of Mothers for their Children while Teething, with Perfect Success. It Soothes the Child, Hoftens the Gums, Allays all Pain; Cures Wind Colic and Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold by Druggists In every part of the world. He sure and ask for "Mrs. WInslow's Soothing Syrup." and take n; other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. It's Yours on Credit H Brass Tables and Lamps f Gold Reed Ftimifiire In fact, everything In Xmas Furniture ! I UL-W I I MINVJI ON CREDIT, TOO Both Stores Open at Night from Saturday Until Xmas J 225 AND 227 AND 218 UYO'JING AYENDEJ otk Slaea 1 w 'MLc jr.'".-