Tins ccrtAtrroit ronnnTE--TinraDA"ir KooTmrct iDsrdcsns 10. ibtv. NeuJs 6 b. K Ltd R2!s!!S,.25 3CtK.nRgs, -.25 4b.KnD2!si - - .25 4 Its. ted Currants, -.25 IB. dssd Sultana Rai sins,- - - .10 Extra Lea Peal, per lb., - .10 Extra Leghorn Citron, psr in, .12 4 lbs. Mixed Candy, - - .25 3 lbs. Clear Tors, - - -.25 Luce Bros. SCRANTON and TAYLOR. WEST SIDE EVENTS. Kepublicaa Caucuses in the Fourth and Fifth Wards Next Saturday Creating Muoh Intereat. ' i Next Saturday la the date scheduled lor the holding of the Republican cau cuaea in the Fifth and Fourth ward IPhaiM ha .tl i -. . I r lint ties In these two wards. In the Fifth the fight Is over select councilman hon ors. E. K. Robathan la aggressively fighting; the present incumbent, K. H Williams. Both men are making active canvasses of the ward. Nomination means election, as the ward is largely Republican In politics. In the Fourth there la excitement galore. Richard Nichols, the Jackson street tailor. Is In the lists with James A. Evann for the school controllershlp of the ward. Both men have many friends. The fight has been going on for months past. In the beginning there were several candidates, but all have dropped out except the two as plrants mentioned. Simon Thomas, of the Fourth, may not go to common council next term, His chief antagonist for the honor Is .William V. Griffiths, of North Sumner avenue. His friends are legion and a canvass indicates that he will be the Republican nominee. The friends of William T. James, however, say that he will be the nominee. He has many mends and will poll a large vote. John Neat and John Davis want to serve as constable of the Fourth. These are the chief tights In the Fourth and Fifth, Ellas E. Evans and Horatio T. Fel lows are waging an Interesting battle in the Fifteenth ward for select council, and Constable Henry Burschell Is op posed for re-election by several can didates In the same waid. Select Coun cilman Victor H. Lauer has announced him intention not to try for another term as select councilman from the Twenty-first ward. The Democrats are exceedingly aulet. .,, uniy in ue jrourteenqi ward is there any sell confessed candidates. Crowded to the Doors. Mean' hall never contained a larger crowd than that of last evening when ue Columbian Quartette grave an enter talnment with subsequent social. The programme as printed in yesterday's Tribune was given almost entirely, Larry Ketrtck amused the audience with his clever monologue and the sing ing of the quartette elicited much ap plause. Charles Cadugan recited well and the contralto singing of lira. Charles Metxgar waa well received. A reclta tlon by Miss Bessie Sloat, instrumental elections by Messrs, Price and Watkin Morgan, tenor solo by Tom Beynon, duets by the Misses Joseph, selections by the trio, Clark, Smith and Lang, and comic dialogue by Messrs. Martin and Lang composed the evening's entertain ment. At the dance which followed Watkin Morgan acted as master of cere monies, with Ool Morgan as assistant. J&mM fJrlffitha and George Davis were the floor committee. William Walter was Dromoter and the music was fur- nlahed by Miss Nellie Curran. The quartette Is composed of Uol Morgan, Herbert Jones.Emrya Morgan and Wat kin Morgan. mtamblaa Elect Officers. mi. rvriumhifl. Hose company elected fflcers last night for the year 1896. The in: Kdward PetherlcK. president; Henry Kinsley, vlce-presl-ijent; Albert Lewis, foreman; Samuel Harris, flrst foreman; Henry Meyers, second foreman; Charles Corless, sec retary; Steve Price, financial secre tary; David Harris, first pipe man; William Llewelyn, secona pipeman; John Ross, third pipeman; J. t. ai tnrA fourth nlrjeman: Edward Pettier ink aihort Lewis and Henry Kinsley, ' trustees. The fireman of the West Side are anxious that the fire gong be changed from thaj Oxford breaker to the Central air shaft on Washburn street. Th hnva was authorised by councils and the resolution was signed by the mayor but for some reason the change has not Seen made. The gong as at the present time stationed Is ineffective as fire alarm. Most of the firemen live on the westerly side of Main avenue, out of hearing of the gong. This causes pad service. ' jTtwe Motes and Psrsoaals. ' Barney McGlll and Joseph Denlke, Who have been on the Taylor line for a long time past, have been transferred to the new Smithvllle line. A clam chowder social will be held this evening at the home of Mrs. Wil liam Tohe, 124 South Bromley avenue, under the auspices of the Ladles' Aux llllary of the Railroad Young Men's " unnaiian association. The remains of the late Mrs. Mary Daniels were taken to Clifford for In terment yesterday morning on the 8.26 Delaware and Hudson train. The pall Dearer were: Samuel Rogers, William J3. Reese, John B. Jones, Evan H. Evans, David B. Evans and Daniel , Jamea. ; The board of trade meets tonight. The. cantata "Grandpa's Birthday" will be repeated Wednesday evening In the First Welsh Baptist church. -Camp , Sons of Veterans, will hold a red, white and blue entertainment In Mean: hall on Wednesday evening. Robert D. Lahce; of Decker's court, pa resigned his position at the Mount Heaaint mines; and will In the future tnd to the manufacture of drills 1 he, officers elected at the Sunday r ' 1 meeting of the Washburn Street 1 oyterlan church for the year 1896 Jose- I tears, president; Robert s aui i-r-Crutteiiden, assistant of fh? Sfibtipbs. superintendents; Thomas Patton, Will Burriii and Frank Thornton, iiDranans Mr. Cruttenden, chorister. The election of a secretary was laid over for six weeks. John Jones, a married man residing on Garfield avenue, was severely burned last Thursday while at work as miner In the Sandy Bank mine. The burns are chiefly about the head. He will recover. Luldy Iengolosky was committed to tne county Jail yesterday for assault and battery on the person of Annie AiatinsKy. The assault occurred yester day morning and the hearing was held before Alderman Thomas Kenny. Tonight at SI ears' hall a masquerade social will be held under the direction of several of our prominent young men. It is expected that several hundred guests will be in attendance. Masque raae suits can be rented at the hall. Hobble Wlntk-ld Bass, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Bass, of Bromley ave nue, died yesterday of dlphtheretlc croup, aged 7 years, five months and elghtenn days. Funeral tomorrow at 3 p. in. West Sldo Buslnesa Directory.! GET THE MAJESTIC OIL STOVE, Grand Parlor, Myatlc, Easier and Dock- asn nanges, zu per cent, xavea. n. 4 Huehra. Hcent. 1L4 South Muln avenue. BICYCLES repaired, scissors ground, tools sharpened, saws filed, keys fitted, machines repaired by W. L. Steenback, deuler in Uuns, Fishing Tackle, undor West Side bank. PHOTOG RAI'H E R Cabinet Photos, $1.40 per Uosen. They are just lovely, con vince yourself by calling at Starner's fiioto fariora, iui anu lira aoutn Aiain avenue. BARB BR Hair cutting and shaving done In a Hrm-claes manner at John H. rleyn old's Barber Shop, at Falrchlld'a Hotel GROCERIES Revere Standard Java Cof- fee Is unexcelled. The leadlnir coffo of the nay. For sale only at K. W. Mason & Co. Fine Groceries, lit South Main avenue. SECOND HAND FURNITURE Cash for anvthlntr vou have to sell. Furniture, Stoves. Tools, etc. Call and see the stock of J. C. King, 1024 and lft Jack son street. PI.I'MIIING Wllllnm TV Griffiths. 11: North Main avenue, does flrst-clnsa Plumbing. 8teain Heat and Gas Fitting. Satisfaction Is Btrlctly guaranieea. Sueclal sale of Holiday Wines for fam lly use, 35 cents pe quart, at James F, Bests, 808 Cedar avenue. DUNMORE. Mrs. France and son, Elwood. of Way mart, have returned home after spending tne past two weeaa iiu daughter, Mrs. George Crabb. A congregational meeting will be held in the lecture room of the Presbyterian church Monday evening, Dec. 16, to hear the report of the special committee ap nointed to hear candidates, and if the way be clear, extend a call to one of those who have been heard. A surprise party was tendered Mr. and Mrs. George Crabb at their home, on Fourth street, Saturday evening, mo oc casion being the birthday of the latter. Various amusements were indulged in, after which refreshments were served, Those present were the following gen tlemen with their wives: Curtis Wilds, George Robinson, M. K. Blihop, George Turner, John Curtis. Jacon netcner, Charles Cramer, John Mitchell, Fred Mitchell, Mrs. Maria Ammermun, Messrs. Charles Pletcher. George Ammerman, Leet Crabb, William Matthewson, of this place, and Mrs. T. Moffatt, Mrs. Ange line France and son, Elwood,' of Way- mart. The funeral of Jacob Wolf, who was killed on the Erie and Wyoming Valley Railroad on Saturday, took place at 2 o'clock and was largely attended. Misses Edith and Lottie Ripley enter tained a number of friends at their pleas ant home, on Monroe avenue, last even Ing. Dancing and other amusements were indulged in, after which refreshments were served, and a most enjoyable time was had by all present. The funeral of Charles Smith, who died of pneumonia on Saturday took, place yesterday afternoon at 2 o clock, and In. terment was made In the Dunmore cem etery. An alarm of fire was sounded from box 32, at the corner of Butler and Fourth streets, yesterday morning about 3 o'clock The burning of an Italian's shanty In Little England was the cause of the alarm. , NORTH END. Miss Catharine Ann Edwards spent Sun day with friends at Wyoming. Robert Edwards, who has been visiting at Jermyn, returned home yesterday. Jeanette, the 8-month-oIrt daughter of William X. Williams, of Wayne avenue. died yesterday from meningitis. A ball will be tield this evening at O'Donneirs hall for the benefit of Mrs. John Campbell. Dr. Vr. E. Lloyd has removed Into his new house, on Parker street, and North Main avenue. The North End dancing class will hold a social Wednesday evening at O'Malley's nan. The Wllkes-Barre professional team de feated the Seranon team at a game of indoor base ball last evening In Company it armory ty a score of t to 8. Joseph Green, a driver boy at the Lea. gett's Creek mine, was painfully Injured yesterday. He was removed to his home, near me aiarvine snnrt. The Christmas entertainment of lha Welsh Baptist Sunday school thl var will be an elaborate affair. It will be new on cntistmast eve. The drama "Measure for Measure," will be given bv members of the school tinder the rllrep. tlon of Thomas Jehu. After the drama a cantata will be performed by the chll dren, assisted by the older member and conducted by George Davles. The audi torium win be Beautifully decorated with trees and evergreen. Every member of me scnooi win oe liberally rememhArait on the occasion. Jennie, the little daughter nt r- Mrs. William X. Williams, of v nue, died yesterday morning after a week's Illness. The funeral will take place uiienioon ai a o clock. Rev. R. 8. Jones, D. D.. will ofl1.iato th pathy of a large circles of friends and acquaintances Is with the family In their numerous trials. . . SPORT INOLYPIIANT. Boxing and Wrestling at the Twilight .ihd lonrney. Last night the Twllln-h hi,mi. of Olyphant. held Its first annual tourn ament at Fathew Mathew nnam Many were present from J..i,n Throop, Dickson and Olyphant About 8.30 o'clock, John Evkna. iin.M..i .i the society, stepped upon the stage, an nounced the flrst contest and Intro duced James F. Judge, of Bcranton, ref eree; James Dempsey and P. J. Mc Oowen, ' of Bcranton, ' judges, and Charles O' Boyle, Olyphant. timekeeper. The first bout waa between John Jor dan, of Scranton. and John Cho of Forest City. The contest lasted for tnree rounds and was full of ginger, each man being severely punished. Jor dan was declared the winner. John Grady, of Olyphant. aot the twri,. over Joseph Strattford, of Forest City, In three rounds. One of the Drlnclnal tmuta nt , evening, between "Ed" Imgolsby and Will Foley, both of Olvihant. , lati four rounds, and was a draw. The bout between John Kelly, of Allentown, and Joseph Hicks,, of. Philadelphia, was a draw. There wag a friendly bout be tween "Jlmmle" Cbnnors and Michael waisn, oi ncranton. The closing feature was a wiwatiinir march bet ween' Jamea Continra Knit in. seph llodgena, In which Connors won tore oawna. , . .. . ,. ... -: ,., SOUTH SIDE NEWS. Board of Trade Will Hold a Meeting Jicxt Friday Night r Para graphs of Maws. Next Friday evening the board of trade will hold Its December meeting at Storr s hall, and It Is given out that mat ters of great Importance will be treated In a businesslike way. For a long time the board has made a special point to keep the sewer question before the eyes of the public. It was taken for granted that the day is not far distant wnen the South Side will be equipped as it ought to be with a satisfactory sewer system, The realisation, everybody thought, was about to be fulfilled when the ordi nance establishing the Seventeenth sewer district became a taw. But now that complications have arisen which delay the sewer's construction, me board of trade intends- to take up he matter and propose a way that will bring about a satisfactory settlement of the difficulty. The public Is waiting to hear from the board in regard to the transfer of the Honesdale Elevator works to the South Side. Nomination of Officers. The following have been nominated as officers of the William Connell Hose comnanv and they will be voted on at ih. null reiruinr meeting: rresioeni Charles Slmrell; vice-president, James k-i-h and Thomas uonnn: treasurer, a. Hr-haffer: recording secretary, Rich ard Farrell; financial secretary .sterling Slmrell- fnreman."DaVld Burke.i first asatstant.Thnma Donlin: secona assist ant, James Keoghrplpemen, James ion ....ii., iu.,kni Wina TV J. Ruddv. An iuiij ,.... , - - ' White. JoseDh" l!Ruane. Charles Stone; trustees, Charles tsimren. Schuffer and James Keogli. Shorter Paragraphs of News. John Roche, of 'Cherry street, recently South Ritie'cwrresuondeiit or tne KepuD llcan. Is employed in the grocery store of llerghanser ft Pyi. or aoutn wasn Inirtim avenue. " ' Mrs. Martin Joyce, of Mlnooka, who was Berlously ill, is out of danger anu recuperating. A regular meeting of Camp 430, Pa trlntlc Order Sons of America, waa held last evening and three members were Initiated. A spirited contest is now going on among the members of the Scranton Athletic club as to who will be their olllcers at the next election. The com petition is a friendly one. Otto C. Bresser, of this side, who was employed as head clerk in Ludwlg's drug store, Dunmore, will begin bust ness for himself at 433 Cedar avenue, In about a week. Mr. Besser is a popular . ...in .1 . . u . ',.,. yuuua iiiuii, iiu win, iiu uuuui, .ut- ceed. At Natter's hall last evening a con' cert was given by the Scranton Saen gerrunde for members only and their famllles.lt was a sociable gathering, and not marked by any formalities. The society rendered several choruses. Re freBhments were served as the last number on the programme. Mr. and Mrs. August Hartman, of Irving avenue, have returned after a visit to Philadelphia. A SHREWD GAME. Uas Been Worked In Scranton by a Colored "Professor." A "Prof." W. M. Boley, who has for three years been collecting money In Scranton, Wllkes-Barre and Philadel phia for the Lowry Institute and Indus trial school for colored children at Mayesvllle, S. C, has been declared a fraud. According to a letter from Rev, J. E. Stevenson in reply to an inquiry from Wllkes-Barre. Boley has not been Identified with the school for seven months and was dismissed for mlsap proprlatlng funds. The minister's letter stated that Boley opened a store and stocked It with the contributions and goods given him In the North; that his field of operation has been In Wllkes-Barre, Scranton and Philadelphia and that he had mailed 250 letters to those cities within the last two weeks. The letter con eludes as follows: I certainly have no personal feeling in the matter save to set the people in the north right In regard to this fraud Boley. I do this the more unhesitatingly because I am myself northern by birth, education, residence and sympathy until accepting tne pastorate or tne Mayesvllle Presby terlan church (white) over a year ago, and know how northern ceoule regard aucn appeals. You are at poe-fect liberty to use this letter In any manner you see fit, and I am yours respectfully, J. E. Stevenson. HANDS ACROSS THE SEA. That Popular Melodrama Can Be Seen at Davis' Theater. After a lone era of nrnanerltv in ti higher priced houses In England and America, "Hands Across the Sea," the sterling melo-drama, found Its way to the popular Davis theatre yesterday afternoon and was produced to the en joyment of a fair alsed audience. . One thing was prominently displayed at the performance, the individual members of the company are usually good, Maurice Freeman In the leading role, gave a finished impersonation. He is well supported by George Mack, Carl Fey, James Otley, James 8. Hart and Joseph Damery. Miss C. Blanche Rice Is charming and piquant and Miss May Newhall acts well. Manager Davis has a good attraction In "Hands Across the Sea." It will be given this and to morrow evenings with afternoon mat inees. SMALL AUDIENCE SAW IT. Pantomime Is Not Popular with Seraa- .v ton Theatergoers. . . Pantomlne Is not a popular form of entertainment in Scranton Judging from the small audience that saw the artis tic presentation of "Miss Pygmalion" at the Frothlngham last night by Mdlle. Jane May and company. Mdlle may la one of the greatest ex ponents of the pantomlnic art and pro duced "Miss Pygmalion" for over 600 nights In Paris and for 200 nights In London. Americana, however, do not take - kindly to- pantomlne no anatter how well done. The performance given last night by Mdlle May and company was excellent but failed to arouse the enthusiasm of the audience. In several of the scenes Mdlle May did some excellent bits of emotional acting. ; . -. .. ' NEW STORY BY DOYLE. In Friday's Tribune will begin a new serial story by A. Conan Doyle,- the ac knowledged king of novelists. It is a powerful story of Intrigue and adven ture, entitled "How the Brigadier Played for a Kingdom," being an enf- sode In the life of the Brigadier Gerard. This will be without doubt the best story we have yet printed. Don't fall to read the opening Instalments -- - CASES FORJAKUARY Ml Commoa Pleas' Trial List for Coming Term Made Up Yesterday. . v. ' ' " ' 1 NUMBER OP IMPORTANT CASES They Will Come I' P for Consideration During the Throe Weoka' Term ' Which Begins oa Monday. January 13, 1890. The trial list for the January three weeks' term of common pleas court, be ginning June 13, was made up yester day and is as follows: Monday. Jan. 13, 1806. MnrH. anil Ciul Mutual Coal COITV pany vs. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad company; treipusB. Benjamin Freeley vs. Frank Sniffer Wages. William Macoy vs. Thomas McDonough wages: Arthur Charlesworth vs. Charles M. Put nam: wattes. Chrstlan Smith, administrator, vs.-city of Scranton: tresoaas. D. W. Vaughun vs. Fred R. Jenkins luternlttader. Simon H. Yeakle vs. Mathls Btlpp judgment opened. D. B. Hand vs. People's Street Railway conmany. of Luzerne county; trespass, Edward Brandt, executor, vs. Mrs. F, A. Reese: ludirnient opened. Peter McKvnna vs. McSherry A Ma- Kenna; judgment opened. 1). L. Potter vs. D. C. Kenyon; judg ment opened. Blttenbender ft Co. vs. John Ward. Townsend W. Knowles vs. Mary Jacobs feigned Issue. Isaao W. Cobb vs. E. 8. II. Cobb; judg ment opened. Max Bernstein vs. William Strausser; appeal.- . . Tuesday, .lan. lV C. CVSteere vs. V. K. Oakley; assump sit. : Jacob Harris vs. O. C. Wilson; appeal. Uussle Sherrer vs. Charles Robinson, et, al.; Assigned to J. B. I.enh vs. Jesse Hunt Judgment opened. John Jermyn vs. T. A. Black; assumpsit J. W. Glbbs vs. J. N. Cup woll ; appeal Patrick Kllcur vs. Kdgerton Coal com pany, limited; trespass. Thomas Conroy vs. Delia Wagner, et. al.; snl. fa. 9. Lowensteln vs. Louis LowenBteln; judgment opened. Ackerman Bros. vs. Delaware and Hud son Canal company; uppcal, Wednesday, Jan. 12. Daniel Barth, et. al., vs George Earth; ejectment. Delaware and Hudson Canal company vs. Ackprman Bros. ; appeal. John Flack vs. Mary Kenny; ejectment, Medart Patent Pulley company vs. Soranton Machinery company; appeal. Thomas Davis vs. D. F. Kearney; ap peal. Thomas Beach, et. al., vs. city of Scran ton; trespass. James M. Everhnrt vs. George F. Nes- bitt, et. al.; ejectment. A. O. Wheeler vs. C. Rhodes; appeal. H. H. Burshel vs. Scranton Traction company; trespass. O, S.i Matnes, et, at., vs. Electric City Ijiiid and. Improvement company; tres pass. Second Week, Monday, Jan. 20. John W. Fowler vs. M. O. Webster. Anthony Healey vs. Michael Halptn ejectment. Michael Flynn, et. al., vs. George B. Hill, et. al.; trespass. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania vs. L. 1'. Zeldler, et. al.: set. fa. Winton Coal company vs. Pancoast Coal company; assumpsit. Elisabeth Morgan vs. John Loverlng, executor; appeal. Horace Harmeyer vs. Brown ft Samuels; appeal. Powell Domenico vs. Iron City Mutual Fire insurance company: assumpsit. William von Htoreh vs. C. H. Von etorcn; ejectment. W. R. Cowell vs. C. R. Pitcher, executor; trespass. W. C. Townsend vs. Frank Carluccl: assumpsit. W. P. Connell vs. Mary Zeldler: acl; fa. E. H. Evans vs city of Scranton; tres pass. L. D. Warner vs. Martin Allen: appeal, James M. WalBh. executor, vs. Dwelling House Insurance company; assumpsit, Tu'sday, Jan. It. B. Arnovltx vs. John Kelley; appeal. J. B. Kttlneer vs. K. C. Deans, et. al.; appeal. A. T. Phllo vs. Joseph Holderman; ap peal. Martin J. Gllbrlde vs. Bcranton Traction company; trespass. N. C. Collie vs. city of Scranton, tres pass. Ann McAndrew vs. Bridget Naughton; trespass. - Watson & Zimmerman vs. Green Ridge Lumber company; appeal. a. A. Blessing vs. Battln Plumbing com. pany; appeal. Carbondale Electric Light. Heat and Power company vs. J: W. Altken; assump. sit. City of Scranton vs. Anthony McNulty; set. fa. Wednosday, Jan. 22. City of Scranton vs. Bridget McNlcholls; scl. fa. Pennsylvania General Electric company vs. Carbondale Traction company; as sumpsit. Universal Fashion company vs. J. II. Lad wig; assumpsit. E. Pickering vs. Scranton .fraction com pany; trespass. Owen Connolly vs. John S. Jenkins, et. al.; ejectment. T. R. Edwards vs. city of Scranton: trespass. Mary Luxemberger, et. al., vs. Scranton TrXlon company; trespass. Thomas Harris vs. Iron City Mutual Insurance company; assumpsit. James usrtgan vs. Atlantis Refining company; tresnass. ingersoll. Sergeant Drill comDanv vs. Grelgsvllle Salt Mining company; assump sit. ' k . i ' Third Week, Monday, Jan. 27. i D. O. Jones vs. Delaware and Hudson Canal company; trespass. John McGlnty vs. Patrick Jordan, et. al.; replevin. Spruks Bros. vs. Fannie D. May; appeal. E. C. Haszard ft Co. vs. T. Hunt Brock: appeal. , , - . Martin Joyce vs. William Morgan, et. at.; trespass. , Mary Johnson, executrix, et. al.. vs. E. H. -Shurtleff, administrator; scl. fa. - uacoe and HhltTer Coal comDanv va. William M. Springer; ejectment. juna waisti vs. city of-Soranton: tres pass. C. 8. Lbwry va. Scranton Traction com pany; trespass. ' . , William. Holton vs. W. F. Will; appeal. Dennis Quigiey vs. Wrought Iron Brldxe company; trespass. M. M.. Dears w vs. Reese Mathews: an. peal. , - . , Bridget O'Connor va Scranton Traction company; trespaaa. Daniel Williams vs. C. B. Bcott: aaaunrn. lt. ' . . Tuesday, Jan, 28. Patrick Blewltt vs. Central Railroad of New Jersey; trespass. Enos Flynn vs. Anna Barrett: trespass. Enos Flynn vs. Anna Barrett, et al.: trespass. ' - Daniel Williams vs. Bcranton Stove works; appeal. T. J. O'Malley vs. Scranton Traction company; trespaaa. . . H. Koehler ft Co. vs, D. F. Kearney s aaaumpalt. Mary Ctrmddy vs. Thomas F. Brown. et. al.: scl. fa. James White A Co. VS. HenntT. Howell! appeal. , , , . Wedaeaday. Jan. 3P. 8. Armello vs. J. Arlgont, et at.; appeal. L. L, Potter vs. Soranton Traction com pany; 'trespass, '; . ,- i ... John Miller vs. Jones and Spruks com pany; aaaumpalt. a. p. Dogt et al rt. X. BendsG. t !.: aaAlmnf ."v. -t '. ., . George Hlghfleld vs. J. R. M ears J scl. fa. tt. n. xiuaja t. Anna jjicjcjod, ti. u. atnCMsAl. Providence Milling company ys. Will- lam jHaisraFftrtv onnau I Margaret Frana vs. C. Relhl and wife; annMl. City of Scranton vs. Herbert McHale; Casey Bros. vs. Charles SUles, et al. THE TASTY PRINTER la always In demand. We aim to satisfy our customers with taBty printing, and with that end in view originate Ideas In the typography of a job that are striking and pleas ing to the eye. Tou may be In the old rut, but a trial at another office may bring you face to face with the fact that it pays even to! vary the ap pearance of your stationery. Give us a trial, and test us. HAL. I. STEAD. F. T. Johnston has been on the Blck Hat. The borough council met on Saturday evening. Mrs. F. D. Lamb and son Frank are tne guests of friends In Clifford. Colonel Snover la nrranirlnfr In np. ganize an encampment oi oud Fellows In town. Mrs. Thomas Gannon is visiting her son at Hurra lo, n. y. Mrs. David McMoran has returned from a visit with friends at Newark, N. J. Mrs. R. Edwards and granddaughter, who have been visiting at the residence of Mrs. B. F. Bernstein, have returned to their home In New York citv. Philip Welbler Is working on an ar rangement for lubricating axles of ran way cars, which will prove very profit able to him. The Pennsylvania Rooftlng company, of Scranton. have a force of men em ployed In town fixing the roof on the siik mm. L. T. Travis has decided to go Into the grocery business In Blnchamton. James P. Dickson, of Scranton, will address the gospel meeting In the Knll- roau xoung Men's Christian Assocla tlon hall next Sunday afternoon. Mrs. J. O. Mawrev. of Phllnrtolnhin. who has been visiting friends In town. nas returned home. Miss Amelia Troubrldge, of Owago, was calling on her brothers, Henry and William, here on Saturday. Postmaster John A. Mtuane has re turned from a visit at Clark's Summit John Shores has come into tne tins- session of a moderate inheritance from his father s estate In Germany. Miss Anna, Brown is visiting friends in v acioryviue. DO YOU EXPECT To Become a Mother? If so, then permit ut to iv inai Dr. rierce'i Favorite Prescrip tion is indeed, a true "Mother's: Friend," FOR IT MAKES Childbirth Easy by preparing the svstem for narhiri. tlon, thus assisting Nature and shortening " Labor. " The painful ordeal of childbirth is robbed of its terrors, and the dangers thereof greatly lessened, to both mother and child. The period of confinement is also srreatly shortened, the mother strengthened and built up, and an abundant secretion of nourishment lor the child promoted. Send io cents for a larare Book U68 rjairesl. giving all particulars. Address, World's LMSPKNSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, 661 JUttlU OI., JDUHUIU, rt,. X. PAINLESS CHILDBIRTH. Mrs. Fred Hunt, of Gleiiville, JV. Y., says: "I read about Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite prescription being so good for a wo man wuu cnua, so i got two bottles last September, and De cember 13th I had a twelve pound baby girl. when I was confined was not sick in any way. I did not suffer any pain, and when the child was born I walk ed into another room and went to bed. I keep your Extract of Smart-Weed on hand all the time. It was very cold weather ana our room was Mrs. Hunt. very cold but I did not take any cold, and never nan any aiicr-paiu or any otner patn. It was all due to God and Dr. Pierce's Fa. vorite Prescription and Coinrjound Krtr.nrt of Smart-Weed. This is the eighth living child and the largest of t'ucm all. I suf fered everything that fesh could suffer with the other babies. I always had a doctor and then he could not help me very much, but this time my mother and ray husband were alone with me. My baby was only seven aays oiu wncn 1 got up ana aressea and left my room and stayed up all day." THE DOCTOR'S ADVICE. Laura, Utica. What will cure Indiges tion? . Our Gastrlne, a teaspoonful three times a day. 1 U. M., Cincinnati. I surfer much from dyspepsia.' My food ferments, causing belching and an uncomfortable feeling. Am constipated. Please help me. Use Gastrlne. observing Instructions on circular around bottle. Dose of Natrollthlc Salts, before breakfast, for a week. R. M., Columbus. Am troubled with pains through my kidneys; cannot stand -long without great fatigue. The trouble Is not in your kldnevs. Take Ovarlne, twice dally. Uso hot bathing locally, once or twice a week. a. u. is., urange. wnat can I take for plmplesT Our Thyroldlne, extract of the thy roid gland. THE DOCTOR The above preparations and other special ties of the including the famous Columbia Chemical Co., Washington, D. C Including the famous ANIMAL EXTRACTS and NATROLITHIC SALTS. At all Druggists. Send for Literature. Bold by Matthews Bros., 120 Lack'a ave. FAILING MANHOOD Geaeral and Nervttt Debility. ' Weakness ef Body aad Mind, Effects of Errors or Exosaus In Old or Yones. Kobatti Noble anbood fully Restored, low to Enlar ilaraa ac Strengthen weak, Un- developed Portions of Body. Absolutely un failing Home Treatment Benefits la a da v. 'v from CD Htataa and mrala-a Countries. Send for PeeorjptlTe Book, e puuuktion and proofs, mailed (seeied) free. - ERIE 11EDI3AL CO., Cuffxlo. N. Y. BLANK! BOOKS Of fill kiodt, manafacfarcd at short t- SSSKi Man tUI School of Elocution and Oratory MR. AND MRS. L J. RICHARDS, Olreotora. fiiE Minis of sir seiJii Mr oi liKifli. ROOMS 27 triO 28, BUM BUILDING, Washington Ave., Bcranton, Pa. Wtaferitfill Soon B? flw And to be prepared to meet the cold weather yoa want a seasonable Suit or an Overooat-or both AND THE BEST PUCE TO VISIT FOR SOMETHING GOOD IN MERCHANT TIIL0RIN3 IS u 406 Lackawanna Ays. THERE YOU WILL FIND The largest itock to aelest from. Trim mings Always of the Best, Lateit Uivle in Catting, and made up on the prealnx by Expert Workmen. ty Nothing allowed te leave the osUb Ilehment nnWea aatialaotorr to the eas terner, and the lowest prices consistent with Good Merchant Tnltorlng. THE NEW NO, 2, Contains all that has made Hammond Work fan-oua, aad NEW, NOVEL and USEFUL ira provementa. "Hammond Work the Criterion of Hammond Superiority." "Hammond Bales toe criterion of Hammond Popularity." Ham mond No. 2. "The perfect Typewriter. Ex amine it and be convinced. Philadelphia branch of The Hammond Typewriter Co., 119 8, Sixth Street. Fe A. & A. J. BKANDA, 414 Spruce St., Scitnbn ReprtientaUvM. G. W. FRITZ, Harness Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer la Horse Blankets, Plush, Wool and Fur Robes, Driving Gloves and Mitlens, Sleigh Bells and Holiday Goods in Their Season 110 LACKAWANNA AYENUE Scranton. Pa. Com?l8xIoa Prcsstrsa DR. HKBRA'S VIOLA GREAT.1 a tare and Tea, and re atone the skin to its orlgV al fHahnaas, producing a - and bealthv nnm- frepsnOiona and .perfectly harmless. At all ugajsts,oxanaikiotl0cta Bead tot Circular, O. C. BITTNKft 4 CO., Toledo, O. dVtXla? Matthws Bfa.antf Joha i '95 Whelm, List $100, Price $65 o lonarco. List bd, rnce oo I '91 Columbia, . WeSb ' 8d 1 '92 Cleielaad, condition ftir, 20 Tha hmh 1ntMlBss avskt nlfairaxl mil. Our prieaa on Bportiaff Ooodt ar (Uwr rock bo A. W. JURI5CH, 439 Seraee Street east ! ou j Com and see ut about tk Job J Work you will need toon. HAMfilONDTYPEWRITER VIOLA SKIN SOA Mj t m ai aaa fuiftaf aiiim a U. MM, mt na il ami at gaij. Tliiiniilr jm aaaaakak mM LOOK RT THESE PRICES : The I Special for a JACKETS AND CAPES For Ladies, Hisses and Children. Special to Close Out the Entfro' Lino rruA . , uu KBiuiviiiB uuerea are as perfect in shape and finish as they can be made, and all we ask of the public is an inspec tion, nothing; more. Trices will talk for themselves. 100 Ladlea" Kersey Jackets, 7.5n value, for .7. 00 Ladlea' Buucle Jackets. SI2lue. for 7. V1JM' Kersey Jac-keta. SH.S0 Talun, for 80 Ladios' Krle Jacket, f MM value, for 47 Jacket, $14.30 to 11U00 Vnltir, for S5 Ladies' Cnpea, special 7 value, for IS l.u lion' Double Braided Caps. J12 value, for SO Milam' Uretchtiu, all sizes, to valu, etio'ce 21 Mittaes' Jackets A to 12 year. J4 vahio, choice. . . . 40 Ladios' Fur Cape, full sweep, $14 value, f..r Millinery. Millinery. Comewith a lenn purae or a fat ono, you ran command n wine choice; and hotlier you pay little or mu.-h, yon can be aum of a aty Isu, sensible Hut r Sonnet every time. $ .8 FOR A FEW DAYS ALL MILLINERY AT HALF 303 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton, Pa. 308. OPEN EVENINGS. We are now PREPARED FOR THE RUSH Wo are xatisllnd that our efl'orti'tliis - anon wl.l pieaxe hotter than ever. Nearly every article is worthy of uiuutiou. We lead in all lines. WATCHES, CLOCKS DIAMONDS AND FINE JEWELRY, STERLING SILVER WARES AND NOVELTIES, CUT GLASS, ART PORCELAINS, BANQUET LAMPS, ETC. Our Prices Are Always lit Lowest. SANTA CLAUS Will soon call on n, and If you will call and aolert you good ho will bring yon just what you want. Twenty thoutund feet of floor room devoted to Candy and Toya. Dolls by tbe Thousand Dolls Outfits com pic t a. Hats, Capes, bho.-a, Heads, Bo J lot, Doll Furniture. See our Child's Carpet Sweeper and tbo Ideal Sewing Machine for is.oa, will do any kind of sewing, and the , Baby Sewing Machta for la.jo. EXAMINE OUR TEN AND TWENTY CENT CANDV COUNTER The largest and bast variety for tbe money In tlio land. CALL AND SEE US. JJ. 312 AND 314 UCKA.WINNA AVE. DU POINT'S WINING, BUSTING AND SPORTING ttaantactnred at the Wapwallnpea Milla, Ls seme county. Pa., and at Wil mington, Delaware, HENRY BE LIN, Jr. General Agent for the Wyoming District, tta WYOMING AVE, Soranton. Pa Third Katsoeil Bank Bail ding. aauciB s THOB. TOBP. Mtteton. Pa. JoHN & SMITH BON. Prpnoath. Pa K. W. MULLIGAN. Will'aa barraTpa. a genu ror in n panne viiassnai law's Bath SxploslTaa, "snc REVIVO restores vmun Made icsDar. Well Ma' MtaDar. of Me. Tna irut sous : neod ea the shore rasnlta sa so days. Itacti bowfnllT and qaioal. Cans srken all etaets tail Yoaag men will rasala their leet sumhoeCeadek auaywUl reooser their realkfel vsaet kr astai vKTIYO. H ejaleslr sad sorely featoreaMeneea seas, Leet TltalitT. laasoteaer. Mlgntiy ftstastesa Loatlweer.Iiilut Meaorr, Wesstna Piesseee, and ail afesss at self-abase or ssssaisad ladtsnetUiD. ate malta eae for etedy. tisiian saaiTlate. II Mealyenreesyetartlaaattheeeat et alsesw. but Isaaieat aerratnale tmA blood baUder, krt;.f log bees the Brink glow to anl cheHu and re tsarlasi the tiro of yoatk, U wards eg I nsealtj aad Oeaeusistloa. batrt oa aatwg ItKTTTo. a. ther. Il eaa be earried to vmt fcooset. g null IMO aer aekate. ee els tot -, srHk swel Mre wrlttoa gnarantao ao ear ear soiaiu ihesaoaoF. (XmUartree. iHrias 'OTal MEOICIRt CO., It Rle M. OttrSMt, IU W attw atraau faWSay MERCEREAU & CONNELL POWDER mm bay. Few Davs Onlv. PRICE AMUSEMENTS. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. ; ' Wednesday, Deceatber IV Engagement at ALEXANDER SALVINO AND HIS COMPANY OP PLAYERS, Under tbe Management of MR. W. M. WILKISON. On this occasion Mr. BalVint will appear In "THE THREE GUARDSMEN." Prlres tl.H), 1, 73c., 60c and 2Sc Sale of aeata 0iena Monday. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Thursday and Friday Evealags. Triumphal Return of the Great KnglUh Success, HUMANITY. Button Tane's ltasterplere, with JOSEPH GRJSMER, PHOEBE DAVIES And a Star Cast Under the Haoasemsnt of WM. A. BRADY. Sal of seats opens Tuesday morning at I o clock. THE fROTJilNGflflM. Wagner A Rela, Lessees and Managers. TUESDAY, DEC. 10. AND HER OWN COMPANY , Presenting for the flrst tlsie la this city tag I Powerful Drama! , THE QUEEN OF LIARS Regular prices. Sale of seats now la pro gress. DR. PARKHURST The Oreat Reformer, Ceasing, DECEMBER 17. AT THE - FROTHINGHAM Subkct-'-PURE CIVIL GOVERNMENT. " , Tick.ta now on sale in the city at the folio ing pbces: Bnipa, Ingne and tickets ran be secured at. O R. Clark Co S2UI Waaaingtoa era TickeU at Matthews Bros 890 Lackawanna are John H. Pheipe, drnggiat. Wyoming m Hpraos Morsan'adrug store N. Mi and Jackson Henwnod'e drng atore Pro uce sqaars Rea&Jonee' druc store ,.T-.....w.n Green Ridge at. and Dickson ave Powers' drug atore 414 Alder at C T. iller Park Ptaoe ' Secure tickets early to Insure a seat. DAVIS THEATER Monday, Tuesday, Wednes2ij, Dec 9, 10, IL MflORICE FREEHflH AS JACK DUDLEY, la Henry Pettltt's Latest fletedrssaa, Hands Acrooo The Sco SUPPORTED BY A STRONta, COMPANY. .. 1, . . .-' t ., . Adsifssfca, ; 10, 23 cr .3 Cx'J GALLUP coaoc oiLn - vineii:::; ; X' I CI DEP. CmOE AND YKSitm " SV o.a ato. HE III FISKE 11 - ' w . '.:V'"' "':."iVV-'- :'. fr 1.
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