The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 16, 1895, Page 7, Image 7
TUB SCXBAITTON TBIBUNE-tyONDAY MORNIN(i, DECEMBER 10. 1895. Neu)s 6 liiKawtat8lRalsins,.25 3 IS, New Figs, v-.25 4 lbs. New Datas. - - .25 A Di' Cleaned Currants, -.25 1 lb. Cleaned Sultana Raisins,- - - .10 Eitri jjxon per lb., .10 Extra Leghorn Citron, per !b., .12 4 lbs. Mixed Candy, - .25 3 lbs. Clear Toys, - - -.25 Luce SCRANTON and TAYLOR. WEST 51DE EVENTS. Besnrr of Saturday' Primaries In tho Fottrth, Flflh and Fifteenth Wards. They Wera Very Eicitlng. The Republican ward caucus-os held Saturday in the Fourth. Fifth ami I fif teenth wards-were unusually exciting and a large vote was polled. From 4 to 7 o'clock in the evening when the cau cus closed, the polling places were In lull blast. Even- Republican vote was ouarht for by the numerous ward workers and In most of the ttshts the Victory was won by a narrow margin. The contest for the Republican nomi nation for select council In the Fif teenth ward was the most bitter en counter of the day. Horatio Fellows won over his opponent. Ellas K. Evans, by a majority of 57 votes. In this ward the excitement was unprecedented. The Fourth ward was In a state of turmoil over the school controllershlp. Richard xirholls was defeated by James a Evans by a majority of 9S. It will be seen by the tables below that the vote in the third district was a tie In the school controller and constabulary con tests. Simon Thomas, for common council, was victorious over William V. Orlfflths by a majority of 322 votes. William T. James withdrew from the fight early In the day, nevertheless a few of his friends voted for him. In the Fifth ward Richard H. Wil liams, the present official defeated E. E Robathan for select council by a margin of 86. It was In the Fourth district that Mr. Robathan lost the battle. The mln or ward offices were overshadowed by the contests for the higher positions In Instances where there was no oppo sition only the name of the nominee la given. Here Is the vote by districts: Fourth ward. First district For com mon council, Simon Thomas, 61: Wil liam T. James. 7; William V. Griffiths. For school controller, Richard , . ..... . . T.' . . AQ Vrf 1 irniUm r TnnAfl 11 m: rjiuRniH. ail .11 111 11s x. noi- a , . ri . ft. 11. , klns, 28. For constable. John Wat. zs; John J. Davles. 77: "William Hughes. 33. For register of voters. George Skill horn. Judge of election, M. O. Dlmmlck. For Inspector of election, Daniel Mathi as, 83; John Fern. 54; Bromley Wil liams. 67. Griffiths' majority, 23; Ed wards' majority, 13; Da vies' majority, 44; Mathias' majority. 26. Fourth ward. Second district Thom as. 207; James, 12; Griffiths, 37: Nleh olls, 85; Evans, 171; Jones, 82; Ed wards, 58; Watkins, 19; Neat, 8; Davis, 187; Hughes, 59. Assessor, James P. Harris; Judge, Hugh James; Inspector. Henry Boston. Thomas' ma jority. 170; Evans, 86; Watkins, 27; Davls',128. Fourth ward. Third district Thomas, 162; James, 6; Griffiths. 60; Nichols, 111; Evans. Ill ; Jones, 73; Edwards, 48; Wat kins, 97; Neat, 94: Davis. 94; John Ped rlck. 151; Judge, George Watkins; In spector. Edward Williams. Thomas, 103; Watkins, 24; Pedrlck, 91. Fourth ward. Fourth district Thom as. 198; Griffiths, 120; Nichols, 153; Evans, 172; Jones, IOC; Edwards, 91; Watkins, 121; Neat. 42; Dalvs, 199; Hughes, 74; assessor, Christopher Robertson; Judge, John J. Hughes; Inspector, Thomas G. Iteddoe. Total. Thomas, 618; Griffiths, 296; Thomas' majority, 322. Evans, 520; Nichols. 422; Evans' majority, 98. Jones, 305; Edwards, 254; Watkins, 335; Wat kins majority, 50. Neat, 187; Davis, 647; Hughes, 198; Davis' majority, 349. Fifth ward. First district For select council. E. E. Robathan, 83; Richard H. Williams, 35; Constable. Timothy Jones; assessor. HowclJ Reese, 22; . Thomas Williams. 101; register of voters, Lewis A. Howell; Judge, John R. Edwards, Inspector, William Campion. Itoba than's majority, 63; Williams' majority, 78. .. Fifth ward, Second district Roba than, 44; Williams, 65; Reese, 37; Wil liams, 33. register. Corner Jones; judge, Joseph Davis; Inspector, G. A. Wil liams. Fifth ward, Third district Robathan, 103; Williams, 106. Williams' majority, ' ; ; ' Fifth ward. Fourth district Roba than, 21; Williams, 146; Thomas Wil liam. 75; Reese, 68; register, William 8. Davis; Judge, John Phillips; Inspector, Reese Bryant. Total, Williams' major ity, 86. Fifteenth ward. First district Select council. Horatio T. Fellows, 115; Ellas E. Evans. 140; assessor, Eben P. Davis; Judge, John Wagner; . register, David Johnson; Inspector, William D. Thorn -as. - Fifteenth ward. Second district Fel lows, 137; Evans, 65; Judge, William F. Beynon; register, Isaac Jones; in spector, Joseph Lewis. Total, Fellows, 252; Evans, 15; Fellows' majority, 67. ,, . j: - . Two Hornet Burned. - The double house, 125 and 127 North Hyde Park avenue, was destroyed by fir at 9.30 o'clock Saturday morning. It was occupied by A. a Eynon. cash ier of the) West Bids bank, and Thom as B. - Daniels, deputy clerk of the courts. The flames were first discovered In the rear of Mr. Eynon's house, and ha spread over the rear of the building when the Franklin and Columbia com panies responded. A second alarm -was sent out by Chief Ferber and brought the Book and Ladder, Nay Aug; Pheo nls and Crystal companies to the scene. The combined effort of all the com panies U4 aot subdue the flames until ctjr tt rtfeajr. Tha Um ws buiM- j of tb? Ings were practically ruined. Two pianos, some clothing- and a few ar ticles of furniture were saved.- Mr. Eynon owned jointly with Mrs. Jane Eynon, his-niother, the house he occu pied; the other belonged to Mrs. Eynon. The loss on Mr. Eynon's house and furniture aggregated $5,000, and Is cov ered by Insurance. Mr. Daniels' lots orr furniture, amounting to about SSOO. Is also iusurcd. At the Arm E-irrache. Brigadier and Mrs. William Evans and Adjutant Wood, of the Salvation army, conducted special services on the West Side yestcrday.In the morning a mass meeting was conducted In the barracks on Price ptreet. All the olll cers were present. Captain Maxllnd and Lieutenant Green, of the local corps, Introduced the honored visitors to the audience. In the afternoon Simpson Methodist Episcopal church wns crowd ed t listen to addresses by llrlgadlcr Evans and Adjutant Wood. The day's services were closed with a meeting In the barracks. Brigadier Evans made the address of the evening. Mr. Evans siioke at the Second Presbyterian church. Mount Pleasant Ravine Sower. A meeting of the sewers and drains committee of select council will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock on the ground for the purpose of ascertain ing whether the open sewer in the Mount Pleasant ravine is or is not dangerous to the health of the people living In the neighborhood. There Is no main sewer in the district and nil the lateral pipes empty Into this open drain. If the committee will find the drain to be in tluir opinion a menace to public health, they will recommend that a main sewer be constructed ill the Fifth district from North Main ave nue to the Lackawanna river. Vewnnnl and other Items. The Fourth Ward Republican club will meet this evening In Hurrowman's hall. Ella Gordon died yesterday after noon at her home, on I'leasiutt afreet, de ceased was ii years of age and was un married. A son of Mr. and Mrs. James Glbney, of t-arayette street, died last evening. .Miss Oweanle Reynolds Is 111 at her home, on Jackson street. A sewer basin on the corner of Main avenue and Luzerne street is blocked with Ice. The water has overflown and the Luxerne street Is muss of Ice. This U dangerous to horses. The Misses Reynolds, of Hnmpton street, spent the Sabbath with Wilkes Barre friends. Mi.-ses Allie chmeM Carbondalo, waa In tov.-n Saturday. W est Side nuslness IMraetorr. . FLOWERS FOR THK HOL1 DAYS At 30 South Main avenue, near Jackson street. Funerul desisns a specialty. Harriet M. Davis, manager. GKT THE MAJKSTIO Oil. STOVE. Grand Parlor, Mystic, Easter and Dock- a.-in iianges, a per cent, saved. R. J. Hughes, afcent. : South Main avenue. BICYCLES repaired, scissors ground, tools sharpened, saws Hied, keys fitted, machines repaired by W. I,. Steenback, dealer In Guns. Fishing Tackle, under ll'ti 3id b.-.nk. PHOTOGRAPHER Cabinet Photos, 11.40 per aoxen. i ney ore lust lovely, con vince yourself by calling at Btarner's Phots Parlor. 101 and 103 South Main avenue. BARBER Hair cutting and shaving done in first-class manner at John H. Reyn old's Barber Shop, at Falrchlld's Hotel. GROCERIES Revere Standard Javn Cof fee Is unexcelled. The leading cofle of the day. For ssle only at F. W. Mason & Co. Fine Crocerloa, 118 South Main avenue. SECOND HAXD Ft'RNITTRE Cash for anything you have to sell. Furniture, Stoves, Tools, etc. Call and see the Block of J. C. King, lUt and 1026 Jack son street. PLUMBING William D. Griffiths, 113 North Main avenue. dos first-class Plumbing. Steam Heat snd Gas Fitting. Satisfaction is etrtrt.y guaranteed. Special sale of Holiday Wines for fam ily use. 35 cents per quart, at James F. Bests, 203 Cedar avenue. dunmorF The congregational meeting which was to have -been held In the Presbyterian church tonight, has been temporarily postponed. Miss A item us Butler, who has been spending the past few months In New York city, Is the guest of her parents, on Cherry street. The fair of St. Agnes' Guild of St. Mark's Mission, for which extensive preparations have been made, will com mence tomorrow night. A good entertain ment will be given In connection with the fair efh evening. Mrs. William Messenger and Mlsa Maud Savage, of Green Hldgx street, spent part of last week in New York city. Rev. Mr. Bower, who Is a most eloquent speaker, occupied the pulpit of the Pres byterian church yesterday and delivered two most Interesting and Instructive dis counts. His sermons were given In such a simple and Impressive manner that even the youngest could understand them to the fullest extent. Next Sunday the pul pit will be occupied by Rev! Ralph Gll lam. William Seagreaves, of Clay avenue, who has been dangerously 111 of typhoid fever, is slowly Improving. Edward Krause. of West Drinker street, who has been employed by Palmer Bros., has severed his connection with that firm. Victor Beemer. of Blakely street, has returned from Lake Wlnola, where he was called by the death of hla father, SWINDLER ARRESTED. George Parker Caught In the Act of Passing ling in Cheeks. . AHnona, Pa., Dec. 15. A clever swindler who has been victimizing merchants in many cities throughout the state was brought to the city to night by Chief of Police Cherry. He came to the city several weeks ago equipped as a telegraph linesman, giv ing the nnme nf George Parker, and claimed to be an employe of the Pos tal Telegraph company. He victim- lud a number of merchants by present ing checks drawn In favor of James Black, on the term an National bank Of Pittsburg. The checks were usually for iQ or Ku. I'arker alius Black would go Into a store and make a pur chase and thus get a check cashed. After leaving this city Parker went to Tyrone, Huntingdon and Lancaster where he sucessfully worked the swindle. Many Pittsburg merchants were taken In by the sharper before he came east. He was arrested bv the chief of police at Irwin last night while attempting tn nave a bomia cheek cashed. Dajntjl button hooks at Turnquest's Christmas Jewelry at Turnquest's. ; , DESPERATE ROBBERS. They Murder a Farmer Who Kefnses to Give Them Cash. Central City., W. Va.. Dec. is. In Pike county, Kjr at .1 o'clock this morning two men went to the residence of William Creeman, a wealthy farmer. and calling ntm out demanded, his money. Kr. Creeman refused to 'give It to them, whereupon they pulled re volvers and shot hiru to death. They then fled and It la' thought crossed the river Into tho mountains If West Virginia. A posses was or. ganlzed to pursue them. Watch bargains at Turnquest's. Sdbdrbs SOUTH SIDE NEWS. Lively Contest Going on In the fteraaton Athlotlo Club Hanks for Office-Death of Mrs. James Carmlchaol. On Thursday night of next week the meeting of the Scranton Athletic club at which nomination of oillcers will bo made, will bo held. The meeting at which they will be elected will fall on Thursday, Jan. 9. George Wlrth, the present captain, has buckled on the ar mor for the presidency against Charles U. Rosar, the president Incumbent. William Smith and Charles Mursch will vie with each other for the vice-presidency. Robert Robinson, treasurer now, will be opposed for renomlnatlon by Cifiar Dealer 'William Koch. Jr.. and John Schunk may also enter the lists. Emll Bonn will be opposed for recording secretary by George C. Grlswold, and for financial secretary William Jannsen will compete against the present efll cieut holder of that position, Peter Neuls. I'eter Murker, Jacob Ballus and Chares Sonus will struggle for the cap taincy. One trustee Is to be elected for three years and for that olllce Edwin Frable, P. J. lilckey and P. I. Neuls will contest. The rivalry represents two factions of the club, but there Is no animosity nor bitterness in the campaigning. It Is a good healthy and active desire to out. do each other, knowing that the enthu siasm begotten from auc h struggles foi the honor of holding ofUee will redound to the great good of the club. It Is an organization of Influence and as much energy and activity are used at nomina tion time as in political battles of the county. Death of Mrs. James Carinlclmol. One of the saddest deaths thut could be recorded Is that of Mrs. James Car mlchael, at Norfolk. Va., Saturday. She was a daughter of Mrs. James J. Dyer, of Prospect avenue, and a plater of Miss Marlon Dyer. About six months ago her husband's health demanded a chango of climate and they went to Norfolk. She became sick recently, and it was necessary that an operation should be performed on her. There was every reason to believe that It was suc cessful nnd last Thursday night she wrote a letter stating her hope to be well In a short time. The letter reached hor mother Saturday morning, and at 10 o'clock, an hour afterward, a tele gram arrived announcing her death. She was a young woman of beautiful character, and her death Is deplored by all who had the pleasure of her ac quaintance. The body has been re moved from Norfolk and the funeral will be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the house of the deceased's moth er; Interment will be made In Forest Hill cemetery. Only the Immediate relatives are expected to attend. Shorter Paragraphs of News. The South Side news was crowded out of The Tribune Saturday morning on ac count of the press of advertising matter. Robinson's Ice pond will soon be a skat ing rerort. Twenty men were at work Saturday building a retaining wall and whn that Is done the dam will be flooded. The Patriotic Guards of the Bona of America have ordered new uniforms and they expect them to arrive the latter part of the week. Manicure sets at Turnquest's. YOUNGS SHOOTS HIS WIFE. They Had Separated and lie Was Jealous of tho Man with Whom She Lived. Amsterdam, N. '., Dec. 15. William Toung3, aged twenty-eight, of Fort Hunter, this afternc-o shot his wife nt the home of Col n?l Archibald A. Me Laugh'ln. Yotint.s und his wife havo not lived happily together, and a few days ago divided thfjr 1 ousehold effects. They had been living In part of the house with McLaughlin. Youngs rays that his wife 1ms been inttmato with McLaughlin. H" cai'cd at th' house this afternoon, he said, to see his little son. "Vheu he met his wlf ho Hiifl, "You must die," ciid fired two shots. The first shot Ht,if k be womi.n In :h neck back of th? ear, ntid came out on the right side of the nock near the spinal column. Tho rtcond bullet grazed the spinal column. Youngs gave hlineei; up to Jiir.llcc of the Peace Howard fir th 3 slioolln. He bought a two-ou'ici bottle of lauda ii'irn, but did not liEe the couraire 13 tak9 hU life. He wai tonight com mitted to the Moutgrmery county Jail for examination. 1 1 scid that he re gretted that he had not klllu.l the wo man outright. McLaughlin Is tA'. A sixty, and a well-known pjllllclan He is n civil rn glneer by pro?enlori. He waa the Green back candldao for comr.-csM l'i I'-TS In the then Twentieth district. u"J hts olso been a Gro-m'Mcit ciindli'.al fir member of assembly fi r Muntg ann ry nnty. He va) city ftiglnwr of Am sterdam In 1888. He Is a veteran soldier, a , I I as a wlfa t.n 1 Br-wn-iil daughter. X.r Youngs Si: 'iil SilVf tut Is In a dangerous condition. READING CLERK HATCHER. He lias a Sonorous Voice and Resembles Governor .McKlnley. -a-auhtnirtnn. Dec. 15. Mr. Robert Stockwell Hatcher, of Lafayette, Ind., will tomorrow be appointed reading clerk of the house of representatives, dividing the duties of that onerous po sition with ex-Llcutenant Governor Lampson, of Ohio, whose appointment was made a day or two ago. It Is understood that the selection of these gentlemen has the approval of Speaker Reed, who Insisted that no appoint ment should be made until the appli cant had demonstrated his fitness and ability for the place. Mr. Hatchqr served last year as reading clerk of the Indiana state sen ate and possesses a clear, sonorous voice, and Is evidently a man of cul ture. In personal nppearance he re sembles Governor McKinley, of Ohio. Clothing llouso lire, Hageratown, Md., Dec. 15. The Boston Clothing House, Boater ft Bennett's gro cery store and the cafe of W, I). Wilson were destroyed by fire early this morning. The total loss Is about 180,000, with In surance of two-thirds that amount. The lire originated In the cellar of the Boa- ton Clothing House, owned by M. E. Jacobaon. FLASHED FROM WIRES. A Chicago Jury disagreed In the case of Ketehum against the Chicago and North western railway, growing out nf the al leged blacklisting of the plaintiff because he took part In the Debs strike. Abe Taylor, the murderer of Marshal Emerson, of Alamosa, Cold, was executed In the Colorado penitentiary, In Carbon City, on Friday night Taylor -and his partner had stolen a lot of bats, and the marshal waa trying (o arrest him. . , ;'- Turnquest's pens.1 ' Silver fish sets at Turnquest's. . CHARGE WAS NOT PROVED Mayor Connell Renders His Declsios on Dr. Robinson's Charge. : BLOCK TO BE REPRIMANDED The Patrolman Was Indiscreet in Ills Conversation, But Was Not Guilty ' of tho Chargs-Lioutcnant Bavis Is Fully 1'rocd. The charge of Rev. Dr. C. E. Robinson against Lieutenant ..of Police John Davis nnd Putrolmun Block has been dismissed by Mayor Connell. The may or's decision was made following a long conference In his olllce Saturday night with his advisors, Thomas J. Foster, Luther Keller and Captain W. A. May. "I have decided, after consultation with the advisory committee, and with Its approval to dismiss tho charge against Lieutenant Davis and Olflrer Block, but shall reprimand Olllccr Block for Indiscreet conversation," wns tho exuet language of Mayor Connell when a Tribune reporter asked the re sult of the conference. He declined to further discuss the conference or his decision, further than the reprimand of Patrolman Block will bt administered by Chief of Police Simpson. pr. Robinson was called by telephone at his house yesterday afternoon. He hud not heard of Mayor Council's de cision, nnd declined making an appoint ment for an interview. lr. Robinson Wouldn't Talk. He said he had nothing to Ray and would not write anything for publica tion. In hla morning sermon he made no reference to the police matter. He did not occupy his pulpit In the evening. The mayor and his advisors reached the former's office In the city hull at 7.45 o'clock Saturday evening and Im mediately cloned and locked tho doors. It was after 11.30 o'clock when the doors were opened, and tho decision an nounced to a group of reporters. The length of the conference was explained by the fact that all the testimony of the investigation was reviewed and dis cussed. Mayor Connell wns asked If the de cision represented tho opinion of each of his three advisors and replied af firmatively. I Should Sinilo ! Pete I'll be hanged If I know what to do about Christmas presents; every Jeweler In the city is howling about the big bargains they've got, nnd then when you get to the store pshaw. Bob I say, old man, you Just step around to Olof Turmiucst, the Jeweler, and you'll come out all right. Take my word for It, there's nothing of. the fake business In that store. j - - - j Well, now: what nre you going to do j about It T Will you buy her thnt hand some 14k. gold hunting case watch for :3i50 or not? - Catholic Prayer Books. Reynolds Bros. Turnquest's, nt 205 Washington ave. Paper cutters at Turnquest's, Sugar sifters at Turnquest's. Silver syrup Jugs at Turnquest's. Turnquest for diamonds. WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD Dr. Alexander's FAMOUS LUNG HEALER WHAT IS IT? It is a medicine carefully put np sad compoundud, bdug a direct copy of a favorite prescription n ed by r. Alex and r O'AUllcy. of tHlkes-Bnrre !'., a practicing iihysicisn for over twnity years, fur all Inn 4 and tllroit tronlilrs, and 1 gam-anteed to do all that ia claimed for it. It Is not a "cure nil" hut it will co tainly relieve nil lung diseases, cure coughs and bronchitis, avert imeuinnnis and prevent coneiiinpti'in I y Its tlnmly sctlnn on the sensitive lung tubes and tissues. Thousanda of bottles have hern sold last year, snd thnusunda of souls saved from au early grnve by its u Once need a rurally will uover bo without it In the houso. For sale by all dealers, 25 cents. DUPONT'S lUNING, BLASTIHQ HID SPORTING Btanufortnfed at the Wspwsllopn Mills, La serne county, Pa., snd st Wil mington, Delaware, HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for the Wyoming Dlstrlot. nsmOMINQAVE Ssratrton.P Third National Bank Building. J Aassciaa ! THOfl. KOBD, Httstoo, Pa. JuHN B. HMlTn A KIN, Plymouth, Pa, K. W. MU1XIUAN. WUkesbarre, Pa. Agent for the Bepaano Chemical Uaa tasty BJn Baploeivee. THE SCRANTON VITRIFIED mi TILE MANUFACTURING C9., MAKsas or SHALE PAVING BRICK AND BUILDING BRICK Oflleei 329 Washington Avcnne.' Worse) Way-Aug, Pa K. a W. V. R. Ik M. H. DALE, General Sales Ageut, Scranton, Pa ICE SKATES GUNS Z h 1 0) O O .1) 435 Spruce St. EICYCLES 'SFOaTIXQ GOODS POWDER 11 III h n. 11 3.. O Ssagfjjrasw "a Prf it 11 i5 4fe largest piece OF SCMNTOH. Special Attention Given to Business ind Personal Acconrfts. INTEREST PAID OH TIME DEPOSITS. Scranton School of Elocution and Oratory MR. AND MilS. L J, RICHARDS, Directors. flVE DEPARTMENTS OF SIP Sen lor Gircir o! iineni. ROOMS 27 AND 11, BMR BJIL01NG, Washington Ae Bcranton, Pa. AYLESWORTH'S MEAT MARKET The Finest In (he City. The latest Improved furnish ings and apparatus for keeping meat, butter and eggs. 223 Wyoming A vs. WILLIAM S. MILLAR, Alderman 8th Ward, Scranton. ROOMS 4 AND 5, 1 Gss and Water Co. Building, CORNER WYOMING AVE. AND CEriiEK ST. OFFICE HOURS from nn a tn. to I p. m.j (1 hour Intermiaalon for 4 on.-r and .upper. Particular Attention Glvento Collections Prompt Settlement Guaranteed. VOURQUSINESS !$ RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED Tslaphoni No. 134. flT. PLEASANT GOAL AT RETAIL. Coal of the base quality for doraeatli eae. and of all nisee, delivered ua sat fart of the city at lowest prloe. , Ordors left at niy Ofltcs NO. IIS WYOMING AVENUE, Hear room, first floor, Third National Bank, sr sent by mail or telephone is tSe Mae, will reoelva) prompt attention. Soamal contrasts will be. made far tfcf Maa4 4eliverr af Buckwsaat CaaT WM. T. SMITH. Ml mm . 1 YOU WlLl- of OPEN EVENINGS. We aro now PREPARED F05 THE RUSH Wo aro natiHflpd that ourpfTorts tlii. itt uHoti wi 1 p oHi lie H ttiiin orer. Nwiriy every art M( i.4 worthy of mention. We in id in alt lines. WATCHES, CLOCKS DIAMONDS AND FINE JEWELRY, STERLING SILVER WARES AND NOVELTIES, CUT GLASS, ART PORCELAINS, BANQUET LAMPS, ETC. Out Prices in ttjs mt tel. THE NEW NO, 2, Containa all thnt hae rnede Hammond Work fan-oua, nl NEW, NOVEL and I SclFUL Ira tirovemrnta. "Hnmmon l Work tho Criterion of Hammond Sup?rioritr." "Hammond Sales the i ritcrion cf Hammond P. pi-laritr." Ham niond No. 2, "The Perfost Ty p ritor. Ex amine It aud bo convinced, I hl adnli'liia branch of Thn Hammond Tyiwwriler Co., IW 8, Bixth Street. Fe A; & A. J. LUANDA, 414 Spruce St., Scianlin ReprttanliUvis. Winter Will Soon fler? And to be prepared to mett tit rnld weather vou want a eeasonable Salt or an Overcoat or both AND THE BEST PUCE TO VISIT FOR SOnETHIM IN MERCHANT TAILOMNj IS ii 403 Lackavanaa Ayj. THERE YOU WILL FIND The Unreel stock to eeleot from. Trlra mlrirt Aiwa re nf Beet, Lateet Kty.iw In totting, mnA made tip oa tee prea! , by Expert Workaoea. v t F""NothlnpT allnwtd toleere theeatib Uehmeat unl-ws Mtielketory to the eae tomer. and tho lowmt prli-ea cooalateut with Uoed Merchant Talto.-iur. ROOF TH.RIHG ARO S3LDfRIK AB soas away with by the nee of HA IfAN'S PATENT PAINT, which constats Sf lasTOdienta well-known to all It can ew spplteS to tin. eralvanlxed tin, aha-et Iron rooia, asw to orirn aweiion wbmb will 6 rev eat abeolutoly any ei-iimbltas, rrack IS or break ins of the brick. It will out- last iinaiDf or any aina or many years, and If a neet doaa nert exceed one-Sftk thai sf the doet of tlnnina. la sold by tks Jse) sr pourra. wnmrii tiasn dt eUlXVMIO UJLRTUAKN, B 1 E1110NDTMH8 1 I The Fashion' I Special for a Few Days Only. JACKETS AND CAPES For Ladies, Hisses and Children. Special to Close Out the Entire Line The uarrm-ntH otlVr'tl nre as perfect in slmpo unci finish un tln-y (nn bo niuile, and nil we ask of the public U mi Inspec tion, nothing more. l'riuea will talk for them-ielvfs. 1U0 I.a'li.'s' Kery Jackjts, ? $7.i' value, for y ft( l.niii. b' Bxurlo JmUetit, f I- vlnn. fur it I a liiK- Kvriwy Jai-ketit, Sl vlu. !r liti J.mii. n Krii-ZH J.-i'ikota, tV. VI value rr 47 JacketH. gllwl) to JiliilJ value, fr !15 l.iiliii' C.tM, HijiH .al 57 vnlne. for la l.nii -M' Double l;raiUd C'xiix-b, JIS value, for l aii ne,' (lretl ull Pi.M. -li VMllle, CUO'I'H 'ii Jai-k-tH to ii yt-at-M. ft value. U,I .... 40 l.uiltt..- I'ur Cat"", full wiitj, SU value, f r MiSiLwry. FniiSIInw. Com with a lm j)itS'j or a f;it on, you fan command h wiht fhuict; aiil w!i'lnr vou jjny litt nor liiU'rh, you can lj Miir. of h My im, Hn-,!i,l'j JU- FOR A FEW DAYS ALL MILLINERY AT HALF FRIGE 303 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton, Pa. 303. The General UmMh Supply Store Corner Psnn Ave. and Spruce St. HOUDAYGOODS china r.i:i'AiT.-u:NT. China Plates, Cup and iau;irs, Su'ad t)ihei. Crueller Jcrs, lea Sets, Kucar-and-Creams, Dinner and lea iiil. banquet LainjtH. i:iii()iiti i-:uu h, Hu:;nl!i'l I.MI'ilvs. a-e I.Miii.s .,rL e 1 ...... Having an seiiuir' tnem 11 - Tlle T T , 3:arr5.-;. CiMips. Albums, Toilet 4iv''.TV""-!','i?-t fl.vt.CA:';:'.Vj l---;-v..',Wv h W'e have a come carl' and isStiaiat "F? TT Penn Ave. AMUSEMENTS. TRE FROTHIHGHRM. Wngncrt Kcis. Lessees a 11J M;ina5or. WElSNESDAYrDHC IS XTOA XT RA BACK AGAIN Canary enj l.cJcrrr'j lrnmir-e Ni:V VORK CASINO Bl 'KLUSQl E The Fame Magnificent Maa:nj of sit? r.ivrrlfoa The Snmo Fin dr Slcc lr in l'ri f uion. Tlie Sfllne i:'i'V ' f ('e'er. Nri'd m A - t-.o-J. Tri5 1111 VHITI CI H I) rtr StCCKS. THi PASSINll SLOW S SI CCI!-(i. Ri' j rice. ,-?n.o ot jvats e)vu. Alotnlay, a 1:1 THE - FROTHINGHAM. Tucs'hij, December 17. Lecture by the Great Rclormcr. DR. PARKHURST Suhject : I'uro Civil (jovcriimcnt paiCES-OOi, 73c, S1.00 and $1.50. Box offlcre of tlie Krolliinilia-n open for re terved teta t'll lay, l.'eeeiuiier I i. at Oa. ni. RESTCRC3 V.'VAUTY Made a t.Wel Ma ISthnar, of Me.. THI OwkAT so 111 tiay. emleKM thenltoro rcnltln .10 t iye. It ail tiowerfr llr and qntrkljr. enn-a wh.ti all other tall Voaas seea will their lnt nanlieod. and old aB will trerotrr thrir rmittilul or by tualnc HKY1VCI. I alr;r vi d .urel.i rwtorM Nor-rau. eeaa.Laaa TlUlltr. Irapotencr. KKbtly tmineioni. t-ee FXiwr. aaiiloe At mory. Wa-liui Dlnraiira. and all effeetai c4 a-lfHU,ii or aar.a&d tD'-iacrrtlon ahleh tannte cMfer ritity. enilneworBiamase. V aotealy cmn-e by atarllng at tha tat ot diMee.. but tee fee arr tnole aud blond hallder, bti&n Ins bacB tbe pink (lot to pale rhm-k. a-d r. aariaa? tff flro tif youth. 1 ward, off ?n.sTiit md Coaovirrtliin. Inaiat rm benn ItUVIVO. itber. f ran b carried In fi kri. Br mc-i. 1H rsr rrkwrn, or kU foraa.ou, wltbapo. lew wrttteo guarantee) to -ai-a ear twlaa ,-ie aery. Cln-alarrree. addreei MEOieiHt CO.. 1 Seer M.. CH!Ca0. U' f afattHaws BratU DSSStsle Tb? Merry World 4 93 9.93 &&vn 9.98 2.43 Wj w P7 li t' -. -.-'.S':- CI.ASSV.ARE. Lerroncdc Sets, 7cc up. Wine S15, 6oe up. Tahlt .Sets, jo dKK-rinl rattcrns, 35c and up. Cake S-ilverf, Fruit !.i;!icj, Clivt5c l-ltttcs end Covers. CM. AJi afVetdW cls. lmM O bras.s with center draft $1.S0 upward onyx, wjiii center iraK. . . . u iii v M-itli utitr 4.1i...l.kj C. "Site AiK n . " " ' A innncuse stock of Lamps, 20 per cent, less than tlie . e . . If 7.M . T1 7 --J- , ' - - " , llfio'c. riiclipc TnWpc DcL-e Cases. Manicure Sets. Shavn Ct , Ti r 1 r w , f big: stock, but advise you avoid the rush. ' nTTT"F? end Spruce St. AMUSEMENTS. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Cno Week, MATINEE SATLRDAY ONLY. A i nos. t. onea Anil l-.ia Vx c:lor;t Company, rrtaenliu 11 is Laiotani Greatest auc -eajea J'pn.".y ,T(nin?....',rte llnn-o'.Vi arV Van" T-.iwiHy eTeiiiu 'i'be Fira Patrol" Vt,i-fl.:av ,.v. "Iir. Jrkvll nrd Wr. llvde" !-r.r.-.l iy e.. "tlio hlavceot Sin" r i lay ev-nint; "Thrt Man-o-Var'e Man , i . I a) 1111.V1111C. i ill- rimriTi wi eow lr I Sat' ri'...y eveiiliirf To l auuouuced. :1Gc,20o,30c RiCtS Few Choic Seati, EOo. DAVIS' THEATER .Holiday, TGPf-tlsr, Wedacsday, Rep. '!.'. 17. IS. Koturn EtgA!ntr(nt of An e-i i'aRoproMnUs tivo lr tli Cuineiliau, MR. DAN M'CARTHY, Snrportel liy tli (TinriTi in? I.ittlo SonbrettS MISS LOU RIPLEY, and a com-i.niy of reeoitii.EOil ability. In th lurturew-iii. comily-drauia in lutir acta, i n aitni rn iAmOLtn FROM GLARE Admission, 10, 20 and 30 Cenls CALL UP 3S82. CO. OILS,. VINEGAR ' AND . CIDER. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, Ml TO 151 MERIDIAN STREET 1 ' . j V aai k aa B Ss .-aaak, a a SV ssbb. ' ab mm at Wis) VV WWIaSBsslleaaTi ITI If you want help or a situation. The Tribune will advertise the fact for you and not charge' you one red cent.' Other little advertisements,, : In ' ths kaUASlllwU WIUII1I1S, COSk only a cent a word, and nre read. 1 BroiDiM luutautuiuua