THE SCHANTOIT TMBtTNE THURSDAY MORNING, ' JfCJ VJ5 IVLBEK 28. 1883. DaOjaaa Wmklf. , Ife Suaeay rvbUahes at Soraataa, F, ay fas nana Fak- nine uompanj. Raw York OaSeo: TOboM Buitdlnc XtMk I. . . orajr, mtnmfl. " ' K. P. RtaOSBUaV, aaa Osa'a Mm. C N. RIPPLC, Tm - UYO. RICHARD, Imtm. W. W. DAVIS. BwamcM Mmmsh. W. W. VOUNOS, Am. Mum1. tma at n ruoTomci at ocKAstoa. pa as MOOMP-CT S0 MAH. MATTOn. Frlslanr Ia,U motlaad Journal a ajrw- adTsnMnc DMdlum Is Northeastern FaoiUD-lva-' aia. "PriaMm Ink" knows. aa WmtV Taiarma. lanwd Evrr Saturdar. Contain. Twlv Bandum I'm with an Abun- or hows, nciion, aaa wtii- -aVlitod Miaosl- Immv. Var Tanas Wkl Cannot Tltk TUB UaTLY Tbibdub, lao Waakly la JUoomawndad as lb AwtjMigaiauouia, mujfi a xav, la Aavancm. I Tbdcm ft r 8H Bally at tbt D, X. and W IMattea at Bakokaa, ' BCRANTON. NOVEMBER 28, 189B. L : Ttie Scran ton Tribune Is a Republl U; can paper And It frill tupport the Li nominees of the next Republican ctly (Z; convention. Dare the Scranton Re IZil publican Bay a much? nut. nurm nuuting. It Is a wIbs principle In law that the testimony of a. scoundrel is Insuffi cient to convict The character of William Connell, which has been built up in this community during many years of patient toll, careful enter prise and practiced benevolence, has been assailed and his honor as a citl sen called in question by whom? By a man who sixteen months ago threw himself on his knees in abject political and, no doubt, financial beggary before Mr. Connell, asking literally with tears In his eyes to be supported in his can dldacy for the congressional nomina tlorr, the loss of which would, he repre eented, take the very bread from his mouth. It was perhaps questionable Judgment on Mr. Connell's part which caused him, against every teaching of prudence, to yield to this entreaty a promise of aid; but it was, at all events, an error on the side of generosity such as no mean man would have com mitted. And now, forsooth, this Ingrate, sup plied for the moment with food and raiment, puffs up With venom against his benefactor and proceeds to spit It out 1 n the form of slander. We submit that the ravings of such a man do not approximate to the dignity of se rlous accusations, and that they re' quire, before the fair tribunal of public sentiment, no further answer than con tempt. J The people of Scranton have had ex perience With Colonel Ripple as mayor. They know whether or not he can be trusted. The abuse of Jealous factional- Ists will not blind them to the facts. They also know the men who are trying to howl his candidacy down, and can Judge Intelligently between them. It hu Slopped Over. There probably is room for doubt as to whether the board of pardons did the right thing in commuting the sent ence of Frank Bexek from capital punishment to imprisonment for life. The oontentlon of his - defenders has been that Bezek was not morally re sponsible for his crime; but a jury of his peers, deliberating long and care tally, found' otherwise, and it Is as fair to believe that they were correct as it la to believe In the superior wisdom Of the board of pardons. ' The action of the board of pardons In this case Is virtually a slap in the face of our courts of law. It is in efteot, if not In intention, an arraign ment of the regular judicial processes of the commonwealth as inefficient and unjust ! We do' npt sanction capital punishment as a punishment; hut while It remains the legal doom of convicted first-degree murderers, we can Bee no reason for applying it In one case and having ft shoved aside In another. Besek's ease excites pity. His love affair was unfortunate and the treat ment accorded him by the woman he hot, outrageous. But if the Lacka wanna Jury, which had every facility for getting at and weighing the facts, and the three Judges of the Lacka wanna courts, afterward affirmed by the Supreme court saw no reason tq excuse Besek's act of assassination or to modify in his favor the prescribed sentence for that crime,- we are unable to see upon what tenable basis the board of pardons, a careless and per functory body at best, can Justify Its Interference.' The fact seems to be simply that It has slopped over. Mr, Scranton ought to try to estab lish a parity between his precepts and his practice. Lackawanna Doing Quite Well. The Philadelphia Times Incorrectly refers to Lackawanna as "the county With a record for crime and unpunished murders,",' Lackawanna is not above reproach; but it deserves to. ,be said that in recent years very perceptible and gratifying progress has been made wlthln'lts borders toward the better en forcement of law and order. The dis trict attorney's office today Is in splen did shape; 'cases begun in the name of the commonwealth are pushed 'Vigor ously and the present percentage of convictions will compare favorably With that of any past period. - The lower courts, too, are Improving, some more rapidly than others,' but all to some extent If the county constabu lary were made to walk the straight line and roundly punished for each devia tion, the greatest single remaining ob stacle to good government .would . be removed. , .'. .'. It will, of course, be some years be fore the -non-English-speaking foreign element In this county will be properly assimilated, and until that moment ts reached there will be la this region tut unusual degree of friction, the conse quences of which will in many cases be exhibited in the ' courts, overtaxing their energies and complicating their work. But once let the sons and the daughters of these aliens be taught the English speech in the schools, and be, through this opening, brought within the scope of American ideas and in fluences; and the problem will for the greater part be solved. Every year from this time onward ought to see Lacka wanna Improve in order and morals. Already It Is scant justice to couple this county on terms of equality with Lu serne. In some parts of which lawless ness has established itself apparently as the supreme rule. The Ingrate's low conception of polttl cat morals is revealed in his supposition that the Republicans of this-city can be bought. A Crude and Awkward Lie. The lie in politics, in the hands of a skillful liar, sometimes does damage. Circumstances have been known to give the adroitly launched lie a degree of plausibility sufficient to deceive, for a time, even men of experience, who have learned of their mistake only after the mischief, had been done. But no such dangerousness characterises this-dull and Stupid lie which we repro duce from yesterday's Scranton Repub lican (Ind.-Rep.): "Ripple's small band of followers openly claim upon the streets that no matter what majori ty of delegates are elected for Moir in the next city convention enough to nominate Ripple will be bought!" That this Is a lie any schoolboy can see. In the first place, Ripple's follow ers do not concede that under any probability will the opposition muster more than a dozen votes In the next eltv convention, if they have that many. When Scranton tried to defeat RlDDle's nomination for mayor in 188 coming all the way from Washington to work the wires of his chronic Jeal ousv. he succeeded in marshaling Just one vote, and he was far stronger In politics then than he is today, being now better known. Hence, if the friends of Ripple had any thought of using money corruptly In his benair, which of course they have not, that thought would be rendered futile be cause the opportunity to use It would not nresent Itself. But in the second place the stupidity of the ingrate's lie is plainly exhibited in Its intimation that the supporters of Colonel Ripple are engaged In a curb-stone demonstration of their political idiocy. The gentlemen who are urging forward his candidacy are men of prominence, character and dis cretion. They are not novices in politics. They do not vociferously un bosom to each passer by. They know the value of silence and are not putting any free pointers Into the hands of the or position. The Ingrate's remark- about them is a stupid insult, tne clumsy falsity of which is stamped all over Its ugly face. Th rprent election returns are a pretty good recommendation of the nrpspnt Dartv leadership. No wonder Joe takes them as personal Insults to himself. Vindication of the Schoolma'am. The recent deliverance of Bishop Spalding, of Peoria, 111., against the employment of women teachers in our public schools has caused the Chicago Times-Herald to look up the statistics of the subject, and It condenses the re sult of its inquiry in the following sug gestive table; Porcont- Percent age of age of States. Teacher. Illiteracy Alabama 62.9 41.0 Arizona 36.8 23.4 Arkansas 'i5 26.6 California k.21.4 4.6 Colorado 26.2 4.8 Connecticut 13.4 5.1 Delaware 31.0 7.4 Florida 48.1 11.3 Georgia B3.3 39.8 Idaho 83.4 6.1 Illinois 28.7 6 2 Indiana 51.1 6.3 Iowa 19.5 3.6 Kansas 61.0 4.0 Kentucky 48.9 21.6 Louisiana 41.4 45,8 Maine 16.0 6.5 Maryland 26.6 15.7 Massachusetts 9.5 ' 6.2 Michigan 21.6 6.9 Minnesota 22.8 6.0 Mississippi .....46.6 40.0 Missouri 42.8 9.1 Montana 19.1 6.5 Nebraska 27.1 8.1 . Nevada lti.3 J2.H New Hampshire 9.7 6.8 New Mexico ...63.3 44.6 New Jersey 18.4 6.5 New York 16.8 5.5 North Carolina 66.8 36.7 . North Dakota 28.3 6.0 Ohio 42.1 6.2 Oregon . 40.1 4.1 Pennsylvania 32.8 6.8 Rhode Island 12.0 9.8 South Carolina 47.2 46.0 South Dakota 29.0 4.2 Tennessee ...H1.5 26.6 Texas 68.1 19.7 Utah ...47.4 5.8 Vermont 12.2 8.7 Virginia 39.2 30.2 . Washington 40.5 4.3 West Virginia 61.8 13.0 Wisconsin 18.8 6.7 Wyoming 21.5 3.4 It will be noticed as something more than a mere coincidence that the nine states in which the percentage of men teachers Is over 50 have an average per centage of illiteracy of 26.4; while the twelve states In which the percentage of men teachers Is under. 20 show an illiteracy of less than' 7 per cent "Of course," observes our Chicago con temporary, "this Is not an Infallible argument In favor of women as teach ers. But It proves, generally, that in the states of the union where popular education has the firmest hold and where It is most widely diffused wo men are held in the greatest .esteem as educators. The schoolma'am Is ac quiring ground everywhere. . The doc tors may lament and the bishops de nounce, but she is here to stay." As a matter of fact, the male teacher Is at a distinct disadvantage In the lower grades of scftool work in which the child's mind is either turned toward or else repelled from the beauties of education. To banish the patience, the Intultlvedlscernmentand the ready and tactful sympathy of the schoolma'am fcom these vital primary departments of our free school system would be practically to destroy Its usefulness, It is well enough to depend on the male teacher forthe polishing touches; but to utilise him in the Initial stages of the work would be exceedingly short sighted. The Philadelphia Times argues that the1 casting of 4,M Democratic votes In this county for Judge Smith alons I was done at his Instigation. How does I it know this? How could Judge Smith have prevented such action? The Times' accusations rest whohy on sur mise, and do its sense of fairness little credit . , - Though he draws $5,000 a year salary and gets probably as much more In way of patronage from the Republican party, the Ingrate declines to agree to support the next Republican city tleket.and files at his paper's mast-head the symbol of political piracy. Is he not, indeed, an Ingrate? In the absence of a disclaimer, It will naturally be telleved that Captain Moir Indorses the low tactics of hla chief champion. Can he, as an honest gentle man, afford to have this Impression pre V8l,? - The influence of Messrs. Connell and Ripple was most welcome to Mr. Scran ton a year ago, when he crawled on his knees to beg it But being an ingrate, of course "things are different now." One year the ingrate wheedles and whines; the next year he froths and blusters. This is evidently his bluster tng year. We fear that Cnntaln Moir isn't doing full Justice to himself when he yokes up with a hypocrite like Scran ton. . As a pretended conservator of public morals the ingrate is the richest Joke since Satan rebuked sin. COMMENT OF THE PRESS. How to Gat Kid of Cameron, Wllkes-Barre Record: "Anybody who Believes the story that Senator Cameron will decline to stand for re-election ought to eo out behind the woodshed and cut hla political eye teeth. That's an old trick of Cameron's getting under cover until the legislative elections are over and then se curing the votes. By announcing his withdrawal at this early day he hopes to lull his opponents with false security so that no anti-Cameron pledges will be re quired of the candidates. It Is the un pledged he Is after and It Is to his Interest to have as many of them elected as pos- Rioie. Tne real is easy to a man oi Cameron's resources. If the anti-Cameron Reoubllcana swallow this bait they are gudgeons indeed. They will And after tne election tnat J. uonaia cameron win be a very lively candidate, and that he will collar enough votes to secure hla re-election, despite all present rumors to the contrary. It is therefore the duty of all those who think that Pennsylvania should be rid of Cameronism to go right on elect. In if anti-Cameron candidates and pledging them to oppose the present Incumbent un der all circumstances. If Cameron Is not a candidate no harm will be done. If he is, his opponents will be ready for him, and his little hypnotising scheme will tail. :o: An Offensive Yankee llsblt. New York World: "The national vice of the American people Is spitting. Tne ieam civilised nation on earth does not ofTend o badlv In this resoect As the American. Expectoration is the badge of all our tribe. You can spot an Amertoan In any quarter of the globe by this offensive habit. From the highest to the lowest all Americans spit. In England spitting Is a habit almost connneu to tne iowctu aim dirtiest class. Here It is practiced by all Impartially. The few Americans who don't spit are exotic creatures, frequently Anglomaniacs. Many of our most emi nent cltisens Are habitual splttors. Our streets are made a menace to the public health and A disgrace to civilisation by the habit." r :o: Cameron Not is Good Favor. Philadelphia Press: "We do not believe Mr. Cameron's re-election Is one of the possibilities of polities In Pennsylvania, unless the people are far more Indifferent than it is conceivable they can be. There is a strong Republican sentiment all over the state in most active opposition io mr, CumArnn. An tar its known no Henublican newspaper has said one1 word In favon of his return to the senate, and a large num ber of those newspapers heretofore among his supporters Are now openly against him. Many of the party newspapers take ft for granted that he Is already out of the field, whether voluntarily or otneryise, and are proposing candidates for the sue :o: Willing to Help. Chicago Record: "It Would clear up things considerably to remember that sev eral million American voters stand ready to prevent the party bosses from bear ing all alone the burden of selecting an- other president. :o: The Personal Pronoun. Philadelphia Inquirer: "The new wo man's revision of the Scripture says that there is no sex In the Bible, and yet the new version always reiers to tne aevu as he.' Is this giving the devil his due?'' :o: A Rcpnblleaa View. New York Mall and Express: "There are intimations that the Democratic party will hold a national convention next year, but the object of the gathering Is as yet unknown." :o: What It Will Imply. Chicago Times-Herald: "The rumor that Senator David B. Hill Is about to be mar ried indicates that the contemplated lec ture engagement means a series of cur tain lectures." :o: All of a Kind. Chicago Record: "Up to the present nothing has occurred to Indicate that the sultan's latest promise Is not fully as trustwortny as tnose ne naa maae in tne past." :o: Five-Good .aeons. Chlcaa-o Times-Herald: "There are at least five good reasons for the abolition of Nevada as a state, not to mention Hon. William M. Stewart." :o: An I'nenvlablo Predicament. Washington Star: "Lord Dunraven Is in an unfortunate position. He Is too small for the America's cup and too big for a nursing bottle." :o: Latest Wsr News. Detroit Tribune: "We are called unon to note another spirited encounter be tween our new navy and the dry docks." :o: Referred to Ingrate Joe. Washington atar: "This la a 4lme when there Is likely To be a great deal of mis fit rallying done by minor politicians." :o: Bayard's Chief Regret. Cleveland World: "Mr. Bayard's deen- est regret must be that those pesky Fa- mers ever set up ior memseives. - POLITICAL FOISTS. The Wllkes-Barre Leader auga-esta that If Hon. Henry W. Palmer desires to en ter public life he ought to run for mem ber of the legislature next year, and ex Dresses the ODlnlon that his chaacea of getting to Harrlsburg are far superior to his prospects of going to Washington a; a United States senator. Unfortunately ror w uices-Barre sne nas not recently been In the habit of sendlnr men of ex pansive calibre to Harrlsburg. As a mat ter of fact, that city has seldom been creditably represented In the legislature since tne days or Hon. cnaries A. Miner's services. Palmer would make his mark either at Harrlsburg or Washington as a legislator, ana a pretty Dig mar, too. The contents of President Cleveland's meassB-e to congress remain a orofound secret. Some of the correspondents of the capital nave maae tneir guesses, nut they manifestly have nothing substantial on which to base their prediction's. The country will be surprised If the messare shall contain anything new or atatasman Jlke. There Is even Teas than the usual puDiic anxiety aa io -wnai ins president will recommend to congreas. The RaBubHeans- of ILAncaater eauntv appear to have suddenly developed a very decided antipathy to Senator Cameron. Candidates for senator and representa tives In the legislature are fairly tumbling over each other In their haste to proclaim that If nominated And elected they will oppose the return tf Cameron to the sen ate. Lancaster has heretofore been a con firmed Cameron county. Congressman John B. Robinson, at the Chester-Delaware district, can see r.o good reason why ae saouia not enter the Held as sn aspirant for United States senator ir mere is mng rape a new aeai. Mr. Robinson un pretty close to the powers that be In our state politics, but so do a number of others who would like to be Cameron s successor. II II II Colonel Bradley's majority for governor of Kentucky is so large- that no attempt wlH be made to count him out. Bo the once . hide-bound Bourbon state will for once have a Republican governor. Prol ably the people will like the change so wen aa to want acme more or tne same kind, II II II A strong effort la being made to secure tne chairmanship or tno houre ways ami meana committee ror lion, jonn uaixeu, of Pennsylvania, and Pennsylvanlana geii' crally hope the movemnnt will be succew). ful. He is undoubtedly one of the ablest men in tne delegation from mis state. II II II Ex-Governor Campbell, of Ohio, who was so overwhelmingly defeated at the last election In that state, nas abandoned politics and entered Into the business of manufacturing bicycles. That settles the question of his being an aspirant for the democratic nomination ior presiuent. II II II There are a number of Republicans In Pennsylvania who would give a good deal to know whom Senator yuuy prefers for ma colleague in tne l nited Hintes senuta after March 4. 1897. They will not be like ly to be enlightened in much lets thun a year. II II II The sllver-tono-ued Lied Colonel Breckinridge has alreadv announced himself a candi date for his old seat in the next congreu. But he has not vet settled that little mat ter of damages awarded to the woman he deceived end betrayed, II II. One of General Harrison's friends cutely remarks that while tho Indiana statesman is not an avowed candidate for the presl dency, he will be in a position where he can easily be found If the office should to seeking ror a man. II It Is expected that President Cleveland will fill the vacancy on the Supreme court bench very soon arter congress meets, and It is also expected that he will name n New York man one or his devoted per sons! friends. . II II tl Some of General Alger's friends fear that Senator Sherman has spoiled the general's Tirosuects for tho presidential nomination next year. Few people were aware mat ne naa any prospects. TOM REED'S TOXGl'E. Wellman, In Chicago Tlmes-Heraft. Washington. Nov. 24. Tom Reed's tonguo has lost none of Its sharpness. lie tries his bent to blunt its keen edge, but now and then nature will have Its way. Not long ana Mr. Reed was temnted by some of his congressional friends to talk about the presidents he had known, and the result was a bit of enjoyable satlrt In Mr. Reed's characteristic vein. "I think I understand Mr. Cleveland," Reetf began. "He is a man who does the bos; he ean within the limits of his understand ing. It Is only Just to him to put in thi: qualification. Cleveland Is courageous, p.; pecially when he has reason to believe the guns are not loaded. Though he has never been to war, Mr. Cleveland thorough! understands the difference between bullet.- and blank cartridges. I have met Cleve land and he Dleased me by his directness There Is no nonsense about him. He It not thinking about himself at all. Yor know the man In the white house has tc steel himself against flattery. Every fol low wants to tell him what a thing o' beauty he Is, how sweet his voice, how nice his hair, and they are all after cheese. I once heard a fellow nattering Hayes. J thought Haves would gorge, but he ac tually swallowed it and appeared to like It. Harrison was not hunt that way. mo one could flatter him. He came to WashiiiK- ton with such a good opinion of hlmscl: no one could add anything that wouli picaso mm. Some neonle think' Mr. Reed's tongiK will keep him out of the white house. 1 met a man the other day, a well-known Republican, who said: "Tom Heed will never be president. He has abused toe many Dig men. it there is anyone in hasn't railed at I'd like to know who It I . He sneered at Hayes, Indulged In witil- clsms at uarlieid s expense, growled nt Annur, ciamnea Harrison, jjo you sup nose the friends of the dead president! and of the living president are going tc permit Reed to get the nomination? No much." But Tom Reed's witlicisms nnr sneers should not be taken too seriously. It's Just a way he has and he doesn't mean anything by It. With all his sharp ness or tongue tteea is a just man. He loves to swish the rapier of his rhetoric, but he Is a fair fighter. Besides, even th victims of sarcasm can come very nea- to forgiving it when It is aa clever us Ton: Keeu s is. TOLD BY THE STARS. Daily Horoseope Draws by Ajaeshns, The Tribune Astrologer. Astrolabe cast: 1.10 a. m., for Thursday, ISOV. 28, VSDi. A child born on this day will have no oc caslon to find fault with the unreasonable condition of the weather. The experience of Bezek suggests tha' In a genuine, first degree, premeditated cold-blooded murder case a pardon board Is worth a halt dozen "intelligent" Juries The liberal man generally extracts Ut most pleasing flavor from a Thanksglvini dinner. Alaeahns' advice. To succeed financially Inherit a for tune. To disenchant a friend lend him $5. To get even with the world write c ong, I ALL THE NOVELTIES IN NEW 5TYLE5 AT HILL & CONNELL'S 01 MO 03 fl. WASHINGTON AVENUE. Large Stock to Select From. To close a few patterns we hare made the following redactions: 1 S-plece Suit reduced from J285 to 1227. 1 3-piece Suit frometllO to 95. 1 S-ploce Suit from 1210 to 1175. 1 3-piece Suit from S200 to tl50. 1 4-plece Suit from $58 to $35. 1 3-piece Suit from $196 to $175. 1 8-plece Suit from $145 to $100. 1 4-plece Suit from $150 to $100. 1 4-plece Rug Suit from $115 to $50. 1 3-piece Rug Suit from $112.60 to $50. 1 Mahogany Chair from $22 to $18.50. 1 Mahogany Chair from $25 to $18.50. I Mahogany Chair from $20 to $16.25. 1 Mahogany Chair from $22. to $16.30. 2 Mahogany Chairs from $18 to $18.25. I Mahogany Chair from $25 to $18.50. 1 Mahogany Chair from $20 to $14.75. Coma early. these are desirable goods at original Prices. H ill & Connell bund 03 h. Washington ave. . WELL It's only as long as yea sea this ad- few days SEVENTEEN CENTS F. r Tour choice of thl excellent una of 16 mos. AELECTKD Ftctloa, HtlUV Let ters, Poetry anil History. Not a dy goods store Job lot. They are in our ' windows Dos't wait If yoa want a cooloa, , ; fill 17 tones K OpfrtteCssEMwatCk i Matchless ,v"::' Merchandisieg Upwards of $150,000 worth of intensely interesting goods to give momentum. Is it strange that our busi ness goes ; forward with a bound? We are continually making'new records. The store never was more help ful for those who want to make their dollars reach as far", as possible. fl Great Trade Winner Just now is a lot of 200 pieces all-wool French Serges in every conceivable shade, including blacks. 36-inch 10 Twiii Serge, value .35c, Special Price 25c. 38-inch 12 Twin Serge, value 45c, Special Price 3!5c$ 45-inch 11 Twill Serge, value 50c, Special Price 39c. 45-inch 12 Twiii Serge, vaiue.6oc, Special Price 45c. 45-inch 15 Twin Serge, value 75c, Special Price 59c. Turkey ratters We have a few 1 8-inch Turkey Platters in gold band French China, . which we will sell for $2 each from now on until Thanksgiving Day. Reg ular price $4.50. LIMITED. 422 LACKAWANNA AVENUE P D OR BUST, One of the greatest puzzles of the age. This is not a new puzzle to some, but there are very few who cau work it without a great deal of study. Price, 25 cents. C. M. FLOREY Y. M. C.A. BUS. THE LAY-TEST IN II! AT CONRAD'S ALWAYS, THAT WONOf flFUk nnr?ippisj TmtofaasaBJrkitlMWCBER 31 OaB aa4 aa shaaa Piaaos, aal aalMkas rtaaas wa aars takaais nar 1 C'.'ZImCZY C7TI2.t3 wyPAf. HATS AND FURNISHINGS FMM0E Fine Stationery Blank Books, Office Supplies, EDISON'S MIMEOGRAPH ad BuppUas, TYPE WRITERS' SUPPLIES 0 ILL ITS BRANCHES. REYNOLDS BROS., Stationers tad Engrarsrs, . 311 LACKAWANNA AVE OONT WAIT TOO LONG. Previous to our inrsntory wa har decided to cloa out wht w hara on hand of EDWIN C. BURT & CO.'S LADIES' FINE 5H0ES, Connlating of a wall aaaortad Una of hand waits and turns In French and American kid that wars sold at 5, J5.6J and KOO, C- -n Mow reduced to 45 These Shoes ara all In nwract condition. Call early If yoa wish to take advantage of mis special aaie, The Lackawanna Store Association LIMITED. CORNER LAMA. AND JEFFERSON IVES. SPICIIL IE Of Fine selection of Ready Made Clothing; also Clothes made to order at the lowest prices. Perfect fit guaranteed at B. LEHMAN & GO'S III LACIAWANSJ AIINOE, . Carner Fraaklls. OYSTERS We are Bsadanarttrs fat Ontars sal ara aanattat the Celebrated' tin- ntvt t... ""yens, tveTpons, Mill Pondat also Shrews oury, HocKBways, matinee Wrer Coves, Western Shores and Blue Points. . gWe auks a Ptxdaltr at aaHTtrlss Blo PofBt oa half saaQ la aarriara, 0VER60ATS HKC5sclm.fZ3HAniFi;Ij; fi. ffl CO. WELSBACII LIGHT SpMUllj litpied lor EeidH ud Strlst Jn 1 Pure Kldie 1? IMBL Consumes three (8) (vet of gs pet hour tid gives an efficiency of sixty (00) candles. Baring at least 88J per oant. OTtff th ordinary Tip Burners. Call and See It. HUNT CONHELL G0. 434 UCXAWANRI AVENUE. rUnutacturera' Agents. THE SCRANTON , VITRIFIED BRICK TILE RAHUFACTURIRG CO., MAuas or SHALE PAYING BRICK AND BUILDING BRICK OfUset 830 Washington Arsnn. Works) NayAsf. Pa, B. 4 W. T. . M. H. DALE, General Sales Agent, Scranton, Pa Stocks.. Bonds and Grain Bought and sold on New Toft Exchange and Chicago Board of Trade, either for cash or ot) margin. VM. LINN ALLEN & CO, 412 Spruce Street, LOCAL STOCKS I SPECIALTY. Telephone 6002. WILLIAM & MILLAR, Alderman 8th Ward, Sciuton, ROOMS 4 AND 0, Qas and Water Co. Building, CORNER WT0I1HQ ATE. IIP CUIBI It OFFICE HOURS from T.S8 a m. Sols. U. (1 hoar taurmlsslon tor aianr and snaps. ) Paxtlcnlu ittentloi Gireato CollMtiosi Prompt Sattlsmant Oeareateed. VOURBUSINESS IS RESPECTFULLY S0LIQTE9 Telephone No. 134. THERE IS if Wo don't know what the Saltan Is coin M io about It. but what interests the Amaricaa people moat at taa prsisat tune Is Ws traas ovary faaajlr vffi haf s tart ksr oa that daf, ao4 too aazt hart tolas' to aartti on to to karo r usees aren nr. Waoaa hoars that part of Utf yon wm hey a Oram Boaster. Wokars . modoa apeeial pries oa them far this weak only. Ton ana see them ia oar wtadew. Dent tVest, arleeo market oataamaesao tor this weak saUr. I 1H3.UT.