The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 11, 1895, Page 2, Image 2
.top EcnjLfl'xtiii . MauujiiaVfa iix)timixr jsozzxtrto tzcnsnasa, ,11, icas. if THE lEADEn 124-128 HirJng Aw, Have you seen our great holiday Display of useful ar ticles? You will find our stock most complete and our prices, as usual, the lowest. Our window display has met with the most phenomenal success and people have come, many miles to see it We have spared neither time, pains nor expense to make it the most 1 tiovel and elaborate window display that was ever shown in Scranton, and the crowds that up to the present have witnessed it have stood in I amazement and wonder. Our (Holiday Goods are complete in every detail, from the most trivial article to the most 1 elaborate. We cordially in cite every one to inspect - Wame. We offer "special iiiduce- 1 dents in all our departments I so we can make all the room possible, for our Holiday Dis play.: 11 ...... The electrical display in pur show window is the work of the Scranton Illuminating, Heat and Power Company. Store open evenings from Jiow until Christmas. H I 1ST AND 404 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton, Pa. ilflTAl " now,- lmnminpn nnnniTO mam rnuniu, JILLIUT. SMITH, PnslienL Crj Eclli, lr.i v Henry J. juti & surges, con, George Sanderson, . R. I. Black,- - fvlwwa Ttnvwkftci Ui-inntwrwt ariH Yi tnwnat Vat A TVinwnnn Jamtaw I anil Julv 1 puej vvyvatra mw4I V -A m .,,, , u jcu,ay acts esrrrnstee, Executor, Gnaraian. lC :3,Ccrt3, Corporations or Individuals. , h ,v ": :tc3 Le-al Depository for the Commonwealth of PcaasylranlJi tad J ZzzzUit l:!awansa)cottnjty. i fz':Z 1 " ;KlC::!riM3,cJr3 la Fire tad IJurglsr Prccf Vtults trtn t to C10 WILKES-DARIE CITY COUNCIL MEETS. Business Treats c ted lI (ho Deeember Pow Wow of the Municipal Fathers, j At the regular December meeting; of the city council last evening business was transacted at follows: Petitions of Q. A. Baur, Domlnlck Chanse and A. A. Jones for appointment to the police force were referred to the police committee, as were the applica tions of W. 8. Thomas for pay for time tost, and the request of Condy Mc Groarty that his fines be remitted. The statement of 8. van Ronkel that he has been twice arrested and fined $8.50 with out cause, for maintaining a nuisance, was referred to the sanitary and police committee. Van Kunkel claims that the nuisances complained of are neces sary to his trade In chair caning, var nishing, etc. - - The petition of various property own ers for a change of grade on Fell street was referred to the street committee, and the resignation of Anthony Dei trick as driver of steamer No. 1 was ac cepted. Certificates of deposit aggre gating 62,685.65 were received and filed, as was proofs of service of notices upon J. C. Paine to remove obstruction from Dana street, and to property owners to lay sidewalks on all city streets not prqperly provided In this line. The chief of police reported that the electric lights burned short 227 hours, the nap tha lamps 577 hours, and gas lamps 228 hours, the amount of which was de ducted from the bill. The accounts and fire department committee reported $395.1.0 received from the Crystal Spring Water com pany and distributed among the city firemen according to the number of hours each worked. The accounts and finance committee requested the various standing comlttees of council to report at the nest meeting the amount neces sary to run their departments for the fiscal year beginning April 1. 1S96. The exoneration committee reported exoner ating certain parties from city and sinking fund 'taxes. The fire depart ment committee granted the request of Alexander Mitchell for a frame Ice house 20x60 feet to be built between the L. V. R. R. and C. R. R. tracks. The fire department committee trans ferred Joseph Kilgallon to the driver ship of steamer No. 1, In place of An thony Dtetiick resigned, and Barney Connell was promoted to Kilgallon's place. The law and ordinance committee presented an ordinance requiring the employment of taxpayers of the city Including the payment of taxes as sessed for city purposes, for doing city work. The ordinance, which was passed on first reading in November, now passed second and third readings. The police committee reported exonerating gjirgeant Schmltt from, the charges preferred against htm by Andrew Hel per, and found Officer Pleroy guilty of being asleep on duty and suspended him for three days with loss of pay, and fined Officer Drake five days pay for being asleep In the Gas company's bftiler house. The public property committee 're ported in favor of purchasing a strip of land from John Neuer at the inter section of Ross and Lincoln streets, Neuer to draft his proposition and sub mit it to the proper city authorities. The publio property committee were authorised to advertise for bids for lighting with gas, the city building and THE LACKAWANNA SAFE DEPOSIT CO If II OFFICERS: , HEHRY J, AIDERSON, Ylca-Pfjsldtnl DIRECTORS: Anderson, ' Willliri I. Smith, P.. J. Horan, Claries B. Welles, vu uuu juitivivov seats assvavvu if huuwi j m. mum vwimj engine bousea for two yean, begin nlng April 1, MM. ' - The street committee reported pro gress on the resolution opening and ex tending new Grove street, between Me Lean and Blackman streets, and paving Baltimore street from Market to North ampton. They also recommended the adoption of the following 'resolutions: The property owners on Washington street between Chestnut street and the city line be notified to lay flagstone sidewalks; that the Bergold estate lay an eight-foot sidewalk in front of their property on Northampton street. ' Resolutions were then presented as follows, and referred to the proper committees; Mr. Rellley That a sewer be locat ed on Holland street, from Collins to Hazle. Mr. Reutlehuber That In the next appropriations an amount be set aside sufilclent to pay for lighting ten addl tional electric lamps on the river com mon between South and North streets, Mr. Wasley That the street commis sioner lay sidewalks on Main street between North and Butler Btreets, and return amounts to property owners for collection. Mr. R. W. Williams That a Naptha lamp be located on South Empire street, between Northampton and Hill streets. Mr. R. W. Williams That Lines alley In the Sixth ward, between Hancock and Grant streets, be properly graded, Mr. R. W. Williams That an iron gutter box be located at the intersec tion of Northampton and Lincoln Btreets. REPORT OF CHIEF OF POLICE. Number of Arrests and Offenses Com tallied During the Past Month. The chief of police's report for Novem ber, shows 197 arrests, of which 175 were males, 23 females, 86 married, 88 single and 23 minors. The offences were: assault and battery, 15; concealed weapons, 1; drunk, 47; drunk and dis orderly, 5; disorderly conduct, 27; dis orderly houses, 1; desertion, 2; fre quenting bawdy houses, 4; fighting, 6; interfering with officers, 1; insane, 2; Indecent language, 1; indecent perform ances, 17; keeping houses of prostitu tion, 2; larceny, 2; malicious mischief, 4; not removing nuisances, 6; obstruct ing sidewalks, 27; resisting officer, 2; selling without license, 1; storing kero slne. 1; trespass, 4; threats, 2, and va grancy, 18. Besides these there were assisted home drunks, 28; committed to jail, 25; disturbances quelled without arrest, 64; lost children restored, 9; and 74 nuis ances removed. There were three fires discovered, and $149.19 taken from prls oners and restored. CITY'S DEATH KAE. Seventy-two Deaths Reported by the Sanitary Committee. The report of the sanitary committee for November, shows 72 deaths from the following causes: Apoplexy, 2; accident, 2; astrests, 1; asphyxia, 1; Bright'a disease, 1; burns, 1; alcoholism, 1; convulsion, 3; con sumption, 3; cerebral anaemia, 1; con gestion of lungs, 1; diphtheria, 11; dropsy, 2; diarrhoea, 1; fits, 1; gen eral debility, 3; hemorrhage, 1; heart failure, 2; heart disease, 4; Inflamma tion of lungs, 1; Inflammation of bow els, 1; membraneous croup, 1; tnara mus, 1; nervous prostration, 1; old age, 1; pneumonia, 6; poison, 1; spine trouble, 1; scarlet fever, 1; Bhock, 2; still born, 3; typhoid fever, 4; tonsill tls, 1; weakness, 2. 65, 35, EM JOHH W. FOWLER, Treasurer. . Conrad Schroder, I Ben Ditnmlck, T. C. Snoier. etc.. under appointment $250 NEW MILFOND. - ; ' ' . P. C. Burns, of Great Bend, was In town Monday, ' .-,,-. , U. Shields, of Nicholson, spent Sun day with friends In town. . . 1 - Fred. Indented will handle the Rose bicycle next season. ' . . - . Several state offioerswlll be present on Wednesday evening at the open meet lng of the P. O. S. of A. camp In this place. The publio is invited. Several more new hands were added to the force at the tannery on Monday morning. New machinery is to be placed In the finishing department at an early day In readiness for a lively business in the early spring. ' - Frank Everett, of Scranton, was in town over Sunday. The ,Q. A. R. post will give an enter tainment and turkey supper at their rooms on Saturday next The Sisters of Bethany of St. Mark's church meet at the home of Miss iPratt on Wednesday afternoon. Michael McManus, of Hallstead, was In town Sunday. , The magic lantern' entertainment, an nounced to take place at the Methodist Episcopal church last Saturday even ing, failed to materialise. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Alney, of Mont rose spent Sunday in town. Dr. D. C. Ainey has returned from his trip to Philadelphia. John Hand has purchased the gro cery business of the Gillespie Bros, and has taken possession of the same. Mr. Hand has long been associated with the mercantile business In this place and has many friends who will wish him success in his new departure. Charlie Brown is again on deck at his eld position In the barber business. Landlord Crofut, of the Spring House, Heart Lake, has a new ice boat that is receiving much attention these days. The Ice was in splendid condition last week and visitors enjoyed some fast time at this resort. Trade at the Baptist novelty store continues lively. Jay Vail, of Scranton, was home over Sunday. Mrs. C. S. Vail and cnildren are visit ing at Mansfield, Pa. Large crowds of skaters throng the creamery pond days and evenings. These are the days that the small boy Inquires which Sunday school is to have the largest Christmas tree. The Heart Lake creamery are prepar ing to gather their annual stock of Ice. Two young men from the rural dis tricts Imbibed too large a quantity of 'family disturbance" Saturday night. got into a dispute regarding the pro prletorshlp of the earth, and were taken to the bastile by Chief of Police Turner to decide the matter. Monday morning they were brought before Mayor Inder ilea, nnea ana cautioned regarding a second offense. They settled and de parted. Dr. Hawkes la confined to the house by illness. Rev. Mr. Llnaberry was at Lake Side last week assisting in a series of re llglous meetings. Somo time ago the business men of this place fixed their signatures to a paper offering to pay the taxes on the tannery for the next five years if the proprietors would get business resumed in that institution; and now the propri etor declares the game open and calls nn Vi i attmaMIrt "onto ,,m WYOMING, Mrs. Stanley Runlon and her son and two daughters, of Jonestown, are visit lng her sister, Mrs. James Space. ' Mrs. James Hufford entertained her sister, of Mount Zlon, last week. Miss Culver, one of the teachers in the graded schools, who has been vis iting In New Tork for the past ten days, has returned to her duties again. The ladles and gentlemen are enjoy ing the fine skating on Shoemakers' pond. v Miss Ruby Miller, of Ransom, was calling on Miss Llda McRtll Saturday. John Sutter, Philip Harris, Howard Holmes, Arthur Lewis, Howard Lewis, and Edwin Jones and Misses Nina Tague, Addle Wilson, Naoma Harris and Rosa Butter attended the skating social at East Dallas last evening. Willie Price, of Wilkes-Barre, Is vis iting his aunt, Mrs. Ed. Roxelle. Philip Harris, of Mount Zlon, was a caller in town Saturday. Mrs. Joseph Greenfield was a caller at WIlkes-Barre Friday. Miss Phillips, of West PlttBton, was enjoying the fine skating on Shoemak ers' pond Saturday afternoon. Thomas Packnel, of Exeter Pond, died Friday at 7:30 a. ni., aged 84 years. He leaves a son and three daughters, William Packnel, Mrs. Mary Townsend, Mrs. Minnie Polen, of Wyoming, and Mrs. Elisabeth Polen, of WIlkes-Barre. The funeral was held at the house Sunday at 2 o'clock. Interment was made In the Wyoming cemetery,' Rev. John Labar and Rev. Wilson Treible officiating. ... TAYLOR, 'A large number of people from this place attended the marriage of William W. Watklns, a former resident of this place, but now of Peckville, and Miss Gertrude Morris. J. B. Wlnslow is confined to his home by itjtOM. . . .The Taylor mines wlllbe Idle today again, but will resume work tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs. Van eBrger were arrest ed on Monday evening and taken before Burgess Griffiths on a charge preferred by John Kanlnsky, of Barbertown. After a hearing the man was committed to the county Jail, but was yesterday re leased from custody on giving bonds for surety of the peace. The Independent Social club conduct ed a social In Taylor hall est evening. A number of people were in attendance and greatly enjoyed this popular club's weekly dance. The business places will remain open the balance of the year as long as they wish to, and the beginning of the year the early closing movement will again come in vogue. . ' ' ' The school board at a recent meeting adopted commendable resolutions on the death of the late J. B. Daniels. Harry Hltchner, of PIttston, was a business caller here last week. The Stars of Heaven 1 ' Are not one-tenth as bright to the naked eye as Turnquest's diamonds, at 205 Washington avenue. You can buy the one, but money won't touch the other. - Turnquest's brlc-a-brae for lovers of pretty conceits in silver, gold, etc Wanted To Rent. w ANTED IK A CENTRAL LOCATION in Sorastoa. f rem nril L lie, a hoaee eon'tlnlng not less than teu rooms, with modern improveaieBts, Address L, Trlbant omoe. I Farm for tale. falnina 1ST uma hmvI all ItnnMMil. 'well watered and well fsneed. mntalnTag all well watered and well fsneed. eontslnli kinds of frmlti situated oe iMle (rem I oa the road to faatMrvvillat wl h one e4oei!ue. frees paltoa orynilet wl a one hv aa 1-avtJh mmA athe two-store knees, three t ariA asd ether ball-tux, WhiB -ou wsU divided Into s'ls4sMre slveeas for e"tTp Lil J re aH -IT., i.rSI re or e- rwm aaiatva if Mi A WORD. ' . WANTSOF ALL' KINDS COST THAT MUCH, WHEN PAID FOR IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IB MADE, NO CHARGE WILL BE LEBS THAN tS CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS.. EX CEPT I-OCAL SITUATIONS ANT HELP WANTED, WHICH ARB INSERTED FREE. Help Wanted-Mala. WANTED A BKIUHtTSoiTtoTIbaRN priming trade; one acquainted with central part of city preferred. Apply between 8 and 10 at 824 Pei av... A GENTS - A - 81 AP FOB YOU, SH OO .a. weeny; su,um yearly; no experience necessary; failure Impoaiible: nur scheme a new one: particulars fiee. . Addreas P. O. Box oww, ronton. Mum. . WANTED .N AOrNT IN EVERY BEG tion toemtTiw! Qfttn 0.1 Oil a Aa.v ntarin! sells at alcht; alaoa mai to sell Staple Hoods 10 neaiers; Deal sue line j.imai a inonm; sal ary or lane ronimlaaion mado; exiienence uiuieceeNt'y. Vinton aoap ami juauuiacinr ing jo., Cincinnati, u. WANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN every town to eollcit stock subscrip tions; a monopoly: ble money lor agents; no capital required. EDWARD C. FJS1I A CO., tj: . 1 'Ui in .v.wou OJ.VUM, WUrauatJ. 41'. Helo Wanted Females. f 11BL WANTED POR GENERAL HOUKE- wort. Apply at IU Jackson st WANTED II MEDIATELY TWO ENER etia saleswomen to represent as. Guaranteed $0 a day without interfering with other dutiog. Healthful occupation. Write ror particulars, inclonlng stamp, Maniro Cnom Iral Company. No. tS John street. New York. Agents Wanted. AGENTS WANTED TO BELL CIGARS; 9tu ir muuiu aainry ana exneosoa paia, Addreas with two-cent stamp, FIGARO CI' I1AU . A GENTS TO REM. OTTR PR AfTPlCAT, i. gold, silver, nickel ana copper electro pmicra; price irom npwara; salary ana ex penses raid; outfit Iroa Address, with stamp, AGENTS TO SELL CIGARS TO DEALERS S& weeklv and exneunua: exnerlntMui un. nncewary. CONSOLIDATED MFG. CO., 4S v an ouren at., mioaica. CALE8MAN TO CARRY SIDE LINE; 23 - per ceut. commission; sample - dook mailed ires. Address U N. CO., btatloa L, nrw zora. - . A T ONCE-AGENT8 APPOINTED TO IX sell new Usbtnina solllnit table cloth.mos. quito and bouse fly liquid at 10 cents and 25 cents a bo tie. Sample free. BOLGIANO Ji r u Co., Baltimore, Aid. A GENTS HINDE'H PATENT TNTVF.R, r. sol Hair Curlers and Wavers funod with out heat), and "PyrPolnted"Hair Pins. Lib eral commissions. Free sample and full par ticulars. Address r. u. uox 100. jvew vorK. Salesmen Wanted. W1 ANTED SALESM EN TO SELL STA ole roods at horns or travel: liberal sal ary or g 'Ol commission; we send samples on application; (Ire exclusive territory. Addreas r. i'. wl iiim, new xorK city- Boarder Wanted. VV ANTED BOARDERS IN PRIVATS f t ramuy. 417 Kortn Seventa st. Wanted -To Buy. WANTED TO BUY TWO OR THKKE pairs or heavy draught, wolght from t,eui to 3,009 pounds; must be sound and wen cnmsteu. inquire ot jus. v. JUAUKi-K, uunmore. For Rent. IOB RENT STEVENSON FRUIT FARM, r Clark's Green, for a term of years. Ap ply to GEORGE B. DAVIDSON, Attorney, 51! Spruce street. f?OR RENT FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. I suitable for one or two persous; gas, beat una oaio. tio viive street. ,UK KENT FUR 1SHED ROOM, WITH I or without board, suitable for two per sons. 1IC! Adams ave. L'OR RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST a L,acawanna avenue. Address THOMAS a. JSVArie, scar iia Liuxorne, Hyda Park. FOB RENT NICEi, i FURNISHED HALL suitable for ludirs rooms, JOHN JEU- min, jiu wyomug ovenue. TJH)R RENT-HOUSE, NINE ROOMS, JEP r fersonave.. 118. W. GIBSON JON ER. mi sprues h, POR RENT-HOUSE ON MADISON AVE.; s Desc siinitarr Diummnir. iiath. launtiry. linen and housekeeper's closet, full decora tions: best furuaoe. bent rutitfe: all convent. ences; hot and cold water on third and all floors and basement; spesklng tubes, etc.; moit nnmrortanie noma; reasonaoie rone n GIBSON JONES, 311 hpruoe st. T?OR RENT THE PREMISES RECENTLY V occunlcd by The Scranton Trlb tin knnwn as the Blotser Diillcllng, corner of Spruce St. aim renn ave. rwisessinn Given mimed ate v. The Drcmi es consist of the billdin? in the rear of the building on the corner of spruce -treet and Fenn avenue, together with the basement, and also the ontire lourth floor of the corner building. Can be rented for Lodge purposes wen m puuuo mvetinKK oizes oi all. 2xinu with a s cond ball on same floor, 2!xo6. Fur particulars Inquire on the 'nremlses. f Rudolnh Rloeser. or at the omcaoi j ue reranton irinune. Furnished Rooms to Let. 170R RENT FURNISHED ROOMS NEAR X Munlcloal buiiams. U. u. T.. Tribnne of flee. SITUATION WANTBD BY A WIDOW to go out by the day washing or lroninr, or take washing home; with rt-ferenre. Call BliALKSEGoNirHA or address MKfl. HOFFMAN, 13 Dli .court. T No. IS, doable radiator Economy: good I ITANTEU A POSITION A8 C'LEKK OB condition ; splendid heater. W. GIBUON ' manager; experience ot ID y-nrs in JONES, 311 Hpmce St. ceneral mercantile bunlness; best oity refer- - ' ' ence. Address No. 8-L.J Tribune ofllce. A CIIICKERINO PIANO FOR BALK (OR , i . KfTyftwoTtynV T-ftir"Ti a"V"iTH rent); aim black walnnt sideboard, good VV -IJERrlj i -i?J.fTSm. iX' niw as new; both bargains. l.VW Wasulnton ave. rJ, coJhln nd lronln8 l nome- k" FOB BALE 9-ROOM HOUSE: MODERN ",1T41Tpri rv RPHPFrTABLK winow' -improyemo..U; 20H Madison avenae. Dun- VV . I-ERiJ? .tlzSZ' more. WALTER BRIGGH, Attorney, Coin- ' , P"";?,","?0" 'ffl monwealth Building, or M. H. HOLQATE. ate terms. Address M. A. . Tribnaa office. rwiR RAI.R-FARM RTOrK AND AT t. ClTUATIOJl WANTED BY A MARRIED F?.rmVJn1 fiPs$k o JSJtU0 CIZ tTiXl SSy FIELD, 711 Scranton street. Scranton, Pa. g-taj elerk WMChman. Jaiiitor j penman; will work for low wages. Address ' COUHUnU. k h" Tribune offlce. JOHN PROUD, ACCOUNTANT AND Au ditor, 26 Library building, Wyoming ave tine. Special Notices, rpHjTBCH7DIERINOU ' X You want this relio. Contains all of Frank Leslie s lamousoio war log the foroes u actnal battle, sketobed on tha snot. Two volume. 2.0UJ nlctnres. Hold on easy monthly payments. Delivered by st ress complete, au onargse prepaia. Aaaress '. a MOODY, S2i Adams Ave., Scranton, Pa. BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS. MAGA sinsa. etc.. bound or rebound at Tub Tribumb of&os. Quick work. . Reasonable prices. Auditor's Notice. IN Bit 1ST ATE OF IRENE 8EAMON8, deceased. In th Orphans' Court of Lack- wan na eonnty. , The anderilgned, an andltor appointed by by the Orphans' Court of Lackawanna county, to distribute the funds In the hands ot Cbarlea Gardner, administrator of the above estate, aeshown by bis Brst partial account, gives no tice that he will atten I to the d ties of his ap- S liniment st his office In the Commonwealth sliding Room tit, Koran ton, Pa., on Friday, December 17, KM, at lOo'cloek a, mn at which time all persoMS Interested must appearand .resent their claims, or be forever desarrtd rom comlns in on said fund. ' j An. J. ti. HAMIL.TUM, Aaaitor, ' A Desirable House for Sale. Strictly first Class In every respect. ' Meaer Iwyreytswatt. Near ta Chorea, Scaeet, Elec tric Cars, a AN. Desot.'' BscelleMt Bthraher- keei, Ne, ieif MeeaeF Ave. Oreea Ridge. BeeetJM keeje ter fltmie Maoey ' '-'' i 0,A,LBAXWATL iHt Ksseey Ave. Cin)iniID ; & We carry only good, relia- -ble brands that stand the test of wear and service. Our $1 Gloves in 5-hodk and 4-button, with Paris points and 4-button pique are the best in the world for the money. We show a large line of Evening 1 6-Button, cream color, at $1.75 We have a large line of Men's Kid Gloves, deer, the latter in gold tans and new greys. CONNOLLY & WALLACE, It will pay you c CUT CLASS AND FIVE O'CLOCK TEAS I! FOR HI BELLECK GOODS LAMPS CHAFING S 1 CLEMONS, FERBER.O'MALLEY COMPANY m LACKAWANNA AVE. OPEN EVENINGS. Situations Wanted. SITUATION SVANTED-YOUNG-MAN. aire 24. Is vm-v anxious to vet a oosit on: is a sooil bustler: will work at anything; wohiu DKB to Ret in a store or wDoiesalu lionsa; haLlts aro the best; can Klve good ref erences. Aaaress siu Aaams aye., city. VVANT,i:D-BY A MIDDLE AGED MAN TV of SU veara exnerienre iu eeneral mercantile busluess, a position as clerk or man after. Address ManaKar, Tribuue ofno SITUATION WANTED - KXPERIENCED iJ dressninker would like a lew mora en ammonts by the day: terms (1 iter day. Ad- dr ss ft. O., trilinns office. SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG MAN ' ' oa clerk in store or office. Addraas 8. L.. Tribnne office. LliUAIlUfl nAfllbU-A9 UUAtQillAfl k ' or janitor; fourtson years' experience as coachman; good reference. Addrete 1423 Wyoming ayeuue. VVJ ANTED PLACE AH HOC SEKEEPER. bv a widow of 4'2 vflara. Addrua HOUSEKEEPER, Tribune office. SITUATION WANTFD TO GO OUT BY the day w.ishlns: wnshinirs taken home also. Call or address Sil North bumnor ave nue, flydo Park. 1 17ANTED A LADY DESIRES A POBI- II tion as atenographar and typewriter, (law office nroforred I. considers salary not so much an nulect as to aain axnai'letica. Ad dress M. K, I'M Washington avenue. SITUATION WANTED BY A SOBER, IN. ) dnatrtoua man of 28. at any kind of Ila-ht work, inside preferred. Address G. O.. Trib une oince. Medical. LAOIBBI OilchMtsfs Engfisn Poanyroytl rnt PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Dentists. DR. WILLIAM A. TAFT, PORCELAIN, Bridge ana crown wor. unci, c Washington avenue. '- C. C. LATJBACH. SURGEON DENTIST. No. 115 wyoming avenue, a M. 8TRATTON. OFFICE COAL EX- change, i Physicians and Snrgons. DR. A. TRAPOLD, SPECIALIST IN Diseases or women, corner Wyoming avenue and Spruce street, Scranton. Of flee hours, Thursdays and Saturdays, a. m. to i p. m. : DR. G. EDGAR DEAN HAS REMOVED to (16 Bpruce street, Bcrenton, ra. (Just opposite Court House Square.) DR. KAY, 81 PENN AVE.: 1 to I P. M.t eall iota. -us. or women, ODSireincs ana and all dls. et ehlL DR W. B. ALLEN, 111 North Washington avenue. DR C L. FP.EY. PRACTICE LIMITED. diseases oi tne eye, - tear, Nose ana Throat; office, 123 Wyoming ave,' Resi dence, te Vine street . Da L. M. GATES, W WASHINGTON KID GLOVES CHRISTHAS to visit our store and look TRY US. 602-604 UCXL IVL, COR. ADAMS. to S and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence 309 Madi son avenue. DR. J. C. BATE30N. TUESDAYS AND Fridays, at 605 Linden street. Office hours 1 to 4 p. m. Lawyers. WARREN KNAPP, ATTORNEYS and Counsellors at Law, Republican building, Washington avenue, Scran ton, Pa. JE89UPS ft HAND, ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors at Law, Commonwealth building, Washington avenue. W. H. JESSITP, HORACE B. HAND, W. H. JE38UP, JR. PATTERSON WILCOX. ATTOR neys and Counsellors at Law; offices I and ! Library building. 8rranton. Pa, ROBEWELL. H. PATTERSON. WILLIAM A. WILCOX. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND, Attorneys and Counsellors, Common wealth building;. Rooms 19, 20 and a. FRANK T. OKELL. ATTORNST-AT-Law, Room C, Coal Exchange, Soran ton, Pa. JAMES W. OAKFORD, ATTORNEY- at-Law. rooms 6J, ana ew, common wealth building. SAMUEL W. EPOAR, ATTORNEY-AT- Liw. Onice, 311 apruce at., pcramon, i . L. A. WATERS. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 433 Lackawanna ave., ocranion, r-. TmTP! TOWNSEND. ATTORNEY-AT- law Dime nanx nuiioina. Scranton, Money to loan In large sums at 6 per cent C R. PITCH KK. ATTORNEI-AT. . ft...,,.. n law, vOmmonweiin ouiiuing, awraniuii. Pa. . II. C. SMYTHE. ATTORNEY AT LAW, 400 Lackawanna, avenue. C. COMEQYS, 821 SPRUCE STREET. V. B. REPLOGLB. ATTORNEY LOANS negotiatea on real estate eeeuniy. eue ppruca atr it B. F. KILL AM. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 120 Wyoming; ave.. Scranton, Pa. JA8. J. H. HAMILTON. ATTORNBT-AT-law, 45 Commonwealth bld'g. Scranton, J. M. C. RANCK. 13 WYOMING AVE. Schools. SCHOOL OF THB LACKAWANNA, Scranton, Pa., prepares boys and girls for college or business; thoroughly trains young ohlMrea. Catalogue at re Queet Opens September (. REV. THOMAS M. CAMN. WALTER H. BUELL. J MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN and Bchool, 411 Adams avenue, Sept I. Kindegarten lit per term, Architects. BDWARD H. DAVIS. ARCHITECT, Rooms H M sad M. CemmoBwealth building, ieranton.. fy Sets j4 Sets A- Tea "a Sets B. L. WALTER, ARCHITECT, OFFICE rsmr of M Washington avenue. LEWIS HANCOCK, JR., ARCHITECT. 48 Bpruoe st. cor, wash, ave,. terontog, BROWN aV MOR' ARC SrTDCTS, jPflosWujaC, L4 VlAiwel MMWt V ''''."'...''."'.''.'.. Wall Favorite brands are Tha Milford, at Tha Brighton, at . . The Monarch, at , The Jeronss, at . The Avondalt, at $1.25 1.50 1.75 1.75 Z25 Popular colors are tans, ox blood, English red, gold tans, brown fawn, butter color, pearl, white and black. Dress Gloves in Suede for ladies.v I 16-Button, cream and ail the evening tints, at $2.50 including. Adlers, Dents and the new Rein- 2o9o.s0.nU8 over our stock of Dinner UPHOLSTER FURNITURE, Clean Carpets, Renovate Featliers, Hake Over Mattresses, Make and Repair Spring Sell Iron Beds, Make Fine Mattresses. Wire Sreens. JOS. KUKTTEL, REAR IU LACK A wanna avenue, Scranton, Pa., xoanufae turerof Wlre Screens. Loana. THE REPUBLIC SAVINGS AND Loan Association will loon you money on easier terms and pay you better on Investment than any other association. Call on 8. N. CaUender, Dime Bank building. Seeds, O. R. CLARK ft CO.. SEEDSMEN AND Nurserymen; store 146 Washington ave nue; green house, US0 North Main ave nue; store telephone 78L Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA MUSIC FOB balls, plcnloa, parties, receptions, wed dings and concert work furnished. For terms address R. J. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulberts muslo store. n , . MEGARGEE BROTHERS. PRINTERS" supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington ave., Soran ton. Pa. FRANK P. BROWN ft CO.. WHOLE" sle dealers In Woodware, Cordage an Oil Cloth. 720 West Lackawanna ave. THOMAS AUBREY, EXPERT AC. countant and auditor. Rooms 1 and t. Williams Bulldlnr. opposite poetoffloe. Agent for the Rex Fire Extinguisher. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE. IS and in FRANK- lln avenue. Rates reaoonable. P. ZEIOLBR, Proprietor. BCRANTON HOC8B. NEAR D., L. W. passenger depot. Conducted on tha European plan. VICTOR KOCH, Frop. WESTMINSTER HOTEL, Cor. Sixteenth St and IrvlBr Plaee, ' - - ' New York. Rates. IJ 50 per day and pwda. (Ameri can plan). . . M. AMALB. DELAWARE AND HUDSON RAIL - ROAD. Commencing Monday, t7refTaa Jury ja, ail iraine JVaQsW arrive at new Laoko W .ff'- wanna avenue etatlea jytar r - oa follows: Pw Trains will leave Seran- -- arJstknstals fill IflUnB ton IWUDn lWTAr. .V a e a l4t RWUtt "A a a UForPFarvl.w. Waymart and .HoneedAlj at 7.00. L- and M.10 a. m., 12.00. t and Hi P-J"i . m i-' AA-lrandaekS r or Ainnr, sarsius Mints at t. a aaa iv- ; XssU2 fTti l.W. : 1 rmjn. win .rut. : , " .m rMiWlaJai ana ts4eraeedla4e polBta) at T.4. 1.40. fcMand ) a ... . LU, TFVomMtontresi ftue,toa AAaW.'wta, atlM and 1LB p.m. .''.; From wi'kM-r a4 Htermettae Klntas4l J ' (Pllfift'iP avenue, one hours, to a. m.i US " ;' ' . " '- ; : ' .' : i X ' ', .f. : - -"' ' t