I 2 TIII5 SCBAtfrTOl? "TRIBUNE- SATURDAY' DECEMBER. T, t89S. WILKES-DAflflE. GRANGERS' MEETING. Gatfceriag of Hasbaadmea at Uknut Tcrdav-Prograramo or Exercises. - The regular meeting of Luieme coun ty Pomona Orange, No. 41, will be held at Orange Hall. Lehman, today, the first aeeeloa beginning at 10.30 a. m. 'me morning session will be private, and will be devoted to special business of the organization, reports of subordinate granges, various committees, etc. At two o'clock the afternoon session will begin, and anyone who feels an Interest In this work Is Invited to attend. Fol lowing is the programme: Music by the choir, Mr. Barnum,' or ganist. Singers of other sister Oranges are cordially Invited to assist In sing ing. Selections on the cornet by V. . Branson. Question box will be on the master's stand. Report of subordinate 'granges.. Report of special committees. Adjourn for dinner. Afternoon Session Music by the choir: address of welcome, by Ollle Sny der; response, by C. H. Huff, Chestnut Grove Orange; song, by the choir; Car ing for and Feeding Cattle, by William Armstrong, of Lehman Orange; song and recitation, by Clark Hllderbrant; comic aong, by Solomon Lewis; For the Good of the Order, by the worthy dep uty; reading and answering questions. What influence do attractive homes have upon the formation of character? by -Mrs.- William Oallaway; recitation, by Maud Williams;' address on clover crop value as a fertiliser; and best va rieties for given localities, by Brother .William Goes; song, by Ellxa Williams; recitation, .by Alice Machell; miscella neous, Walter. Brodle, T. M. Dullard, Dow Williams. Delbert Hunted, Marlon Schaaley and D. M. Williams. The . .Worthy State Lecturer, W. T. Hill, will surely be present. Come and hear this celebrated Orange advocate. Evening Session Open at 7.30 sharp for the purpose of conferring the Fifth degree. All Fifth decree members are cordially requested to attend this ses ton, it Is very Important Mrs. keltallne's Funeral. The funeral of Mrs. Victoria Kelthllnc took place yesterday afternoon, from her late home on South' street, with house services conducted by Rev. B. F. O. McGee. The singing was by Mrs. E. K. Fry, Mrs. Q. E. Mason, Fred Bird and George E. Mason. There was a number of beautiful floral pieces as follows: pillow, with the word wife, from her husband; an chor, sister, from her sister; open bible, from John E. and Chas. W. Kelth llnc; wreath, with the word our sec retary, from the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Order of Railway Conductors; gates ajar, from the Order of Railroad Con ductors: wreath. Emma and Sarah Sauerwlne. Allentown; bouquet, Mrs. Fred Smith: bouquet of Utiles, from Mrs. Samuel Boyd; bouquet, from P.; bouquet, 'from Mr. and Mrs. Warren. The pallbearers were: J. W. Bennett, George Bird, Oeorge E. Mason, D. 8. Kline and W. R. Toomb. Interment was In Hanover Green cemetery and Undertaker Knlffen had charge. Accidents In the Mines. On Thursday afternoon Thomas Dur kin, an employe of the Algonquin Coal company, at their Laurel Run mines, had a very narrow escape from death. He had drilled a hole and was prepared to fire the charge when a feeder of gas became ignited. He had only time to turn around when the shot exploded. Durkin. by a miraculous chance, es caped even serloua injury, but was cut about the face and shoulders by flying pieces of coal. John Rachabager,- a -miner employed In the Stanton shaft, and a man twenty seven years of age, was caught under a fall of rock yesterday morning, about 8 o'clock, and badly bruised about the body, besides having one rib broken. He was taken to the city hospital for treatment. Rachabager is a Polander, ana is unmarried. Killed r? a Tree. ' On Thursday afternoon, Wesley Bel las, aged forty-eight years, a well known farmer, residing In Huntington township, three miles, west of Shlck shinny, was Instantly killed while fell ing a tree In the woods near town line. While chopping at an Immense oak, a large decayed limb fell from the top of the tree striking Bellas on the head and crushing the skuU. His death was in tantaneous. He leaves a widow and the following adult children: William, Jars, fimiu Kllllan, Mrs. George Kll llan and Miss Cora at home. The fu neral win take place on Sunday morn ing at 10 O'clock. Services will be held at the new Congregational church at iWatertown, and the body will be in tarred in Boon cemetery. i- Aaotaer Fox Chase. '. The" first "fog" hunt" on tlcyclcs given by the WIIkee-Barre wheelmen, proved so great a success that another was given last night. Nearly all the club participated in the event, which ,was quite exciting. The chase began about f :S0 when the streets were clear ana tne rox was caugni aner a long and exciting chase. An impromptu re Safoty. "Safety" the watchword of the hour; In bicycles the low. wheel with ' pneu matic, tire and search light; in railroad ing the block-signal and vestibule. Why not "safety In medicine? The old-fashioned cough and. cold cures are poisonous, laden with ipecac to nause ate and opium to deaden the'senses. Not so with "77" for Colds and Grip Dr. Humphrey's latesand greatest dis covery. It is entirely harmless, yet acts iw such promptness that the cure be gins before the pellets are entirely dis solved on the tongue the cold la cured the spirits revive, and life resumes a goiaen nue. "77 " GRIP, Colds, Influents, Catarrh, Pains In the Head and Chest, Cough,: Ore Throat, General Prostration and Fever,, "TT will "break up" a-stubborn cold that "hangs on." " ' ' .j .u'i .' , ... , -. . Da smearey pats sp s Rpeeiuo for every talent cantatas? dMrlbd ,n "to UhD Small bottles of nloaaM.4 nallataflta mar veet pocket; sold by dragglsts, or sent on re ceipt of prtoa. He. i ar avejor II. Baapbreys' jeeoieuM w,u eaa lis wiutai VllUam street, Mew ret. H-U-n-P-H-R-E-V-S ceptlon was held at the club nous after the hunt. - A Oivoree Salt, . Yesterday. Augusta Kraus, by her at torney, Thomas D. Shea, began a suit for divorce against her husband. An tony Kraus. She gives as her reason for divorce the' continual drunkenness of her husband, and his consequent cruel treatment of her. Both parties reside In Alden, and their case was made re turnable to the next term of court. BRIEF NOTES. The Arabians who have been annoy ing the aldermen's courts with petty cases were before 'Squire Donohue yes terday, and the whole-crowd was bound over to court,, after a hearing lasting two hours.- Next Tuesday evening the third event of the T. M. C. A. lecture course will be given. It will be a lecture by Prof, ti ls. Cumnock. i John F. Stone, of Scranton, and Miss Henrietta L. Phillips, of this city, were married at the home of the bride last Thursday evening. Rev. J. T. Logan, pastor of the Free Methodist church of this city, was mar ried last Thursday to Miss Sylvia Back enstor, at the bride's home at Emans, Lehigh county. The ladles of the Calvary church gave a largely attended supper at the cnurch building last evening. The evening school of the T. M. C. A. Is progressing nicely. There Is a targe attendance, and the results are excel lent The Luzerne County Sportsman's Club held a largely attended meeting in the board of trade rooms last evening. The ladiea of the Oratorio society are making an earnest effort to pay off the Indebtedness of the society. To this end they will hold a supper on Friday evening next, in Concordia Hall. Rev. H. F. J. Snedecker, pastor of Christ Lutheran church, has i)ecllned the call to St. John's, as he believes that he can be more useful in his pres ent sphere. I Rev. W. D. Laumaster will lead the regular Saturday night meeting at the Y. M. C. A. rooms this evening. The case of Lawrence Myers againt the Lehigh Valley Railroad company, took up the whole day yesterday in court room, No. 1. Judge Bennett pre sided. . , Edward A. Lowe died of typhoid fever yesterday morning at his home In this city, at the age of 'forty-seven years. The engagement of Miss Smythe, niece of Dr. Spoyd. and T. F. Creeger. Jr., of Philadelphia, has been an nounced. A Georgetown car was stalled on Hazle avenue for nearly an hour yes terday morning. The trouble was a defective motor. There Is some very excellent skating on the Kingston pond holes. TUN KM AIM MOCK. Joseph Wlllams, the Wall House bar ber, has moved Into rooms In the opera house block. The funeral of Judson A. Jayne.whleh occurs this afternoon, will be conducted by Rev. W. M. Hlller, of the Methodist church, Temple Lodge, F. and A. M having charge of the services at the grave. Mr. Jayne was about fifty years of age, and leaves a wife and two daughters. He was a native of Me hoopany, and came here . about three years ago to engage In the coal busi ness with the later F. M. Buck. After the death of his partner, falling health forced him to retire from business, and he Anally went west In the hope that a. chance of climate might help him, but lie grew worse instead of better, and came home in the early summer. He was a quiet, unobtrusive man, and gen erally esteemed. Conductor Drake, of the northern di vision of the Lehigh Valley, was slightly injured In a wreck at Geneva a few days since. He formerly ran the afternoon express between Elmlra and Kaston, and has many friends down tnis way who will rejoice over his fortunate es cape. His engineer was badly scalded. The postal regulation forbidding post masters to pay any money orders drawn In favor of lottery companies, or to for ward mall to Hhose su nosed to be en gaged In the lottery business, wfil have the effect to- discourage that sort of traffic. The time Is not long passed since a considerable amount of cash found its way from the pockets of la borers In this community to the till of the lottery companies, and It is pre sumed that the traffic keeps up yet, to a somewhat limited extent, on account of the restrictions. The postal ruling does not affect those contemplating matri mony, however, and love leters are de livered the same as if marriage was no lottery. The recent rains raised the Mehoop- any creek sufficiently to enable the Me hoopany 'Lumber company to' float down a Quantity of logs, .and the mills have started up again, after a long period , of idleness. This company. , of Which 'Albert Lewis, of Bear Creek, Is president, and R. P. Crellen, of Mauch Chunk, treasurer, employs about forty men and makes a heavy output of lum ber every season. The. testimony and arguments in the sewer case, which has occupied the at tention of Judge Dunham for a couple of days, were closed last night and the judge returned to his home . with his papers, reserving his decision until ne had time to digest the matter a little. The case hinges on the. point whether Captain Handrlck, whose own private right to use the sewer Is unquestioned. could allow others on adjoining prop erties to conect with him and avail themselves of the privilege which was granted to him alone. It is the general opinion that the. court will decide that he has no authority to extend the rlgnt to ".others, and that the Injunction against the Hotel Graham will be made permanent. But In the meantime the burning need of public sewers to which all may attach Is so apparent as to overshadow, every other matter of pub lic Improvement. Mrs. Arthur Harder, of Ransom, has been spending two or three dqys among friends here. Mr. Harder..wjio is yard master for the Lehigh Valley company, at Coxton, has recently purchased a farm at Ransom and removed his fam ily to it He will continue In the em ploy' of the railroad company, and his son -Will will' manage the farm. The Presbyterian Sunday school has just purchased new singing books. The Bethel Baptist cnurch choir, of Plttston. gave. a delightful concert to a falrsised audience at the Baptist church here last evening. Four men from each section gang on the Lehigh Valley were discharged yes terday morning. This Is in line with the usual winter retrenchment custom of the company. The discharged men will be first to be engaged when extra men - are needed, however, and w catch a good many days' work through the winter when wrecks or heavy storms occur. John Madden Is back to his old posi tion in the Kuts harness shop. Miss Phebe Jackson, of FAmlra, is vis iting her uncle, D. L. Jackson. . . The general merchandise etoc1c of John Berth, which was purchased by Herrlck Brothers, Is being transf erred to WINTRY WEATHER WEAKENS the system, lowers the vitality and de creases the power of resistance against colds and chills. Many people are feel ing weak and shivery just now.- They complain of cold hands and feet. Their blood doesn't circulate properly; the raw, bleak air seems to go right through them. Others feel worn out and lack vigor. They are bilious, nervous, have backaches, headaches, and a pale sal low complexion. All these ' symptoms Indicate that the liver and kidneys are out of order. Feeble circulation of the blood shows that he system Is In a very low condition.. People who feel like this are facing some dangers they little suspect. . LOOK OUT for pneumonia, Influenza or sJme other dangerous complaint when you are In this state! If you have any of these symptoms and are not feeling so well as you ought to feel, do not wait until you are laid up with a serious Illness. Act at once. Take something that will build up the system, put the blood In healthful mo. tlon and act on the liver and kidneys. Prevention is better than cure. There In only one way to get well. There Is only one remedy that can make you well. The remedy you need Is W'ar ner's Safe Cure which is recommended and prescribed by physicians through out the world. This great remedy con tains the vital principles essential to the maintenance of health and strength. It increases the muscular energy, for tifles the system and builds up every part of the body. It has never been cnualled as a cure for liver and kidney complaint, bladder trouble or Brlght's disease. It is the most reliable remedy known to medical science. Everyone who has ever tried it believes In It. If your health needs attention do not experiment with Inferior remedies. It is cheaper and wiser to take a remedy that has earned a world-wide reputa tlon, which has stood the test of years and has proved, In mllions of cases, that it can always be depended upon to relieve and cure. their store, corner of Tioga and Bridge streets. The Uarth storeroom awaits a tenant. Johnny Ryan, formerly of this place, had two or three Angers taken off while coupling cars at f-ayre a day or two since. No service In Bt. Peter's Episcopal church on Tuesday, owing to Bishop Rullson having postponed his contem plated visit. PECKVULE. The raffle of a buggy for the widow of the late E. T. Harding has been post poned until the 28th of December. The employes of Grassy Island Dela ware and Hudson breaker were . paid yesterday. Our Are laddies are making big prep arations for their fair, which com mences Dec. 23. Communion service will be held in the Methodist Episcopal church tomor row morning. Love feast at 9 o'clock. Preaching at 10.30, by Presiding Elder Thorpe, At a regular meeting of Warahpa Tribe, 211,, Improved Order of Red Men, held October S3, the following regolu tlons were adopted: . Whereas, -The Great Spirit In the wise dispensation of His Providence has by sudden death called from tne midst of his usefulness and In the prime of manhood our well beloved Brother, Christopher Serers, and Whereas, His death has made a va cancy In this order that time cannot fill or man replace, and Whereas, It is due to the memory of the Brother that we, the surviving mem bers of Warahpa Tribe, should' expresu In a becoming manner our appreciation of the Brother, Resolved, That we extend our warm est sympathy and condolence to his be reaved family, and that as a tribute of respect to the memory of our deceased Brother our charter be draped for the period of thirty days: and that a copy of these resolutions be sent to the be reaved family and one spread upon our minute book and published in the Scranton Tribune. H. E. Barnes, Past Sachem: M. D. Wademan, Past Sachem; A. H. Jenkins, fast a. O. Great Sachem, committee. Mrs. P. Snedlcor visited her father at Uniondale yesterday. - Mrs. William Allen is rusticating at snicKsninny. Warren Erwln, of Stroudsburg, was circulating among his friends here the past few days. t PRICEBURQ, , The Village. Bell quartette will render a few of their pleasing selections a!t Thomas Logan's hotel this evening. . George Clark, of Peckvllle, was a vis itor in town yesterday. Mrs. Fredrick Lloyd, of Blakely, was the guest of her son, Professor M. J. Lloyd, lost evening. ' A great number of our townspeople attended the foot ball game In Scranton yesterday, William F. Erbe was a caller In the city yesterday. The employes of the Storrs colliery received their monthly wages today. J. D. Sampson, the genial and accom modating ticket agent at the Delaware and Hudson depot, Is suffering with a severe cold. : ' .. St. Thomas' choir, under the lead ership of Professor Burke, is. making great progress. Piles! Piles! Hosing Piles! Symptoms Moisture; Intense itching and stinging; most at night; worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tu mors form,' which often bleed and ulcer ate, becoming very sore. , Swayne's Ointment stops the Itching and bleed ing, heals ulceration, and In most cases removes tne tumors. At druggists, or by mall, for GO cents. Dr. Swayne ft Son, Philadelphia. Any Girl In Scranton, No matter how high she stand socially, can find something In diamonds or jewelry good enough for her at Turn quest's, 206 Washington avenue. New York has nothing newer In that line to show, arid your money saving Is de cidedly in favor of Turnquest... v ? legal. IN THB COURT OF COMMON PLEAS Of Lackawanna Coaaty, So. 221, January term, 1600. Notloe is hereby given thtft tn application wi!l4B4etooaeof the judges or the said ooart on Monday, tbe SM day ef Oeaember, A. O. im. t lltAVIk. M..'an4ar tha -mar. ana fat anppunaene) r r mull win i &m u. rarne, Cannes , Chortei K. Wade, teoaua B. Brooks, Carles B. VroMt-v fflr ft charter of en imA mMM AkWixdbwt tit nnraa. and cnat IDIeni taa A ton Athletes AeenliUo.-te enaraeter aea, nbioct 61 whlan im (ha iBalntananea off a ml lie park, and of fortutfas forakating. ho t-1 IB- lmgt rowln ana otner laaooeni or atnieno i snorto. and for thin nnrno to' I are, noewea aadeajfeyaiUke rMK, ha and iHMiM I f'4ul.ai lte nan. .iiiate Wai4W.n,.. A WORD. V WANTS OF ALL. KINDS COST THAT MUCH, WHEN PAID FOR IN AD VANCB. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE. NO CHAHGK WILL BR LEB3 THAN 26 CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT AD 3.. EX CEPT LOCAL SITUATIONS ANT HELP WANTED, WHICH ARE INSERTED FREEL. .. .. Help Wanted Malt. ,. , ' AUNTHwii'MEjr'Tn to SUM ner week. Bend fororuofa F.ast eai se'ir in existence. CO.. Ooshen, Ind- LYON a F. S.&HM. DON'T BE HARD UP. I TOOK M R. COLE'S advice, (o jk agency for -new aluminum goode, sign letters, door plates., numbers and omer specialties; rnev are elegant, cstcny sellers: cuitoinvra delighted; pluasant busi ness; I make s i slit pr rtav: work six bnura: no capital. . Write WORLD MFU. CO., Wl ittlunitraa. Ohio. AGENTS - A SNAP FOR YOU, S0.V0O weekly; , $5,000 yently; no uperienco necessary; failure impns.ible: ur :hem n new one: partieulsre t. ee. Address P. O. Box loetom Unas. . . Vl? ANTED ACTIVE HEX B1NO.LE rR Vf married, to work on bin commisnion paid and salary J45 per month and expense. Cilt at UK Peim ave. from 12 to 0 v- m. & KUN8MAN. WANTED N AG ) NT IN EVERY 8EC tion tocanvan: f4.(Wto$'iOJaday mail'; sells at aiKht; ntaon oasi ti evil btapl Oooda to dealers! beat aide liuo T-ViO a month; Hil ary or lure commission made; experionca nnnecessn y. Clifton Soap and liauutaclur ing Co., Cincinnati, O. WANTKD WELL-KNOWN MAN IN evrry town to solicit stock eubnerip tion; a monopoly: biff mony Inr oeonts; no capital required. EDWAHDC. FISH 4 CO., Horded Blocs, ChioanA 11L Helo Wanted Females. ATfEDTAiriiixPER maker; nn other need ap.ly. Apply to 8., Iribuue otHoe. tscrautoii. Pa. WANTED IM MEDIATELY TWO ENER retia ralntwonien to repreent ua. Guaranteed (U a day without intcrfurinff with other duties. Healthful oranpiitioti . write for particular, inclmintf stamp, Mnnffo Chum iral Company. No. T2 John Htreet. New YorW. Aecnt Wanted. f GENERAL AOENTrt WANTED- BELL T imrnew nitlcl to dealers; exclusive trr ritory, no competition, no eapilal reijuired 200 to '.m per rent, protlt Columbia Chemical Co., 68 Dearborn at., Chicago. 111. AGENTS WANTED-TO SELL CIGARS; $75 per month salary and expenws p:iid. Addroe. with two-cent stamp, FIGARO CI OAK CO., CUioaio. AOENT8-TO BELL OlTR PRACTICAL gold, silver, nickel and . copper electro platers: price from $.1 npward; aaliiry and ex- Senaes paid; outfit free. Address, with stamp, IICHIOAN MFG CO., CMcagu. AGENTS TO SELL CIGAR3 TO DEALERS; tli weekly and expense; oxnm-ience un necessary. CONSOLIDATED MFG. CO., 48 Van Buren at., Chlrat-o. cTaLEBMAN TO CARRY SH)E LIKE: 25 O par cont. commission; aaiup'.n book mailed free, Address L, Is. CO., btatlon L. New York AT ONCE AGENTS APPOINTED TO aell new lightning selliutc tablu cloth. mos quito and house fly liquid tit 10 cents ami 75 cents a bo tie. Sample free. BOLUIANO M'F'G Co., Baltimore, lid, , AGENTS-HINDE'S PATENT UNIVEH eal Hair Curlers and Wavers (n.'U with out heat), and "Pyr Polntnd"Hair Pins. Lib eral commissions. Free sample and fall par ticulars. Address P. O. Box sgs. New York. Salesmen Wanted. IITANTED-SALEHMEV TO 8EI.L STA V V pie soods at home or travel; liberal sal ary or aood commissi m: we said samp s on siinlication : fir ' rxc Inaive territory. Address P. O. Box 1103, New York City. Wanted To Rent,. . wantedjTTceIJt H in Scranton, f rem pril J, 1 mil, a house confsininff not leas than ten rooms, with modern improvements. Address L., Tribnne onice. Boarders Wanted II r ANTED BOs BDEHfl IN PRIVATE T T family. 417 Korth Seventh at. For Rent. Son i Cla to RENT STEVENSON FRUIT FARM. Clark's Orsen. for a t.rm of vears. Ao- pie to ueukue u. vavujui, Attorney, ail npruoe street, FOB RENT TV70 HOUSES. 1231 NORTH Main ave. one in roar of same number: one 8 rooms, sin per montu: one ft rooms, !. Inquire at 1283 North Mi.in ave., JAMES K. rttAncia. TOR RENT FURNISHED KRONT ROOM. L1 suii able for one or two oersons: ass. heat ana natc. yid uuve street. IXK RENT -ON CAPOUSIS AVENUE, 0 r room bouse: latest improvements. . Au- piy lo.J caponae avenue. TOB KENT-FUR ISHED B'JOM. WITH or without board, suitabln for two per- eons lax Adams ave. ITOB RBNT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST a.' Lackawanna avenue. Address THOMAS K, BVANU, aear 1IW Luieme, Uydo Park. F'OB RENT NIL'Efl FUKNlbHED H ALL suitable for ludire rooms. JOHN J EH. MYN, 118 Wyoming o venue. T.OB RENT THE PREMISES RECENTLY 1? ocennied bv The Scranton Trib ne.known as the Blotser Bnlldlne, corner or spruce Kt. and i enn ave. Possession Riven immediately. Tbe preml es consist of the bi lldiue in the rear of the building on the corner of suruco street end Penn avenue, tocei her with the basement, and also the entire tourth floor of the corner buUdtng. Can be rented for iidce urposea aa wen as pimuo mcetinioi. e:zes or all, liiO with a s rond hall on anmo floor. Sis'i. For Darticulnrs Innniie on the nremisco. t f Rudolnh Hlueser. ur at the omceor j ae rorsnton irmiuie. For Sale. CQUABS .IN ANY . QUANTITY. HAS LAX u, us Lim street. A CBICKER1NU PIANO KQlt SALE (OK rent;; auooiacx wainut aiauooari. coca as new; uotn oaririuns. j.iu wasnintnn ave. ItoR 8aL1-r6(M "HOUSE: MoDEKN improveme'.ts: 2f) Malison avenue. Dun- more. WALTER BKIUUrt, Attorney. Com monwealth Building, or H. H. HOi OA'l'E. nOR 8 ALE-FARM, STOCK AND ALL J.', tormina- utensils, mature or J. M. SHEF FIELD) 711 Scranton Street, Krratitoi. Pa. Accountants. OHN PKOUD, ACCOUNTAN I' ANU AU ditor. 2ii Library building;. Wyoming ave nue. Cfiteatar' Notice wWVs'sVAsWWAsVaMsiaaae ESTATE OF JOSEPH ZIMMEKLI. LATE of the city of Scranton, county of Lacka wanna and atate of Pennsylvania, deceas d. Letters testamentary noon the above named estate having been granted totheunderjlgned, all persons havinn clol ne or demands aRtiinst tha said estate will present them for payment and thaa indebted thereto wilt plse make Immeiiste payment tj CHARLES FRANCIS MoSINLBY. Eiecators. DAVID 3. DAVIS. Attorney for Estate. Farm for Sclet- A VALUABLE FARM FOB HALE, ODN. tmlnlne. 121 aoreou nearly all Imnrovod. well watered' and well fenced, containing all kinds of frnit; sltaatod on mile from Dalton on the road to Faetoryvllla; wl h ona large two atory bouse, three arns and other ont bnildlnn. which can well be divided into small plots of three to five acres for country residences. Irqniro or address MYRON DEAN, WI Madieon ave., Scrauton fs.f ' iii i ii f" A Ddrds r Hoii Jfl for Sale, strictly first ckMal ia every nupsci. Madera lataiwveaiswts. Near te Charch, kciieei, Elec trta Cora, D. H. Depot. Excellent neighbor heed, Ne. iif Mease 'Am., Oreea Ridge. AMattfaU aeose far a little araaey. HUhWk mJiSHT, iej jiMewejr Art. We carry only good, r$tia blb brands that stand the test of wear and service. Our $1 Gloves in 5-hook and 4-button, with Paris points and 4-button pique are the best, in the world for the inoiiev. .... ml . -iv. 1 . 1 16-Button, cream color, at S1.7& W e nave a large line of Men's Kid Gloves, deer, the latter in gold tans aud new greys. CONNOLLY; Situations Wanted. SITUATION WANTED - EXPERIENCED urcixinaKi-r wnm.i ukii a lew lunro en agtiicntH by tlm.luy: terms il per day. Ail-dr-se K. U.. Tribune office. ... ... . OITnATioN WANTED -bTyOUSO MAN ' ' na clerk in store Oi- offlco. Addro 8. L , Trlbuim oilico. citTjaTionIvaIjted O or j initor: fourteon yotrs' exnenenco as c.)chnmn; pood reference. AUJruia IttS Wyoming aTeuue. WANTED PLACE AS H OVH EK E EP ElT ,.c,bX.?...T'lllmT of 4- vears. Addles Housekeeper, Tribune omen CirtJATION WANTED TO OO OUT BY O the day waeuiux; waslilnirs takn homo also. Cell or address Si I North bumnsr ave nua. Hyde Pavk. ,, , . YVanted-a lady desikes a posi- lion na stenni-rsiiner and trnowri (law offlco preferred'!, considers salarr uot wi niuon an OBj"cr. as to ifalu experience. Ad urvs je. c., iu w aRumKion avenue. ,, .. SITUATION WANTED-EY A SORER I O dnstrlous man til it, at any Kind uf ('gut ' - - . . ..... L u AUUI KM VI. V,., , 1 1U line omi'e. CH'UATION WANTKD BY A WIDOW to zoom ny tueaay wnsiiliiB or irouinr or take wnsliBa homu; with refnrnre! Call or aaarets aims liOt'f'AJAN. I3 Uir.court. r ANTtiD A'tHkSlTIuN A I'LEKhl OK mmia,'r: exponnnce of 1U yfars iu euce. Address Ho. 3-L.1 Trihitns offlti. TANTED -WOB'lf BY TffllS DAY, OH wanurgnna ironing at boms, fis Oak (oru court. ...... WANTED BY RESPECTABLE WIDOW n position ns nnrse of the sick; moder ate torms. Atiares .. A.. Trilrani office. SITUATION WANTED B 1 A MABBIED man of ID, no bad hahite, trustworthy and genteel, as clerk, watchman, janitor or any ind of work; is handy with tocls and a eowl penman: will Work tor low wueeav Address fc. u Tribune olnce. Special Notices. "rpHE SDIElMfToulfi ciVIL WAlT X Yon want this relic. Contains all of Frank Lcxlies f unions old War i'icturea.show ins the foi oes n actual battlo. skntcbed on the siHit. Two voluinej, 2,tA) pictures. Mold on euay monthly payment". Delivered by ex press complete. Mil charges prepaid. Address r. O. MOODY, 0! Adams Ave., Scranton, Pa. TlLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS. liACJA- lf ziuea, etc, bound or rebound at Tub Triiiunb oOlce. Wuick work. lieasonable prices. Medical. LADIKHI Chlchetttr'i English Pennyroyal PH! innmoiHi Drasdi, nra the Best. '''"'h T.k. no ot!r. inl .., inir, li srU.iUrt, " Krlirf Chichester Chemical Co.. Phlloda.. IFa. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Dentists. DR. WILLIAM A. TAPT. PORCELAIN. liriutre ana crown work. OHlce, iCj Washington avenue. C. C. LAUBACII. SURGEON DENTIST. No. 115 Wyoming avenue. P.. M. STKATTON, OFFICE COAL Ex change. Physicians and Surgeons. Dlt. A. TRAPOLD. SPECIALIST IN Diseases of Women, corner Wyomintr avenue and Spruco street, Scrnnton. Of- nce Hours, Tnureaays and Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 0 p. m. DR. O. EDGAH DKAN HAS RKMOVED to CIS ijpruoo street, Scrnnton, Fa, (Just opposite Court House Square) DR. KAY. C00 PKNN AVE.: 1 to 3 P. if.; call 20C. DIs. of women, obstretrics and and all dls. of chll. DR. W. B. ALLEN, 512 North Washington avenue. DR. C. L. Ff.EY. PRACTICE LIMITED. diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat; offlco, 123 Wyoming ave. Resi dence, G2D Vino street. ... DR. I M. OATE3. 123 WASHINGTON avenue. Oflico hours, 8 to 9 a. m., 1.30 to .1 and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence 399 Ma il son avenue. " . ' DR. J. C. BATK30N. TUESDAY'S AND , Fridays, at D05 Linden street. Office hours 1 to i p. m. Lawyers) WARREN & KNAPP, ATTORNEYS (ind Counsellors at Law. Republican building, Waehlngton avenue, scran ton, Pa. JESSUP8 HAND. ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors nt Law, Commonwealth building, Washington avenue. W. TI. JES3ITP, HORACE E. HAND, W. H. JESSUP, JR. PATTERSON WILCOX, ATTOR neys and Counsellors at Law; offices 6 and s Library Duuaing. scranion. t a. ROSEWELL H. PATTERSON. WILLIAM .WILCOX. ALFRED HAND. WILLIAM 3. HAND Attorneys and Counsellors, Common wealth building. Rooms 19, 20 ana Zl. FRANK T. OKELL. ATTORNEY-AT. Law, Room t. Coal Exchange, Scran ton, Pa. . JAMES W. OAK FORD. ATTORNEY- at-Ijiw. rooms G3, 64 and u. Common wealth building. SAMUKti W. EDO A R, ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Office, 317 Spruce st Scranton. Pa. L. A. WATERS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, . 423 Lackawanna ave., Scranton, Pa. URIE TOWNS END, ATTORNEY-AT-Law, Dime Bank Hullillnif. Scranton, Money to loan In large sums at I per ' cent. C. ' R. PITCHER. ATTORNEY-AT-Jaw, Commonwealth building, Scranton, H. C SMYTHE. ATTORNEY AT LAW, 400 Lackawanna avenue. C. COMEOY8, 321 SPRUCE STREET. D. B. REPLOOLE, ATTORNET-LOAN8 negotiated on real estate security, log j Bpruoe street. B. F. KILLAM. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 120 wyominK.ave.. scranton, t-a. JAB. Ji H. HAMILTON, ATTORNEY-AT. law. 46 I'ommpnweaitn Din g, Hcranton. J. M. C. RANCK. 138 WYOMING AVE. WlreiSreeru. x iOB. KUGTTEL REAR all LACK A. wanna avenue, swranton, ra.( aauiuiaa- lurir jui oreeoa, KID GLOVES ' . i; .rt : & WALLACE, TRY US. 632-604 UCXi .VS., COR. ADAMS. Schools. SCHOOL OP THE LACKAWANNA. . Scranton, Pa., prepares boys and girls for college , or business; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at re Quest. Opens September 9. REV. THOMAS M. CANN. WALTER H. BUELL. MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN and School, 413 Adams avenue, opens - .oPV AKlnsjyten J10ejterm. . Architects. EDWARD H DAVIS. TrCHITECtT .?nms 2ti 28 .and Commonwealth building, Scranton. t E. L. WALTER, ARCHITECT, OFFICE rear of B08 Washington avenue. L5'jS HANCOCK. JR., "aRCIUTECtT . 43j Spruce St.. cor. Wash. ave.. Scranton BSt?W,l .ft, MORRIS, ARCHITECTS, Price building, 12tl Washington avenue, Scranton. Loans. THE REPUBLIC SAVINGS AND ixmn Association will loan you money on easier terms and pay vou better on Investment than any other association. Call on 8. N. Callender, Dime Bank Seeds. O. R. CLARK ft CO., SEEDSMEN AND Nurserymen; store US Washington ave nue; green house. 1350 North Main ave nue; store telephone 732. Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA MITfltP FOR balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings and concert work furnished. Far terms nuuress K. j. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulbert's music store. MEGAROEB BROTIIsTRINTERi' supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. v arcnuusc, uv vv asnington ave., ocran ton, Pa. FRANK P. BROWN ft CO., WHOLE sale dealers In Woodware. Cordage and u'i lotn. iso west Lackawanna ave, THOMAS AUBREY, EXPERT Ac countant and auditor. Rooms 19 and 20, Williams Building, opposite postofflce. Agont for the Rex Flro Extinguisher. Hotels and Restaurants. THI.1 ELK CAFE, 123 and 127 FRANK ll:i avenue. Rates reasonable. P. ZEIOLER, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D.. L. ft W. passenger depot. Conducted on the uropeanplan.VICTORJCOCH, Prop. WESTMINSTER HOTEL, Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Place. New York. Rates. VtM per day and upwards. (Ameri can plan). E. N. ANABLE, Proprietor. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES VAAAAAWsAAAwXAAAAAAAAAAAAXAAAAA Central Railroad of New Jersey. (Lehltrh and Susquehanna Division.) Anthracite coal used exclusively. Insur ing: cleanliness and comfort. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT NOV. 17. 18S3. Trains leavo scranton ror Plttston, Wilkes-Barre, etc.. at (.20, 9.16, 11.30 a.m.. 2i. 2.0O, 3.IA, R.OO. 7.10 p. m. Sundays. 9.00 a. m.. 1.00. 3.111, 7.10 p. m. For Atlantic city, 8.20 a. m. For New York, Newark and Elizabeth. 8.20 (express) a. m., 1.20 (express with Buf fet parlor car), 3.05 (express) p. m. Sun day, 2.15 p. m. Train leaving 1.20 p. m. arrives at i-niiaaeipnia, iceauing Term inal, 6.21 p. m. and New York 6.45 p. m. For Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethle hem. Easion and Philadelphia, 3.20 a. m 1.20, 3.05, 6.00 (except Philadelphia) p. m Sunday, z.lo p. m. For Lone Branch, Ocean Grove, etc.. at g.20 a. m 1.20 p. m. For Reading, febanon and Harrlsbura via Allentown, 3.20 a. m., 1.20, 5.00 p. m! Sunaay, z.iu p. m. . For Pottsvllle, 8.20 h. m., 1.20 p. m. Returnlnr leave New York, fnm nt r ik erty street, North River, at 1.10 (express) a. m.. 1.10, 1.30. 4.30 (express with Buffet parlor car) p. m. Sunday, 4.30 a. m. Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal. 9.00 a. m., 2.00 and 4.30 p. m. Sunday 6 27 a. m. Tnrougn iicxets 10 an points at lowest rates may be had on appllcatidii In ad vacs to the ticket agent at the atttton. r. BALDWIN, Gen Pnaa A ur, ' J. II. OLHAUSEN. Gen. Supt. ' DELAWARE AND riUUHON RAIL ROAD. Commencing ' Monday, mrwrtom July zo, an trains win MM Jin arrive at new Lacka- fffp wanna avenue station Jf W r as follows: r Trains will leave Scran- Ion station for Carbondaie ana interme diate points at 2., 6.4. T.w. . and w.iy 13.00, Z.ZU, t. ao, B.M, i.a, e.iv i 11 20 p. tn. For Farvlew, Waymart and Honesdale at 7.00, 1.2S and 10.10 a. m., 12.60, 2.30 and (.15 roe Albany. SaratocO. tbe Adlrondacks and Montreal at 6.4S a. m. and 3.30 p. m. For Wilkes-Barre ' and Intermediate points at 7.45. 8.46, i 38 and 1 46 a. m.,12.05, 1.20, 2.88, 4.00. (.10, 105, 9.45 and 1L38 p. m. Trains wilt arrive at Scranton .station fmm Carbondaie and intermediate teinti at 7.40, 8.40, (.34 and 19.40 a .IB., 136. 1.17, I.J4, (.10, 4.64, (Is, 7.45, J.11 and 11.33 p. tn., From . Honesdale, Waymart and FaS view at 9.34 a.' m., ttOt, 1.17, 140, (.H anC ia s . irroni Montreal, BHsrawgB, jawiaar. etc. at 4.M ana u.aa p. m. icrom wnaee-uarre hrul tnlermadlata I poinu at Lis. 8.04. lo ot and u rn a m.. lw, lijM.Ul, 4W 9.l and UMjm. Walla' Favorite brands are Tlta Ulilford, it ; 1 The Brighton, at $1.25 1.50 1.75 Tha Monarch, at The Jerome, at The Afondal), at 1.75 Z25 Popular colors are tans, ox blood, English red, gold tans, brown fawn, butter color, pearl, white and black- Dress Gloves in Suede for ladies.' I 16-Button, cream and all the evening tints, at $2.50 including Adlers, Dents and the new Rein- 209 olasffi05oeaue' UPHOLSTER FURNITURE, Clean Carpets, Renovate Feathers, Make Over Mattresses, Make and Repair Spring Sell Iron Beds, Make Fine Mattresses, , Nov. 17, 1395. Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia and New York via D. ft H. R. R. at 7,4 a. m 12.0s, 1.20. 2.38 and 11.38 p. m via D . L. ft W. R. R., COO, 8.08, 11.20 a. m., and l.Jt p. m. Leave Scranton for Plttston and Wilkes. Earre, via D L. ft W. R. R., 6.00, e.08, 11.3s a. m., 3.40, 6.07, 8.52 p. m. ' Leave Scranton for White Haven, Ha Jleton. Pottsvllle and all points on the Beaver Meadow and Pottsvllle branches, Vi-S- w- V.- R. K., fl.39 a. .m via D ft IT. R. R. at 7.45 a. m., 12.05, 1.20. 2.38, 4.00 p. m., via D., L. ft W. R. R. 6.00. (.08, 11.20 a. m, 1.30, 3.40 p. m. Leave Scrnnlnn f - T3&ll,la1am Va4An Reading. Harrisburg and all Intermediate poinl". via D. & H. R. R., 7:45 a. m 1405, m s.uy li.M p. m.. via v., L. w. R. R., 6.00, 8.0S, 11.20 a. m., 1.30 p. m. Leave Scranton for Tunkhannook, To wanda. Elmlra, Ithaca. Geneva and all Intermediate points via D. ft H. R. R.. (.41 R. R., 8.08, 9.55 a. m 1.30 p. m. Leave Scranton for Rochester. Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Detroit, Chicago and nil inrf'tt J' ,11M.P- m-' Vl D- L- W- R- " f n it!'.,n Junction, f 08. 9.55 a. m.. 1.19, 1. n m.lr Ae west via Salamanca. ?-,R -, ( " Pullman parlor' end sleeping or L. V. chair cars on all trains between L. ft Ti. Junction or Wilkes-Barre and New York, . Philadelphia, Buffalo, and Suspension Bridge.. . , , . ROLLTN H. WILBUR, (Sen. Bupt CHA8. S. LEE, Oen. Pass. Agt.,Phlla..Pa. W. NONNEMACHER. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt, South Bethlehem. Pa. M Del., Lack, and Western. Efffcl Monday, June 34, 1(95. Trains leave Scranton as follows: T.t press for New York and all points East. 1.40, 2.50. G.I5. 8.00 end 9.5 a. m.; 12.55 and 3.34 p. m. Express for Easton. Trenton. Philadtl phia and the South, 6.18, 8.00 and 9.66 a. in.. 12.55 and 3.34 p. m. Washington and way stations, S.S5 p. m. Tobyhanna accommodation, 6. 10 p. m. Express for Blnghamton,- Oswego, El mlra, Corning, Bath, Dansvllle, Mount Morris and Buffalo, 12.10, 2.35 a. m., and 1.21 p. m making close connections at Buffalo to all points in the West, North west and Southwest. Bath accommodation. I a. m. Blnghamton and way stations,' 12.37 p.m. Nicholson accommodation, I p. m. Blnghamton and Elmlra uxpress. 11. m. . Express for Cortland, Syracuse, Oswego t'tloa and Richfield Springs, 2.3 a .m. and 1.34 p. m. Ithaca, 2.32 and Bath 9 a. m. and 1.21 p.m. For Northumberland, Plttaton, Wilkes Barre, Plymouth, Bloomtburg and Dan. vllle. making cloae connections at North umberland for Wllllamsport. Harrisburg, Baltimore, Washington and the South. Northumberland and intermediate sta. tlons, 6.00, 9.55 a. m. and 1.30 and 6.07 p. m. Nanticoke and Intermediate stations. 3.08 and 11.20 a. m. Plymouth and inter mediate stations, 3.40 and 8.52 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches on all express trains. For detailed Information, pocket time tables, etc., apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket office, 328 Lackawanna avenue, or depot ticket office. Erie and Wyoming Valley. : Trains leave Scranton for New York aim UIVUIK, IWHIII Ull w, . " road at 7.00 a. m. and 3.29 p. m. Also for Honesdalo, Hawley and local points at 7.00, 9.40 a tn. and 3.29 p. m. . All the above are through trains to and from Honesdale. . . Trains leave for Wilkes-Barre at 6.39 4W tn. and 3.19 p. m. flCHANTO-l DIVISION. so mmamwmHmir 9Httk. 1111 I fTralBs Danx: crui. ruuuaj. IP aiamii ...iave (A. l Tn. I. rranaun IK, nein'ear tad street 7S Wathawkett. 7 4H ru u ip aiamve - travel I iliUaiwosa.janoUoai - naoeooai tarUgat Preston rark CeotO J3 Pleasaiit Mt : DnktMile Corset CRT CefboBdaie White nrtage MayOeEr 'ermyn Archibald WlBtOH rr INickViUe ' Olvr-heat " - Blcksea ' Throop . Provtdenee . Park Piece Beranfim K64J IS 44H 1 III! 1149 iii 61 li at 7 Ml ej e ne ra4!(iud r7fl W Hi! mfiiuj it it iu () 111 11 07 11 OS it w 110a Tt 4 I" 19 rat 1 141 I UlflCtTl 110 atU Leave Arrlvel 1 a ur 1 AU truas rss aBy eteept laaday. IjitAatjtalMatopoaa eceTeleg vtavOatar1e vMttra ( K IM) Kfrm - Bamm prcBaiieMtMa ear aoeejV jsf asian naiuiii was.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers