THE eCBANTOIT : TIUDUNE-WEDNE8DAY luOWTRQ NOVEMBEH" 27j' 1893; - ...., .,., . - V ,-.'.' 1 .... ...... ' . . i . 2 The Leader 124-126 Wydn Ail, i Offer Ihe Following Specials for Satordtj, londaj and Balmce of (be Week: Wrap Department IS Double Beaver Capea, trimmed In three rows of braid on collars and I around the bottom, worth S3.60. Leader's Price, $2.98 16 Double Melton Capes, silk braided and beaded, newest style, worth $5.00. Leader's Price, $2.08 IS Doublo Breasted Wool Boucle Jack' ' ets, newest shaped sleeves, triple 1 back, a Gem for the price, worth $9.00. Leader's Price, $5.98 iTS Caterpillar Boucle Jeckets just re ceived. These garments are the scare- . est in the market and the most desir able of any we have had. They must be seen to be appreciated. worm 113.00. Leader's Price, $9.98 !w have a complete line of Infants' Short and hong Coats from $1.00 up. Also full line Children's and Misses' ( Jackets at popular prices. MILLINERY. All Trimmed Hats at half price. Our $10 Trimmed Hats, Now $5.00 Our S Trimmed Hats, Now 4.00 Our 7 Trimmed Hats, Now 3.50 Our 5 Trimmed Hats, Now 2.50 S doien Plaid Rob Roy Caps, worth 0 cents. . Leader's Price, lc I dosen Velvet Rob Roys, worth 60 cents. Leader's Price. 29c .Full line Infants' and Children's Silk , and Wool Caps from 25 cents to $2.00 ' a piece. For the next ten days we will trim hats FREE OF CHARGE. 1 FEW ITEMS THAT CANNOT BE DUPLICATED. 10,000 cakes pure CaBtlle Soap. 2 Cents 100 Ladles' Hemstitched White Hand kerchiefs, 5 Cents 100 suits Men's Underwear, 23 Cents 60 Ladles' All Wool Vests and Pants, 49 Cents 80 All Wool Flannel Underskirts, 79 Cents CO pieces All Wool Dress Goods, 40 Inches, 22 Cents 23 dosen Turkish Bath Towels, 40 lnohes Ions;, 10 Cents 10 pieces Crash for towels, 2 Cents per yard All mall orders receive prompt atten tion. We pre-pay express charges on all goods sent out of town. Money cheerfully refunded when you wish it. LEBECK &, CORIN ARCHIBALD A child -of Patrick: Bcarilon.-of Hill street, was seriously burned on Mon day by falling into a tub of hot water. The -little one was playing- about the house and accidentally fen into the water which his mother was using while washing clothes. The child was badly burned on the hands and upper part of the. .body and there is danger- of the injuries proving fatal. The marriage of Miss Sarah Giblln. of this place, to John J. Rooney, of Scranton, is announced to take place soon. The mine and breaker of the Pierce Coal company are beinsr placed in read I ness for immediate operation and It is anticipated that the plant will be work ing within three weeks. The mine has been used but seldom during the past few years and when it is In .opera tion titere will be few idle mep in this neighborhood. bt addition to those already named as candidates for borough offices. Mart J. Murphy, of Salem street, Is also men tioned In connection with the office of school director from the Second ward and James Oildea from the Third ward. There Is some talk of T. .T. Kiclty being a candidate again and Mr. Tool In may also be tempted to enter the lists. A crca r. H antarialnmant will Ka Tiolil fn' the basement of St. Thomas' church to-morrow ' evening. There will be an excellent variety of vocal and lnstru mental numbers. An Interesting fea ture will be a phonographic entertain ment conducted by a gentleman from New York city. The East Side band will also be present. ' vJoseph Dougherty, who was killed by an electric car near his home on Mon day nlrrht, had been a resident of this borough only a little more than a year, having come here from Peckvllle. He was a tenant of the Kris railroad com pany and had charge of the company farm in the southern nart of the bor ough. Two of Mr. Dougherty's sons are employed as brakemen on the Delaware and Hudson railroad. HONEBOALE Murray & Rlckard are now running the bus recently owned by F. F. Abel. Burt Bryant has forsaken the shoe business and left for Port Jervls yester day morning, where he entered the em ploy of the New York, Lake Erie and .Western railroad as a fireman. About January 1st Nicholas Loris will go on the road for Durland, Thompson Co. He expects then to sever his con nection with Mr. Checkley, with whom lie has been related for a number of years In the barber trade. If he with draws frpm the firm Mr. Checkley, will conduct the .business himself at the present stand In the Allen House. Thanksgiving day the Junior foot ball team will meet the Honesdale High School team on the atlk mill grounds here. There will be a hot contest for supremacy, and as our home team has been considerably strengthened it pre sents better showing than heretofore. Help the boys along by purchasing one of their tickets for ten cents. John Boyd passed Sunday with Car bondale friends. Everyone will be welcomed at the Presbyterian church Friday evening, Dec. , at 8 o'clock to the free sacred ' concert Hon. John Kuhbaeh Is calling on cranton friends this week. If the Baby Is Catting Teeth. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over Fifty Years by Mil lions of Mothers for their Children while Teething, with Perfect Success. It Soothes the Child, Softens the Gums, Allays all Paint Cures Wind Colie and Is the beat remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold by Druggists la every part of the work). Be sure and ask for ."Mrs. Winslow's ffootMng Syrup," ana take no other kind, Twenty-Ove cents a bottle. : -''" ' WILKES-BARRE. FIS1IEB TESTIFIES, : lie Gives His Side of the Story Where He Was Wha-Barns Beiefc Wss Killed. Yesterday " morning, ' when court opened, Harry M. Posten, the livery man, was the first witness called. He was In charge of the ambulance which conveyed Reick from the Delaware and Hudson yards to his home. Boloman Miller was recalled and said he entered Into a business partnership with Bar ney Reick in 1890. Mrs. Reick. he said. was Mabel Hefferan, and went to live With Reick In 1891. Mrs. Reick was called, and satd she remembered perfectly Nov. 17. 1893. Jones and some other officers came in, and asked Barney who had done this and Barney said: "I think it was Fisher." The officers then satd that they had Fisher locked - up. Barney said that they could let Fisher and Knelly go, as neither of them did It, but he thought Fisher led him away. I did not tell Fred Miller that I thought it was Ben Gunton because Ounton sold Barney some goods a short time before, and he afways knew where Barney kept his money. I had not said that I was not sure It was Fisher. The commonwealth then rested and Mr. McOovern and Mr. Lenahan had a brisk tilt as to the whereabouts of Ray Boyer. The defense had not sub poenaed her, as they were sure the commonwealth would call her and were much disappointed when the district attorney did not do so. Mr. McGovern could not see wKy such an important witness as Ray Boyer had been sent away Just at this time. The court then said: Ray Boyer was placed in the custody of the Barring & McSweeney agency for the purpose of being pres ent at these trials and I would ask that she be kept by the agency for the purpose of giving testimony no matter what the cost to the county may be, If she is not produced, the court will see that James Fisher's rights are pro tected. Mr. McGovern then opened for. the defense, and made a strong Bpeech. He claimed that the commonwealth had not proved beyond a reasonable doubt that Fisher was the man who lea KeicK away, from home. Reick, himself, was very uncertain as to FlRher being the man and plainly hesitated to Identify him as such. Reick was suspicious when called upon to come out. ana looked carefully at the man who came after him. He said plainly, wniie oe Ing carried home that he did not be lieve it was Fisher. We will show that Fisher, on that day. was In Nantlcoke and Plymouth, selling produce, and we will trace his wnereaoouis in a. mun n&r that will leave no room to think that he was the guilty man. James Fisher was put on the stand at 11 o'clock and by Mr. Lenahan's re quest, all other witnesses were exclud ed from the court room. Judsre Lynch said In addition that any witness not obeying would be guilty of contempt of court and would De punisneu si-cuiu-ingly. iriaher then went on the stand and Bald he was 28 years of age and was born In Philadelphia. I am a single man with five Drotners ana one Worked In Scranton and Wllkes-Barrc, always around fruit and oyster houses. Knew Barney Reick well and had never any business dealings with him. Knew Mrs. Reick by sight. On the day of the murder, Fisher .old when he got ur. he met Charles' Gossard. by appointment, at the corner of East Market ana square ai o o with a wagon load of fruit. Got on the wagon, drove out West Market street to Kingston and stopped at Tim Daly's Company's store and other places be tween Kingston and Edwardsvllle. In Edwardsvllle stopped at Ash ton's: left Jones the undertaker, on the Plymouth road at 10 o'clock. Then went to Ply mouth, stopped at Finis' grocery store on Main street: several other stores; Ann't. know proprietors' names. Mr. j'ones' grocery and dry goods store. Thm went to Shonk & Co.'s, an Italian fruit stand, Davis. Jones and Cham berlain and some other stores and then went to, the Ely House; made a sale there: to the Frantz House for dinner. The Frants House register was here offered In evidence and Fisher Identi fied his signature. Left there at 1.30. Finished up in Plymouth about 2 o'clock and went to Avondale. Sold to one store and then went to West Nan tlcoke. Went Into the Company store and went down a mile over Harvey's Creek to the postofflce and sold Mr. Kulp. Met Fred Bittenbender about 4 o'clock. He Is now dead. Saw him at his store. ' Sold him bananas and took them to his home near the Polish Catholic church, and left the fruit with Mrs. Bittenbender. A constable, slightly- disfigured, then accosted us, Gossard and' I, and 1 ran Into Evans' Hotel about 4.30. Constable followed us In and asked for our license. 1 told him we had had a poor day and would fix It some other time. We had a glass of beer and Evans Interceded and the constable said it was all right We then went to Shanpert's store, and to a store across the street, Jackson's, and then to Main street. The roads were muddy. It was getting dark, about B o'clock, when we left .Nantl coke and stopped at the Half Way House and the postofflce and did not stop again until we got to a store or Academy fifty yards from Main; then stopped at Spayd Brothers' on South Main street, and Lewis', Just below the corner of Northampton. I was or. the wagon. I should Judge it was then 6.30. Came to Northampton street; drove over Washington street; came up Washington to the livery' stable. Left the wagon in front of Dr. Kir wan's and went to Harry Leim's be tween 6.30 arid 7 o'clock; had supper. Saw Harry Lelm, James Hill, con stable; Walter Miller, driver for Rut ledge Brothers. Left Leim's at 7.15 to go to Music hall. Gossard gave me $2 before I left the wagon. Miller and I started for Music hall. Miller and I parted at Franklin street, where I met Baldwin, the Insurance agent. I talked to Baldwin ten or fifteen minutes. Left him and went to Steve Reagan's. Stayed half an hour talking td Steve Reagan. Had some panned, oysters; left there at I o'clock: came back to Square, to Market, to Washington and to Jacob Leim's, on corner of Jackson and Washington: had a glass of beer. Talked some time and started home; stopped on the pavement and Officer Zoeller arrested me; said I was ar rested on suspicion. When I got to my home we were laughing and Joking and I wanted to go in, thinking he was joking.. . I, was taken to the station, searched, and they found $5 on me. Next morning we were taken to Relck's house. We were taken Into the house one by one: were not In the room to gether. When I came In ' I stood be side the bed.' An old man, Jacob Reick, lifted Barney up. The window curtains were pulled up, and no one else except the officer In the room. When I wss taken before Reick that night he said: "This Is not the man." I said: "No, Barney, I wouldn't do such a thing." Was then taken before the mayor and discharged; was re-arrested on February 19, and has been in Jail ever since. FisheV was subjectld to a rigid and searching cross-examination by Mr. Lenahan, and said he knew Hendricks by-sight, and did not know Kearney or Robinson at all. He was led very care fully and thoroughly over his move ments of that day, and Mr. Lenahan's Questions were very searching. He had not yet finished when Judge. Lynch ad journed court tor the day. ' ' The Hearisg CoMtlased. Ths hearing of the ease of W. R. Rus sell against B re man and Lane, of 'Tim The Tinker" company, was adjourned! by 'Squire Donohue yesterday, until Friday evening. Mr. Russell swore to his account. $70. for seven weeks' wages due him. John T. Lenahan, his coun sel, asked to have the case postponed until Friday evening. The trunk owned by Mr. Lewis was released. It being found he was only the advance agent and did not have anything In the trunk except his own wearing apparel. The other property of the company. It Is allegd, was surreptitiously removed on Saturday. THE MINE Ml'BDER. The Blaokmaa Suspects are Hsld With out Ball for Trial. Yesterday afternoon. Anthony Zlm- mtght and Annie Yiesley were given a habeas corpus hearing before Judge Bennett, on a charge of murder. The facts of the case are that the body of Yiesley was found dead in the Blackman mine under what was sup posed to be a fall of coal, and just as the funeral was about to take place some suspicion was directed to the Inti macy of the dead man's wife and Zim mlght. After some trouble the body was taken out of the casket and ex amined, and two bullet wounds were found on the body. On Investigation It was found that Ztmmlght and Yiesley had worked in the same part of the mine where the body was found. After a previous hear ing before Judge Bennett, the prisoners were held In jail for two terms without trial and under the statute were entitled to be discharged. The district attorney certified that on the evidence there could be no convic tion and with the permission of the court a nolle prosequi was entered on Friday, November 22, 1895. They were Immediately re-arrested on the same charge by Mayor Nichols. - At the hearing, yesterday afternoon, James L. Lenahan, who represented the defense, asked to have the record of yesterday's hearing Bhow that as the defendants had been once arrested and discharged for the crime they could not be put in jeopardy again for the same offense. Judge Bennett overruled Mr. Lenahan, and the witnesses were called as follows: Dr. Warnagarls testified that he went to see the body of Yiesley and described the finding of the bullet holes In the body. The doctor testified as to finding two burns on the body, probably caused by the bullets being fired In close proxim ity. The clothes took Are from the dis charge of the pistol. L C. Sleniewlcs, one of the under takers. testified that rumors had reached him of foul play, and he took Dr. War nagarls along. The doctor took two bul lets from the body. The wife of the dead man was there when the body was examined and as the bullet wounds were found she seemed greatly surprised. . Zlmmtght seemed very 'anxious to have the funeral take place as origi nally intended. Roman Dolshine, an undertaker.swore that when he went to embalm the body, Mrs. Yiesley refused to let him remove the clothing. He noticed blood coming from the head, and this aroused his sus picion. At the conclusion of the hearing. Judge Bennett held the prisoners for court without ball, for trial at the next term. A Watsh Contest. St. Ignatius church of Kingston has arranged a contest between P. F. Cur- rlgan, the well-known baggagemaster of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western railroad, and John Q. Hayes, superintendent of the Simpson St Wat kins mines, for a handsome gold watch, to be derided at the church on New Year's eve, the proceeds to go toward liquidating the debt of the church. It is well known that during the building of the church a good deal of trouble was encountered. In the way of its blowing down and other disas ter, and the help' that will come through the contest' is greatly needed and the object is an entirely worthy one. .Burglars Again.. On Monday night a gang of burgbirs entered a candy store kept by Qeorge urown, at ucorgeiown, ana carried away a large portion of. the contents. Afterward they got into a saloon owned by Patrick Donohoe and run by a Po lander. They carried t away goods to the amount of $200, . Both places are- on , Northampton street and in a neighborhood thickly populated. There is no clue as to the perpetrators, of this offense and up to noon no attempt had been made to fer ret out the criminals. . -. . A Bill in Equity. Yesterday afternoon a bill In equity was filed by Joseph H. Hart, formerly of this city, against M. H. Burgunder, the well-known theatrical manager, and the hearing was given yesterday by Judge Bennett. The case arises from the distribution of the funds se cured by the management of 'Music hn.ll in Allentown. - Mr. Hart is repre sented by Mr. Gibbons and Mr. Mc Lean, and Mr. Burgunder by Mr. Mc- Gahren. Judge Bennett took the pa pers, reserving his decision. Stabbed In ths Neck. U.MtiBM TCtrona rtf T.ar1rsvll1l. WAS before Alderman Ford yesterday morn ing, charged with cutting Steve Bywas ko In the neck. The wound was so near the Jugular vein, that the alderman committed Evans to Jail without bail, until the full extent of the other's wounds shall have been maue Known. A Divorce Wanted. ehiriu vino vMterdav beean a suit for divorce against his wife, Frances Fine, for desertion.- Both parties are t nrnt,H.nanA anil the wife de serted a short time after marriage. . Will Visit Suranton. n,. Tnta-t TCmtmttt club of this cltv and several other literary associations will be the guest Of the John Mitchell club, of Scranton, on Thanksgiving Day. BRIEF NOTES. Another game of Indoor base ball will be played at the Arrrlory to-morrow n8"ht- ..... Dr. Andrews gave ine iasi leciure ui his emirs to the young men at St. Stephen's church last night. The Luserne county commissioners noiri nn tT.M4.12 for the services of the election boards at the polls on last elec tion day. The Oratorio Society has a scheme to rid itself of its debt by selling bonds to It members at IS anlece.' This Will bring In a thousand dollars, and pay off all obligations. Dr. Weaver made an excellent address last evening before the Wyoming Val ley Assembly or. tne ttoyai oocieiy oi Good Fellows. - P. P. Oromel. of Pittston. manufac turer of human hair goods, will boon start a factory In this city, some place near the business center. MAWLIV, aged 21 years, who was badly Injured by the cars Saturday night, and who died Sunday morning, took place at o'clock Tuesday morning from St. Phll- omenta's church, and was largely at tended. A solemn high mass of requiem was celebrated, after which Interment was made In the Catholic cemetery. The famous Canadian- Jubilee singers gave an entertainment -at the Standard Opera House last night. The house was Mien to us utmost capacity. A party of hunters went deer hunting IsnnHav and .ware only In the woods back of' Dexter, Lambert 4k Co.' silk mill about one hour, when Christ Leh man shot a young fawn weighing about sixty bounds. They also started an other animal, but on account of the rain they were opitcca .to. - postpone jthf iri day's sport. MM! A WORD. WANTS OS" ALL, KINDS COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOB IN AD- VNCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IeTMADE, NO CHARGE WILL BE LE83 THAN 25 CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS.. EX CEPT LOCAL SITUATIONS AND HELP WANTED, WHICH ARB , INSERTED . . Help Wantsd-Mals. A GENTS A SNAP FOB YOU, SM.00 am. weesiy; i,l yawiy; no rxperlencs necessary; failure impnaiible: oar aeberaa a now one; partioulars fioe. Addroas i". O, Box oao. Dostun. Mara. OUTCHEtt WANTED A MIDDLE-AOED m man wuo na oao asms experlenca In to bnainaaa. Addraas X. Y. Z.. Tribune office. WANTED- K AO i NT 1N EVERY SEO tion tamnrra: S4.0U tali Qiim dav tnadn: sails at alsbt; alanvaun to sell StapU Qooda tt Hn.l.M. V . miAm )... ,?!:, l - W . ul ary or larga eoinmiaaton made; iprionn iinnrceaHaiy. Clifton boap aud llauufaetar- ing Co., Cincinnati, O. AGENTS-MF.H WANTED, ALREADY traveling, to earrr lnhrirp.iug oilsaaa side lino. StANUrACTLUEUb' OIL CO., Cleveland, O WANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN evt-ry town to solicit stock auhscrlp tloni; a monopoly: his money lor acenta; no rapital required. EDWARD C. r'lSd CO., Borden Block. Chicago. HI. HclD Wanted Females. ANTDTAXPRTElfcTarDRlKi maker; nn otber uevd Apply to a. Tribune offloa. Scranton, Pa. WANTED 1X1 MEDIATELY -TWO ENER Ratio calrawomnn to reprra nt u Guaranteed a day without interfering with other duties. Healthful oiwnpation. Write .... yikt ,ii-uiHrq, luciu-siiiK "Tnp, ftinnifo vnoni- iral Company. No. ?J Jolm atreot. New York. Agents Wanted. AGENTS WANTEDyTO SELL CIGARS; $76 per month salary and expense paid. with two-cent stamp, FIGARO CI OAK CO.. Cnioaita A0ENT8-TO SELL OUR PRACTICAL (told, silTsr. nickel and copper electro pMtrs: price from S3 upward; aalarv aud ex-peow-i pnid: outfit free. Address, with stamp, MICHIGAN MFUCO., Chicago. AGBNTS TO SELL CIGARS TO DEALERS; Si.') weekly and extmnxos: expm-lenco un necwaary. ON'SOLillATKD MFG. CO., 48 Van Durea at., Chicago. SALESMAN TO CARRY HIDE LINE; !U per cout. commlmion; sample book mailed free. Address L, N. CO., Btatiou L, New York. AT ONCE AGENTS APPOINTED TO aall new liirhtnin? Hellinir tnlilo eloth.moa. quito and honra fly liquid at 10 cents and '.'5 cota a bo tie. Simple free. BOLG1ANO M F G Co., Bultimnro, Md. GENTS IIINDE'8 PATENT UXIVKI: l aal Hair Cnrlera and Wnvera rn4 yd with. out heat), sn l "Pyr Pointed" Hair Pins. Lib "tal cominiaalon. Free aample and (nil par ticulars. Address P. O. Box iW. Now York. MAN R W OMAN OF GOOD ADDRESS wanted to show our sooda; make 12 to $18 par week: no tnlkinc; tur sell ttienuelres at erery household; send 2-V for eamnles which soil for SI. The BISHOP BENNETT CO.. S!i and 073 Uro d at. Newark. N. J. Upholsterers Wanted. WANTED-TO COMMENCE WORK DEC. lt, 50 upholsterors Apply at once iv "oard of Trad'i Ro'm. 8cranton. pa. COL LINS. HALL M'F G CO.. Limited. Salesmen Wantci. WANTEO-SALK8MEN TO SELL STA rle sooda at bnmoor travel: liberal sal- iry or (rood comnilmi -n: we send sainoeson pplicsUon: sivexrlueiveteriitory. Address r. u. imi iiiil new ion uit. Board and Room Wanted. 11TANTFD -"ROOMrrDBOANRir7N VV small family by a young lady, AdJrct r . xi . i noun ouio . Money to Loan. iJl.OOO, f2,03ll OR t-VOO STRAIGHT LOANS W lone nr short time; also any sum on imp alar monthly pnyment plsn; money furnished -romptly. BKOWN, Attorney, 5'JU Spruoj at Wanted To Rent. YjtJ ANTED IN A CENTRAL LOCATION in Scranton. from pril 1, 180(1. a bou" on'ilnlng not leas 1ban ten rooms witli nodorn improvements, Addresa L., Tribuu ifllce. Fop Rent. TOR RENT FOUR NICE ROOMS, MOST F ly tnrnlshed, for light housekeeping. lOJt Lafnyett' street. FOR RENT-FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, suitable for one or two persocs; gus, heat and bath. TIB Olive street. nORREN TVON CAPoUSrTA VENUE, L room l:oosa; latest Improvements. Ap p'T loT.ICspnise avenne. FOR RENT FUR IS11ED ROOM. WITT, or without board, suitable (or two per ions. 132 Adama ave. L-OR RENT-SIX ROOM DOUSE ON WEST I Lackawanna avenue. Addross THOMAS E. EVANS, sear 113 Lnserno, Hyde Park. f-'OR RENT NICK. 1 FURNISHED HALL P suitable for lodz rooms, JOHN JE?. MYS, 111) Wyoming oven as. T.OB RENT TME PRKMI8E8 RECENTU Iv occupied by The Scranton Trih ne.knonn .is the BMaer Bolldlnf, corner of Bvrure M. and I enn ave. Possession siren immediately. The premi es consist of the bi tiding in I In rear of thu building, on the corner of snrnc troet and Fenn avenue, toge'her with th Wement. and nlso the entire fourth floor n the trorner building. Can be rented for Lode purposes ns well ss put lie meetings. Silos o 'all. Si HO with a a cond hull on ssm floor, Six.'S. Fur particulars inquire or the premises, f Rudolph Bloes.-r, or at Ih office of Th feran ton Tnbnne. . ; . for Sals. fOR BALE-MO PAIRS OF PIOEON8 FOh 1 shooting! a so 100 pair ewift flvlug An -irerps. HAbLAM A 118 Cliff street. BH IN ANY QUANTITY. HAS LAM'S, 118 Cliff street. ?OB SALE-BOARDING IIOUt-E FURXI ! tnre: evorythlng Included. KID Spruce t. CHICRER1NG PIANO FOR SALE (OK rent): alio black walnut sidehoar.l. go d as now; both bargains. l.VW W amlnton are. F" OR-SA LK 6 ROi M HolTSEliioDER'S lmproveme"ts: 2.TI Madison avenue, Dun more. WALTER BRIUUS, AtUrney, Cuin mon wealth Building, or M. II. HO- GATE, POR SALE-FARM, STOCK AND AM k ISTUIIDBJ utvnsiis. inquirv oi ,. si. Dn&r FIELD, 711 Scranton street. Scrantoi Pa. Business Opportunities. now tai made tnoo IN 'Al DAYS II small investment now mar bring on a fortune; write and we will live ynn sem' valuahl- points on making money, BENNINGTON CO., 47 Broadway. N. X. Iseclal Notices. I HEREBY NOTIFY ALL PERSONS NOT to trust or harbor my son, Ueorga, on my account, as 1 Will pay so bills contracted by him. WM. V. GRIFFITHS. rpH SOLDIER IN OUR CIVIL WAH." 1 You want this relic. Contains all of Frank Leslie's famous old War Ptetureashow ins the fotaM in aotnal battle, sketched on ths spot. Two volumes, 2,uu0 pictures, Sold on easy monthly payment. Delivered by ex press complete, all euarsM prepaid. Address P. a MOODY, KB Adams Ave., Scranton, Pa, DLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLET HAOA- i sums, stc.,. eoana or re do Tsrsvas oOaav Qtlok Work. ac,y bound or rebound si Tag S3! sioo'to teach to draw CrAYM PDOraWT by oar potent method In throe lassoes. Ws par oar pupils S10 to III r weak to work tor as at norne, evenings or naiar vr" awa eairwiuari eefSMaje, ,4 1, t fSsaff PS ' We Have been fortunate in again securing. another large sample lot of Coats and Capes at a large dis count from regular prices. We will sell these gar ments at exactly the manu facturer's cost ot produc tion, thus saving you from $5 to $10 on every garment. These garments are all of the very latest produc tion, in perfect condition, and we guarantee them to be correct in style, of the finest workmanship and true fitting. CONNOLLY Situations Wanted. WANTED PLACE AS HOUSEKEEPER, by a widow of 42 venrs. Addroaa HOUSEKEEPER. Tribnno offloe. CITtTATION WANTED TO GO OUT BY the dav wavhing; waahinus taken home also. Oil or address XII North Sumner ave nue, Hyde Park. w ANTED A LADY DEBIHES A Posi tion us stenographer and typewriter, (law ofllio preferred.), consider salary not so inncn an object as to gum experience, . Ad urn. oi. u., iu v asninvion avenue. SITUATION WANTED-i-BY A SOBER. In dustrious nmn of in, at nny kind of light work, inside proferroj. Address O. O.. 1 rib unv ofllre. SITUATION WANTKD BY A WIDOW to go out by the day oa'ulnff or ironinz, or take washing home: with rvfernnre. Call or auareas una. uui-r man, oiii uix ooarc. fANTED-A POSITION AU CLEttK O manaser: cxporienre ot 10 years ii eeneral mensutile liuslness; heat city refer ence. Address No. 3-L.r. Tribune ofSi-e. f ANTED WORIC BY THE DAY. OH v washing and ironing at boms. 423 OuU Tord court. WANTED BY RESPECTABLE WIDOW position as nurse of the sick; modul ate terms. Address M. A. , Trlbun3 oOloe. SITUATION WANTED BY . A YOVS' man as man of all work around wholunal store; can give good eitv referonce and boud AauresaL. w., j riuune otneo. Auditor's Notles. TN RK: 1ST AT P. OP IhENE SEA HONS 1 deceased. la ths Orphans' Court ot Lacu wanna county. The uudTsizned. an anditor annointed t by the Orphans' Court i f I.ackawnuna count-. . o aistrinuto t no tunas in tuu nanus or cnarie G.inlner, udmlmstrator of the above cstaU- s shown liv bis first partial account, civos n tire that bo will attin I to the d tics of his Mr nrintmnt athlaofflcoin the Cotnmonwi-nlt Building Rcom 22. crantun. P.. on Frldir Oeeoinber St, 1R05, nt lit o'clock a. in., at whi h time all por.o s mti-rested must apttosr aui nresent their clulins, or bo forever debarred from coinln j In on said fund. J AH. ,1. H. HAMILTON, Auditor. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Dentists. DR. WILLIAM A. TAFT. PORCELAIN'. Hrlrte and Crown work. Office, i2l Washington avenue. C. C. LAUBACH. BURGEON DENTIST. No. 110 Wyoming avenue. R. M. STRATTON, OFFICE COAL EX - change. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. A. TRAPOLD, SPECIALIST IN Diseases of Women, corner Wyomlns avenue and Spruce street, Scranton. Of fice hours, Thursdays and Saturdays, 9 . m. to 6 p. m. DR. O.'EDQAR DEAN HAS REMOVED to 616 Spruce streot, Scranton. Pa. . (Just opposite Court House Square.) DR. KAY. m PENN AVE.! 1 to S P. M. : .call 2i'Z. DIs. of women, obstretrics and and all dls. of chll. DR. W. E. ALLEN, S12 North Washington avenue. DR. C. L. FREY. PRACTICE LIMITED, diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose ami Throat: office. 122 Wyoming ave. Resi dence, E29 Vino street. DR. id. M. OATES, 125 WASHINGTON avenue. Office hours, 8 to 9 a. m., 1.39 to S and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence S09 Madi son avenue. DR. J. C. BATESON. TUESDAYS AND Fridays, at 605 Linden street. OiTico hours 1 to 4 p. m. Lawyers. WARREN KNAPP, ATTORNEYS nnd Councilors at Law, Republican building, Washington avenue, Scran- ton. Pa. ' JESSUPS A HAND, ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors t Law, Commonwealth building, Washington avenne. . . . w. h. jEsgrp, HORACE E. HAND, W. H. JESSUP, JR. PATTERSON & WILCOX. ATTOIt neys and Counsellors at Law; offices 6 , and 8 Library building. Scrnnton, Pa. ROSEWELL H. PATTERSON. WILLIAM A. WILCOX. LFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND, Attorneys and Counsellors. Common wealth julldlng. Rooms 19, 20 and 2L FRANK T. OKELL, ATTORNEY-AT-Law, Room C Coal Exchange. Scran ton, Pa. JAMES W. OAK FORD, ATTORNEY-at-Law, TDoms 63, 64 and 65, Common wealth building. SAMUEL W. EDOAR, ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Office, 817 Spruce at.. Scranton. Pa. LT aTwaters, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 423 Lacknwanna aveScranton, Pa,.- u'rib TOWN8END. ATTORNEY-AT-Law, Dime Bank Bulldlni, Scranton, Money to loan in largo sums at t per cent. C. ' P. PITCHER. ATTORVET-AT-law, Commonwealth building, Scranton, Pa. II. C. SMTTHR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 40 Lackawanna avenue. - C. COMEOYS, 821 SPRUCE BTREET. D. B. REPIXJLE, ATTORNEY LOANS negotiated on real estate security. 408 Spruce street. B. r. KILL AM, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 110 Wyoming ave., Scranton. Pa. J AS. J. H. HAMILTON, ATTORNEY-AT-law. 45 Commonwealth bid's. Scranton. J. M. C. RANCK, 186 WYOMING AVE. Clairvoyant. PHRENOLOGIST AND CLAIRVOYANT IIS Meridian Street, Park Hill. Wire Sreenn. JOS. KUETTEL, REAR-Ilt LACKA suu avense, floranton, Pa., manufac turer of Wire Screens. i - MtdleaL LA DIB t " Oildiasbjl'l I. fSSttSS. .-: '.-;. 1,0 & WALLACE, TRY US. 602-604 LICX1 AVE., COR. Schools. SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA. Scranton, Pa., prepares boys and girls for college or business: thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at re quest Opens September 9. REV. THOMAS M. CANN, WALTER H. BUELL. HISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN ana School, 412 Adams avenue, opens Pt-.JJCIncgarten810 Jerterm. Architects. DWARD H. DAVIS, ARCHITECT. J"oms 14, 25 and 26, Commonwealth umiuiiig, acranton. E. L. WALTER, ARCHITECT. OFFICES rear of 606 Washington avenue. lewis hancock! jr., "architect. too spruce si cor. wasn. ave., Scranton 3ROWN & MORRIS. ARCHITECTS Price building, U'ti Washington avenue Scranton. Loans. THE REPUBLIC SAVINGS AN! Loan Association will loan vou monev on easier terms and pay you better or Investment than anv other nisnnlatlnn Call on S. . N. Callander, Dime Bank UUIlUlllg. Seeds. 3. R. CLARK AY CO.. SEEDSMEN AND Nurserymen; store 146 Washington ave nue; green house, 1350 Northr Main ave nue; store telephone 782., ' Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA-MUSIC FOR bails, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings and concert work furnished. For terms address R.- J. Bauer, conductor. 117 Wyoming avenue,, ever Hulbert't muslc i store. MEOARGEE BROTHERS. PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warchouso, 130 Washington ave., Scran ton, Pa. FRANK P. BROWN & CO WHOLE sale dealers in Woodware, Cordage and Oil Cloth. 720 West Lackawanna ave. THOMAS AUBREY, EXPERT Ac countant and auditor. Rooms 19 and 20, Williams Building, opposite postofflce. Agent for the Rex Fire Estlngulsher. Hotels and Restaurants. THH ELK CAFE. 125 and 127 FRANK lia avenue. Rates reasonable. - . P. ZEIGLER, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D.. L. W. passenger depot. Conducted on the European plan. VICTOR KOCH, Prop. WESTMINSTER HOTEL, Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Place, New York. Rates, $2.50 per day and upwards. (Ameri can plan). E. N. ANABLE, Proprietor. RAILROAD TIM-TABLES Central Railroad of . New Jersey. (Lehlirh and Susquehanna Division.) Anthracite coal used exclusively, insur ing cleanliness and comfort. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT NOV. 17. 1895. Trains leave Benin ton - ror pittston, iiKei-tjarre, etc., at s.2u, .lo, 11.30 a.m.. 1.20. 2.00. 3.06, 6.00. 7.10 p. m. Sundays, 9.00 a. m., m.vj., 1. iv p. m. for Atlantic uity, e.zu a. m. For New York. Newark and Rtlzaheth 8.20 (express) a. m.. 1.20 (express with Buf fet parlor car), 3.05 (express) p. m. Sun day, 2.15 p. m. Train leaving l.lo p. m. arrives si rniiaueiunia, neaaing Torm Inal, 6.21 p. m. and New York 6.46 p. m. For Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethle hem. Eaaton and Phlladeluhis. fi 9ft m 1.20, 3.05, 6.00 (except Philadelphia) p. m Sunday, 2.15 p. m. .' " For Long Branch, Oceaa Grove, etc.. at 8.20 a. m., 1.20 p. m. For Reading, Lebanon and Harrlsburr vla Allentown, 8.20 a. m., 1.20, 6.00. p. m 8unday, 2.16 p. m. " For Pottsvllle, 8.20 a. m.i 1.20 p. m.' Returning leave New York, foot of Lib erty street, North River, at 9.10 (express) a. m.. 1.10. 1.30, 4.30 (express with Buffet parlor car) p. m. Sunday, 4.30 a. m Leave Philndelnhla. Rnadinv 9.00 a. m., 2.00 and 4.80 p. m. Sunday 6.27 a. m. Through tickets to all points at lowest rates may be had on application in ad vace to the ticket agent at the statir.n. H. P. BALnwtv J. H. OLHAU8EN, dS K DELAWARE AND HUDSON RAIL- 1 . ROAD. Commencing Monday. July 80, all train will arrive at new Lacka wanna ' avenue "station as follows: Trains will leave Scran- inn -t-tiAn !, rarhondale and Interme diate points at 120, 146, 7.09, 126 and 10.10 a. m.. 12.00. 120. 166, 116116, 7.26, 9.10 and 11.20 p. m. ' ' For Fanrlew, Waymart and Honesdale at 7.00, 125 and 10.10 a. m., 1100, 190 and 6.15 "Vctf Albany. Saratoga,: the Adirondack and Montreal at 6.46 a. nt. arid 120 p. m. For -Wllkes-Barre and' Intermediate points at 7.46, 146, 9.88 and 10.46 a. m.,1106, 1.20, 181 4.00, 110, lot, lit and U.88 p. tn. .Trains will arrive at Scranton station from Carbondale and intermediate points at 7.40. .40. S.34 and 10.4 a .m.. .0& 1.17. I.M, a., 4.M, ., T.ea, a. 11 ana 11. p. tn. From llonesdale, - Way ytnart . and Far- view at 114 a. m.. 12.80. L1J. 141 kit and 1.45 . m. ' ' - From Montreal, Saratog, Albany, to at4.tiaadti.t8p. m. From Wllkea-Barr ad Utersaadlate point at 111 IK lO.Ot end lift a. m l it, (S3 UaajMaawuBMseied ' v A 7. n n uuOJUIIeJ ' v MICE: $ 8.50 Coats or Cspcs $ 5.03 10.00 " 6.50 12.00 " " 7.50 13.50 " 9.03 15.00 10.00 17.00 V 11.00 18.00 " : " 12.03 20.00 " " 13.59 22.00 " 15.00 25.00 " " 16.00 30.00 11 $18 erf $20 2oo Washington Avenue,' Opp. Court House. ' UPHOLSTER FURNITURE, Clean Carpets, Renovate Feathers, Make Over Mattresses, -Make and Repair Springs, Sell Iron Beds, Make Fine Mattresses. . Nov. 17, 1886. Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia; and New York via D. H. R, R. at US L. ft W. R. R., 6.00, 8.08, 11.20 a. m., and Ltt p. m. Leave Scranton for Pittston and Wilkes. a. m., 140, 6.07, 8.52 p. m. - Leave Scranton for White Haven, Ha tleton, Pottsvllle and all points on th Beaver Meadow and PotUvllle branches, via E. W. V. R. R., 6.39 a. m., via D as H. R. R. at 7.4S a. m 12.06, 120, 188, 4.00 p. . via p., L. ft W. R. R. 6.00, 108, 11.20 a. m, 1.80. 3.40 p. m. Leave Scranton for Bethlehem, Baatdn. Reading, Harrlsburg and all Intermediate PS'nf". via D. H. R. R., 7:48 a, m,, UOB, AtM. 4.00 11.38 p. m., via D L. W. R.. 6.00, 8.08, 11.20 a. m., 1.80 p. ra. Lejve Scranton for. Tunkhannock. To. wanda, Elmira, Ithaca,- Geneva and all ntermedlats points via T. ft H. R. B.. 8.4t B. R., 8.08, 9.56 a. m 1.30 p. m. Leave Scranton for Rochester, Buffalo. Niagara Falls. Detroit. Chicago and all il?'i?i!5' 1MJ- m., via D L. A W. R. R. and Pittston Junction, 8.08, 9.65 a. m.. 1.80. -S p- ! ' y,a E- w- V. R. R.. 8.41 p. ni. mJr the west via Salamanca. aVnd?.07Lp. .W- " "A. Pullman parlor and sleeping or L. V. chair cars oh all trains between L. ft B. SiVf'i0? ?f Wllkes-Barre and New York, Bridge Buffalo, and Suspension) ..ROM-IN H. WILBUR. Gea. Supt CHA8. S. LEE, Gen. Pass. Agt.,PhUa..Pa, A. W. NONNEMACHER. Asst. Oao, Pass. Agt., South Bethlehem, Pa. Del., Lack, and Western. '- Effect Mohday, June 24, 1898. Trains leave Scranton as follows: Ex press for New York and all points Bast. 1.40. 2.60. 6.15, 8.00 and 156 a. mT; 12.(6 and 3.34 p, m. , Express for Eaaton.; Trenton. Philadel phia and the Bouth, 6.16, 100 and 3.66 a, m 12.55 and 3.34 p. m. Washington and way stations, 166 p. m. Tobyhanna accommodation, 6. 10 p, m. Express for Blnghamton, Oswego. El mira. Corning, Bath, Dansvllle, Mount Morris and Buffalo, 1116, 136 'a. m., and 1.21 p. m making close connection at Buffalo to all points in th West, North west and : Southwest. Bath accommodation, 9 a, m. Blnghamton and way staUons, 1137 p.m. Nicholson accommodation, 6 p. m. Blnghamton and Elmira Express, tot p. m. Express for Cortland. Syracuse, Osweg Utlca aad Richfleld Spring. 186 a ,m. and 1.24 p. m. Ithaca, 2.85 and Bath 9 a. m. and 1.21 p.m. For Northumberland, Pittston, Wilkes Barre, Plymouth, Blootnsburg and Dan ville, making close connections at North umberland for Wllllamsport, Harrlsburg, Baltimore, Washington and th South. Northumberland and Intermediate sta tions, 6.00, 9,61 a. m. and L30 and 107 p. m. Nantlcoke and Intermediate stations, 8.06 and 1L20 a. m. Plymouth and lnter mtdlate stations, 8.40 and 8.62 p. in. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaohes oa all express trains. .... For detailed Information, pocket tlm tables, ,etc apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket office, sM Lackawanna avenue, or depot ticket office. . - - ' Erie and Wyoming Valley. Trains leave Scranton for New York and Intermediate points On the Erie rail road at 7.00 a. m. and 3.29 p. m. Also for Honesdale.' Hawley and local points at 7.00, 8.40 a m. and 129 p. m. All tne a Dove ar tnrougn iraine iv ana from Honesdale. ' ' Trains leave for Wllkea-Barr at 121 a. m. and 8.19 p. m. StTRANTOlT DITTIIOrT. ' ' ? ' In Effect at,ptsaabe 9a 18M-N Kortk bmii. 1 MaUOM I eeptanaaajj In m rflf iv lea' T7i V. iTSnkltB a: rest 1llkMSM slArrlv Lear 1 m aaa laaooak .... lM ... 1848 .... 11 .... II 91 m Park . Posull Pleaiaat Mt. UBJondale -. CatCwufib ::::RSa ... IllCH r M il 4(1 imii ai lit 491(110)1 waiMfnaf ( ....I VMS . MrBura . AraklbaM ''& san filial tu 19 ni lOil 04 (18 (10 leay- toraauai WLMV rati rinea. ItOStOll IP SB mm ""-J 1 ...J W aw ! .... til MM 941 .... l-y .... M. Jtl M .... 8 M M, " 80S "12 "it Im in. TtX Ml TT19t I tl(i8U m li T r li trtli r sn
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers