TOU SCHANTON. TOIBTTKE WEDNESDAY MOONING, tfOVUMBEB 27, 189. isjululi JULTLrinnr r ' - jiJJ.rimr nrrr jLTumru- it u j- j j- j r- IlPili AT- luce cfios: 35 Per Bushel. Delivered to any part of the city. Get your orders in early, WEST SIDE EVENTS. Number of Socials and Entertainments iWW 'Be' Ueld To-night la' ) Thl Part of the City. Many events for the enjoyment of West Bldera wHl take place this even ing. Camp No. 3S3. Patriotic Order Sons of America, will hold an enter tainment and social In St. David's hall, which, judging from prospects, will be a memorable event lp the history of the -organisation, - Many- tickets have been old. .The fifth anniversary of the organiz ation of Patagonia lodge. Knights of Pythias, will be held this evening In Evans' hall, on South Main avenue. The programme Includes selections by Swisses Jemima. Jones,. Fanny .Jones, (Thomas Abraham, Edwin Bowen, Charles Cadugan, John Griffiths, Job IWhitehouse. An address will be deliv ered by Dr. J. R. Newton, of Scranton lodge. No. 263. A Tom Thumb marriage vlll also take place. A Juvenile cantata, entitled "A Visit lp Grandpa," will be given at the First Welsh Baptist church. Nearly 100 chil dren will participate. Rehearsal has been active during the past month and the different parts are well committed. Miss Martha Davis and Morris Thomas (rill enact the leading roles. . . . Little Ones as Entertainers. ' "The following programme will be rendered this afternoon at 2 o'clock by ha pupils of the primary grades of No. U school. . Principal James R. Hughes arrantred to have one session in his department, vacating at 1 o'clock for the exercises to lane piace in m win. tThls arrangements will furnlBh a seat ing capacity for over 300, thereby giv ing loom for the parents and relatives rfif h minlla. It Is the object of the teachers to Stimulate a desire on the part of chil dren to develop their latent powers of expressing themselves composedly be fore the public. The difficulty with pu pils of out public schools Is lack of pcwer or expression. jvnuwieunc io in quired, but there is a deficiency In glv lnar exnresrjlon to acquired knowledge, and by this means, it is hoped that the pupils will attain to a nign .sianaara in this respect. The , programme is as follows: . . . Song, "Welcome" ...School Danltatinn- Wnrila of Welcome." Anna Price Secltatlon, "The Winds." , , arle Becker, Myra Smith, Pearl Jeffrey, t4 avolat ThAmnfl Recitation. "A Merry Little Girl." , . . ,-. ;, , .v -Hgy Evans Recitation, "Thanksgiving Treat." Jennie Eynon Recitation, "Ten True Friends," , ., ...... Anna Phillips Bong. "Old Dog Tray" .School Recluution, "doing for the Doctor." . - V - . Matt e Poole Recitation, "The Frogs' Qood-Bye." Jessie Gray Recitation, "A Little Boy's Trouble," . Robbie Miller Recitation, "Freddy's Thanksgiving," Belle Snyder RecltaUon .Phemle Glbbs Bong, "Where Do All the Daisies Go?" School toanHatlnn. "Hurrah for Thanksgiving," ... Freddie Hammes Recitation, "The Points of the Compass," Roy Steven's, Klcaser Carey, Allen Bcd- dna Hnrnl.l Whpplnr. . Recitation, "The Mbusie's- Thahksgiv lng'!....,... .......'.. Edna Alney RecltaUon, "Tlie True moryy - -. Jean Munson Recitation, "'Twaa Thanksgiving Day," ' Uulan U a (Fan Song, "Twenty Froggtes," .......School Recitation, "The Engineer's Tale," i , Bert Stephens Recitation, "The Ripened Leaves," -T- - ' i Ada Gleason Recitation ... .Harold Davis Recitation. "Down Blue Hell Hollow." Ruth Carson, -Edith Lindaburyv Margaret rnunps, Florence v;naimers, i-aine, Recitation. "When l'm a Man." . ' . - 'Ray Marsh Sonet VThanksgivlng" .". . . .School Hesitation: 'Meagurlnsr the Baby' - - . .-. - Anna Atkinson Sanitation. "Be Patient Do V." o . - Edtth Llndabury ftlmtfatlan '"Little Golden Hair." ,",..),,. Brlghty Thro Recitation, "Six LJttie Maids irom BlaFtha Hughe's,' Flossie Watr'ous, Helen Marsh, Anna Williams, Mabel Mason, .rear Tnomas. .AMtatnn.j"npAOit PpU.tH."' r v Corinne Collins Bong... '.Sarah Davis and Minnie Ketchum Recitation, "Thanksgiving Dinner," . Kfflbel Thomas Recitation, "Little Air Balf'.Marle Becker Recitation.., . . v. y .Bthel Jones Recltatlon,: "The Silk Parasol." ' Adeline Thro Ami. "r.amm T.I t tin Leaves" School Tl i - l-ThnM WfkM O ' T.lttlA Frenchman" Harold Wheeler Recitation, "Dolly" Mny Edwards ' Recitation,' "Neighbors". .Helen Lony Song, "Little Dandelion".. Gertrude Floyd Recltailort, "TheY Duet". (Catherine- Falne Recitation, "Little Star," t Marguerite .Powell, Grace Leyshon, Jes sie Bradshaw. ,. Recitation, "Playthings" Belle Krtlow Bong, "America'' ,..,...v..,...4chool Tka flHartatta Eflt.rtalna. v ' Last evening the quartette of the Washburn Street Presbyterian 'church wv m yicMBllls; eilivroillin7iiL. aim affair was under the auspices of classes . 4, and 21, of the Sunday school. The quartette opened the programme with m KRvuun, juawin Bowen loiiowea i mm unor soio. . A auet Ty Messrs, '; Bowen and Harber was much applaud . ed. Then came a soprano solo by Mrs, . H., T JlVIta mnA m nU k rillln Mlra Edith Ewlngle plfiyed a ptio iuiiwweu vy a BOIO Dy Mr. AlAPvr. ' voicmJ duet anil tHn a4-am. vuti MMiiiiinw ,'viwp- S. - .? eleeuon by the quartette, 1ltlt),wu success financially. "Mr..'aa4 Jlrs. ll a. Steveas Caterralns ' ifr.- and Mrs. l; x. Btevena enter. talned the X. T. Z. circle and their ; nraa in very pleasant manner last evening at their home, on' North Sum- nmr ano games were in. . dulsnd ln.nntll.& Mtm . ... freshments were served. Th following mwMi. :miu '"u.. im. 'atoae, Palwy Pott.- Hargare Hill i Ella 5J Davis, Nellie Jones,: f Mar ;K ki '' ) Mias Ada Maser, of Bomuiit s- A mm orar ' Rem,- - Ueota of M vies. Art Morse, Herbert Waters. Alex. Bender. John Williams. Allan Secor. Charles Ostrander, W1U Burrall. Her bert Hall. Alton Chaae, F. Tiffany. Beverly Chaae. Wallace Moser ana uuy Conky, of Syracuse, N. T. News Motes and Parsoasla. Ellas Thomas, of Conklln, N. T., Is visiting West Side frienda Mrs. William Reese, ol New Jersey, Is visiting on this side. ' - The aged and much respected ex- alderman of the Fourth ward. Wil liam Oram, will leave the West Side In a few weeks and with his family will reside at Clifford. Edras Howell, of Washburn street. Is Improving his property. Mr; and Mrs. Frank Nauman and family, of North 'Bromley avenue, have removed to Clark's Summit. David Saunders, formerly of this side, now of Virginia, is visiting his Bister, Mrs. Stevens, of North Rebecca avenue. 'An Every Day Dollar Party" Is the novel title of an entertainment which will be given tomorrow evening In the Scranton Street Baptist church. P. J. Rudy, of Clinton, was a west Side, visitor yesterday. The condition of Charles Hadley was slightly improved last evening. West Side Business Directory. OIL BTOVD. GET THE MAJESTIC Grand Parlor, Mystic, Easter and Dock ash Ranges. 20 per cent, saved. R. J. Hughes, agent. 124 South Main avenue. BICYCLES repaired, aclssors ground. tools snarpenea, saws men, geys nitea. machines repaired by W. L. Bteenback, dealer In Gune, Fishing;- Tackle, under West Side Bank. PHOTOQRA1 'HER Cabinet Photos, t4 per oosen. -iner are iusi roveiy. con vince yourrelf by calling at 8tarnera Photo Parlors, Ml .and 1M South Mala venue. " BARBER. Hair cutting and shaving done In a first-class manner svt John ri. Rey nold's Barber Shop, at Fatrchlld'a Hotel. GROCERIES Revere Standard Java Coffee is unexcelled, i n leading conn of the day. For sale only at F. W. Ma son ft: Co. Fins Groceries, 1U South Main avenue. . SECOND HAND FURNITURE CASH for anything you have te sell. Furni ture, Stoves. Tools, eto. CaU and see the stack of J. C. Kins-.' 1024 and KM Jackson street. PLUMlilNQ William r. Griffiths. Ill North Main avenue, doek nrst-class Plumbing, Steam Heat and Gas Fitting. . Batlsf action Is strictly guaranteed. NORTH END. Prayer meeting will "be held at the Welsh Baptist church on West Market street Thanksgiving day at S and 7 p. m.. when the pastor, W. F. Davis, will deliver an address. Evan Davis, of Taylor, had the win ning ticket for the halr drawing at Putnam street, Nov. 25. - The number was 207. Evan Evans, a driver loy, who had his arm broken Monday at the von recovering rapidly at his home on West Market street. Bernard Rellly.a stone-cutter.twenty-seven years of age, who sjave his Place nf residence as Pitts ton. was arrested by 'Special Officer Bohr yesterday after noon for begging ana vagrancy. n was discharged by Alderman I N. Rob erts upon promising to leave town in two hours. Bernard Davis, of Oak street, will spend Thanksgiving .in Susquehanna county, where his wife and children are visiting. An entertainment will beheldThanks glvlng evening at the North Main Ave nue Baptist church. D. J. Jones Is ill at his home on Wayne avenue. - The North Knd Cresoents will play a game of foot ball Thanksgiving after noon at the Driving Park -with the Park Place foot ball team. The Crescents will line up as follows; X e., A. Thom as; lo t., E. Collins; 1. F. Richards; o., Thomas; r. e., S. Davis; r. t J. Wil liams; r. g., Morgans; q. b., D.Aviillams; r. h.. W. Evans; 1. h., T. Evans; f. b., Cliinkln. T.H. C. Maloney was arrested by Con stable Bernard Davis on a warrant issued at the Instance of his father, Patrick Maloney, charging; him with as sault. The case was heard before Al derman Roberts last evening and the defendant held In $200 bail to appear at court. John Riffan qualified as his bondsman. The North Knd indoor base ball team defeated the Company "H team' last evening by a score of 12 to 10. DUNMORE. Miss Nellie Ellsworth, of West Pitts ton, who has been the truest of Mrs. A. M. Bingham, of Cherry street, for some time, will return nome touay. Manley's hall should be crowded to night to hear the Mrs. Annie Thomas Concert company, which comes highly recommended. Several- -of the partici pants took prises at the "World'B Fair. Miss Tlllle Lewis will also take part. Miss Phoebe Englert. of Butler street, was the guest of friends at Hol llstervllle yesterday. "Uncle" John Mitchell, of Holllster vllle, who has a number of relatives In this boroueh. had the misfortune re cently to fall and break his leg. He Is 86 years of age. At the Dudley Street Baptist church tonight W. M. Cleaver will give the descriptive locture on points of inter est In America, Illustrated by a stere optlcon. Union Thanksgiving services will be held in the Presbyterian church tomor row at 10.30, preaching - by Rev. J. C. Leacbck. The musto will be furnished by a united choir from the various churches. A cordial Invitation is ex tended to everyone to be present. . The birthday : party to be given by the Ladles'. Aid society of the Metho dist church in Boyle's hall tonight Is something new. Bags have been die trlbuted which are to hold as many pennies as. the holder has had birth days. An Interesting programme has been arranged. CURE BACKACHEl VTAKIX3 41 Is Backache Is generally a form of . 'Kidney (rouble. It to often accompanied by Nerv ouiness, Hysteria, Headache, Sleepless jiess, Pains .In .. the jojntt, Anaemia, . tie. H lLi'Vu"W siorcisivco, 5 V.nAAA.- : : t r&rihfar swaMef. ..rl Sdbdrbs. SOUTH SIDE NEWS. Birthday Party Taadarcd Charles G. Lew.rt ky EstaJeyss of the Laska -wasaa More Association. A birthday party was tendered Mon day evening to Charles Q. Lewert by the employes of tho Lackawanna Store association, limited. Charles Canavan, In behalf of th friends of Mr. Lewert, presented htm with a handsome silk umbrella. Those present were: Misses Dora Rentchler, Llssie Lewert and Hattte Lewert; Mr. and Mrs. John Lewert; George Lewert. Patrick Dougherty, Philip Lewert, T. F. Bevan. Peter Kel lerman, D. I. Jones. William DeWllde. Edward Dolan, Charles Eagan. Henry Evans, Albert Blnger. T. V. Orambs, C. E. Bull, O. T. Harver. R K. Carllng, M. J. Murphy. Reese Richards. Fred Gunter, Jacob HefTelflnger, Charls Canavan, William Zelgler, A. H. Dick- man, Charles Snyder. E. M. Howard. J. Hetler, John McGraw. John Murphy. Captain Carllng, John Bender, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. KIrchoff, Mr. and Mrs. William E. Klrchhoff, Richard Gau ghan, Alfred Guthelns, Otto Robinson, A. Weichel, William Tannler. Rquceied la the Mines. James Jones, son of James Jones, of the Twentieth ward, was severely in jured yesterday afternoon by being squeezed between a trip of enrs nnd he "rib" in the Meadow Brook shaft. The young man was extremely fortunate that his life was not crushed out.' He was taken home In the mine ambulance and was attended by Dr. W. Q. Fulton, whose opinion Is that the injured man will recover. His ribs and shoulders were seriously injured and It will take a month before he will be able to re sume work. Married la St. Joseph's Chnreh, Mlnooka. Rev.- Daniel A. McCarthy, assistant priest at St. Joseph's church, Mlnnoka, performed the - .ceremony yesterday afternoon which united In niarrtage George F. Bheehan and Catherine 'Mc Donough, both of the Twentieth ward, Martin Burke, of Cedar avenue, was groomsman, and Miss B. Walsh, of Plttston avenue, bridesmaid. A wed ding was held at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Patrick McDonough, on Prospect avenue. A reception was tendered Mr. and Mrs. Bheehan and dancing was engaged at Callery's hall. Shortor Paragraphs of News. The condition of John) Shea, the young man who was Injured In the National shaft. Is so poor tnat tne aoc- tors at the Lackawanna hospital think there Is danger of blood poisoning un less the leg Is amputated. A meeting of Branch 85, Catholic Mu tual Benefit association, was held at Dr. Manley's hall last evening. Extensive preparations for the an nual ball of the Scranton Athletic club have been made and It will be one of the most pleasant Thanksgiving social events. The North Steel mill resumed opera ttons last evening. There is no telling how lone work Is to continue. Miss Jennie O'Boyle, of Archibald, Is the guest of Miss Anna Gibbons, of Plttnton avenue. Miss Tlllle Westpfahl. of Willow street, has returned from a visit among friends in Carbondale. The once famous Ringgold band Is asaln organised. .They meet for prac tice on the corner of Elm street and Plttston avenue, under the leadership of Robert Steuner. Special sale of Holiday Wines for family use, 35 cents per quart at James F. Bests, 80s Cedar avenue. " MINOOKA. Miss 'Anna Sprogel, of Plymouth, who has been visiting friends In Green wood the past week returned hems yes terdav '. The congregation of, the Greenwood Presbyterian church held - a chicken supper at the church last evening. The proceeds will be added to the .building fund. ; Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace and sons, Patrick and James, attended tne fu neral of a relative at Plymouth .yes terday. Anthonv McHueh. of Main street, was kicked by a mule at the Archbald mines Monday. Patrick Fltshenry was Injured at the Greenwood mines yesterday Dy a ran of rock. 1 FOUGHT WITH HIS FIDDLE. A Drunken Hnngsrlsa Bas a Set-to with a Bass-Violin. rimm Rmith. an Hunararlan per former on the bass fiddle, was on his way to a dance on the west iae last Mwvitif Mb til. Instrument on his back, and also a large cargo of wet goods. rto- invran T .o .bourn nna avenue he came to the conclusion that he would divest himself of one or the other of his loads and as the one on his back was giving him the most bother he un- tMnnAri I, and lnnat It Un flLMinst a telegraph pole. The wind caused It to topple over and In falling the head of the viol struck the head of the violinist ...4 ,1. viAlanM and tnr th1 iinnrnvnlred assault the Hungarian jumped on the big music maxer ana smasnea h inio smithereens. A policeman happened along about this time and took the Hungarian and the remains or tne naaie to me station house. , . . . .. LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE. rlTnder this heading short letters of In terest will be published when accompa nied, for publication, by the writer's name. The Tribune will not be held re sponsible for opinions hers expressea. ' Csrd from Robert Brown Girling. Editor of The Tribune. 1 air! Th KPtlclo In The Tribune In re gard to the shooting at Throop, during which Zara Robbln shot his wife and himself, referred to me in a most unjusti fiable manner. Everyone in the neighbor hood knows that the relations between Mrs. Robblns and myself have always been of the most Innocent nature. Both my wife and myself have befriended her as best we could after her husband's de sertion, allowing her and her daughter to live In a small house upon our property, and giving her what other assistance our limited means would allow. The only difficulty I ever had with Mr. Robblns was In regard to a real estate matter, and had no reference to his wife whatever. Mrs. Robblns Is a virtuous, hard-working woman, and this report, which must have been furnished by som. unscrupulous per son for sensattlonal purposes. Is as unjust to her as to myseir. Tours truly, v Robert Brown Glrjlng. Nov. St, IMS. The "Ad"'Msa For The Tribune Is not Infallible. He does not always And out the man or firm that wants an announcement In a live paper, but his services are at your com mand If you have time to drop-a postal card to the office. You will not have to leave your place of -business and thus neglect some other Item of great lm portanco to you during business hours. If you have a telephone, call up 1041, and he'll Visit your place of business. Want "ads." In The Tribune pay big on a small Investment" - Have you tried one? , . .3 ... i -. - - '- Ws are prepared to fill orders for Tee cream and water lees for Thanksetvlpg dinners In all flavors and any style.' , ,. -j -. - J, D. .Williams aad Bros,, --. es.. .Jaiaad4l4 Laokaar,- ., ' ,-. - . - : " . .x t!..'.: -J '. ,?' . '.-i ', : PYEL GAEECF FC3T BALL Members' of School of Lackawanna Alamal to Play the Regular Team. MEET FOR PRACTICE TODAY Game Will Be Played oa Satarday After aooa-Aa Exciting Game Promised for Thaaksgiviag Afteraooa Between . Sersatosi aad Seminary Teasu. A number of well-known young busi ness men of the city who belong to the alumni of the School of the Lacka wanna have decided to select a foot ball team from their number end on Sat urday afternoon play the regular eleven of the school at the Base Ball park. Among those Interested In the matter are Thomas and John Brooks, A. O. and A. E. Hunt. Jr., Frank Spen cer, Harry P. Simpson. Spencer Dick son, James Blair, Jr., Windsor Decker and Edward Moffatt They will gather togetner as many as possible of the alumni for practice at 4 o'clock this afternoon on Quincy avenue, between Olive and Vine streets. The regular school team has been nut to considerable expense this season In equipping and supporting Its players. and the proposed game. It la thought, will attract a large crowd who will en Joy seeing the older players mauled and dragged about the field by their young er and better-trained opponents. In order to make the game a possibility it is intended to tfse It r teen or twenty players on the alumni side In order to relieve one another during the contest. This plan, it Is blleved, will make the game more even and more attractive. Whatever may be the number of spec tators It Is certain that the personnel of the audience will very nearly repre sent the best social element of the city. Tho Thanksgiving Day Game. Preparations for the Thanksgiving Day game between the Scranton Bicy cle club and the Wyoming seminary are moving along smoothly. The question Is now, will Scranton be able to keep up her fine record, or will the young sters from the seminary succeed In bringing the Bicycle boys to a stop? Whichever It may be. It is going to be a great game, and those who go out to the Base Ball park tomorrow will wit ness one of the hardest fought foot ball games that has been played In this county tor many a day. The prospects for a good game are bright from the fact that both teams are playing In good form. The semi nary boys, with the sting of two de feats, wtl strive hard to recover their lost prestage In this city. On the other hand, the Bicycle team has a record to defend and they will not surrender to their old-time rivals without the strongest kind of a fight. Among the enthusiasts In this city and Wllkes-Barre, Scranton Is a pro nounced favorite, and bets of 5 to 4 have been wagered on the Bicycle team. The students at the seminary, however, are holding off for better odds and It Is ex pected that they will bring quite a little money with them when they come up tomorrow morning. Local Team in Good Condition. The Scranton team Is In excellent condition and Is anxiously awaiting the day of the game, for they say they are going to run up a large score against the collegians and clinch the superiori ty they now enjoy. A new style of kicking and a new system of Interfer ence will be used In the game. The team will line up In Its usual manner with the exception of full back, which position will be filled by Thayer. This will be his first game since he was hurt at Shamokln. From Kingston comes the news that Captain Rymer, Wyoming's star half back, has hurt hlB shoulder and tnat he will be unable to play. If this Is so the seminary team will be sadly crip pled, as Captain Rymer Is one of the best half backs who ever put on a can vas Jacket for Wyoming seminary, be sides, he Is cool-headed and uses ex cellent Judgment In handling his team while on the field. The game will be called at S o'clock. LAND FOB A BALL PARK. Owners of the Sersntoa Club Ars Looking for a Desirable Site. The new base ball owners are dis cussing the advantages of two pro posed iilots for a new park; one is the old race course ton Providence road beyond the present park and opposite Tripp's slope; the other site Is west of wasnington avenue, vopposite tne Columbus breaker, and near what Is known as Johnson's lake, although the "lake" Is now only a pool of stagnant water. The latter location, which Is owned by the Lackawanna Iron and Coal company, seems to be the favorite choice of the owners ana oi many wno h&ve been consulted In the matter. One Impediment to transforming the Johnson's lake plot into a parx is renn avenue, the direction of which would have to be changed In order to give the necessary park space. Wherever the nark Is located, the new owners pro pose erecting a large grandstand and sightly bleachers, cultivating a green sward and laying out a four-lap track. This will require an expenditure of much money, and will be attempted onlv In some location where a perma nency of at least five years Is assured. The Delaware. Lackawanna and Western company Is not disposed to srlve a long-term lease on the present park, although It Is willing to lease the old race course at so much per acre for any number of years, but the latter- location is not as acceptable to the owners of the franchise as Is the Johnson's lake locality, which Is with in walking distance of the central city and Green Ridge, and can be reached direct by street car from every other nart of the city except the South and West Sides. If this location is secured the nark will average 600 feet In width and length, but the outcome of present - deliberations seems to rest largely upon the possibility of chang ing the course of Penn avenue, which now runs about sixty feet Inside, the north weBt corner of the proposed plot. LIVE SPORTING NOTES. William Smlnk. a minor league player. has been signed as catcher for the Pitts burg club. - Alonso Clayton, the famous western col ored light weight Jockey, has been en gaged by W. P. Thompson, of Brookdale Stud, Lexington, Ky., for the coming sea son, at a salary of $10,000. . He will take no outside mounts.. Rvron McClelland had mad. another ad dltlon to his string of thoroughbreds for next season's campaign. In Moylan, a 2-year-old bay colt, by Bradford, dam Ella Rosalind, frice private. Tne colt be longed to W. C. Fessenden, Watertown, Mass. The Magnet Foot Ball team, champions of the West Bide, challenge any foot ball eleven In Lackawanna or Luserne coun ties whose aggregate weight does not ex ceed 1,60 pounds to a game of foot ball Un lUailMflirill, VWJ, mw , .-... to. Direct answers to William Phillips, UU Price street, ecramon, ra. The St. Denis - Breeawey aad Eleventh ft,, New York, Opp. arses Charcb.-eareseaa Pisa. , Re?BM a Day sad Uswsrst. . . , - In s Bjodett sod aaoMrselve way there see few better eosdoeted Setaia la the metropolis than the SI Deals. ,. - ' ' , The great popa'arlty It sis acquired eaa reedUv be traced te its aeteee location, its omsliae atmospnere, tne peeauar eaeeusnee ef its outaiue aad aervtoe, aad its very ssuder- .ate-Brtesar. --- . . . . - i -r T- eXSsSSSSSBBSBBSSBSSS jj1 Fatal . $ Pneumonia. That dreaded disease that tem porarily compels a cessation of the work of all the greater organs of the body, thus stopping the digestion of food, the creation of new tissue, brings the patient to a point where the flickering flame of life is blown out like the light of a burnt-out candle. To make recovery probable, keep up the patient's strength give him Bovinine that great concentrated essence of the vital principles of lean beef, the strength of which is enhanced by our special cold process method of manufacture, it can be retained by the weakest stomach, and in every instance makes blood, flesh and strength. Dr. Charles Wilson, Atwell Ave., Providence, says; "My wife suffered a severe attack of pneu monia ; after passing the acute stage fearing heart failure, I gave her freely Bovinine and port wine, equal parts. I have never seen such good results. I am a hearty believer in Bovi nine for quick nutrition." Over 25000 other physicians endorse it equally strong. ARE YOU INTERESTED? THE TRIBUNE ANNUAL POLITICAL HAND-BOOK FOR 1896. Wide-awake business men who desire to avail themselves of the advantages to be derived from ad vertisinH their business in the spaces reserved for that purpose in The Tribune Annual and Politi cal Hand-Book tor 1896 will please make their contracts at an early day. This will be a much more complete, elaborate and re liable work of its kind than has ever before been published in this section of the state, and conse quently of much greater value to advertisers. Its pages Will con tain a vast volume of Information, facts and statistics of all kinds, constituting it a book of reference for all classes of people during the entire year. It will be of spe cial interest and value to the peo ple of Northeastern Pennsylvania, Including the counties of . Lackawanna, Luzerne, Susquehanna, Wayne, Wyoming, Monroe. The work Is being prepared with the greatest care by conpetent hands and an immense edition will be printed. Issued on January 1st, 1806. Compiled, printed and published by The Tribune Publishing Co., Scraatoa, Pa. Winter Will Soon B? fl?re . , And to be prepared to meat tb. cold weather yon want a seasonable Bait or an Orereoat-ror both MD THE BEST PLICE TO VISIT FOR SOXETHing IN RERCHMT TAIL0R1NS IS n a 406 Lackawanna Aia. THERE YOU WILL FIND The largest stock to tstaol from. Trim, mlogs Always of the Best, Latest Styles in Catting, and made up on the premlsej by Expert Workmen. Hf-Notblog allowed to leave ths eUb ' Hshment unless satisfactory to the 00s tomer. and the lowest prices consistent with Good Merchant Tailoring. 10CX m TEESE PRICES: A '95 WUhela, List $100, Price $55 i '85 Ictfck, List 85, Price 50 1 ,9!ColnDll).Wo - 80 1 '92 ClenlesiV eesdltloa tsit, :.. 25 . The best bargslss ever offered yea. Oar pricMea Sporting Goods are always rock hot ArWrJUwiS. Jscksts, Cs? tnd Fur Garsonts. We are showing magnificent selection bf the newest and most appro red designs la all the pretty, graceful and fashionable shapes. k 7 80 Doobi Better Ctp. lleslj Trlmnud, for oalj $ 4.98 As Elegant Bowl. Jacket, tin Litest, worth $10, tor 7.48 916 Caterpillar Jacket, i Beauty, for ii.98 A 117.8) Crep.ii Cloth Jacket, 2-Bntton Storm Collar, 13.50 DRESS GOODS. ThW deprrtmsnt la magnlflrently stocked with fashionable wears. Prions to salt any pocaetbook. 43 Centi (or in El Kant Changeable Effect, worth 65c - 75 Cents for Silk Mixture, choice colorings, worth 11.00. 98 Cants for Bonele Eff.tts, extra wide and falne, worth 11.25 , Black Ooods from 23c to 91 .23 per yd., fa per cent, sudor Talne. LACE CURTAINS. Mntil BtniW In Lacs Curtains. but one small profit, which means at r.waaya: . .' Nottlnghams. 11.00 Quality tor 753. a Pair, il.eo Quality for f 1.(0 a Pair. ' . 3.00 Quality for $200 a Pair. Hot Quality for I3.W a Pair. Irish Point. moil a uiiii. St 00 Quality for f&M a Pair. e.Oii Qnsllty for few a Pir. 10.00 Quality for iM a Pair. 1S.0U Quality for l&W a Pair. 308 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton, Pa. 308 DAVIS' THEATER THREB DAYS ONLV, OPENINO THANKSOIVINO DAY, , The Qresteit Irish Comedian, I VliUlllllSUJ In the Beaatlfdl Irish Comrfy, - Supported by an Excellent Company, The Celebrated Tinker Quartette, Special Scenery, Costumes And Mechanical Effects. Admission, 10, 20 or 30 Cents. Our Stock In Trade Mainly Consists of Watches, Clocks, .. . Fins jewelry, Diamonds, Sterling Silverware, Sterling .Silver Hoveltles, Silver Plated Ware, Fine Cat Glass, Art Porcelains, ' Fine Leather Goods, Banqaet Lamps. We carry the largest variety In all of these lines. No concern nearer than the treat cities can show such a variety. Our word Is our bond. Nearly thitty years of successful busi ness should be proof enough that our goods and prices are right, and always harabeeo right. 307 LACKAWANNA AVE. Q. W. FRITZ, ,:-.--T.u.,,; "i Harness AUnufactnrvr ;:f and Wholesale) Diaief la ' Horse Blankets, Plush, Wool ana I Fur : Robes, Driving . Gloves and Mittens, ' Sleigh Bells and Holiday Goods in Their Season- 410 LACKAWANNA AYENUE Scranton, Pa. CALL UP 3681. uoih oil ib aiinio OILS. VINEGAR AND CIDER. OmOB AND WAREHOUSE, Ml TO HI MERIDIAN 8TRE3T M. W. COLLINS, M'tfr. AYLESWORTH'S MEAT MARKET nafbetla ticCtty. The latest taprv?e4 foraleV lit Md apptratM for keepla MLbattiru4cs9k V IVeeVee'i4eAWiylltj, JOHN RDPNhON IB MERCEREflU HOWL n Being direct Importers yon pay lease 23 per went. special lor a Brussels. 910 .01 Quality for 17.00 a Pair. 14.00 Quality for .no a Pair. 18.00 Quality for fiailOa Pair 26.00 Quality for SlB.OOa Pair AMUSEMENTS. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Wednesday, Nov. 27. THE WHITE SOUADROt Depleting the Rcenio Masteroleeea, the Kuined Monastery in the Interior of bouth America. liie Review ol the lie Spin SPECIAL PRICES. Gallery 25c Balcony, 6 Rows...... 35c Balcony, 2 Rows .......50c First Floor, 8 Rows .........5oc 8 Rows 75c 6 Rows $1 Sale of seats opens Monday. ' ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Thanksgiving Matinee and Nigh "DON'T CALL J1E OILL." FUN! FUIM 1 FUNI "The (illlhooljs Abroad, SECOND TRIPsaSsCk. The Gormans John, Jamea and George, Late of Gor man's Minstrels, and a Good Co. PRICES-SI.OO, 75o. 6O0. AND 78c Bale of sests opens Tuesday. A CADEMY OF MUSIC, FrldayEvenlna, Nov. 29 Special Return Engagement of the Three Distinguished Legitimate Stars, CHARLES B. HANFORD, ELIHU SPENCER AND NORA O'BRIEN, In Shakespeare a Host Tragic Tragedy JULIUS - CESAR With Fifteen Good Players In the Minor Biles and the Famous BOOTH-BAR RETT SCENERY", SPECIAL PRICES. Gallery a5a Baje".7l Rows 35c 2 Rows 5oc First Floor, 8 Rows 5oc 8 Rows 75c 6 Rows ..$1.00 Sale of seats opens Wednesday morning. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Saturday Night, Nov. 30 First Production Here of the Latest Ne York SurcMs, by Henry Arthur Joms, Author of th. "Bauble Chop," and Entitled THE MASQUERADE A Modern and Original flay in Four Acta, ' rrvMuted Nearly SOD Nights at th. Em pire '1 beater, N. Y. Magnificent Company, Btartlla Climaxes, Exquisite Toilets. PRICES, li.oo, 75c, goc and age. Sale of seats opens Thursday. . THE FROTHINGHflM, Wagner A Rcls, Lessoes and Msaagsrs. THE EVENT OP THE SEASON, NOV. 8, ap 30, Fanny -:-Davonport "GISMONDA, By Sardou, Supported by Melbourne MacDowsll and Ccxpy nrPrleee, $1.50, $1.00, 80a and 25o Sale of acataopene Monday, Nov, 26, at 9 a.m. ORE II6HT, BOIDar, DEC 2, CANARY- LEOBRBR'S IMMBNSs) . .. SECOND ANNUAL REVIEW, THE JERRY 1RLD, . - . Written by Edgar Smith aad ( .. , Nicholas Biddle. The Same Magnificent Massing of Stag F vorite-l The Same Via de Steele Pea tana la Profusion I The Mm. Breesy Topical BetUarieal 'ihe Same Glory of Color, Hound aad Aofdoal Regular prioaa, Sale of seat at a. m. ; frlday Wt a eMVtVM MTiapaerioa) Come f J?- i bent thtjtl TUXyxrcaTrJciC 1 VI I l,..vlr. . i.u;