.4 .' .1 ' ' THE SCRANTON THIBUNB "WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 27, 1893. Bailjraad Waakty. Ko Sander MlUos. Publlabea M aaeatee, re. The Triton rb- Detains Coeipeny. Kew York Osaor: Tribun BuUdloi. Fnak & Gmjr, Maoafer. t. P. KINaSauHV. h Oia-l lu 8. H. ".I 'PLC, Sm m Tataa. LIVT . RICHallO. Kama. Of. W. DAVIS. aveiacee Maasece. W. W. VOUNM. Aee. lut'n. imuo at tbi KMiomoi a scaum. ,. as aaooaiMnaas mab unu Printers' Ink." the rmfnlara' Journal fcc ad wr itten, talat Taa ScBAiraoa Tninuna m (he bail aavantaiaf aMdtam la KorlbanHm Pennsylva nia. "PrlMere" Ink" knows. Tan Wuxly Tniatma, Iwitd Erer? aatnrdajr. Contain Twele Baaaaome , with aa Abuu- - Oum of Kewa, rictloa. and Wall-UIM Mlacl tany. Foe Those WM Cannot Tnko Tbb Daily Tninimn, taa Weekly la Raeommanetd as tba atatHaigalaGolac. Only 1 a Yaer, la arance. Taa Taiauaa It Ibr Bait Dally at tbo D., L. and W MtaUoaalHeeokea. . BCRANTON. NOVEMBER 27. 1895. The Scrarkon Tribune Is a Republi can paper and It will support the nominees of the next Republican city convention. Dare the Scranton Re publican say as much? : The Ingrate'e Futile Bluster. The effrontery of Congressman Bcranton In posing before the people of this city aa a whlte-wlnged evangel of purity In politics has not been lost upon the public mind. The shameless audacity of his false cry aealnBt "boss domination and ring; rule" when of all the bosses that ever tried to boss the free men of Pennsylvania, he, In his day, was the most arrogant, the most tyran nical, the most overbearing, has duly impressed the voters of Scranton, and many who might on other Issues have been won over to the candidacy of Captain Moir have thereby been kept away In sheer disgust. No one knows better than docs the congressman, from this district that the Republican party in this commun ity turned to Mr. Connell and to Colonel Ripple for leadership because it had grown unspeakably tired of the long usurped sovereignty of J. A. Scranton. The latter's ..unjust,, unmanly and grossly offensive methods had Imbued the rank and Die of the party, its unselfish and self-respecting element, with a profound repugnance for his sway, and It needed only the appear ance of a leader whom the people could trust to cause a breaking of the fetters and a restoration of reputable methods and standards In the party councils. To say that the public, which has only Just achieved Us affranchisement from the servile slavery in which Scranton tried for years to hold It, is now dis posed to smite the chief agents of its liberation and to rush back In glad ness to the former yoke Is tp offer a deliberate Insult to its Intelligence, as well as to speak an obvious untruth. - It is not our wish to utter in this campaign anything which can be con strued as a reflection upon the oppo sition candidate for mayor, Captain Moir. Personally he Is an excellent gentleman and politically his record has, In the main, been without serious ground for criticism. We gladly rec ognise his right to aspire to any of fice and shall have no 111 will for him If lie gets It Nevertheless It is desir able that his candidacy should be con ducted frankly and fairly, , with, its purposes clearly understood, It Is de sirable to know If he willingly occupies the position of a decoy 'for J. A. Scran ton; If he la In sympathy with the villlflcation, the nastiness and the braten hypocrisy of the discarded boss who has sprung to the front as his special champion; and If he desires to merge his respectable Identity in the repulsive personality of the ingrate at present foremost In his campaign. That he now stands In such a relationship Is Indisputable, all the worse for him; hould he prolong the evil companion hip, It will be fair to assume that he has . foreseen the consequences and Is prepared to accept them. For, without boasting, we can assure the directing mind In this so-called "In dependent" campaign that Its end will not be attained.' The people of Scran ton have had experience both with Col onel' Ripple and with ' Representative Scranton. They are prepared to draw comparisons between the two men and to make an Intelligent choice. .The res idents of this city know what "it would mean to them to have the city govern ment turned over as a personal posses Ion of the editor of the Republican, to bs used by him for the upbuilding of a new , dynasty . like , that . which obtained In Scranton ' a decade or more ago. They placed' their trust In Mayor Ripple In 1886, and they found him worthy of it. They will not be de ceived in the present Instance, by the transparent vaporlngs of the envious sx-boss who seeks by a notorious fals ification of issues to find an opportun ity to slip; back Into political power. Probably next fall, when, he wants to be re-elected to congress, the ingrate will sing a new tune about "Connell Ism" in politics. i . ; , ' What Would They Have? The Philadelphia Times keeps up Its clatter about the vote cast for Judge Smith in Lackawanna and Luierne counties, insisting that the large vote received by the .winning Democratic Handldate is in Itself evidence of fraud, ind that unless Smith establishes that there was no fraud his title to the office it Superior court Judge will be olouded. It would seem from the argument em ployed by the-Tlmee that It Ihcttrn bent upon Judge Smith to Institute a sontest against himself. Has there ever before been an Instance of sued arrant nonsense? If Judge Terkes and lie Philadelphia admirers really, believe I Mat Judge Smith's election was accom plished by fraud why do they not pro sttd wtth a contest in the regular war? It is not 'incumbent' upon Judge Smith to show that he was honestly elected. If his opponents believe he was elected by fraud it Is their duty to contest. To people living In this section of the state the result of the election In Lackawan na and Luierne Is in no wise mysteri ous. On the contrary It is perfectly plain. Men of Intelligence who served on election boards, and who conse quently had the opportunity to know how the voting was done, understand the situation exactly. In these two counties great numbers of Democrats voted for Smith alone; other Democrats, as well as many Republicans, voted onjy for the three local ' candidates Rice, Willard and Smith. It la time for the Times and other Philadelphia papers to cease their ridic ulous twaddle about fraud In Lacka wanna and Luierne counties In the in terest of Judge Smith. There Is no evl dence whatever that fraud was com mltted iri these counties In the interest of any one. "Weeks before the election It Was suggested in the public prints that an effort be made in these wo counties, and In fact in the adjoining ones, to elect all three of the candidates from this section. There was nothing fraudulent in that. The suggestion was acted upon by the voters and was sue cessful. Neither of the candidates Rice, Willard nor Smith was a party to that proposition, and they even pub' ltcly disapproved it, nevertheless u was acted upon and with results entirely satisfactory to this section of the state. A similar movement was attempted In Philadelphia In the Interest of Judge Terkes, but failed, and that Is what causes the clatter by the Philadelphia Times and other newspapers of that city. Our kind friend, the Wllkes-Barre Record, misunderstood The Tribune's recent assertion that Pennsylvania lacked presidential timber. The mean ing was that this state had no single statesman of life long experience and predominant ability, like Harrison, of Indiana; Reed, of Maine, and McKln- ley, of Ohio. But In the person of Gen eral Hastings it has the making of one, and he already measures up to presl dential requirements.' Overpaid Public Officials. During his foir years' tenure of the office of secretary of the commonwealth William F. Harrity, It is said, received in fees $66,965 In addition to his annual salary of $4,000, or $82,965 altogether, more than double the salary of the gov ernor. An estimate of the probable revenue which Secretary Recder will derive from the same office places the sum at approximately $90,000. The Pittston Gazette, In scanning these and other figures connected with the fees of state officials, recollects that the last Republican state platform declared, among other things, that "all unnec essary positions and salaries should be abolished, and expenditures and taxa tlon reduced," and it suggests that the office of the secretary of the common wealth would be a goad starting point for the requisite legislative pruning. The generosity which our contempo rary notes as characteristic of the pay rolls in the various departments at Harrlsburg prevails equally at Wash ington. For Instance, the clerk of the house, .himself drawing $5,000 a year for duties performed mainly by subor dinates, has at his command forty- three employes commanding aggregate salaries of $71,308 a year, and doing work which a private employer could get done quite quite as well at an an nual cost of $30,000. The sergeant-at-arms of the house, who gets $4,500 a year, controls one position worth $3,000, two worth $2,000 and a dozen or more worth from $660 to $1,600, and the entire work in his department could be done with half the men at less than half the cost. In the case of the doorkeeper a similar condition Is revealed. In his department 125 employes get $104,314 per year in salaries when the actual labor' required In It could be secured In any private establishment at one-third this expense. This line of comparison could be followed through all the fed eral departments with equal results. There Is no reason except custom why the secretary of the common wealth of Pennsylvania should receive twice the pay of the governor. He does not have one-tenth the responsi bility; neither does his work require an equal grade of ability. The work in the secretary of the commonwealth's department would go on without a hitch if the secretary himself were never to enter his office In person; but were the governor to absent himself from the post of duty things would soon end in a tangle. The truth of the mat ter is that the fee system of payment is Incompatible with honest and eco nomical government, and should be changed if It be desired to accomplish the best results. This applies to all positions of public trust, federal, state, county and municipal. In the Interest of purity In politics Mr.. Scranton should call attention to himself as an awful example. The Nicaragua Canal. A new plan for constructing the Nic aragua canal has been - outlined by George H. Ellsbury of Centralis, Wash., which. If feasible, would certainly obvi ate many objections now entertained to ward the several canal "jobs" which have at various times occupied the at tention of congress. It Is known as the Pacific plan, and a brief outline of It follows; The Nicaragua canal. It is necessary to bear in mind, was first begun by the Maritime Canal company, which pro posed to build it with the proceeds of the. sale of its stock, the par value of which was $100,000,000. The project lapsed through lack of confidence, but not until the Maritime Canal company had secured from Nicaragua and Costa Rica concessions for a period of 99 years. A re-organlzatlon of this enterprise under the name Of the Nicaragua Canal Construction company was effected, but It coulA not float Its securities without congress' Indorsement, and there ls.de clded objection to having this govern ment loan its credit to speculators who, under the terms of the deal, would be the only ones to make anything out of the transaction. It Is now proposed to. organise ft new company to be known as the Inter-Ocean Canal company, buy a IM AAD flnfl tka ttlm a nit rtrh.a n tha Nicaragua Canal Construction com I pany, allow American vessels pssstng through the canal a rebate on the tolls, have. the United States government put In $80,000,000 and nominate of the 15 directors; have Nicaragua and Costa Rica put In $7,600,000 in cash and $2,500. 000 for land purchased from them by the company (a narrow strip along either bank giving the company com plete control of docks, landing places and storage room) and have the Inter Ocean company put in the $20,000,000 needed to buy ' the canal as it now stands. Nicaragua and Costa Rica would under this arrangement each name one director and the Inter-Ocean company would name four,' giving Uncle Sam a clear majority and the controlling voice. The plan provides that the United States government Issue $80,000,0ue in United States treasury notes to be paid to canal company as work progresses, at the rate of $1,750,000 per mile, basing the work to be done on the canal proper as forty miles, balance when canal is completed. United States treasury notes to draw Interest at rate of 1 per cent per annum for five years, and to be re' deemed at that time by 3 per cent gold bonds. As . the government pays the canai company for completed work, the canal company will Issue capital stock to the government at the ratio of 7 to 8. For $80,000,000 of United States treas ury notes Issued, the canal company will turn over to the government $70, 000,000 in capital stock, the salaries of directors and all operating expenses to be paid by the Inter-Ocean Canal com pany. Mr. Ellsbury figures that upon this basis the canal would be paid for, out of debt and more than self-sustain' lng Inside of fifty years, while the gain to American shipping from quick tran sit and special tonnage ratings through the canal would be incalculable. In concluding his interesting argument upon this subject Mr. Ellsbury says: The United 8tates Is not awake to the Importance of maintaining a large mer chant marine. England and France are willing this nation should sleep while their merchant ships are harvesting and gath ering in ine products or an .nations, and making London and Liverpool the mar kets and money centers of the world. In the United States we have all the ma terial. Iron, steel and limber to build our Fnips. we nave men to manage and sail them; and we produce everything In this country to clothe and feed them. Why this branch of Industry has been neglect ed is this: During the past fifty years our thoughts have all been turned toward the growing West, and railroads have been required to settle 'the country, and now every state and territory Is interwoven with a web of rails until that business Is overdone. And now the cry is cheaper transportation, aim our tnougnts ana er forts must turn to canals and the broad ocean for relief. The building of the Nica ragua canal will encourage tht increase of our merchunt ships which will Invite foreign trade from all parts of the wide world, and give the mighty ocean a chance to contriDute to our ruiure greatness. There is no doubt that the problem of America's future development coin' cldes with the problem of an encour aged and greatly multiplied merchant marine. The Nicaragua canal, rightly built, managed and financed, would be an Invaluable auxiliary In this double problem's solution, and the next con gress will be wise if It shall give to this important subject early and earnest attention. According to the Philadelphia Record the Democratic party Is thankful for "long life; a tough constitution; and the friends and the enemies It has made." Why not be thankful also for Its coming release from care? If the Philadelphia papers want to make Judge Smith the most popular Democrat In Pennsylvania they will keep right on abusing him and ascrib ing evil motives to those who, knowing his Integrity, resent their attacks. The only time Mr. Scranton shouts "reform"is when he is'tut" and wants to get back "in." His little deception deceives no one. There Is one thing about it. If Dal- sell doesn't get the Ways and Means chairmanship, he will not sit back and sulk. To be sure, no Pennsylvania news paper speaks for Cameron; but there are other ways of talking. Cameron' undoubtedly Isn't a candi date for re-election now. But don't bet that he will not be in 1897. POLITICAL POINTS. The movement for a hlrd term for Grover Cleveland is fairly under way, and while there is marked opposition to It, es pecially In the South, the opponents do not Know wnere to nna a canaiaate wun whom to antagonise the movement. Cleve land is too wise to give open encourage ment to the third termors, but neither Is he saying anything to block their work for him. The Whitney boom has had a wet blanket thrown on It by Mr. Whitney himself. He says his name must not be used, as his business will not permit horn to accept the nomination. If the condi tions were less unpromising Mr. Whitney could probably so adjust his business af fairs as to admit of his accepting, but he has no appetite for a campaign that would cost him a million dollars and then be de feated. It looks as ir Cleveland would be the man once more. . . i, The Harrlsburs 1 Patriot . (Democratic organ), frequently serves as a mouthpiece for Senator Cameron.- A few days ago it announced that the senior senator would not be a candidate for re-election, and In. tlmatecl that he would retire from public life. The average Republican smiled broadly when he read that Interesting an nouncement, for he knew exactly the pur pose that prompted it. That dodge has been played before for all It Is worth and cannot again be successfully worked.- - The Lancaster New Era declares that of all the candidates for Republican presi dential nomination General Harrison Is the most popular In Lancaster county. And yet we venture the prediction that the two delegates to the national conven. tlon next year from the Lancaster dis trict will not be - Harrison men unless Senator Quay should flop over for the ex- president a contingency not at all likely to occur. H H J' .. ' .. . There la a sentlmen ntaDroaa in ana aooui Wllkes-Barre which Indicates very clearly the existence of a notion that the next member of con Kress for the Lukerne dis trict should be a resident of the county seat. This clearly forebodes opposition to the re-nomination or congressman ieis enrlng. For reasons,, easily apparent, Wilkea-Barreans do not take kindly to a representative in congress from the Hasle ton region, . Th rhlcaro Infer-Oceaif remarks that If Reed should be nominated for president, Senator Allison, will be nominated for vice-president. The Inter-Ocean Is evi dently not very well acquainted with uncle Allison, or it wouia Know mat ne will not accept second place on the ticket with anv man. Ex-Governor Knute Nel. son, of Minnesota, would make the best running mate witn , tteei rlth , Reed. Hardenbu State Senator Hardenburg. of Wayne. wants to be a delegate to the Republican national convention next year from the Fifteenth Congressional district. Tht senator Is one of Chairman Quay's most trusty lieutenants, . 8...B. Wright., of Sus quehanna, will probably be the other dele gate from the district unless Tommy Kll- row anocKS mm oui. II II President Cleveland has two oaraonal friends and he is undecided which one of them to aotMlnt to the vaoant Dlaca In taa Supreme court. One of them ) Judae Peekham and the -other Judge Herrtok He tried enae bef ere to make Peekham a Supreme court justice, but Senator Hill inoucaa ma senate to rejeci mm. II ll ll ' ' TheHenrv-W. Palmer boom for United States senator, launched by the Wllkes Barre Times a week ago. Is 'attracting a good deal of attention throughout the state, it can tie said or Mr. Palmer that he would. In anv event, be seen, heard and felt in the senate If he should ever reacn that chamber. II II II ' It Is said that Chairman Harrity Is In favor of holdlnr the next Democratic na tional convention In New York. No na tional convention tias been nem in tnat city since 18ti8. when Horatio Seymour was nominated for president after his repeat ed declaration that "your candidate I can not d. - II II II Pennsylvania mlaht have one chance in five of securing the next president of the United 8tates If the Republican leaden wouia an turn in ana unite oa one man, as the ReDubllcans of Ohio have on Me- Kinley, and the Republicans of Maine for Reed, and the Republicans of New York lor Morton. II II II It Is said that all the Republican mem bers of the Pennsylvania delegation in congress have pledged themselves to sup port ex-Congressman McDowell for clerk of the house of representatives. His principal opponent Is General Henderson, whose support will come from the west. II H ll In one of the election districts In Vir ginia, near Harrisonburg, the Doll books. ballots, etc., were returned the day after the late election with the report that no body would serve on the election boara and nobody desired to vote, all the voters being busy husking corn. The Wllkes-Barre Accord Is an out-and- out advocate of Governor Hastings for the presidential nomination. It will not be necessary, however, for the Record to misrepresent The Tribune in order to emphasise Its own devotion to Governor Hastings. II II II Whom to nominate for mayor Is the conundrum that Is now annoying the Democrats of Scranton. There seems to be an abundance of material, but the numerous wings of the party cannot be made to 'flop together." Secretary of Agriculture Morton, of Mr. Cleveland's cabinet, says the third term cry has no terrors for him. He believe Mr. Cleveland to be the strongest man the Democrats could nominate next year. Democratic office holders will be mighty scarce in the court houses of Lackawanna and Luxerne counties after the first Mon day of January. The Democracy has been Clevelandixed everywhere. And now the picturesque Don M. Dick inson, of Michigan, thinks he would like to run for vice-president next year. By all means let him run. COMMENT OF THE PRESS. Tom Reed's Advantage. Washington Star: "Mr. Reed has had but little to say during the past few months. But he will in a short time utter a tew brief remarks, with the serene con fidence of a man who has a tlrst mortgage on the last word in the argument." :o: One Heoson Against It; Washington Star: "There is reason to think, in spite of the prophets, who re gard a conlllct ns Inevitable, that this country will not have any war with Eng land it England cun help It." :o: It lias Disappeared. Chicago Times-Herald: "It is strongly suspected that some negllKent employe left the drawbridge open on Don Dickin son's vigorous fwelgn poilcy." Governor Hastings Is the Man. Philadelphia Record: "The sentiment In many parts of the state among Republi cans Is that Pennsylvania should indorse a favorite son for president." :o: The Man Is Working Hard. Chicago Times-Herald: "Mr. Piatt seems to have made a long term contract with the person who is leading his ap plause." TOLD KY THE STARS. Dally Uoroscopo Drawn by AJncohus, Tho Tribune Astrologer. 3 Astrolabe cast: 2.01 a. m., for Wednesday, Nov. 27. 1893. A child born on this day will dream Of winter time when blizzards scream Of frosted whiskers, noses blue. And weather "cold enough for you." At tho hour of drawing: the horoscope the effects of the coming blizzard were not perceptible to any but candidates on the independent ticket." Now that the city undertakers have or ganized, the dead beats will stand no show whatever. There Is no question that the situation today on both sides of the Atlantic looks critical for Turkey. The wise diplomat, after all. appears to be the one who allows others to do the talking. Ajncshus' Advise. To eniov a Thrnksglvlmr dinner eat it at another's expense. To avoid melancholy imagine that you own a newspaper. To shake off loneliness at meal time- keep boarders. To dispel that mugwumolsh feeling read The Tribune. ALL THE NOVELTIES IN NEW 5TYLE5 AT HILL & CON NELL'S qi mo e3 h. wishingtoji avenue. Stock to Select From. To close a few patterns we bare made the following redactions : 1 6-plece Bult reduced from $285 to 1227. l a-piece Bult rrom 1110 to 195. 1 S-piece Suit from $210 to $175. 1 3-plece Bult from $200 to $150. 1 4-plece Suit from $5$ to $33. 1 3-plece Suit from $1M to $175. 1 l-pleoe Suit from $145 to $100. 1 4-plece Bult from $150 to $100. 1 4-plece Rug Bult from $115 to $50. 1 3-plece Rug Suit from $112.60 to ISO. 1 Mahogany Chair from $22 to $1.50. 1 Mahogany Chair from $25 to $18.50. I Mahogany Chair from $20 to $16.25. I Mahogany Chair from $22 to $18.00. I Mahogany Chairs from $18 to $13.15. I Mahogany Chair from $25 to $18.60. 1 Mahogany Chair from $20 to $14.75. Co iariy, as tbssa are dsilraKa goods at original .Prices. Hill & Connell QIM0133HWISHIHSTO-.M. . WELL A It's only at long as you sea tbl4 ad.-a few days .: SEVENTEEN CENTS For yonr eboice of this toallent line of It mos. BKUtCTED fictlaav Bel 1m' LH . ten, Poetry sod History. Mot a dry goods store lob lot They ate In oar windows. Dua'4 wait 1! yoa went a johoiea, iacoGttt::zi Ill II m Tres M. Opn, fte Oewsasawsittk GOLDSMITH'S Unprecedented Sales in Odr Cloak DeijDattirteDt Far ahead of all former seasons, has placed us ir atjpositibn to purc&ase two very large lots of Garments during the past few days. The cream of the stock . from two well-known manufacturers, No slip-shod, trashy stuff, but every garment tailor made and up-to-date. ' ' . ; All at About 50 Cents on the Dollar. About 700 Garments ' . . V ...... . . Altogether, for Misses, Ladies and Children. We can furnish you with a Wool Chin chilla Jacket, 28 in. long, Velvet Collar, such as every store will charge you $0 00. at $4.98, . - ' ' We can furnish you with a Misses' or . Ladies' Boucle Jacket of handsome curl and well made, market price, $8.00; , our price,, $5.90.: '. We can furnish you with a handsome Child's Reefer, 4 to ' 12 years, with a Sailor Collar, neatly trimmed, such as. commands $5.00 readily elsewhere; our price. $2.98. :-.;:.'V ;,: -v.' . . , : Please examine our line of Astrakhan and Boucle Jackets at $9 98 $11.98 and $1 2.98. Regular $15 and $16 garments wherever you go. " ' Fur Capes of Every Description .from $4.98 to the Finest made Mev Patters We have a few 1 8-inch Turkey Platters in gold baud French China, which we will sell for $2 each from now on until Thanksgiving Day. Reg ular price $4.50. LIMITED. 422 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. 11 OR BUST, One of the greatest puzzles of the age. This is not a new puzzle to some, but there are very few who can work it without a great deal of study. Price, 25 cents. C. M. FLOREY UA C. A. BUILDING. THE LAY-TEST IN F AT CONRAD'S ALWAYS. , THAT WONDERFUL Mwnonoiiono TMissssaeaaatkitkeWtBCR ek 1 o Heeaswe hare taksasa iiiiasge HUD ORNISH C r-"r " . ti LnllnnJ Wf e aVfev "jasW Roe Stationery Blank Books, Office Supplies. EDISON'S MIMEOGRAPH Aad PappUss, TYPE WRITERS' SUPPLIES SEl COPPER PlIIE ME ll All ITS BRANCHES. , REYNOLDS BROS., Stationers and Enpfers, 317 LACKAWANNA AVE. PONT WAIT TOO LONG. Previous to oar inrsntory mi have dtoldcd 10 cioas out won ws Bars on nana 01 EDWIN C. BURT &COS LADIES' FINE SH0B5, Consisting of swell sssortsd line of hanS waits and turns in Franeb and Amsrloo kid that wera soM at S3 CO. f&tJ and $4.00, C rn Nowradncad to u. ' 5U Tbssa Shoes are all In pwftet condition. CallaarlT If yon wish to talis ad ran tags of this special sale, , The Lackawanna Store Association LIMITED. CORNER LACKA. AND JEFFERSON AVES. SPECIAL SALE OF Fine selection of Ready Made - Clothing; also Clothes made to order at the lowest prices. Perfect fit guaranteed at 0. LEHMAN 6 GO'S III UCKAWARNI MERUE, CanMf Pranldla. - OYSTERS Wa ana SaaAaaaMaM ttm ftny aaa ar kaaAUaeta Celebrated Dock Rivera, bury, Rockawaya, Maurice sTr mvsi, ' v patera Shorca and Elua Polnta. rfWe Mfke 4 ipacMtr of daUvariaa him Mat eeiaUahad lm earrtars. OVERCDATS 0 .. ' 1 .. i . .. : WtLSUAUII Ulilll (Ml idiptid lor BndUf ui tnty, ilea Coaeamee tbne (S) feet of gee pet hoar and gives, en effloleney of sixty (60) eandlee. Baring at least 83) per out. orer the ordinary Tip Burners. . Call und See It. T i COB CO., 434 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Manufacturer' Agents. THE SCRANTON VITRIFIED BRICK.-" TILE IANUFACTURIN6 CO tanas Jr SHALE PAVING BRICK . AKD BUILDING BRICK enteel S9 Wssklngtaa Arsaee. Werkst Nay-Aeg. Pew B. W. V.M.M. M. H. DALE, General Sales Agent, Scranton. Pa Stocks. Bonds and Grain : Bought and sold on New Tort ' Exchange and Chicago Board of Trade, either for cash or 09 argla ... WU LINN ALIEN SCO, 412 Saruee Street . LOCAL STOCKS A SPECIALTI, Telephene 0002. WILLIAM Ss UILLAR, Alderman 8th Ward, Scranta ROOMS 4 AND 6, Qaa and Water Co. Building, CORKER WY0M1HG ATE. AMD CENTER 81 OFFICE HOURS fromT.ee a ai . aotp. ea (1 koar IctaraUasioo for asaaar aa4 sapper.) Pirtlcolu Attention Glmto CellectleU Prompt asttleoMBt Oaaraateed. YOURRUSIRESS ISRESFECTFOLL? S0UC1TE3 Telephone No.124. THERE IS 11110 Wa don't know what ike loltaa Is eoUf do about It, bat-what Interests tke . people most at the preasat tla la THCsea) We trweterr fearilr H ksr oa that day. and taa salt bast tkiatf . Uharia tarns late have Heeoked pro art. We can latere teat pert it if yonWinWaCreem BAsster. We have , nude a special price ea Ikons Bar tkls week oolr. Yea ana ate. tharn la ew : window. Don fornet prises aaarkaa - Q tkeae foede tor tkis weak aalr. . ; ' ) .;... -t ;. a 1 O Etc