-... .. 4iv '. THE RCBANTOIT - TOIBiTNlS SATTXltDA'S' MORNITO;-"DSCEMBtell I4.:1893; 13 T HE WILKES-BARRE, .01 Y'V'g BgfGf LAW UNCONSTITUTIONAL..', r."c LEADER mmm G6nii0lf . -t 124 and 126 Wyoming Avenue ' HEADQUARTERS FOR SANTA GLAUS Open Evenings Until Christmas ALL PREVIOUS records in Scranton eclipsed in regard to the display of Dolls and Holiday Goods, both useful and orna mental, both for young and old. We have presents for the babies, we have presents for children, both boys and girls, we have presents for fathers and mothers, sisters and broth ers; in fact, we have presents for everybody. DOLLS We have a complete line in little girl dolls and little boy dolls, from the lowest priced to the very finest, so everybody's pocket book can be suited. We have a complete assortment of doll's dresses and underclothes. BRIC-A-BRAC We have a most unique assortment of bric-a-brac, consisting of all kinds of plaques, vases, decorated china jewel boxes, flower holders, powder boxes, in fact everything pertaining to fancy bisque and glassware. We have albums in plush, plush and celluloid combined, and all celluloid, in the newest and handsomest designs. We have a complete assortment in work-boxes, manicure sets, toilet sets, combined toilet and manicure sets, shaving sets, whisk broom holders, jewel boxes, collar and cuff boxes, glove and handkerchief boxes, autograph- books; smoking sets, and writing tablets. LEATHER GOODS Both for children and ladies, at all prices. A complete assortment of the new green and high colors in ladies' combination pocket-books. PICTURE FRAMES Our assortment of picture frames consists of all styles in silver and gilt, also hand-painted glass, and the new medallion photo graph frames. PERFUMERY AND TOILET ARTICLES Perfumery and toilet articles to suit the most fastidious taste. Also a very handsome line of atomizers. ' UMBRELLAS For children, ladies and gentlemen, with natural handles, coil handles, silver and pearl and Dresden, in all sizes and at all prices. GLOVES For street and evening wear, and gloves for cold weather, to suit every taste and at -every price. (, Stamped linens, art embroidery and cushions, also silk lam brequins, the most handsome colorings and embroideries, and at always lowest prices. MEN'S FURNISHING Complete in every detail. Specially low prices on fine satin sus penders, satin embroidered suspenders, silk suspenders, white and r- colored shirts, neckwear, collars and cuffs, and a most complete line of underwear. . MEN'S BATH ROBES All new, choice goods, in the newest patterns, and popular prices. HANDKERCHIEFS AND MUFFLERS Consisting of plain linen, embroidered, silk embroidered, and the most unique designs and patterns in handsome mufflers, both for ladies and gentlemen. Jewelry and fans The new Empire fans in all styles and at all prices, and the latest and newest novelties in jewelry, children's, ladies' and men's I A handsome assortment of feather boas at all prices. -We call special attention ,wear. Throughout our store, our stock is complete in dress goods, ilks, cloaks, -millinery, hosiery, underwear) blankets, comforters, white goods,-n;- fact everything in our .stock is complete, and sweeping reductions have been made. All of the above mentioned articles will make very useful holiday presents. The electrical and holiday display in our windows is the most novel and elaborate that was ever shown in Scranton. ' We extend a cordial invitation to everybody to1 come aiid see both and inspect our mammoth stock. : : .Vy "V.' -:.iik:i.h'.t ."'i'v.' .-. : - i - ) it P,EBE to our elaborate line of ladies' neck- '6: Contioller Lloyd Han No Official Exist- ' cnee Judge Lvnch's Opinion. Judtre Lynch yesterday handed down an opinion In the equity case of Joseph D.. Lloyd, controllt-r-rlect of Luzerne county, against the county commission ers. The case was an application by the controller for an injunction compelling the commissioners to perform certain duties and to restrain them from the performance of other .certain duties without his (the controller's) approval. In other words, to recognize the author ity of the controller under the act of the legislature creating; the ofTlce The conclusion .of Judge- Lynch's lengthy and Intelligent opinion la in ef fect that the law is unconstitutional and consequently the motion for an Injunc tion Is denied. The ground for this find ing as stated in substance by the court lu that the duties of the controlle-r as denned by the law conflict with those of the -ounty auditors, nnd that the law In reality removes the latter from ofllce and takes their salaries from them. which the legislature has ho rlirht to do, the auditors having been elected lor a certain term nnd that term having not yet expired. In his opinion the Judge holds that an officer duly elected for a certain term cannot or ought not to be removed from his ofllce without charges and hearing, which In tills case have not been had. KUIKF NOTKS. The residents of Plymouth have had the river bridge below their town ex amined and the experts declare that their property will be In no danger from high water, by reason of the embank ment, as two extra spans have ncen pro vided to carry away the overflow. The first annual ball of the Press Club, to be given in the Armory on the even ing of January 22, promises to be one of the finest affairs ever plven In Wllkes-Barre, and a big turnout is ex pected. Daniel Hughes, of Plymouth, has been held In $1,000 bail by 'Squire non eywell, that place, for knocking: out Charles Zonda's eye with a stone on De cember 6th. Prof. James M. Coughlln gave his ad dress on "The Elements of Success" last Thursday evening In the Congregation. ul Tabernacle on HIackmnn and Itrown streets. The lecture was well attended and was very Interesting. AMONG THE GERMANS. Isnno I'.. Ilowmnn, M. i. for Waterloo, Praises It. Agncw's Cntarrlinl I'owdcr, the Remedy Which iiclicvt-s in Ten Min utes. Our Teutonic friends are not rash In anything: they do, and none are quicker to appreciate a good thing. They F'ion prick the bubble of unreliability. The testimony of Isanc K. Bowman, M. P. fi.T Waterloo, Is that he found Dr. Ag new's Catarrhal Powder just what It claims to he a sure, pleasant and cer tain specific In the case ot catarrhal trouble In the head or throat. But what Mr. Bowman says of It Is what every body says of this great medicine. Ho ject worthless imitations. Take only Dr. Agnew's tf you wish Instant relief and A permanent cure. GO cents. Bold by Matthews Bros. . Wanted. Ii'GUBYOUXO LADIES AND GENTLE men to It-am and plopare for ttachintr tlionowurt work; aalnry Httcr ono ni iutli from SID to $211 per w ek: adpos t of about JStt in required t learn (he art. Addrewi for iiiterviitw. P. O. B x;i74. rrxnton. !'. Salesmen Wanted. WANTED--KlAl.ESMKN TO SELL HTA pla Koodd at home or travel: liberal nl ary or g hi1 couuulsdtin; we send s.iinplrs on application: itIvp cxclmlya territory. Address P. (. Box ll:l. New York city Farm for Saie. 4 VALUABLE FARM FOR HALE. OS. i tHininir 1-7 acres, nearly all Improved, well watered and well founeil, corituiiiin all kinds of fruit: situated one rollo from Dnltoa on the road to Factoryvllle: wt h one larce two atory I oc three arns and other out buildinits. which enn well be divided into s'i nil plota of three to flvj acres for country i i t : . 1.1 11 1' ... . V DKAh, ill") MndiHou ave., SrrHiiton. I n. Wanted to Rint. V ANTED IN A CENTRAL LOCATION in Scranton, from pril I, IhWl. a bonre rotxsiiiiiig not les than 4en rooms with modern Improvements. Address L., Trlbuu i ofllce. Real Estate. -lI.M0 WILL BUY SMALL BRICK RES- lueucie leutrallc locare-i. M.U. IIOI.OATE. -A SM W l I.L Bt' Y 1 1 ROOM SINGLE boimi). lr.mt. single h use reir, fail lot: iurd wool tlulidi. all moluru: iu guod (ondit.ou; 700 bioca, Madis - ave. 7.SI WILL BUY III ROOM S1NOLE house, lull lot: tA) ihotk. tJulnc-v hvo H. II HOLGATE. HW WILL BUY 0-KOOM SINGLE House, an rooneru, iw. me-x. v ine si. (iiiq.nuuuAir. niyiO WILL BUY KISGLB HOUfE, full lot, u u uioci, au.uo avo. at. n. tmuui i:. WILL BUY l-niluil'fUtUbE hauBu, m,u moeK, n ei stor ave M. If. H LOATE. WILL BUY 4-STORY STORK properly. lull lor, i,tiona snna a o: rent SI. H. HOLGATE. Commonw-mh ' nildiux. Notica. NOTIOK-TIIB ANNUAL ME TING F the toekliiilders of the Prorresslve Building and Loan 'sso?lntlon, for the elec tion cf onlcerant direutora and the (rans.c- Ion of general bu-ttneas, will be hold Monday, Dec.-mler Itl. IHi.1. at he olfloi of Watson JB Zitnmermau, Hi Washington are., at To) y. m. JACOB F. MILL R. Sicr.-taiy. Cxteut:rs Natice. ATE Or JOSEPH ZtMMF.lLI. LATE j of tlie city of S -ranto i, county of Lacka wanna and state of Pennsylvania, ileceas-U. Lettirs testamentary i,ion the abuvo named estate having twen tri anted to he nnd. r-igncd, all persons having clai s or demnis against the aaid estate will present them for payment and thnst Indent -d tlitroto will pljoie roake immediate payment t i GEOHUE W. JE'ir;N4. CHARLES FRANCIS Sic3INLEY. Executors. DAVID J. DAVIS, Attorney for Estate. legal. N THE COURT OF COMMON PLRA8 OF X Lscvawaona connty, no, su, eouuary term. WUO. . . . ... ,, 'Notice Is hereby gen thit an applirsMon will be made to one of the judges of til S lid court on Monday, the Sid day of Deotraber, A. D. I8PS, at 10 o'clock a. m,. ubder the cor poration a t of 1875, and th) supnleireuta fh.rsta by Harrv P. ftmpaon. WiUiam O Parke. Charles E. Wad;, TooinaS R. Brooke andCnarlesH. Memory for a charter of an inteaded corporation to be railed The Scran ton Athletic Association, the cnaracter and object of whiok to the maintenance ef s pab. Ha park, and of facilities for skating, bo t inc. rowing and other ionooent or atbletle ports, and for tkls purpose to hare, .poswss aa4 enjoy all the rlubu. . betiefl ts and privx leswseooferredby the said act and Its snp Oenta VVRllKN KNAPP, Solicitors. A.WORD. WANTS OP ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOR IN AD VANCE. WHEN A nOfVK ACCOUNT IS MADE, NO CHARGE WILL P.E LES3 THAN SB CENTS. THIS RULE AP I'T.TKS TO SMALL WANT APS., EX CEPT LOCAL SITUATIONS AND HELP WANTED. WHICH ARB INSERTED FREE. Help Wanted Malt. VANTED-:(KI MACHINISTS AT THE IV MuhIo Hull (in Tuesdaiv. Doeemher 17, nt 7.30 p. in., wheie lln-y will hoar some'hini; totnotr advantage from James O. C'jnuell, O. M. M. of the T. A. or M. All other work-Irgn- n are cordially invited. TITANTED TRAVELING SALESMEN V V with established routs to take s'do line f"r "tnhU-h d house; $ toSl&adny. U..H. FISHER, 4') Spruce at., rcrnutnu, Pa. CMPTa" DAY AT HOME SEI.LINU LIOHT 3 " " nlng platers and dating jewelry, watches, tub'eware, bicycles, eta i laies llnest jewelry cool as n w on I'll kindR ot uio aj with it'ilcl, silver, nick-1; anyone ran t! ilt; outfl ami materials com lite: all war ranted . Ad res H. F. DELN O & CU, X3, Colnmlms, Ohio. AOENT8 - A 8XAP FOB YOIT, SKu.OO weekly; J.",lil yearly; no xnerlence neceasary: failure Imtina ible: nur atrheino a new one: paitii ulara free. Address K O. Box .MK'H. l oston. Mnea.' WANTED- N AU NT IN EVERY 8EC tion tocanvasa: 94.00toS.i0Oa dav mado: 11a at eit-ht; wlaoa ma t to sell htapleUouds to dealers; btBt aide nne i 7.. 1 a month; aal nry or birffe commisaion made; experiencu iinneccssn y. cotton i-cap aim juauuiat-iur-ing Co., Cincinnati, U. WANTED- WELL-KNOWN MAN IN ' ev ry town to aolicit stock subacrip tions; a mowpoly: hiir money for aaents; no capital required. EDWARD C. FISH CO., l'orden Clock, ('hieaira I1L Helo Wanted Females. TANTED-' ADY AOENT IN SCRAN t V ton to Hell nr.d Introduce Snvd'r'a ttuka fcittg: - xperieuceU canvHtser preferred; work permanent aim very prontuoie. write tor part'CUlnrn at one and pvt benefit of holiday trade. T H. SNYDER CO., Cincinnati, O. VANTED-AN AMERICAN OK HERMAN M girl lor general housework. Call at HUG Mulliorryst. r URL WANTED FOR OE ERAL HOUSE IT work. Apply at 111(1 Jackaou Bt. IUANTRD IMMEDIATELY -TWO EN Ell- seto faleawomen to rapvi-s-nt u Guaranteed a dxy without iiitcrferiue with other duties, ib-altlif id oecuiintion. Writu for particulars, incioxing stamp. Mango Chem ical I'limjiany. No. 72 John atreet. New York. Agents Wanted. I 1 ENE.iAIj AGENT WANTED 8ELL V T ing uew at tic-lea to dealera: excluRivo tor ritory, n- enmpc titiod. no cupitnl ro(mired VIX) to y(Ki per cent. pr( lit Columbia I'bt-mical Co., GO Dearborn t . CblcnKo. 111. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL t:iOAR8; tii per month aalary and exiiennea paid. Address with two-eont stump, FIUARO CI OA it CO.. Chicago. "TTjEN'rH-TcTsKLL OUR PRACTICAL V gold, silver, nickel and copper electro pli-turs: price from f.i upward; salary and ex iicrni'S pn-d; outfit free. A(!dreas, with stamp, AIICHIOAN MFtcjCO., Chicago. GENTS TOSELLCIOARS TO DEALERS; $&i weekly nnd ex)ienne?;; eSLporlcnce un nerowary. ONSOLIOATED J1FO. CO., 4S Van Bui n st ( hu-aiio. CALEBS! AN TO -ARRY SIDE LINE; 2i O per cent, conilnimiou; samplo book mailed free. Address L, N. CO., btatiou L, New York. f 'iTCE AGENTS APPOINTED TO sell new ilitniii(( selling table cloth. mos quito and house fly liquid at 10 rents and '.' ce 'ts a Lo tie. Sample free. BOLGUNO M'F'G Co., Baltimore, Jld. GENTS BIN DE'B PATBtlTT UKIVER. sal Hair Curlers and Wavers (ns.-d witli out heat), and "1'yr Polnted"Hair Pins. Lib eral commission. Free sample and full par ticulars. Address P. . Box tM. New York. Boarders Wanted. 1 VANTl-D-BOARDERS IN PRIVATE V family. 417 North Soventh st. Fo," Rent. YORRrNTST 1? t lark's Green, for a term of years. Ap ply to GEORGE 1J. DAVIDSON, Attorney, 61'.' Spruce street. FOR RENT-FUHMSHED FRONT ROOM, suitable for one or two porsous: gas, heat and bath. 71(1 ( live street. T. UK RKN i' - F C K IS ri E D HOC ) M 7 W lfH 1 or without Imard, suitable for two per sons. 1U2 Adams ave. T76iTrent-sx ROOM HOCSE ON WEST 1 Lackawanna avenuu. Address THOMAS E. EVA N H, aear 1IS3 Lnzerno, Hyde ParX. I.-OR REJTT-NICEuY FURNISHED HALL 1 suitable for lud-e rooms. JOHN JEK MYN, 110 Wyoming ovonue. JFOR RENT-HOUSi;, N INK R()(Tms,Je1C r fersonave., 18. W. GIBSON JO.SES, 311 Spruce st. F6itEN7-j5iii:R oS'liAiriHwiTvEj best s nltnrr plumbli g. With, laundry, linen and housekeeper's closet, full ilerora-lioiis-1 est furnace, l est ri-nge: all conveul enoei; hot and cold water on th rd and all floors mill liiidcmi nt; sreaking tubca, etc.; mnt mimfortr.lilo home; reasonable rent. W. GIF. SON JONES, ail .-prii-e st. I'OR REN T THE PR::S!ISES RECENTLY I1 orc-nnled by The Scrant-m Trlh ne.known as the HI iwr Buildimr, corner of Spruce St. a-id i enn ave.. l'ousi m Riven imiLedlately. The prenyl cs roni-ist of tliu b tiding in (he reur of the building on the corner of spruce -Uect and l enn i.veiiue. tn her with the liseiucnt. nnd dio til" ontiie lourth floor of the corner building. Can be rented for Lodge nirnof.es as well sa Dtihlie meetinga Sizes of (-all. Six loo with a s rond b ill on samo floor, itix'S. For particulars inquire on the premises.- f Rudolph Bloest-r, or at the oince ni i utv r-oraiium i rnmiir. Furnished Rooms to Let. I'OR RKN'f PBaSHSHRD .ROOMS NEAR 1' Municipal hp.Uiug. ,C. L..f ., Tribune of Hi. For Sale nOK SALE-CIIKAP. 4 NEW FIREPROOF snfes. Address Lock B--X W. City. l.j hAL'l-.'-'lilo'PlGS. NEW MILK COWS r dressed beef, e:c, at LOWRY'S HOTEL, J ay .or, fa. :OH RALE THREE HORDES, CHEAP. A 1410 inponseaTo., Greet it mm I'OK SALE rPt.'AO . il'HIMK I'IPllV I' lty rrom I .iff) S.'W per lny; Innnlre . f K. F. DOMMERMUTH. .... rH..n I i nil , .. o drill M.i. .1 ii . 1. oca l?OK SAV.E HECOND HAND FURNACE I No. If, double radiator Ec nomy; gissl rnnditinn: kp.endl-l neater, w. uiuau.x JON ES 311 Spruco at: A UlilCKe-.niXd PIAMO KOR BALK (OR ia. r.'in): alioulaeK wnlnnt stdnooar l, go id as now; loin iiarvsins. i.iai nasoini(ion ave. 17 OB 8sLE-6ROOM HOUSE: MtiDFTRN iinprovi-me U: 2 Malison arena -. tliin- more., wai.ikh ttitiui.-, Tii.raey, tniui' nionwcalth Bulhlliig, or M. H. HO , HATE. . IWR fALE FARM, STOCK AND ALL farming utensils. Inquire ol f, M. SHEF FIELD, 711 Hcranton street, Hi-ranio i. Pa. fecountant! rt3TU DU,iirn 41 - I -f ITT V'P A W V "i. 111 J Ultor, xn uorarj ouiiamg, nyoiningare- Seeclai Notices. "'T'HH HOI.DIER1N OUR CIVIL WAK." 1 You want this relic. Contains all of Frank Leslie' famous old War Plctareashow im. ti.ii riaM in aetnsl battle, sketeued en the spot. Two volumes, 2.0IO pictures. old on easv tnmitlilv tukvment Delivered br ex- I rese complete, all el ar'iies prepaid. Address P. O. BlOOUi, ra tnD ave., rs-ranion, rs. 11LANK POOKS, PAMPHLETS. MAOA- VM lines, etc., eounu ur ivuuuuu a " .Tribuki office, (juick, wok, Ueuonable . U i ll -V u i miknMlMM Sale; Sinciiy Tlrar Class ia evvry rupm. mssseiw iapreveoMflta. Near U Ckarck, Bckeet, Elec tric Cars, D. H. Depot. Excellent ntlftibef keee, No. MW:ftW ares Rlajfaw NaUfm kease tkr i , ' 0. A. CLBARWATX. ! AVa. ' H AND KE R C H I EFS .. .. FOR . . A good, sensible Christmas gift ia a half-dozen or a dozen Handkerchiefs pat up in a nice box. . - No fiucr or better collection of Handkerchiefs can be seen than we have gathered) together. The. line includes many novelties not to be found at any other season of the year. r, j r CO dozen Japanese Silk Hemstitched Initial, all letters, at 25c path. - : . 11 50 dozeii Japanese Silk Hemstitched Initial, all letterj, extra large sizeufor gentlemen, only 45c each or gist) per half-dozen. . ; . , A large lot of Ladies' Lawn Hemstitched Initial, put up in fancy boxe3 of one-half, dozen, at t a box. - Extraordinary value. ' ' . ' " k) lac Fine Linen Embroidered and Real Lace Handkerchiefs in Great CONNOLLY & Situations Wantad. SITUATION WANTED -YOUJiU MAN, age la, ia very anil. his to net a posit on; is a kooI hustler: will work at anything; would liko to get in a store or wholesale Iioiib.i: Iml.ils are the best; can Rive good rul er neos. Address .11(1 Adam ave., city. . VANTKO-BY A MIDDLE AGED MAV of 30 years, exiiorienre in Reneral mercantile-ltuslnoss, a pneition as clerk or manager. Addrest Manager, Trilmoe otties S IT CATION WANTED - EXPERIENCED dressmaker would like a tew more en aireriionts W the day: terms SI per day. ' Ad dr as K. ., Tribuue oftico. SITUATION WANTElBYYOUN(J'MAN ' as clerk in atore or olHco. Address S. L , Tribune otiti-e. SITUATION WANTED AS OOACHMaK C or janitor; fourteen years' experience as coachmau; good reference. Addrofs H Wyoming avenue. WANTED PLACE AH HOUSEKEEPER, by a widow of ii years. Address HOtjSEKEEr'Elt, Tribune office. CITUATION WANTED TO GO OUT BY O the dav washing; washings taken home also. Cull or address 831 Korth buuiuer uve mio, Hyde Park. WANTED-A LADY DESIRES A Posi tion SB stenoirrutiher and tvnewritor. (law ofllce preferred ). consider salary not so much an olijeet as to gain experience, Ad dress M. E., M Washington avenue. SITUATION WANTED-BY A SOBER. IN-1-3 dnstrioiis man of at iinv kind of liirht work, inside preferred. . Addreaa O. O.. Trib une oflli-e. SITUATION WANTKD-BY A WIDOW to go out bv the dav nnshins or ironlnv. or tako waxhing home; with reference. Call or address MU8. HOFFMAN, Ilia Dix court. WANTF.D-A POSITION 'A8 CLERK OR msmiger: ex Deri. nice of In years in general inen antile business; best city refer ence. Address No. U-L.; Tribuna olilce. AVANTED-WORK BY THE DAY, OR V V washinc and ironius at home. 4'JJ Oak- ford court. SIIUATION WANTED AS TEAMSTER, cl -rk or anv kind of honest emnlovment by a so'ior, imliistrlous, young married man: references. Address RELIABLE, Tribune of fice. WANTED BY RESPECTABLE WIDOW, a position as muse of the sick: moder ate terms. Addrosi M. A., Tribuna office. SITUATION WANTED BY A MARRIED man of ill, no bad habits, trustwortky and genteel, as clerk, watchman; janitor or any Kind or wort; ia nnnoy witn toi.is ami a gooa penman; win work for low wages. Address E, L Tribune office. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Dentists. DR. WILLIAM A. TAFT. PORCELAIN. Hrlilge hihI Crown work. Ofllce, 32i Washington avenue. C. C. LAUHACH. SURGEON DENTIST. No. 115 Wyoming avenue. K. M. STRATTON, OFFICE COAL EX- change. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. A. TRAPOLD. SPECIALIST IN Diseases of Women, corner W yomlng avenue and Spruce street, Scranton. Of llce hours. Thursdays and Saturdays. 9 n. m. to 6 p. m. ; DR. G. EPOAR DEAN HAS REMOVED to C16 Spruce street, Scranton, fa. (Just opposite Court House jSfiiiare.) DR. KAY, W, I'ENN AVE.: 1 to S P. M.: call Dis. or women, opstrcirics ana and all dls. of chil. DR. W. E. ALLEN, S12 North Washington avenue. DR. C. L. FP.EY. PRACTICE LIMITED. diseases of the Eye, .Ear, Nose and Throat; office. 122 Wyoming ave. Resi dence, G29 Vine street. DR. L. M. GATES. 125 WASHINGTON avenue. Office hours, 8 to 9 a. m..' 1.30 to 3 nnd 7 to 8 p. m. Residence 309 ITadl - ron avenuei . . DR. J. C. DATESON. TUESDAYS AND . Fridays, -, at i. Linden t Btrat..3mre hours-,1 to 4'p.-mJ! J ? . y J y Lawyers. WARREN - ICNAPP. ATTORNEYS nnd Counsellors at . Law, Republican bulldmii, Washington avenue, ocran ton. Po. JESSLTS A HAND, ATTORNEYS AND ' Counsellors at Law, Commonwealth , building, Washington avenue. W. H. JESSUP. HORACE E HAND, W. H. JESSUP. JR. PATTRPSnV A 'WILCOX. ATTOR- tieys nnd Connsellnrs at Law; offices 4 and 8 Library minding, wrnnion. rn. . ROSEWELL H. PATTERSON. 1 . . WILLIAM A. WILCOX. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND, Attorneys nnd Counsellors. Common, wealth building. Rooms 19. 20 and 21. FRANK' T. OKELL, ATTORNEY-AT Law, Room 6,- Coal Exchange, Scran ton, Ta. , JAMES . W. OAKFORD, ATTORNEY nt-I.aw, rooms C5, C4 and 65, Common wealth bulldlnft. SAMUEL W. EDGAR. ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Ofllce, 317 Spruce St., Scranton. Pa. uTTwa TER8. ATTOR n e y-at-l aw. 423 Inckawanna ave., acranion, i-w. dib irnu-VBPVn ATTOWVIcY-AT . i,i i, .. - - - - - - - - - T ,l lli.nl DhIM n. Her. nlrtn ' Money to loan In large sums at 6 per cem. C. R. PITCHER. ATTORNEY-AT. law, Commonwealth building, scranton, Fa. H. C. BMYTHE. ATTORNEY AT LAW. 400 Lackawanna avenue C. COMEOYS. 321 BPRtTCE STREET. D. B. REPLOGLE. ATTORNEY LOANS neROltaiea on real csibio Kcurnj. Spruce street i. F. KILL AM. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ll Wyomla ave..; Scranton. Pa. ; t'f . JAS. J. H. HAMIlNATTQTO3rS. law, w osamonwyHirnpiii iiywi M C. 984 OMIM8 A Wire Sreens. . --! ; wmM1 d. TWmataA Fa., xaanafa ' turst of Yiire. wereeaa. THE HOLIDAY TRADE. . Ml WALLACE, mm TRY US. 602-604 LACKA. AVE., COR. 1D1MS. Arcfiitects. EDWARD H. DAVIS, ARCHITECT. Rooms 24, 25 and 2S, Commonwealth building. Scranton. E. L. WALTER, ARCHITECT. OFFUJJS rear or uuu Washington avenue. LEWIS HANCOCK. JR., ARCHITECT, aa spruce St., cor. wash, ave., Scranton. BROWN & MORRIS, ARCHITECTS, trice building, 12 Washington avenue, Scranton. Schools. SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, acranion, ft., prepares Doys and gins for college or business; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at re quest. Opens September 9. REV. THOMAS M. CANN. WALTER H. BUELL. . MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN nna Hcnoni, 41H Adams avenue, opens Sept. 9. Klndegarten 110 per term. Loans. THE REPUBLIC SAVINGS AND Loan Association will loan you money bn easier terms and pay you better on Investment than any other association. Call on S. N. Callender, Dime Bank building. Seeds. Q. R. CLARK ft CO., SEEDSMEN AND. .nurserymen; store i Washington -avenue; green house. 1350 North Main ave nue; store telephone 783. Hotels and Restaurants. THH ELK CAFE, 125 and 127 FRANK- lin avenue. Kates reasonable. P. ZEIGLER, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D., L. ft W. passenirer nepot. uonuueten on me European plan. VICTOR KOCH, Prop. WESTMINSTER HOTEL. Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Place, New York. Rates, $3.50 per day and upwards. (Ameri can pian;. k. in. anahlk, Proprietor. Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA MUSIC FOR balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wea dings and concert work furnished. For terms address R. J. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulbert's music store. MEOARGEB BROTHERS. PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington ave., Scran ton. Ps -j . FRANK P. BROWN ,C0r. WHOLE- sule dealers in woouware, l oruano ana OH Cloth, 750 West Lackawsnna ave. THOMAS AUBREY, EXPERT AC- rountant and auditor. Hooms is anil .11, Williams Building, opposite postoBlce. Agent for the Rex Fire Extinguisher. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES Central Railroad ot New Jersey. (Lehigh and Susquehanna Division.) . Anthracite coal used exclusively. Insur ing cleanliness and comfort. ;(' II.IUI- Ttlll U IN PlfPS-PT VOV IT leafy Trains leave ocranion lor tnitsion, a-iikss-Rarre. etc. at 8.20.. 9.15. 11.30 a.m.. 1.20. 2.00. 8.05, 5.O0. 7.W p. m.. Sundays, 9.00 a. m., i.w. !" p. "i. , For Atianuc iiij. o.fi a. m, F.ir New York. Newark -and Elisabeth. 8.20 (express) a. m.,1.2U (express with Buf fet parlor car, (express; p. m. sun day, 2.15 P. m. Train leaving 1.20 p. m. arrives at Philadelphia, Reading Term inal, 0.21 p. m. ono jsew rora a 45 p. m. For Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethle kon. F.nstnn and Philadelphia. 8.20 a. m 1.20. 3.05, 5.00 (except Philadelphia) p. in. Sunday, imp. ' Pnr Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc.. at 8.20 a. m 1.20 p. m. ... For Ktaniiig. ixuaiun mo narriSDUrg, via Allentown, 8.20 a. m.. 1.20, 6.00 p. m. Sunday, 2.15 p. m. . For Pottsville, 8.20 a. m., 1.20 p. m. Returning leave New York, foot of Lib erty street. North River, at 9.10 (express) a. m., 1.10, 1.30. 4.30 (express with Buffet parlor car) p. m. 8unday, 4.30 a. m. Leave Philadelphia. Reading Terminal, 9.00 a. m., 2.00 and 4.30 p. m. Sunday 6.27 a. m. Through tickets to all points at lowest rates may be had on application In ad vace to the ticket agent at the station. II. P.. BALDWIN. Gen. Pass. Agent. J. H. OLHAUSEN, Gen. Bupt. DELAWARE AND. HUDSON RAIL- "' ROAD. Commencing Monday. IT Tfi i nqW July IV, an iraine win mm XalO arrive-, at new Lacks. mm If wanna avenue station M w r as ronows: Trains will leave Scran ton atatlon for". Carbondsle and InUrme dlate points at t.. lS '. Vi Ind a. m.. 12.00, 2.20. 168, 6.16, 6.16, T.t6, 9.10 and M&r'Fa'rvlew." Waymart and Honesdals it 7.00, 8.26 and 10.10 a. m.. 12.00, fJO.and .U "'For Albaiijr, Saratoga, ths Adirondack and Montreal at MS a. m. and 2.10 p. m. For Wllkes-Barre and Intermediate nolnta at 7.46, 8.46, 9.38 and 10.46 a. m.. 13.01, Trains will arrive at Bcranton station at 7 40, 6.40, 9.84 and W.40 a ,m 11.60, 1.17, illiXk 4Tt..6.li. U audita p m. From iraawa, . ""J view at 6.84 a. tn., H0O..1.17. 1.40, kit and Montr. tkVhlokw. All?, .to., TZmSkSr 4 ' intatlatji 9 ii II i : j .i t J , I. il ' Variety at Oor Usual Loi Prices- 2og Vashington Avenue; Opp. Court House. UPHOLSTER FURNITURE, Clean Carpets, Renovate Feathers, Make Over Mattresses, Hake and Repair Spring SelMron Beds, ;j : 1 Make Fine llattresses. Nov. 17, 1895. 1 Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia and New York via D. ft H. R. R. at 7.44 a. m., 12.05. 1.20, 2.38 and 11.38 p. m., vlaD,. L. ft w. R. R.. COO, 1.08, 11.20 a. m.. (U4 I t p. m. . . . . . ' i Leave Scranton for Plttston and Wllke Barre, via D., L. ft W. R. R., 6.00, S.08, 11.30 a. m., 3.40, 6.07, 8.52 p. m. Leave Scranton for White Haven, Ha xleton, Pottsville and all points on the Beaver Meadow and Pottsville branches, via E. W. V. R. R., 6.39 a. m., via D H. R. R. at 7.45 a. m.. 12.06, 1.20, 2.88, 4.00 p. m., via D., L. ft W. R. R. 8.00. 8.08. 11.10 a. m. 1.30, 3.40 p. m. Leave Scranton for Bethlehem, EasTait, Reading, Harrteburg and all tntaroaedlaia points, via D. ft H; R. R.. 7:45 a, tn., 1108. V20, 138. 4.00 11.38 p. m via D L. ft W. R. R., 6.00, 8.08. 11.20 a. m., 1.80 p. tn. .' Leave Scranton for Tunkhanaook.'TO wanda, Elmlra, Ithaca, Geneva, and. all intermediate points via D. ft H. R. R.. 8 43 n. m., 12.05 and 11.35 p. m., via D L. ft W. R. R., 8.08, 9 55 a. m., 1.80 p. m. Leave Scranton for Rochester. Buffalo, Niagara Falls. Detroit, Chicago and nil RPJ"'; WMt vl D. ft H. R. R., 8.4S a. m. 12.06, 9.16, 11.38 p. m.. via D.. L. ft Yf. B. H. and Plttston Junction, 8.08, 9.BR a, m., 1.80. ' p' "1 vl E. ft VV. V. R. R., 3.41 p. m. For Elm Ira and the west via Salamanca, v R' .H-R- R -m. 11.06. 6.06 p.m.. V D., L. A W. h. R.. 1.08. 9.55 si m.. 1.30 and 8.07 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or L. V. chair cars on all trains between L. ft B. Junction or Wllkes-Barre and Nw, TWrk. Philadelphia, . Buffalo, .atfet,, BukpeSslon Bridge. ...... ROt.l.TV tt wii.nmi rim. a,in CHA8. 8. LEE, Oen. Pass. Agt .Phlla .Pa, A. w. MUNNEMACHEn, ASSf, Qn, rass. Agi., soutn Betnienem. ') i Del., Lack, and Western, Etlect Monday, June 24. 1896. Trains leave Scranton aa follow: . Kz press for New York and all points East, 1.40. 2.60. 6.15, 8.00 and 9.56 a. to.; 12.64 and 3.34 p. m. express ror Easton, Trenton, Kniiaflf I phla and the South, 6.15, 8.00 and 9.66 a, ra., 12.55 and 3.34 p. m. ' ( waanington ana way stations, a. an p..m. Tobyhanna accommodation, 6. 10 p., m. Express for Blnghamton, Oswego, El mlra, Corning, Bath, Dansvllla, Mount Morris and Buffalo, 12.10,. 2.36 a, m., and 1.21 p. m making close connections at Buffalo to nil points In ths West, North west and Southweet. - - . i- , Bath accommodation, 9 a. m. , Blnghamton and way stations, 12.17 p.m. Nicholson accommodation, 6 p. m. Blnghamton and . Elmlra Express, 6.0S p. m. Express for Cortland, Syracuse. Osweg Utlca and Richfield Springs, 1.15 a .m. and m- . .... Itnaca, z.so ana osin a. m. sun Vnr Vnrthumberlnnd. Plttston. -Wilkes- na.T. PMvmnnth Hloomsburr and Dan ville, making close connections at North umberland for Wllllamsport. Harrlsburg. Baltimore, wasningion ana me noum. Northumberland anu lniermeuiaie Hons, 6.00, 9.55 a. m. and 1.30 and 6.07 p. m. Nantlcoke and Intermediate stations. 8.08 and 11.20 a. m. Plymouth and, inter mediate stations, s.w ana .o p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coachss on all express trains. For aeiauea inrornniiun, .f tables, etc., apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket ofRce, ,128 Lackawanna avenue, OF depot ticket ofllce. i Erie and Wyoming Valley. - and Intermediate points on the Efleralt; u.-..j.i. uio ind local points a 7.00. 9.40 a 'm.and8.29 p m. - T All me aDove n mi wu from Honesdale. D . at. a. Trains leave for Wllke-Bsrre-at .m a. m. and 8.19 p. m. .' CKANTOW D1TI6)1. . In Elfec Septenaher ISM -4swlli IlisHhSt) ICOS toil Station Wraln Dally, cep semi Leavei . . ia Mi rsa'N. Y. rrankUa V T iojWest 4nd streetj n Miarnva Mavsi 1 l6jUaneoek JunotloDj ...J?' Baooock its Btarltght Preston Park Corao PoynteU BelmoB Pleasaot Mt Cnlondale . , Foraet city Corbondaie White Ihidg MayBeld Jerniyn Archibald Wtnton it 19IIK 31 njJt4l lM 19 14 S3 18 0J 11151 11491 IA M II II TOtl (6 4aJ(llM t.7fS I (SI 71'8 4 1I8SI II 1 niritisl ns's!.. 7tr jgH 7 84 0Tin5 68H 668 ) 618 Sl IS ii jn -r PeekvUU Olyphaa .Dickson ' Throop Provtdenea Park Piae Reran ton ii on II OJ II ol. 4? jri ! 610 10 561 7 4 4 SOI ..M st Uav is sir eU trains m tally esesot luiaW. L "Ti fm Aft, : i m ..te ru ... 1 10I ..N ,: I. ); ( : ( - ' .,v;t. -:t ' t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers