-M. ., ' i k "'' V fcl&IIT .PAGES 56 COLUMNS. SCBANTON, PA., THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 28, 1895. TWO CENTS A COPT. THE ON LY -R E PU DUCAN -DAILY I f UCIT AVJArJXJ A -COU NTY, 50c. ON THE f.00 ; TALK. AT UNHEARD OP LOW FIO URE8. r no THAT WILL. EVER BE REMEM BERED BY THOSB FORTUNATE MONEY SAVERS WHO TAKE AD VANTAGE OP OUR SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARING UP IN THIS DE PARTMENT. TALKING WON'T BETTER THESE EXTRA ORDINARY VALUES. SO WE'LL LET THE VARIOUS LOTS TELL THEIR OWN" STORY AS YOU SEE THEM ON THE COUNTER. At Half Price A LOT OP IRISH POINT, TAM BOUR AND BRUSSELS LACE CURTAINS. ONLY ONE PAIR TO TO A PATTERN, BUT ALL VERY CHOICE STYLES. PICK OP THE LOT AT HALF PRICE. A milac ' At the following guaranteed . .. reductions: tt Pairs, Ecru only, were 46c, 25c now 13' Pairs, Ecru only, were 75c, rec now W Pairs,' Ecru only, were 83c, KQr now oyi" ti Pairs, White and Ecru, were f,Qr Z1.00, now 10 Pairs, White and Ecru,' were 1 fJH 1.3, now to Pairs, White and Ecru, were C 35 11.78, now qrmw tt Pairs, White and Ecru, were Cf 45 ILK, now Thls lot in 4 patterns.) IS Pairs, Cream only, were $2.23, C All now . " It Pairs, Ecru and White, were 1 75 tlto, now 1 " M" Pairs, Ecru and White, were 7 00 U.7S. now (Three patterns In this lot.) Pairs, Ecru and White, were CT CI) K.2S, now . 99U MPalrs, White only, were I3.7S, $3,00 10 Pairs. Ecru onlv. were IS on. tl Kfl now W'fv SALE Begins Wednesday, Nov. 27, at 9 a, tn. (&L.OBE t UA!!E:0USL CttrtMns pis Sale if ' Mrttiif- LilllJl MMIuj REED RECEIVES CALLERS The First Citizens of the Land Pay Their Respects. NO PROMISES HAVE BEEN MADE The Man from Malno Will Proeeed la Cautious Manner-lie Is Pleased . with the New Congressional Timber on the Ground. Washington, Nov. 27. When, Con gressman Thomas B. Reed, of Maine, was asked by a friend if he had been busy to-day, he replied with a bland smile that "many of our first citizens called to pay their respects between the breakfast and the dinner hour." This hardly' expresses the situation., The "first cltlsens" referred to not only called In large numbers, but many of the number placed their wishes in writ ing and left them with Mr. Reed's pri vate secretary. It Is for this reason that three clerks were busy In one of Mr. Reed's apartments to-day briefing let ters and writing out the replies which Mr. Iteed had found time to dictate. 80 far as can bo learned Mr. Reed made no promises with respect to chairmanships or committee assignments. Those who are sufficiently In his confidence to speak with Intelligence regarding his views ridicule the report that when he arrived in Washington on Saturday last he brought with him a complete list of the committees.- More than Half of the next house 1b composed of new members who are not only untrained In the methods of national legislation, but or whose capacities Mr. Reed has no knowledge. It Is necessary that he should meet these gentlemen, talk with them, learn their wishes and acquaint himself with their abilities. Then there are other considerations. Men who are In the line of promotion expect chairmanships without regard to the fact that in several notable cases this would give to a few states the con trol of nearly all the more important committees. There are other consider ations which must enter Into the fram ing of the committees which will delay the completion several weeks. Promising New Members. Mr. Reed Is reported to be well satis fied with the new members who will form so large a part of the Republican majority In the next house. He finds thut they "size up" well: that they are, so far as he can see. fully up to the usual standard of congressmen gener ally, and this fact will. It Is thought simplify his work greatly. The principal gossip about the hotels where the politicians mainly congre gate Is over the chairmanships of the ways and means and appropriations committees. As the ways and means committee now stands 8. E. Payne, of New York, is first on the list of Repub lican members, with John Dalzell, of Pennsylvania, second. Both gentle men deplre the chalrmashlp, and' the friends of each are making strenuous efforts In their behalf. On the appro priations committee David B. Hender son, of Iowa, a veteran member of the house, is the leading Republican mem ber. It Is suspected that Sneaker Reed will dlsDose of these chairmanships by conferring them In each case upon the ranking members which would give Mr. Payne, or nw York, ways and means, and Mr. Henderson, of Iowa, appropriations. Mr. Dalzell, of Pennsylvania, It la suggested will be transferred to the Judiciary committee. Ohio and Indiana Combine. The action of the Ohio and Indiana delegations In congress In their respec tive caucuses tonight practically settles the contest over the elective offices of the house of representatives. Ohio de cided to cast her nineteen votes for the so-called combine ticket, and twelve votes of the Indiana delegation went the same way. The ticket whose nomi nation the events of tonight seem to foreshadow and which will doubtless receive the majority vote of Saturday nlirht's caucus Is as folows: Clerk, Alexander McDowell, of Pennsylvania; doorkeeper, W. D. Glenn, of New York; sergeant-at-arms, C. P. Russell, of Mis souri; postmaster, J. C. McElroy, of Ohio. GOV. MORTON'S CANDIDACY. Ho Is Said to Be More Seriously Consider ing the Idea Than Heretofore. Albany, N. Y., Nov. 27. Intimate po litical friends of Governor Levi P. Mor ton say that the attitude of the gover nor toward the proposition to present his name to the Republican national convention as a candidate for the presi dency, has changed in the last six weefs. Prior to that It was safe to say he laughed at the Idea of being a can didate, and shrank from the vast am ount of responsibility and work that the election would entail. To-day he is seriously considering the proffer of New York s vote In the national Republican convention next summer, and estimat ing the chances of capturing the dele gates from other states. The Republican leaders have taken It upon themselves to assure Governor Morton of the fidelity of the party In New York to him, and several of them who would sloe with Governor Morton as his "ergons! and political friends even against Mr. Piatt were that nec essaryhave started out to make a silent canvass of the state. When that Is accomplished thev will renort to Governor Morton, at"' he will decide whether or not he will allow his name to be presented. TRIED TO WRECK CAR. Thoughtless Boys Place Obstructions Upon a Railroad Track. Lancaster. Pa., Nov. 27. Morris Wit mer, Samuel Wlker, Henry Kachel, William Oaehr and - Amos Wltmer, ranging In age from 15 to 10 years, have been arrested for attempting to wreck an electric car by placing heavy rocks on the tracks of the Litltz railway. The boys admit their guilt and say they put the rocks on the track to see the cars Jump. The place where the boys put the rocks is an especially dangerous point and loss of life would have probably resulted If the car had jumped the track, but fortunately In each case the obstruction was discov ered In time. PEEPING IN THE MILK CAN. An Investigation Into the Supplies of All Cities. Albany. N. T., Nov. 27.-The state board , of health, Secretary Smelzer stated to-day. Is about to begin a sys tematic Investigation of the milk supply of all the large cities and endeavor to bring It up to the legal standard. , The recent development of milk adul teration In New York and Brooklyn Is the Incentive. v SPIRITUALIST EXPOSED, A Reporter aad Two Detectives Show I'p . a New York Swindler. New York. Nov. 27. Henry A. Rog ers, who has been giving spiritualistic seanoes at No. 100 East Seventy-sixth etvMtt was cleverly espotea1 by e. Her aid reporter, aided by a couple of de tectives. Rogers had the usual party of dupes in his rooms and pretended to materialise the spirits of the dead. The reporter and the detectives were pres ent and, according to a previous ar rangement,, they seized one of the ma terialized spirits and found that they had a strong and lusty woman in their arms. Then Rogers came out of his cabinet and endeavored to brain Detective Browne, with a hatchet. He was, how ever, knocked down and handcuffed and, with the woman, was taken to a police station, where he was arraigned on the charge of obtaining money by false pretense. She gave the name of Matilda Chadwlck and admitted that she had gone into the business only to obtain money and save herself and her child from starvation. FRIIT STEAMER SEIZED. Horsa, the Danish Craft, Is Detained at the Philadelphia ' Port-Detention la .Made at Request of the Spanish Min ister. Philadelphia, Nov. 27. The Danish fruit steamer Horsa, whose reported seizure for Cuban filibustering at Kingston, Jamaica, has been the cause of considerable talk, arrived here today and discharged her cargo at the wharves of her asents, the J. D. Hart company. The officers of the steamer denied that she has been seized at Kingston and complained of untrue stories having been written about the vessel. 1 It was the Intention of Captain Wl borg to clear either today or tomorrow, but this afternoon Collector of Port Read, at the Instance of District At torney Ingham, refused to grant the steamer clearance papers. It is under stood that the district attorney Is act ing under instructions from the de partment of Justice at Washington and that the Spanish government Is the complainant on the grounds that the vessel Is violating the neutrality laws. Until the matter shall be adjusted the Horsa will be obliged to remain at this port. The Horsa carried one cabin passen ger, William Dougherty, a railroad con tractor, who returned to his home In Pennsylvania from Port Antonio Ja maica. There were also seven deck passengers, all Inborers. Washington. Nov. 27. Attorney Gen eral Harmon declined this afternoon to discuss the matter of the seizure at Philadelphia of the Danish steamer Horsa. It is understood here, thut the detention was made on the request of the Spanish minister,. De Lome. SPECULATOR'S St'lCIDE. Peter McOcoch, Who Ones Tried to Cor ner Lard, Is Found Dead In Ills Bath- Milwaukee, Wis., Nov. 27. About 10.30 this morning Peter McGeoch, who lives opposite the National Soldiers' Home in an elegant mansion, ordered his car riage to go to the city, and then went upstairs. As he did not appear the ser vants became alarmed and Instituted a search for him. Miss Annie Bettse, who has been a servant In the house for about a year, looked through the key hole of the bath room door, which was locked, and saw McGeoch lying on the floor with a revolver In his hand. He had shot hlmBelf through the mouth and death was presumably Instantane ous. When found Mr. McGeoch had on his business suit and was apparently ready to start for the city. The servants no ticed nothing peculiar nDout his actions before the time he went to his room. Mr. McGeoch's suicide is taken to be the result of divorce proceedings began last Monday by Mrs. McGeoch on the ground of Incompatibility of temper. Mrs. McGeoch was Mrs. Llhbpy,' of Kenwood, a surburb of Chlnncto. She met McGeoch and they wore married about eight years ago at the Leland hotel, Chicago. Since their marriage they have lived at the National Avenue homestead of Mr. McGeoch white In the city. Mr. McGeoch had three chil dren, a son and two daughters, who after his marriage, occupied a house on Grand avenue, which their father provided. . Since Mrs. McGeoch left, one of the daughters, it is understood, has been keeping house for her father. No man was for years better known on the Chicago and Milwaukee boards of trade than Mr. McGeoch. He was a daring spculator up to the disastrous lard deal of 1883, when he attempted to corner lard, which scheme failed. STRICKEN ILL IN PITTSTON. Mrs. Connors, of Nantlcoke, Fall on the Sidewalk from Heart Fail ore. Special to the Scran ton Tribune. Plttson, Pa., Nov. 27. A woman, 60 years of age, named Mrs. Connors, of Nantlcoke, swooned and fell on the side walk In front of Harter's confectionery store at 9 o'clock this evening; she was at once taken to the hospital and an ex amination of her case made. The doc tors found her very weak from heart failure and they do not expect that she will recover. After she fell she remained con scious long enough to tell her name and where she Is from; she also called feebly for her dear son John. A message was sent to Nantlcoke, but no reply came back. Mrs. Connors was dressed in black and has an air of refinement about her. At midnight her condition was worse. SHOT BY HER HUSBAND. Annie Edwards Becomes the Victim of Her Husband's Jealons Rage. Harrlsburg, Pa., Nov. 27. Annie Ed wards, colored, waB shot In the ab domen by her husband, at 1164 South Cameron street. Edwards came from work at Paxton furnace and In the presence of several women became in volved in a quarrel with his wife, re sulting In the shooting. Jealousy is said to be at the bottom of the affair. Edwards disappeared. The Injured woman Is at the hospital, where her condition la regarded as favorable for recovery. The couple came here from Williams port a few weeks ago and have a child 4 years old. ' WANTS DAMAGES. Uotolkecper Groff, of Lancaster, Pos sesses Nerve. Lancaster, Pa., Nov. 27. O. B. Qroff, a hotel-keeper, has brought suit against the estate of Abraham O. Brenner, for damges. Brenner committed suicide In Groff's hotel and the latter brings hla claim on- the. around that Brenner' act in jured his business. . . -. . : - Lleutcnant Mitchell's Death.' 7, Washington, Nov. 27. A telegram was received at-the war department todayan- ?ounclng the death - of Lieutenant War en H. Mitchell, of the Second Artillery, at fort Adams, R, I. He was the son of General William O. Mltchefl. who served on Gknoral Hancock's staff during the war. He was born In Pennsylvania and appointed to the military academy from Minnesota In 10, and graduated la W4.- REVIEW OFJffi SITUATION An Unbiased Glance at the Affairs in Turkey. CAUSE OP THE BUTCHERIES Plunder Seems to Have Been the Metn Object-Many Armenians Are Protected by .Turks-Thousands of Survivors Are In Destitute Circumstances. Constantinople, Nov. 15. The follow ing matter has been handed to the European manager of the United Press, who Ib now In Constantinople. The lat ter from full confidence In the Ameri can Christian men who present it and from careful personal observation, is able to forward It to the American press as an Impartial statement of facts. The statement has the full en dorsement of Minister Terrell. During the- month of October a con siderable part of the Armenian districts in the provinces of Trebizond, Erzer oum, Bltlis, Van, Harput, Dlarbekir and Sivas, has been laid waste and a number not yet full known of the Ar menian Inhabitants have been killed by men intent on cnushing into Impo tence the Armenian race In Turkey. Aa the awful tidings have come In by drib lets, the Turkish government has dili gently telegraphed abroad In regard to each place that Armenians had at tacked Moslems, thus arousing a frenzy of indignation which could not easily be controlled, but that order had been re stored after some loss of life. The effect of these telegrams has been to culti vate the belief that there has been some general rising of Armenians and that we are In the presence of a calamity which Is merely the result of lawless proceedings on the part ot the Ar menians themselves. Natural Indignation with the Arme nians for rising at the very moment when the reform scheme was about to be put In operation, may be moderated when it Is known that up to this date the only authentic rleing of Armenians has taken place at Zeltoun, in the pro vince of Aleppo, and far from the socne of the massacres. Moreover, such cases offer opportunity for examination, sev eral circumstances cited In the Turkish dispatches as causes of the bloodshed have been proved to have been Incidents and not causes of the massacres. Men wro found themselves assailed by the mob and happened to have arms In their houses. In a number of cases defended their lives and their families to the last At Dtarbektr.where the Christians are generally armed, they made a hard fight for life and some 1,600 Moslems are said to have been killed. Rut aside from this one case, the destruction of from ten to fifteen thousand Christians has not cost the Turks more than two or three hundred lives. Plunder tho Main Object. It is not within the purpose of this paper to enter upon the question of the responsibility for these massacres mainly confined to the six provinces es pecially mentioned, In the reform scheme, so empty and so painfully wrung from the porte. But If the ob ject of the originators of thla massacre were sensibly to diminish the Armenian population of these provinces, the main object of the men who did the work was plunder. Many thousands who must have perished, had the attack been a blind outburst of fanatical fury, es caped because It was an artificial move ment, where cupidity was the chief mo tive used to Induce men to engage In It. And to the honor of the Turkish people be it said, that In every one of the places so far heard from in detail, cases oc curred where Moslems sheltered Arme nians and saved them from death. Near Treblzonde they saved an entire vil lage. But the very fact that plunder was the chief Interest with the men engaged In this crime, makes the position of the survivors most precarious. A very low estimate of the number thus reduced to absolute want by the loss of all their moveable property Is 200,000 souls, of whom three-fourths are the wives and children of the ruined traders or farmers. A survey of the situation of these people glvea the following elements ot their desperate condition, all trade is broken up. All agriculture in the de vastated districts Is blotted out, for the stock ' has. been carried off, and the Implements generally burned. All the poor semblance of manufacturing In dustries In these districts have been wiped out. At least. In numbers of cases, the ruffians took delight In de stroying machinery which they could not use or earry away to sell. Thous ands of houses and shops have been burned. Every house or shop plund ered was utterly emptied. American Missions Pillaged. Boston, Nov. 27. This evening Rev. Judsort Smith, D. D., secretary of the foreign department of the American board, received a cablegram from Rep resentatives of the board In Constanti nople Via Phllllpopolls as fallows: ' The reports from Marash have been Intercepted. We now learn Indirectly of a. horrible massacre .there. The school buildings of the American board were pillaged and the seminary was burned;' Two students were shot, one was killed. ' The missionaries are safe. I r. BULLS WOULDN'T FIGHT. Riot Caused by DtsvatUfted Spectators la I : - the City of Moaleo. I fit Louis, Nov. 27. A special from the City of Mexico says that a riot occurred at the BUcaell rink yesterday In con ftetttlence ot poor iihtliuf qualltlft of the bulls. The 10,000 spectators began to show their displeasure from the mo ment the first bull made its appear ance In the arena. As the second and third animals proved equally bad. an Individual hurled a plank at one of the fighters In the ring. This act served as a signal for the excited nr Ititude to behave in a liko manner, wltn the result that the ring was strewn with chairs, cushions and lumber, which had been torn from the boxes and fences surrounding the colll seum. The bull fighters ran for their lives.. It was only on account of the presence of the large body of soldiers, who threatened to fire on the mob, that the total destruction of the structure was avoided. , JOURNALIST MIRDERED. William Wlllord Howard, Representative of the Christian Herald. Has Failed to Carry Out Uls Mission of Relief Philadelphia, Nov. 27. An afternoon paper says that William Wlllard How ard, a newspaper man. Is believed to have been murdered by the Kurds, near Tlflls, In Persia. Mr. Howard sailed from New York on the steamship Teutonic late In Septem ber as a representative of the "Chris tian Herald" on a mission of relief to the persecuted Armenians. He has not been heard from for five weeks and hope of his safety has been abandoned. His destination was the city of Van, and he wan due there more than four weeks ago. His route lay through the most dangerous districts of the Armenian disturbances, and little doubt remains that he has met -a ceuel death at th hands of these savages, He had visit V. Armenia before, and was the only o,,e of fifteen newspaper correspondents who started af the same time who reached Van last December, when the conflicts between the Armenian and Kurds were in their inclpiency. During the past summer the "Chris tian Herald" raised a sum of $12,000 for, the relief of the suffering Armen ians. This sum was to have been dis tributed by the plucky journalist; but it Is believed that he was killed near the Persian frontier soon after entering Armenia on his way to Van. William Wlllard Howard Is known in Philadelphia as an able writer and Journalist. He has written for the pa pers of this city, and once made a tour of the state, writing a description of the manufacturing Industries for "Har per's Weekly." He is a native of Iowa, and was 36 years old the day he sailed from New York. He Is a graduate of Harvard, and has devoted his life to literary work, being a frequent contributor to the popular magazines. He spent six months In Armenia, and wrote much concerning the persecution of her un fortunate people. Besides being an able writer he was an enthusiastic sportsman, particu larly partial to aquatic sports. He has won many races from British canoe men on the Thames. DANA SPEAKS FOR CUBA. The Great Editor Is Received With a ' Whirlwind of Applause. New Tork, Nov. 27. The cause of Cuba's patriots was the topic at a big mass meeting held in the hall of Cooper union tonight. The meeting was under the auspices of .the Jose Marti club, composed of Cubans. Dr. Henry Lincoln Winter Introduced Charles A. Dana, who was a personal friend of Marti, as. chairman of the meeting. He eulogized Mr. Dana as the undying frtend of Cuban liberty, and the latter made a very eloquent speech. Mr. Dana was received with a veritable whirlwind of applause, the entire au dience rising and cheering again and again. REMARKABLE ESCAPE. I.'nhurt by the Engine Whloh Ellled tho Horse He Rode. tTtlca, N. Y.. Nov. 27. A 12-year-old boy on horseback attempted to cross the Central railroad tracks at Whltes boro this forenoon just as a fast pas senger and mall train came along. The horse was struck by the pilot and lodged against the head of the engine. The boy hung on until the train had run about twenty rods and then fell off at the side. The train was stopped as quickly as possible, and the dead body of the horse was rolled off the pilot. The boy escaped without a bruise. RIDDEN ON A RAIL. An Ohio Man Tarred and Feathered and . Driven to the Woods. McArthur, O., Nov. 27. At the fair grounds here last night C. H. Rogers was ridden on a rail and afterwards tarred and feathered. The sheriff ar rived and prevented further maltreat ment,, but advised the victim to take to the woods at once, which he did. Rogers' offense was speaking disre spectfully of a lady school teacher at this place, . '., Alexander Dumas Dead. Paris, Nov. 27. Dumas Is desd. Early In the evening M. Dumas rallied enough to create a belief that he would live at least several hours. About 7 o'clock he asked for tea, which was given to him. He then had sufficient strength to raise the cup to his lips without assistance. Shortly after he had a nervous conculslon, and died very suddenly. Rev; O. B. Frothlngham Dead. Boston, Nov. 27. The iRev. Octavlus Brooks Frothlngham: the celebrated lit erateur, orator and Unitarian divine, died today aged 71. ' . Earthquake la Sofia. 1 Hofla, Nov. 17. Two shocks of earth quake were experienced in the southern part ot Bulgaria yesterday morning. WAR IS AGAINTHREATENED Preparations Made to Drive the Brit ish from Disputed Territory. CRESrO LOOKING IT AN ARMY It la Estimated That One Hundred Thousand Men Can Be Rallied Ameri can Veterans Are Anxious to Take a Hand in the Hostilities. Washington, Nov. 27. Infomatlon of a somewhat sensational character with respect of the boundary dispute be tween Venezuela and Great Britain has leaked out her today. A letter written by a member of President Crespo's cab inet to a friend In this country dis closes the fact that President Crespo's absence from the Beat of government, which had attracted attention, has a purpose In view. He has been cau tiously sounding the governors of the d liferent provinces of the republic aa to the forces which they can put into the field In case of war. Assurances, it is Bold, were given that a well-equipped army of 100,000 men could be mobilized In case the president should determine upon a movement against the British Guinea settlers on what Is claimed to be Venezuelan territory, with a view of driving them bnck to the boundary which Venezuela asserts Is theirs, name ly back of the Esslqulbo river. While only a part of this force would he .n.c easary for the purpose, the lav& army of 100,000 men, Crespo believes, would be necessBary to meet the counter at tack which the British Guiana settlers, with the aid of Great Britain, would undoubtedly make In return for Vene zuela's aggressive movement. A member of congress from the northwest who arrived in Washington this morning, brings with him applica tions from five cx-mllitary men of prominence in his state for commis sions In the Venezuela army in the event of hostilities between that coun try and Great Britain and it Ib as serted that many ex-Confederates stand ready to volunteer for service in the Venezuela army If war should break out between the South American republic and England. ON THE ETE0F BATTLE. Both Pennsylvania and Cornell Clubs Are Confident of Success Positions of the Players. Philadelphia, Nov. 27. The Inter collegiate foot ball Beason of 189& will close tomorrow, when Cornell meeta Pennsylvania on Franklin field. There is every prospect of a fine day tomor row and from 10.000 to 15.000 Deotila will undoubtedly witness the game. The neavy rains, or the last few days have made a quagmire of the Held, and, al though the ground-tenders were busy today trying to get It Into some sort of shape to play upon, the ground will be slippery and muddy for the game. The Cornell team arrived here this morning from Ithaca and are domiciled at the Colonnade hotel. Pennsylvania expects no easy ask In defeating the Ithacana, Coach Woodruff said tonight: "I expect our boyB to score three times. I do not think Cornell will score unless it be by a fumble." Pennsylvania will present a slightly different team from the one with which they faced Harvard. Gelbert will go from half back to end. taking Boyle's place, and Blair will take Gelbert's place at half back. The change will probably strengthen the line, but will weaken Pennsylvania In the back field. Cornell, too, will be without two men whom It expected to play. Owing to their injured condition. Fennell and Hall will not go Into the game, but Schoch and Sweetland will take their places. Laurie Bliss, of Yale, will referee hte game, and there will be only one umpire, Paul Dashlel, of Lehigh. The two teams will line-up as fol lows: Pennsylvania. Position. Cornell. Gelbert left end Lylc Wagonhurst left tackle Fitch Woodruff left guard. ...... Freetiorn Bull center Schoch Wharton right guard Rodgera Farrar right tacklf... .Sweetland Dickson right end,'. '..Taussig Williams quarter track Wyckoff Blair left half back... .Beacham Minds right half back Cool Brooke full sack.... Ritchie YALE DOWNS PRINCETON. A Contest of the Freshmen Proves to Be Vigorous. New Haven, Conn., Nov. 27. Yale has once more- shown her prowess on the foot ball field, again, when today her freshmen eleven beat the freshmen of Princeton 16 to 6. A very largi crowd was present, Rnd, as Prince ton was well represented, the cheer ing was vigorous on both sides. The light breeze blowing down the field was hardly an advantage to either team. There were two varsity men on the Yale team Sheldon and Benjamin. - The Une ud: ...... Yale. Positions. Princeton. Connor left enV.. ....Rodgers ....Dietrich ...Weil IV.'.Cro'wdis ......Wents .Oreenway ...Hellman unsworn....., ..iert tackle... Andrews; left guard. , Harvey McFarland center Sheldon right guard... Post right tackle.. ..right end.... OreonT'ay.. De flftullee. .quarter back. .Buter H&rvey right half back. Colbert Benjamin left hair back. Balrd Hlna.. .......full back-. Ayrei F rs 9 Our stock of Blankets.Js most complete in both size and quality. The follow ing prices prevail through out this week: . t 10-4 White Cotton Blankets I 6 10- 4 White and Grey Cotton Blankets 19 11- 4 White and Grey Cotton Blankets 1 85 11- 4 White Extra Heavy Blankets 2 25 12- 4 White Extra Heavy Blankets. . S 8, 11- 4 White All Wool and Shrunk,. 3 75! 12- 4 White and Scarlet All wool and Shrunk 4 93 11- 4 California, Plain and Damask Border S SO 12- 4 California, Plain and Damask ' Border (43 13- 4 Extra Heavy and Fine Cali fornia , 8 50- 13-4 Extra Fine California 75 Fancy Blankets in plain , and figured centers, suit-' able for Dressing Gowns and Bath Robes at $2.00 $2.98, $3.45 and $3.85. Attractive prices in cotton : and down Comfortables. Full Size Comfortable 9J ' Imported Sateen White Cotton.... 1 ill Imported Sateen Best White Cot ton is) Crepon Elaborate Stitching t 4 Silkollne Four-inch Ruffle, Hand made 3 25 Imported Sateen Down Filled...; 4 45' Fine French Sr.teen Down Filled 6 60 Fine French Sateen Reversible, Down Filled 72x81 ., 7 50 Eiderdown in plain col ors, pink, blue, gray, car-' dinal and black; also fig ured and striped, suitable for children's wear. 510 and 512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE Always Buisy. . Every Foot . In the Family Properly Fitted Our stores will be closed Thanksgiving Day, No vember 28. 18 Salespeople Busy Every Day and Evening, s, 114 AND 118 WYOMIVO AY& Open Evenings Until Jan. L LAMP: A beautiful line of Banquet Lamps, and Bric-a-Brac, yery suitable for a Call and see them; 401 SPRUCE ST, WEDDING AFTER A FUNERAL Singular Events Fellow the Death of Rsg-pieker. Bessemer, Mich., Nov. 27. "Bl Ida," who lead the bread riot ot 1893, ; carrying a red flag, and frightened Poor Commissioner Haggerson so bad ly as to cause him to flee to the woods, yesterday called on Haggerson to se cure a cofTin to bury her aged father, a rag-picker, who died very suddenly. Mr. Haggerson refused the demand, alleging that her father had a good sited bank account, which proved to be unfounded. Presently a stranger, who entered the room, said he would bear the exuenses, and proceeded , to . the undertaker, when the sheriff pre sented him with a warrant for his ar ; rest, on a charge of wronging the 18- ( year-old daughter of William Glad fa k. i The man was Immediately taken to Jail, and the girl offering to marry thar prodigal, ' Commissioner Haggersoik . was sent for and performed the mar -rtage ceremony, after which the prut oner waa released. All attended the funeral, after waleh there was a grand wedding, lasting until morning. I! WEATHER REPORT. ' For Eastern Pennsylvania fair weather -winds shifting to southerly! alUrlitQr, , enarmer In the Interior
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers